PAGE SIx TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. DECEMIBER 19. 1929 CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES in endless variety SUEDE PURSES strap styles SHOE BACS a handy gift TRAVELLING KITS Very useful KOSY KIMONAS Eiderdown and Silk SILK UNDERWEAR in fancy boxes HANDKERCHIEFS Pxretty designs and nicely boxed LADIES' UMBRELLAS Pure Silk and Mixed HOSIERY Silk and Chiffon, ail shades ~1 SCARFS Unique patterns and shapes SILK PYJAMAS Really stunning KID GLOVES Guaranteed RAYON SILK GOWNS Good variety shades KIDDIES' COATS Teddy Bear Cloth, white and colors, KIDDIES' BONNETS Boys or Girls PULLOVER SWEATERS New shades LADIES' COATS Specially Priced Corne in and look around. LADIES' FUR COATS AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES The Canada Fur Co. ta again sending their represeitative to our store Friday and Saturday, Dec. 27th and 28th, with a very attractive display of fur coats. In past years eur ciistom. ers have received wonderfuil values and satisfaction froim this finn. Every coat has s written gnsrantee. If interested come in and see these coats. THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manaiger. SANTA CLAUS SENDS ADVANCE NOTICE TO HARRY ALLJN-'S POP (JLAR GROCER YS TORE Very important this ! Santa Claus has just wired us from his North Pole Headquarters that he expects most people in and around Bowrman- ville to corne to our store for CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES, GRAPES, ETC. Special Christmas Candy Mixtures at Special Prices. NOT TOO LATE TO ORDER POULTRY My, what a beautiful lot of Poultry we have this year ! You certainly will make no mistake in ordering here. Which will it be-a Turkey, Goose, Duck or Chicken ? Cail at the store or phone 186. Merry Christmas to AUl iiARRV ALLUN, (rocer PHIONE tu BOWMAN VILLE HAYDON .Annual meeting of the ratepayers will be held at the achool on Thurs- day, Dec. 2th, at 2 p. m. for gen. eral busines.AUl cordially iavited ta attend. ti at Ca nt . A Mision 25e a d 5e Mi. MacDonald f Neepaa, an itoia, issJessie C aion, ar ne with their sister, Mrs. Norman Yel- e.'ery Year with Plates ta scnew ci front and rpar; no gas bis climb HAMPTON ing up each day to steal the joyo life; no speed cops chugging in youî Visitais: Min. C. W. Sîcino)n, Bow- rear, yelling sommons in your car mar'ville, wlth her father, Mr. J. J. Your inner tubes are al O.K., ai Vistue. ... Misses Laura Virtue, sas- thank the Lord they stay that way bel CamPbell and Marjorie Pascoe mour sIark phugs neyer mis and in Tarant... . Mi-. Albert Allun, To- fuss; your mti nover makes u renta, at Mr. W. R. Allin's ...... cus orfaeigodormn Mr. C. W. Souch at Windsor with a ml; your frb i ody fr a his daugrhter, Mrs. Kpnncth Caverly . il;yorboyneyer change Chilren re usy reisin fo style; your wants are few and easý the Christmas concert on Fîiday eve-i met; You've something on the aut, ning. j et. Sony to eares that Mn. Aldon Troll is ill. -MI wish him a sp'ecdyrovv The Hampton W. C. T. y. metr, H5fn Sa t the home af Mia. Barron for the De- H I n a t cem ber meeting. Mirs. Petens was able to be present and take the chair_____ after her recent illness. Mrs. Sa]. ter had charge of the devational, and 15I GREAT FUN Miss Margaret Pascoe, of the pro- W aegthrc om s gram. It was decided tOtak-e ulj Wehv ahrds ayue the Temperance Fducationai canm fuI artice s for him, tha we I st paigu and that prizes he g[v.-j tl,1 onîy a few of thema suce-sfl candidate by thelol Boe WrtnPar C. T. U. l' -BxdWiigPpr League meeting on Friday niglit soc ta $1.50 was in charge of Miýss Ruth John, Corre.qpondence CardF, MissianarY Supt. Meeting apened soc to $1.50 by singing a hymu after which the Hot Waten Battles, $1.00 ta $3.00 Lord 's prayer was repeated in uni- Fanny Parker Candies, . ..60c lb. son. Devo'tional part wss taken hy Waterian's Pens, ,2.s0 to 89.50 'Miss N. Horn* Lesson was read by ____ f M'As Florence But-ns. Tapic_-"Our Iwork wlth the Indians in Canada." Orchard Fruits, was taken 'hv Mrs. Howard Cowling.Seila 9 b Rev. J. R. Bick then taok charge 0f peil t49 b thie meeting when the followiug offi- Resu Fibony - F2rench Ivory cens were ele.oted for the coming and Ivear:an Pr . id. President-Rev. J. R. Bick. AIl Brass Goods 1 sfent .4iss Noa Horn. t'educed ta clcar ouf regardîs 2slt Vice Pres.--.Miss Iso0bel Campbell. of cosn. ndVice Pres-,-Mrs Harold Salter pldVice Pres.-. -Wilfned Creenai1 way.1 We wish you ail a 4th Vice Prc.-lmiss Maryp'ters. M Yv Chit5. Secetry...Ise Lillian Jebson. Treaseure-3frr Raymond Buins. Renlember the Chmstmas conciert'I'I A on Frfday negt, Dect. 20Lb. Admis.' e sien 20 et& . K' i lake'S Bu>' a Spartan Radio sud b. S&tTH£ OEPERNaAOI1E DAqUOST led. Se lair>'AlUn. Oh herse, you are a wonderful 5thing; no buttons to push, no horns! Wo honk; you start yourself, toi clutch to slip, no apark ta Mi&%~ tg bh- Di Br. ni ny AUCTION SALE Sturday, D«c. 28t6.-Mr. Tho&. Z. Tabb, Lot 11, Con. 9, Danlizgton, wll »Ui aul ef hia firm stock, Imple- ment., etU. Sale at 1 P. M. See bIla. Theo. M. Slemon, auettonteer. 61-2 THE SMART SHOP - Group 1 at $19.95 Men's heavyý quality Overcoats in navy blues, tweeds and worl- steds; the populai' guards mode], uisters, and plain back slip-on models; in sI'ades of brown and powder blue checks and grey plaid effeets. This includes any coat in the store, values up to $25.00 andi $27.50, our big clear- ing special this week, for only Opkie m:«T eB. GILCHRIST OFFERS ACCEPTABLE and 2--. - .. - 1 BARGAINS IN MEN'S OVERCOATS Croup 2 at $27.50 In this group you will find this scason's choicest cloths, in ail the l)etter makes, such as Cambridge and S ociety Brand Clothes; bautiful shades of autumn brown, plain and fancy grey ef- fects; ail wool imported cloths; and in this Fall's new styles; val- ues up to $35. and $37.50, clear- ing these three days, fon only DewmaaIU. jMAPLE GROVE PROVIDENCE Don't forge't the Concert and Providence Scheol will holdta Xoess Tree in the 'baUl on Monday ev.- Christmas Tice and Concert in hel ening, Dec. 23rd. 1'Church on Friday Dec. 2Oth at 81 Sorry ta bac Mr. and Mis. John o'clock. An operetta will -ho given1 Tunnicliffe front our community.iby the pupils entitled "The Teoy-1 They have moved to Oshawa. ishop". Admission 25c. IMr. and Mn. Stuart Morton, sonl Jack, Coaurg, Mr. and Mmis. l ENNISKILLEN OsonProvidence, Misa Vers Power, îrown's School, Clarke, spen± 2Mr and Mr&. F. Bradley, 'Mr. and Bunday with teir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Booklin, visiedi I 3r.. Truman Power. Mr. and Mia. James Bradley. !E3r. and Mrs. Le.C. Snowden vist- Dr. and Mrs Ferguson, Allen aud ed lier sigter, M31T& James Hogarth Donald, and Miss Marjorie Martyn Hampton, an Sujiday. ' pSHt Wedlead*y at in Toronto. Miss Reva McGill, Miss M. Dalton White Gift Servie will be held on and Mr. Orville Ashton spent the 18unday. w.k end wlth friands in Toronto. Mr. and Mm.. Eber Snowden, -Mr. snd Mrm W. Stainton, Chafle danghter Margarwt, Oshawa, visited and Bernice, spent SuLnday with bis parents on Sunday. frienda in Ora>no. Mr. and Mra. Fred Stevena, and Scrry te report that Gladys Page, daughter Doris, speut the weekend second ds.ughtem af Mr. and 3fr.. with thefr cousina, 'Mi. and Mms.Ray> Lloyd Page, Caîtwriglift, and grand- Snowden, Toront». daughter Of MT. and Mra. Levi tBant was operated on for mastoids in Osh-1 awa Hospital. Glad to kno'w t!hel TYRONE aperation wasasuccesaful. There was a gocd turn-out to Sun- Sorry ta report Mr. James Hodg- day School Sunday morning and the son In a Very critical condition. Wc evenimg service was very weIl attend-ý wish him a speedy recovery. ed. Oui pastor, Rev. J. M. Whyte, School Concert and Xmas Tree on spoke on Blind Bartimacus. Next Friday evening. Sunday there will ho special Christ- Leaue meeting Thursday evening mnas service. Zvery one welcome.- was in charge of the 2nd Vice Presi- Young People's League he]d its an- dent, Miss Alice Thompson. After fluai election of officers Dec. llth., the opening exercises Mrs. Floyd when these officers were elected: Dudley took charge and the follow- Preident-Miss Audrey Dorland; Ing PîOgramn was gi'ven: Reading by lst vice-Miss Reva McGill1; 2nd Miss Loins Hooper, "Two Cents a vice--Mrs. Harvey McGill; 3rd vice ,Veek"; Topi a splendidly given -Maniorie Martyn; 4th Vice-ýMiss by Mrs. FloydiDudley on "The Christ- M Dalton; &ec'y-Fred Thornet; nmas Spirit and Our Indian Citizens"- Trea.-Edgar Wright; Librarian- Messrs. Clarence Hatherly and Fran:' Annie Oke; Auditoîs-Orville Ash- cis Thompson, in a short dialogue, ton, Milton Stainton. helped to illustrate the top ic; read- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, Mur.e1 ing by Mr. Clinton ýBigelow, "Ak Mis- and Elsie, Mr. James Stainton 'visited sionary Box". Mr. H. Stevens. Wonien's Institute and Ladies' Aid ChrLstrnas Tree Friday Dec. 2th.1 held December meeting on Wednes- DARLINGTON COUNCIL day in the Commiunity Hall, with an ____ attndace f 3. Afoo-measur- Statutory meeting of Council wasi ing.contest proved very interesting. held Monday, Dec. 16th, with melni- Mrs. S. T. Hoar gave a paper on bers ail present, Reeve Silas Wil- "Fauit Finding, Criticismn and It's hrspeiig Physical Hanm," stressing the fact lampes CisScoo Ateda tha ifwe eepourelvs hysically Officer, gave his report for Noveniber. fit, we wil l ot be fault finding. Roll Salary for year orâered paid. By- eall was answered by an exehange of law for the appointmnent of James Xmss gifts. Curtis for 1930 was passed. *Mr. Howard Coucli wss in Cobourg 'Following resolutian was passed;j hast week serving on t.he jury. «,That whereas the rules and negula- tions of Public Highways do not SOLINA permit the Pàyment of bonus on wonkl performed on the highways unles Vsitors: Mfr. and Mis. Robt. Rain- authorized by the Road Supt. ey and Mr. Neil, Miss Ada Riggsansd Therefore be it resolved that fi-ou Miss M. Taylor, Ororo, with Mr. and this date the Rosd Supt. will not psy Mrs. W. T. Taylor; Mr. and Mrs, for any work unless duly ant'horized Ernest Webber, Columbus, Mr. and by hlm."l Mim Hilton Tink, Oreno, MI. and L. T. Pascoe presented bill of Mrs. Clarence Tink snd Kathleen, sbatement on 1928 taxes amounting Providence, with Mr. snd Mrs. H. ta $388.50 which was approved and E. Tink; Mr-. and Mim W. J. Rey- balance of sslary for 1928 ordeîed nolds and Miss Ruth spent the week- pasue id.ldgdfllwn end wth Toronto frienda; 3Mr. and reapsunerT. acknoegtes fo9o2in Mrs. Harold Jebscn and Miss Dor- r$ceip1s; L. T. Pasco, axes51928, oVhy, Brookln, at 3fr. Waltem Vice's.$921;LT.Pso,2nd5 ad Several froni here attended th arrears of taxes 1928, $329.97; C. D. Milk Producers Banquet in Bowmat' Hodgson, taxes 1929, $71,172.81. vile on Orders drawn oni Treasuren: The sYnipthY of the community W. R. Aluin, office expenses .$ 22.91 is extended ta the familY of the late Thos Richards, office expenses .89 Mm.JaesHary hcpaae< aayThios. Richards, salary ....... -2,.50 'tM.ave H rdy'. o an Md ay. Thos. Richards, maintenance. 62.67 The Youn peSplearWilliams, t-services of Theyoug eope ae usyprat. Reve ..................75.00 ising for their play '"Marrying Aune" GC, Annis, services as Dep- te be given early in the n ea r. t ev........50 Sorry to report that Mi.Jhn A. L. Pascoe, services as Pascoe has heen under the doctor'. Councillor........75.00 cane. W. wish hier a sPeedy recove- John 'Mutton, services as ry nage meeting Monday eeigC Councillor........75.00 eveingC.A. Blanchard, services as wBas in charge of the 3rd Vice Pres- Councillor ............... 75.00 dent, Mr. Ernest Debar. Devotional Dean Hodgson, salai-y as Col- Pericd was taken hy Mri. E. R. Tay- et,199......10 0 o.Community singing led by Mra. L.0Pa0e ah fssaya Jon akr.Tapie on Christmnas w55 colctr 12a....125.00 taken by Miss Fanny Suisles. ReP -W. . llino, srvce9a2 Cer 15.00 ing, Mr Maur-ice Baker. Croup Jas. Curtis, salai-y and expen- gamnes were Put on by Mr. Alan Me-- ses as Attendance Ofileer. 56.30 Keàsock and s contest by Miss Ruth A-hrMlsn eaeo ~fcessck.Candy snd apples wene taxes, 1929..............3 ;hen enjoyed and the meeting closed Coni17ZundSiefe with the League Benediction. oniadureSneD. Remnember cur Christmas concertiW R. Allun, Clerk .nd tîee next Monday night, Dec. IATIUET H OS Z3rd. Good program of choruses, A________ HE OU USEFUL GIFTS R EASONABLY PRICED 'J LET YOUR GIFTS BE THINGS TO WEAR A good Tie is a useful gift, Priced 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Each MEN'S SCARFS Polka Dot, Silk Refer Scarfs, Cash- mere Seaifs, Broadcloths and Rayon Scarfs, Frorn $1.00 to $6.00 MIIEN'S SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS Ail kinds, any styles, any combina- tion of colors, Frorn $1.95 to $6.00 Each MEN'S BATH ROBE SPECIAL Priced at $5.75 A heavy quality Iderdown Bath Robe for men, ail sizes, shades of fawr., grey red, nicely trimmed to match, a siiecial purchase enables us to se]i this robe for onlv $5.75 Each MEN'S WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS A special line of lawn handlkerchiefs, Seliing This Week 12 for $1.00 COURTICE On Thurday, Dec. 12th, W. M. . held its regular monthly Meeting in the home of Mrs. Jno. Found, and abho the weather was very severe and the roads in poor cndition there were about twenty ladies prer- ent. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Art Pascoe's group. New of- ficera were elected, and a short Christmas Prograrn preented. Re- frebinents were served by Mrs. Pas- ce's grop and an enjoyable hour spn. MrsPound and Miss Mary màde evrY one Most welcome. Bunday services were fairly weil attended. I the mnorning, it being white gft ervie, many gifts were broug'ht and laid on the altar and were ftrwards sent to the poor children in the city. jaturday afternocn the C. G. 1. T. mt in one of the homes in Courtice, and dreeed a number of doils to be sent ta the poôr childre. At t'he Yeung Peole's Meeting this Thursday night there will 1e a "i Chriss program and a rtMas troc- and a good time is expected. ENFIELD) Mim B. Palmer, Toronto, is viait- ing at Mr. Arthur Ormistoa's. Mi. and Min. E. W. tacoe, Brook- lin, are visiting at Mr. Geo. Ormis-, tons. Mr. Edgar Prescott ha old his faim te Mn. J. Byers, Oshawa. Mr. Arthur Ormiston sud Mia. N.1 Smiith w tre quietly marri'cd on Dec. ?th. Congratulattions! The chari- vari the following Satuiday evening was somew.hat more ncisy. Wheu they ieceived their donation they procured their treat at Enniskillei) and returned to Mi. Ormiston'a sud a plessant eveuiug wass sent. 'Miss Dorothy Pascee is visiting at I Wick. Mr. Metro Nemidh has ren Led th. faim vacated by Mn. H. Strong. Thei annual school meeting will be on Thursday, Dec. 26th, ait usuai tisue. Santa Claus is expected te ho here an Meuday cvening, Dec. 23rd. Hear the Spartan Radio bof oie buying. Demoustration in your own homne without obligation to you. Phone Harry Allin. MOORES POPULAR GIFT SHOP Oathered franm Varions daasl.. monts you will and Maur7 x mAS3 3UGGESTIONS jor the masculine as wen th feminine aide of the famull in aur store. J. R. MOORE Jeweloe Bowmanviile transport company at buýnbarton a&& Oshawa, diod In Oshawa Gene=F, Hospital as the result of s aident on the hlghway at Hiighland Cr.k. J THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, DECMIBER 19, 1929 0 1 HOSIERY A man cannot have too niany sox,'- Priced frorn 5Oc to $1.50 Pair MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Every shirt in fancy box, Broad- cloths, Percales, Madras, Silk Stripes, and plain shades, Frorn $1.50 to $4.50 Each GLOVES Lined and unlined, Horse Hide, Pig Skin, Doe Skin and Suede, also Genuine Cape, also Woolen Gloves, Frorn 50c to $3.75 Pair BELTS Presented in the flnest wearing leath- ers; narrow, medium or wide widths; ither brown or black; very special, At 50c to $2.00 Each PAJAMAS In rfli(ldy or regulation style; liner hroacloth, soisette or madras, pre- sented in plain colors or likable pat- terns, NECKWEAR