THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMJBER 19, 1929 PG EE EVEN NOW, at the e with ail the years of i brings. But we earnestly sul once, for a great many thought as yourself. The best way to make shop to-day. Make a if you lilce, and have us that the set is yours. We wiII deliver whei day you specify, even ul The Screen-Grid Ati every way-in power, il enduring worknianship. Your Christmas money Atwater Kent. Youiel have a Merry C New Year if you own ai GEORGE ATWATER KENT Next to J. B. Martyn's Stoi See What Sant "B 1IG lite ehoppers will find this gifte that will be appreciated: FOR LADIES A of Paris is i a dainty @Mbroidered Silk Purse, $3.50 J Boundoir Set of Powder Puif and Peatlher Duster to match, bothl lier ..........i. ........$1.50 1 Boudoir Mlanicure on stand, fruein. Pari%_ae ornamental, but very' metf................83.601 Gnaine Crystal Atomnizer daintilyý oolored in Boudoir tints, $2.25i Mot any Madame would apprec-1 late a useful Sewing Purse, .ontaina spools, needies, etc. 75c Fie aomethmng chic, give a dainty Mat Stan.d, cornes in varlous ..)ors .................82.00 FOR GENTLEMEN Geatlemau'à Travelling Compan- ion, incl"dng a Gillette Razor and other necessities, madie in %ngland ............... $3.50 %om France a handsome einbosa- ad, braw covered Cigarette Box auusual and niost attractive, $2.00 lbeUlàed Brasa Memno Pad, for the home or office, a most accept- able gSMt...............81.50 Amotbier of the popular French emboeeed Bras Items, will hold 0 itpea ................*2.00 A Soft Collar Box, leather cover- .d, atampeti in gold ..1.50 Pas Case and Bill FoId, a coin- hlanation for mensbershiip card, axtomobile card andi bills, made' in EnglandJ.............82.00 This doesn't begin to tell thi tio appreciate the joy of gift je wJil Ph... 30 KODAKS AND BROWN lES IN COLORS Aîways Acceptable Brtswnie No. 2.........3.25 Brownie No. 2 A ..4.25 Peeket Falding No. il ..8$9.25 Poiket Foltiing No. 1lA $10.25 NOTE D'AMOUR PAPETRIES PaStel ehades in Papes- anti Envelopes Clristimas Speciai 49e huportad GROSVE-NOR CHINA Dainty Patteras s9. sud s9. ievntLJOCAL AND OTHERWISE PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCERTS BIRTHS elevent Rilda -u ca* ADOY-In Tarante, on December 9, MisRlaG. Siemon spent thel (Continued froin page 1) ô Ie ckS.,Tronto a ion-Doairi Lter Kent for Christmnas, weekend in Tojronto. Jr. 3rd--Jack Underhill. Â iappies$ such a radio Mr. F1ovd (Cou1er recent]y visýited Room 9-"r. 2nd-(1) Om nry *5RIAGES frientis in *BrIigt«I. Mtchell, (2) Ruth Cryderman. ey Mrs. C. S. i.ialhnan is visiting bier Rooem 1 0-Jr, 2nd - Cbarlte ORMISTON-SMITH - At Enniskillezi ggest that you act at mother in Kitchener who is serions]y Churchill; ST-. lst--Edna Sheehan. M1éanie, on Saturday, Dec. 7th, 1929 Mne Rony1Jr n-erg <i-Agnes J. Smnith, Ennlwkillen, anti Mr. M. peolehae hesaeiir. n-Gog Mû-Atur Ormiston, Entild, the pastor, r popl hae te smeMr. andi Mrs. G. A. Gillispie left ris; Sr. lst-Blain Elliott; Jr. lat-It.s. J. M. Whyte, offIalated. on Wednesday for Manatee, Florida, Grigg Morden; Sr-. Pr.-Harry 1mitb EAH wher the wil sped th winer. andi Donald Venton, equal. DAH :e sure is to corne to our weete ilsedtewne. Roomi 12-8r-. Pr.-Jean Loganz; SMITH-In Mllbrook, Dec. lth, 1929, Miss !Belle G. Allen left last week Jr. P.-Kitty Storey. Alexander Andrew Smith, In hie 65th à small down payment to visit friends ut 3307 Altanxont Suhwr er -a fil out a tag showing Road. Cleveland Heights, Cleveland, Rom SuhWrI ARMSTMO£O-In Orono. on Skturday, Ohio. R m1--Sr. 2nd-Ila Sitton; Jr.i Dec. 14th, 1929, Chas. G. Armotrong, aged Mr NranSadrs Ohwa on fdKtll DEST-In Hope. on Mondai-, Dec. 16, rever ~ ~, ~of Mr. John Sanders, Westmount ocin Brwn;Jr. lst-PhylliPBair.; 1 a na e t. habe.en appointed County Constal 99Mr inBsI ir7t er p to Christmnas Eve. for Ontario County. ST~. Pr.--Jean Rice; Jr. Pr--Jean LOWERY-In Clarke, on Saturday, Woodward; Beginner&--Viola Bar- Dec. 14, 1929, Ellen Jane Powcrs, beloved twater Kent is fine in Mr. Percy Cowlîng, Ontario Phar- n .wife of John Lowery, aged 67 years. macy College, Toronto, spent the HA!RDY-In Darington, at the rosil- in beauty or tone, iniweoLkend witb bis aunt and 'a Te"Tdd es ill i- uniordenceofhenHavyAHrdn Mr. ad Mr. W. . Shrt. 'Boyswas another interesting 2111m- Monday, Decoember 16th, 1929, James A. I.Yet the price is Iow. man Mr W. D. Sht, hiber, eplendidly performeti by Leonard Hardy, in bis 7th year. A man wo recenly exthnged bs Sonmercales, George Morris, Arthur MORRIBON-4n Toronto, Dec. 17, 19Z9 n -CAgnes A. Powlie, beloved wifé of FretI gos aths Wt 81radio for a Spartan told Harry Aia LivingCharlie Churchill, Terrence M. morrison, aired 60i-sors. Interred that hie got il new stations hie couiti Dustan, Pu 'Symons, Blain Elit, tGoeieCmtrB oklln. neyer get with bis old radio. John Grahamn, tEnalti Richards ýBîIjH IRCOCK-In Bownanville, on Mon- Christmas and a Happy Rev. Arthur Barner, Superintend- Tait, Lionel Parker, Jo nirving, y. December l6th. 1929, Hiaad rnest In Atwater Kent. ent Indian Missions for the United Harry Gomners, Ronald Hooper. Hircock, aged 4 years, 7 months. In- Chureih of Canada, was recent guest The Senior Boys favoreti with t'wo terment in Cobourg Union Cemeteri-. of Mr. and Mrs. T.- H. Lockbart. cc.miendable humorous songe, each IN MEMORIAM - B R O W N St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch, one tellinrg a etory. The chorus con- RADO EA ERcorner Temperance andi Church Sts. sisteti of Tommy Distan, Lawrence In ever îa em o nr orif Thomas Pas- RADI D oEA aviER Morning Worsbip Il a. nm.; Evening Rehder, Arthur Culley, Ian Bell, Rus- co.. who passed avmy December 18, 1921. Ries Any SArk, n ofaffection, p. M. Carl Baby, Murray Mitchell, Ralph That we ail thtnk of YOU. - -- Mr. anti Mra. Cecil Bellman at-i Aies, Bob Clark, John Neal, Hugli -Wlie and Flamnlly. tendeti the wedding on Dec. 7th, ofi Smale, Peter Bathgate, Jack Bennett, BNETI oigmmr-e u liber niece, Gertrude Louise Collins, FPrank Tuerk. dean son, Benny, who passed away on Sharon, near Collingwood, and Mr.1 "The Bicycle Ride," wSs another Dec. 9. 1919. aged 9 yeans, 3 menthe. Arthur D. Evans of Newnarket.! recitation, well given iby SeIns Bar-t- W, tbtnk cf hlni ln silence, et Hie namne we oft recel, ta L ft it t e Ms..Bellan laye th wedinglet. 1But there le nathing lefftotaanswer ra L eft at the MS. Ona lae h wdig ett o f the mont pleasing and pop- Bhie flcure on thehwakb By tilie dropping of a line in our'ular items on the pregrain wae the ter and Brother. py report of last meeting of Bowxnan- vocal duet, "Do Birds Tell," accoin- ville Women's Institute, the naine paniati by whistling effects, by Ada. In leving maniery of Derothy, dear wa mitd fMr.A. W. Clemens, Clark and Joe Wigbtman. lIttle daughter ofiMr. and Mr:. J.A. Gil- Tyroe, ho avea slenid ddrssýTbe three part chorus and dance'Irelnterred in Bowmnanville Cernetery on 3list very bcl'pful in selecting grazyennyd Away on that beautlful bill of God, gnealy njoyti.di Chiari, was very akillfully execut-, BDy the vaIley of peace se fair, Mrs. Thes. Sykes bas returned el by Senior girls, garbed in gay, Some day, some tîme, when this life le home after spending over three Spanigh costumes, and provedi to be We done, wili meet our dlarllng there. FOR THE HOME montbs visiting bier sons anti other a very attractive andi pretty number. -Baally missed by Mother, Father, Marie. frientis, W. Sykes of Rochester; E. j. They were Helen Mason, Elaine Rea-l Betty and Donald. An Outdoor Thermometer, witb Sykes of Cincinnati, Ohio; J. Sykes, mian, Dorothy Nichols, Mabel Brook-1 brackets to attacb to window Toronto; anti L. D. Sykes of Bow- bain, Joyce Adamis, Arletta Maynard,- ILHOOLV-In sad and loving memori- sa4i itbot opeing he wi- maville ant fnietis t Niaara ai-io GlavillefJea Morrs, .'MaetDorohy Ma, da ofter Mr.M.aan sa-J' withut opningthe wn- mavill; andfriens atNiagaa Maron GanEilea JenMMorJs, Gwhooldedo Decemberbe dow ....................1i.50 Falls andi Oshawa.-Warkworth Jour- beth Adamis, Clara ýBeliman, Grace, 18th, 1928, aged 9 years. Cub Ta Ptwi~ te taitynal, Rundle, Joyce Luxton, Mary Mutton, 1 Younre now a glorious ange], dean, CubeTeaPot wili he ainy 1In unseen reais abové, Mayflower design........8$3.501 Mr. T. A. Garton, the popular pro- Aileen Hately, Gertrude Hooper,~ But You're Just our lîttie forget-me-not, prietor of the local bus uine, gave a Mary Thompson, Georgina Caverly,. God knows how much we love. Cream and Sugar to match, complimentary banquet at. the ma itsî-Pichrd orsiule.-Gnandma and Grandpa. price per pair... .....2.25 moral Hote Tuersday evening to the S eyfn etr ftepo-j GILHOOLY-ln ieving memnoni of our A very colôrful Bisacuit Bowl, in' General Motors LacroSse Teain of grain was the pyramiti building and, darllng niece, Derothy Mai-, daughter of vs.rious designs & colora, $3.00 Oshawa, Canadiait Champions anti physical culture dsplay by a numnber Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Gilhooli-, who died boîtiers uf the Mann Cup. The ban- of the boys, under the direction December 18, 1928, aged 9 yeans. Frenh FlwerAsh ray crytalOf l W& maurn the lIs et ane so dear, FrediFlwerAs Tai- cysa]quet was the fulfilment of a promise Mr. R. A. McLeod, physical super- Our heants are sad to-day base witb coloreti ahell flowers, Tim matie to the players early in the visor. The boys takîng part were: To tblnk ýthe one we leved so dear $2*0 ý easo. 1Was s0 quickly called away. 82.00 eason Bill Brown, Clair Allen, Bill Allin, I, our heants ber memoni- lingers, Taa with 2 packs of Wadding-' Rev. S. C. Moore of Belleville, bas John Sbires, Bill Dunlop, Jhn Callan, But we know 'tlî vain to weep, ton's Englisb Playing Carda, receiveti anti accepteti a cordial in-Russell Oke, Russell Hayes, Han-yl Tears of love can never wake ber quite new..............$3.00 vitation to supply the pulpit of tb- Souch, Buster Crombie, Ernest Hunt,! . om ber peaellbapd ee.f yo the R"t-Auent, SaiiAllidUncle Lyle. Set of 4 Propelling Pencils, bigbly new Albert Street United CburobRit enSmAlnFe u- colredwit tblenumersonOshawa, for the balance of Confer' ton, Arthur Humpage, Dav. Osborne, Articles For Sale eclore.ti w.t..table.nun..b$1s0o ence yai the absence of the - e:,Beyd Slenion, Rose Williams. etpastor, Rev. R. A. Whattam, wbo Va.lous selections frein the Cen- CORN FOR SALE-Quantiti- ot dry "Kard Table Tacks" set of 4, eacb bas been calleti to important work tata "Childe Jesu," by Clokey, coin- corn in bar-n. Appli- W. J. Hendenson, witlh teck inserteti, in celored i wth the Ontario Prohibition Union priseti the closing numiber of the pro- Lot S. B. F. Dariington. 51-1' celluloid.................. 75c1 at Toronto. gr-am. The choruses fi-r this can-i PIOS FOR SALE-Tan Yorkshire Pige, ______________________tata were particularly effective andi 6 weeke' aId. C. H. Snowdon, R. R. 2, A well-known Bbwmanv5le iinqfedfiut TeFrtNwl, Bowmanville. Phone 203-2. 61-1 ba onored on Wednestiay in To-1 'olish Carol lStb Century,"y and1 FOR SALE--Cuttar; Meotte Creamn FOR CHILDREN onta. T%.e Daily Star eays: In the "Adeate Fidelis," olti Latin Hyinn, kinagao, a oodcodon n;16J.q an- a Attractivee corne-atoneRofethe thwwere rendereti by the choir, while ville.__5 0-2 dectrate Sipbanles, wpiti nîne-roon College View Ave. publie solo parte w.ere nicely sung by Mur- - decraed hadlsisprceachool was laid this afterneon ay Mthell, anti a duet, 1Swetbs FOR SALE-F'resh militera and year- at....................... 75 Trustee Artihur J. Trebilcock, the sil- arol M'te .tur duley ni'S an islng helfens, recently T. B. tested, also verrtr,"el beinhurantieti aodhFmany some good young homes, 1200 Ibo. and Charlheston Charme, a mew antie rwl en add ohn yTuerk. over, shortage of feed neason for selllng. very popular novelty for tbe Trustee C. M. Gai-rie, chairnian of Gordon K. Hardy, Hampton. Phone little miss, matie of glass in as- the ProPerty committee. The pianists of the evening were 133-22 Bowmanville. 51-1 sorteti designs anti colora . .0So-c!______ _Minse Lts LBragg, Mi-s.Muriel S CTTR FR AE mc-uhi ens ani Mse iarori Colacttwboi edlum welght cutter, llgbtly used. Te Leather Case with Pencils, etc, 75c, Wanted provideti fine accompanmmente. be sean at J. J. Imt'a, Enniekillen, on SetOf4 aricoord Des Hnt Mises(Morris anti the other mcm- h write R. J. Smitb, Bowmanville. Phonel Sea o 4hevai--loe tes .H5nga WANTE D-Experienced Hosleri- Open- bers of the Public Sebool staff aiJ 17. 60-3 crs or te litie otta 75e atrs, maie and female; steadi-epo- eb hh oîei t Cereal Set for boy or girl. Dishb'omnt. Appiy Durham Textiles, BO- o b igl Il tuaedo he AAISFRSL-olrbe matches the Jug.......... 75e1 manvîlle.46t creditable sbewing matie by alltheh trom Content Club Rung Stock, guaran- _____ . - pupils, on the tberough mannes- el tead singera, reasonable; aloo choice WANTED-Apartments Partialiy fur- their tanigand effective costumn- ChinclSt.RabN. wappl Mn B.Benett e steri-. You mnust visit Our nîhed, sultable for liouseieeeping, ur ing.tann lî t . omnil 03 ,t buying. hous.furnished. must have. modern con- IFRSL-aoieEgn,7h . ttowmILnvile. B.,l a grain relier, gnînden and circuler saw;:ý 1 pure bred Shanthorn cow, dual ur-l LADI ES-Wantlng lCnitting, ratting AOTHER BURDEN FOR THE Poe, rnewe Jan. 1. Appli e . C. on Crocheting done wiIl be assured ofMNCPAIISWottan. Hampton R. R. 1. Phone 238-24. flistclssývrkifthey wili phone 275,. __________ 5-2w i3owmanville. 50-tf EW EL (Acon Fee Pess)Real Estate FrSale W E LCompanion-Nurse Wanted Itdoes not seem generally known to take cane. of eldenli- gentlemn portion o h oto rvnilBwavle llousekeeper le aloemploi-ad. Appui-to o hecsto PoicilBomnvl M. A. Ja1mes, 'Lorne Villa,"' Centre Yst., elections. Ia tact wben tlie bill ofSL--omd tcoCtae Bowmanville. over $80 was presenteti to Acten ,aFR o¶vEnîeces r e tralco rntaer Council at the lest meeting as being, Church amind ron se. ,,rl o n Acton' a bre ,it was lad er 2tl a further meeting for consideration. It woulti appear just another instance cf saddling the burden eon the rate- payera. Thro'ugh tbe County Concill levies anti Provincial assessments the Municipal Councila are becoming the mediumn te raise rates anti funtis as- sesseti by these bodiies anti oves- which they have no control. Al thinga must be. paiti for but it seenis unfair that the local Councils sboulti be 'essesseti with this anti the share of the Olti Age Pensions anti calleti upon to provide the funtis andi as- sume the blame for increaseti tax- ation wben in reality tbey are not to blame for much et the ever in- creaaing loati that la being calleti upon to provide. It makes one feel that the Provincial budget is being balanceti directly by the rate.payer. lis, F.Foley, Blow manviille. 48-tf1 CHRISTMAS ENLARGEMENTS 6p) x 10" Speciai 29c Unchallenged for Quality SMILES'N CHUCKLES CAMDES Gaily packed for Christmas with seasonable wrapper. 60C lb. -I-2 - 3- 5 lb. pkgs. FOR THE LADIES Ivory Toilet Sets French Perfunies Dusting Powders Bath Salta Perfume Atomizers Outex Sets Toilet Waters Compacts Gilette Safety Ramors $1.00 ».d $5.00 YARDLEY'S MEN'S SET Complet. $2.50 Yardley's Toiletries Make Admirable Gifts 85C to $10.00 A conmplote stock to choose from. FOUNTA~iN PENS Iminediate anti permanenb 8atisfaction. Watermnans.......2.50 up Wahl ............3.00 up Shaffers ...........3.00 up Parkers ..........2.50 up Specual Peu and Pencil Set 82.00 CIGARS AND CMGRETTES At AU Prie.. Ohrlsmas Wrapped JURY&8Z L()VEII. When we test eyes it is done properly Teapots Roasters Pyrexwaxîe Percolators Carving Sets Electrie Irons Electric Lamps Flashlight Auto Robes Pocket Knives Coleman Lamps Electric Heaters Carpet Sweepers Community Plate Aluminuin Ware Electric Toastem Vacuum Cleaners Knives and Forks FOR DAD Gillette Razors Coleman Lanterne Mitts and Gauntlets >7FOR THE CHILDREN Sleds Mitts Skates Wagons Bicycles Tool Sets Toboggans Velocipedes Pocket Knives Hockey Sticks Enamelled Cups, Sauc- ers and Plates ces§ leig Û: 0of a COME IN AND COMPARE OUR PRICES You will find we are offering the best values in town. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL :si~ziszi RICE & CO. Opposite Post Office Hardware Bowrnanville il, Lost or Found HEWPER ESTRAY - Hlstein h.ifer, (Iin on Lot 15 Con. 4, Darlington, )n lî s, ty, Decetitier 3rd. Owner may luve marne 1)3'provIng property and pay- int texp)enses. J. R. Knox, R. R. i1 Bow- inanvIlle. Phone 237-31. 50-30 To Let HOUSE TO RENT-In Bawmanviile, by lot of Decemnber, modern canveniencea. Apply te W. P. Ward Barrister, etc 13owminanvilie. Phone 162. 4-ïd HOUSE TO RENT-Seven roome, wat- ,r orics, bath, eectric lights, lo*ted KiCng & Ontarlo St., available Jan. 12th. Apply A. A. CoIwili, Newcastle. 51-tf STORE TO RENT-mn beet business sectionncf Ilewianvillie, very central; wili lease for term of yearst suitable tenant at moderate rentaI: tpossession Januory lot.; accno led at present by F'eit's .ewery. Apply te W. R. Strike Bowmanville. 50.t* For Sale or To Rent NEW HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- Rardwood flooru, tiied bthroom, w1red for electrlc stove, sll modern cons-en- sences. J. E.' Flett, Centre St., flow- i menville. Phone 38Ï. 50-tf CARINIGAND tRUCKINC-' ilkduet OMUK g Tret s41 mevtir. oeuand o'tiir hî.ano.. Mslr M. SotMmARO, Ph*" o a St. SwmewIff e POULTRY- FOR CHIIRSTMAS? SURE! LOTS 0F IT. MILK FED CHICKENS PLUMP TURKEYS GEESE & DUCKS They're not so high priced as you might expect We are seil- ing poultry at lower prices than ~4 usual. We've got a lot of or- ders on the book now for Christ- mas delivery, but we're able to fil a lot more. Don't wait tilI the last day-order now. We'll deliver whenever you say. CHOICE MEAT FOR FESTIVE SEASON This is a season of feasting and we have planned foim a big trade in choice Young Beef, Lamb and Pork. Aloo very nice variety of cooked and cured meats. EDMONDSTONE'S PURE FOOD STOREv Phone 21 Bowua.y1in. 1 1 N e WHAT SHALL I GIVE IS THE "QUESTION 0F THE HOUR" Let us help you solve your problems. - 1 PAGE SEVEN SHORT COURSE IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE A meeting to arrange for above one month's cotuses at Bowmanville from Jan. 6th to 8lst, will be held in COUNCIL CHAMBER, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY (TO-DAY), DEC. liltJ. at 8 P. M. Ail boys and girls within a radius of 10 miles of Bowmanville are invited to this meeting. Bxing your friends with you. Speakers wilI include B. P. Bradt, Clarence Allin, Jas. Brown, and others. J. Y. KELLOUGH, AgriMc. Reprosentative. PRACTICAL [JTJLJTY CIET AT RICE & CO'S HARDWARE STORE You will find herea splendid assortment of useful articles that wiIl please both the giver and the receiver: FOR MOTHER