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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTE CANADIAN STATEMAUN. BOWMANVILLEr, THLURSDAY, DmcEKEER 12, 1928 GIET SUGGESTIONS FOR EVERYONE AT CHARTRAN'S BATH ROBES Blanket Cloth Gowns, in ail the pop- ular colors and patterns, nicely trim- med, colors gray, brown, blue and red, sizes to 44 ................$850 English Smoking Coats, in gray and fawn shades, corded edges and fancy check trim, sizes to 44 .........$9.0 To make sure to get the correct size and the color desired make your pur~- chase of Bath Robe or Smoking Coat early. We will keep your purchase here and deliver at the wanted time. PYJAMAS Men's Silk Pyjamas, in very elabor- ate colors, a striking gift, ail sizes, $5.00 and $6.00 suit Broadcloth Pyjamas, fancy trimmed in fancy and plain shades, $2.50 to $5.00 suit Flannelette Pyjamas, in both quiet and noisy patterns, sizes 36 to 46, $2.00 to $3.50 suit MEN'S GOLF OUTFIT Pullo ver Sweater and Golf Rose to mnatchl-A popular and useful gift even if you do not play golf. They look smart anywhere. These comn- bination sets corne in black and white, white and black, gray, green, fawn, maroon, blue and brown ef- fects, sizes 36 to 40. Sweaters .............$3.95 to $4.95 Rose ..................$2.25 to $3.00 MEN'S SCARFS Squares, in jacquered patterns, Jap- anese silks ....$1.85 and $2.25 each White SiIk Squares, heavy qualîty silk .................................. $2.00 Hleavy White Coided Silk Squares, $2.50 Coloreci Squares in large and small check patterns,........$2.00 to $4.75 Many other the season's on display. patterns and designs in newest Scarf Novelties SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 161/2 Special Christmas Purchase - Fine English Rep in neat stripes, two sep- arate collars, neatly boxed, $2.00 ca. Extra Fine English Woven Broad- cloth, white background with blue, helio, black, green and brown stxipe patterns, collar to match . ... $2.50 ea. White Broadcloth, with collar to match ...............$1.95 and $2.50 Fine Broadcioth Shirts with collar at- tLched, in white and fancy patterns, sizes 14 to 16½/2...$1.50 to $2.75 ea. Every Shirt in a Fancy Box MEN'S HOSE English Brogue Sox-Good & heavy for winter wear. The brogue sox look extra smart and warm with ox- fords, Sizes 101/:2 to iii/, $1.00 and $1.50 pair Fine English Silk and Wool and Clocked Rose, all colors, sizes to 11'/,................................ $1.00 Pr. Roleproof and Jnterwoven fine wooi hose, medium weight, sizes to 111/2', 75c pr. English Fine Ribbed Ail Wool Rose, the Blue-top make, in heather and loyaL shades, sizes to l1i/½ .... $1 .00 pr. MEN'S GLOVES Pecary hog ..................$3.50 pr. Gray Cape, wool-lined ....$2.00 pr. Gray Cape, with strap, wool-lined, $2.25 pr. Brown Cape, wool-lined ...$2.00 pr. Brown Cape, with strap, wool-lined, $2.25 pr. Fawn Deer Skin.............$3.0oopr. Gray Suede ................$225 pr. Fur-lined in tan and gray .. . .$4.50 pr. Gray and Fawn Chamoisette, $1. pr. The new Pullover Gloves in light brown color ....$2.50 and $3.00 pr. BOYS' SUITS In Blue and Fancy Tweeds, in FaU and Winter weights ................ 20% off Boys' Aviation Helmets, miade in blue and brown leatherette..............51i.00 each Snug and warm these helmets make a most serviceable and popular gift. Boys' Leatherette Windbreakers, in blue and hrown to match the helmet.,,sizes up to 34........................ 4.00 each Boy' Fancy AIL Wool English Golf Ho-c, sizes up to l1iý.................1.00 pr. Roys' Plain Gray Golf Hose, ail wool, fancy top, extra value, sîzes, to 1O',ý. .. .95c pr. B ,-y< Engliish AI: WooI Golf l1h r, ih brr ýn, hea' her and zrav, size.s to 101,,. 65c pi% Boys' Black Leatherette Peajacket ('nat, wilh beit and wool ined, sizes to 34, $7.00 Boys' Underwear, Hatchway and Wat.-(nn make- s, e-, 26 to .3,1 .75 ÎSto $3.00 suit Cidren's Blue, wooi ined Ci $5.00 each.RE E SI All Gifts Neatly Packe in i Fancy Gift Boxe& Phone and Mail Orders wilI receive prompt and careful attention. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early HUNDREDS 0F TIES to choose from., a' price-, to suit everyone. 50c - 75c - $100 $ 1.50 Every Tie Neatly Boxed se. King Street SWEATERS The Popular Black Crue Neck Sweater, sizes 34 to 40 ...........,.... $300 each Black v-Neck Ribbed Sweaters, witn crest ..................... $3.50 eacb Fancy V-Neck Pullovers in almost every coior, made by the Perfect-Knit Mills. Every sweater mothproof and lockstitch, $3.95 sncf $4.95 Sweater Coats, with block pattern, or stripe trimmed front, colors black, fawn, gray, maroan ..........1. .$4.85 to $6.00 Boys' Sweaters, black, crue neck, sizes. 26 ,o 32........................ $2.75 each V-Neck Pullovers, in fancy patterns, wi.,- ter \w,-ight, zsizû.3 26 to 34 . . $1.95 to $2.55 lluo ('ollar Jerseys, al wool, sizes 22 to *3O0......................1.25 to $2.25 Boys' Flannelette Pyjamas, in neat strîpe, sze to 1ei years............. $1.75 suit hiîekSleeping Suits in soft Lama ,anl z'e.izc-s 4 h 8x'cars -,..$1.25 sui' C'h.4ren'- W'ooî Aviation Toques, with ~'lun<ier cOiin, nea. and warn cI.-.s .t. fav. n and brown ........ 75c eack C idrn- T lue.s with c duorecie a r a p., '1at,',nn tp when flot in uSe, $1. ea. I i' r"'- lXue.with iarge ;a-e n fawn.................... 9C B'. ' c;Glove-'i.tan and brown, %aml Ine z es 7 tv) R....................1.50 pr. ' îh'Tan Wý)ol-linPd Cloves, 71h to Sl,12, $1.75 B-s-» Wl C I-va-, .S5c ta 75c pr. OTHER SUGGESTIONS llrîcv-, Carter and Arm-Band Combinatior. Sets Pracr. and Tic ho match Sets Ilan4ikemchicfs. plain linen, coIored lînen, culrireil and white init'aIcd and silk. A ('anc, or Umbrella, Underwear, etc, etc. G.e CHIARTRAN Bowmanville -al becamne quite disguste.d at the gaine W. F. Ward, Bowmanville; Sprays- and in a broad Irish accent bellowed, Durhami Conservative Association, "Don't they iver play at the other L.O.L No. 915, Kendall; L.O.L. No. end of the rink?" 2384, Bowmanville; Confederation L.T.B. No. 474, Bownianville; .O.L. Belleville Intermediates are ne- No. 409, Orono; George and Doris gotiating for a gaine with the local Milîson; Mr. Dan English; Meredith talent, gaine ta take place on Fni- and sisters; Miss ýMarjorie Pryor. day in Belleville. You know Of Wbitby; Howard and Verna Millson;, course that Belleville has a new arti- Mr. O. Edgerton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred ficial arena and ail well e'quifped. Wiî Ian; and MA~. Mary Spinks. We cannot say for sure if the teani is Coing ta make the trip. Il they go CARD 0F THANKS there will likely be busses ta take ____ eaeo llfloe . * Mr. J. H. Devitt and family desire ** * **te thank their niany fniends and See the write-up concerning Our neighbors for their kindness duning protege, "Dutch" Osborne, the "Old the iliness and death of Mrs. Devitt stanidby" seenos te be just naturally and for the inany beautiful fiora' getting fagter and going stronger offerings. every turne we Cet word aof hum frein Boston. OBITUARY This is the line-up Monday Richa.rd J. Mallory night: Gray Coach LUnes-Goal, "Chuck" An old and highly esteemed resi- Adamis; Defense, Wilson, Holden; dent of Darlington and Bowmanville Centre, Donaldacu; Wings, Brad- in the persan af Richard J. Mallary shaw, Gibson; Subs. Kennedy, King, passed ta rest an Wednesday, De- Woods. ceniber 4th, aged 85 years. Bowmanville-.Goal, Colwell; De- Deceased was a son cf Amos and, Densein, Wilson; Centre, Cami- Charlotte Shaw Mailory and was of. eron; Wlngs, Piper, Moise; Subs. U.E. Loyalist Ancestry. In bis earl-1 Hooper, Jachinan, Candier, Chart- ier days b. owued and resided on rau. Turner, Martyn and McMlilIan. the farni now accupied by Mr. T. H. Ciemence, Shaw's Sehool neighbor- OSBOR.NE TO PLAY FOR TIGERS bood. After leaving the fam. b0e- 1 I sided with bis sister Louisa on the ; (Froni Boston Telegram) ICOlonel Reid homstead, King Street, 1Boston Tigers have stili anather where he resided until the death nfi big gun te loose at their Canadian- bwis sister. ;American League opposition. . For soin. years he was haillif of It is Harry "lYtch" Osbomne, the town. For the past twentY ycara' young recruit fromn Bowmanvil e, he Oas boarded -witO %r.s. F. M. Ont, who Oas come very fast in S1c andiMm Frank, Chapple mwhercý,^ practice recentîy and is almost ready; 0e w-aF wi cared for. DurinL tOc ta step out in league competi*ion- I ,\tw 'ears bis mernorv gra(luaý' Thus far he has pîayed very littie. 1fied and Oc bas; required mouch at- HEe has net been needed and Mmiii- en'ion -w.bich Oas Ocen faitfullv amdi ager Eddie Powers believes in break- cheerfullv riven hlmn until he na-cid ing in young players slowlv. licha- nto ret'a, ahove stated. obtained bis best resuits in tha, way. TOc funcrai whých 1-u: pr'l The injury ta Ponzi Contant, Oo'-- uul nce un Fia'-fr 'm I. ever, rnakes it likcly tbat .)1T- Souch's rcA-denc" on Kin-- st.. " ýwiIl be used to greater extent i vice lIcin4,z mnîutctod 0v Pc'. T. 17.1 r tOc game.s with New Haven Eage - i -bn . Pna-5r of Trinitv I'nbçlý1 I at the Garden. Ileie an 1all-1-uil1li ChurcO. and \vas aittfn(le(l 0v owu player and has Oad experience flt hi" o1d neihbburs mand! cImer buzin,-' centre-, Ieft wing and defense. men. 1 e is six feet taîl, weighs 165 and The pali-bearpr-s wore -'- packs a grcat deal of skating spio-d . Bra,,. .P. Frink Co!]-' and a bari lefchand eh )t. Il.. i ('ba-'. Pu .F'hik01,(. JTon Tit-iv only 21 years oid and Manmî,r,-Irl lenrv .\!!n. Puwers consilers him onie of Few rtaix e f tsonc, niost prouisiflg of tOc youneer crop and pnncosfanilv aýie o fv-sicnal hockey in qcorinz 4i 0 p red and IeiaiTo-mncfN-v goals in seven gamcsq. "Yank" B-:d, castlear eudcun. wih 1 o l n o r a."ýý sts stand1l___________________ at th(, top amonz individual score:s. ORITUARY For Frost Bites and<llhains.-! Grover L. Morden, Dearborn, M;ch Chilblains comne frm undue expos- I______ ure to slush and cold and frost-bite Grrover L. Mofrion. ý,o ,f .-c- frm the icy wind.s of winter. i raO ore.Prpsîdon ' o 1T,'hi Mmm1c - tOe teatment of cither an exelien' K'Iv T i-mitpd. of lc'rnn 1lr-' preparation is Dm. Thona' Fc'ctric tt'orncv in Wavne Cnmî'+v, lirbi-, 0;1,a t counteracts the infamma- rcrin, fo" flftr'en vpa',". ieu"ub-- tiun andI relieves the pain. The ac- ly on Thur5day aftcmnocn Dec. h tion of the oil is prompt and it; mp- 'wbcn he wa.s stricken wth a hcart i 'lctinseNrmey.iml. attack. He ovas forty vears nid. ____ M. Morden ha d bon i n bniLi I he.ith and n'a" mnmpellrd tn gîve, ~ W~~ U~ W lupi) ipracticp two mrnth., aff, J~ I-kKIV IJiN He Ood jrîat retumucd from a wevon J. H ER M O weelss' trip for bis b eaith in tthe Bu1 Upper Penin.3ula. H-e was a Lradti-1 Poultry at Fair Prices l sity' uf Mich;gan, recciving his il,- gree in 1914. In 1928 h. was the Phones: Democratic nouinee for congresfor Bownnnvilî: 235the Second District, but was defeat- Toronto: Trinity 3949J Mr1ore L uvie "b'b Addres: 24 Augsta ve., wife Fs'îOcr, who is an a%-ociate Addess 27 Auust Av., ju.-tice for the City (if Dearborn, Tarante. 37-lyr. 'and bis; father. ..L Morden, pro-I pnietor of the Cream of Barley camp rn' _________________________ *and nis, -Bwmanville. PAGE POUR KING STREET BOWMANVJMLK C HIIS TMA S!!lo m And what can give more pleasure to the whole family than MODERN "SCREEN-GRID" RADIO Combine your Christmnas funds and secwre a pcî-pctual source of cnjovment for every mecinher of the family. T1alk it over with a Stuinite Dealer Iistud bclow. l'ou Can Get No ¶Ioe l'han This At Any Prieu) 1. i1 (01 3)SC(* RI,'N - 5. Reul huitless receptiO06 ;Gîîi îh -a total if 6. Ilattle%,hip' chassieston- 7 tiihes. bsîruction counap 1 e t c à 2. I-î,ur cundci%-a,r,. sliidcd. 3. 1ikirorp Ncsr dtec-sîon r.E -C T R 0 Do g %Ntîî a morîatic (rid hiari. D7.~ 4. 'iimîm.ptiII audlio pover peaker. .iîNm usinil ie cwest 8. (Uorious ton.. "245" tubes.9. Nlagniîheent consolms SUPER SCRMEEN-GRID RADBIO- Licenied for sale by Canadiari Radioi Patents, Limited i gt ' S SUPER SCREEN ýpCRS Gu Lr% il Du GEO. BROWN'S RADIO SHOP NEXT J. B. MARTYN'S STORE DIVISION ST., BOWMANVILLE EL1TR DYN-I GJFTS THAT BOYS LIKE i HOT Ml PFROM TUE RAIL j ORTIJARY Ry Adame Fair Mrs. J. H. D.yitt, Caertwight Weil, folks, the intermediates play-1 There passed to rest on Wednes- .d their first gaine Monday night. It'day, December 4th, another wort.hy was an exhibtion gaaindi what au woman and life-iong resident of Cart- exhibit!1 wright townsbip, in the person of s' ~ Mrs. Elizabeth Watson Devitt, b.. The honie-bred lads puiied the big- loved wife of Mr. John Henry Devitt, <est win in years: 21-1. Can You ex-M.P.P., in her 7lst year. Mrs. imagine it? Their oplponents were Devitt was a -iaughter of the late a teaza froin Toronto, called GrayiMr. and Mrs. fHenry Wat.son, and Coach intermediates. was born in 1859, near Burketon and 'e ~ bas always lived in Cartwright town- It was juat too b, but the fans ship. have a great Uine to give about the She was a member of St. John's local, and why not? They look like Anglican Churcb, Blackstock, also an the ineat team this town bas had in active worker in the varions women'sq years. With this new ruling where- organizations. She was a good wif c, by three subs may be used besides a a loving niother and a kind friend sub.goalie, Manager Osborne has a and neighbor to ail who needed heip. couiple of the snappiest forward She was ili during the fali, but had lines in action. No kidding. apparently recovered and was able to ***** be around until a few days previous Cameron, Piper and Moise started to bier death, when she was suddeniy on the front lin. and Jackman, Cand- stricken with pleurisy and passed 1er, Chartran and Turner alternateu away after a few hours' illne"'. with them. The funerai on Friday aftern-lyn ** 5* ~took place froni St. John's C:r.a On the defense there were two Bîackstock, service being nim.". inighty stalwarts-Densein and a by a former rector. Bey. T..i :l new man cailed Wilson, a sweil pair Woodbridge, internent ac:s, .of big baya. in St. John's Cr'nr&cry. Pal-bearers nero lier s'n This man Wilson is a new-comner t.o -on, thre sn ir-Iw ' these parts. He runs a chicken ranch MIeredith Fallis. Il e gi' Nes- at Tyrone and although hie hasn't 1 md tiiu r:snd'-m'. 1 ' been on skates for a couple of years land Goc i~n it won't take long for him to get 1B'sîdVs 0cr rw'C " back in the fray at the rate hie i3 she leaves to n nwur,, rm " goin.g. H'e played rugby for.thelchildren: NIrs. M.e' Oshawa "Blue Devils" and was about mus, Nir. Creigh*ûn i, 1. the nicest booter you want to see. ton, Mrs.E1.M He is good for sixty minutes in any and MIrs. ReginaiN. game. Watch him go. Trhe eldest son Th ,imu.:s .-m - on January l4th. 1'.10. . "Norm" Taylor had& a wonderful also fourtecagan bd. sbeet of ice for so early in the ses- three brothers and Ca.'IQ ' son. He sure can manufacture the liamn Watson, Saskatoon. So'.i old frozen mixture. Norm says this ry Watson, M.'ilton. N. D .. ,amesE is the earliest he bas ever had ice. Watson, Cashmere, W'shingtl n.1111 *0 ** ** r.JhL.Mxel None of the towns around ber. Mrs. on L awel.Sa:' secin to be even thinking about pro- Among the friends t'rom a curing a littie bce. They sbould buy were Mr. Sam Fergu"on, GDri.", the recipe from Nor-m. brother-in-law; Mrs. Jos. Sha'r e Toronto, niece; and a very large num- 1 There are seve*ral *of ast year's 'ber frorn the surrounding villages juniors on the interinediate squadI and townships in Durham and North- this season who seeno to be goîng "big urnhrland Counties, it being one ofi guns". -In person they are: Jack- the most largely attended funeras mtan, Candier and Hooper. heîd in this district for some time. TO. beautiful floral tributes n- Th. goal this year has many pro- cluded: Wreaths - Husband. The tectors and there sbould be no trouble Faniily, Mrs. J. L. Maxwell, St. keeping this spot welI guarded. John's Church Woxnen's Auxiliary, L.O.B.A. No. 849 Blackstock, L.0-L. CHOICE MEAT FROM WELL KNOWN FEEDERS IN DURHAM COUNTY As usual we have made special preparations for December and Ch.ristmas trade. We have ,,isited many of the best stock breeders in the courity in order to have something extra nice for the fcotive season-- -and we have a real choice lot of beef for our customers. We know what we kart siiing [or we buv direct from the farmers. TIIIS LIST TELLS ITS OWN STORY c k'e~ wi'reto tind thtle good beef. 2 ~ c~-s r.îuV~. W. Bow'en, M. P., Clarke ~~~~1',f G'.i1~îyl e#1. .Liane, Providence. * '.,,.i1gs, Orono t :.croniîv Frtd Truli, Orono 4 ' 'cr from 'E hos. Gibbs, Tyrone I 1a'1 eti fron iJas. Pooley, Tyrone SUc: fers fromi Squair Bros., Salem 63Scr fron .John Clarke, Pontypool 4 Laînibs from Frank Werry, Bethesda l5 1L.zamibs f rom oui' own stables. POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS We have already boughtseveral hundred pouîid(l of poultry - -Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chick- en- -but from the way the orders are pouring in wel 1need a lot more. So if you have poultry in first class condition which we can guarantee to our customers phone us at once or caîl and get our pric---s. 7itown or city folks who want poultry better get your order in early and avoid disappointment. Ce M CAWKER & SON m C- Distributed by ffla

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