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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET tUE <JANADIM~~:BTATE8MAN, BOWMANV'IL.wTHUSDÂY.. )ECEMBER 1£19a29 L anotiier cause of LINE'S BUSY"I -business lost WKi EN s call cames for a man at the far end of te office theefiue 15 tied Up for csehss minutes until he reaches the telephone. Anyone rIse trylng ta caîl la told: 'Line's Busy", but ln raality the line fa Idle. An office with ol>' ane telephone Wh= k needa two or three, or an office in wbich telephenes are porylocated, la a sure cause of unnecesany "Lfne's Bus>"', a ure time-waster, a seurs inesu louer. "ILine's Bus>'" la the chief cause off tise million 'mie- phone caUse a day ln Ontario and Qucbec which ffi ta get through. They mnean two million minutes is day wasted - congestion of traffic - constant inits.. tion - a handicap to ail business. We are uaking ever>' effort to, provide thse beut pos- sible telephone service."* But It takes three people to complete a caîLl. y> through public co-operation ean we reacis maximum efficiency. We would be glad et an>' te to have aur experts sunvey your telephone facilities and subrnit a re- port.. It will save tinie - yours and other people'@ - sud it will get business for you whicb you arc now losing through "Line's Busy." *Newv telephono plant and ser- vice imp'rovements will mean an outlay for 1929 alone, of more than $27,000,000. RITM H A GREETINGS WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PAUSE IN THE HOLIDAY RUSH TO WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A RIGHT GOOD OLD FASH- IONED MERRY CHRISTMAS. McClelIan & Co. [id. O ffi'ce Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowm an villie "It Ail Depends on You" MFeaning, of course, how you would be fecteci should the unexpected suddenly happen A fire, an automobile accident, a sudd change in health, an unexpected death in1 f amily. Any of these can happen in a very short tir and may have <isastrous resuits. Guard yourself against the possibility of Ioss with Insurance. The easy, sure way, the oi mafe way. You need it-we sel! it. Phone 50. We wHI do the rest. "Everything ini Good Insurance" J.. .MA<-ON &Soi af- n. den the nIle, )nlyi J Real Estate and li I Phone 50 King St. PtHOSPHODINFe. 1turemand ystec%. mukes new Bood L 1 tod Veriem Ued for Nrs'eis SAetai A" a&uiuWry er c box. 3 *rw e t, . 4 :"su z ~ *DARPJGTON COLNCIL r ew or thse L.usy ar Regular meeting of Council a held on Satnrday, Dec. 7th, with (Fmriahed .bj'thoO tio flbemrtment off Agriculture) members ail present, Silas Wilaspresiding. 1James Curtis, S. A. 0., presented j.fW *0 Pxam !u.&ars Industrial and Development Councilfl bs report for Octcober which was ap- Poultry £armera will ind it profit- o~f the Canadian Meat Packers. preved. able for the pnr.pose of building up i An account of W. J. Leank, pre-1 the laying capacit- of0ther.fiocks, to i Froni a recent announceinent of! sented in January last, was settied, select the best layjng hiens of the lhe Vegetable Growers' Associationl Mr. Leask accepting $76.00 in full fIoek and mate the=n with maies froni ofl North America, it appears that paynent of his account. heavy-laying stock. In one experu- George Bycroft, who resides near1Th onideddta nkep ment, fifteen of -the hest Jayers were London, Ont., in the "Celery King of1 nwT heounleeiad e that inskof set apart for thse productioni -f hatch- america" Mr. Bycroft grows the igwt h ue adrgltoso V g ggsandwer xnaed iththenew Paris Golden variety and biz the De'partment of Publie Higbways, ing ggsandwer matil iththethat on and after this date no pay. sons of heavy layîng hens. The.first celery soi! in a sandy loam wateredmetwodbe aefr rkp- year of the test tise fifteen etlin yA 1vred riain ytn.fomd on the roads unless authoriz- laid an average of 12.3.6 eggs.and live Agood coat of manure was plowed erglryapitdRa yeare later the yield of the test fif.. down i the spring and before the ed by the eu1ryapitdRa teen had gone up to 246-12 eggs per plants were set out, 2500 pounids toj Supt. hen. ithe acte of 0-12-15 mixture was~ Reeve was instructed te notify- _____broadcast and worked in. When the' Bailiff Munday to have ail arrears of New UsesforBale plants were a foot high they were taxes froni 1928 paid immediately. Until recently the une of barley onj side-dreed with Chilean nitrate of J Y Kellough, Agricultural Re- the farm was restricted te thse !eed- soda at the rate cf 150 pounda te the presentative for Durhamu, made a re- ing ci live stock. In Germisny, bow- acre. This was repeat.d two or quest te Council to pay their share ever, barley is used for a multitude of three tues,. By giving bis plants of the conta of beating hall In Bow-1 purposes. imillions af bushela year- an adequate supply of plant food, Mr. manville for the holding of the Agri ly are used in the manufacture of Bycroit was able to secure the ouc- cultural Short Course which will be malt coffee. Beaides this an enor- enient growtts necessary in high held in January. Council decide mous quantity Of the grain in uzed in 4utllity celery. The plants were to pay its share.I thse manufacture of bread, breakfast bleaeled b>' bosrding the sides of the Dr. H. Ferguson, M.O.H., present-i foods, biscuits, infant and invalid, rOws. ed the annual report of the Local1 preparations, tonics, condiments and Board of Health for year 1929 , which! food preserves. In vlew of this, it Any elabonate acceunt of Csnada's was received snd filed. w-ould seen that barley in destined part In the International Live Stockl C. J. McDonough, Election Clerk, t ctwa position of increasing mui- Exposition at Chicago is rendered Cbug peetda con o potne in aIl farn rotations that, prohibitive iu this colunin due te lack. $118.12 being the amount of ciste ma edezied with a view ta obtain.j Of srace. lHowever, we believe thati(for the Provincial Election whlch. ing some relief f roum the weed 1 Canadian farmers generally followed was ordered paid.I scourge. with keen interest and pride the daily .Mrs. Beni. Cochrane made a re- newspapen reports of remarkable vie- quest for information ta whoui toi CanadiaHoge Improve tories scored Ily Canadians in the de- apply for enrolmient under the old! The graduaI increase in the nuni- partuments oi field cnops, live stick, age pension Act for ber husband. ber ai select bacon hoga indicatesipoultry aud others.Certoepy two hina, umel: beterbreeing IIRoad Supt. presented vouchers for i stock and more attention to rations. BLACKSTOCKI Campetitions conducted last summeri 1 Noveniber as fallows :-No. 32,' Sal- show that there is a very good profit ,Mrs. H. Cinn bas recovered froni 517 and Office Expeuses $88.08; No. aven the cost of ieed if the pigs are ber recent ilîness. 33, Road Maintenance $838.06; No.i bred right and have the necessary Mr. M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tuas. 34, Road Construction $320.65.1I feeds in the right proportion. AI-' Smith and Mr. Hiram Lamb were in Ordered paid. though Danish bacon still brings a, Manehester recently atteuding the Road SuPt. filed bis report as toi higher price than Canadian on the, funerai ai the late Mrs. C. La-mb. cost of work on Town Line of Est Britisýh market, the quality of our The deceased was an aunt of Mrs. Whitby periormed in Darlingtou for bacon in constantly improving and . Smith. telde fte Uie year 1929, amouutiug to $267.00.1I prospects are that with the improve-' httelde fteUie Ordered forwarded to Township afi ments that have already been taking: Chuech are capable of mauaging a East Whitby. place, the time is not far distant banquet was evinced by the success BY-law 'Was introduced for holdin whn andin acn il b o a 0f the one held in the township hall Muiiangton o 93;ws whenCandia baon wll e o anon Monday evening, when sixty-five IMncplEetosfr13;ws equal plane with that of auy couuteyi men were served to a chieken dinner. given its several readîngs. in the world. Messes. W. R. Strike, Harvey aud Treasurer acknowledged these re-., J Wih th camng o wiuee, ireMason, Dr. Sleinon and De. Devitt, ceipts:fotes..31 Wih he omin ofwintr, ireof Bowmanville, weee peesent aud Douglas flarton,fo re hazards on the fanm are on the in-ý in theie addresses incited the men to L. .Pace$txs 98 1...500 crease. The tractar and the gaso-1 a deeper and keener înterest in Counties' Treasurer, accom- line engine have also introduced ai church wark. modation and equipment new lire menace aud care should bel Peesian Baîni invests every waman grant for sehoal......... 451.74~ taken in their operatian snd storage. 1wîth subtle charni. Delicately f rag- Fred Lane, trees on roadside -5.001 The storing of gasoline and kerosine.rant. Caoling and healiug. Dis- Lloyd Williams, rails........ 5.001 is a kindred subject and the proper pels ail roughuess or chafing. MakeF Russell Vietue, rails. .,....5.001 facilities for both should be peovided. skins delightfully soft-textueed. Ev- Donald Davey, rails .........5.00 ery woman should use this peerlessj Herb. Cameron, rails & posts 75 Cbat off Yearling Heifers itoilet requisite. Daîntiness-beauty Harry Fraser, teee on Town Fifty dollars may be regarded asi-refinement-.Persian Bal-m achieves Line .................... 2.00 a bigh price to psy for a year1ing these in eveey instance. Softens Orders were drawn on Treasurer houfer, but if she bas been eeaned thîs and whitens the bands. Promotes as follows: far in a manner ta give ber properý clear and youthful loveliness. Ail T. H. Richards, maint'auce $ 83s.06 development. this price is little women who care for additioual charm T. H. Richards, salary and 1 au gh. Indeed, wben the cosa arc unhesitatingiy choose Peesian Balm. office expeuses.......... 88.08 aIl taken inte consideration there W5 The -meeting of A.Y.P.A. of St. T. H. Richards, canst'ction 320.65 no profit in selling a 12-months-old jobna Churcb was held at the home S. A. Noethcott, sheep in- heifer at fifty dollars. This bas been if Mr. sud Mrs. C. Smith, on Wed- spection................. 4.60 peoved by an actual computation ai nesday evening, December 4th. In A. W. Annis, sheep inspeet. 14.201 the cost of feed consunied by heifers thse absence of the presideut and Mrs. E. Stephens, salary as ai Ayrshire, Holstein and Shorthorn secretary, these offices were filled by caeae..........02 breedug frroni birth ta one year ai Mr. Jack Smith aud Mrg. A. L. Bailey, Mr, Hatherly, milk, charity 3.00 age. It showed that the year's respectively. A splendid program R. H. 'Collacatt, coal, charity 7.50 growth bad been produced at a cost in charge ai Mrs. C. Smith sud Mrs. E. L. MacNachtan, 50% ai $46.04 per bead for ieed, the W. Crawford, consisted of the fol- maintenance Mrs J. Cowl- calves weighing an average ai 633. lowing: piano solo by Misa F. Fair, ing and infant, Bowinan- pouns a th en of hatperod. reading by Misa Dem.psey, recitation pouds t he nd i hatperod by Master Bobbie Smith, two con- ville Haspital............. 7.88 I tests won by Miss Phoenix and Bob- C. D. Hodgson, suplies, Poultry and Potatoes I i mtMs en n r . charity................. 12.29 Smal, nnirchntale attoes Smith. The meeting closed with the E. L. MacNactan, 50% may vei-y profitably be fed ta poul-, A.Y.P.A. mottoansd the serving af maintenance Peter Neni- tey. An experiment ta compare, lunch. ish, Sick Childeen's Hosp. 24.50 boiled potatoes with coru meai in the" 1 The December meeting ai the Vic- F R Kerslake, disini ectants 3.30! layin- mash showed that th e potato- torian Women's Institute was held Silas Williams, services L. fedpes îd ve bttr tani~enat the home ai Mes. Jas. Henry, on' 'B. aiH ................. 1.00i conmeal was used. Each grup Wednesday afteenoon, Dec. 4th. De-1 A. Hogarth, services L. B.i was fed a scratch mixture ai twa votional exercises weee couducted by ai H .................. 16.00[ parts of cracked corn, two parts the president. Mrs. P. VanCamp W. R. Aluin, services Secre- wheat, and one part oats. One group and Mrs. A. L. Bailey gave splendid tar, L. B. of H.......... 16.00' received a dry mash cantaining equal reiports ai the convention held ne- C W Hastings, Sanitar-v Iu- parts ai corn meal, wheat bran, wheat centiy in Toronto. A musical con1-1 spector L. B. ai H ........43.30 iniddlings, sud crushed oats. The test wan by Mes. J. Strang and MissDrH.Frsoneia other group received a moist mash Gertrude Henry, and a selectionou services M. O. H .........68.2.5, cansistiug ai equal parts af wheat Victrala completed the programme.! C. W. Slemon, medical ser- - bran, wheat middlings sud crushedi An exchange ai Christmas gif ta took vies s't M. O. H. . 128.00 aats mixed with boiled potaaes., place during the seeving ai lunch sud Thos Stevenson, sheep dam- The proportians fed were two parts was au înteresting sud exciting ages, 4 sheep........... 43.00 potatoes and one 'part mash. Each event. The meeting was in charge W. J. Stainton, sheep dam- group received charcoal grit, mîille, ai group seven cousistin.g ai Mes. P VanCamp, Mrs. J. W. Bradburn, ag'-, 5 sheep........... 43.00 green feed and watcr. Bath egg pr,-l Ms .FreMs T mtMse E. L. MacNachtan,Con dutinan athigreut he cd Olive VanCamp sud Esther Strong. ties' Rate.............. 32,280.00 tanofe advantrnthy ae ite Officers ai L. O.B. A. 849, Pride IChs.A.Wiht, honus dog r taoofpalr.a Cartwright, Blackstack, are: worrying sheep .... .00 An utsaiîingfeaureai W. M.-Sister Crawford. C. . NMlonouçrh, election An utsandng eatre f te r-i M.Siser rigt.expen.,es............... 118.12l cent International Live Stock Show, Ciap.-Sister Bailey. Neclav ,S at Chica«o was the O.A.C. exhibit' Rer. Sec.-Sister Hamilton. S. S. No. f,.............. 300.001 huilt around the theme "Canadian, Fin. Sec.-Sister Mountjoy. Coiinei adjourned ta Monday, D- Lambh1as a Place in the Sun." It i Treas-Sîster Hamiliton. ceoih'r lOth, 1929, at 1 p.Ini. 'vas prepared under the direction afID.) of C.-Sister Graham. Silas Williams, W. R. Alfin, li2Ste .r,.. ri C j i'. Rîic. reless i 'yBALM ýnsurance Brokers d E. Bowmanville :ook'& Ruigulating Comnpound c d9msmhIsà.av*. mu" ýmtmm1à 4EwCO&W i. dLCN e40 j CHRISTMAS This greeiin- to y'ou is now -,ent, Tha: it maY acain bring ta mind The camnfort sud joy that are meant By what in your friend.ship we fiud. The love which your life-work in- spires 15 prampting the earnest request That granted rnay lie your de-dresl 'For aIl that is greatest sud best. Throug.h aIl the brief days <of the year One sun bas directed yo'ur way, And caused yoiu the counsel ta hear Of HRu whom you trust aud obe>'. And He who bas kept you thus fan Wili you irom aIl eili de fend; For ready and wiiling you are Your lires in Ris service te speîl.1 Reeeive at this holiday time Our greeting by pen and b>' volce: in aIl that mak«. Christmas sublime May you snd yolur ioved ones re- Joies. 87 Gloue«ter -&-, Toronto 5. Owt. 19M8 T. Wataon. reasonahie. Guarantee my wNvrk. My for~mer experience was with lui.- ray Kay's of Toronto. Leave youri enquiries nt the Bowman llouse. Phone in our orders. People livinzi in Newcagtie may caul me in Bow- nianville or write. 49-2 W. Merklingor.1 POULTRY WANTED I want ail kinds of Poultry and amn paying highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and veverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY tOt [~OR those who give pres- tients of money for Christ- mas to relatives, friends or employees, we have prepared a special cheque printed in Christmas colours, which will be found most suitable and pleasing for this purpose. You will Bind a supply of these cheques for your use on the desks in each of our branches. Mfoeey.tbr Christmas is ALWAYS cm accepta.ble gifi. The, Royal BanIk of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manoff 1049 Perod Cwssi Amsrican walnug; band-tubbed lac. q.e in"s. Fur. asd wth Sercs 900 Reener mmd lepôduee. Ap. peoved Cabinet No. 35. $213». (ka eéq/. auý a few - but do cw modem improvemeasg konta radio lu incorporated In the new Stewat-Wazen. Even a plug-in for TEI.EVISION is indluded! And thse nernarkable Coast-to-Cos "Sereen Grid Circuit"! Sec this amazing radio NOW;, we'1l gladly desnonstrate it for you. STEWART- WARNER' ý7we With RADIO 7kePzmc DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE 1 't %At Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have bulit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying such famous products as Aviation and Sheil Gaz- oline, Shell Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world bufit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORS BRAKE LINING Brng your car in and have your brakes r- Iined with this high grade lining. ]Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St East Bowmanvill.

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