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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 11

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN LAUNDRY MAGKPÂ-ANP14 -At least, so it seems af ter we've clean- your curtains or drapes. Nothing but magic, it seems, could transform those soiled bedraggled fabrics into a state of h.indsome spotlessness. And a good fairy, too, seems involved in the price scale. Let us do your weekly washing during the Christmas rush. Oshawa Laundry & DRY CLEANING CO. LIMITED BOWMANVILLP AGENT: W. J. BAGNELL Hecla Furnaces Make Warm Friends The Hecla Furnaces have rnany exclusive features which account for their popularity, * satisfaction and econorny. Before buying a new fur- nace corne in and let us show * you why it pays to buy a Hec- la. This places you under no obligation to buy. R. E. LOGAN N.xt to Pethick's Barber Shap ;lumber and Steamfitter Bowmanvlle %%"4Make this Christmas An Aladdin Christmas and Brighten and Beautify Your Home Forever If you depend upon kerosene for light-here's good news. This new instant-light Aladdin, with its wealth of pure white, mellow light Swill make your coming Christ- mas one of the brightest and most ~$ cheerful you have ever en- joyed. Even if your home is lgtdwith electricity, make some friend whose home.. not, a present of an Aladdin -à it i11be a lifelong re- minder of the giver and will ..-..---~ be greatly appreciated. Features You'll Appreciate Burns common kerosene (ooal- ail). Lights instantly. Gives a modern white light equal ta 10 ordinary lamps. Absolutely safe. Burns 94% air. The most eco- nomical of ail lights. No odor, smoke, noise or trouble. No gen- erating or waiting; a match and a minute that'saII. Aitstyles: table, han7.ingý, bracket and floor lamps in nickel and bronze. A price within the range of every purse. Endoned by world's highet at rti B rings Cheer and Happines to Every Home And it will save its cost in fuel in a few short months. ut bcings all the joys and comforts of city life ta country people. The Aladdin Can be equipped with beautiful plain and decorated glass shades or with artistic parchment shades. making it as decorative as it -is useful. Any dealer named beiow wilI b. glad to dernonstrate, this n.w Aladdin to you. Authorized AIacd.n Dealers BANCROFr >BELLEVILLE BOWMANVILLE COE HILL DESERONTO HAVELOCK KINMOUNT LI NDSAY MADOC MARLBANK NESTLETON NORWOOD OMEMEE ORONO PETERBORO PICTON PORT HOPE PORT PERRY SHANNONVILLE STIRLING SUNDERLAND UXBRIDGE WOODVILLE CHAS. W. MULLETT WALKEq H éRDWARE CO. HAMILTON BOOK STORE DUSTANCASH HARDWARE W. N. G1LROY LORAL CLEMENT H. S. HUBBELL & SON CHAS. P. DOHERTY W. G. DIJNOON M. W. CONNOR & SON ROY GAFFNEY J. A. MARLOW JOHN W. RORK & SON S. J. MACKEY O. W. ROLPH BROWN HARDWARE CAMPBELL & BEST THE FAIR GEO. T. HANCOCK & SON CARNEGIE HARDWARE CO. J. F. McFARLANE McGEE & LAGROW P. H. FLAGLER A. A. WALTER D. A.JOHNSTON HARDWARE HARDWARE STATIONERY HARDWARE GENERAL HARDWARE HARDWARE GENERAL DRUGGIST HARDWARE GROCER HARDWARE HARDWARE DRUGGIST HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE GENERAL HARDWARE HARDWARE GENERAL HARDWARE JEWELLER HARNESS HARDWARE ORONO CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL <From The News of December 5th.) Council met Dec. 3rd, Reeve M. J. Miss McCulloch bas been a guest Holman presiding and members ai] of Dr. and Mrs. McCulloch, Park St. present. J. Sttt viited Communications were read as fol-1 Mrs. W. J tt recently viite ows: Dept. Public Highwavs ce visti hetroitaugihe. r.çr)Dmr of their auditor; The Globe Indem- Detrit. ich.nity Co. in reference L) release to bie Mr. 0cmi Gam.%y sang several sui.s signed in R. i-1. Ard cdaim; Canadian at a church entertainmcnt at Wark- Paciflc Railway re highway cross'ag worth last week. and maintenance of f ences Lot ' -, 7 Mr. E. T. Griffith, Clarke -section, Con. B. F.; W. F. Kerr, Clerk of the Iwas t aken to Toronto hospital las Peace; Workmen's Compensation week for medical treatment. Board in reference to further pay- nient in the case of Frcank Allun. Corns cause much suffering, buti C. F. Awde, S.A.O., submitted th-e iHolloway's Corn Remover offer.s a ýschool report for November which jspeedy, sure, and satisfactory relief.!I wa.s considered very satisfactocy. Mc. 0. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Filed. Eagleson and Mrs. Margaret Cooper D. McP. Robb notified counicil of visited the Royal Winter Fair in Tor- da-nages sustained to his car of onto. $12.50 while travelling on a detour Mis Nea ainy, . ., as e-road tbx'ugh Mr. Jas. Hall's farm. MissNev Raney R.N.,hasre-Matter ceferred to Globe Indemnity turned from Oshawa and is boliday- Insurance Co. for consideration. ing with ber parents, Mc. and Mcs. Mc. G. M. Linton, Supt. Prov. For- Robt. Rainey. est Station, asked for 400 lineal feet jMr. Bell of Lindsay bas rented the wire netting 21/ý feet wide, to be jCentral garage building from Mc. lerected as a guard on Princess Street HryCowan and will open out a gas West, at a cost of $100. Granted.- and oil station. On ropresentation by Rev. Wm. Sterling and other ratepayers relief B hte and Ernest Patterson have of families until the cases are fur- inste V eradeis houghWn . St ear ne: wgaeegatdtoacul Gamsby, agent..j Bills were passed and paid: Orono Hockey Team, Intermediate,. Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly had a work-out ganie with the Osh-I payment................ $ 48.00 awa Simcoes at tbe Ravina rink,,Jno. Henry, Road Supt. and Toront, lastweek. fficeNovember.... 825 ek jofCue, bîank foms.. 1.5 A pleasant medicine for ch ildren F. Halliday, coal for hall. 30.551 is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- iR. H. Wood, caretaker.....13.501 ator. and it is excellent for drivingi Chas. Cowan, rigbt of way ivorms from the system. across Lot 10, Con. 4, for Mr. John E. Armstrong returned 1928 - 9................ 14.001 last week from a two months' trip to Jno. W. Bradley, Clerk, at- Western Canada, representing the tendance Division Court. 12.00 Cook Clothing Co. of Toronto. T. W. Jackson, Baiiiff, at- F. W. Tamblyn and Sons sbipped tendance Division Court. 12.00 'oneof teir cizewinnng yung People, steel culvert 44.98 one f teir riz-,winin youg CJ MDonough, lr lc Holstein sires to Mc. Montgomery of tio Board E Cerk ec-.. 02 Quebec who also purcba.sed two of Prepeesesontructi0n.Co iMc. John Brown's best Holstein cows gravelling............... 125.00 at a good price. Don Robb, sbeep damages 26.00 Mr. Jobn Hudson, Orono, and Miss Percy Patton," " 28.00 Pearl Hill of Whitby were united in Hector Milison" " 5.00 marriage on Thursday, Nov. 2Stb, at F Blackburn," " 13.00 the Manse, Osbawa, Rev. C. E. Craig N orman Allun, Sheep Inspec- performing tbe marriage ceremony. toc, 6 cases............. 18.00 The young couple ceaide in ýOrono. Jnlo. henry, road mnainten- Mr. Jobn N. Powers on bis arriva] ance November.......... 1277.10 at Cochrane where he accompanied Council adjourned to meet Mo;î- bhis daughter, Mrs. G. E. Rainey, day, Dec. l6tb, statutory meeting. I early in November, was, by advice m. j. Hoiman, A. J. Stapie, of a physician, taken ta Lady Minto Reeve. Clerk. iHospital in that tawn with flot very Igood prospects, but later reports to 'Mca. Rainey are that bis condition Persian Balm is magical in creating is now much more favorable. alluring complexions. A little gen- Edmun*l Milîson, a life-long resi- tle rubbing and your skin is invigor- dent of Clarke section, passed away ated and toucbed with the true on Saturday, Nov. 3th, interment beauty of youth. Cbarmingly frag- taking place at Orono cemetery, De-* rant. Deligbtful ta use. Cools and cember 2nd. Deceased wbo had caresses the skin. Rtelieves ail been an invalid for the last 30 years roughness and chafing by weather was tbe last surviving meiuber of the conditions. Tones and stîmulates. well-known family of the late Henry Enhances and protects the loveiiest and Mrs. Milison. He is survived complexion. Unrivalled as a per- by bis widow. fect aid to 'beauty and charm. Dread of Asth'ma makes countiess thousands miserable. Night after FROM NORTHERN SNOWS night the attacks return and even TO SOUTHERN SUNSHINE when brief respîte is given tbe mind is stili in torment from continuai an- Zero weather bas its appeal ta the ticipation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- winter sports enthusiast, but the thma Remedy changes ail this. Re- majority of us like the fine warm lief comes, and at once, while future days with brigbt skies and sunshinp. attacks are warded off, leaving the t fs therefore small wonder that so aff licted one in a state of peace and many Canadians at this, time of tbe happiness be once believed he couldJ year wend their 'way south ta, enjoy neyer enjoy. Inexpensive and sold the sunny days and wondrous nights almost everywhere. of Florida. The dance given by the Orono t The popularity of this Winter Memorlal Park Management in theI Playground is weil establisbed, fai Town Hall Friday evenîng, November there, at any of the famous resarts 29tb, was a splendid success, over along the East or West Coast, you one hundred couples attending. can enjay a ceaI holiday. Numer)tus Moncrief's orchestra furnisbed lively interestîng sports and pastimes- music for round and square dances. golf, fishing, 'batbing, polo, etc.--con- For non-dancers tables were placed in tri-bute ta the rmaking of an ideal i the basement and progressive games vacation. were enjoyed. Lunch ivas served in When planning your trip, consuit cafeteria style. As a resuit a nice any agent of the Canadian Pacific. sum will be available for impro\Ve- He wil] tell you of aur excellent sec- ments to the swimming pool or otber vice ta Detroit, connecting 'with such 1 contemplated amusements for thc famo us trains as tbe "Royal Palm," park. "Pantes de Leon," "Flamîngo," etc., 1 and will 'be glad to arrange reserva- tintickets, etc. Mc. C. B.Kent, jPrint TJhis AboutI C. H. A.-C. P. R. Bowmanville, ont.jn BLACKSTOCK Joint- Ease i in, c and Mrs. Harvey Ginn, and Mc. and j Mr.Jas. Ginn visited friends inr. Says Druggist Trotoceenly Mr. and Mca. Herb. H1 e iie "Joint-Ease" in Petenboro recently.t ia selling like M1iss Kathleen Phoenix, principal' bot cakes in of the public school, spent a recentl my store, bc- week-end in Greenbank.i Scause it is a Mr. and Mrs. Luther MountjoY,1 SZ. Ç' wonderful and S speedy remnedyi '. for aIl joint "But why not impress on ' tens of thous- ands of sufer- dozens of my oustamers tell me almost daily. "Some say that it knocks out lum- bago over night-others that fori chest colds and sore throat it bas noJ equal, while many insist that there! is nothing they ever tried that is so' efficient for neuralgia, neuritis and even head colds and vile nasal catacrh." Answering tbe above letter, we, the makers of Joint-Ease, know that what this thriving Ottawa druggist says is true, but we stili maintain> that Joint-Ease ia prepaced for stiff, l infiamed, painful, swollen joints,I whetber in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, ahoulder, fingers or spine.1 You'll like to use stainiess Joint-I Ease, for witb just one minute's mub-j bing, it soaks in through the fiesh direct ta the aiiing bones, joints andi ligaments-that's why it succeed- for when Joint-Ease gets in joint ag- ony gets out-and without any wast.e of time al5 swelling and congestion. disappears. Made In Canada--contsi only 60c a tube. Ail drugglats sel lots of IL. Just in time for Chistms... new low prices on the four Most desirable models in the Rogers lime. Good news indeed for scores of families who have already planned to purchase a Rogers ... Equally good news for scores of others who may have thouglir a Rogers was more than they could afford For five consecutive years the pioneer Rogers lias outsojld every other electric radio in Canada. And each year as sales have gone upp rices have corne down. The 1930 models are finer and represent a greaner of radio value than ever.. The new 8-tube Rogers is bringing to nhousands of Canadian homes the "high-peak" performance of modern radio at "'rock-bottom" prices. Make it your choice too. Here are the new reduced prices which place a New Low Prices! genuine Rogers within reach of every family purse: AUlRecords Smashedl 1927-102% aver 1926 Gre..sly incrcased pro- Rogers Lowbov------------1949 1928-108%overl927 duction bas brought C$ 1 1929-109% over 1928 abu svng n ,nu ogers Highboy02 1 Canada'. prcference for passed ont u Rogers De Luxe Iligbboy - - 0258 "ncrases va io"er Roger Ponolectro-Radio - - $358 fCCSSya yyu AU Priées Complèe.Wlsh Cuaranteed Tub«. RGKII The Orliji, Choose your Rogc w. Je King Street MecLaughlin, of Toronto, apent the week-end under parental roofs. The services of St. John's Cburcb on Sunday, Decenrber 2nd, were in bharge of Rev. Mc. Ashcroft, of Tor- onta, and Hoiy Communion was ad nxnistered at the morning service. A very interesting event toük place on Saturday, November 3Otb, when Miss Ivy Wall, only- daughter sf~~~~~ M.adMsRihr Wal lwa' united in marriage ta Mr. Frederick A. Hamnilton, eldest son of Mr. and! hfrs. Robert Hamnilton. The cere- ihony was performed in St. Paul'ý- Chape], Uicbridge, Rev. P. G. Powell,' the former rector of Biackstock, offic- iating. The bride and groom were abiy supported by Miss Annie Hum-, ilton, sister of the groom, and Mc. William Taylor. Aftec the ceremiony M4r. aànd-Mr-s.-C. Devitt, and Slis,'tebia at oae aOhn Kathle-en Phoenix visited in Part where a weddîng dinnc.r ias serve,]. Perry. The bride and rigr -)ai f' -'ater on a Members of the Women's Auxiliai y jtrip to Hamiltosn andi points est. of St. John's Cburcb nmet at the town _________ hall iast weekQ and quiited two quil', :o be sent in the missionary bale. Mc. and Mrs. Osmond Wright, Mi. and Ms-s. W. vançamp and family,l were recent guests of Mr. and Mr j P'. Va Vmp Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grabam and A s oitu family were recent guests of MT. and A Mrs. Oscar Grahamo. Misses veca Forder and Florence 82 Eldon Ave*,Toronto, Ont D epartmet Nilon. Laboratories Limltd 126 Woliington St. Wegi. Toonto, Ont Deux madam-- White vleitinn¶,v UIs*MBa14 enh &9o. eh*ewàs. lling ewhtNin had don* f'er ber, ndgao aseh 1 have I*Iwayeeaufed etpls yery month. No wi=c00e rdt elaethée el.W Ntiene hm.<hemme 1 have hardil sny eWuiem et . What a dJifierence to what «M o" . uad te b». SOLO AT YOI DOUG Baud In Bowmanville by Jury & Laveli, Drugglots R. M. Mitchell & Ca., Drugglos KaraIakela DOPendable Drug Stare ial BAMTEYLSS RADIO ers now for delivery on Christmas! BAGNELL Bowmanville READY IN TWO MINUTES! AHOT NOURISHING BREAKFAST SHREDDED Ail the body-building elemcents of the whole wheat, noting added, nothing taken away. So easy to serve and s0 delie loua- Iv nourishing. Gives new vigor and life to tired tissues. Serve with hot or cold milk or fruits. 1k. It wanaaa aruuu - ove" y au it ý - very kimi of lt-h@ made t. please Fou, te give you ani your f amily the. mont appetlzlmg mouriuhlmg and ecomounloal fooi that mom.y eau buy. Amd your patronage la certaily appreelatei. CanadaBread ItIs a Joy to Bat *..* ...* m. e A THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN

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