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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THUR5DAY, DECEMBER 19, 1921 SUGGESTIONS FOR X'MAS I FRACTICAL AND USEFUL GIFTS FOR I EVERYBODY Skates Hockey Sticks Brass Ware Cutlery Sleighs Toboggans Snow Shoes Pyrex Electric Heaters and Stoves Clocks Electric Reading Lampa Coleman Lanterns .and Lamps Carpenters' Tools, etc. Wagons Fancy Clocks Mouth Organs Electric Washers POPULAR HARDWARE STORE Bownianville PHONE 145 YOU WANT THEBEST For Christmas Festivities Our goods are first quality, made from best ingredients we can buy. Christmnas Cakes, plain or iced ............5c lb. Christmnas Puddings, rich and tasty .......50c IL. Ligîiý Fruit Cakes, you'll like them ........30c IL Mince Meat, that can't be beat ...........50c IL Alniond Paste, rich in flavor ..............5c lb. Christmas Chocolates in fancy boxes ......O5c up Buy Bread Made in Bowmanville The Bowmanville Bakiery PHONE gBOWMAN VILLE 3. H. . LUTEIL&RY SOCIETY tary--Muriel Moore; Pianit-Bot Corbett; Form representatives-V- Ie..eutly eleeted officers of Bow.. Betrice Cryderman, Horace Best awvlfl e gbSehool Literary Soc- IV-Evelyn Rickard, Nelson Os Juby are,- Honcrary President-Misa borne; IIL-Jessie Knox, ade Whittos; Preident-Phyllis Clem. Eoneyman; flA-YvonneTiqo ece; Vice Presfdent-Stanley Rick.. H B-Madalie Jones, I B-Blosa ard; Treamurer-Will Lyeett; Secre- Campbell. JOYf.r Everylb is a wide range of models and prices and a convenient deferred pavmcnt plan. MOdel 931-$251.50. Model 111--4555.00. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB MORE GAS FROM THE FENCE CANADA AND INDUSTRIAL RE- Splendid Concert Featuring Christ., By Adam Fakir SAC mai, Spirit - Address on Education' Prof. Norman DeWitt Addresses Decmbe metin oftheHom ! Well folks, how did you ]ike thei Women's Canadian Club. Decmbe metin ofthe Hom Juniors' hockey gaine Friday night?i and School Club was held in Central' They certainly did lay out a fine M vembers of the Womcn's Canadian Public School on Wednesday even-' spread of hockey for the fans. Jack !Club onrjoyed an intere.ting and 1in-j ing, Dec. llth., with a good attend-j Guna says he'll be forced to cut down! formative discourse al, the ,rgular ance considering the inclernent on the supply of guni and oranges if meeting- on Nlonday, on "Canada i weather. Mrs. Hari-y' Allia hre gisaohrcodlk ht and Industrial Researchi,' by Frof.- hogtre-he rWdlk ta. Norman DeWitt. of Tor'on,ýo Uni- sided and opened the meeting with** versity. The m eeting was openedi community singing and 0 Canada with the president. Mrs. (Rev.) (;eo. 'with MisL.ragapint. he th h h. Mason in the chair, after which tea minutes of the last meeting m-ere r oeta ty rew a nd sandwiches were served and the read and approved. It bas been de-I only say you missed it. A real ,uual social half hour spent. cided to hold an oratorical contest gamne, bere it is: Prof. DoWitt described, with the for public school pupils along similar*** help of several inter(,sting compar- lines as that conducted last year. lisons, the unique position among The program consisted of a vocale Danforth Juniors opposed the loc- Iother countries in which Canada is solo by Mrs. Geo. Pritchard and alal you ngsters. The gaine xas veryl situated. The rest of the world Scotch reading by Mrs Cameron. Rev.i kno-ws little about Canada and pays R. J. Sbires in an excellent address fast with plenty of roughing, to ber no attention. on "Education," made this subject please the old tuners. You know Inutaleerc sbgnfrt intresing and insruciveto ilsome of the oId timers almost get in Germany, then in Amierica, and Mrs. J. Albert Cole gave the legend ibored to death at some of the hockey i.s now taken up by the British. It of the Christmas Carol in the differ. now-a-days. They want bigger and is responsible for many changes. ent countries and was assistd y botter body checks, btitt-ends and Freape h a fspl n three of her pupils at the piano- plenty of scraps, but it j ust isn't demand once governed prices. People Miss Ru'by Hobbs played "The Firs-t done any more. made and sold things that other Nowell," Miss Gerrude Dewell play-*** people wanted to ýbuy, at a profit if ed "itte Twn f Behehm" nd.possible; now they make things that IMaster Bert Johnston played "Suent A swarmi of newcomers are out the people have neyer heard of and INight".. with the lads, and the good old South make them want them. The East- Rev. W. J. Shires distributed thel Ward is well represented. How they man Kodak Co., for instance, have Christmas gifts among the menîber's. (breed the old hickory wielders down research workers ln their empl.oy, Group 2 with Mrs. F. Clarke% cofl there is wonderful. The Piper fam- whose business it is to invent some- vener, serve<l an ahundance of re- li still represented, George doing thing altogether new and unheard of. freshments and the meeting closed by the trick. for them to put on the market, every singing the National Anthe'm. l ive years. The next meeting which will be* *I Pittsburg is the centre of Indus- held Wednesday Jan. Sth., will lie ini trial Research for America and il charge of group 3, Mrs. Dunlop, con- It might bie botter if il quit roam- la there that Canadian Industrial vener. ing and give you the straight doPe On Companies do most of their research the game. The score finisbed with work. The speaker cited several in- four goals for eacb team, and twenty teresting examples of the work that SALEM minutes overtime'at that. A whole is being done there, such as discover- Sunday afterno-on service was con- ltfraqatr ht - ? iag why somne gasolines knock and ducted by the Pastor, Rev. J. R. hs is naeoigbsnss.rf Trumpour. I nTheisst* *som adnt. o igbsnss rf Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornish and'I h is period there was no DeWitt declared. The best bramas of babevistedat ew.onvlleon un-score, but a lot of niighty close ones. the world are now in business. Or babevstdatNwtnil nSn You have read about the brand of atory is disappearing, for the affaira, Thdaye.ibnkatnddsr hockey that keeps the fans with their of nations are not settled by great TieherMes SuIdankatndd.r neeks over the boards, then they speeches, but in committe'e roomis-_ 'vie hreon undy.gradually subside wit(h a deep O-ooh! the business man's mnethods. Oaly the Mrs. W. Fitze, Jane'tville, spent Well, there were plenty of auch in- big coenpanles can exploit the only last week with ber parents, Mr. and cidents. lands not yet exploited-the tropics. Mr-s. G. 'Cornish, and on returning A man with his famiiy, a horse or home on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cor- ***tuwo, a wagon, and a few rude impli. nish accompanied bier to Burketon motnts can start a settiement on the w4ere Mr. F'tze met ber and ail en- The second stanza was quite thril- North-Ainerican prairiýes, but only big joyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. ling. Shoritly after the period hegan business, with htindreds of millions Doolig. a chap named Bennie, for Toronto, of dollars backing it, can exploit the Sorry Vo learn that Mrs. W. Mol- busted up the defense and went in South African Jungle. As an ex- fat and children, Orono, are sick. for the premier count. This is al- ample, he told of the enormous rtub- Mr. C. Pollaird received word from ways a good sign. If the visiting ber plantations of the Goodyear Co. Peterboro last week tihat bis aunt, tea.m -scores first, watch those home- in Sumatra. Mrs. 3. Porter was in very feeble breds go, and tihis was no exception. The gr'eatest resource of the world, heath Ms.Pterl'5yas0 Brown of mucb faine around Lark- te lecturer asserted, is the buman ege, and bas beem confined to ber1 in's pond, sent a fast one home to brain, compared to whîch ail the, room for a nussber of years. even the score. wealth under or above the soil is as- Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsb, Mr. and ohn.AYugrsacwrk, Mrs. F. L. Squair attended the fun- i ~notlhing. y of hgeeah wore, iii UhofeMrploy of themsenenraI MOt-rs oea on Mr. C. . Amtog tO- Not fstisfied to be on even tera, worked for one and a half years tg onoonModaF rank Jamieson a ittle Inter stug find a way to eliminate the knock in Mr. G. Cornisb waa in Cobourg another on the list. This odd and gsolne, finally succeeded, and the last week serving on the jury. even stuif made the Torontonians a General Motora made millions out of bit Peev'isb and alter much pounding. it, at an approximate cost of $20,000. and gnasbing of teeth, not to men- AYoung main in the Research De- tion a few penalties and offsides. partinent of the Bell Telephone Co. Referee Mike Osborne was forcedlt worked out the Orthophonice principle. stop the play when Bennie rang inTh company sold it to the phono- his second net cracher, making it 2-2. grapb People and collected forty o d y million dollars in royalties. * * The problem in Canada is Vo make it uaaproitable for Canadian scient- Y ' The question thon arose, shal we ists to do research work for United have overtime or allo'w the supportera States Industrie,. If we in Canada, t o go home dubious as to which teani protect 'by tariff those industries should have won. -But the onlook'ers which do not protect themselves by f I7jLZ7i Ij were in iuck and twenty minutes ex- research work, w'e are wasting that toraolas apaae tlhe frteon- Tea reor te htarif rotcion __ tr pla wasre durtbe ortenr greatmranworce-thehan racion ing. houl put p asmuch money for re- searh. o copet inworld busi- tier, th spekerdeclared, "You Tetough part about it was t;iat must have more brains i your sbop- duigthe te mntsGeordie tariff la aeconda ry," Tariff protec- Piper scored one and Auchincloss tion meana the exporting of Canadian netted one for the invaders. So th e clific brains. No country de- fans were forcedl to go home without serves amy protection, that la not a verdict, but they must have been willing to pay for researcb-and la satisfied because it sure was a god guilty of treason against the youth gamgoo of the country, Professor DeWitt gaine.cocnluded. The president conveyed the appre- ciation of the Club members to the IRere la the line..up: speaker, and the meeting closed with Bowmanville: Goal-J. James; "O, Canada",. Be MotdrcaeyouSpaAWe froman At/,rized Spartan dealer. OnIy insruuen il be igfctoý, 1 ..alnuber carfy the facto", guatani.& Model 301 $385.00 Demonstration GladIy Given In Your Home HARRY C., ALLIN King St. West DEALER Bowmanville l'o *"5"it Vfee~u1-M. Lunney; Leftt De- fonce-O. Jamieson; Centre-G. Pip- er; R. Wing-R. Brown; L. Wing- F. Jamieson Subs--Osborne, Turner, Oke, eal ne, Walton, Moorcraft, Grant, AdamS. Toronto: Goal-Timson; Right De- fen-Price; Left Defeno-Haste; L. Wung-Aucfhincloss; Subs-M,- KaY, White, Bennie, Violet. Referee-"'Mike" Osborne. BOfli UNFAIR AND UNJuST! (Tillsonburg News) An exchange makes the observa. tion that many a good-spirited citi. zen, who in private life ha, held the goodwill and respect -of his neighbors, finds after a ime of unpaid service on the municipal board or other pub- lie office, that he la rua down right and left by people who try Vo pick holes ln bis action and work. These people nover take the tro'uble Vo com- moud hin for bis go'od work, but are quick to strike a jarring note wher some matter does noV suit their per. sonal views. Oftea public mnen are discouraged by this thing and droî ont, and the community la the loser. Every citizen who wanta Vo see his community prosper ehould be a boos- er, noV a knocker, Inu both municipal and c-ommunlty affaira. Town and rural counnillora,and other -publie men, Cive their time and as a rule try Vo do their begt~ and dn.r, the publle's commendation for their ef- forts. WHO LOVES THE EARTH 1 amn the f riend 0f aIl who hear Earth's music ringing Sweet and clear. 1 arn the friend Of aIl who know The budding treei And flowers helow. Who loves the suashirue Loves- the ramn .1 God's s'ia:s Finda balm for pain. I amn the friend 0f al of these And who loveé me Muat love the trees. By Laura Bedell. it BASE LUNE Results of Christmas Examinations at Bse Lin. No. 3. Sr. 4th-*Winnie Gibson 87; **Cje asie Blackburn 184; *Florence; Foley 179; Jack Finnigan 72; **Stella For- Jr. 4th-* Harold Forsyth 65. Sr. 3rd-*Annie Kush 83; *Wilbur Blackburn 77; Aloysius Kush 73; IGrace 'l.rull 62. Jr. IIlrL--**Eunice Lane 40; **B>b- bie Gibson 29. Sr. lJ-*Lýouise Foley 86; *Hazel Truli 85; *Helen Rundle 81; Vera Gibson 74; Clare<nce Peacock 73j; Berniece Roberts 72; Hazol Roberts 64; **SB.mmy VanCamp 54. *Honors * *Failure Ruby M. Bragg, Teacher. L-1 SALEM n Christmuas Report of Salemi Sehool e Sr. 4th-Lorne Poster 67, Winni- pfred Dunseith 65, Bert Poster 62. r. Jr. 4th-Beatrice Ca Ver 60, Au- is drey Cowlig (ab.). 1- r. Srd-cMarie Collacott 75 CH), il Lela Welah 68, Willie Darch 62. d Jr. 3rd-,Charlie Poster 6-6, John cPoster 55(F), Viola Francis 62 (F). eWinnifred Kent 42 (F), John Kent i85 (F). Jr. 2nd-ýBeryl Thompson 65, Hilda Richards 53 (,F), Bert Francis 52 (F), I¶arley Cowling 28 (F), AIex. Dunseith ab.). Sr. laV-(In order of neit) Margaret Irwin, Oscar Conlin. Jr. lst-Brenton Darch, (Byron Fioster. Sr. Pr-Hilda Thompson, Elva Wright, F'rank Conlin. Pr. B3-Nina Darch, Louise Kent, Mary Kent, Rhoda Wright, Gladys Thompso n.. Pr. A-Lily Cowling, Kathleen' Cowlîng, Irene Cowling, Mildred1 r)unseith, Ge.orge Conlin. Iva Gilbank, Teacher. John N. Sharpe of Midland whoî iwas charged with robbery whlle rn ed in co'nnection with daylight hold- up at Ira Pearce's grocery store, ap- peared before Police Magltrate W. F. Ward Saturday and was commnit- mftted for trial at Cobourg. SHOP AT CORBETT'S WHEN IN SEARCH 0F CHOCOLATES, CAKES, PUDDINGS, NOVELTIES, ETC. The very mention of Christmas brings to mmd big heaping boxes and dishes of sweet wholesome candy. BOXED CHOCOLATES Ganong Bros. famous G. B. Chocolates, and Moir Chocolates, in beaùtiful gift boxes From 30c to $3.00 a Box CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES A wonderful assortment to please everybody friom 25c to 60c CORBETT'S CHRISTMAS CAKES Rich and tasty with the best of ingredients, iced or plain at 50c lb. CORBETT'S CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS Rich and delicious, in 1 and 11/) lb. bowlrs, At 50c lb. Refund when bowl is returned. ALMOND PASTE Ready to put on your own cake at 50c Pound MIXED CANDIES FOR CHRISTMAS Made of pure and wholesome materials in threc lots at popular prices. LET US HELP YOU Let us furnish your pastiies and cakes for holiday entertainynent. Yo', Il be too busy to bother baking. STORE CLOSED DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS In order to give our staff a real Christmas holiday our store will be closed ail day 'Thursday, Dec. 26th, and the entire staff will have the day off. No delivery either, 51o lay in a stock of bread, etc., to keep you tilI Friday. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL W. P, Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville t) I And Lots of Other Acceptable Gifts MASO N & DALE'S II BEITST PLACE FOR GIFT F00 TWEAR There isn't any doubt about it--the best place ini Bowmanville to buy your Footwear is at the Elite Shoe Store. There are onfly a few days left to get your gift list completed. Corne let us help you to fill the list out with Footwear of ail ki7ads for any member of the family. For Fathers: (0 .' ...........................$2.25 and $3.0 C-vershoe Rubbers ..............................$1.50 Camel Haïr Slippers, mîth roll collar ....$2.25 Feit Slippers .....................$1.00 to $1.75 Cushion Sole Boots, xvide and roomy, soft as a glove..................................... $6.75 Cuishion Sole Sifippers, in brown kid ....$3.254, Fheavy Socks.....,....................... 95c to $1.25 For Mothers: Gaioshettes, al; colors ...........$2.35 to $3.00 Juflet Slippers with fur trimming and rub-- ber heels...................................... $1.75 Camel hair Plaid Slippers, roll collars ...$1.75 Dainty Boudoir Slippers, in rose feit ....$120 Cushion Sole Oxfords, plain toe and toe caps............................................ $3.75 For Sisters: Galoshes, Slippers, Dress Shoes, black or brown, i in strap or pump styles. Colored Boudoir Slippers with rubber heels, 90r, Fancy Colored Slippers, in cavalier and one-strap styles. Hockey Boots. For Brothers: Hockey Boots ...................$3.50 to $450 Overshoes - Slippers - Fine Dress Oxfords. fieavy Ruabbers of ail kinds, from low laced to knee height, with and without leather tops, $275 Up. Little Tots: Fancy Slippers - Overshoes - Strap Slippers We cannot begin to Iist everything. in and look around. corne We take great pleasure in wishing ail our frienda in business and ail our patron A Merr Chris&mas. The Elite Shoe Store SHOES THAT SATISFY W. C. IVES, Mana$! S PARTO N RaUdio's Richei PAGE FOUR TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1921 Phone 200

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