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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 10

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TEE CANADIÂN4 STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVjILL, THURSDAY, DEiGEMBER 12, 1929 EARLY ISTOR 0Fndma hiting the deer and bearlie- and the Dominion Organ and Piano DINCOM IYPRGESATW GH CUCI TON ANID BOWISwNVIL n8noplntfu that an abundance Company. Eah cf theso empîoyedWEDNCOMNT PRGESATRIH CUC ofanimal food could bie procured tliree liundred men, and the orgau Fowl.r-Ga While Bowmanville hm aas chi to Regular meeting of the ceuni AIL old book in the poaseasion of 1Wlfth very littie trouble. The fur- factoryr 15 stîll in existence but ilem-o si osde atahlii el o e.7h ebr l John Lyle, J.p.Peefogènarian Tow, .daiml eeasevr u-pay ny2 t tepresent t . A vr bcaswdig a el et c sit uc esder pyait ch iel ont, ec F. h membe , Cler of Bownianviîîe, contain leroins and required but littie il te.- There were four grist inilis in th, emnized in Toronto on Saturday, stage of its cemrnunity development Minutes of lait meeting rea r«117 ifteresting faets Portining te trap theni, their skins being abouti town at that time, wbîchbhas narrew- December 7th, at the Churcb of Ste. te rest content with pat laurels and adepted. the. eft1Y BOttlement of. Darlingto 'the only thing that could be sold forj ed down te one, in 1929. 4nne (Anglican), Gladstone, Ave., cesse striving for further advance- Sebool Attendant Officer, and its Pioneer families. Whether meney. Speaking of Senator Simipson thewenMroeAni.dute o!m t.arwrenedbsept 7houl are a.d o ung everybodyj Viery great inconvenience feiti istory continues: "'The niOst pro- Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gay of Bowmanville's present high stand- was received and filed. sloud .interest6d in knowingianiong theni was the want of a rni:î minent man in Bownianville and in- Hampton, became the bride of Mr. ing among centres cf equal popula- Clerk reported that A. B1 alomothing a'bout thie eary days o!1 te grand their grain and cern, the deed one of the preminent as be j. Leonard Sydney Fowler, -only son of tion has been won by foresigbt andtedrfrin wsaete 'lereonr. We are therefore inearest being Myer's Mils, situated one o! the best knewn men in the Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler o! Toron- aggressive pelicies in the past. This On request of the Hydre Cc Pubishngextracts fromn this baiekat the foot of Lake Ontario, sixty Dominion, is the Honorable Senatir te. The ceremony was performed generatien sheuld be just as eager te sien, tbe following contracts ,whicli maies interesting reading. miles distant. Those who went te John Simpson, president o! tbe On- by Rev. Canon Lawrence E. Skey, assure an enviable future for the coni- cancelled: E. Montgomery, dec The firat actuel settlement of 1 the mill usually teok two weeks te tarie Bank. For fiftlw years, M-A., D.D., rector o! Ste. Annes's. inunity as were those men of forin- Win. Stubs and Stanley Malco Darlington To'wnship teek place in go and return, using a canoe for Mr. Simipson bas been a resîdent1 The bride was given in marriage er generatiens who of ten feougbt a stiff queied 1794. Induced by the land bounty tbe purpose cf bauling it up on tbo, and during that long perîod bas been by bier father. Her bridesmaid was up-bill figbt te gain those things up- By-law was passed appo of Iàeutenant-Governor Simcoe, shore at night and camping in the identified witb every business in- ber sister, Miss Lena Grace Gay ef on which tbe city's presen prestige Deputy Returning Officers, mau famniliea from the United woods. Wben a storni occurred, tbey dustry that bas aprung up in the Hampton. The groomi was support- rests. Clerks and Polling Places in Stes made itheir way te thé north Iwere weather 'beund until it passed place, as well as more or less with ed by Mr. C. Lyndon Rathbone of Neyer before in its bistory bas poili is domanded. shore of Lake Ontario and pitchedifover. On their arrivai at the miii these in the surrounding district and Toronto. The bride entered the Bowmanville been in such good posi- Ordors signed as foiiows: upion the mst favorable locationsithey waited tili the grist 'was ground wbicb frein tue te time in their hburch on the aro f lier father to tien te go forward in rapid and sub- C. J. McDonough, Prov. Elec- along its -banka. Aniong these wvere when they returned home in the struggles fer existence have feit the the strains o! the wedding marchlIstantial de'velopment as right new. ticn oxpenses............$ t~he familles of John Burk, John W. sainie manner. As going te the miii benefit cf bis helping band. m,.. piayed by Dr. E. W. Millar wbe pre-1 It bas ail ita pristine attractions plus County Clerk, re Mrs. Sheck- Trull, anid Roger 'Conat, wbe in th, was ne ligbt undertaking and attend- Simipson came te Bowmanville oir sidod at the organ. Her dress was niany c! reiatively recent acquisition. leten for Oct ........... fali cf that year, landerj near Bar- led with se many obstacles and rather as it was thon kno-wn, to Dar- of powder blue goorgette, and shc 'But te do the things that mnust be Superier Stores, supplies for bers' Creek, no'w Port Bowmanviloe perils, a great many expedients iingten Milîs, in 1825 when quite a wore shees and stockings to match. done if the community is te progres bal.................... Richard Lovekin, an Irishiman froni were resorted te in order te ebviate young lad. Hie was bornuat Rothes, Her bat was o! gold and bine nietallic, aiong desirable lines o! commercial, Mrs. Forder, refund dog tax the eounty of Cork came into the this necessity. Seme of the settiers niear Elgin, Scotiand, in 1812. He trimmed with lace, and she carried industriai and residential expansion Mrs. R. Crawford," " neighboring township cf Clarke in had brought large cole aniiis with was the youngest o! four chidreii. pink roses and babies' breath. The and betterment, there mnust be ne Win. Henry, refund dog tax 1796. These were the earîiest pion-1 theri and these were used te grina two sons snd two daughters, Of JolIi:1 bridesmaid appeared cbarming in a diminution o! that spirit o! ce-opor- R. W. Pbihp, seiecting Jurors leers w7o settied down in the thon. or crack the grain. Other centri- Simpson, who emigrated te Canada dress e! -peacb geergette trimmed ation and willing effort on tbe part Clerk, seiecting Jurors .. impenetrable forest. The Burk, vances were impro'vised; ene mei in 1815. The famiiy is o! ancien, witb lace and wore shees and stock- cf a considerable number e!fitilsJ. G. Marlow, ronds.......4 Truils aud the Cenats came froin the 'very niucb lun'vogue was te niake a Scottish descent and nunierous, in ings te match . She aise wore a whicb bas been manifested in ail its F. Hyiand, services as Reeve Susquehanna river and their jourueyirude mortar by hollowing eut a the iocality namned in Seotiand. neekiace of peai the gift o! tbe past accomiplishments. R. Green, services, Counicîlior toth nw etleen i dscibdýtuP-(To be contiuued) groom, and carried deep pink roses And just as men and wemnen o! N. Taylor, services........ as ene of innumerabie hardsbips. J Bewmanville was incorporated n ais rah iinadcve osluns aé Wtosrie Their families and bousebold effects as a village in 1853, and as a town SEND US THE NEWS Tbe groem's gift te the bride was ilays een availabie in the past, s') R. Byers, services .......... wereplacd onboad a argeopenon anuay 1,18-5, afew earsbc-a white Prayer Book wbich sbe car- wifl they collme te the service O! Clerk, i/2 year saiary .. batteau, which was coasted areund fore confederation. James Mc- w The wintea- season is bore anud ried. The best man received a bill the cemmninty in future heurs o! Receipts $10.75 wire fonce. the head o! the lake, running into Feeters was the first mayor and bis wth lt sodial events wiil increaso fold o! leather with bis initiais or.i- need. oniaduretemt bays and iniets te avoid stress cf picture may stili be sen hauging he ttsa____a_ h esbse i od 1-- day, Dec. 16th, at 2 p.nm. eather aud for the purpose o!fcook on the soutb wal o! the court reona. btteeiss___o___htw- uigtesinn fth ei,ý F .Hlnd m ee ing their ieall and camping fer The town was divided into tbree cannet obtain if yen do net give it Dr. Millar rendered deiigbtful music. brown chiffon and wore a bat cf Reeve. the night. Their stock, wbich con- wards, west, seuth, sud nortb. The te us. If you are secretar3r e! an A receptien was heid at tbe home brown feit and fur cent . After a____ sisted o! a heorse and two cews were council was coinposed of a mayor, erganization give us the news of its o! the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles Tii- honeymoon o! unaunounced destina- driven around tbe shore end the reeve, deputy reeve, and three coun- activta s I! o aeaprysn oi Wih v. hr ay inM.adMs olrwl eie1U AIN tediOus aourney, crossing swamps, cillors fer ilc ward. Police Ma- us a report. If yeu bave visior friends and relatives had gatbered. in North Parkdale, Toronto. de1 ~ 'OL~l crees ad mrshs o thewaymayistateGeorge Haines heid office n 'phone us the particulars. It's ail Mrs. Gay received in a droas cf black Mr. and Mns. Gay were accompan-I Mr. R. H. Collacott wishes be wll magned Thse i c'arfe 187 t asalay o $20 pr aud beips te make a newsy satin trimmed witb sand, sud were a ied te Torontoe by twe sisters o! the te continue te deliver rosi aiT3 oe thel magshin. Tose i hr he 1887 at a salry or$50heryear. sheet, but much e! it we now not- at f black velvet. Mrs. Fowlar bride, Edith and Shirley, o! Bowan- otatton and te ail parti; of the Niagara River into Canada woro ne- 1877 was neariy one million dollars, ang cf and se cannot use. Plesse received in a dress o! mauve geon- ville. anad township. Ail onders proi ceived at Newark with great kindness (1929 assssd vlu i $2,000,000)' co-operate; do your share. We tbank gotte, witb bat o! blue feIt. The 'bride and groom received tfilled aud satisfaction guaran bY the geverner, who sont a man taxes 165 mills, (now 45 milis) yoU The bride travelled in a dness of many valuable gifts. Phone 518. back te assi-ýt iu the stock The town hall was built in 1855 ut_____________ as fan as 'York (Toronto) . The a cest o! £4,467. 2s, 6d. ($23,000). smali band reacbed their destination hd on P idtwatonclenk at this ~ __ _____ __ _____________________________________ iu sait after surmountiug al ob- timo, having fllled tbe office fren stle on the 2nd o! October 1794. the incorporation of the to'w, asud 'Mr. Lovelcin sailed froni the civ the same gentleman was aise the 1r o! Cork 0on the 21st of September, township cierk of Darlington. 1795; la.nde-d at st. Barthelomew Describiug the churches, this bis- la!ter a teioti voyage ou the 20th tory says: "There are aise semne Of Januarv, 1796, and at New York well built cburch eilficeicluding, on the nirtb of Abri] followinz. Ho Episcepalian, (English) Roman Cath- with two birod meo.n Proceede4] in ad- olic, Presbyterian, Wosleyan, Con- vance o! bis family te locate bis land gregationai, Bible Christian, Dis- and prepare a home for their rocep- ciple and Baptist." O! these thbe tien. A!tor nuniereus adveutures Eugiish, Roman Catbolic sud Pros- aud enceuntering ne imail ameunt oe byterian are ieft todsy with most of handship incident te a new and wiid the othors uow in the Uuited Cburcli. country, ho settled at the meuth f One of the oid churches is uow the, flaldwn' Creek, now Wiimott's, seule !actory. one the evaporater aud near Newcastle, whene after build- eue is in ruina on Scugog street. ing a temperany sheiter, heo crn- Continuing, the book ays: "Bow- mneuced te clear seme land and cut manvilie bas three ne'wspapers, The tiinber for the erection ef a more Canadian Statesman, (atili in ex-I cOmmendious dweliing. Settiors on isteuce), The Observer and the Wcst 'Barbera' Creok at once set te work Durhamn News. The firat paper S pecial P ublicity C o l te preparo against the appreach of published was the Messeuger ini p wintor. TbeV built log shanties with 1850 by Messrs. MeMillan sud Hoag. bark roofs Iplastered on tho inside Subsequently this hocame mergedi witb mimd. Mr. John Burk 'built bis3 witb The Statesman, Wih was j bouse on the margin of the lake be- commouced in 1854 iby the Rev.Mr inge uhr otino h ar lme ndwscniued by bis Mon'20 Valuable Prizes Given Away nOw l Jb hisgraudson, William W. R. 'Cime, on the death of bisi K. Burk. In a letter witten by Mr. father in 1867. The Star was pubih J~ia Burk some years after, ho cd by D. G. Flietcber in 1856, and was' says* "We badl ne ueighbors but th2 afterwards continued for a shorl Indians for twe or tbreo Years, save time by James McMillan. The Oh- ldBenjamin Wilson sud the Trus, server wascemmenced in 1866 by a lst PRIZE- 14 IL TU R K EY wvho lived at'Baldwin's Creek. There Mr. Baker. The West Durhamn News was net a bouse within thirty miieq was started lu 1875 hy a Mr. Wilk- te the west, gave an olci Frnch trad- ien, sud was continued by a Mr. ing bouse that Wilson get in, aud Mingy. The Merchant, wbicb had id P I E1 lb G OS old Conats, two miles te the east o! been published for seme years byn R Z -1 b OS Wilsen's, and noue east o! us short Mn. Baker, was amaigamated witb o! Sulb' Creek, nom Port H-ope." The Statenian in 1876." r PR Z6 lb C HKE During the winten these pioneens The principal factories were th r R Z b H CE spen mot o then tno rappng ppe Canda unnture ComanyAnd Seventeen Other Valuable Prizes. See them in our window. THE RADIO THRILL 0F TH YEARSUPER VALUES IN RLS0 OTS Women's NO ENTRY FEE! 10W heels, FACE-TO-FACE REALISM l WomensFancy Bedroom Slip- Super Valu pers, a wonderful variety of col- 1. Just Count tbe Coloured Balla in our j ,ors and sizes at the SuperWidw 585 Pairsc i ~' Vlue Stre 59 ~2. ln case of a Tie the first porson guess- nbak .~. ~ 4. ;~- I59ro up ing correctiy the number of halls in sh ee 3. Ail you bave te do is to write your ai Suterh Women'sPatent lippers cubanguess, the date and your naine. a ue Womn' Ptet lipescuanDon't forget there are 20 valuabie Per- Pair o heel, one strap 'îith fancy buck- pie. Albig son i le, C, D and E width, sizes 21/1, ~jdo to 7 Conlest ends December 23rd. Men's W/o Value ~Prize winners announced on Lhe o u br NSpartons romarkcable new 'j -I clear at... pretation of good music far in advance of alil yur previous conceptions. This new model is by far the greateat set tlaat even Sparton bas ever offered. Artists and musical critica bave endorseditiimpressivciy.We in- vite yeu to bear it and urge you te corne preparc-d for sorncrhing delightfuily new snd remark- ably better in radio reception. Be sure to secure Your Sparton frolm an Aithori, I S .' Dealer. <)nfy iwr ,<( .ar facory slrual ttfan C.ry lbIlg factory Luaranlec. Lowest Prices This Season Model 931-$251.50. Model 301 (as illustrated)- $385.00 Model 111-$555.00. W/e are assured by manufacturers these prices wil not be lower this season. Demonstration GIadly Given In Your Home Harry C. Alunr KigSt. West Bowmanville SPÂRTON RADIO "Radio's Richest Voiceu" Per Pair................... 75C. Variety of Children's Shoes are to be had at unusual Iow prices. Men's Work Shirts Special 89c Men's Police Suspenders At 25c Pair Women's Shoes, Rubbers, Gai- oshes, Bedroom Slippers, etc. MEN'S TIES 135 Ties, assorted, to clear 29c 184 Ties, assorted, boxed, to clear at ...................49c 300 Ties, assorted, boxed, regu- lar $200, to clear .......$.00 SUPER VALUE Men's Broadcloth Shirts, in a variety of colours, Lo clear at............$10 'IL BIENNIAL MUNICIPAL 1ci ___ ELECTIONS ill pres- (St. Marys Journal-Argua> residing. We notice in a local newapaper dn published in a amnail towxi of New N. H. York State, a reference to "our bi. twhich ennial town elections." We pro- sune that the electing cf town Bailey's councillors only once every two years at $15. is common te the srnall towns and Omnis- villages over tere. And the îaea swere1 lias a geod deal to coniniend it. W. eceascd; ia Ontaario bave the biennial elec- lm re- tion of school tirustees, publie utility conimissioners and library board pointing trustees and there seenis just as much POUl or even more reason for electing he case ai councillor for a two-year tern. It takes the average new]y elected councillor a full yeae to find his bearings at the council board. And $45.40 not until he has served this appren- ticeship, is lie qnalified te give the 23.231 public his best service. 2.00 SCHOOL AGE SHOULD BE 15 2.00 2.00 ÇMilverton Sun) 2.00 When the School Adolescent Act 2.00 was passed some years ago, makiag 471 .68~ it compulsory for boys and girls &* 30.001 attend school until 16 years of age, 25.00 the Sun expressed the opinion tnat 25.00 15 years would have been moxe fitt- 25.00 ing and would work eut Tnùîe to 25.00 the advantage of pupils and parents. 150.00) This attitude has been justified by the experience cf teachers, inspec- Mon- tors, attendance officers, officiais cf ChiIdren's Aid Societies and of the <>c<, Juvenile Courts. Boys who are not Clerk. studiously iucginied, become indif- feront wheei foreed te remain at school aiter the age cf 15 and are likely te fori idle habits when net interested in their werk. Premier to in Ferguson, who is aise Minister of Tyrn»ý Education, said the other day tha etow" the compulsory age ef 16 was toe 'nipti' hbigh, anzd we niay expect shortly te, inteed, iee a change in the act in this re- spect. PFree.le Oxfords, in cuban and iue at......$2.95 of Women's Galoshes, blue, fawn, grey, etc., tte, satin, jersey cloth, iigh 4-buekies, to clear [alue Store ýnly ........ $1.98 )rk Rubbers, a variety man's , to ... $ 2 *3 9 'Lien's Fancy Hosiery, in silk and wool, Special Value 38c Pair Children's Shoes, Rubbers, Gai- oshes, Bedroom Siippers, etc. Men's Shoes, Boots, Rubbers, Galoshes, Work Rubbers, Bed- room Slippers, Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Suits, Overcoats, Overails, Sox, Sweaters, Work Shirts, Pyjamas, Night Robes, Caps, Ail at Special Prices ROVAN'S SUPER VALUE STORE NEXT TO NELSC )N'S THE NEW SHOPPING CENTRE OPPOSITE THE BOWMAN HOUSE ~--- * 1 M ý--- ln- m j ntest

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