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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 9

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litE OANADIAN STATEQMAJN, EOWMANVULE, T!HURSDAY, W~CEMBER 12~ 1928 PAGE NDuI r The Elite Shoe Store What is more appreciated than the useful giAftz, you can purchase here in Footwear. We have a grand showing of Slippers, Overshoes, Rubbers, Iow and high shoes for every member of the tamily. Let your gifts be of the useful kind Ianci express you.r thoughtfulness at this season. Purchase Early. Good Values in Good Quality Merchandise: For Fathers: 0O ;ershoes ......................... $225 and $3.00 O vershoe Rubbers ..............................$1.50 Camel Hair Slippers, with roll collar ....$2.25 Feit Slippers ..........................$1.00 to $1.75 Cushion Sole Boots, wide and roomy, soft as a glove..................................... $6.75 Cushion Sole Slippers, in brown kid ....$3.25 lieavy Socks ............................95c to $1.25 For Mothers: Gaioshettes, al; co]ors ...........$2.35 to $3.00 Juliet Slippers with fur trimming and rub- ber heels ...............................$1.75 Caniel hair Plaid Slippers, roll collars ...$1.75 Dainty Boudoir Slippers, in rose felt ....$1.20 Cushion Sole Oxfords, plain toe and toe caps............................................ $3.75 For Sisters: Galoshes, Slippers, Dress Shoes, black or brown, in stral) or pump styles. Colored Boudoir Slippers with rubber heels, 90c Fancy Colored Slippers, in cavalier and one-strap styles. Hockey Boots. For Brot.hers: Hockey Boots ....................$3M5 to $4.50 Overshoes - Slippers - Fine Dress Oxfords. f ieavy R-abbers of ail kinds, from low laced to knee height, with and without leather tops, $2.75 up. Little Tots: Fancy Slippers - Overshoes - Strap Slippers Oxfords and Boots.,1 XVe cannot begin to list everything. in and look around. Phone 200 Corne W. C. IVES, Manager EDITOR'S NOTES ABOUT CHRISTMAS BUYING ket fer its products. Therefore, te WHAT OTHER EDITORS SAY DUNHU4G GETS ET ________ maintain enyploymen~t and consequent- We are having a variety of vehic- Unquestionably much of the happi-' prosperlty, we muat buy the prodiicts INDIFFERIENCE 0F PARENTS (Estavan Ssak. UtenlrY) ular transportation-wagon, buggy, neas that s0 brlghtens the houri of of homne lndustry. At ne time of the - mateo pwr wr l motor truck, auto, sleih and cutter, Christmas Day ils derived freux the year should this principle be more iii <Walkerton Teleseope) tur m ati c F i'eldingan and the goine is fairly good for ail giving and receiving of gifts, the in- evidence than at Christmas. Can- -Six boys stoo'd before Magitrate turu IbasC&rrightwoneBon mdle around 'Bowmanville. Despatehes terchange of remembrances between adien products have the quallty and Walker in h[ldmy a"t week, accus- bbh.faenunHn.Cat tell us that up in Brant county snow old friends, the generous fbenefac- variety to make them ideal Christ- do hf.T aet p>e nDunning and he becomes financs is two to three feet deep and ail tions that only such a Day of Good mas g<Uts.",e ftet ehaet perI 1 roads are blocked. Will can call forth. These are the Let us apply this principle with court, charged with crime, is usually minster for Canada and chief col tangible evidences of the love and special ernphasis to 1929 Christmxas considered a diegrace, but t. have league ini the cabinet of MIacX6uuiie i estem i whjch men, woxnen and sa<ppesi. There are thouiands and te atend, unaccomps.uied byhy ilKing. AMd there will b. few te friend include in your Christmas Gift hyaeery er neletoe-tosna fCndasWl have father, la placing a lad ln a positiondutte dnntfthprme Fâtahebr, ntebrTher, saithe ar ebjidern eahot ead twhex-been buzy throughout the year mak- fo h lu hud besae.i bis selection. As leading spirit in Lit sIbcr~~ro t Te andinpress a t this season. ing ail manner of goods for the fm hc hehod besa. bis local of the Grain Growors, as Statesman--ever a highly appreclat-,I hnhpiesdpnss uh hita rd..erlteiod ftehl-be rsn nti cd ift-aplasng emndrloeasingtenhajrunes dnddsso ucoCfisthte!e. Thir itelhoo 0 th hifdozn reintonththe<j g du xi ti.deeloiuen donor 52 times a year at leat-often'on the giving and receiving of gift, depends on the response wbich their particular occasion only two came 01the Go. prUlve Fgevtor Co-., laimoe s it not evident that ability to gve fello'w-Canadians mk to their Of- with a parent. This drew froux the m pyrvincial treasuzer anid premier manymore cosuteco e on the arryi mot-ofermay oppearithtmaus i or file ilcourt the comment it deserved, and of Saskatchewmf and as minister of We like to know what doctors say the Chrstmas programme? If as is a inatter which will concern only the Constable was instru Oted Cays. hofDi aig 'Ba rumut when talking among tbemselves. individuals anid as a nation we are themselves, yet in the long run i! round up negleetful dada. OnHe.Ca.Dnhg astpd lI "Chronic arthritia (chronic rheuma-I prosperous, ha-vin'g surplus funds in wilI affect aIl Canadians, for there is father considered that bis attention triumPh with triumph, sud new aven- tim srsoable for the sufer-i hand, then and then only can we do sucb an interdependence among pro- at son» comparatively trifling task, ues to'wsrd dis tin<guished service ings of nine out of every 100 people! f ull justice to the occasion. ducers that what ia good for one is a short itneaaw. mecniU i pi ehn Iwho sufer total disability, wvhere; The Manufacturers' Association, in good for ail. Let us assist in mak- Important than his duty to bis child. . Chas. DI>nning wil ho the 'tub ercul osis is responsible for the an appeal to all Canadians to buy ing a happy and prosperous Christ- Several instances of this sort, in *ýFt Westcrller te attallu the port.. sufering of six," Dr. Laurence H. "Produced in Canada" goods, cm- nmas for others by ,naking our pur-infruecesConye at ylKer or stafolio of laUlet aluit cixcm- Mayers of Chicago told members of phasizes the following points which chases of Canadian made goods. oes influenes o e o of puenthtsanie sfor th et are PUs ofiten the Radiological Society of North should receive the endorsation of ___a__soethes idereotndofprenits Ganent ratherlsen poi ft e ATnerica, ini convention at the Royalj ývery man and woman in the Domiii- astbh braot adprut oeu is amithr zay ti* be a York Hotel, Toronto, Iast wcek. "As ion: Il you can't be with themn at of their sons eontri1butes largely lc lieved that bisadneuigtrton anid b a cause of endless pain and of dis- "Wben times are proaperous, the Christmas thne, there's one substi- IJuvenile delinquency. Cases are characterised bY Coolfoegtad abîlity, chronic arthritis has no peeri o fgo he ece aium tt by wI prcaeYu1 konwhere the mother was present courageousatosc sbsWf among the diseases afecting the proportions. Conversely, when timea Photograp-the mort personal of aIl Iwben ber husband had opportunit., bis aonr' admiration li bis min- huanboy, sidth dctr."But are bad, there is less happiness gifts. There is none too nmuch tine and could have saved bis wifc tr.e agement of the dePartment of Tail-_ it seldorn, if ever, kilis." abroad at Christnmas tinme. The 'bas!.%,eft for an appointuxent if yon wouldI humiliation. By no one being pre- ways and ntela pCaua ______of roseriy s pentfulandregIa~ aoidtheChrstnasrus. PoTulp1 edto support lads at tinies ik, spberes of hie carReir administrative ernployment at gond wages. But cm 256 for appointinent. H. Humphries, i these it would teeni, for one tbing, offices. Ssacea spodt 1What a heautiful testimony is thia1 ployme nt can only ýbe plentifu and Photographer, Horsey St., Bowmnan- that parents are presuming upon the claim Dunniiig as the ripe fruit of given on the death of Rollin C. regular when there la an active unar-1 ville. 47-tf leniency of the court. prairie culture. Moore, rnember of The Globe coin- posing xoom 37 years, at the age of - - _____ 62 yearq: Mr. Moore was moderate but firnl in his views, and his influence was' always thrown on the ide of sane and reasonable procedure. Ini al his activities he n'as a man of finel ge h nlemn conasidraite fI< J S I T E N ' frad honalemaconcasraeight-LI;TN others, and whose word wnas his bond. Like bits -vork, bis life was clean, and in hs eat Te lbses a hghly A D Y UL A TN T E E effciet wrkmn, heprinting tradeAN O L W NT O O HE S T a akilful exponent. and the commun- ity an cstcemed citizen. He was a Presbyterian and a Liberal. Mr. W. H. Moore, Oshawa, is a brother. A novel plan for testing boys' ap*»- titudes ta thus reporte<1. As a neans of testiug the theory, long held by educators, that if a boy were allow- cd accessa to the paraphernalia of a numnber of trades and professions he would choose tbe one for which he ,was best fitted, $300,000 will be sfpent at Hill Sehool for Boys, Potts- town, Ps. It is the hope of the authorities of the achool that by plac- ing at the disposaI of the students varions laboratories, work rooms and study halls in which will be placed al kinda of apparatus, the students, af- ter roaming through aIl of them andj stoppmng to familiarize theniselvesl with each, will find, iby natural pro- cesses, the fields for which they are best fitted. The result will lie await- ed with keen intercat. I HAIL TO GOOD OLD SANTA With His Sack Full of Corbett's Candy The very mention of Christmas brings to mnd big heaping boxes and dishes of sweet wholesome candy. BOXED CHOCOLATES Ganong Bros. farnous G. B. Chocolates, anti Moir Chocolates, in beautiful gift boxes From 30c to $3.00 a Box CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES A wondlerful assortment to please everybody from 25c to 60c CORBETT'S CHRISTMAS CAKES Rich and tasty with the best of ingredients, iced or plain at 50c lb. CORBETT'S CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Rich and d(iciiCous, in 1 and 11/. lb. bowls, At 50c lb. Refunti when howl is rettîrneti. ALMOND PASTE Ready to put on your own cake at 50c Pound CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Large andi small, brimful of things to amuse and please, from 5c to $1 .00 MIXED CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS Madie of pure and wholesome materials in threc lots at popular l)rices. LET US HELP YOU Let us furnish your pastries and cakes for holiday entertainment. You'll be too busy to bother baking. W. P. CORBETT Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner% Bowinanville AIwATE R KENT $348.50 (Combination) COMPLETE $251.50 COMPLETE RADIO T mIS new Screen-Grid Atwater Kent Set, gives yon everything you possibly could want i a radio-at a inoderate price. Tone i There is no difference betweoi listcn- ing to this set and liting at the broadcasting studio. Power'! Distance seems to make no differenoe. Local stations and stations far away corne roling i as easily and clearly as though they were just outside your door. Select the sta- tion you want->d there it is. Make it louder, make it softer, as you please. If the music or speech should stop for a moment, the set is so quiet that you couldn't tell whether it was on or off -if it weren't for the liuht mn the dial. Just listen here to a few bars of mnusic, and you'il say (as most people do), "That's the set I want! That's what m 1 cali a radio!" M 9 $228.50 COMPLETE DON'T DELAY SELECTING YOUR RADIO SET TÔ-DAY. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR DELIVERY CHRISTMAS EVE. WE'LL DO OUR SEST TO FILL YOUR ORDERS UP TO THE LAST MINUTE-BUT YOU KNOW THERE'S A LIMIT. TABLE SET Battery Complete All Electric AIl Eiectric $212.75 $184.50 Battery $229.50 $201.50 GEORGE BROWN Atwater Kent Radios Dealer Store next to J. B. Martyn's Store. Division St. Bowmanville 10 Qw, NEW PRICE COMPLE PAGIC NDM mm ràNADiAN 9TATmL4,N, BowmANviLLE, imuRsDAY, DzcmBxR 12,192.9

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