eoIanIn With Wirh Is Incorrvarated Trie Bowrnanville News II VoL LXXV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers BOWMANVILLE, OINT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1929 $2.00 a Year in Advance, 5c a Greetngs..s To our Customers and Friends SOME FOLKS have said that there is no sentiment i business -- that we, of this age, have become too engrossed in business, too commaercialized, to pay heed to the fluer things of life Times have changed, it is true, since this store cele- brated its first Christmas, 47 years ago. And yet, in spite of the outward changes t ha t bave occured, the spirit of Christmas remains t h e saine. It is stili the day of universal joy, because Itîs still_--just as ithas always been -- the day when, more than at any other time, we look be- yond ourselves. It is the day on which we pause for a moment in the busy whirl of life, to realize Our dependence upon others and to acknowledge open- ly and frankly the obliga- tions we owe our friends. It is only natural for this reason that our thoughts -should go out at this sea- son to those who have helped so materially in our growth and prosper- ity. To you, therefore-- our customers and other friends -- we extend our sincere appreciation for past favors and the hope of the proprietors and staff of this Company that you, and those whose hap- piness is yours, may have a Christmas of- whole- souled joy and a New Year f ull of Happiness and Prosperity. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman 1 UME 104 LIMITED BOWMKANVILLE WHAT Ns CH'RISTMAS TO YOU? We are told thet Ghristinas of al the holidays la nearest ta being uni- versai. This festival crestes a mood which la more genera)ly felt by the1 plic than lsanmy other mood dur- ngthe year. [t la a state of mind and spirit in wiich tihe better normal impulses ave play. Christmna inclines us to iplicityT sud sincerity. What la .buplicity- the opposite of the ace fieisl, the sup- erficail, the sophisticated, the affected, the insincere, the mixed; that which la real and elemnntary. Sit may ap- pear where are castanees and ele-1 gance as well as in very moager con- ditions. Truiy great mnen and wo- men alwuays have simphicity of char- acter. You wlll find most notable ~pipe very natural, direct, frank, humble and transparent. Christmas brushes away the veneeringsa and helpa us to see and estimate our- selves, our fellow men and 1fif itseéll according te reaiity. Do you flt think, kind reader, that it la much csaier for thie average person to be good at thin festive season of year? Probably thla la because partly, that at ths time eech of us Îbye, more ini the heart than in the heed; and the heart of the whoae community is more upon thie slee'ves. In our merely in- tellectual plannings and sdieniings integrity is more likely to veer from thei straight lUne; but the heart tells and acte the truth-conatrains us te be sincere and genuine. Christmaa tends to stiniuiate the finer senti- ments i us and our affections. WHITE SIELD CLUB White Shield Club held ita Christ- mas party on December l7th, in St. Paul'a Lecture Boom, whidi was beautifuliy decorated. President, Mrs. T. Gould, wss in the chair. Pro- gram: opened by smiging () Canada.! Chriatmnas carols were sung by the club, asisted by Mrz. (Dr.) Reaman and Mrs. (Dr.) Beat, Mns. M. A. Neal pianlat, and Chester Jury, violinist. Recitations were given by Mrs W. Hall and Mns. T. Gouid. Violin sel- ections were rendered by Mrs. Semer- mcales, wlth iMrs. M. A. Neaq et the Piano. MM. Mason sang a solo. There was a good attendance with many visiting frienda. Santa Claus dltrWbuted Preaents hetw&n Jokes and Iaughter. Next was »~le club march '"M'e Grand Old Duke of York and Sir Rodger."1 Lunch and fruit were served te all present. The sing- lng of the Good Night song and Na-1 tional Anthem cznzluded a very en-i Joyable party. LOYAL TRUE BLUE LODGE HoNcis Annual ElectNon of Officars Confederation Lodga, 474, Loyal True Blues of Bowmianviidle, met Tri- day evening Dec. l9th. sud under the. direction of Sister Ina Falles, D. D.G.W.. thesa officers wera elacted: W.M.--Sis. E. G. Mitchell; D.M.- Sis. A. Halliday; Bac. Sc.-Bro. E. G. Mitohell; Fin. Sec.--Sistei- Ras- der; Treas-Sistar King; Chaplain-1 Bro. T. Sellers; Drector o! Cere-~ mon ies-Sis. Kinsuixu; Genductor,l Boa. A. F'Itciier. Standing Cern- mittea,-Bros. Walshi, W. Hoay, D. Gilfillan, Oliver and Sis. Waish; In- sida Tyler-Sis. Parkhurst; Outaide Tylr--Sis. Grae Reader; Auditars -Sisters Pingle and Burns. Every mamber o! the lodge was preseuat for tuis meeting which con- titutas s record ince. tii.incep- tien o!fdthe lodga. Follaving a fui-- ther brie! sesion o! business an en- joyable social hour wass ipont sud the. meeting closed with an exchange of OBITUARY PUBLIC SCMOOL REPORT William Qui, Bewmanvilie I oom 1--Sr. 4th.-Grace Craw- ______l forth, Elleen Hataiy, Pauline Adams, A weli known business man andlIDavid Andrews, SmAli, Doris life-long resident of this town paaedi Taylor and Bull Allin equal, Aileen away early on Saturday morning Dec.I Gibbs, Gertrude Dewell, Annabelle 2lst in the perbon of William Quick Kellar, Bill Dunilop, Ji= Sissons, Wii- in his 7lst year. ter Goode. Mr. Quick waa born on Scugog St, J. 1. Joliaston, teacher. Bowmanviile, on (Mrch 7, 18569, Boom 2-Fourth Class-Doris Dud- being a son of the la". Lewis and Ann ley, Helen Pritchard, Selim Bartlett, Pord Quick. ru Idei earlier years lie Grace Rundle, Mary Mutton, Marjor- was a telegraph o9atr holding poo- ie Jonea, Fred Wood, Nellie Mutton, itions et Enniskillen and Newcastle. Midred Da'vidson, Clara Belîman. Later lie entered busneslife carry- R. A. McLeod, teacher. ing on a meat and grocery business, the flrm name beInS Quick and Boom 3-Jr. 4th-Audrey Elliott, Wright. Later lie bought out bhs part- Dooothy Aider, Ian Bell, Marion ner and carried on business for some Jeweli, Elaine Reaman, Dooothy years himself. Perliaps to the busi- Richards, Helen Gune, Harry Taylor, noms men sud furnxSraof Ibi, di»trict Sybil Mutton, Margaret Ireland. lie was better knowa as_ an apple Misa M M. Jeusinga, teacher dealer snd exporter, commencing as Room 4--Sr. IIl[-Madge Mases, early as 1884 to expert apples to Eng- Jo. Wighltman, Mary Birka, Bert land, a business h. lias engaged in Johneton, Nancy Shrqrbb, Fi-eddie from Vthon until a short time before Neal and Georgina Sonerseales equal, hie deabli witli the exception of two Andrew Laiubrose and Fera Large yemr during the war. and BiIly MoFeeters equat. During the last year lie has been Miss Helen G. Mforris, teacher. in very poor healtli, at least nine Zoom 5--Jr. III-Florence Shot- nionblis of this time lia been spent in ter, 'France, Heerl, Irene Jones, Ar- the hospital or at -home with a nurse thr Lewis, -Helen Morden, Loulaj in attendance. The Vmt three monthal Deel, !>lse Fint, Jack Rice, Joan he snen4t in behand Ithe. comingo f IAndew A..v.. .,... A,1nfp Il the silent mesenger was a happy re- lief te a life o! sufféring. The. funera.l tok place on Monday afternoon frora the family rasidence, Elgin St., service bulng conducted by Bev. Dr. Best, Minister of St. Paul's Church, aasisted by Rev Geo. Mason. The. pall.bearers were Messrs. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., T. S. Rolgate, T.~ H. Knlgbt, L~ S. Caverly, T. H. Lock- hart and F. J. Mitchell.I The. floral tributes included, ai piliow or rad roses >.m the Family;u also baskets of moes 'roin Mrs. W. G.A Yul. sud Messrs BleanPidYue sud wreath*- sud sprays fronu I St. Paul's Olini-cl, Mr. sud Mns. J. B.I Mitchell, Miss Margaret Climie, Mis. Ramsay and danghters, Mr. sud Mms. Sperc7 Williams, Mr. sud Mis. J. A.I Me(ellau, Tiie Bridge Club, Mrs. F Brooks sud Harvey, M. T. S. Rol- gate, Mi-. sud Mr&. W. J. B"«g, Mns. Robins, Mrs. Patten sud Mrs. Far- sons, Misa Mary Jebson, Mms.Mc Gregor snd family, Soo Yui, Office Staff o! tii. Goodysar Tire and Ru!>- ber Ca., New Toronto, Mi-. sud DMr. P. J. Mitchell and KenneIli, the. Brimzacamba, Suswdeu and Penfound famulies. Ladies o! St. Paul'a Congre- gation, Mr. Howard Pya. Deceased vas twlce maried, fi-stj te Miss Jennie Otimia a! thie tovun, and o temvert' bora tIi-a, %ons, 'f*Pý-IiEnÇ andi, , gax o! Toronte. sud William F. of thiatown, sud two dauglitars, Mis. C. Garfield, Toi-ente, and Mn. H. Koller, Ottawa. Ris second wife vas Miss Mary Bobins, of Oshawa, wlio survives him, vlth ane daughtei-, Miss Lenore Quick, at home. One brother sud oua aister also survive, Mr. Fred Quick, Belle- ville, snd Mis. W. G. Yule, Las Angel- as, Cal. Among the. friends fi-rn a distance at tia funeral were Mr. & Mis. Fred Quick, Belleville; Mi-. Billme Yul.. IBuffalo, N. Y.; Mr. sud Mm. C. Gar- field, Tornt;Mr.sud Mna. H. Koh- ler, Ottawa; Mi-. Max Quick, Toi-ente; Mi-.. H. Robins, Mi-. sud Mns. E. Par- sons, Mrs. Patten and Dorothy, Osh- awa. COMING EVENTS A round sud square dance in Geue's Hall, Caurtice every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Good mu sic, good floor sud s good time. Tickets 25e 50-41 .3 J Miss Ci.ta M. Wck.tt, teacher. Boom 6-Jr. flI--Gordon Brown, Lloyd Passant and John West>nutt equal, Clarence Tomliuson, Mary ,Lyle, *Ruthi 'enningsansd Albert Wegtnutt aquai, Jack Mutton, John Welsh, Ernie Reader, Ainaly Heu- nings.. Mise V. H. Bunner, tescber. Raom 7-Jr. 111-Malgaret Wood, Darothy Bradt, 'Marion Scott, Ruthi Logan, Eric Swindells, 'Rutlh Ives and Marion Hamzm equal, Harold Bennett and OmerY Mitchell equal, Bettyl Edger anid Setty Pingle equal. Miss1- L. Bragg, teacher. Bom r-. II-Beww R ose, Jack Underhll, Louise Coix, William James. lCharles Churchill, Bruce Mut- ton, Leonard Someracales, La'wrence Connais and Olive 'Word eguaL Jr. iII-EByron Cra'wford, Charles Hai, Jean Logan. Mise E. 'E. J..l, teacher. Room 9-"r. II-Maron Davies, Doris Dean, Milford iMeDonald, Rus- sell Short, Ford Jackman, LeRaoy Short, Philip Latimner, Bill Fewster, Lucy Lyle, James Morovaki, Veda Purdy. Jr. fl-Gesina Lainbro,Leon- ard Downey. Mr@.. Muriel Symous, teach er. Boom :1-S. -E's Potter, Donald McI)veen, Lihhii l ors:, Marion McD)onatd and Dorotiiy Suiele equal, Doris Moses, Norma Smala. Jr. I--Jeanue Adams, Evelyn Harnden and Alan Taniblyn oqual, Marion Knox, Rayward Moady, El- ean-or Crawfçrth. Mi"a F. E. MooMe teacher. Boom il-Jr. 1-Ernest Ward, Jimuie Kuox, BiBle Toniuinsan, 1Maragret Ooborne, Boy Swindells. Sr. Pr.-Marion Dudley, Sidneyt Rundle, Henry Wiglitman, Frank Foley. Jr. Pr.-George Undenhuli, Rachael Hilderley. Miss B. M. Sargeat, tescher. Boom 12--S-. Pr.--Margaret Star- ey, Allan Brooking, Bobbie Purdy, Jimmie Clark, Marjon. Teinlinson, Donald Allin, Doris Lyde. Jr. Pr. A--Jean Pattinson, Mark Lambaurne, Rizsoil Baldwin, Peggie M oses, Patay Dustan. Jr. Pr. B-Mildred Bennett, Flor- ence Slieardown. Mise Laura Hsj-tt, teacher. Baom 1-J4r. II-Dorotiy Nicker- son, Caroline Brown, Baei Cola, Leon Cannois and Chai-lie Somer- scales equal. Si-. I-a-aid Woodward, Doîothy Bickell, Fiai-anc. Mathew, Editb Masan. Jr. I--John Mathew, Viola Lari-k, Kennath Davies. Miss Marjori. CoINa.ott, teacher. Room 2 - r. Pr.-Razei Aider, H-azel Little, Frank Osmnond, Richard Westaway, Jean Woodward. Jr. Pr-Donald Spencer, Robai-t West, Eileen Stephens, Kathleen i Luxton, Gledys Dunlop. Mies Mai-arget McGregor, teacher. WEDDING Congdon-Simpson The home of Mr. and Mms Samuel Simpson, Deerwood, Miami, Man., was the seane of a quiet but pretty wedding an Saturday morning Dec. 14, when their eld est daughiter, Mary Ethel Grace, was united in mariage to Mr. John Cedric Congdon, of Du- bimel, Aita. At the appointed hour thle bridegroom took his place with tii. officiating minister, Rev. R. Smalley, under a canopy o! wedding bells, in the living ro-om. The bride entered on the nrm cf her father, to the strains of the Wedding March. played by Miss May Stoclcfoi-d, of Altamont. The bride was attired in a lovely dress o! royal hlue satin. Sh. wore a wreath of orange blos. souis, and carried a bouquet ai roses. Tii. bridai couple w'ere un- attended. At the close of the. cere- mony a buffet luncheon was served, after vhich the happy couple left for a short honeymoan in Winnipeg. The bride's Roing-away dress was of brown flat crepa, with oat and 'ha' ta match. Tha bridegroom's gift ti tii bride waa a sapphli-. necklet; t, the. pianiat, a silver bracelet. Mr, 'snd Mis. Cougdan will reside at Du- h lamel, Alta. ITheir many former friends ln Ty. rone aud Betheada nelghborlioodi extend heartlest congratulations. B. T. S. CHJMAM TREZ Boys' Training Schooi HoidAnUXlM Event for Staff and Stu.dents One of the merriest parties of! dus Yuletide festive season was held at the. Boys' Training Sehool, Friday ev- ening, when the staff, their famulies, boys o! the achool and a f ew invited guests celebrated the. coming of an- other Christmas. Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintendent, waa director of cer- emnanies. flefora being seated around the. large banquet tables, laden with a dinnar fit for a king, moqing pictures o! the assemblage were taken. Theae picturas wiflib. a iink in the. serias being taken by the Ontario Govaru- ment ta show the activitie, o!fsd prgrass made by the boys of the -B. T.S. during a twelve montha True te an aid English custom wasi a parade led by a merry dancing, court jester with. cap and balls, fol- lowed by a boar's head borne on a Platter by the chef, barons Mf beef, stewards carrying candles and sing- meg minstrels, which gave medlevai pomp and grandeur te thia historical cereanony. Between the coursesof rouat turk- eys, plum pudding and other deliene- ies, Chiristmas Carola were jubilant-1 ly and lustily uung by the. boys under the. direction o! Mm. W. H. Densem. Short speeches followed the. ban- quet after which ail were invited te the new assezibly hall where a linge ffluininated Christmas tree burdened down with gifta met the gaze of the mucli excited and expectant youths as thay marched inta the hall. Trug due kinduess c! the. Young Mens CnadanClub oM Toi-ente a trio of antertainers frein Oshawa- Mr-. sud Mis. Geo. Wash and Miss Dorotby Gladwyu-gave a very de- liglitful program ef music which old snd young tboroughly enjoyed. Then Dr. Reaman announced the arrivai of good old Santa Claus wlioJ received a niglty uproarious wel-1 came as h. psraded up due aisle ta the1 plat'orm sud for the uext heur dia-0 tributed fi-om the trea a gift ta every0 boy aud girl in the audience. 1 It was a big nigit-everybodyi being filled sud satisf lad taitg«Wd ta have sharad or had a part In mak-1 mng it sucb a aucceus an4 an enjoy- able occasion. During thi.e eening it waa anneun- ced tiiat 117 o! the. boys thi-ougli the menit system of the. choai had 'beau awarded the. privilege o! going home1 for Christms sud bad earned miffic-1 ient money ta psy their expeuses. 1 COUMiTY WELFARE FUND Neoed je StijliGet for Ciothint andi Mouey1 Citizaus are respondiug aiowly te the appeesl o! the Cominunity Welfarei Comnittee. Several bundiles o! clothing -have been received at the 1 lieadquarters o! the. Cominittie which1 la located iu St. Jolin's Pariali Rail aud la open for that purpoae daiiy from .11 te 12 a. Donations in cash are gratefuiiy adkawdildged lu addition te duos. ptrblished last week are:9 A Friend......... t...... .50 Durhiam Obapter Eastern Star 10.00 Trinity Girla Morniusg Hur 2.00 W. B. Coucli............. 2.00 A Friea- ................1.00 & I . . .... . . . 1.00 Mns. Senkler ............... 1.00 Mm. J. A. McCella . .......1.00 Palastine Lodge Royal Arcli IMaaons.................5.00 IWalker -Stores Ltd.. .. . .... ..5.00 Woman's Institute.......... 5.00 A Fieud................. 10.00 Miss M. Gi-ean..............56.00 Sunshiina Ciub..............5.00 Mns. E. Tii-il............... 1.00 Miss Boylan................ 1.00 Municipal neminations take place in Gouncil Boom, Monday, Dec. 30th, fi-on 7.80 ta 8.30 P. nm. r i 1 SPE.CAL it ýTheSeason' s Gr eetings romn be a loai, TO OUR Advertisers, our Readers and to our Correspondents we ex- à aid- tend at this time our moat sincere>m our best wishes that they aud theirs maexf>î realize to the full the Joys of Chlris -d masandtha inthe ew earth" » masandtha in he Nw Y arts ? Mnay enjoy every happines ansd,,,, mde', prosperity. We appreciate vimegic caîl highly the splendid co-operata living lu- which has been accorded to 1, Statesman by the people of B manville, Durham County and e'Igm where, and look forward with plt, ure to a continuance of these b relationships during the co year. 's ROALII AIfLL PICTURESRO A HE T EPICTURES BOWMAN VILLE To Our Patrons : May 1930 be the happiest and most pros- perous year you have ever known. THURS., FRI. and SAT.-DEC. 26 -27 -28 Novelty - Adventure - Drama THE ISLIE 0F LOST SHIPS 100% Talking Feature with Virginia Vallu, Jason Robards and Noah Berry Matmnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Aduits 25c; Children 10c. MON., TUES. and WED.-DEC. 30 -31, JAN. 1 THE HOTTENTOT The most uproarious horse play on record. Willie Collier's screaming stage success on the talking and laughing sereen. 100%7 Talking. With Edward Everett Harton & Patsy Ruth Miller COMING JANUARY 2 - 3 - 4 "ON WITH THE SHOW" The first all-colored talking, singing apid dancing success. Two Shows: 7 ands 9 p. ms. Adulte 38e plus 2a taxi Childvsm ne.. Balmoral! Het Fashlou.d Diu A lot o!fam cf Uestfrng out" anl bad cuatom eltlier. w.omen Uo f the hou ta ejoy a 1lthe~ cocisud ad and t e like the. novelty of gloing te Witli tia thought ln mind A. boxnasof the Balmoral EHotel priaSpeclal. New Year's frWneeay, Jan, lut, whii* b. served f 7i 12.30 te 2 p. m only $1.00. Maie your reservatiog now whule you think of itby phtalng 322. A glauieeait thie menu fairiy 'maies your mouth ws±er: $oup, Oyster ChiokesBrsUi CeleryOlives ae Fruit Cocktail Roasts Dressed Young Turkey - Cranberry Siauce Dressed Young Goose - Frled Apple. Dresaed Young Chiaken - Blaxk Currant JeUly Prime EIbs Beef and lHors.e Pdlshb Vegetabs Brown BoiIsd and M.shed Potatses Mashed Turnip Gi-een Pýeaâ Dessert: Deep Apple Pie -Whipped Cr-s flot Mina Pis Bnglish Plum Pudding - Caramel Saios Fvruit - .,Nuta Tea - Cft. -Unir MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St Andrew's Presbyterlan rC= corner Temperance and Churcb t 8 Morning Warship il a. m.; Eveniag Worship 7 p. m.; Sunday Sclool *.&Ô p. M. Trlnity United Oiuaih-I». . U. Robis, pastor. Sunday ser- vices: Il a. m.-ay!meu et the oça. gregation wili preaent different phaescf urmissions and naintaiu- anc. work. 7 p. m.-RPset« vi preaoh. Subject: New Yeam Spec- ial mflal9 by the choir. St. John's <Ansticau>) br Bey R. J. Shires, Fauter. . orbti.U Day: 8.00 a. m.-Boly OmU.loU. 10.30 a. Mn.-Christmas 8eoevle and HioIy Communion. Sunday after Christmasr-Decealber Z290L $.00 a. m.-HoIy CommunIes. 11.110 a. M. -Moruing Frayer. 2.30 p.. -S-un- dny School and Bile Obs. .40 p. e.-Evenlng Frayer and Carol Ser- vice. Services ln Tylnlty United Chureh on Sunday were. iu keeping with the Ohrlatmas season. Thi. pastr, Eev. J. U. Robins, based his moruing ad- dreas an the. words, I"Thers was no room in the Inn." lEt wv a eYM practical discours. showing tli any rooms in our lives and the. thingé wltls -w!hich they are «*& mm etiUs erowding out Cbhit. Sa * «w ing lie continued the. tie.e i au- other splendid sermon. Chritans muuic vas furnlslied by thi.e hobl, under direction of, Mr. Francis Bat- ton, oaiult and director, solos be- iug aune by Igisa Margaret Alliale the. morning service, by Mis. C. H. Dudley in the arterace:, and by Mrs. T. W. Cawker la the eveuin. USE THIS CLUDDING LST TIi. Canadtian Statasmsau vE hob ckubbed wlth any of the wn publications for 1930 at tbis ing pricea: GQobe Mail & Empire......a Toronto Daily Star........ Parmer's Advocate... . New Outlok............ :.: Christian Herak ............$ Delinesator ........ ladies' Homue Journal ........ Sat;urday Evening Post .::$5. Family Herald & Weelily Star $L. Weekly Witness........... $4. 1Cahadian Rame Journal .. :$S. ýFarm & Dairy.............. $2. F'ameeu' Sun ...............$3. MadLean's Magazine ......... $4.00 Can-adian Couadryman ....... $3.00 Cana"in Poultry Review .. 0 Canadian Magazine ..........$3.00 0