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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1930, p. 1

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e ~be ~t4tamjr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol, IÀXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publiahers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd., 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy BIG JANUýARY SAL LADIES' COATS & DRESSE5 One Third off the Price ol Ail Ladies' Coats Just sam what a saving this means: $24.00 Coat for $16.00 $27.00 Coat for $18.00 $30.00 Coat for $20.oo $36.00 Coat for $24.00 $40.00 Coat for $30.oo $50.00 Coat for $34.00 $69 .00 Coat for $46 .00 DRESSES FOR $5.00 A Clearing line of Dresses, regular Up to $15-00 Your Choice for $5.00 Ladies' Hats at Haif Price and Less SILK and WOOL HOSE AT 50c A Cl.sring Lin. of Silk and Wool Hose at 50c MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS $35.00 Coats for $25.00% carl, labor .00-Coats for $22.00 n'vice 25.00 Coats for $18',50 a"' N'S SUITS REDUCED A Substautial Reduction on Meds Suits &Cryderina LIC -1 WHERE MUNICIPAL TAXES GO In this issue will be found financialý statements for Bowmanville and Dar- lington Township, showing receipte aud expenditures of theee municipal- iMes for 1929. Theze reporte should be eof'particular interest to ratcpay- crs as thcy show in detail how your moncy, which is paid through taxes, is expeuided. In this wa.y you .get finit band authentic information about thc yea's activities of the re- spective councils which ia presented in an underatandaible mannen. By aUl nicana rcad theae reports carefolly. CHRISTMAS DINNER FLIES IN THE BACK YARD Some people anc bon lucky and Jéhn Efliott, father of Mayor M. J. Elliott of this town, appears te, quali- fy for that group of fortunate pre- sonages-aiter a unique aud unusual expenience whidi bei-el his lot lat week. Just about thceturne whcen every.body ws awaitlng that much anticipated and welcome call te ait down ta Chritmas dinner lait Wed- nesday, Mr. Ehllott happen!ed te lo-ok eut his hack door whcn hus attention mas immediately sttracted te, a large bird with wing wide-spread ahight- img in his yard On dloser observa- tien he found the uninvited guest té be a p lump 20 )b. domestic goose whleh be eaaily eaptured and put in his ban. Mr. Elliott immediateby phoued the facts te the editor of Th. 11lIriS f.---r A COMING EVENTS ELECTION CARDS Reserve Friday. January 24th, fer, Electors off Bowmanville: tic cantata, "Qucen Esther," which' Ladies and Gentlemen-I have was giveli 5» succeesfully on Dec. 5th i conaented to allow my usure te come aud 6th. Particulars next week. before you as a candidate for Coun- White Shield Club ill hold itsI cillor for 1930. It ha only been my birthday party in St. Pau2'a Lecture privilge ta live iu Bowmanvillc a Roomu on Tuesday, January 7th, at 8 few years aîd wheu requcsted ta p. m. sharp. Merdiers please b ring come befone yo'u as Councillor 1 con- refreshinenta,. Bring your friends sentcd to do so bcieving that my and have a gpdtime. past experience in business m'ilh per- Rogular mhthly meeting of thc mit me te be dt dervice to thc Women's Hospital Auxlliary will be town of Bow»mnville, of which 1 haqe held in thre Nurse' Residence ou P,.j, already formed s very favorable dayn Januamy Srd, at 8.30 P. m. opinion. If electcd I shall do all in A rond ud suar daue . my power to advance Uic beat in- Geno'sdHall, Coure daneey nterests of Bo'mmnville. Wishing an' THuay Cuievelng Tucsday v-ou a appyuland Prosperous and'hurday venng.Good musalWew aYear, good floor and a gaod time. Tieket A. J. Adams. 25ec,- 50-4 At the Bungaslow PUBLIC SCHOOLS REPORT Report of Attandame for 1929 Pupils enroiled Dec. 31, le28 ... 598 Prnmary pupils wjio startcdl 1929. 69 Pupila from other achools....... 42 Total pupils............ 70o91 Passe imte Hth Sciioci.. .01 Moved to other sections .... .54 Left achool te work........ 6 121 Present eninolment, 709 lens 121. .588 Teschiug Days 1929........... 197 Daya sehooel kept apen ......... 195 Electors off Bowmnaille: Ladies and Gentlemen-Having been waited on by a Commttee of tic Chanter af Commerce to allo'w my naine te come before you as candidate for Councillor for 1930, I have consented ta de se and can as- sure you that I harve the best interest of Bowmnanville at heant. Having been born iu Bùwmanville sud lived here all my 1f e I shall do my beet for the imprevement sud advance- ment ai aur tewn if lected. Wish- ing youalal a Happy and Prosperous New Year, E remain, A. H. A. Fletcher At the RoGary The ~batesmUn hin1UAIU theU wuvr Of Average attendauce ..........1.538fEetr ffBwavîe tItis strsty goose would advertise-Eetr fBwavle but ne such enquinies have becun e- Ladies sud Geutlemen --At the ne- ceived at this office. HoYvéver, if Mn. AGREES TO PAY $11,600 quest ai the Chantber of Commence Elliott daes net find the owuer, sudII have cansented te sllow rny namn he wishes ta give the goose away, we Settlement à§&& Orner Desth off I go before the electbors for office know a t leait anc place whce it Woinau on Highway Nemi toa!councillor. I solicit your vote would be very acceptable. levavlajand co-operation in uiy behaîf. if Thnogh aauttemut efecte be elected it will be my ambition ta pro- Throgh setlemnt ffeted c- otethebeat interesta ai thc towu NEW YEARS EVE CELE-BRATIOr fore J*Utce MKddWeon at Osgoodj in every way possible. Hall, W. G. Morrow,, of Peterbono, T. A. Garton. WeUi Known and Popular Bandsmau vil psy $11,600 te Rsymond E.ni_ Observe& Old Custoîn Wakefield, ai Tenante.o . mElla Electors off Bowmnuilîe: - Wakefield wife -of Mn. Wakefield,1 Lde su Gntmn:-avn A customn which has been celebrat-wuaskillid inu anauto accident uear Ldes a~~ oncilelrhat eer sudi *ed ecdiyear for wcll aven quarter of Bewmnville in which a car dniven y shaving asgain ccu oîast ead u a century wvas aghin u inrve bauhemhuaband m'as craahed inte by ~al ifiedI sicit yn o voted andu town, ou New Ycars eve. Wq are car driven by Morrow. A trial be- utence. Should I be ehected 1, wilh net neferring to the inging of ,hrhfn ug 'oura oor e continue ta serve thie best interesta Of bells an.d bloiwing of fectony wlistles quitted -Morrow. Of the above the town. se fainilian te most of us, to an. amount $5,400 la te be pid into courti E. J. Gibbs. nounce- tihe passing of the old year fan the benefit of three chiîdren etof__ sud the ushering In a new. ycsr., But the deceased. Eetr f lwayle the clarian note on the mdight air Ldes ofud Gentilem:-Hvn each New Ycar's eveoai mre farnil- TR:NiTrY Y. 1L a. CLASS LbesueiatdGontlcounil for 19 Ian~~~~~~~~~~ eetisonhecrepa.dbyIhercwith solicit your influence sud our aId towumnan William J. Grant, Elect Officers snd Make. Pr«eneatui.. vote. Should you sec fit ta elect v'eere bedînite, w.o rve ont .se .ssme 1 vil endeavor te serve yousin-. Division St. next te Chici Ventou's i. cereîy. efficieztlv sud houestly. Wiah- new resideuce. We -wt it kuowu, Tii, newhy ehect4 - 01 msetTian- îgoeadalaR n rs too, that Billy is net juat celebrat- itY Y. L. B. Clama ar: Pruideut-. 'D ansudae a Ysud'Pr ing the appoachi of a new. yeat but Miss Lets Jackson; FIit Vice-fins. perous New. jolir. aima anoier important event-4dis 14ebourmuc Wght; Second Vice-RguIO.Jes birthday. This year it wss his 74tii. Iik5s. Inwin R. Bag ereay Mn. Grant's career as a connetist EsMargaret Grant; :-iistant- Laestd e tloff Bomaavhave sud beudsman goca bsck ncanly 60 Mrs. Arnold Labb; Te»re Ladiben red ,Gceptntlmnat-ionhave years when he fint started te toot Pters; Assistant do-Mrs. B. Bailey; bcu uci ad he accepteminainfa Uic horu. He was for several years Ceuveners: ýMlinary-'4MissFi.a. onctivelof ud have ccepted. Bing a member af thre Governor-Gueral's Rickard; Lookout-Mrs. S. Morris; a na tve nof Bofmnthe cfkuwfihy Body Guard Baud of Toronto, as SOcMI-Mis Ruby Danichs; Visltiug wl h ed fts onuiya wel as other outstanding bandas.-Mrs. H. Jamnieson. large and if elected' vili do my ut- there. Lister he -lyd n lcl Mm. C. A. Wight, tahr n most te advance the best intenests ai bauds sud m'as leader af the D.0. & Mm. W. H. Argue, assistant teacher, t a ou. aurted sdiflec P. Ca. Baud until it diébanded. o f the cIa,, men lkindly remembered wiI ha àppeciTe . H *Lat There are many citizen&lu te'wn' by the chais at Christma time whenT..Lcjhrt and elewhene who will recahl the the former rcceived a rose Keiiwaad Electors off Bow--a-alies carnet solos with which Mn. Grant blanket and the latter a book. Miss Ladies aud Gentlemen :-I have h«n delighted many an audieuee. Rilda Slemon, ou behalf of the cluseagancneti ob addt o Then there's the younger generatien ezpressed ic heappreciatin of the agani onsntedhavIe be a. canidto m'he would follaw the baud snouud goad wonk donc b y the teachers, sud conciliar Ih e GoodyeareCo.dant town wheu they plsycd ou special Miss Alma Pollard sud Miss Ed cpiocd f the Goodyorcoer a sudi occasions under his laesi.Ail Beunett made the aiUictov fr oer 0 car, hin miîî unite lu wlshlng Bly dcmany hap-t n. mare neceirthy manager of the R. M. py neturns _cf the Biy. mu ip Master Wesley Rsddy, Toronte, Hollingshesd Co. I solicit your vote aywmith his egndpancnts, Mn. sud M su d influence afi Monday aud if clect- J. W. Knight. ed vil give ai my best te booet thse Miss Winnifrcd Cryderman, Pluk- Rev. and fins. C. C. Washington, tovu. C .Sih erton, aud Miss Beatrice Cryderman, Joyce sud Auna, Fenelon Falls, .A.Sih General Hospital, Toono, at thetr B. E. Ingham sud -Mac Of Port-Hope, Electons off Bowmanville: fathe', Mn. A. B. Cryderman's. with Mrs. W. C. Washington. Ladies and Gentlemen :-I amn candidate for council because I be- ALL TALKING PICTURES ROYAL THEATRE TALKING BOWMAN VILLE THURS., FR1. and SAT.-JAN. 2 - 3 - 4 "ON WITH THE SHOW"P The firet 100% oAil Colored, Ail Talking, Singing and Dancing Success. Matin.. Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Aduits 25c; Children 10c. MON., TUES. and WED.-JAN. 6 - 7 - 8 "MADAME X." "The most stirring movie ever made !"-New York Review. Witii Ruth Chatteson, Lewis Stone and Raymond Hackett. The picture that moved ha»d-boiled Broadway as neyer before. A superb ail talking drama. Ail ev'ening performance. "On with the Show" and "Madame Ir' are the fin- 'I~i WOQ<ewe have ever offered at one time. - -The Management. 'F -~ lieve in tne future of Lthe Town o Bom'mauville sud that eveny citizen should do his part in planning and building for that future. This is my only opportinlty of sel- iciting yaur support. W. R. Strike. Electors off B&wmafflil Having b_ýen requested to allow niy name ta came before you as a candi- date for the School Board for 1930. 1 amn doing sa believing that I eau be crf sanie assistance to the teaching st.a.-an the tawn of Bowmanville, always haviug lu mmnd the heat inter- est af the pupils attending school. I have had four ycars' teaching exper- icuce aud this cauphed with my busi- ness experience puts me lu a -position to serve bhe town',, best inbenest, sud if elected will cudeavar ta help ad- su'nistrate the affaira ai the office te %wich 1 may bceleected ta the sastis- faction of ail. I therefore, respect- fuhly solicit your support at the polIs an Mouday, Jauuary 6th. 3. W. cawood. Electors Town off Bovwmanville: Ladies sud Gentlemen :-Having been nominated fer public school trustee sud ha-vlng acccpted Uic nom- ination I salicit your vote and in- fluence lu my -behaif. If elected 1 wilh endeavan te fIll the position te the. best ofinxy ability. WiîOhingy-ou ail a 'Happy sunPrperoas ew Year. ours es ully, .ous ILstfMorrmo.. Te The Citizeusoff D.wmanville: Havlug beau honoured with the confidence dunn the past nîne year for the position et Couniclllor, D.p- uty Reeve anC-keev., and not being a candidate to. ua 1980, I.demire tà = m ____l, tude for your confidence lnu @0 andumuhwthat 1 Mar bu bet e Wu té sins n th fuum 1tak M'prut fWmieyual MASONIC OFFJCERS INSTALLEDI MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONSi W. Leu Eliott Worshipful Master- j Clarke Township Festval off St. John Fittîngly Hou.I oe.d. Reeve-M. J. Holman. D)eputy-'Reeve-Â. E. Morton. Over 150 brethern of the craft Counclloru-F. T. CoucI, L. T. were present at Jerusalemi Lo*Ie, Dent, F. B. Lovekin-Entire council, No. 31, A.F. & A.M., on Fridiay even- re-elected by acclamnation. ing, December 27th et the celebration of the Festival of St. John the Evan- Cartwrlght TOWMsIm Daring the evening the installation Rev-Fe Hyland. of newly elected officers was con- Oouncillos-J Watson N. Ofen ducted by Rt. Wor. Bro. F. C. Hoar, .Byers, N. Taylor-ail re-eiected P.D.D. G.M. in a very efficient and by acclam~ation. inpressive manner. He was ably assisted by Wor. Broa. M. W~. Com-i Darlingto. Township stock, E. C. Hoar and R.W. Bro. G. 1 eee- ln Wiisa (c. C. Bonnycastie, Director ofOcre- TRs eker, GeSia. Wla.mstphew, monies. To.Bkr e.A tpes .A Following the installation the mem- W19h, wihdew bers adjourned to the banqueting DePty-Reeve-Geo. F. Annis, hall where a sumptuous and appetiz- (acc.). ing supper was served under the cap Councillors - C. A. Blanchard, able (lrection o f Bro. A. J1 Wd John Mutton, A. L. Pascoe, C. M. hara, of the Balmoral hotel. Wd Carruthers, Wallace Miller-three ta Then followed the usual list & be elected. Others nominathcias toasts with Wor. Bro. W. L Elljott ceunicillors who witbdrew Inelude: as To'astmaster. These were inter-I H. G. Macklin, L. Parsons, Alf. Ayre, spersed with vocaL solos hy W. Roi~>,Thos. Stevenson, Wm. Ruse. Strike -and Geo. dhase, violin solo by T. Olsen and comgnunity singing.D@maIL An outstanding icature of the even- ao-.J.Eitt(ue Geo. -Leacock of Toronto. Frni by acclainati»ni. W. H. Tli Sutton was accompanist for the nominaed but -wthdrew. evening. Auld Lang Syne broughtj eve-W. H. Cearruter a happy gathcring to a close at an DeputyReeve -ý C. E. early hour. (scc).- Officers for 1930 are: WM.-L. Councillors-W. J. Elliott; I.P.M.-M. Comstock: S.W. ockhart, Reg. Joese, -R. E. Logan; J.W.-J. o ttt bell, H. A. Fletcher, C. Chaplain-Fred Ç. Hoar;Tros urer'A. Garton, W. L 6rk -John Lyle; Secretary-T. Aniamii, E. J. q son; &.D.-G. A.-Edmondstone;JD elected. Rev. J. W. Bu --C.H. Ddle; D.of e*--.DC. Edger, Geo. W. James, Bonnycastle; 0rganist--Norman AI- bttwee o miTrutes -but lison; S.S.-C. E. Bonnaalli; .S BrconTMisstnees m F. S. Coulter; I.G.- A. H. BunsaU; E.oDinies An.nW.Crel Tyler-L. M. Plununer.. ,B.M iel .W rd Auditoin-C. B. Kent, F. 0. Mc- W. Nelles, J»hn Hately, D. IL Ilveen. son, John Caweod---elq Finance-C. A. Oawker, Gus Bonn- to be elected. G. L RIl, sali, E. H. Brown. Halliday, T. A. Rocs,&M. WUI Charitable-PF. F. Morris, A. L. W. J. Dudley wlthdrcw. Nicholîs, Frank Williams.- Health-T. Annison, Wor. Bro. ELECTION FOR COSJNCIULOfS f- John Baker, Bro. E. J. Gibbs. AMD SOHOOL rRUâTEEs TWO GRAT PLYSMayorG Reisand Deputy-eev. TWO REA PLA$ CNMGEI.cted by Acclaa Té Royal Theatre Durn8 Comng Mniî oiatn eigfo Week t. Phease and Entqetaia Mnplnmnation- meeting ori Patrons of Bowmanville's popular Room Monday nlght with a large amnusement palace are certaxnly ln ura-eut of citizens gresent.t for a genuine tr'ea.t during th~e coin- (Rayer M. J. Efliutt, Reeve E. lng weelc. Starting to-day (lliurs-Cruhrsadlt-eee3,.- day) "On With the Show," the fis Rehder were ail elcce~bhcaa 100% natural color, tlkn, i utio. W .t4set h a e dancitg picture--a Warner Brs.a member -o'f nclfor 9 708às, Iau Vltaphone -producton-is her fe two as Reeve, vas nloml5, three days efrMior, but 'wthdrew. W'. " The cast of this glamorous story of Go .JieRi.J.W. ,-. stage aud backstage includes Betty m .P o'et e~r~tie Compson, Arthur Lake, Sally O'Nkll year'a council, were lu, Joe E. Brown, Louise Fazenda, Ethel are not secin re-.eet . - Waters, William Bakcwell, The Fair- leaves E. J. Gibbs the on ycoueDl banks Twins, Sam Hardy, Lee Moran, on lest yea's board to o rr bis seu- Wheeler Oakman, Harry Gribbon, es in asimilar oaacty for 1980. Thoms JffesonHaronyEmpr-' ?weeroutof the 14 who were TomQa Jeson, Hin oon amnd-nominated for couneillors 10 have ors uarti et Jschinorusto sdqualified to flIlthe six vacaneies. adazligbeut hou of one hun- Neyer before has there been such Then on Monday, Jan. 6th, that alrela olatdfrPbi fascinating, mystenious and thrilling School Trustees, thirteen names be- all-talking filmization of "Madame in presented and elght Ihaving con- X" wlll be presented for thrce h - nteil to ran vith three to b.e lect- featuring Ruth Chatterson, n tg, ed. P-r the firat time in the town's Stone and Raymond Hackett. Newhiotory, two ladies, Mrs. Alberta York critics admitted thiîs play to ew Brown sund fMiss Annie KL Belhman, J the greaîtest ever of its kind. are on the nomination paper for édec- r tien Âlthough iboth these plays arc de- Acmlt i fcniae o cidedly outstanding feature picturcseo letillo M d eolcaTruat« ferp reguarnices will obtcalu atne aht- pears elsewhere on this page. frances '2.-3hpec. lmaimc.a- Wtth the large number of candi-f urdayat 230 ~. m.dates in the field a large vote ohould I <fr.audMn, T C.Oabrne Wht-be polled nert Monday. Although Mr. nd Ms T C. sbore, W it-th Chamber of Commerce is nopons- by, Mr. and Mns. Sidney Hockaday Ible for nominating moot oftlUie candi- and Erucat, and Misses Rilda and Liz- dates this organisation hma net select- zie Hockaday, Solina, with Mr. and cd any perticularslate. Its polieyîsaý ' MN.I John Cha llis. Vote as you lîke-but te sure te vote.- CLIP TRIS OUT AND MAIL TO-DAY RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPT1ON TO I MÇe Onbiarn ~aem We will be glad to have your renewal, -at the rate of $2.00 per year, for Canadian subscribers and $2.50 for those in the U. S. Please iuai.e re- mittance proniptly, as failure to do this miht re- suit in your missing a copy of The Statesma. Postal notes or express orders are safer than a reg- isteied letter. Please maice checksa payâble at' par at Bewmanville. Date, ................ 9 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont. Enclosed find $ payment of ibufe4tion to The Statesman for another year. Nale .................................................... Post Office..................................... Province ........... .*........................... (TM STATESUMm Ul8àUCALTIRSFlO HM rfi f 4< No. i <4 Ny .4 1% %O.ana tan

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