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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 Mfr. W. G. Nelles left 'Monday 1,D attend the funeral of Nlr. J. H. Bell, in Mattawa. Articles S ~ale LOCAL AND OTHERWISE COW FOR SALE--A gondi ;id Miss Ada H. Crew, Buffalo, N. Y., v s. enajust f r i "b"11- 2. has ben v-- ngMiss Melissa 51ev- F. W. -, ec isiin enS. COW FOR SALE-.]ai' o rouir" to s'on I il. T. Ca,ik.r, 10*in i. - PIGS FOR SALE--i',(' uriuoh'r. , s 6 Nvcimh' cli. Aîîîly i I. Wg:iî, îmî.. FOR SALE-Cuttir; Nll,tt,.. an S, î. i.rn ciîod conditioîn; quantiii. of uic nucii Plion, 166J.i. B.usniii - xi-. i OOGS FOR SALE-Aýla.-tianShtri i )'e Pi 1 j, gnodbr,'ling and sf1. ci- i-t. ' ici 'os iiion - ssili i îe sîilend ii ul ch (lug.,;t liroud iblson, Newcastl t' CUTTER FOR SALE- iiiîYu lic' s'en il .1. J Stiiiilîi.. l.îî k l . l'u i. . J sim ili, lî'ri.îx i. l m FOR SALE I i.i.i S.'.aii ii FOR SALE-l'-'i',ir B CANARIES FOR SALE n.-:, . . lu , >Xii r ir it ' il ii , ',m -i il' i r. B Companion-Nurse Wanied I Bo w m an vill r y y .. CHRIS TMAS GR OCER lES ' .1 'lie Almonds ................................ 60c lb. Shplhed Walnuts................................. 60c IL Freshi Dates ................................... 2 lbs. 25c New F,.gs...................................... 2 lbs. 25c Raisins......................................... 2 lbs. 25c Valencia Raisins ................................ 22c IL Sultan Raisins ................................... 20c IL Almond Icing, finest that money can buy, picr tin ................................... 25c and 50c Mince -VIeat, why bother making it when you can buy the best at ................l ba. 3& Cooking Beans ...............................3 lbs. 25C Ten, our own blend, fresh in ..............59c lb. Potatoes, grownnxight in Durham County, none better, delivered right in your ct-ýilar,...............................90 lb. bag $1.75 Watch our Xmas Wmndow Display of Bodley's Baking, particularly nice and tasty. DRESSED AND ROUGH POULTRY WANTED Farmers, bring your fowl here and get highest mariket prices. Book your orders early for Christmas Flowers -No better gift. Fresh Vegetables-Carrots, Turnips, Beets, Cabbages, Apples. We carry a choice line of Fish & Fresh Oysters. . hone us your grocer order and it will receive JIARRY ALUIN, Urocer GIFTS THAT WIN APPI IConne to the store with a history, where superior service is a Cree of the custorners is an obligation. A Practical Gift Gift Cases fer Men $1,00 to $7.50 Gift Cases for Ladies 85C ta $10.00 RED AND GOLD GIIET BOXES 1 Fncy These include small gifts put upi in neat ge]d-finished boxes. Sec this ~wonderful variety, 60C to 85.001 c ENLARGEMENTS 6 x l0Seil29e -Mrs. J. H. Wcrry is vs-itin g hcc- dfaughcer -Mrs. Clarence H. Rowati. B ethany. Miss Sarah Start of Currie's Cros- sing has been visiting lier niece,Mi. L. W. Dippeli and other relative:s he rc t Miss Mildred Ltwrie andi Miss.esi L'rnnersn. Toronto. spent the week- end with 'the fomn-ur's mothor, 'Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Wagons. carrnage.s, autos. motor; traok', seinghs and eut tr- ha e' clainieti thel.' igh-.s th(, past 10 d:x i.- -are traffie. M'c are tlease o ti ýe that Dr. R.' W. Clark bu- aJain r-înulni- p1rac; ýce oit-îecuperating in i 'Inttul î'î Iîuîîîth. A mon.îumîentm ha- bet.ereetedI n Preo-)tîtcrian Cuniet.' ry, MUbreek, oý the la-e Chas. Ile.violds cf ebn. 'tork "'a-. &,ne Pv \Mt. A. Il ,uî'- Main St.. Milbnk, . smi-.trne il arln, Suidiay lrnnC i rustartine inhlin house. Some furni-ture, a play ci piano aniîl L300 in. min--'oe -.îi ln a h ix cari-i eut ', ifh furni' are., Nof ;n-'a"aicein oh ouse: ~îî uciu _________________MARRIAGES HEASLIP-CASWELL-mn Toreonto, on 'Friday, Nevembor 29th, Evani-tta, 1el( I laughter of Mr. and Mns. Jno. Casweli,' Newcastte, and 34r. 1-arry R. Ylîasluîî. The Smiart S hop TrntSo f r U DEATHS OFFERS ~ANN -in tcsn oîit n ,c. 111h, OF ER 5,9FIornee 5M.5 nn i îîîghîer of thvu laie ,T. Il. and Cathei. n \ inn, agex 61 1'un-r fr in t. lr)ln*s I 'iurci. Fri-! ACCEPT.ABLE d;i3?V:i i, niCortege, teoBo Wnia n s ile Cini.. iH AMLYN-b ,un. on So and day, Ihcmsr tia % li Piaril liani- lyn. in lus 78thiyr U3SEFU L sV .LLos:E\siý,% ft.l;i,,. \)onld1. Ye o ls , I « l O ls"'rs,. mintýiiiii St lilnî.t, î irn tryý tn ii ils 9'îilî yr. Fi.lwi îf %Ir. File îtc.wn..a'ç)l1,,on ionday,, B ~ ~ 1~ DL, r 9iih. 1929. Floryic , infant, cliuitiýr of mr. and Mrs. Gieorge Gibson, 1la 17 rionîlîs.Fîinral took place on 'iUiiii'Eiii from the resiîienco of her. gi .nrniîliir, cMrs. Pointen, Wasshington! tn Intrmc nL in ]3owranville Cern- CHRISTMAS NOVELTiIESI IN MEMOIAM in endless variety 1TH9!M1PSON-1n lovinEr nenory of pur - - fthr. Johin A. Tliompson, wn ho Jd pl SUEDEPURSES iiilnIlii. Di'ermIii'r iSth, 1928. SUEDEPURSS ý%.. boatri seeyoiir face, dea rdaï, stral stylest1,iii-ie iis imnnnt iii, stra styes We ienve 'mnin th,, cair., of GCi Wlin 'r'a for yoii oni oui'. ~ HO BA S Fr uo;uuors 's lovînrchain SHOEBAG Stll Iînd ou Wýits o yurs abovr. a hanclr rift luu ii -111cm. -, -I.q- Mi1'. an(] L .. R.A. IH,,n i-v. .,' helci-iîft. Ont.. ,vw bh te anneucet- e11izazerne oum f beir î (Il yîîih -, i TRAVELLING KITS MmlîtLul. r-a nI..-. William: Very useful ý1ýniv'l sonof Mr. and I Mu' J.____ H. Calrvell of Prrrx-î îwn t".1, i a-- K Y KI N S riage to 4ake place the latter part ,f iY I O A t' niber.Eiderdown andi Silk Regrîlar meeting of the Wh ite ____ S:iiiuld Cluli 'na.; held in St. 'aiil -. SILK UNDERWEAR Lecture r i unn Noveil-îtiet 2 3ilt 1 The P recîjunt Mis. '1hua. (;.îd a sî in fanex' boxes in theu chaî:r. Meeting openeti 1 s' - iiig;iiz 0 Canada, ac.-oiupanied bI Mr-.. M. A. Neal at tie piano.M Pretty designs and nic eiy J. H. Il-. Jury gave a sîlenditi atdre..,iboe on ber recent trip abroaci which was ___________ thoroughlv enjoyed. Refreshn nr1 LADIES' UMB3RELLAS wore servoul and the singing cfth (îoo(l-N\ight song and National An-i Pure Silk and Mi.Xed theni brougbt te a close a very pleas- a it evening. HOSIERY John Cullinan, aged 18, Clarenice Silk and Chiffon, ail shades Lansdowne, aged 17, and William _________________ Cuddy. aged 20, al et Toronto, ap- peared before Magitrat W. F. SCARFS Ward, in police court Thursday and Unique patterns and shapes were convicted of stealing a car owned by Douglas Moore of Bowman- SILK PYJAMAS ville. The car was stolen from Car-Relysun g lisle avenue on Sunday might. Clever elysun g detective work on the part of Chiet Sydney Venton was responsiblc for KID GLOVES the arrest et the ;boys. Cullinan was Guaranteed seotenced te four inonths, Cuddy one - ------ _ ______ month and Lansdowne placed on pro- RAYON SILK GOWNS bation for one year. odvreysa s Mr. Lorne H. of S. Godv e Jackman & Sons, florists, bas KIDDIES' COATS establisbed himself in the thriving ~ i IL 1 and fast growing town et Trenton i.eddy Dear Clotn, wnite having asseciated bimselt with Mm. and colors, Weaver in the real estate and in- ---_ __ _______ surance business under the firni KIDDIES' BONNETS naine et Weaver and Jackmaiî.1 Lorne bas many friends in Boan- Boys or GWns ville who regret his departure tram to-wn, but wisb him every success PULLO VER SWEATERS in bis new venture. He is a dlean Nwsae aggressive tyipe et young manbeod New___________________ who bas won the confidence and es- teem etf a wide circle ef customers LADIES' COATS by his ceurteous, honest and straight- Specially Priced forward manner and genial persun- ality. C m nadlo rud An armed bandit staged a daring Crei n okaoni hold up Friday attemnoon wben Mrs Ira P. Pearce, Concession St., at the point et a revolver was forced teo The Smart Shop hand over the contents et the till in her grocery store. The marauder made a successful get away, but a GEO... R. MASON, good description of lim was secured. M ngr By sonie clever detective work on M ngr the part et Chief Sydney Vetîton,__________________ Bowmanville and P. C. Carey of Ce- bourg, Nelson Sharpe et Midland was ammsted near Solina Saturday after- [ast or Found neon' chargeti with the ofTctîce. O SSb. 1 u2iin floN»nanxfillo or Sharpe appearcîl hetore Magitramo1 weols. Finilci- ele. ave at Sus Ward Monday nîomning and svas me-I mani Offics. 0ilm maîîded for a sxeek without taking HIE SRY-iIiti efr any os idence cane on Lot l;5, Con. 4, Darlington, an 1Ttiesday, Decemiior ird. 0%wner mnay 1 have sanie by prosing iiroîiert>,-and pa01 ingqoxpenses. J. 11. Knox, à. ri. i itou'- - nilie. Phonoe27-t.0i-3-1j CARTING AND TRUCKING AIl kinds ef Carting, Trucking and RE C I TIO Nmoving; local anîjlon innt tance. i H. SOMBARD, ýed and where cheerful comfort ' Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmaovilte 38-if WANTED-Fxperiý,e. d lIostery Olier,- ator. niaile andilf.' îî.île; Lstesîl i . p fluat . Apjiiy- iiirli T 'tx ti1, i. s -- i manvil le. 46-ifl BROWNIES AND KODAKS the new popular colors miake a very acceptable gift, 98c to $25.00 FRENCH IVORY AND LUSTRE PEARL TOILETWARE We have Brushes, Mirrors,, Buffers, Trays, Clocks, Manicure Pieces, etc. Priced froni 25c up CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Christ.mas .wrapped for the man who sinokes. LEATHER HMID BAGS The Setter Quality $4.00 to $8.00 JURY & LOVEL The Roaali Stobre When we test eyes it is done properly WA NTE 0-.Aliattiints 1,artiaily fur-I nished, suitabi,- for 'iîOtseki'e1.îrigcri linus(.- fîîrîsh,.l, iînu.t havi- rloiiitltrnonl- s-onicnces, Writ,î "R. S." 1ra r3., B3ou a i1%ssil le.0- LADIES-Waitng Knitting. Tmttingî or Crocli i tizig donu i il bt, assured olf' liîst lîswork if iliry wiîî 1phone 7 Boîwnîiliviii. -fI i c)Let HOUSE TO RENT-In Bowrnanville. by, lot of I)eeemnbt.r, modern conveniences. 1Apiy II10,W, F. XVsrd, Blarrister, etc., J3owinanvilie. Phion.- 102. 46-tf STORE TO RENT-In iieot busines section of Iownmsnviiie, very central; -w11lob- for t-rm0of yemrs to ouitalile tenaatModerate. rentai: possession Ianti;t ry- Isi.:occupîied uat ;resent hyl F'cit'sJe nselr . îpîy to Mrs. H. M. For Sale or To Rent NEW HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-f Hardwood flne-s, tiied 1hthroom, wiredl for electrie stove, ail modern conven- , ences. J. E. Plett, Centre St., Ilow - manville. Phone 184. 50-tfl -ReFtlEstate For Sale FOR SALE-7-roomed bousc, modem'i conveniences. on 0-reSt. Appiy ta IP FaeycorerCiurcb and Brown Sts., Bowmanille.48-tf F0OR BAL E-ý6roomed Stuco Cottage, ail convéniences. very central, corner Church and Brown Sts. Appiy on prem- isea, F. Foiey, Bowrnmanville. 48-tf Farms For Sale PROPERTV FO R SALE-73 a--es L.ake Shore l'agio. cay ioam. tood butid-' Ings. aiso house for sale or rent, 7-room. ed, brick, ail convenienes. lo& quiclely.1 Apply Anthony Pascoe, 280 Athol St..I Oshawa. 49-2w JENNNINGS tIn lorin runinsr- ornf 1 ir liiismiriilandl fallinr. M'.%*.Wrn Jîn-J o' . si-i ]'i.'tr,,i]ii is lif. DeceniLri 'i .* "7. at Newrans'le. iiiiiti lit in i. lrini iiiuh thot i.. nes. 1-,i in,0 tiiz tint cOinnotlia ci t's ir foni]l iîvinc ronmory of of -Wift o aniîagli'irs LAILINDRY W.&NTED s:t kl-,f' f ri îfi 1' f tn. nr li-St i îel;' ri:' - sClf Plu (m.1 'il n1'-,, . i- iin C'j.. n 1 ui l t 'i i PAGE SEVEN* GIFTS FOR EVERYONE 'i 'i You will find a range of useful and acceptable Christmas Gits at this store for everyone you have to reniomber. The Unes we cari y are always appreciated. Dr"p into the store and have us put your gifts away for Christina-. Electric Heaters Electrie Toasters Aluminuin Crumb Trays Percolat.ors Skates Fleur Boxes and Bread Boxes Delph Tt'a Pots Icing Sets Aluminum Measuring Sipoons Opalite Rolling Pins Square andt Round Christmas Cake Tins D)oublc)I Boilers, Aluinunî and Granite ChiYiJren's Knife, Foi-k and Spoon Sets Chiîstnen's Sets, Cup and Plate, assorted colors Roaeir.g Pans in Aluniinum, Granite and Sheet Iron Te-t Pots andi Tea Kettles in Aluminuin, Nickel Plated and Granite Besides the list in last week's paper. . Vacuumn Botties Lunch Kits Egg and Beet Slicers "Save Ail" Pie Plates Pocket Knives Flash Lights Children's Kitchen Tools Baby's Aluminum Cups Solid Copper Wash Bolier 60 Watt Electric Light Buibs RICE & CO. Oppsosite Post Office Hardware Bowmanville NECKWEAR A good Tie is a useful gift, Priced 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Each MEN'S SCARFS Polka Dot, Silk Refer Scarfs, Cash- mere Scarfs, Broadcloths and Rayon Scarfs, From $1 .00 to $6.00 MEN'S SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS Ail kinds, any styles, any combina- tion of colors, From $1.95 to $6.00 Each MEN'S BATH ROBE SPECIAL Priced at $5.75 A heavy quality Iderdown Bath Robe for men, ail sizes, shades of fawn, grey & red, nicely trimmed to match, a special purchase enables us to seil this robe for only $5.75 Each MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS A special line of lawn handkerchiefs, Selling This Week 12 for $L.0 HOSIERY. A man cannût have too many Box, Priced from 50e to $1.50 Pair MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Every shiit in fancy box, Broad- cloths, Percales, Madras, SiIk Stripes, and plain shades, From $1.50 to $450 Each GLOVES Lined and unlined, Horse Hide, Pig Sk-in, Doe Sldn and Suede, also Genuine Cape, also Woolen Gloves, From 50c to $3.76 Pair BELTS Preseinted in' the ftnest wearing leath- ers; narrow, medium or wide widths; either brown or black; very special, At 50c to $2.00 Each PAJAMAS In middy or regulation style; finer broadcloth, soisette or madras, pre- sented in plain colors or likable pat- ternis, $2.00 to $3.95 BIG REDUCTIONS IN MEN'9s OVERCOA IS THIS WEEK Croup 1 at $19.95 Men's heavy quality Overcoats in navy blues, tweeds and wor- steds; the popular guards model, ui"sters, and plain back slip-on niodels; in shades of brown and powder blue checks and grey plaid effects. This includes any coat in the store, values Up to $25.00 and $27.50, our big ci ear- ing special this week, for only $19.95 Group 2 at $2750 In this group you will find this season's choicest cloths, in alî-the better makes, such as Camnbridge and Society Brand Clothes; beautiful shades of autumn brown 'plain and fancy grey ef- fects; AI wool imported cloths; and in this Fall's new styles; val- ues up to $35. and $37.50, clear- ing these three days, fom~ only' $27,50 Directly OppOsite T B Pheme 01. B@Wumauvlfle - 21 GJLCHRIST'S GIET DIRECTORY LET YOUR GIFTS BE THINGS TO WEAR Fun% =l -r PHONE :86 80 WMAN VILLE Fountain 'Pens, Desk Sets, etc., Waterman's, Parker's, Wahl and in Shaeffers,1 $2.50 ta $15.00 Special Seheol Pen, self filling, 98C CANDY Bexed Checelates te suit aIl tastes, 30e to $5.00 LJPS AND SAUCERS Imported 'English China Speciahly Pniced 89cad 59c -il m 1 0 46

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