PAGE FOURTE CANADIAN S'rTFATESN, BOWMANVTLL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 198 0. ?WFINANCIAL SSTATEMENT OF THE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE January 2nd, 1929, to December 15th, 1929 RECE17F8 Bloard of Health.... 9 73.15 Ceetsi.y (inconie froin tnvestments) ... 40.4 Gemetery (Sale of Plots, Etc.) .. ...........1,810.( MogTax.........726.( I~na and (Feýes.......2,9643.1 Ray Scales ..............51.1 Intentat Canada Suicer Slicenses................76.C Pbie roperty Rentals 1486 sinldng Fund Incarne 3,799.1 Statute [abor ...........480.00 Trown Hall RentaIs .. 316.0 5oads and Street .... 760.3 MeGIIl Etat..........9,377.9 '0t Traneferred fr<in Water- worka..............7220.7 tTaxes 1930 (Advance).. 140.0 luxes 1929...... 92,769.9 Il««xes1928 ............7,630.6 r , Taxes 1927............ 1,-525.6 Taxes 19M6..............147Jh] Taxes 1925............. 106.6 Drurh ITxtlles Lbd. ptem . .400.0 Bank Las........52,300.0i .21 Al .15 .72 0 .6 .3 .0 .00 ,94 ,64 63 15 '0 118-5,519.661 DISSURSEMENTS Bank Interest ......... Gemetery ..... Board ot Healîli........ police . . . . . . . salaries .. . . ... PrirMtng and AdverVising. %fe Dept............ Pablic Property........ ]telie£f . . .. .. . Insurance ..... Contingent...... Roadi and Street .. Oounty Rate .......... Dabeubure Principal .. Debenture Isterest..- Telephones ..... Omîaged te Lands.. Bank Loana .......... Pulic Sohool ....... ... Bigh Schoal .-. .... coupens 1928 ...... 2,385,52 1,96.8 1,920.64 4,420.05 3,450.00 665.50 5,430.71 5,037.50 1,440.78 616.00 1,383.84 11,375.54 13,834.40 20,446.66 20,544.45 192.24 32.75 01,44>0.00 121:000.00 7,808.82 87.77 $185,332.75 WATERWOPUCSMAINTENANCE January A. Bickell,'lao-r .... i.... $ J. Mantle, labor......... I. Moses, labor .......... L. Muttan, labor .......... P~uag, watex'bills ........ &. Bickoîl, laibaoe........ Hydre Elect. Coin., pusip servie .....& W. Barrie, salary ......... February 0. C. Palmier, salary........ &. Bickel, labo-r.......... J. Mantie, labo-r.......... J. Parka, labar.......... -T. A. Dusts.s, Suwiies.... >. Alldread, repaire ....... 'iMos & Dale, supplies .. W. L Eli«btI, supplies .. Holgate and Sos, coal .. «Rydro I Ent. Ce=m., puntp éservice .. . .. . J. F. Raw, bitte print .. A. Donahue, labor ...... A.* Bicheil, labor.......... J. Mantie, labor......... UMr! P. C. Palmer, salary ........ A. Biekeli, labo, ......... G. H. BickelI, cartage.. MoClelan and Ce., coal.... D. Aifread, repaira ... J. F. Ra.w, bltie prints .. T. A. Du"tn, packing.. Hydro mect. Com., purap service .... . J. Mantie, laban .......... April Lice and Co., sopoes ... Posag, waterbile.... Hydro Ilect. Coin. pnrnp nerie ..... 1. W. Knlgiit, llvery ... L. Mutton, Ibor ......... P. C. Palmer, salary....... W. Barrie, salary......... R. R. Jolkw, nead'g meter .. J. Mfantie, labor.......... J. Barrett, laor ........ it. Br&wn, laiton ......... J. Poulton, labor.......... G. Perfect, labor ......... P. C. Palmier, saary.. Mar JM. Kennedy, saIary.. I& Mutten, labo-r. ........ 1* Cas Brasa Ca., repaira .. G. H. Bickeli, cartage.. Rolgate & Son, tilt ....... fydro Elect. Cont.. punip service ..... W. L. Elllott, plping.. J. MantIe, labor......... LMutton, labo-n........ O.Little, labon .......... Î8 leari, laiton.......... J, Pulton, labor ........ J4,à. Kennedy, aalary.. &~ Etbttnlabo-r.......... IL Hearî, liber .......... VlOllan and Co., lumber .. Sydro Lflect. Coin., pump servie ..... D. Alldread, repaira ....... Red Star Transport, cartage. G. H. BlekelI, cartage.. Can. Bran Co., supplies.. Dow. Foundry Co., Sewes' L. Muttos,, labor...... Y. Nantie, labor...... Po~ag, water bils.... 1. M. Kennedy, saîary.. mul7 J. Muton, liban ......... Zri Nantie, labbor .......... Sydro Detj. Coun., pump servtce . ..... Bolgate and' Son, tfI. and Atlett, <........ brion Brais Co., supplies ChliFord truck .... »e.Ford truek ......... salay .... 34.00 6.40 5.95 4.90 40.00 25.00 12.60 160.00 42.00 28.70 21.70 4.34 1.00 1.20 6.06 31.00 25.00 1.20 15.40 40.00 118.90 -150.«0 32.00 4.00 15.50 2.50 3.13 1.91 15,00 2.80 4.80 15.00 .25.00 3.,00 16.10 150.00 12.50 25.00 12.25 1.r75 1.40 1.05 1.05 50.00 916.80 17.50 2.23 3.85 89.90 7.73 9.45 28.701 9.45 9.45 3.851 133.00 36.75 3.50 4.27 25."00 3.25 :50 7.75 45.60 68.30 14.003 3.50E 15.00 33S.00) 7.00, 24.95 19 1 H. R. Jollow, reading meters L. Mutton, labor ........ *Auguet J. M. Kennedy, salary. ,L. Muttan, labor.......... J. Mantle, labor......... G. Barton, labor .......... T. A., supplies .... Hydro Eleet. Com., pump service . . . . . jC. A. Bartlett , gas ........ I Morrison Brass iCa., supplies IL Mutton, labor .......... September J. M. Kennedy, saiary .. L. Mutton, labor......... J. Mantle, labor ......... E. Little, labar........... G. Barton, labor......... D. Alldread, repair . tHydra Elect. C om., pump service ......... Hoars Transport, freight C. A. Bartlelt, gal and repaira Holgate & Son, tile........ >J. M. Kennedy, exp. Toronto L. Mutton, labor.......... J. 'Mantle, labar......... E. Little, labor.......... G. 'Boxton, laber .......... IPostage, Water 'buis ....... October J. M. Kennedy, salary.. L. Mutton, labor.......... A. E. Gives, reading mettrs. Hydro Elect. Coin., pnmp service ................ Jas. Robertson Ca., supplies C. A. Bartlett, gas and ail D. Alldread, wrench ....... T. A. Dustan, supplies .. L. tMutton, labor.......... Wm. Barrie, salary ........ Noreanher J. M. Kennedy, salary.. L. Mutton, labor...... .... G. Barton, -ibor .......... J. 'Mantle, Jabor ........... G. Graham, labor......... C. A. Batlett, gas and labor. D. Alldread, sxgpplie .. Morrison Brass Oo., supplies lIcClellan & Co., luniber .. Hydro 'Elect. 'Com., çuiffp service .. . . . . . . L. Mutton, labor .......... G. 'Barton, labor......... J. MantJe, labor........... G. Grahamn, la-bor.... .... December L Mutten, labor .......... J. Mantît, labor........... J. M. Kennedy, salary... Hydro Eleet. Carn., pusip ser-vice . . . . .. . . C. A. Bartlett, gas and repaira T. A. Dustan, ualis........ Dom. Wheel & Foundnies, supplies .. . . . . . . J.'M. Kennedy, salary.. L. Muttien, laiton ... ...... J. 'Mantue, labor......... C. A. Brtlett, repaira truck. 'Holgate & Son, coa!....... T. A. Duatan, supplies,.. Town Treasuner, freight .... 25.00 J. Ilante, liabor ....... 5.,25 J. Pairks, Labor ........ T. A. Dustan, Supplies.. F. Donahue, La"br ... 133-00 H. Lambert, Labor.. 10.50 J. Parks, Labor ........ 3.50 A. Bickell,LIbor .. 1.75 J. Mantle, Lalbor ....... 3.7~1 F. Donahue, labG .. 25.90 73.49 73.49 10501 J. Mantle, Lbr... MoClellan Co., Post G. H. Bickell, Teaming 133.00 A. BickeUl, Salary. 21.-00J. Mantle, Labor....... 8.75 8.75 April 7.00 A. Bickell, Salary . 1.50 A. 'Brown Clitting fow Tree . . . . . . 25.00 G. H. Bickell, Teaming 7.50 J. W. Knlght, Teaming 8.89 L. Mutton, Lôaor....... 31.50 J. H. Munday, Goeavel. > 7.100 J. W. Knight, Cartage 10.50 L. Mutton, Labor.. 3.50 J. Mantle, Laibor..... . 1.75 W. Perfect, Labor . . 8.75 J. Potter, Labar ........ 1l5.00 G. Terry, Labar ........ J. Lawless, labooe....... 13.0A. Bickell, salary....... 7.*00 May 26.001 A. Bickell, salary....... IG. Wrightman, labor.. 25.001 G. Perfect, labor....... 2.8561J. mantle, labor........ 16mi5j. Poultosi, labor.. .751 B. Little, lalbotr........ 18.951 R. Hearl, labor ........ 3.50 Goodyear Tire Co.,cinders. 12.50 G. H. Bickell, teaming.. J. W. Knight, teaming .. J. H. tMundy, teamaing .... 133.00 D. Alldread, chaains.. 18.90 Galion Iron Wks. sup 14.00 Pedlar Peoiple Lad. culi 7.00 McClellan and Co., c) 7.00 W. J. Taylor, labor 7.29 F. W. Allun, gravedI. 3.00 R.-M. Cale, gravel.. 42-841 T. A. Dustan, supplies ... 3.501 J. Hately, labor ........ J. Mantle, labor ........ 25.00 O. Little, laibor ...... 13.*30 j R. Hear1labor......... 1. 7 5 1J. Pouan, laibor....... 17-151 A. Bickell, salary. 9.10. -- 35.35 15.40 1133.00 25.00 8.51 '.93 27.03 136.00 34.65 3.15 16.57 31.00 1.10 7.381 $3787.65 WATERWORKS CONSTRUCTION, January A. Bickell, lahor........... J. 'Mantît, labar......... E. Mases, labor........... J. Mantle, later .......... Holgate & Son, sewer pipe. . J. Mantle, laiton .......... G. H. Bickell, trucking .. J. 'MastIc, labor ........... 'Felru"r Hlgate & Sos, sewer pipe.. May J. MastIc, 'labor ........... L Mtton, labor.......... J. MastIc, labor ........... L. Muttos, laton .......... O. Little, labor............ R. Hearl, labor ,,,... June J. MastIc, labbot, .......... Holgate & Son, tilt & cernent 24 Dnunmond McCall Co, pipe . V July J. MastIc, labon ...........1 L. (Mutton, laiton.......... W. Lambert, labor........ E. Little, labon . ......... IL 'Mutton, labor......... H. Laibentlabor ........ W. Lambert, labor....... G. Barton, labo-r... ...... G. Buttanshaw, laibon....... G. Grahamt, labor.... J. Mantle, lalbon .......b..i E. Little, 4albor......... 1 C. Vanstone, laiton .......: Jas. Mornisan Brasa Co., sup. il! Halgate & Son, tile ... .. Septeasher J. :Mantle, lIabar ........... E. Littît, labon............. G. Bantan, labor.......... . L. Mutton, laiton ......... J. MastIc, lair ........... E. Little, laban ........... G. Barton, labor......... W. Lambert, labor ........ A. E. Givea, labor........ October NationalI an Corp., suppies 1 Hlo-gate & Son, tilt .......1 Oan. Pac. Ry., freight. ...... i Nat. Sewer Pipe Co., tule ... 2S A. E. Givees, laiton........ Novemb.e. J. Molhun, laiton............ J. MastIc, labor .......... G. Grahamt, laiton ......... Roar Transport, cartage .... 2 Flalgate & Son, tile ........ M'at. Sewer Pipe Co., stwer Pipe...................0i J. Mantle, labor .......... G. Graham, labor........ December J. Monriaon 'Bran, Ca., sup. 2 Holgate & Sos, tilt & cernent 1 $178: ROADS AND STREETS VOClellan and Co. Lumber W. L Ellott, Repahla.... G. B. lekell, Teamine ... A,. Blekelt, lahner........ F-Iàwuo.y A. Elockell, Loer........ Jua. A. Bickell, salary. J. Mantle, labor ........ O. Little, labor ........ R. HearI, labor .......... W. Lambert, labo-r.. L. Muttan, labor........ G. Wrightmtan, labor. Hircack 'Br'os., rent cant Ont. Bridge Ca. bridge ... J. W. Knight, teaining G. H. Biekell, teaming ... D. Alldread, repaira .. C. A. Bartlett, gas .... Janiesos Bros., repaire J. 'Mantle, labor ........ E. Little, labo-r........ W. Lamlbert, laibor.. IL Mutton, laton...... A. BickelI, salary...... A. Bickell, salary........ J. Mantie, laibo-r....... 6-00 E. Little, labo-r....... 8-OW. Lambert, labor ... 6-95 L. Mutton, labor ........ 50.00 G, Wrxghtrn, labor .... 54.15 T. A. Dustas, supplies.. 5-95 Pedlar People, cuiveit ... 6.:35 Wni. Chalîla Ford truck . 13.00 HolIgate and Son, cemnent. Goodyear Tire Co., cinders 228C. A. Bartlett, gas.. 2.8J. W. Kngit, teaming G. H. 'Bickell, teamisg License, Fard truck .... 5.25 Geo. Hemmerick, calcium 7.00 1 'ChancIde ...4.. 26.25 J. Mastle, labor ........ 14.00j E. Little, labo-r........ 16.80e . -Lanbert, labor.. A. Dxcireil, saiary ....... 14.00 Galion Iran Wlcs., grader. 200.28 Auguet 238.74 J. Mantle, labo-r ... ..... E. Little, labor......... 10.50 W. Lamnbert, labor. .B IartGon, ltabor ........ 5.25 L Mutten, labo-r.... 3.50 A. Bickell1, salary.... G. Wrightmas, labor. MCIellan & Co., lumber 28.00 T. A. Dustan, supplies 28.00 J. W. Knight, teainsg.. 24.50 G. H. Bickell, teamisg.. 26.951 W. JBurns, cutting weeds. 22.75 A. Bickell, cinder .. 275M. W. Tamblyn, repaira 23.45 C. A. Bartîttt, gas .. 12.40 Hiroock Bros., bricks .... 12*60 S. J Jackxan, repaira 261L. Mutton, labor ... '25 .0 Mantle, labor ........ 100G. Barton, labor ........ E. Little, labar ......... W. Iàatibert, labor.. 10.50 A. Bickell, salary ....... 10.50 Septembor 9-45 Pediar People, etilverts 9.45 W. Burns, euttisg weeds 9*45 W. Downey, repaira .. 9.45 A. W. Martin, repaira .... 6.25 S. H. W'ood, reaira .... 6.1651 D. Alldrcad, repaira .. IJ. Clayton, cartage.. 'MCleJian and Ca., supplies 17.89 Goodyear Tire Ca., cinders 19.50 G. H Biokell, teasung 157 j. W. Knight, teaming 92.4,0 C. A. BaStlttt, gas.. 1.75 Holgate & Sos, ceent . J. Mantle, labor ........ 2.0L. Mutton, labor ... .._. 7.00 E. Little, labo-r........ 3.50 G. Barton, labor........ 3.0W. Lambert, labor. '0.51 A. BickelI. salary.. 3.30 G. Wrightman, labo-r.. L. Btrttery, teaming .. 02.00 J. Mantît, labor ........ 6.65 E. Little, labor........ 6.65 G. Barton, labor ........ L Mutton, laffo-r.. 23 W. Lamabert, laitor.. 8.:43 A. Bickell, salay .. 140 October 8.18 J. MastIc, labo-r........ L. Muttos labor ........ E. Little. labnr ........ W. Lsynbti. laor ... ry. Bartos 14~o-r....... 8.00 ri. 'Buftnn.Qha-'- labor .... 8.60 A. lRce'l sxllrv.. 1.98 Me('ielln & (n.. lumber. 2.5T. -A. T>ue'.i, riw%... 8.0.0 *~ 21.00 5.25 50.00 5.00, 2766.001 160.05 120.25 1.90 65.48 .50o 40,25 43.75 42.70 29.5 50:00 &0.00 Holgate anid Son, cement. Nat. Sewer Pipe Ca., sewer J. Hately, laboro gae Can. Pac. 'Ry., freight ... J. Mantle, labo-r........ L. Muttan, labo-r........ G. Bai*on, labo-r... G. Grahami, labr .. W. Lamubert, labo .. A. Bickell, salary.. E. Little, labo-r........ L. Mutton, labor.. G. [Baà*o, labor .. W. Lanmbert, labo-r.. E. Littlt, labor........ 2.75 laor...... 38.50L.Mutton, lOve...... 3.0G. Barton, laitor........ 1.5J. MastIc, labo-r........ 60.00 A. Bickeli, salary.. 1.8501McClellan and Ca., lme 1900 J.W. niglit, teamisg .... 5000 G H. ]Bickell, teaming . 65 A Biekell, cinders.. 4:50 W.Dwey, tcamin... 2006W.B MuttVon, rent mixer . 161:80 T. Martis and Sans3 rent 10'~ 10 mixaenc........... 800 gtean Son, cernent. C. A. Bartlett, Ras .. 116.42 D. Alldrcad, grates.. 7.00 G. Wightmas, labon .. 1.0L. Mutton, labgr 3.5G. B ,-* labor .......... 29.001 J.Mantîe, labo"j. ....... 8o 00:I G Graham,; labor........ I Decembor 24.501 Mat alban ........ 19.25 L. Mutlas, habor...... 15:75 G. Barton, labor........1 12.25 A. Bickell, salary.. 1:0C. A. Bartlctt, repaira 50.001 G. HI. Bickell, teamîng 50.001 J. W. Knight, teamning.. 13.87 T. A. Dustan, sailgs... 2.60 G. Wightmas, labo-r.. 61.*20 J. MantIc, labon ........ &6.i5 A. ýH. Bicktl salary .. 36.00 Neil MutIn, teamning. 3.00 lIcClellas and Co., lumber 3.70 Hircock 1Býroa., Uicksc.. &3:70 Ho-Igate and Sbn, cernent 11.so0 and tilt........... :50 C A. axtlett, repaira 22.76 35.00 $ 29.76 17.50 OCEMETERY 22.75 Fe1.ruaoe 50.00 J. H. Higlifield, aalary ...$ 315-97 J. H. Higbfitld, salsr .. 3.00 April 1.00 J. H. Highfield, salary .. 2.50 May 6.15 J. H. Highfleld, salary. 1.35 Stewart Iron Worke, signa 57.34 D. Alldread, repaira.. 6.00 Jn 125.85 J 27.60 J. H. Highleld, salary. 50.86, D. Alldread, repaira.. &3.80 J. H. Highfitld, salary. 26.25 28.00 JUIF 21.00 Masos and Dale, supplies 17.50 McClellan and Co., tIle. 24.50 Hydre Elect Coin., service* 50.00 George Santon diggnt drain 50.00 Agu 24.00 Agi 28.70 J.H. lHighfield, aalary. 22.75 W.U.Elliatt, suplies 19.25 S- J. Jackman, planta .. 2 1.00 etme 15.75 Sepeie 5o.oolMttbews and! Ca., bond s inkng fund ......... 24.501 J H. Highifleld, salary. D. Alldread, mpaara. 8.60! Osto!.., 3.501J. H. Highfield, sala.ry. 3.501Nvine 50.0 . .Elghfleld, aalary. 13.71 December 2.91.3H. Higlifeld,, lany. J. H. Hlgiteld, aalary. 29.5! Â44 (rontinued on P0# a-y . o n La stret aa i*vVV us a block behind. If our vaices be-1 came cracked, we must not snarl ati thase who can wailble. If we are' ever tempted ta bace faith let us re- meniber G-ad front the land of the Hermonites and from the hilI (Mizar and go forward calmly and jayously. Fifty-eight years ago I turned my feet ta the testimonies of the Lard and learned ta trust in an atoning iSaviaur, and can say wlth any friend, Rev. Euens W. Grazee of Pasadena, California, sged 89 years, '«Let me 5comimend Hlm ta pou as the first, hast 5and bort hope of every human 11e", )and with Rev. James Louird of Cale- Ddonia, Ont., who wnltea me at 88 years, "My course litre is ahinost end- ed but 1 hope ta overcome and be 5given a place in the paradis. of G-ad, 5wherein is the tree of life. Oh, what D a gathering t'hat will bel", D During the year naw closing, I 2gratefnlly record the fallawing; Nunt- )ber of sermons preached 49; mar-1 5nrages aolemnized 3; and funerals at- tended 15r. Thtis is not lte confession of an idle man but rather of one whohlas souglit te. make his idleneas a regulated in- dustry. During the past year alsa we werl permitted ta celèbrate g, odn Wedding Atnnjyçg@py. àa - -- veu1t in the i-- ...uAde- &_ ~... -orY Of any couple-: ..wo streams of existence running in i ont and the same channel for haIt a century and thank God, the, enjoy- ment of it bas mot been marred by physical disabiiiy or mental ixnbecil. ity. If I dare write it, a btter wife, a Wlser manager, a more fertile, tidy housekeeper and belper in ahl Church activities I could not have found be- tween the shores of the Atlantic in the eat where the ses begins ita marning song, to the golden coast in tht west wbere the tide goes out un- der the evening. "rO imsgnify tht Lard wYqith mie and -let us exaît Hisi name together!" '4Time like an ever rolling streant, Bears ail its sons away."1 Bo I am rernrnded as I think cd the large ordination cîasas in the London Gonference of fift y years ago now,l Of which I had the hosor ta be a mem- ber. There were twenty one in the gro-up and o-f that number 115 have received their "city appointmnentl' in tht New Jerusalein and the remain- ing 6 are waiting for their "trasfer". The grave holds mucli of aur social life. So the aged man la thus mnade te long for heaven. He doea mot knaw those who tauch hlm nor la b. knawn by thent. His history la a saled bookc and he longs ta rej ais those who can goover tht pages with bim. 'The friends who started with mie Have entercd long aga, Their pilgrimage waa shorter, Their triumph so-oner won, Ho-w angingly they'll greet me When my toil la done." St. Thomas, Ont. D oes January 1, 1930. 1COMPANIONS 0F THE FOREST 12.55 24:75 Maple Leaf L.odge Elocts Officers 1.50 8-8.25 Past District Deputy lIrs. E. G. Mitchell condncted the nomination meeting and election o-f officera of tht 100.00 Maple Lest Lodge, No. 143, Compas- 2.43 sOn" af tht Forest, w1hich reeulted as 35.00 folIo-us: Ohief Oonrpanion--Cornp. Mrs. T. Go-nId; Sub. Chletf-Comp. Joint; ChapIain-Comnp. Clarke; Secretarv 591 '..54 Comp¶. Gatcheli; Traaauner--Vmp. 1000R 'ory Rt. Guide - Comp. 1:00 Wnlglt; M~. Guid--omp. Cameras; imid. Guide--.Conp. Wright; Out- aide Guide-Canm Reed - Auaditora- 100.00 Coaiasalono Mitehell, Robinson and MuVton: Tnualtes--Compenîons Mit- thell, Robinson and Aatre.; Planlat 100.00 -mm C. Itutton. Poflowing, the election mnd a chi t' followed ty an aLunLeueeof refis!.-: LsS,.58 Mmntu. An archange of Ohrlstmea oâ*Ubrotgbt the .vislngte'a i 36.91 203.98 j29.00 15.79 12.25 14.00 (1 5.75 15.75 10.50 50.00 14.00 22.75 19.25 3.50 14.00 22.75 22.76 3.50 50.00 16.02 87.00 40.65 3.00 4.1,0 28.50 3.00 48.46 20.06 13.10 50.00 85.90 19.26 50.00 19.95 3.60 9.45 50.00 310.54 112.35 78.15 ,58 50.00 5.25 100.00 23.75 6.31 2.85 1,0.90 16.57 1,376554 100.00, 1100.001 100.001 100.00 7.56 3.00 100.00 2.00 6.&0 IN THE EDJTOR'S MAIL FIFTY.FIVE YEARS IN 6.30 TE IISR 4.65 Robert Scott, Carleton Place, Tt iSR 2.80 wrltes in renewing his subscription:! In conformity with my custom of 2.80 Although only having lived a short recent years, I arn writing a lrief 2.80 time in Bowmanville, 1 feel sufficient- sketch to commemorate on January 12.00 ly interested in the town yet ta wish 1Oth, 1930, the completion of fifty- 5.60 to read the news items as recorded five years in the Christian ininistry. 1.ýW in The Statesman. Particularly in- The fewer personal references, the teresting ta me are the writings Of better, but in a long minîstry, there the Senior Editor. With best wishes must be soine. 1200 for a Happy and Prosperous New hrdosnteniohaeen 6.60Yea fo Seior nd unir Eitmuch done in the world until I came 1.801 and staff. into it. This la neither a joke nor a Th1sSan isonSs boast. I was here before the Grand 50.001i writes under date of Dec. 24th. This beTrnk Raiwayean and tamhia an 11.201 beingmy 74th birthday I feel like mabef s. wTh, e apingaindofinding telling the few who are left who knew tmachtin es. eappliadtn o e- Ime in and around the go.od old Coun tiiyi eerahadtlpoe 50.0 t ofDuram hia I rn et 1 the Atlantic cable, wireless and radio but not go strang as Johnnie Walker. I ba rthIl been di cre int y day 75.00 lIra. Swain and I are, and have been Ih-set epeetwe 147.90 enjoying the best of bealth. She laIs tings were bornt. Let not the ad- 57.00lin her 77th year. We are alone on vancing years cause the Christian man 8.76 our farnm since we tbx'eshed last Sep- Durh.m OId Boy 6.00 teniber. I keep as little stock as 7.50 possible te attend, therefore, I can do 3.50 ouir few chores wlth tase and be coin- 20.66 fortable in the hanse where we have 31.15 everything plentiful that we desire. 30.45 1 expect a very cold winter fer old 10.50D folki and promise to be home before 7.00 dark, and wish everybody A Merry 60.00 Christmnas and Happy New Year. MIr. and Mms C. W. Souch, writing 50.00 £rom 56 -Hanna St. East, Windsor, 50.00 Ont., where they are visiting their 3.50, daugliter, Mmra Kenneth Caverly, gay: 40 2 We welcome the papers. We have 42:701 expe.rienced here in Windsor and De- 38.501 troit one of the worst snow storms_______________________________I 36.701 and blizzards that some of the oldest 4.Or residents have experienced for forty 24670Q years at tiis time of the year. Hun- Re. D R ges S T o s 79.50 dreds of cars snowed in by the cur'b. ______D.__Rogers,__St. __Thom" 31.00 But they say it was a God send to t aeagom ulo.Tewrd 9.00 give work for the unemployed whi'.h tobaetter, ne ot by slfe odon 122 asgetl ede tth. oldygrowsbtentb sl-viuin ;12.29 wsas n.Irealleed aon F. W. Cry-but by the grace of God. I have not i .01.15seson il elle onF.W. rydr-preached the gospel with an honest 8.001 man, dentist, aisa Luther Hlogarth, faitb for so niany years as to corne at 6.001 dentist, up in the Eaton Tower, 22 Ia ebleeta tbsls t 118.00and 18 atonies up. They aeemed hale lat owe aeaîta.s a e t I ho 39.50 and hearty, attending ta business. pfaert efait ind"ChrietMndIHolm 7.58 Crucified" with wbich I started out. 9800 1RS OE do not regret the passing of the 8.75 Every sehool trustee and every years, nor ;begrudge the young their 10.50 parent in Durham sbould pead care- present privileges. In the pastorate 6.25 fully the timely and excellent adI labored canstantly, loved the work 50.00 . dress delivered by 'Colonel E. E. Snld-' and neyer wearied of it, and now I er, B. A., Pnblie Sehool Inspector of do not begrudge their oppotunity. il IDnrham County. We heartily agret bave had my day and now they mnst 50.001 with every suggestion the Inspector assume responsibility and carry on. g1.501 makes in that address-they are ix- If Our knees get stiffened, we mnust 45.1,5 refutible. bave patience with those who canI IAli glde flafit us onfa. .,.nê ...A ."di This is a REAL WINTER. Y<m wnt need to wmoty whether it anow, blolws or freozu il you have your boum hetd wth a Hcla Furnae-mven on. ton in seven. Enjoy solid oom- fort by haiing that new furna. instailed at once. R. E. LOGAN Plumber and Steainfitter N«e e .tm 'a Daswv3à" Bowmanvîll. PHONE 48M 130WUAN VILLE1 To the One Who SEEKS HEALTH PLEASIE NOTEi IL.q Preuldent of our Orgauismti@. IMmý M. H. THUN~~ D P t4D$e BE W ill b . at - .- 1DEP79 - on-St :,. £UoftL * Phase25 amm~ OSHAWA He wlll b. pleased t*0 interveW uamyn. FREE 0F CHARGE Wh,. doelwes luI.,- motion about on. FAMOUS HERRÂAL REMEDIES for Various Humau, Ail. monts. He opeas, lu addition te Englisis, Cor- ma. Russian, Poils!, Ukrminlaa, etc. Your Heaklh le mSSUred if FUyoDgt baek te Nature for HIelp. Our HerbaI Resmedies Lave beé oe the. public simce 1888,"m"d o,.. m tion Ibms advmmcod t.ethe stage w&w., 0e now minltain 28 0F OUR OWN HERBAL STORES9 IN OtITAMLO - voN as distributlm mgeoncies tLrougLe.nt Canada. If yen are aillng, &»oLin. while I.. Es iu Oshawe, &ad set started on ths e t!.bock to Healti. Over-Weliet Stomach Ki a*" BeadSimin Pile. T4sssiI-Adenoi Nervos Catarrh Hay F..,., Tapowos.u Rlseumatlsus £te. Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber. Shingles, Cernent, Lime, John.. Manvili. Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail tinies and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of yowinorder for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali and see us. and get our prices before you buy. mefda Co. Làd Office Phono 15; Hou». Phonos 228, 274, 218 Kimg St. L DoWManilIo DO IT NOW Yo-u've been putting off long encwh having that room papered which locoas s shébby. Why not do it now when you may select onte o the new 1930 Sunworthy Wallpapera which are guananteed flot te fade. Corne in te-day and nmke your selection fron one cf the many rWaly deliglittai patterns& Geo. Pritchard1 'e 1-- 1 ý "il ffl; ý PAGE POUR SILVER WEDDINGI A NEW YEAR RVRE Mr. and Mrs. Fred L.yle, Seugog St. As age creeps on swiftly the puat Bowmavillerecedes; Life's moiti la gone, noon and the r On Friday evening, Decemiber 28, diay's full deeds; about twenty relatives and friends of Socornes the New Year; so the old Mr. and Mrs. Fxed Lyle, Scugog St., year ends, assembled at their home to celebrate Wt heetjyte-oeadcr >with them the twenty-fifth anniver- Wt heet.o h oeadcr sary of their wedding day. o itends.g fth adn k Previous to the supper two grand- Rtestintetlghofheadg children, .Tune Nelda 'and Eelyn ay;asm iin nyu e' Jacqueline, daughters of Mr. and Mygasm iin nyu c' Mr.J. Thompson, Oshawa, wpere r7 play batzeRo' . .RoispsOf scenes lonxg gone-yet clear to of Trinity United Church, officiated. W e wtandsîghlrngaey The guesta were then invited to the W e je a d c ide a e y u dining room where a splendid wed-1 sol deligt. ding supper was served, the table b-I Beside you stil, in spirit, soie may ing centred with a three-storey we-i W be ding cake and laden with many other! Wom, in the flesh, you neer mmr good things. Lovely lowers also shal me, decorated the rooms and table which 1 While friends unnumbered, with our added ta the attractiveness of the I kth and kin, surro-undings. Many lovely gifts P1raythe new year no osaa were received of silver, cut glass, etc. usher in. The evening was pleaantly spent in' Welcome! New Yer-though oecrets mnusic and games and al joined heart- 1 K st rangeenou 'hold; stis hi ily ini wishing that the happy couplei n Podenetos ytrissa might be privikeged ta celebrate many And nMayy'u al it etfo more wedding anniversaries. aiove Ïu al it etfo A.mong the relatives from out of Be showered lavishly an those we town were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trick, love. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Triek, and Mr. To my uncle, hl. A. James, and Mrs. J. Thompaon, Oshawa; and Dec. 28, 1929 R. L. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wifli, Toronto. Montreal.