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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWOTE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURS>AY, DECEMBER 19, a929 Noic t C edto s THE EDITOR TALKS lof land unoccupied, and yet people FIRE CHIEF ISSUES WARNING 1 BENEFITS 0F CHURCH UNION Rev. David Rogers, St. Thomas, is I Our, Dominion contains sufficiene Dra-s Attention to Danger of G. W. Mlason. K. C., Toronto, Made n e Estate of Phllilppa Ann John. Our authority for saying thât Rev. 'natural resources, if properly tiliz.. Christmnas Decorations Strong Appeal for Missionry 1 .ten. deooeaad. [Wm. Galbraith, Ph.D., LL.B., was ed, to meet the needa of the entire Fire Chef George Lyle bas asked and Maintenance Fund AU Pbersummhaving daims a ainst thie____ Mtate « MPU[ppva ,lnn John&tO, îtaie stationed in Bowmanville Methodisti population of the globe; yet with Our uM to draw the attention of the dang- Onoftems prsi ad et the Town oft Bowrmaville, 1n the Church, now. Trinity United Church, scanty population of less than 5,000,- 1er ta life and property train Christ- Oeo h otipesv n "'Un'y et Durham,~ who died on or &bou8t-6 eaa c0o fw 0 wpbvetouanefrinnissnb e addresses en the Mis- th. ILS day oft rch, 1929, are hereby in 816 iasae Only a e 00w hvtouadsuffering rm-a decorations, uha draperies, mpense aotIfled to send i ta the underulgned Statesman readers will remember hini extreme poverty. scenery, cotton ta represent snaw, sianary and Maintenance Fund of the Aigmliaftratoe, or hie Solicitor on or be- h ftre the 2lK day of Deaember, 1929, fuIl bere. etc. Displays of this nature, and the United Church of Canada was deliv- partUcuIaruof Uedrodaimns. .M.Rgr Isn s nades Icmeec i tl nte as ighting arrangements in ç<onnection cred in Trinity United Chureh Sun. et emete aueth a id 2Tast a Mr. ReDrs albrsethu nades Icoptnyi tllaohrcuetherewlth, add very consid erably VO1 of Dedaemb aier the ssi idf te2latay yRe.Dr alrit On "Hard af bard time.s. In every department'tbe ordinary risks of fire. day morning, Dec. Ath, by Geo. W. wti b. dtatribubed amongst the Partuex Times, Their Cause and Cure" which lof lite places are occupîed by persons He alse points aut that should an Mason, K. C., eminent barrister of eantJed tiiereto, havnc regard only ta Was pablished in The Methodist Mag- 1 utteriy imcompetent ta fil them. accident of the kind accur in a Toronto. oWasof which the Administrator shall azine in February 1894-36 years Comparativeiy few are efficient in crowded store or meeting, tbe rapid M.Msnh paigo h d Dated at Bowmianville this lti day of ago. Aitho delivered this long ago, the. professions, mnercantile lit e 'i s'Mr.d 0f ir in such inflammablead Dleember, 1931. we flnd it of such general interest ta thronged with' those icpbe of aeal offiaein scrtinftamm vnaabsaluneranth nino W. R. STRIKE, allase ocai ntae cun rmteuino Soiitor fer Avery Johnston, paicase of people and s0 very meeting the demanda of commercial a panic with attendant risks ta Ilifejtbe three denminations into "The Sf-2 Admlnitrator of the $&Id Estate. Pt'Caeels that w are pbihn it lf Skilled workmen are compar- and limb. A fewsipereato, United Church of Canada" stated ti eks htour readers may be atively few. inay reduce the danger ta a minimumi that the greatest gains were not on ______________ -abie ta discuis it at their social gath. e and these abould Ïbe cansidered essen- the dollar 'basis, but were rather a LG 1erIngs during Christmnas Holidays. tial wbere large numbers of people1 newv sense of brotherhood, a richer 1 OA 'f course allowance must be made Another cause of hard Vîmes is the and particularly children are ta be i sense of tellowship, a greater contri- M. G.. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. 'for soins figures quoted then as, for unnatural conllict between capital gathered. bution towad aioa'nty n Barriter, Solicitor, Nar7 liInstance, the population of Canada and labour. War is always expens- Seetha inlamablimaoral j1reerfedn fhecurch ,asdta Noney ta boan on Farm and Town li as about daubied. Ive, and no war retards national pros- clear of and not hung over heating i1 matters in its own realin. He aiso Property. Royal Bank Building, ** perity more efectually than the con- and iighting devices, steamrpipes emphasized the tact .of the ecanomy laowmanvilla. Phone 351. Hard times are restricted to no age flict between capital and labour. Not stovepipes, electric light bulbs, etc. ', which resulted tram this union. The orcunr. h wi o ufein nl heeplyr n tee s Se ha ou letiecrcis ronlytws o t pedVhsmoe W. R. STRIKE o onty hhwi f ufre mlye nrheepoye, Serttyueledcntric cruisdae bt spentmorta pendlesa mrony humanity is ever heard, but not a, ibutV every ciass of society is less or poel ue n o vroddbtsedi oeriey hog Barrister, Solicitor, Notary i hDAOA tAnd% n- 1.~J more affected by every large and pro- by the addition ot temporarv light±q union _many smalI charges wbieh 'v I formrly hdbenrevignaia aid tram mission funds had become self suipporting, thus enabling the United Church ta open one thousand new preaching places, and yet even with this increase, there is a de- crease of 168 charges on the funds. Another result of union was the tact Ot many mînsters Ïbeing free ta f11l new charges being opened, where formeriy there wss no religiaus ser- vices of any kind. In speaking more particulariy of the Missionary & Maintenance Fund of the United Church, he e'mpbasized the fact that 72 % of ail maney con- tributed Iby the church was used for Missions. The problem of the United Churcb, Mr. Mason stated, was ta minister ta the needs of every community other- wise without the advantages of re- ligion. He gave facts and figures showing the rapid development of new areas in western Canada, show- ing that vast sections of fairly set- tled cammunities were withaut churches of any denomination. lnà referring ta the foreign Population in' Canada Mr. Mason stated that thers f were 78 languages spoke, and that these people must be reached by the church if they are ta become desir- able cîtizens. Mr. 'Mason spake feelingly of the hardships endured by Mission w.ork- ers for the sake of the gospel, and challenged his hearers ta stand be- hind theni. He gave in detail ths ýamounts required ta carry on the work already undertaken and urgent- ly required, but which had to be cur- tailed ton account of iack of funds availabIe. Mr. Mason clased his impressive and informative address by remind- img the cangregation that this wns the most important work of the cburch and urgsd greater liherality so that the cburch shouid not be pre- vented tram doing the work to which God lias called ber. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS i logedstrke. - - - IExamine yaur fire extinguisher, Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Godi and the claims of humanity lud- lo* * * ke.appliances and ses that they are suffi-, Money teo Loan Phone 91 l y demand aur attention. What areI cient, in good order, and readily Bowmanville, Ontario 'ths causes of liard Vumes? The cruel extaqtion and opprel; accessible. W. F. WARD, B. A. 1 Right is inherent in the Divine siona Of monopolies, combinatians Ses that ail exits are plainiy Barrister, Soliritor, Notary nature. Hoelhmscanstructed thesuni and governieitts is still another marksd and not obstructed. Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. "er"e ux>on the principles of right- fruittul cause of hard times. No Hv i eprr eoain Offces-Bleakley Block, King St. 5'ouaflss5. Ail departure tram truth airs are mars trequently denounced remaved and safely disposed ut as Dowmanville, Ontario. Phon«.,: right, kindnssa and lave mnust meeZin the Blible than are these. Selfisb- soon as they have served their pur- Office 102; Hous 409. with retribution. "Righteousnese' us s ntei's into large combifltiDns pose. exalteth a nation, but sin ils a re- and enriches itselt by the impoverish- Remiember tthat nothing can ren- praach ta any people." -"The king-' ment of hs whole (populace. der these dispisys absolutely safe, DENTALdom and nation that wiîi not serve1l No man has a riglit Vo grow ricbj and that if accidents are not ta mar DETLme shaîl perish; yea, those nations rby extorting tramn others. The cor- the festive season, constant vigilance! DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE shahl be utterly wasted." "He turn- jpation, or the churcli, or the state,ancremsbexeied Nonor graduate la Dentistry, Toronto eth a fruittuilIand inta barrennes, that taktes man's labour, or his mon-SH University. Graduate of ths Royal. for the wickedness of them that ey, without adequate compensation, 1 HO BY YOUR OWN FIRESIDE 1 College ut Dental Surgeons af On-idweil therein." is disbonest and wrong. Once mare the season of Universa] tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. ie ** jfoliday-making is at hand-Christ-] Office phone 40. House phions 22. Nainikcoprtnshven No man can become sa eiiorniotsly nias-tume. The tinie when man greetst X-Ray F.luipment in Office. sisNandons, heoprto, have nae rich as sainie men do witbout involv- man with an added warmth i voice DR. J. C. DEvrr-r i tribution as nations in a future lite. in nutc abstlo-e.Toeadhn lswt parkle of1 i Tey ust ifpunshe atailas a-who are millionaires now begin ta the eye that is pecubiar ta Christmas Assistent Dr. E. W. Sisson ;tnhe ut, ifpjunshsdt il a ns- talk .f bscoming billionaires. Na alone. Graduate at Royal Dental Coîlege, tas etwt utrtiuinleaimani bas hes kill or the power ta ac- And Christmas is aisa universally Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- and now. The minority must share cuuaeb i wnseg refr, h uislfsopigsaoswe usanville. Office hours 9 a. ni. ta in ths curse orlesssing of the nmsar- suul ast rea hsu res aormaefrafoth e reo paring ase oved hns *pm.aiyecpSndy Plosity. If hs great body of h people sc attesrso aeilfl r rprn ame oe re 4 p. Hoas ephne 283. Phone watrriheuns, h ik wealth. Few men, if any, can pos- tram wbom tbey bave been absent; ta 90. Huse hone 83. f olow ater ighteus praspterwityd sess it wîthaut deteriorating their procure gifts and enjoy in introspect X-Ray Equipment in Office. 1 minority wil share in the on rust anhodtTh ueulthe giftathey expect t receive. af that nation. On hs other hand, Ta cryottesii fusl OR. R. E. DINNIWELL if the great bubk of tbe nation dis-'aînd unjust distribution of monsy Î,fihncsary oVhwsiit fnsisel-, Boo gauaeo Trnt nie-regard the princijples of ruthan'teprtofdsnettre and and at the sainie tume geV ibetter se-, Hsutryandutem of ToyantCollUniver- eternai righteousness, then the upa verty. ection on your owni purchases, it isi Dental Surgeons. Licenséd ta riglit mînority will sufer with hs necessary ta shop early. In Vhs rush1 practise in Ontario and hs Do.ninio-n.!wlcked majority in ail national re- '1'here must ie*tbe abandonnient and hurry of a crowd of iast minute Dentistry in ail its branches. Office-!verses and calamnities. o1 I aina ikdes This can shopping, satisfaction ta you or ta'e King St., Bownianville, oppoàite ** be accomplished in no other way he merchant is impassible. Hurriedh Bank of Montreal. Plions 301. Wk d Vsgae fVh than by the proper use of moral and purchases, hurried decisions, hurried, ____________tegaveof_ elegs] forces. Cbristianity needs ta harassed clerks do noV c.ontorm ta moa pwerulnaion o atiqit.'be applled rta evsry department of ideal shopping conditions. I 1 Egypt, Nineveh, Babylon and Rame,, secular lite. The preachers ot the Sbop By Your Firesde First 1if MEDICAL wbere are they? Their msmorial iday inust denounce ail kind of in- NIe canifortable. GeV your States-a C. W. SLEMON. M.D., C.M. bas almost perishsd with theni. justice, oppression and wrong witb man and spread out Vhs dispîsys Spread betore you a map of hs hs tearlessness whicli characterized which the stores send right int.a yaur ~rSffuaVe of Trinity Medical Coilege, loîii h oei t oun.Cos a Toronto, fommerly of Enniskillen. wol iIh present century, and v'oL hs prophets of aiden times. Laws hm nisclms hoeyu Office and Renidence. Dr. Beth'sI will readîly perceive with a single'should bie enacted, noV Va support g«uts tram hs ads., and when you t former reuidence on fihurcli Street,,gac htVsntoswibbv *vc n rnbtV rs hn what yau want and yau get it without Iowmanville. Phone 259. 44-V been most darlng and impious, xnast out of existence. Churcli, political, lostt Vme and searching. You also s BELIcruel and oppressive, most regardP-ss social and national ite requires a assist other shappers as weli as hes J. CLARK BELofilaw, trulli and righteousness, have horougiî purification. store management. But moat of ailG M.D., Ch.B3., F.R.C.S.. (Edin), D.P.H. been hs nations destroyed by thei *yau be-bp and at Vhe samne tume «et (Succeseor ta Dr. A. S. TilIey) fierce angels of famine, war andj Stop at once and torever wastinc better selection. Try it this year, Ifons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- pestilence. The nations that bave'aur resources. Abolish immediate- Yau will find it noV only sasier, but e n Uiverity; FebIow oft hs Royal most observed he principies Of just-! ly the iquor traffic. It is hs stand- more pleasant for sveryone con- Cob1egeof Surgeons, Edinbargh. ice and truth are hs nations wbicb nh igaeo i iiiain end Office and Residence, Qusen St., have risen Vo h largest influenceý Let idleness be punîshed as a Bewmauvitle, Plions 89. and prosperity. crime. It is a parasite, pressing ONE IN EVERY TOWN Ofe oural"; te 4 P. m., 6 to 830 p.DL * * upon industry. It shouid lis starv- -___ W. H. BIRKS. M.1) Vast amounts of monsy are squan.' ed ta deatli. It is a habit for whicb (Montgomery Messenger) Office Koura: 1 Vo 4 and 7*ta, 8.30. dered. These, if economizsd and no pallistion nor reasonable excuse Every grawing, ambitiaus Vawn is Telephane 108. wisely applied, would put hs whole can lie offered. comÀposed of three elements; those Office and Reidence: Dr. Haziewood's' population of he earth in the posi-ý Labour must be propsrly distrîb- who work Pàtriticaily, vigorausly former reaidence, Wellington StreetI ian of every necessary and comfort uted. Brain work and manual work and intelligently for its sate ad- Bowmanville. 'of lite. The amount expended in ths ars bath insperativeby needed. The vancement; those who are in a state support ot fine equipage, vain lis-' ans is just as banaurable as the other. of apathy or indifference; and those DR. R. W. CLARK play, extravagant living, social vices,!I Unemployed labor should be brought wlio take a curiaus deliglit in dis- Physicien & Surloon carrupt literature and evib habits is' into contact with undevebaped re- couraging ths efforts of others by Office-Division St., Bowmanvilbe. enormous. jsources. ridicule, an'd by a persistent denial (nezt Vo Trinity United Churcli) The productive industries by sea 1I,**ta I rgrmcnb rhsbe Office Hours-3 ta 5 and 7 ta 9 p. im. and land of hs continent are, in Ws bave tao many paliticians and accompbishsd, and by boosts ot svery gusidays by appaintment only. round numlbers, $8,000,000,000 an- oa tew stateanien. Jnstead ofI other town except their own. The Phone 24 i nuaîîy. squabobling over mstty questions )fJ Iat class are caled crabbers or 45-t1Th liquor business cas the Spart poitîcs, hs representatives of eroakera, but tliey reelIy are sortie- ___________________ j he ontnen evry earthe pieople in aur legisiative halls thing worse, for their apposition does fpeople ot this cnieteeyya should de vise ways and ineans ta de- m otV arise simply tramn despondency, CHRORATI AD RUIES$1 600,000,000. This is one-fifth of, velap our ample natural resources hy but tramn that unenviable spirit that CHIOPACTC NDDRULES th etir podctiVhsdstresntiree aboproductivelyed I- ilindustries.sef r u If th THEROPY a destructive fire wsre ta burn up ail: h ao fVsuepoe. I-wI ete e tsfo ufroh DURWN E STCKLY au inustiesonc In ver f s yarscampetent poiiticiana will noV de this. r ors toact. DURWI E. TECKEY iVh srieseofcebard Vur e oud e Statesmen like Joseph in Egypt, Dan-I1 honor graduate of Toronto Collegetepsncofhr iwulbe iel in Bahybon, and Mordecai and'jsr aabrsoal en o hî of Chiropractie will be in hs Bow-! 11 surprise. Yet a parasite is feast- Nehemiali in Persia, would spesdily1 sot tr aoitiaon bemas o hi maaville Office Tuesday, Tbursday ing upon the vitals of these nations bring aur country inta a fiourishing uttr boiton and Saturday eveninga, plions 141J.r that is quite equai Va the destruction r state of prosperity.1 Reidential calls made during tors- jlof ail the produets of aur industries* * Above ail, society muet lie regen- Uoofl. 1 once in evsry fitth year. Al l. rated. IV is everywhere in a dis- Ail_______ **yaung psctpes ouldthru :- ordered condition. It needs recon- ly qualify thsm.sebves for saine nec- I truction. I n piinteai jThe value of hs lve-stock of this essary vocation. Instead of treating s ns. fr i myhpiion hs nyi FUNERAL DIRECTORS continent is estimated at $1,500,000-'lfe as a jest, they should regard it as raniedyor atIlhsilIandot Vindl ivd- F. F. MORRIS CO. i1000. If ail these were annuallY having a definits abject. Tnstead of lalh donstrudcntion alf litsua Compete otoror swept away hy sainie destructive dis-! throwing it away it ought Vo Ille util- cliaracter after Vhse*modeb of Jesus Comlet Mcarsit would be no greater national ized for hs highest goad of man and Christ, and this can be accomplished Hars Equipment. ruin than hs wasting of aur re- hs glary of Ced. Instsad of wat-. AIl alî prmpty 'surcs b1iorin noather wsy than by Vhs riglit and attended VO. ; h rfi. > proper use of hs living and lite «iv Privats Ambulance. The tobacco bil i equal ta about, profitable amusements, it ought ta bc ing forces of Christianity. Bowmanville phone: aons-haIfths expenditurs on liquor.i emplayed in securing a horough I 10 and 34. It is comnputed that hs ladies of qualification for Vhs fulfilment of aj1 -- - - _ Brandi Stores- hs United States -,pend annually on useful mission.. l Oron & Nwcasle. chewing-gum $6,000,000. Then thsrc e ~ ALANM. ILLAM! is he arnount squandered in supportj The Governinent of hs country à,'î ~f -. nbalmrand FunWLIrecotor. san aldes finjquity. should provîde for hs settlement of * * * ndFmea Drctr ail disputes bstween capital and lab- lastJ~2 CaIll given prompt and personal at- aur'by entarced arbitration. The V't, tention. No extra charge for dis- Idlene5t is a fruittul cause of bardi greatest national controversies are . tance. Motar Ambulance at jour Vumes. There are V'wo classes Of un- now referred ta he decision of arbi- service. ror.Phonesn oo eso manville, Ont.t. work and cannot geV it. Secondly, why hs conflicts in saciety shouldi THEO M. SLEMON right-thinking peorple. The'latter de- by legal enactment for hs protection 1 Auctioneer serve but ittle coneidleration. 1 of its suhjects against hs cruelty, I perni and Hous Sales a piat. LzPepeot rpath rt xotoanopesonfupi- Terras moderate. Enniskillen P. O. rrmark: "The worlrl owes nie a liv-! cîplcd comnbinatians. The despatie A Phons 197r3. t n- N- tewrdoe-n ia1oeofncntm arh snt VETERINARY have neve! clone anvthing to laCe thie cruel monopolies and combina- -. ..KERLAEV. .,B. . c.tlro world 11 der olrcttionq to thr,î. tionr; of nîoderii soclcty. Orono jTeBo fP elsiý olt i Th asretobrcntutd gonot' (;rarlduate of University of i' <o'î&lo upon idiens. and tramed Vo meet prc.sont condi- Torc'-nlr. Ail cases «i .i5r prompt: Piil zvF: "Tf acvmaan wilil ot wr-ýt 1 tis. If egi.aators do not adjust aud car# ri rattention. Office-Dr. n~' hai h ot.the atVo the nced-, and well-hein- r 21; Oromio 18-1. ýbr rllco'0 rd l im'ir. iil,- peiple optelflan (011ndimprrrner distrilbutli ( lr~ l't mpn miro wrtliy of truq' dr ind tho* EARN$6 T $10ER AY einmlv is Lproater thnn the lemmm'. opr om'v whthor 'inrie tax. Ambitious, relir,iri, o - ..nted ai once. 'I,i '" lnrtePCt' 51rlvi nui'lor i ny n no of theç. orro1P oç p F. J. MITCHELLI Phone 10& Bewmmanyiue ;as ci u NO\V/ol HR IS TMA S!!e And what can give mort picasure t o the whole family than IMODERN 6SCREEN-GRLD"ýRADIO1. Combine your Christmas funds and secure a perpetual source of enjoyment for every member of the farnily. Talk it over with a' Steinite Dealer listed below. Yos Cao Gel No Mort 1. THREE (3) SCREEN- GRID TUBES- total of 7 tubes. 2. Four condenser. 3. Liner power detection witb automatic grid hies. 4. Push-pull audio power stage, using the newest "245" tubes. Thos This A# Any Frico! 5. Real humieis recoptie.. 6. "«Bsttieship" chassie cou- struction completely shieldei. 7. E L E C T R 0-DIyme speaker. S. Gloricus tone. 9. Magnificent consoles. SUPER SCREEN.GRJD RADIO Licensed for sale by Canadian Radio Patents, LimiteS 299 Distributed by SPOTTON ENGINEERING COMPANY, GUELPf< VGEO. BROWN'S Up Pianos battu new and used; or- «ans for churcli and achool; rad- ios and plionograplis sold on ternis caavenisnt Vteciatoners. Thbe Freed anid Pluilco are con-1 sidsred niarvelous for distance and one quality. There in no- thing fluer in radio. Have you accu he new 45 inch Dominion piano? An altogether charniing instrumnent. CHOICE MEAT FROM WELL KNOWN FEEDERS IN DURHAM COUNTY As usual we have made special preparation8 for December and Chistmas trade. We have visited many of the best stock breeders in the courity in order to have something extra nice for thei fes~tive season----and we have a real choice lot of beef for our customers. We know what we are seiling for we buy direct from the farmers. TH-IS LIST TELLS ITS OWN STORY WVe know where to find the good beef. 2 Steers from F. W. Bowen, M. P., Clarke. 1 Hieifer, 1 Baby Beef, Geo. Lane, Providence. 2 Heifers from Carl Billings, Orono 6 Steers from Fred Truli, Orono 4 St-eers from Thos. Gibbs, Tyrone 1 Baby Beef from Jas. Pooley, Tyrone 5 Heiiers from Squair Bros., Salem 6 Steers from John Clarke, Pontypool 4 Laînbs from Frank Werry, Bethesda 2 Steers and 2 Heifers from Fred Blackburn,, Pro- vidence. 15 Lainbs from our own stables. POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS We have already bought several hundred pouads of poultry- --Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Chick- en- -out from the way the orders are pouring in w&1i! need a lot more. So if you have poultry ini first class condition which we can guarantee to our customners phone us at once or eall and get our '%own or city folks who want poultry better get ,,our order in early and avoid disappointment. Ce M CAWKER & SON KING STREET BOWMAN VILLE PAGE TWO

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