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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Dec 1929, p. 5

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PAGE Fivx THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.BDAY, DECEMIBR 19, 1929 HAVE YDIJ A GUEST? Au the holiday season approaches,, y** will be having guesta or will yourself ho 'sisiting out-of-town. Your friendis are interested and the STÂTESMAN will b. <lad to carry thse newe to them thraugh its per- aonal columns. Write out your items and either mail them to the States- men or uee the. drop4box in our door, or phrone 58. A cyne in a man who knows the piofa everything and the value of nothlng-Wilde. CAULKI14G AND WEATHERSTRIP This cold snap la keeping us busy these days equippirng rattly windows and doors wth Higgin'a Ail Metal Weatherstrlp. How do you expect ta keeèp yaur hause warm when so muel eold air gts through the cracks? You'll save on your coal bilîl and joy solld comiort if yau let useiotail weatherstrip and finish the Job with caulking. Doesn't cost as mucuh as you might think. Phone 431 or 477-21 and Abernethy Bras. will fLe at your service. 50-t. WES TOI MORE MILK ANED MR. DAL Are You Satisfied With' We guarantee Weston Fi leave t1fe cows in better canditfi at equal prices. PROTEIN 20%; FAT This feed can be baught Plenty of other flour and feed in delivered pnieu. Let us help yau with youx C. E. HORI Telephones: Residence CHRIS Only Five1 DO YOUR SHOI ROVWMANVILLE HOSPITAL NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL PopIa Intiutin eilParou»d COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES During Past Yoar. Newcastle High School an Friday uvuning celubrat.ud its 72nd birthday In the. secretary's repart presented by a Commencement pnogram which at annual meeting af Bowmnanvi!le' marked a long stride forward in the Hospital he reported 98 males andIcharacter and quality af these an- 220 femalee were admitted ta oa-' nual exercisea. The presence af Vital during yoar ending Sept. 30t.h., Principal Gea. A. Coyne and hia. as- 1929. 87 birth8 in Hospital during. sistant, Mrs. Adeline Jeffrey, in their the year.. university graduation gowns, lent Callective days atay of adults were tone and dignity ta the occasion, 4139 and infants 94,0*., whilu the staff and students, wearing Number of persons neceiving the schaal calors ai purple and gald, troatment flot lninates were 35. added funther ta the academic at- Classification of patientsasas ta msphere af the proceedings. religion showed 802 Protestants, and The whole program was a good ex. 16 Cathaîxca; one unknown. emplification oi unity in diversity;I Residencu aif1patients were 166 unity ai spirit, diversity ai talent. fro'm Bo'wmanville, 122 irom Cou.nty, It revealed ta the 500 or so residents 27 iram Province, 3 irom outside of ai the district present the broad cult- Ontario.urleuainbiggvnadhn, Average dally per capita cos as ureducat tnhe ng givuernond bs $3.42-, and dietary cast 81c. Rate acquired at the achaler sbecnts oiy chargud pur day iii public wards 13tepeci.dacdmesbet r $1.60 and in semie~rivate and pri- taught and learned; but wherc vate wards runs fram $15.00 to through physical training along nighti HE gift that ri $33.00 pur week.. lines bodies are developed andT 8taff ai omployees include s pupils strengthuned; whene there is rom nChristmas wi nurses, 2 graduate nurses and 6 id oppartunity for practice and pro- ather empîoyeus. gress in the arts ai music, elocutioxi, say this withouth aratary, drawing and sketchin.g, now in effect, the 1 dramatisation and sef government. The number present ta wituess the the greatest radio exercises, thé hall being filled nuarly ta capacity, waa rather remarkablu, Four Christmnases in view ai the fact that theru wer. Y E Dstrong counter attractions the aime radio industry) R > B TTE ~evening ini the surrounding commun- electric radios th BETTE COWSities of Bowmanville, Orona and Newtanville. Rev. W. P. Rogers, a member of tise Board ai Education, apenud the W UtVexercises wt ryr fe he R JM AIY Major H. W. Dudley, Chairman of~ the Board and of the Pirening, brieflyI ~ Your Milk Production ? addressed the gatherinic, voicing his 'eedto rodce mre ilkand apprecistian af the wide interest in eed a paduc mae mik ad j the school as evidenced by the large lon than any other ieed selling numbens present and e£p~ressing huaimge pleasure at the splendid work being _____ 4%; IBRE12%.done at the school by teachens andj at Hampton at $46 a tan. The whole body ai students made istock at ail times. Ask about a good impression at the beginning with their choruses, "The Meîmaid" x fed poblms.and "The Runaway Train," Miss Rat- r iee probems.tie Mason playing the piano accomp- animent for the former, and Miss i- Helen Lycett for the latter, in which some af the boys-Tom Spencer,i - Lloyd Young, Dave Gray, Billiel V, H-am pton Brunt and Hubert Andersan, whistled in various octaves ta neprusent the e129-23; Mill 1296. blowing ai the ungine. Individual -numbers interspersed throughout the 35 item programn weru a monologue by Ruby Shaw, "A Mid- night Visiton"; the reading ai the lst -pnize uasay on any Canadian Litera-I1 tiare subjeet, in this case a neview of 1 two ai Archie McKishnie's books, by Annabelle Hendry; rnouth argan solo by Rosa Cowan, with piano accomp- by Billie Roln TeCm i; piano solo by Larmne Bîtty; a talk A by Arthur Lockhant, "The differenct D aus i.w ay butween a sausage and a bnn" which aru similan in shape-a nemi Rlogmr Lowboy lmugh producur; piano recital by New 'Rédiuced P4ioe Helen e Hayes; recitation by Marion Rinch, "Abou Ben Adam"; and reci_ tation by Helune Hayes. For these sevural numbers and1 94 some othurs the High School Litunary ~ ~-Society's program commnittue must bu givun credit. The Pnesidunt is Roy Jones and the Secretary-Trea.s.- - I ~uner, AnnabululeHendry. i ~~ - .A mouth organ trio by Jamie N m R Wright, William Toms and Gardon - Ganrod, with Miss Mason at the piano, was another ai the pluasing musical nunibers. Each boy playedj a diffunent par-t in a group ai se lec- tions. x Three students pmrticipted in the oratorical contuat inuguratud by Mrs. (Dr.) J. A. Butler,,and ail gave promise aif devuioping into effectiv public speakers. Larmne Batty spoke on "Canada's Trade with the West Indies"; Jessie Vandusen on "Can- adianism" , ad Roy Jones on -~Can- ada Since Coniedenation." Mr. C. ion of Mia.. j£flrey gave a vury o ¶F. Cannon, Supervisor afimpblic exhibition ai physical training,1 schools, 'Oehawa, Mn. G. C. 13n-o imtc rmoeutt castle and Dr. J. C. Devitt, very rythm of music, imitative ai moti Skindly purfsrxned the task of jnniging puculiar toanmd charactenistie o ~. y request of Principal Coyne, and xnany activities ai uveryday life Slatur in the program Mr. Qannon the nealins oi nature, sport and lai announced their decisios. and again in club swinging, both 4Although not many in the aiudien.e which uxurcises revealed compet ,could unde"'tand the dialogue -i the and painstmking instruction andv 4French play "Neuf, Neukf," meaning ous practice. The graceful "Nine, Nine" and rhyxning with harmoniaus moveinents ai the gi he "enough, 'nough,- al dat in their becosning usxifonxnj o w ift !could catch the spiit and humor of blue skirts nd white ikldiesv it and thonoi*ghly enjoyed iL Anna- ties and tnimmings, made a char îbelle Hendry and Jack Glover appear- appeal t~o aIl in thse audience. 1 ! ed in this and showed theirr hiity ine Batty playud for the Mime to converse, joke and pbhrsne in and Ruby Shaw for thse club asingi FYrench. Nean the beginning ai the progs ci d yIn the plati "Circe'.s PmIlacè(' the David Loeklxart, on %ehali of Pri PPING EARLY ý four scenes gauc,(- a dramatie ani vivid ticd with riblions ai purple and j mention mitht bu made of the klnd- presentod by Miss Maeon. Bowmuva' nAs and attent'veneuaoaiMr. John lower Sehool 'Proflclency Primes Garrod ln rexulatlng the Illghtln< FPerm 1. $3--Walter Blaukbui Furishnisand manipulatinc the foot lioehta for $2.-<JPred Cowa, Prinelpal Coyyo the varions sceneand «treizos& !<>ym I, *88-Arthw eLeekhu *Vo)L* nany men will give their families this viii be a Rogers-Batteryless Radio. We besitation, because, at the new low prices 1930 Eight-tube Rogers is unquestionably cvalue in Canada. sago (and that is a long time in the Rogers blazed the trail for ai of the iat are on the market this Christmas. Even the word '«batteryless " was coined by Rogers to describe this Canadian invention-thefirit radio in the world to operate successfully without batteries! Firs: in the field in 1925, the Rogers is stili first in standards of reliability and oustanding peforwane. Pirov'e for the past five years in thousands of Canadian homes, you cannot possibly make a mistaloe in choosing, for Chrisrmas the ... EIR&IRAIO The Orindtn4ATrIERYLESS R"DIO ~educed Prices Special Chrtstmas 1 ~Je BAUNF L Kiug Steet rfine zer, preaunted by Mn. W. F. Ric-kard. first Essay Prize, $5. i boaka-Anna-1 the belle Hendry-Newcastle Memorjal tions Library Board, pnesented by Mr. J. c fW. Radley. fe in bar Oratonical Prizes. lot, $10 ta Roy b ai Jones, donated and preaented by Mra. tth (D ute;n, $5 toJessie Van zeai- Dsen-Mrs. B. W. Dudley; 3nd, $2 girls, (Poster Prizes-lat, $1 ta Darathy la af Banathan; 2nd, 50c ta Fred Cowan; with Brd, 25e ta Charlie Aldread,.-Boardi ning af Education, ipresented by Mrs.' Lar- Jeffrey. ietiC3 Graduation Diplamaas weru present- «n.ed ta Eleanar Anderson and Alex gram' DeMaia, and aone awarded ta the rici- late Fred Butler, ta his parents, Mr. ented and Mrs. Floyd Butler. They bore eti the afficiai signatures of Hon. G. UuýIHoward Ferguson, Minister of Ed- ,old, cto for Ontario, and Major H. W. riiîan1 Dudley, Chairman af the Board of efu! Education of the village of New- Dr. Gilmour, superintendent Cen-1 sting tral Prison, Toronta said "Not onoi pres. time in fifty has a yaung mnan com olar- mitted hure learned a tradu". J. C. the Pansfard, Warden Kingston Peni- wlfl- tentiary, surprised a group af Magis. the trates by saying "Yau have nevar sent me a mechanic or a persan who olax- knuw a trade". Tecbnical educa- and tian would evidently bu af real vaije Olita- in this Province. 3ud- OwIng ta the mlld Fall we -have8 mare Ladies' Coats in stock than we -El- aheuld have and from ta-day wIIll el Pan.- any coot in stock et greatly reduced Gai- pnies. Couch, Johniton & Cryder- an- lean BAND uair, AT n- TAYLOR'SRINK pre- -AT- TUESDAY IlisTHURSDAY SATURDAY ea- EVENINGS ne. ADULTS Me ba; CHILDEEN (14 a" dedr> lue hrit- Bowmanville STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN T Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Privatu Wire Syatem 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phono Celle At Our Expenz. Hecla Furnaces Make Warm Friends The Hecla Furnaces have many exclusive features which account for theïr popularity, satisfaction and economy. Before buying a new fuir. nace corne in and let us show you why it pays to buy a Hee- la. This places you under no 1obligation to buy. R. E. LOGAN. Nme hPM&Wo Balrber Oh" PIboe aad.Steaifitte, Boirmaavil Phono 10 Furnitur. and 1

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