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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 10

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.iNADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLI, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1930. PAGE TEN TOWN Of BOWMANV (Continiied froni page S. Venton, si 1ary .... W.Hall, sasry...... ~Blackwell, salary ... Mr. Wilkins, gas and oil.. 9. Veuton, sundries.. October 9, Venton, salary ....... W Hall, salary ......... ;. -Blackwell, salary .. 'W. F. Ward, sslary. C. Weekes, signa. 9Venton, sundries .. A: -,Cole, gas ......... 19, G. Chartran, suit . IAquor Coutrol Board re fund fine ......... Novemer 8. Venton, salary ....... W. Hall, salary...... ... Wf. J. Richards, paintiu aigs ... ... Chas. Ieal, telephone box December S. Venton, salary....... W.Hall, salary ......... T.A. flustaîn aint. 8.Venton, snries .... b <Yu J.ohnston & Cryder man, suit.......... 8. Veenton, salary .... W. Hall, aalry....... W. F. Ward, salary.. SALARIES January À. J. Lyle, tax collector . Februakly March John Lyle,. salary....... A.J. Lyle,saslary . ..... .. April John Lyle, salary....... A. J. L7e, salary .... &.... Oicar Hudson snd Co., auditors .... May John. Lyle, saiaxy....... X. J. Lyle, salary....... H, . a~oinsall.assessor A.H. Bounsaîl, assessor. June Jobu Lyle, saiary........ ILJ. Lyle, aalary ..... John Lyle, salary....... AJ. -Lyle, salary..... Auffust Jhn Lyle, salsry ....... 3. . L74e, salary ....... S.mmb.r Jo3sn Lyle, sary ....... A. J. Lyle, salay ....... October Jdijs Lyle, salary....... A.J. Lyle, salary....... Nov.uiber dohi Lyle, saiary.... :... KÇ J. Lyle, salsry ... ... D.comber John Lyle, salary ....... A .Lyle, salary ....... fohn Lye, sal1517....... AJi. Ly4e, salary ....... PITMtG AND ADVEJ Jamuary Vilnicipat World, supplies., February JW. Hynds, bailots .. Z, R. Hart and Co., supplie li"tcipal Wforld, subserip tifon . . . . . . . Marck K. A. James and sousPrini April S, IL. H&ansd Go., statice May M.A. James and Sons pieùt- JuIy I. A. James ad Sous iprijt- àng ... . . . . M. A. James and Sons print- ing . . . . . . . Nov.emb.r X. A. James sud Sens print- iny............... December M. A. James sud Sons, pift- ing . . . . . . $6E FIRE DEPARTMENT janu"r WaterwStrs Deprt. wAteor rates............. Fobruary Eydro Elect. Cora., lights... lLeClellan sud Co., coal ... 3. Htely ga........... Goodyean Tire Co., repairs UcClellan aud Co., coal.. La France [Pire Engie Co. Suppulees ..... «eaa? Min, soda ....... T FOR CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL tILLE Final meeting of Clarke Couneil vIv , XNfc £ e 6) for 1929 was held Dec. l6th. Reeve - M. J. Holman presiding and meni- . bers ail preseut. THI 141.00 Communications wyere received 100.0" as follows: The County Judge: Hy'- 83.33 dre Electrie Power Coni., Re E. N. ;_9 13.78 Hairumond service; Ontario School NEWCASTLE * 2.00 Trustees Association. Filed. - ,ý1ý Letter was ordered f orwarded to Miss Maelou .'Rickard spent the W. P. Skitch, Immigration Officer at weekend in Toronto. 141.00 Cobourg, Re A. H. Wilson family Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Port Perry, 100.o0 By-law was passed for holding nom- was home for Christmas. &3.,33 ination ef candidates and election. Christmas tree entertainnient in 150.00 o $1722.36 wasa paced t.o the credit of the parisb hall on Tbursday eveniug, 9.25 Police Trustee Board for 1929. Re- Jan. 2ird. 5.79 port made by auditor Geo. Brown of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Branton 13.94 the Highway Dept., showing the road spentçChristmas in Toronto with her * 39.50 expenditures and subsidy for 1928 sister, M ns. John Tuf. e-was ordered fiied. Mr. Tom Brown, Toronto spent 20.00 Orders were drawn on the Treasurer the holidays with bis parents, Mr. iu laver of the severai School Sec- and Mrs. Matt. Browu. tiens for amounts collected in 1929 Mr. Hubert and Miss Lillian Smaie 141.00 as Local and Statutory rates. were weekend guests of Mr. W. C. * 10.00 C. F. Awde was appointed Scbool Blackbyurn and daughters. Attendance Officer for 1930. Thos. ,MT-. Thompson, M!anvers .Station 9 5.40 Cowau wss granted $20 in trust for spent Christmas holidsays with bis 6:5aid to Mr. snd Mrs. H. J. Briggs. daughten, Mrs. Howard Cooke. 6.5 Hydre Power Com., was granted Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe sud fam- permission to cancel rural contract ily epeut -Christmas with ber parents, of E. N. Hammond, Newcastle, Mr. and Mms. W. E. Gilbank, Shaws. 141.00 R. P. D. No. 11. Uorne Todd was Mr. B. Furfber, Rewmanville, bas 100.00 allowed rebate of $3.125 in taxes purchased and demolished the for- 10.66 owing to error in bis assessment. mer Presbyterian Church and is 2 . 40 Clarke Agricultural Society was trucking it te Bowmanville. r- granted $100 te assist in csrrying on St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. 48.00 its workc. A communication was or- Mason, Rector. 'Sunday, Jan. 5th: 149.00 dered forwarded to John Barrie rel- il A. M.-Moruing Frayer and 1&0,:00 ative to bis account reudered in Holy Communion. 2 P. M.-Sunday 1000 Randail vs. Feliows case. School. 7 P. M.-Eveniug Song. -i - Reeve grsnbed orders on Tressur- United Churcb-Rev. W. P. Rog- $4420.05 er in favor of the following pensons, ers, Pastor. Sunday Jan. 5tb: il said accounts beiug for services a.m.-Morning Worsbip and Com- rendere<, attendance at council andj munion Service. 2.30 p.m.-Sunday salaries: fSehool. 7 p.m.-Evening Service. M. J. Holman, Reeve. 105.00' Mrs. Eric Pearce was called to To- $ 300.00 A. E. Morton, Dep. " . 100.00 ronto on Friday owing to the serious L. T. Dent, ;Councillor . 100.00 illuess ef ber mother, *Mrs. Walking- 116.67 M. B. Lovekin, " ..... 10000 ton with whom she and Mr. Pearce * 83.30 F. T. Couch, " .. . 100.00 had spent Christmas just two days A. J. Staples, Clerk and before. Treas. Fountb quarter 150.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duck raied *116.67 R. H. Wooed, Messenger .. 25.00 probably the largest flock ef geese 83.33 Follewing buils were ordered paid: i this section this year. They-had 44 Mrs. Ida Stark, storin« cedar $ 4.00 and the two of theni picked and dress- W. C. Lane. "l.... 4.00 ed theni for the Cbristmas trade in 116.67 C. F. Aiwde, " ... 4.001 two days. 83.33 H. E. Hancock right of way 4.00 Mr. aud Mrs. Harold Toms and Mrs.Wmn. Boyrd, "l... 8.01 400.00 Rank of Comnmerce, Debet 001daughters, Richmond, Que., speut Coupns .s. ........52.85Christmas witb 'Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, Coupons S.S. 12..... 5856Mr. Toms and daughters are con- Pt6.S.S.o.1Hnr...oad84u t.fortinuing thein visit wîth relatives bore 11.6 83.33 Dery 19.45ptfo until after New Year's. g5.3 .33 Hll, fuel.for.hall 9.05 Mr. Welliugton Poster revently re- 150«IF J Halfue fo hll . . .0 ceived word of tbe death et bis 200.0 Jno. J. Cornish, Grocexies... 7.26 brother, Mr. Irvin Foster, whom he Jas. Tamblyn, Milk ..........95 hdnthadfomfr3 er n IS. Cuttle bal. ptg.acct... . . 7.001 hdn e heardomg for 30 years aHe 116.67 Jas. Lycett, groceries .........761 uh e ad lodng inthugb tedof 83.33 E aNctn ra. Washington, U. S. E.LA.Nctn a en eiigi h tteo 116.61 50% maintenance Sophie Christma iiosa TeGbe, 83.33 Keecka..................52.50. t niasome visito n at "Theo.Gabl, McCeilan & ýCo., lumber.. 35.88 bhe hoeet Mr. sud Mrs. Grodfor- C. F. Awde, sehool attend- beck weren- r. ad M. Win.df.ord 116.'67 suce officer..............12.50 R.oy sud r. ofNewYoMM. . F.uL- S33Robt. Poster, sheep damages .10R00 rHoffe,Poft New orke, Mr. Mur- 8.3Norman Allin, ' Inspector 3.00 Mrs. ck, Port lbekanbornJM.cs, 116.67Jsuc en, ec...........48.0 Toronto, Mrs. Ida M. Stinson sud 833 ncil ade ourne.. Si...D....48. daughter Frances of Toronto. 83.3 Conci adournd Sne ie. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, 1116.67 A. J. Staples, M. J. Holman, Stanley sud Garnet sud Mr. H. R. 8.3 Clerk. Reeve. iPearce attended the Golden Wedding 83.33celebration of their uncle sud aunt, Mr. sud Mms. Thos. Baker, Solina, at 1116.67 the home ef their son, Mr. John 83.33 LAKE SHORE, CLARKCE Baker oun.New Year's eve. Tlseir 1 relativés and tnieuds presented themn ReOirOrt of S. S. No. 2, Christmas with a purse of gold, accompanied by 11,6.67 Examinstions: mauy othor expressions of good will 83C3 Sr,. IV--Ruth Hommes 81, Alex sud congratulations. 116,.63 Hendry 79, Olives Jaynes 74. 1 Mn. John Garrod is in receîpt of an ______37 Jr. 1V-Nets Allun 79, Myrtle A- interestingCritas present in the 35.0lin 65. shape of a boxed collection of grains ""00 Sr. I-John Mitchell 74, Allan sud seeds sent te him by bis father, RT[LNG Clark 71. who grew theni the past season on bis Sr. lIl-4Mrice- Pç>weUl 75, Jean 600 acre farm n l Suffolk, England. Hommes 70, Floyd Powell 67. in the collection are good sized ssnip- 6.15 Sr. I-Audrey Jaynes, Edith Heu- les of barley, oats, red winter wheat, dry. ipeas, horsebeaussudnd coyen seed, Jr. I-Evelyrn Brown, Donald I amples of these uaay be seen at C. 11.75 Powell. R. Carveth's office where many BS 38.761I Jr. Pr.-Stanley Brown. ta.ners bave already handled sud examined tbem sud compared them p- .o Gladys M. Cann, teacher. Ontario grown vanieties. 74.601NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL DECEMBER EXAMINATIONS LOWER SCHOOL.-FORM I 47.75 37.251 Anderson, Hubert Bedwin, Mildred IBrereton, Inene 222.901 Brunt, William Grahami, George.. 1921Hancock Edwin ... Hayes, Helene .. 1.0Lockhart, David.. Spencer, Thos. ITnenwith, Dorotby 5.00 'Young, Lloyd.. Lake, Betty.. 61.611 3.0 Aldread, Chas. 100 Blackburn, Walter 96 595'Bonathan, Donothy. 51 9.0Buckley, George . . 57 - Burkell, LeonQ . . .. 58 5.0C owa n, Fred....95 - Garrod, Gordon . .. 70 Gloven, John....... 40 fGray, David....... 89 Hancock, Adair ..65 Heudry, Anuabelle. 95 2.2.5 Nicholas, Ruby ...52 Rinch, Marion . ... 36 7.23 Spencer, Florence .40 15.5&0 Toms, William ...42 3.10 VanDusen, Jessie. 81 Wight, Jamie . 61 4.00 15.60 40.*0»0 4.50 April George Iàyle, Firorien's psy 311.25 Rie andl Ce., supplies.... 7.76 Ulghway Dept., truck license 2.03 Btty Lorine 13ydroElet. Coin., repairs . 4.&0 Butler, Murray. Elo.Coin., service. 7.18 CowaîL Ros arwrsDept., wter Cowan, Ruby rates ............2.25 Dudley Dunreath 1.Bately, gas........... 14.90 Lw aet W. -I Ellio4 repahu. 5.25 Lokhr, Art. Pl m I FanO ea Eu.ce. , etHlen ll»Mu 4.45Pearce, Albert A. MtohliiasràlIe ... 3.0 Rlckard, John. . it o., oas., 6.00Rowland, II Ooodyear Tire Co., hf.. 2771 Shaw, Rutiby ... o.atLnue4 next week> Thaelaray, Chàa.. o h ~ 4 . FORM 11 62.6 66 60.9 50.4 49.1 82.6 61.2 62.3 47.6 54.8 44.8 59.4 80.2 82.8 60.7 64.3 72.1 82.2 63.2 60.3 67.1 66.9 81.3 59 52.5 53.2 67.7 71.6 84.6 MIDDLE SCHOOL O Jb ti 36 44 ab ab 47 85 33 50 34 46 46 63 63 44 76 82 20 60 35 34 27 82 24 27 46 76 62 756 90 95 66 78. 36 e12 40 64 72 36 22 50 23 53 22 50 29 41 47.8 60.4 40.1 74.2 65.5 36.8 64.2 65.1 7313 78.0 50.2 39.6 '71.6 71.4 55.3 URSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1930 FIRESH YOUNG BOASTING K3èNPA Whole lb.25 CHEOICE YOUNG HLONTSIb. IL9o LEGS ib.34ic yANCy suOAE CURE» SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON smokre snllb. 32o SMLCTED A à P BREF PORTERROUSE îb.35o WITR LARGE UNDERCUT SIRLOIN SHOULDER BLADE l b. 290 l.220 b.250 CHOICE BOILINO FOWL HA VE S&Tài'F . 9 0 as a resuit of efficient distribution and economical buying, A & P's large staff of buyers .arch the. worid markets to bring you real savings S..a type of food service no other food store can equl.Imported and domestic delicacies, staple a.nd fancy groceries, fine spices, tea and coffee * prices lower than usually found elsewhere. Exwra WeekoEnd Specials FRESH PASTEURIZE» CEEAMERY BUTTER 21,38. 85,0~ OVE OWN SILVERBROOK BEAND J FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER ....... 2 Ibs. 83c PROPERLY AGED MMEESE b. s. lb. E.XT r FNEQUALITYFRuIT, AUSTRALIAN. HALVE PEACHES 2 »04 SERVE MORE HONETY-ITS DELICIOUS ON IPANCAKES DEEKIST HONEY 2kY2.1b. Tin 33,o slb. Tin 63c AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY WHITE CORN 2 Tn2!90 GAINING IN POPULARITY EVERY MINUTE-BE SURE TO TRY A LOAI' TODAY &6P BREADo Raisin Loaf 10. LargeWhlee, Whole Wheat i7. Loat 10 lb . 29,r PORK KIDNEYS lb.20. £AI~AlPPURE PR SAUSAGESMALLLb. 25. FIME QUALITT MINCIEMEAT 2 m. 25o HAMS SUGAR CUEED SMOKED lb. 29e F1511 VEESB ATLAW<IC COD Br mmE PIEC FRESU CAUOHT WHITEFISH lb. 15 lb.5o FLOUNDERS-Yellowtail .......... lb. 1 Sc HADDIE FILLETS-Fresh........... lb. 22c HERRING-Lake Ontario.......... lb. 12c SALMON z rmoaL 18c FINE ST IN THE LAND DOKAR s ;UFREP lb. Tin53 A & P FRUIT CAKES PACKED IN FANCY LITHOGRAPHED TIN 24lb. Cake $ 1.29 ruiits and Vegetables ý:LETTUCE ICEBERG 2 Bunche& 250o~ *APPLES ORENARO 5 Ibe. 250 &~ F ANCY NEW CALIFORNIA NAVEL *ORANGES MiEU Dos. 530 *ONIONS GNAwTIVE 9 Ibe. 250 GRAPEFRUIT MILE 3 for 210 LEMONS MWESSINA Dos. 25o CARROTS CALFORMA2 Dunohes 170 1TURNIPS ______10________150 ________##one A0 im 5 t- .4 'I À~ :~ "4 <w TEEz OnAT AIANTH &PAflVVr TuA flo oe m CR& The Young Peopie's Society wound NEWCASTLE NOMINATIONS up the year witb a very successful prograni on Monday eveniug, in Nomination meeting ou 'ý_1onday charge of 5th vice-presideut, Charlie eveniug found the council chamber Glenney. The President, Clarence cranimed to capacity aud overflow-11 Allin, couducted the meeting during ing by the maie ratepayers of the the devotional sud business lperiod. village. At 8 o'ciock H. C. Bona- The program consisted of New Year's than, presidîng -officer, declared the Topic, Mr. J. W. Bradley, vocal solo, nominations ciosed sud anuounced "When Apples Grow on the Lilac the results as follows: Tree", Kathleen Spencer accompaTi- For Reeve-W. F. Rickard, Dr. J. led by Wînnie S'elby. piano solo, Miss A. Butler. H. Mason; reading, Elizabeth Hn- For Coucillo-J. H. Jose, J. H. cock; vocal solo, "The Barefoot Gibson, A. O. Parker, J. E. W. Philp, Trail," Grace Bragg, accompanied by T. W. Jackson, Geo. C. Wright, R. Beatrice Bragg; bunioreus recitation, W. Walton-4 te be eiected. Minnie E. Pearce. At the close of the prograin, Mr. Raymbond Rogers For School Trustee-E. C. Hoar, conducted an interestiug contest. Jobhn Scott, Merkley Clark, snd J. W. Gleney-3 te be elected. New «Year's services were held in The meeting was then thrown open Newcastle United Cburch on Sunday, for genenal discussion of municipal Decemlber Sth. Iu the morning the affairs in whicb Reeve W. F. Richard Pastor, Rev. W. P. Rogers, pneachod took the lead. B-e gave a synopsis of an "Old Year Sermon" froni the text the work sud proceedings of the1 Luke 14: 30-u"This man began to Council for the past year sud dwelt~ build aud was not aibe to finish," at some lengtb as chainnian of the particuia 1l emphasizing tbe advisa- Counties' Road Commission ou thel bility of tbe several departments of paving sud maintenance of Coun- the church finishing up the year's1 ties' resds, the different types sud work, books audited, reports made, the cost per mile. debts paid, sud lu naval ternis, "witb J. H. Jose, eliainnian of bridges sud the decks cleured for action," before culvents; A. 0. Parker, of roads; J. the beginning ot the New Year. Iu E. W. PhiLp et finance sud parks sudI the -evening Mr. Rogers delivered an J. H. Gibson, et sidewalks, each spoke admirable addness, iu wbich be show- enlighteuingly of their respective ed how the New Year in the Cburch depantments. Dr. J. A. Butler, R.1 might be made more successful,-4by W. Waltou sud Jos. Coulson also haruessing the enthusiasm, the tal- took part in the discussion of m2uni- ents sud the energies of the youug cipai affairs. people and training them along the liues of religious service, by render- Newcastle ing greater matenial assistance, etc. Rev-..Riar c.. The Young People's Choir nendered Rev-.F ckr sc) the music for the day, inluding a fine .Couneillors-J. H. Gibson, J. H. 1 duet by Misse Grace sud Beatnice Jose, A. O. Parker, J. E. W. Philp, 1 Bragg. R. W. Walton-4 to hoe lected. 1 Et fS t ký ncl42ý Pte "citent. NEWCASTLE ReotROWN'S SCHOOL A jolly party of young people gath- B e ot Christmas Examination ered at the home of Councilior and for Brown's School, S. S. No. 5, Mrs. J. H. Jose and Mrs. S. Jose on Clarke: Tuesday evening and celebrated, in Jr. IV-June Brown 82. an enjoyable and fitting manner, the Sr. III-Bessie Law 78, Kenneth last few hours of the Old Year. A Stephenson 75, Arthur Bedwin 61. nunIber ef game. and contests were &r. 1--Jane Tkateh 85, Annie played, and a series of group stuntsiTkatch 81. performed, including a mual( Vera A. Power, teacher. number by "Tihe TunelessvilIe Or- chestra," a daring elopement, songs,1 COWANVILLE ORANGEMEN recitations, dances, etc. Delicious, refreshments were served by the host! Cowanville L. O. Lodge at its reg- and hostess, assisted by Mrs. S. Joselfular Decexuber meeting in Newcsle and Miss Beatrice !Cryderman.1 re-officered itself as follows: Shortly after midnight, the guestsl P.W.M.-4-F. B. Lovekin. joined in singing "Old Lang Syne,"1 W.M.-Gordon Martin. and so bega.n the New Year in a spir-1 Dep. M.--Melvin Graham. it of friendliness and goo>d-felIowsh .j OhapWan-Pred Couch. Guests froni a distance included M~ Rec. Sec'y.-Geo. Sparrow, and Mrs. EwartClemence and Mr. Fin. Secy.-Robt. Doulias. Archie Glenney, Oshawa, Miss Mar- Treas.-Howell Rowland. jory Broad, Belleville, and Master Lecturer-Fred Graham. Wilford Bull, Toronto. D. of C.-Robt. Cowan. I. T.-Aonzo Cowan. 0. T.-Edmund Thackray. ROVAN'S PUBLICITY CONTEST lat Çomm.-W. J. Hockin. Mr. rncsClre- is is-PizlAuditor-W. J. Anderson. f 15 lb Turkey-20 Prizes Awarded Persian Ba-lm prornotes daintine, charm and beauty. It is unrivafled Considerable interest and enthus-I in its magical effect on the skin. iasm was creatod by the PudblicitylSwiftly absorbed by the tissues, it Contest of counting the number of leaves neyer a vestige of etickne. balis displayed in the windows of Delightfully colel to the skin. Stlsr Rovan's Shoe Store. Well over 500' ulating and invigorating. softeri votes were recorded. Winners and and makes the hands tlawlessly white. prives were awardcd as follows: Subtly fragrant. Imparts youth snd lst-Mrs. Francis Clarke, 15 lb. lovehness to the complexion. Per- turkey. sian Balm is the inevitalble choleOf 2nd-Mrs. J. E. Tait, 12 lb. goose. the woman wh.o cares. 3rd---Mrs. B. Purdy, 6 lb. chicken. The remaining 17 persons received Miller's Worm Powders will purge prizes of suit cases, hockey boots,1 the st'omach and intestines of worms baby carrnage covers, scarves, or -so, effectively and s0 eaaily and pain- manicure sets, and won in this order:: lessly tiiat the most delicate stornaeh Thos. Hay'es, Mrs. Joe Davies, Missi will net feel any inconvenience from Greta Pearce, Miss Annabelle Keller, their action. They reconunend Jack Hayes, Mrs. J. To'w>s, Waterl themselves to mothers as a prepars- Oke, C. B. Purdy, Mrs. G. Callan, tion that will restore etrength aud Mrs. A. Nortbcott, W. W. Marsden, vigor to their children and proteet Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Mrs. Lloyd Hall, them froni the débilitatlag effects Jerry Tait, James Purdy, Miss Thel-!whieh result from the depredattons ia Little, Jas. Davies.j of Worms.

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