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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 12

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THE CÂNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLIL, THURSDAY. DECEMBEÏR 19, 9 PAGE 1CWELVE -- - r DuRHAu COUNTY BOYS Mir. A. Elmer Riile, Toronto, smn The N ecast1le lridepieridî ru 'The many Newcastle friends of Don'tf Mr. S. Sutton, Colborne, will be and Con<( p.eased te learn that he is progress- Sunday Se i.ý avmbv fter a serlous attack eanga..( L WeServe You Well Bowmanville I ard.te noddte IE R~TNIAT Il ~ IChritmas Tree, each boy and girl' T uu, GvnlflhAl' fr '108arl' cf Me. Albert B. RLndie, Ebeuezer, t in? lvoarisiLr was elected President of the Lif e _c_____the_______________n'à___»___________r___1__si. 1UnderwriteTa' Association of Toronto M.W at their aaauai convention Isat week. THURSDAY, DECEMBER l9th, 1929 in.,ot . P ti lonrve, adathe - fr.W Mmris a gau of Bowmanvilie .u n d s fo treune fa lion germerndalf, H S eShool and hie -former echool hs. egs benoffnd o e b Monday mates, numerous relaties and hosa PRESENTATION TO MI. AND REV. F. M. MASON INDUCTED 'ducted for those wbo weee no. prn--aw a rcsult. toan offids ithe 11us lanxd of ur-MRS. CARL SELBY' eleged te wash the dishei-. .1Uie h-e-e.WP 0-operation. conne St. Gorge'sChurcb, Newcast.le, The undertaking prv±-i.ery ~.'es, Fastor. Sunday, De- . 'n t r.ude n e The home of Mr'. Walter and Miss, was the scene of a dignified and in-I cesaful and showed the fine spîit 2,- Il a. rn-Morn:xng Wo.'shipo; 2.30 p.' St. Gei thisw a t drc Tucker Couch was hospitably throwni pressive ceremony Friday evening. listing between the C. G. 1. T. and the tm.--Sunday SchOod; 7 p. m.-Even- Niason, Ri mtneoftimornton.siva-open last Thursday evening to the Dec. 13th, when Rev. James F. Tuxis Square in Newcastle. It is ing Service. The paster will deliver 8 a. nm.- th.residents of the neigbborhood who Sweeny, Bishop of Toronto, w8s p5rO- boped tbat the joint affa.r 'ilI bc- Chirktmas messages at botb c'hurch Sunday5 Cathered by mutual arrangement to ent to conduct the service instituting corne an annual event. The even- servces and the choir will render Christirna: MISSION BAND pay their respects to, their newly and inducting Rev. Frank H. Mason. ing closed with the National Antbern. special music. eveniilg ________ wedded co-residents, Mr. and (Mn.,M. A.,* as Rector af St. Georges. - - * Enj.y Trunt Foeim Santa Clause- Carl Selby, and convey to them someNewcaatle, and St. Saviour's, Orono. Election of office,., expressions of their esteeni and good. In addition to the members and ad- Wil. herents, of the local Anglican chu.rch. i In onsdertio ofMrs IsacSel- jeveral were froen Orono ttne q S»aCasw thh ovce by's ilîness (although she is now tecrn. A number of com- aul help cf Mms (Dr.) Butler, Mis- much improved), it was very tlcougit- municants from a sister cburcb in the sien Band Superintendent, and ber ~adkn fM.CuhadMs village were aiso present. essistautt, Mms. Carence Batty, sPir- Tucker t., invite the 'bride and groom Floigtepeaoyadea lul a prettily decorated CbnistnaSto their home for the evening and Prayers and responses, the Biaho.p, Tres in"te cU- C. S. B. Rooma for tien te co-operate with othex mom- îivered tinthe ew ica ubie, knel- Iast Satrday's meeting of the Mis- bers of a committee te treat them to erengthe ettrso instituton, and don Bauand when the business a surprise party. immedthe lyter, th ie ibleon and was over lrrime Btty, the retiring imdaeyatr h il n preuident, and RiWby Shaw, retiring During the more formnal proeeed- Bo>ok of Common Prayer, oharging mite box superintendent, presented, ings, Councillor F. B. tovekin fui- bimt t let tbem be tbe rule of bis oîL behf of Ris Saintluesa and kind filled the duties of chairman in a very cnduct in ail things pertaining te bis heipers. a banana and a bag contain- 1happy and capable manner and felic- ministry, and adirnonisbding hlm te be iug Candie%, nuts and an orange to; itated thie happy couple on their en- in ail things a pattern Vo the flock oe member of the land. The 1929 try into the noble state of matri- committed te bis care. mite boxes were turned in at this i mony. Erie Pearce, who took the The Bisbop then gave bis bleseng meeting and revealed total deposits' great steP sorne tbree months prev- te the incumnbent, still kneeling ho- of $1.09o. ions to bis neighbor Carl of the ad- fore bim, after wbich by mandate of Sone of the new officera for the joining f arm, read to him and bis the Bisho)p, Archdeacon Davidaon of eaigyar are: President-Evelyn bride a nicely worded address ex- Peterboro proceeded with the induc- Alu; Vce Pres-Marie Henning; 1 presve of tbe community's kindly tion. Secy.-ea Rikar; rea.-Mr-sentiments, while Miss Couch and, The inital steps in this service cal- ë7 ýE Rckard;Treas. MiMrs Pearce and Mrs. J. H. Jose, aI- led for the presence of the cburcb Caret Toms; Supt. of World Friendal5 ftecomtepeene bm ades r .H Gbo n r -Bath Honey; Supt. of Mite Boxe' oth omtepeetdte adn M.W H.GbnadMr -Patricia Pearce; Look-out Comm. witb a iibrary table and dainty fruit W. H. Anderson, who advanced witb --,Gadys Poliard and Muriel Shaw;j comport. their staffs, Mr. Gibson, the people's Pianist-f-rosie Rincb and Gladys Mr. and Mrs. Selby both replied warde n, presenting te the new rector Pollard. Ldrine Batty, Jessie Van expressing their appreciation of the keys of the cburcb, saying. "On Dusen and Ruby Shaw, having reacà- their frienda' and neighhcrs' interest te the Mandate of the Bishop of the ed te age imit ar reirin frm, n hm an ofthee tngile vi-behaîf cf this Parish and in obedience the Bieae ia rerd.rn fomluemand o f the eangible cvi-Diocese, I present te you the keysESALSD theBad. enos cf h aeirhortegrd. anon f this Church in token that we ac-m ske of the bride and groom in comn- 1knowl edge you as lawful Incumbent NEWCASTLE plmentary ternis or offered some cf the Parish". suggestions or encouragement, were I The service then proceeded accord- ["WHERE ECOtOMY MLMES" cf Brighton, spent the weekend with present home fron Sudbury; Earî sonally attended by Rev. Scott How- Dr. Annie Higbee. Odborne, Carence Allin, Major H. ard, the Archdeacon and the Incum- ffu a nd 210M Mr. 9rnest Pearce of the Bank of W. Dudley, Mrs. Dudley, Perey Hare bent moving in order to the bapytis- Commerce, who bas been relieving at sud Rev. W. P. Rogers. mal font the pulpit, the readsing desk Sunderland, bas been transferred tei The ladies served refresbments and the ULrd's Table, the Bishop at ' ~ U u W W u . 8 Blenheim in Kent county.1 and the concluding hours of theev the samne time instructing the In- ue g s »uà3 8 Otier Newcastle News on page ening sped merrily on with neighbor- cumbent in the several duties cf bis 6 ad 14. ly ahat, gaines and amusements. sacred office. The Bish&p then charg- ed the people and church wardens A..*Cam" mm* of .1QMMUY Ch& _________________________with their duty towards their minis- f..ter. Um Rev. T. S. Boyie, M.A., 15D., FOR YOUR D£.L., preaching the induction ser- monemphsize thequalîties cf GEO. WADE courage and unsel.fishness as most BOXST ASnoedful attributes of a cburch pas- > E and the ter, and enjoined the peuple te work YOUR A & P MARKETS O FRYOIJ BO X n uity together and te be always Suggetion foymsefut'Cor H uanrd helpful toward their *, QUALITY MEATS AT LOW PRCI " o n H i er ' minister. He toucbed on the difficult- CAEUL EETDA &ÎP bis ministry in tbese modern days as Gifu: ~~conipared with even 20 or 25 years iO4-i Sippes witb the statement that the people H U D R' 20 Overshoes NEWCASTLE had been signally loyal aud faithful inccthei COMMUNIY HALL Ç t i arioepRaIME RIB Vivat 4 RIbe lb. 2170 Moccsin CO MUNTY ALL O! tihe easiest te work in. Duing tbe course cf the service R M ROUND.......................... lb. 27c HockeYBot COMM ITTEE the followiag hymas were suug: BL DE................ lb=2c lovethef p ae O GodvandgBtih e ORb.I...... Shoes for Street Wear foçr a program of Square and the loaithî lcfrFe ! living srti;e S O TRB....... ....... l.25 on me, Breatb cf God. Mrs. (Dr.) . EXCELLENT YOUNG BOASTING . She orEein e"lateet popular Dances Farnconth was at the organ and tbe . Shoes for Eeming Wearsurpliced choir cf feminine voices UE < I Purses (imported) - 'std b> Rev. R. J. Shires cf P O R EMD Cobo vll ndRe. r Wieo Ae pak Cburg, led the congregation la the FRESH w AeTaE hursclav, a .2 ign and lo sang a suitable an- HO L E3 TO 7 LB. libBg 90them. -also IS tS AVERAGE 1lb.R 190Priests aad people repaired te, the R Jiub ~~parish bal after the service and par- LEAU T O A TN 2 b 40 teck cf refreshmnts, served by the a ie KO S NOWT ladies o! St. George's. Bishop_________________ K N X SADMISSION 75c each. Sweeny snd Rev. F. H. Mason eacb .: FANWCY SUGAR CUPRED SMOKED Specttoir SOCdelivered addresses and before tihe SH O E STO R E DACING 9 ~. m. O 1 a. lty of personaliy meeting ad get- 0T12L.A.29 Phone 120 parishoners.. FRESHLY CHOPPE» ____________________________ C. G. 1. T. AND TUXIS SQUAREU Tib seC HoId Banquet and Christmnas Tre. PAEEm at Newcastle Uited Church ~jj<EET2 lb.. 25o PEA ~IJ 4UD '~4Ch Dfl~ LOne cf the cutstanding events cf _ __ __ __ _ W HEI U'FUSHIPPILd\S tbe season was the joint banquet and ~ 1 * Christmas Tree heid Tuesday even- TAn - ig, Deceauber l7th, in the U. C. S S. g, ~~~Room, by the Newcastle C. G. I. T. FAC IVRRGTcc KI J .B Zand Tuxis Square. FAC SLEBR TCI' R EJO IC At 7 o'clock, thirty teen-age beys 5 NEW. PACK ansd girls assembled la the S. S. Hall, SALMON lbE.ICES ~ fouad paitaers and sat down to aPA :oQLB TS IC mi ~~~wel-prcvided table, excellentl>' ar- X WH' u$HPN..........Ibc ragd y Mrs..Chas. Hancks. IEC1 tht The busy Christmas shopper in search of E. 7ich andrs . Cohas Hnodik~ m. COD...... TE PIEE z 1utal itwl ~ e neetjiWben no one could est any more, FAnCIr BLUEPOIT.ý_ * htsial itml acquire anwitrsin thbe toastmistress, Miss Phyllis leni--b- Î G things of beaut3r and usefulness at our store. ecepabîendcte he toat n er Tb O STCIlsi. Jar 370 Here you find offerings of such character by rto St anlTe King"r, trcp dOuR BLENDED INDI.4A~TR - tha thy wll e iven the pflace of honor. which aIl joined beartily in singingA O toast the church Lw,-s- well lbÀ '-'y 't t'3 <E forget the Gihristrna: Tree Mr. and Mrs. Normnax AfliX &M cer in t.àe Uni.ed '-hure". leaving this weekend on a trip tiO School Room ,his Friday ev- California to pay an ertended w"st (G"d prcgram by the boy- to Dr. and Mrs. Ernest AllUn of Los Angeles. Tt is their intention to visit Chicago enroute and qeud les. Noden, who bas been ail- Christmnas with relatives there. sorne tirne, wau taken last wi cek ta St. M.Nichlael's Hos-1 Mr. and Mrs. Perey Rare a" Mr. rcnto, for an X-tav exarnin- and Mrs. H. W. D>udley were the prin- I týreatmnrt and pos.,sib'y ýn cipals ln an automobile accident on n. the highway near Courtice last Bat- urday evening when their car took erZe's LGhurch--Ptev. F. H. to the ditch and made a few turi- Reetor. Suiîday. Dec. ,2ndo overs. The occupants receivel a -Moiming Prayer; 1- p. m.- severe shaking up but came *et of School; 7 P. m.-IDesng. the experience with no serioma la- iCaro!s will be sung at the juries, although Mr. Dudley recdved service. cuts on the face and head. Ji 1e sas Poultry of? Fv.aklW KIttid Brds Goreso -ckm.2741* .h.sw, Duel. and F.. Buter I2bo.85'0~ JUGAR 10ibn. 54,0 EKADE IN ONTAMNIOS UET CREAMEBIES Cheese"w.23a Olt' 31e rOLIA Y SUGGESTIONS RAZIL NUTS .... 23e !XED NUTS.................... lb. 23c ALNUT MEATS BROKEN. .. .. 49e ' 41SINS SULTANAS. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......M. 16e MALAGA :..M 7 41SINS . . . CLUSTER .lb...... FRII T CAKESf Baked l in rOwn ovem and Facked in a Very AttractIe Llthographed Tîn-Chuck FuIl of Frut 2.1b. cake $ 1,029 JIRRANTS AUSTRALIAN ....2 lbs. 27c ,RSHMALLOWS cAmpVIRE . 12-oz. Tin 34c EEL TURNEBDOWN DRIP 25c LMONDS RARRAGONAS 57C MAS CRACKERS SIZ Doz. 49c e "c Doz. 99c FANCY &BLE FIGS PULLEU lb. 25C )OKING FIGS . SMYRNA............. lb. 10C [TRON PEEL ... TURN4) 35c rUFFED OLIVES BRAND 20 Borrs39C JEIEN OLIVES .. 20 nZTL 23 XMAD 4scHfOCOLA TEis PONDOLA CETE lb. Box .) 'WO.-POUND BOX -89 .HREE-POUND BOX 0 990 ..UM PUDDING .. 1 ww ..2-1b. Tin 99c lITES ...... DROMEDARY................. Pkg. 19C I ERR lES ....NARASCINo %IO Z' 2 Bot. 25c GINYGEJRAE anaa Dy EtYS~?<onJ o.e6 BOTTLES 750 '"Keete'. Day,,,xt,2..,Z otties 250 CALIFORNIA- GROWN .,RROTS 2 Dunettes 170 NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO'S ýOTATOES 1.5-1b. Peok 350 TEN l-.E i ')LLSS 'RAPFRUIT 3 for 21. NO. 1 GRADE NATIVE GROWN )NIONS 10 Ibn. 25o ONTARIO YELLOW 71RNIPS 1I ba. I50 iPAcUFic TF,,% Co. -. ýl

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