IWMNVILEJ,1 flIJR.b±AY, UDECE!BERth, 1929 x EASY TO SERVE-EASY TO DIGES SHREDDED With Sbredded Wvheat in the home you are ready for every emergency-a quick breakfast for husband and children with no work or worry-a delicious lunch-a satisfying supper- eat it with milk and bernies or sliced bananas. LIHIGH VALLEY ANTHIRACITE The Coul 7that Satisfieg SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES -ou wilI neyer have cause to regret using oui- Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every momen t you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service IJ. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanvîile Are You in a Quandary About What You Need lI Building Material? Lumber. Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Searnan Kent Hardwood Fiooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY j We are also prepared to take care of your order for fD. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard jAnthracite, Oto Coke, Pacahontas and jta Col Caland sec us and get our prices bc-fore you buy. Cal MClellan & Co., [id. IOffice Phone 15; Hause Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowmanville "tAil Depends / on You"p Maig, of course, how you would be af- fetdshould the unexpected suddenly happen. A fire, an automobile accident, a sudden change in health, an unexpected death in the family. Any of these can happen in a very short time, and may have disastrous resuits. Guard yourself against the possibility of a loss with Insurance. The easy, sure way, the only safe way. You need it-we sei k. Phone 50. We wiIl do the rest. "Everything li Good Insurance", J. J. MASON& SON Reai Estate and Iinsurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvile t t f b e S ti SI Ci Ir ni Pl si News For the Busy Farmer 4 (Furnisbed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture) Cattie running at large on the bous disease of the t-w&o, cani be con-ý highways can bc inipounded and trolled by using formalin, bluestone, action taken against the e\wncrs. or copper carbonate dust. Loaise iThis rnay seem harsh bu-, j: is bet- smut of wheat cannot be controlle tel' than for some motorist tu have by these treatmients. Where thel an accident by trying to avoid a col- crop has been damaged by Ils nîut lision. the grower should obtain seed from, a crop that isý free froni thiis fungous: A farmer having very lightlnddi e as e. suffered mach from hi.s surface soii' blowing and wasting away. N uW' "Golden Age" for Hoga he dravs rnanure ont and leav 's it The "golden age" of hog produC- spread on the surface. He s-ays th a' tion is bet-ween the third and seventh he saves hjs soil as wve!l as eiii>c&:Sý months when the weight attained it and gener.jusly aýk_,that thi.'- idea: should bc about 220 to 230 pounds. he passed on to otherý likewi.se zit-r Each nîonth from its birth it takes aat cd. Progressix-el 'v more feed to pro(luce ai pound of gain. But between the The movement of clover ani g:'a. third and scventh nîonth, when the seeds is reported slow ani generial:,. rate of gain per day and cost of gan -4 at IlwerpriCe ' than _la-.taI Wii per pound are conîbined, give the clover the production in Canadla andl that age the combined increasing cost the Unitcd tafes- i. reported larger! of gain per pound and lowered value than last -ycar. This fact. coupled1 due to overweight. for the botter iwith a good crop in Europe, has re-j grades niake it unprnfitable for the sultd la a slow export demand and1producer to feed hogs longer. IOntario it i., estimated that abouti Canadians Are Lamb-Eaters 15 prcetof thc alsike crop is to Cndan lamb is a markctable jyct sol(], 65 to 75 per cent of the red1 product which la rapidly gro-winý,, n lc ,e and 25 per cent of the swee: popular demand. Canadian con- J u ovr.sumers are laimh aters the year I round and con'-equently the produc- Rates of Seeding ion, miarketing and distributing of Io an expeiinient conducted at Jami) mus t be so organizefl that the )r O ..foaprodoehtyars!consumer demand \vill bc aeî cd to the rcs-ults show that the' g-reatest, at ail sea.sons of the year. yieid per acre with winter wheat wa-is lnfortunatelv production andI obtind fomsowing one andtre!maktn1r not safficiently organ- .uartersý bushels of seed to the acre. ized at the present time, and the in- Wýhen the amount of seed sow,,n perJ d ustry is faced with the depres.sion of acre as faken into con-ideration thej competition from imported lamb yieIl at the one and three-quarters whieh this year bas already reached bushelstrate of seding was on.,'1a volume of over 3,000,000 pounds. jlightly greater than that obtainedi -Medium weight carcasses weighing from sowing one and one-haîf bushels from 35 to 4.5 pounds with a prefer- per acre. ence for the lighter weights is what the market wants today. Such car- Ontario's Big Share 1 casses are produced from IambS Ontario made a generous crintribu- * weighing 80 to 100 pounds at the tio-n to Canada's hog supply in 19281farmn. Finish, too, is important, the sales of this province totallIgGrain feeding in Canada is essential 158,68, or 54 per cent of thea-ifcoce, well finished carcasses are gregate for the entire Dominion. to be produce in volume. The County of York made by far the heax-jest contribution to the total, the Persistent Asthma. A mnost dis- marketings from that district tressing characteristic of this debil- amounting to 126,469 head. Perth itating disease, is the persistence with was well up with 97,O00-odd, and which recurrîng attacks corne to Sap Kent, Grey, Lamibton, Middlesex, away stren«th and 10ave the sufferer Bruce and Oxford aiso made notable i a state of alinost continual ex- contributions. The average by haustien. No wiser precaution can counties would b. 28,653 head. be taken than that of keeçing at hand a supply of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Personai Attention Needed Asthma Reniedy, famous as the most Egg-eating among chiekens is potent remedy for eradicating the largely a vice that can be discour- disease from the tender air passages. aged with a very littie car. and at- tention. Leaving the bird in Co'-' ony bouses after they havesarted J' J laying will start the habit; too few HÂere and a er î nests in the laying bouse will forceH tbe lien to lay on the floor and thc (423) fowl are quick to realizp the palata- "Say It witb apples." Canadiaa biiity of their omn produet. Thc Pacifie Express Company slogan easiest way to, end the trouble is to for the sending of gifts by Cana- stay in the pen for half a day, locate dians to friends in Great Britain thse ring-leaders and remove tbemn. and Europe, is being extended from This treatment is usually 100 per Christmas and New Year presents cent effective. to glfts sent at ail imes 0f the year. Wlth the present banner Smut in Wheat apple crop of Canada, the fruit can It is estimated that the two smuts, bc bought ait a reasonable price and tinking simut or bunt, and loo.se its quality ils f tbe hlghest. Il mut, damage thse winter wbeat cror sent overseas betore the close of in Ontario more than $1,000,000 an- navigation on the St. Lawrence, nuaily. Much of this loss can be cost will be considerably reduced. revented by smnut treatmpnts. tinking smut cf wheat the more ý. Over 300 officers and men of the 4tb Canadian Mounted Rifles first mounted regiment, formed In Tor- War, ils holding its first reunilon COUL N'T AL FUR sontoStthewou trek oal0f r F ATThe unitils proud of theftact thatj of Toronto, youngest Victoria But lest her CIh : ross holder in Canada wbo cap- in two weeks singlehanded ait Passchendaeîl i le va, 'rîuîlei iv at hit edîe<î An apple tree, over a bundredf i lt il -k liieas ,v Ti. years old. remarkabîe for iLssy- F lýiîiii lý.,bd ,, ie îîîlaîîdsa ' %44i) metry sud baving this year pro- j FOI le t-îlî i v,% ils. andiait iii duced 22 barrels of Calkin Pippin ch . at itionie. lztetd( thils letter:- apples. Ls attracting much attention ML .Nwifc lias iîeeîi siltfering ivitb 1 in the orchard of Downey Nforton, N blit-i bI<-.-lv i-tt ii able togoedut06 akeville, King's County, Nova la etli. Arer t. i îJiîiall i odt Seotia. NMr. NMorton plcked apples orlkîig ve.x.rtlii ilehe a r _wiwek, lier fl;t)lalîîîc,, tia golle, from the saine tree 55 years ago g- afii fr-et ferIetsi<r and 1<t was then a fully grown tree. x.CiiiS fat isr-ausil I)v the liVer. Today he believes lit to be well over idneys anii bowels, Lthe- scavenging .. the Century mark. E rgaris of thle 1 Ily iii i îg 10 do thii rk pruperly. (10r iiltît Iro- ff he arrangem ent existing be- ai asc alria i r~ic tween the Canadian Pacifie Rail- gestion. Tîi., aîcunîilat", anîd ' way an-i the Government of Nova fore vi, realise it y<m itre growîîîe f z Sroa with regard to English im- ileîiusi fra. The little dailv dose" migrationt which bas proved mu- r lrusî'iîn Salttrînes up théeliiumin- ItiISlly satisfactory, will be con- tiig organs 10 perforni thieir work tinued for the coming year, l.9 the ropcrly. Siowiy but sureiy the un- recent announcement of L. B. Fra- ili niasses of fat disappear and what I s r ertayt reirRhds 1hitby 81 and reéve érseé benPfit heads of famillea in bet Canaa d.«irus f haying Iheir 1 ytr aIt ýarges.I wveg a nd familipn rplofn- them 1 i0 f eand tl '"i- om aDnd othf.ra, ePts-a L. STEI N 'in lii. i- lp wlhln. ln beip i~HTB ;,.i~ -or frif-nn.- ivpr-p;t, ro --WHITBY u...îufui Lier. ro j ki o)f Sit iyei 4lea 1 -ý cid Itfi] rems Po hiî chi "fThe NEW World's Champion"p 1, M'.M~ The. Sheraton Period Con7Ie Approved Cabinet No. 8 A charming adaptation of Eng- lias Sheraton peiod deaign. Amnerican w-alnut.,ithAuar1a iaceod siiding doors. Finlah4 ln duralile lacqur, hand-rubbei to lustrous bauty. Heigh~ & h;width, 25Wi; depth, 7. Wicn furnished with the. neV Stewart-Warner Radio and Ehe tro-Dynamic Repruduce, WITH Il PÂGB-EIGHT m (r' IP, r f- Y .; 1 ..,. lep THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. . 1 nhe Set wlth the "Punch" STEWART-WARNER RADIO NO no-not mast a few-but EVERY modem fature known ta radio Nla ncorporated ln the design and construction of thie new Stewart- Werner Serf s 900 Radio. Even a plug-4n for Television lu ncluded 1 Two new UX-245 power tubes - radio's newest and most wonderful tube dvlopment 1 And the. romarkable uScreen Grid Circuit" that brbng distant stations boomng ln wth the clarity af a "local" 1 With the ooutâtanding advantages -and MORE -the Dow 8tewmrt- mÎiner swings smartly ito step, with modem dernands, and with 4ndiclpat.dadvanc.s of the future. S3. this amauïng Dow s3, NO Wl Ail New Stewart-Warner Radios Include These Super-Features "Scre.n Grid circuit-, Plug-Iu for Television,# 7odu e.au esoekEALISMr .q u nt for Televfsion i i ssn tlvty, sel etvlty &Îa4 whunever tho» signaJs voum. ocen populair in the boSd. Çlo-id Pted Oonecdo centran-. -aat gold plate, unu"~d Visibe Ar**" Dia;l. ~W i nmaec on lmmat. d.calbrMtein ta«tabtw " oth -to100andkiocyde Tlhe Tuning Caibvped- s" " Ummstowlth cri"acou- froaaeEecutchon Plat.; baflod oscillaton e un.d by casils allst coctrOls com- ~canstationsto p - grupdfor eay length. Dynamic and Dyphoi. Two UX-245 Tub; Reproducers; separate radio'i newest and most connections for use with amnazing power tube: a ulter speaker without big reason for the. star- additional attachmeits. ding realim f tIIis ew lectric Phonograph Stewart-Warner Radio. Cocnnection; provides Bulit-In Aerial; suit- perfect electrical reo.a able for nearby recep- duction of records ln tbon. The ground wire conjunction with any only additional con- standard phonograph nection necesary. pick-up attachment. a F10'I Sée the New Stewart- Warner Radio A Demonstration wlll Convince You! DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Folks are made diff erent, there's no believe He meaOns sky and trees, an. U Dl N doubt of that; and the Lord touches flowr n usîe n ca n ; one by music, and one by a picture, mountains to speak to every one whu FOR SCALIDS. cuTS àNo eRUIS~E& and another by a sermon. BtIwill take time to ýlisten-Anna Br-eati OR COLOS. COUGHS AND BRON--___ HIAL AFFLICTIONJS. FOR STSFip USCLS. SPRAINS AND STRAI'J3 AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS DMMON TO MAN AND BEST. THERE NOTHINO SUPERIOR TO THAT 010 TRIED AND RELIABLE REMED)Y D)L TFIOMASP 1 'CLECTRIC NIL 82 Eldon AV..~ Toeonto. Ont Womens .astn.e Madam>- the eWg urd ra nouth. ne eam. ..fg hdlv Quality Plus Servic Ai VOUS on~srThis is the foundation on whichwehv JU n LowveDuggist built Our business. We ajim to help you secure M. Mitchel& Co., Druggate the greatest service fromn your car, by supplyring lkOes DePendable rug Store such famnous produets as Aviation and Shel Ga. oline, Sheli Golden Oil, Castrol anrd Mobiloîl, i I Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world built Of SupertWist Cord. en m koopume "it taomy d ee meyng finkho ama ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING 'lwvu lervou and ail rua >Now 1 est botter asee Bring VOur car in and have your brakes re- 0 ,.It helped rnY tirteen Iined mlith thi. high grade Iining. daughter.-11 took it b-. i alter my baby wau bom a tet' er ie Stto =konU11mKin SteEas, Bwmanulî