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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 3

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE THRE~ Silk Night Gowns 5 dozen only in ail sizes; lovely lace trirn effeets, that you would pay $2.98 for in Lhe regular way, $....1..59 Nelson'a Price............$ Men's Silk Shirts These make an ideal gift for the men folk; cornes in collar attached or with two separate collars; in blue, tan, or white, sizes 141/ to 161/2. A shirt you will pay $3.50 fori elsewhere, ts>Mà Ne!son.'s Price ..............çQZU Silk Hosiery A pure thread Silk Hose, in ail the new Fali tones; in ail sizes; a $1.50 value, Nelson'a Price ...........$1000.... Full Fashioned Silk Hose We have 20 dozen which we consider the finest value we have ever offered in Full-Fashioned Hose. They are made up frorn regular stock that selis for $1.50 and sorne substandards of a $1.79 Une, ail sizes and colors, Nelaon's Price................... .19 I \%~;1- Peter Knit Silk Pyjamas $3.98 Value for $2.98 This is a real saving-made from a good heavy weight siik that will give excellent wear; lovely colorings and ail sizes. 9l Nelson's Price per pair ...29 Silk Bloomers 25 doz. including the guaranteed Peter- Knitt make, also Watson's high-grade iock stitch. We are throwing every pair on the table-many at less than cost--vaiues woxith $1.49 pr. 9c Nelson's Price .................9 . FANCY GOODS Everybody tells us we have the best showing in town. Merchandise select- ed with great care that cornes from ai- most every part of the globe, inciuding: Doils, Manicure Sets, Hair Brushes, Mirrors, Hat Stands, Work Baskets, Powder Boxes, Garter Sets, Stationery, Toys, Trays, Animais, Pianos, Rubber Aprons, Purses, Bails, Pickle Forks, Photo Frames, Pincushions, Pipes, Ciocks, etc. As some of the uines are Iimited quant- ities, we advise early shopping. A de- posit xiii hold anything for later de- livery. NELSON'S FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS King St. West THE BROOK By Laura Bedl There's a bill that slopes ta a wind- ing brook Wbere the golden cowslips fringe the edge And willowa boend witb listenirîg ear Acr'os a tangle of vine and sedge. Au the pebbles raIl with tinkling aound The waters rush to the bridge below, The bluebirds, 1 think, have caught * the sang And listening trees and winds that blow. 1 stand whero tbe cowslips bide my e feet, Close, close ta the brooklet's golden edge And 'vo cauçrht a glimpse of our Lord'i' own dreams In the rush of water and tangled sedge. My heart la atune with earth ta-day Because of the sangs of the silver strean MIy soul la linked ta the. sapphire skies Wlth golden threads cf s cowsip'a drears. si Bowrnanville NELSON'S LAST MINUTE SPE( $1.00 BI-TEX SOX FOR ME] 59c. a pair The two-inone Sox-the outaide of Pure Silk, with an ii box of a warrn fleecy nature. These muake a rea l hristmas Gift and you can save nearl while they Iast-Only 10 doz. in the lot, so corne early for y( 59c. a pair Not mure than 2 Pairs to Each Cuatomer. r'l DUJ -I YOU DO YOUR Containing advertised iak. ment." The High Pnriest enterýanad, F.J IT H L And accompanied by the chorus, sings Tura dawn a proposaI ta advertise an sonorausly "Open Ye the Gates" and ___________________I the grouad "For H. Bingeth Dava." The Per- Ph one 105 Bowmanvill. Tht sians sing "Thou Wilt Reep Hlm"l Advertising doesn't pay! and bring the. scene ta a fine clos-, X'MAS SHOPPIN ONLY TEN MORE SHOPPING WE HAVE THE FINEST STOCK 0F GIFT MERCHANDISE IN TOWN - GI THE FAMILY. AND REMEMBER NELSON SAVES YOU MONEY - NO MERCHANDISE AT LESS THAN YOU WILL PAY Eý THE CANADIAN STATESRAN, BOWM"VILLE, TRURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 PAGE THRELI' .ÏU9 «STHER" GREAT SUCCESS JAN APPROPRIATE CJIRISTEAS (Cotinedfrom page 1) GF Te choruses included te follow- On every Christmas it there la Mgsnger,- someone whai would appreciate a Tbomprao, Mi. H. aileon, Mrus. Ahetogbtulne S oftegiv. It MTisab ler, MisC.. Sadet, Misa M. i ftinrtft entrand mng A. olMle, Mr. J. M. ritae , M r . C . you sprit365dandf held.r H. , WightMrs. M F D. . ooermib N te ityo a o enls, Mrs. .AexColie, Mrs. R. Statswill 50 o m p oceeey reect TJ. Adan, Ma. D.H.Alea, MsA. theindly thu nd atofthe ine ie rrthe, rs, MisHe uleArgueMtuin o ees 50 deand olmen. Mrs. Rois Grant. Miss Geta llrd, It.X bot androna adimsoa WigM t,.MA . . Far. H . prM Fs- gjNo otc er snt o anyone.for th, M.J . A eri s on M . .2.0 0l (oraceptl.5 inthmeetUnited Atenas-Mers. e oville, S. Aates) Many o ouradscierefll, EJo. Geore, aroD Rldean, ALan s hyou id lithondtmaitheie ElKnight, atersWooslle CrcueH. msterishno e fienat a cdpimtane Dud]eyssan M isGre W.O'ole, y In bs erptonaltantho old hem. Mrj A. W. Pikard, rs HClMn s, Bob t papor. et oanoe. I 44 trt, Otto .Bndsnag , Mr . E. .Ei s laottetal.,tmes n' Hlemn. Knigt.j THand itoRe's fMML Baos-Messn.MeR l . ae, n ny forodsbciesw RobM .GJomes , Ha oleth Morri, Aa uD R.i at hitms iv h Knoriso, S.alnviolle, W.eci. mo nt a lsettOr tedsenioraditnce Dudltre, Sith Fergon, W. R. Stnie, Ma. ay Wesbscitor Wte ofome A. . sbo r, IrDvis. suist, ob ate dirs fTh.ttea ilCbren' ChtoBrsaggJ.E.Blirks, (nte8'> wligfo HyJo. Lxtn, ayMutn gy et. Iy TE., OSon MDIegLi M.iJkard, Hee Mori, ty aD.1 .,ay: nR.lw' bu lyrsn, S.ce Rnvle, Jo.cE.Aam-,In a o'cîock I ta gnior te'n i Drog mth ichso, WHelen Prihard Ma Webte r leBosbad oacc 0.OsoreL Dti. s isa dtesof The team DAYS ~ChiltdEien, a norpan r.> wir(nthe aful for piting it opea2 Joyceth was aopteMa andbrughtUP nd festuring ta bn egat i.afide Pi by b er nlen Moca, a ew, whand for the ma:Omnt I lwe«ab lout lyntrain e b r in thehiyhet5AdiP a ss6ng lpo dme so rise aond otane FACYPRCE -BU RLIBL cosenyth Kig, hse rtca, tu yanterrbleeding prBoyusoly ie l e A reterau fvr ite ofthe Rn a,1 eayup a t wa bo tepgye 'G NhatedFordeheai bcainef he udnot bamentainmy roeof itha taxi. and1 bow dowadwteorip hortHedi yn was ia fesigtwt Mywo ote - sisnat no Meai' re ltion.Tesîp toiblacket aey1 e l ou vr aw. thelaidein forsiMord0 e ad rd ere1 pli e o ate r ekngtely nd ewore ens ~oxChistEs ttherdisclobernatinal- smokedgfosespd angn it oas Gieth enpacialgft- e ae troin wa in t he rovit nces. ________ a_ borie__ t_ theaide by Mo r c di oerdctha e wl ot and fo th m met1wsam t thefinst alus i twn n tis la.s o q urgied therquen taheitihe Ring - aing ihea faîmecho rs "Trust me merchandise; pthesKnngstyles andsguar-)the sasetylofdber peoquse.yEsthtre ante eW FRhandremter adtaeorit of berhfe K, r mTe inand usen1 w ins abl e g as orea la t hnoewould ablcn tecmigofgcast Nelsn'sPrîcs....~u. t iu. gount theRin, uniddn. bus hanueto Hm all.theaNeby ___________________________________ adoHamand ws hng on te allows tI. p ages Amongthns ufthe he hkno p r deafo Mreai.o - ji o1bash o y o u gse"hor igsaw. Ila thdeaiis fpr oimd ei aoerdi iedhoo ter ee" nd thwchrd Sw e rs Soster. resos ernainal- orus who sexecuta pr.ftyas hertainJws itedproinces.raeu ane oaiggrlnat tietemn rcia ifsW aemoe a d einterestofthe potaudc i.Qon i.get abe the s alueiyw hs vr cpable.ocomped he medit eybto telingely th a ublchuare "Trusngi"Usai merhadie;plasng tyesan ggr fr te in coofru pepdlf.ntsti os-"Tu Sa L B on. chîdre, wmenor rn, nd t bg trnso, a"Lthdly Sîn, ofudlying" fo n The King's Gardites voaem angs. mehn eoree wa H aman." otoe hefr p blaons feor ii ea tof gMord e Nelson's Prices$ 79.8oqunttheyndeat themseLve outsie inqe t Hyllng Dy a" O ____________________________________ heang's gae amnsis od beeir epsanre te B esartedo l tandCRumac ash hl onth bios tbeeseping ythemay, rae Jaid woha rds, rBe forhsMordecai. As?!- sn,'h o h ngsya The t KuthtutSa" i ~g~ heein prlian.passiby, Morde- non, rthe Qofty s d the low ar "tho a ment enofchtrsewhJeweue" plait.à SweatersTbe netaen is aid in gothae Th ancee omeng a l han-t Hunres o smpe Nghgows ndthro nde ioom tofigthauencestheque bawThe ausirtad chorus, Pyjaas i Crpe bth lainandprin- Hman edis cadialy rcivby olie '<Hall! Habl!ieL" ama sngting,4 Te Sse tte, ysMli, awnety aceatap ting. ie s olo, "Thesrienis, ailCer- a d t amanch orus join laailngthal gif. W hae s me arevales ortarbin e ople" h aiadforant dicosee beauts aqnI e n Fter a h chaîf re. Cworene a or besad t hietuesittig thedSnh o alyte evsing Ifthe Kdes rdetritaof hM andthe"RovnRin. elRng gratu eole; ho ant heretan ; Hfelta- Reviglar valus o 1.98 98e tue decremandte to jin n " ploansforathe Ring of tii. ga- fna elns Pice angof Joy,"ands he ena n mtrans trepJw ave fMrai, d. tii.a Nelso'& Prce $129 to$3.98qui le and drink copiesous o singscomm aln tht Haman the ving' e . TRmfeeliofstelf hangedetren.tAeaad parinWh a stieCrsfaon la disturbe hoveerbpae eween Zertesh ,ase HMd the onrnc enof thepasbre e, th in "aedllthe hour a» .11 nd te ed i murfu tnes, wor casta cane." o cmmn e i Sa pl Lng ria9c.rTeLaetof the Jshado o daft ureZrsh odcisu S 1kV stTa he snga, La eniladn the kd"Ten te gbpesntbeBn Antherdef aponpular atgon pactd 44The ene *rnof tKi nd sget isquatwHoalleen ivenaa'sphoaus- thema str~ nding se ome fline ace rim sRaackàclosdaho su e Jevaanthe %alo Rdil!uned -aanthe ingi ing.nhe sschoru, "herein a Cer-a"dthe choruss nd inglrang thuh eff iet, orth $ 1.49 ec, a79e Estthi per,hcre skupo the canateota tumhn.Ethfae. est Nelfo'sPrice, Cmeah..........hoi.....44Eeritis urhe dea"GofThuUntthe iou tereredepre 50 ief er U ing,"eProndept er. earsnshe intandeopi h rinther citin assoau- Reguar alue to$1c9.nteince. Md teaw in the"Aew naedannaurmalthe ic of tr- Nelso 's Prce ...................... 9 C."Sog hofJew" s latheirsorwsing , a pleasow g pîture , thModeat te an - h inth eiallyandheik hops lYrengh Kithe coemtattnato n tat ofan b PO IlIEe ne s Tikaheir eligbys adince ro. Andprigtý safcio n Savisur sing a sang ofce bTo n Bellscaland draina. the enraemet "o lthe PRoefues tO ic iretr ft mot thehortbu of Hsedi oPu oeople." rest3cnenttow fehatetcn Silk ests *lTe Srd ctiop tens dw aor s aA uatnsandbiest tMrbes nof WAK BOC NDSAE Oi~ Ai as l t Ring"LA'e hu erus" terrte and admrion. n orea h cEb ter'sud a oours awohng n ie Hmns oo Anothe cleanup on opularand prct- Cironeh old, b eho ar Lve ushn -eenoiio,"o,"ae rA ns therbeautoneful uen tm ta b3w t tiuph fnae effects, worth $1.49 each, ienorehe achr"Ir Rn.Aaseru0 s raies! h hrssadsnigtruh Nelson' Priceeach ...............79C. Ether sword "Gonifoing tha thbr1fe Otwr inee oefetvl Ki________Qen,"ath e?"Ho ecl far she andt h. Mte cig a n wonigrnt any poreitiond be J maed n auatemsc, tr ISprT UNay foherntiressmbly oin in joy-rinSadtRecsumeN rvi tc M L or uh s, "L n Lie Our Beiaut sngpcue, ta te c Tht"Haybuiesmn e T Queen Frhad."p aa ro einn t nhl Wilgetp nte onig andfiAct 4 the hPesia s are again h lsstatninan neeto Refrsh heiselvs wth do e ated a frothn of tbeir ig Pal e-audience. JAL frit satnd Savi tbe Mnga onarco" encouraz anut di hll"fan t ianrcos ba thinew sud uaed;or-h com sPeople.n"inptesorseHateain or churcit and scb o n - Shave wih an dertisehe HdAst en sitoh adou- laiseand phonorapisdon. tom WAK LOKAN SV ALI'±jwiu sasHrmanids ot altogehr bapp Put n adertied ;;erwar, eause bhoo secs his hatued nmy lar ad shoslate Zeresh coqno es lm, ag

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