w ..~ 4- - -, C",beM- Wltf Wtnch Is Incorporated Trie Bowmariville News ~?iT YV7TT I vus. iXXV Mv. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BW ANV!LLE, ONT., THUIRSDAY, DECEMBER l2th, 19299 $2.00 Yn Vin ; %-qn CHRI STMAS PRES,"*ENTS And Where to Cet Them Bi MADE MORE THAN ORDINARY PREPARATION FOR THE - CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING We are showing a large and attractive range of goods in the following lines: Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs from .... 25c to $1.50 Ladies' Scarfs .............................75c to $4.50 Fancy Towels, from .................25c to $1.75 Ladies' Gloves, ail kinds ............60c to $2.75 Ladies' Silk and Silk & Wool Hose . .. .59c to $2.00 Ladies' Silk Gown*s .................$1.75 to $2.25 Also Silk Bloomers - Vests - Pyjamas Ladies' and Children's Kimonas in ail sizes A big assortment of Linens of ail kinds Children's Coats, Mitts and Suits, etc. Kenwood and Scotch Woolen Blankets, also a large variety of Colored Bedspreads. Ladies Hats at Greatly Reduced Prices COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN HAVE Ties......è................. 35c to $1.50 Shirts ...............$1.25 to $4.50 Scarfs ...............$1.25 to $5.00 Handkemihiefs ...........Oc to 75c Gloves .................75c to $4.50 Fancy Socks ..........25c to $1.50 ig variety of Pyjamas, Nightgowns, Sweaters, Hats and Caps, Windbreakers, Bath Robes. ýn Overcoat or Suit makes a iiice Christmas Gift. wuch, Johnston & Cryderman ON£ 104 LibITED DOWUMVILLE1 1 - - v a u i i i u a c e à c ~C o p y N O 5 0 Mis MALE ROE MNISERSAN CHRCHS ESTHER" GREAT SUCCESS TOWN GETS OVER $9000 COMING EVENTS MisRu7thArmstrong, Grace Hos- Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U. Beat PlayEvrreetdB LoadPofa foxi MGl S.Pu'sCrc Suay cbl Misse aura Westrope and Mar- Il a. m.-Mrigj si]B.0 ____ ,c uilding at Washington Entertainetwl ehl nFia p saTeots pn rda thoe oinpsor. n day rsrice:, Taen2l.P3uarVedit ____evening, December 20th. jorie Robinson, Colborne, spent the m.-Sunday Scbool; '7 p. n.-Even- One of the finest dramatic spec- After waiting over 20 years the Shaw's School Christmas Concert iweekend with Miss Susie Laird. ing Worship. tac]es ever produced in Bowmanviile.town of Bowmanvillle bas at last will be held on Thursday, December Mr. Farewell Blackburn spent the St. Paul's Churc-iev. D. w.Iwas presented in the Opera Hou.3e1 receîved some actual money froîr. l9th. Admission 20e and 10c. weekend with relatives at Newcastle Bet, Minister. il a. M.-Morning Ion Thursday and Friday evening of the late James MeGill estate of Watch for bill. and attended the High Scbeol Coi- Worship-.---"lmmortaity"; 7 p. n.- ]ast week by local talent, under the! Washington, D.C., who by bis wiU A round and square dance in mencement. EeigWrhp "ef-epc" upcso rnt oe' s'ett i aietw h -t MisNe]lie Snowden, Toronto NOI- 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool and Bibleisociatio and the direction of Mras. !]adeft te bisn. oo mo 3 in McGill Building located in the U.r eesHll orieevr usa mal, spent the weekend at borne. Classes. (Dr.) J. Clark Bell. "Esther," ai Capitol. go lo and s a veig. o o m . ic, On Wednesday, December 4th, S.AdesPsbtra Church, sacred and draniatic cantata drcwl Joiin Lyle, Town Treasurer, i-e- 2o5e lorad oo5t0e.Tc4t itbdour League ladYoungPple vin - corner Temperance and Cburcb Sts I a full bouse on both evenings and'jcie nMna o h ahn- TePbi colCneti ab itdor ege n uple] ne-Morning Worship il a. ni.; Evenîîîg theroughly deserved the bigb tribu-to.' naday rso., th Waîn he Pbincpr oseo e.1te b celeii pora cnsstn o pan-Worsi7p.m;Sna hol23 tes and praise received froni thn'heid the McGill properLy in truýichand 1in Ot pa . House son ec.,t solos, readings and quartets. After p. Mi. Rev. Geo. Atkinson, Gueiph, pnigstem to alet reve. Pna M- Ont, will preach. dience, for rarely bas eucb a recep- jcheck for $9,304.94, being cabh cbell's Drug Store. the programi a social heur was spenL Ï ons (nlca) Cuc,1to been accorded any amateur pro- ;available for distribution up to Nu,- when everyone enjoyed tbeniselves. St. Jobnos (Anglican) Codrcnttien de istype.Modem tl-30Lh, 1929, in acculmulated profits Prizes will be presented at the Wie tuoucomMu ndity. l unday in ' AJ.Sbvest, Decembehr 3Ud, cies run more usually te igt<from the MeGill Building. Iis is, Public School Concert. On Thurs- 1A joint meeting of the W. Mi. S. 1929: il a. ni.-Holy Conrnuni-ýi1 ny5% o h oa o ya and the Mission Band -was heid on Sunday Scbool and Bible Class.' The excellence of the subject was' agreemeat with John McGill, Toro- trance Class will be preseated, and Wednesday, Decemtýer 4, in the hall. and Sermon "Christian Stewardship thn.rther enhanced by the splendor ofý te, brother of deceased, lie received on Friday night those won by the A splendid prograni wa.s pu' on, af ter -Talent and Timie"; 2.30 p. mn-- tg frihngtemanh'4l,% which amounts te over $61,00 various other classes. wbih asoialtine as njyedbv7 ~. m-Eenig rayr, Chistancent and colorful costumes and effec- ia this instance. The White Sbield Xnias Tree Party ahI. he foilwingoies ebaved by 7ui ). ewarhiMnFe rand Chris."tian ve iake up, and above al, the ad'-!I is expected the building will be will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 17th, in elected for the ceming year: Presi-miaemnern ihecbn. offered for sale la the very nea St. Paul's Lecture Room at 8 p. In. dent-Mrs. W. J. Snowden; lst 'Vice MINISTERIAJ. ASSOCIATION everyniember of tbe cast of stevenLy future when it is estmated by cou'- Every member to bring a gift for the -Mr. . unayJî; ndVie-odd persons took bis or ber part an.d peteat real estate autisorities at lea.st tree valued at 25c. Bring your -Mrs. J. D. Steveis; Rec. Vece-Re..J.SreAdraeGter the eff ective musical accompani- s 2ào ,000 should bc realized by tie friends along and bave a good tme, Mrs. J.m. Steeb; AsRc. Secay- Rv .J bra CborsdG ate 'nment, aIl under tbe wîse and cap-1ae n o' oge itfrtei Mrs. C. H Wd;Asen;C. Se'y.- Dembr etigoNrtubr able supervision of the guîding Mrs. R. R. Steven;CrSeMr.F.laD and Drbameeinisf tera Asoci- genius of the cantata, Mrs. Bell. Regular meeting of the White Swallow; Supt. of Mission 'Band-Not tien w'as beld at St. Petem's Parisa The group of Musicians încluded' "A FULL HOUSE" lelclubîll b beld in S, t. Paul' j yet appeinted; Asst. Supts. of M. B. House, Cobourg on Monday the 9t'a. Mm. Francis Sutton, 'violiniast, Mr. -Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Miss EE;en with twelve members present and ýhe A. H-oît, 'cellist; Miss Helen G.' Production Weil Presented by Clever Prograin and exchange of Christnmas Cimblett; Christian Steward-Mrs. newly-elected Presideat, Rev. T. S. Morris, organist and Mrs. D. R. Local Talent gîfts in charge of group 2 witb Mrs. A. La'rd; Strangers' Sec'y.-Mrs. R. Boyle, M. A., D.D., D.C.L., in the M3rrison, pianist. These artists Brooktîam as convener. Members L. Wrde; Sc-ra.SppyCicar.Temi etue0 b ae- jadded matemially to the success of "A Full House," a 3-act farce pre- bring your friends along and have a -.MWrd, H .rea;st.-Mrs. C ing hairTe ainap re f by e R evR .tbe play, their rendition of tbe over- sented by the Guild of St. John's good tume. D. Stevens; Associate Sec'y-:Mr;. Sbires, M.A., dealing in a practical ture "'Esther" as a prelude te the Chuirch, in the Opera House on Tues- The regular meeting of the Wom.. Roy Metcalf; Missionary Monthiy way witb the problem of tbe reunion presentation being specially apprec-1day evening, proved te be a snappy, eni's Canadian Club will bie held ini Sec'y.-Mrs. N. I. Metealf; Press of thie churches. This stimulating iated, in addition te the accemnia-lPeppy comedy with plenty of rnelo- Trinity Cburch Lecture Roorn on ýSec'y.-Mrs. Hl. Freeman; Mite Box and heýlpful paper was mucb apprec- m e nts te solos and choruses throu'î1 aaadwscrcsadntadilMnaDc 6ta .0p i - rs L.Wos FinanceCr. iated and was followed by a frank Out-. moment. This production was espetu.. The Club have ibeen most fortunate MZ rsJon Mna, rJ. D. Stev- discussion in a cordial spirit led by The part of "Esther, the Beautiful Jalnte rhyfrtespbac inl securing Prof. Norman DeWitt of ens, Mrs. Talcott; Pianst-Mrs. C. Rev. G. H. Sisco, B.A. of Par t HopeIQueen" was taken by Mrs. CeclI0 vr ebroftecswl nvrsity of Toront as speaker. 1H. Snowden; Asst. Pianist-Mrs. and participated in by several others. H. Dudley, wbo won the bearts off 1lmade the best possible eut of every In bis own delightful way hie wiil Samuel Snowden; Flewem Con.- The next meeting is to e, le eld in the audience as the real queen did1stainadsec.Alhuhteeeko ~Cnd n nut.a IMrs. Ivison Munday, Mrs. Cecil Jef- tbe sainie place on the af ternoon of. those of Abasuerus and the people of events were extremely complicated*, Research." fery; Ternperance-Mrs. Tunnicliff. the second Monday in January. Ibhis court. Mrs. Dudley played the the plot was net difficult to under-ý Tbe following officers have also been Ipart of this cbarining and lovablel1stand and tbe capacity audience en- eletedfo tb Mssin and Posi WMENS NSTTUE ~~~ cha ter to perfection. joyed every minute of this light and MRITY W. M. S. dent--4Bill Couldery; Vice Pres.- Th King, Ahasuemus, in the per- fsiaigpromne I Jean Stevens; Rec. Se'y.-Robert November meeting of Bowmanville son of Mm. Ross Strike, was as noble The plot dealt with tbe tume-hon- Regular mionthly meeting of IBothwell; Treas.-Gordon Jarvie; Women's Institute was held in the and grand, yet kindly, in inanner ored theme of a rtiby necklace burg- Trinity W.M.S. was held December ICor. Se'y.-Thelma Freeman; Sup- S.O.E. Hall on Friday Nov. 30, with and ?earing as one could wisb, and lary, a bundle of compuomising love- 3rd., with an attendance of' 7e. I erintendent Mite Boxes-May Storins a splendid attendance of membersa bis appearance was further en'hanc- letters, the interchange of two valiseý1 After the oIpe'ning exercies and Superintendent Fees-Reta Flintof; iand visitors. Mrs. Frank Jackman, ed by the kingly tones of bis deep and tbe subsequent general mixup reading of the minutes, the annual Superintendent for Wold Friend- Preffident, presided and among the j bass solos. in which are involved a bride ailà election of offilcers conducted by Mrs. Albert Bothwell; Flower Con.- business items discusaod was sup-11 Mr. Henry J. Knigbt played theI bridegrooni on their boneynioon, tbe John Bunner, the Vice-Piesudent, jLeona Flintoif, Ly-ra Freenian. plying of milk for the public schoolljdifflicuit -and not altogether enviable jbride's sister and her fiance, a de- resu]ted as follows: 1George Polly; fHeralds-Africa, Mar- cildren, also handkerrhjef shower part of Haman, haughty, conceiteilsigning chorus girl, a "du1mb" maid, Ronorary Advisory Preaident Mrs. gart Uipr; ustia Chmîx fr s.me ad shower of canned fruit and crafty, wiîh an aptitude and 1 nd the burglar, etc. J.U obn;President, Mrs. jobn Wright, Chinese, Douglas Gowem;1for Children's Shelter at Port Hope. ekill, which in gpite of bis arrogancel The cast of characters was as fol- Bunner;* lst Vice.-Preident, Mrs. G. India, Evelyn Evans; Italian, Cliffard The branch was favored by the pres- and scbeming, won for hlm the ad- l ows -Parks, typical Engllsh butler, L.,Waar 2nd Vice-Presudent, Mrs. Johns; S.O.S., Jean Jarvie; Japan,1 ence of a number of Tyrone mem- miration of the entire audience. Mr. 'R. M. Cotton; Susie, the maid Herb Arge; Bec. Sec'y., Mrs. J. E. Helen Metcalf; Korea, Bobby Snow- bers who supplied the greater part Mr. Melville S. Dale sbowed con- froni Sioux City, (and very desirous Elliott; Corr. Sec'y., Miss Florence den: Indian. Norman Gower; Christ. of the prograni. Mmi. Luther Hcop.. siderable talent in the ole of Morde-1 of retung there),Miss Peggy Rickard; Treas., Mrs. A. E. Me- 'ian Stewardship---.Jean Upper; Temp- er, President Tyrone Branch took the1 cal, which was one of the biggest Oli ttr; y Howell, a bride,Miss Cready; Sec'y Christian Stswardsh!p erance-Florence Evans; Canada- Chair and the prograim included J and unost strenuous parts in the Grace Caverly; Mns. Winnecker froin and Finance, Mrs. B. Warniea; Douglas Polly. piano duet by Misses Mae Brent and j cantata, and pleased the audience okrsbeaut(w bugT Stae, rs se, Miss PeSWoos; IMary Brightwell. A fine paper OnI froni the very first with bis acting bier up) Mrs. H. S. Fisher; Dapbne TlMs otr isS od CAULKING AJND WEATHERSTRIP The League of Nations by Mrg. A-. and singing. Charters, Ottily's sister, Miss Bemnice Montbly Sec'y., Mm. W. C. Fergu- This cold snap is keeping us busy L. Nicholls; a humurous reading, The mole of Zeresh, Hainan's wife, Bagnell; Nicholas King, " a srne"sn ieaueSeyM3 .H tbese days equipping rattly windows Mms. Normnan Woodley; Paper on bis adviser and synipathizer, was tak-asmooth tongued and arrogant yeti Morris; Supply Sec'ty., Mms. W. C. and doors with Higgin's AIl Meta] "Things Money Cannot 'u,"b en by Mrs. J. E. Anderson and every lPeable rok r.BlOivr ,Wahnt;PesSe',Ms I Weatberstrip. How do you expect, Mxs. (Rev.) J. R'. Trumpour; a phase of this character, especially at inbrkeJ., an only son, caugbt H. Warder; Associate Helper Sec'y., to keep your bouse warim wben se' splendid talk "Good Health," and a the hour of bier sadt parting with intbe wiles of an actress, Mr. Bern- Mm. FP. A. Haddy; Temperancs muclu cold air gets thmougb the vocal solo by Mrs. J. E. Anderson Haman, as lie went forth tobi ard Mitchel'l; George Howell, the Sec'y., Mms. L. A. Tole; Mite Box cracks? You'll save on your coalliaccompanied by Mrs. D. A. Aldread. etwssteddyadralisc bridegroom, lawyer and fiend of Sec'y., Mrs. HF. Balson; Pianist, Mms. bill and ejoy solid conifort if you!The numnbers were slexcellent da t ay ed yadrelsi Ned's lettesfn e a ctrs b reas Bta rry CPuoete; Supt. MBabyonBand, let us install weatberstmip and finishijthought and suggestions. Bowman- al otae.Ndsltesfo teates a'btMs lueIve;Sp.B ad the job witb caulking. Doesn't cost ville menibers greatly appreciate the Mrs. D. J. Chambers was very ef-tbe former niay be'fmee to arDa Mrs. J. Gill, Mrs. H. Fletcher-, Fi- as niuch as you might think. Phone visit of the Tyrone men-abers and fective as Mordecai's faitbful itrPline, Mr. E. C. C. Southey; Dougber- nance Comn., Mns. P. C. Trphilcock, 431 or 477-21 and Abernetby Bros. the prograni they rprovided. and conforter and proved herseif an t, a police seargeant, Mr...C. Miss Nicholson, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. will ibe at your service. 50-t.! Next meeting riday Dec. 20th., able actress as well as possessing a mi; Jn o n y adYa e. M s o c t e o k c ag n in charge of Mrs. Wrenn's group. ,wevic.Policemen, Mm. Jack S. %unemson a Christmnas programn followed: Mra. Mr and Mca. Arthur Stephenson,1 Report of Central Convention by Mrs. Hubert M. Foster as the, and Mr. Leon Gunn; Mms. Fleming. Thompson sang a solo, Mrs. B. War- Rirh, fond Hill. visted their aunts. 1 Mrs. J. Thickson, delegate. Don't prophetezs who sang a message of il1 the owner of tbe apartment wbiclb niCa told an interesting story and a Mî-s. W. C. Ferguson and Mrs. A. W. forget tbe handkerchief shower, and onien to Haman and bis followers al- the Iiowell's bave rented, Miss Edith quartette, Mts. Thomps'n, M1iss Pickard, and attended the cantata bing youm pennies for the "Measur- sa deserves bigh comniendation for Hillier: Ver, Vernon. tne chorus girl. Helen Argue, Mrs. Foster and Mrs. "Esth 'r." ing" contest. hem fine singing and actinig. who tbre'atens to sue Ned for breacb Anderson sang. Meeting closed Mr. Alex McGregar as the Scribe, o f promise, Mrs. Alan Camitpheil; Mms. with a hymn and the Mizpah Benie- Mr. Irving Clemens as the Herald Pemubroke from Boston, owner of th,'I diction. _________- and Mm. Alan Knight, as Harbonah, j stolen uhieg and Ned's mother, Mm.. the attendant who 'bougbt to Ahaý- R. W. Clark. I ALL D IV l Ir T I ALL uemus the news of the scaffold buili The success of the play was mater- IHCKE MATCH TALKING f* I iL Iî .* i. TALKING iby Haman for Mordecai, ail played iaîîy sdded to by the effective scenerv1 Danfol4th Jnos unr-pi PICTURES5~ PICTURES terprsecpinlywl n and stage furnisbings, and acconi- Toronto League will iplay an exhibi- aaBU.dAAAA~~~~Ud endered their sole parts witb ad-j panying light effects. to aewt omnil uir -OMNVLEMir. able ahility. I h Bgg Before and bet-ween acts, suitablc at Taylor's Rink Friday, Dec. l3th Mc.San Ganvll, a te Bggr, music was rendered by a three-piece at 8.30 p.m. sharp. Be sure to sc3e 'lsliýhtei the audience immetisely orchestra, Mra. J. E. Anderson. pian- this game snd get a lin. on this THURS., FRI. and SAT.-DEC. 12 - 13 - 14 witb bis performnae, whether lie ;st, Mr. A. Boit. Cellist, and Mr. A. fast aggregation. Price reduced ta Richiard Barthelmess j rothing to be desired i Ine anner jH lthr ilns.2c in ha 10% aIkng sd Sagig Pitur guhtaat he bauet, lmuncbed biseMiss ILenora iBeswetheruck, Con.. in hie 100% Talkicrnt f b ead and mig n i t r ue t t t e 'a q e dm ed *'he M iss Dorothy Rickard, N ew castlle,ltinuation Teache-, Janetvlle, ad l' A £" »Son f the Beggandr." ed"h Dent the weekend yihMiss.INelliel Miss Marion Pickard speut the week- Son of he eggr. Tirkton and 'Miss vey ikr,1 end witb Mr. and Mms. A. W. Pickard D R A The Higb Priest, lnanl bis solenin- with Miss Bemnice Belhnan. l and attended "Esther." ty and sedateness was vemy effect -__________________________________ fc The Story of a Boy Who Marries the Wroug Girl ively pomtrayed by Mr. D. R. Mor- --____ ___ leading ladies. Smnali town life la a honky tonk. Big time The audience enjyed greatly the lif onBradwy. soryyo'Ilremmbr lngafter others solo, "The King Shall Honor tnt are forgotten. With the beautiful1 theme song, "My Song of Queen" sung by Master Arthur Cul- the Nule." ley, as the Jewish 'Boy, who give, promise of considerable musical tai n A p al T o Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Aduits 25c; ent.An p ea o Y i Children 10c- Other solo parts w.ere splendidlly ____ ___ _____ Isung 'by Mrs. Arthur Trimble1 Mms. Alex. Colville, and Miss À ï , m 1 tir/