TEE CANA.DIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1930. PAGE SEVEN 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Purse found. Enquire at State&- Mrs.Leon Souh, rono vistedman office. 'Mi. 'eon SocbOroa, isied Mies Wilda Smith and Miss Evelyn ber cousin, Mrs. Jennie Graham, re- Dawn, Ontario Hospital, Whitby cently. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Renew subacription te The States- L. B. Nichais, Carlisle Ave. man now-use renewal faim on front Mrs. E. F. Wleekes, sons George, page. Bill and Bob, Toronto, visited with Mi. J. E. 'lett bis sold bis new Mr. aud Mrs. C. -H. Osborne and brick houa», Grant Ave., to Mr. J at her friendg aver the week-end. Conneli. tMr. and Mrs. Harry Bakerville, Miss Gladys Bateman, TorontoI Toranto, were in town Saturday ta with ber parents, Mis. and Mrs. J. H. attend the burilI service of their Batemn. 1sister-in-law, Mns. John Maynard, ai Mrtemand mJ.R Moe r amipbellord. IMr. dMiwa .r. Mareatve tMr. and Mm. Robt. Greenl¶eld et-. ipndLinseay. rswib eltie nded the wedding of their grand-1 in Linsay'Bon, Mr. Reginald Greenfield, and Miss Marion Rankin, Toranto, 131 Mima Coa Mallory at Ca kborne oni New Year gueat of ber cousin Mis.1 New Years Day.* H. D. Wi«htnian.t Mernibers ai Trinity United Cburch Miss E. E. Hayerait spent Sunday Adult Bible Clama rememabered their with ber sister-in-law, Mrs. W. J. teacher, Mr. T. C. Jewell, at Christ. ifayerait, ZBrooklil. mas, with an appreciative sUdreu Mr,. Il. M. rogter and Helen are re4d Y Mns . GCilb.rt, çeâi visiting ber parants, 'Mr. and Mrs. and two wutl beks presenàh *caiaweu, Port Hope. Mrs. Spencer Wood, preaideut, This .M.andi Mm ,Chas,1R. Oicke are lsass gnJaYS vOrY Plefflt ssit Sons Nen4 ;w Yeas with Mrâ& A. C. every Siinday £ft*flôn and will wel-1 3hoè RerKitcener e4l«e 6YOUe not atteudîng Sunday! Mrs. Aiex Haddy and baby ftonaldt tol ,%Toronto., are visiting ber patents, Mr. Mtas Riby Clatworthy, Hamptan, an r.J iKnight. &. graduate af Bowmanville Hospital, sud ii. . W.bas passed successfülly the examix- Frqm to-dy Couch, JobuÈton & aiOn for Registration af Nui-ses in Cryderman will sel mlil adies' Coats aonaro Owing Vo an accident àt one-ti'ird of the regular pTice. during ber training and canse.quent 'Mrs. Alice Britan, 'Eston, Sask-, Joss of time Miss Clatwortby was la apending the winter withbher sistetr, noV allowed Vo take this c".:nina- Miss Camre Knight, wha bas been tian with other menibers of her cias, yery in. but ha;s since been granted ber R.N. Dr. and Mms J. C. DevitV are en- degree. joying New Year's holidays with Rv. W. A. Bunner, after two years their daughter, Mns. W. J. Hall, and six montha of service, bas ne- Mimnica. signed as pastar of North Osha.wa Couch, Johniston & Crydernian are United Church, and on Monday ev- selling off a clearing lin.eof Dresses ening, Dec. 2Srd, at Vhe Christmas negular pricea up ta $15-00 for the entertainnient, the staff nf the S. S. low pnice a1 15.00 escb.1 and othens expressed their apprecia- Mis. F. D. MacKay, Toronto, wasl tien of bis services in a tangible way. iu town Monday 'Visiting ber sister I Mr. Clarence Ferguson of this town Mrs. M'.UL.Washngton, wbo is quite bas been appointed pastor for tbe 111 in Bowmanvijle Hospital. 1 ensaing montbs. Mr. Wallace Greenfield of thel St. Paul's Ohurch and S. S. joined Royal Bank staff was in Coiborne on, inl a White Gift Service on Sunday New Year's Day attending the wed-l moruing, December 22nd. The schol- ding of his brother, Regiuald. ans and choir entered, singing a wel] Mr. E. P. Weatherilt, Clarkson, knawil Christmas bymu, and placed and son George aud Col. R. J. Gilly their gifts on the altar. Among he Toronta wers in town for St. John's recitations and musical numbers by uigbt atjJerusalem Lodge, A.F.&A M the young peoplei was a fiue vocal sud called ou a number of aid friend; duet by Masters Murray Mitchell aud on Sturay.Chester Jury. Rsv. Dr. D. W. Best Ofl delivered a short address, and the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mer'rick and choir rendered excellent Cbristmas sons Abet and Junior, Buffalo, N.Y., music. have beon visiting ber sister, Mrs. Fo'flowiug the receet annaunce- Mort Murdof, who is rscovering meut of the sale of the magazine -icely from ber recent accident Mr. Rad and Gun snd Canadian Silver J. T. Allen accompanisd Mr. and Mn.Fo Xerrick home Vo Buffalo for a visit. FoxaîNews, ths first issue of thïs nat- inloutdaor publication bas appear- William Underwood, former wsll- tii iron ths uew office af publication known merchaut of Kendal andj ut Gardenvale, P. Q. This Janusry Orano, died in the Toronto Generali number is not only up ta the bigb Hospital on Suuday, Dec. 29tb., afterlsaudard of past issues but also indi- a brie£ :lnesgs in bis 7th year. He!cates promise of rapid developmeut is survived by one brother, Th<>iii Vfo su even igher standard among Underwood, Markbam, and oesis- Canadisu publications sud greater ter, Mis. John Patterson, Orono. I- pop ularity. The general contents tex-ment took place in Orono cerne-I aofthe magazine are brigbt, interest.. ery on Tuesday. ing and well illustrsted with a wealtb Ladies in Bowntanville aud Durhamn o healthy, broezy outdoor articles. County will (bu keen]y interested luý Andrew Welsh, Broadview, Sask., the Smart Shop announcemeut oui in renewing bis subscription writes: page 2 of this paper. Do't be ast-I We always welcome The Statesman isfied witb just reading this advt Go, as the first paper ta look over, baviug ta this specialty shcip wbere the lat- t came frani West Durham 47 years Fest fashions predominate and be yourj ago and have taken your paper ain own judge as ta the neally exceptional! those years. Pleased ta know W. J. values that are obtainable in ladies', Bragg was again elected to the Legis- *'ready.Vo..wear durng the next fewî lature. He w'as an aid school mate days. af mine. EVERYTING HAZY! EVER HEAR'PEOPLE SAY IT ? Maybe you have experienced the sensation yourself. Have your eyes examined-that is Nature's warinng. hl.Those eyes need help, and you can get that Consuit Our Competent Optician He can tell by an examination just the proper glasses to give you. He can push those clouds away and let in the sunshine. JURY & LOVELL The Rexali Stare Phone 78 Ne Deliver Special-Imported Cups and Saucers, nasrted dAieigns, edce-- CJIRISTMAS VISITOUS Miss Ina Pethick. Taranto, et bomne. Miss Viole Callau1 Taranto, et home. Miss Marion Pickard, JanetvilTe, at1 home.1 Mr. H. W. Pointen, Taranto, witb bis mother. ~Mr. re'1xde Oi,<ttawa, at Dr. R. W. .Clikà._'I Mn. and Mrs. Frank Battreil speut Christmas in Osaawaà Mma C. J. 8maI., and tamily withi relatives at Colborne. Mr. Neil Mutton sud faniily with relatives in Brighton. Mr. and lins. Gea. E. Chaae wit2i relatives et Brightou. Mr. sud lMra Jos. Byers speuti Christmas in Torouto.1 Mr. aud Mns. L J. Henry, Hamil- ton, witb their parents. mis.Emily Curtis witb 'M. n.udt lirm.Jo..Cols, Toronto.t Msn.Clarence and MerrlU Fer- Mi ad Mms. W. S. Percy, Toron-1 to, witb the Misses Paey MNI. and Mns. Gordon Mitchell, To- routa, w1th their parents. Mn. aud Ms. W. P. Corbett audt Bob with relatives et Barrie.1 MT. and lira. Stewat Alger, Osh-i awa, et Rev. J. W. Bunuer'.. Mra. Frauk Bennett, Toonto, with ber sister, linm G. R. Mason. Miss Syil Burk, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Oapt. sud Mms.-C. W. E. Meatb,1 Ottaw.a, at Mr. W. B. Couch's.1 Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Elliett andc children 'wth relatives at iBolton.1 Mr. and Mis. E. P. Ebradt sud family wlth relatives near Hamilton. Mn. Roy Caudler aud family, Ton-j onto, with bis mother, Mns. S. Cand-1 1er.1 Mr. aud Mrs. Leland Edgsr, Ton- onto, witb bis motben, Mis. Win. Ed-j gev. Mns. Win. Quick and Miss Lenore witb ber mothen, Mns. Robins, Osh- awa. Mns. R. S. Wade sud Wallace, Ta- routo, witb ber sister, Miss Emmer-i son.1 Mn. Harold Parker, Buffalo with1 bis sister, lira. J. R. Moore, Elgin Street. Mn. and Mns. Stanley ElIiott and family, St. Catherines, at Mr. S. J. Heury's. Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNichol and daughter, Toronto, witb Mns. W. H. Dustan. Prof, sud Mnr. C. W. New sud issu- ily, Torouto, at ber faVher's, Mn. J. H. H. Jury. lins. D. P. Cameron and fantuly, Maberly, with her mother, Mmra Thos. McMullen. 'Misa Nellie L. Pattinsosi, Toronto, with ber parents, Mn. sud Mns. Jas. Pattinson. Mn. Majorie Thurston, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Westaway. Miss Alexander, Taranto, 'with ber brother, Mn. J. W. Alexander, "The, Evergreens." Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Ton- onto, witb thein parents, Mn. and lira. W. J. Bragg. Mr. and lins. Jas. Milligan, Mar- guerite and Donald, Oshiawa, at Mn. Leon Dumtas'. Dr. sud Mns. W. J. Hall, Mimico, and Mn. Jas. DevitV, Toronto, at Dr. J. C.* Devitt's. lins. T. G. Mason and sans Law- rence and Edward, Toronto, at Mn. C. H. Masou's. Mr. snd Mns. Jas. W. Hynds aud iamily, Toronto, et Mn. John Sand- ers', Westmount. Mr. A. Brooker sud Miss Julia Sin- clair, Toronto, witb the latter's sister, Mns. A. Christie. Mn. aud lirs. W. W. Down sud Mn. and Mrs. H. Allun with Mrs. Jas. Walksr, Part Hope. Miss Gladys -Batentan, Toronto, with ber parents, Mn. sud Mrs. J. Hamilton Batenian. lin. Roy Webber and Miss Ethel We.bben witb their sister, Mrs. Law- rence Kerr, Toronta. Mr. sud lins. Morley Burgess sud Mn. and Mns. Leighton Soucb, Osh- awa, at Mn. W. 0. Souch's. Miss Clans sud Mn. Norman Har- vie, Toronto, witb thein parents, Mr. and Mns. W. M. Harvie, Ontario St. Mn. sud lins. L. B. Nichais and Master Douglas, sud Mn. M. Smith, spent Christmas at "Yenex'villa," Whitby. Mn. sud 'Mn. A. H. Deuseni, ins. E. B. Williams snd Miss Aithea Wil- lianis with Mn. sud Mmn. J. F. Goyue, Oshawa. Mrs. J. C. Vanstous sud Miss May Vanstous and Mr. sud lins. Byron S. Vanstone sud family, Toonto, at Mn. F. C. Vaustone's. Dr. and lins. Frank Tnebilcock sud Mn. A. J. Tnebilcock, Toronto, sud lins. Munule Fissette, Brantford, witb Mrs. P. C. Tnebilcock. Mrn.sd lins. C. L. Uppen, Phyllis sud Bruce,' sud Miss Evelyn Bickle, Kitc hser, w ith li. nsd Mns. G. B. Bickle, Lberty Street. Dr. Mabel F . Bray, Hamilton, Mn. Cauadlan National Railwsys an- nunnes that effective Jauuany 6th,I 1930, aIl passenger train service be-I Vween Kingston Junetion sud Kinga- Von, Ont., will b. diacontinued. Cou- eurrently wlVh this change, Kingston j Junctiou station wlll thorasiter. be knawn ai "Kingston" and wI be sal - -h __nsiLuime. table felders, ée. 1-11 BALLYHOO PROM THE BOARDS OBdTUARY By Adarn Fair Mr*. John Maynard, Carnpb.Ufordi Hene we are once again with four The deatb occurred ou Thursdsy, hockey ganies te ths good, sud what's Dec. 26tb, af Jane Frances Bowxftau, better four wius accredited ta ths beloved wife af John Mbynard of local puck chasers. Two for Vhs Caniphelîford, in ber 7Otb yeen. De- Intermediates sud two fur ths Jun- ceased bad not; besu n oying .gaod ions. 'Hens they are: bealth for severulyeaw.btt:-watablec Lest Thunsday the kids went Vo Vo be about the bous." 5h.e etoyed Wbitby for the ormir ithe league, Christmas witb the familly but Vhe sud tho' al Deen, e up til then day iollowiug she waa aeized with a was full ai wintry basats, Tbursday stroke iran. whicb as neyer rallied proved te be s beautif ni balmy dayl*i ang aiway iu a few bours witb ice conditiens terrible, but asI The laVe Mrs. Maynard wus born ths lads said, almost every gante they ' 8V Inkerman, Ont., on July 9th, 1860. played asat year was ou soft ice, soj At Vhe tins of their marniage lu they uussrthed their 'water wing sud. Deceurber 1877, li. nsd Mis. IMay-2 went steppiug, and You nMay imagine nard were living lu Lalue4leld, wbene 1 the resuit.I they remnaiued until 1880 wheu hey ~ * * went Vo Bo'wnsville where Mir. lisp' Anyoue wha had auy weight cen-1 nard was a jeweler. Iu 1896 ths. tainly used it.to decided advantage in faraily mo'ved tÇmblfedwin that gene. The rough stuiff Ws tbey since ruided. quite inteesing, 'but thee were few The Ilateàe M ywUrd waàas lady real "pro" gaine5 that ia except fotr mucihbaiowed 'by a large circle of penalties. Italmoa;t looked like aj ftlainda. 8h. was s faithful mein- e few thingal *',ber ai Vhe Anglican Ohurch. sud # wus deeply iuterested lu ail its activi- kfter ten miWiftM U insybe les ofaicVis. the firit period, the visitera (being Survîving are bier sannowing hue- Bowuanville) tare lu for hs open-1baud, two sons, Cecil, of Tarante, ing scare. .About twa rushes laVeri sud Russel ai Ottal«a, and three tbings began to;lock qussi when au- diaugbtena, lira. (Dr.) Owen C. Wat-1 other quick ehot from the blue-line son, Campbellford; lira M. D. Staf- made ths score 20.Iford, oi Cleveland; sud Misa Gent- Irude at home; Vwa ssaVon, lrs. Me-r Then hs work began sud Vhs ice Dougall, ai Ingersoîl, sud lira. Me-e became wonse sud worss. The Crsary, ai Tarnto, sud ans brother, Whithy brillants tigbtened up like e William Bowman of Florids, also sur- druni sud soon began ta niake a fsw vive. rushes on th.eir o'wa. The fuerai too'k place, on Satur- * ~ day. Service w», held at the femilY Thene was rio more scoring lu Vhs residence on Fnidey evsning, aýd au finst peTiod, nonr hs second, 'but iu Saturday moruiug,,tbe renomns wene1, Vhs third cantote honms eaiu really couv'sysd te Bowmnanville cemetery, scquined their bearngs sud becaxue for intermeut. A few Bowmauville quite daugerous. They were success- citizeus wba were friends sud huai fuI ou two attemptsansd he 8000 ues associates ai ths Maynard fant-i (yeab) roared in anticipation ofai au ily wheu they lived bers attended oventime gaine. the service at hs cenieteny. Rev. * j N. C. Wallace, nectar of ChristI Uniortuuately it wss not ta be so. Church, was the officia ing clergy- Thein efforts ta score sanie more ou man. The pallbearers wsne Messrs. hs invaders proved futile, but in the N. C. sud Rusl lisynard, M. D meantime hs Bowçvmauvills proteges Staffard, S. H. Neale, Gea. Wilson, e began Vo work again sud lisions the nephew, ai Cincinnati, sud Dr . O. sesson as vensudVhsbell ws C. Watson. tolled, the score stood 4-2, witVh Sher- A profusion of floral tekens boe iff Paxtou's Vawu en he short end. silsut etimany Vo the high esteent * * * in wbicb Mis a. iynard was hsld by The editor says this has ta be cut bier iniends. short, so Vhe Intermediate ganis at The Statesman joins lu Vhs gen- Part Hlope will be very bnief: eral feeling ai sympaýthy for Mn. * o * liynard sud family in their suddeu Iu Vhs tinst place hs score was 4-0 bereavement. for B»wmar&ville. A very fine count iudeed. Thie local fans should he SALEMat vsry pleased with their Itermediates____ as well as the Juniors. Lest Suuday's service was conduct- Hoaper waà% Vhsecpeniug goal get- ed by paster, Rev. J. R. Trumpou..i ter sud he ouly ans in hs apsuer. . .Mrlinsd Mns. Ruth'eriond are stay- A quick abat fron ths hue line did1 ing aven the holiday sesson witb their Vhs trick. . dsugbter, Mns. C. M. Carruthers.... This was a very rough, tough sud Sevenal radios bave been installedi uasty gant sos, with 'ntast ai he in aur ueigb'borbood receutly, Mns. boys carnying their clubs ovesr their E. Darch, Mn. C. Pollard sud Mn. J. heada, presuntably Vo preveut getting Brauch haviug thern in their homes. . thent broken or wet. Yes? No? M .ý,. Kenn'eth Werny met with quite M aie wshe dou th pod wtha painful accident ans day last week Mois wased own he end ithwheu ans ai thes baises kicked hbu a tidal wsve in he second psniod aud, au hs knes. Hope be will soan be nammed home he sole addition forj arouud....'.The Augel ai Death ths second. Sbiuny again soared1 visited aur neighbonhood on Sunday Vo heigbts in the third sud droppceI sud called away ans ai aur aldeast another an Vhe Port Hope stalwarts sud ntast higbly respected citizens iront au unexpected angle. 3-0O. whsu Mn. Robent C6lacott passed A couple ai minutes laVer "Shin- awsy aiter a bnief illness. Deep- ny" again clantped bis talons on hs, est syntpatby is exteudsd Vhe be- pili sud scsttered oppaneuts, adven-1reaved widew sud faut ily. Mrs. R. sanies sud w'hatnots aIl oven Vhe ice, Couklu, Kingsville bas been with bier finally gained Vhs Port Hope bine lins,1 father durng bis illnean sd lins. passed he black huuk ta Candler,, (Dr.) Wilard, Toonto, bas also been who pullsd Vhe cord forthe fluai goali in attendauce for several days and .-4-0. *li* er mother lins. Collacott la veny 111 at tume ai writiug. Mr. R. Coukliu Mouday sveniug, hs ewc esmin and Miss liildned, anivsd on Mon- he league-The Bee-Eats from i day, also Mn. Jack Collacott, of De- Orano-made thein debut heno, sud' trait. uu-fontunately seented ta lsck sanie-j tbing, experieucs mostlY, 'but they'11 1be a wbole lot better by ths end o he seasan or there will be mauy fans F URNITURE SALE mistaken. 1 n n el twsjVttobdtai ws tougb ice ta put a new tean Theuudersigned Auction-ser bas ne- ngtfrOrono. 13-1. Nul! said I ceived instructions ta sel] Vhs follow- nigbtion * * ~ î îg Furnnture front Vhe reaideuce ai New Year's sîternoon, (can you R. F. AITCHISON image plaYing aiter a tunkey, goase Mngra h oa ak or cickeu dinnen?), well Whty wMaaentofintRalor ak, Juniors camne bers but were once woi oigt oota agalu deieated to he music ai he HATELY'S GARAGE shos polisb 2-1. Bewmanville * * * on This was quite a gane and Vhe fans A UR AY, JAN. 4th. bad theirnuickel's wortb aiigbt. A SA UR neai battis sud Vwo ruaI teasisaif One 3-pisce Panlor Suite, Settee, mud-bens! This la no insinuation at1 Rocker sud Chair, liahogany; 1 Puni- Vhe eanis, but at Vhs weatbsnman. ed Oak Radio Cabinet; 1 Fumed Oak Well, we'Il leave yau witb. youn Lamp; 1 Solid Oak Dining Rooni Set, thougbts uow as it is veny nearly tinte Table, Buffet; 6 Solid Oak Dinens, ta go ta press. upholstered lu leather; 1 Oak flinuer Wagon; 1 Oak Li'brary Table; 1 Oshawa Sinicoes (Intermedistes) liahogany Table; 1 White Iran Bed play hene Friday-ii thene is auy ice. sud Sprng; 1 Mattness; 1 Ivary It should be s real scrsp. You ne- Dresser; 1 Ahi-listaI Reinigerator; 1 member hs locals sud 'Simcoes bad a Goal 011 Stove; 1 Rug; 4 White Kit- couple of good games last year. Sanie chen Chairs; 1 Wbite Kitchen Stool; pnice, saine tinte. Ses you there. 1 White Kitchen Cabinet; 2 Card Tables; 1 Oak iPedestal; Fried-Eeis- Mns. W. A. Shane with relatives at insu 5-tube Radia Set, comploe with Mitchell. tubes; Il "B" Eliminator, ueanly uew; linr. T. H. Jenninga, Tornto, witl 1 "A" Biàtery; 1 Valley Batteryl 1HN MEMORIAN In lovlng memory of our beloved daugbter and sister, Annie E. Cor. wbase bright brave spirit psssed on Dec. 31sf., 1928. Dead are aIl the rases; feU the. autun leaves; But the dead rose-petals keep titeir soent,' 1and we, In aur hearts wiil keep yau till the day' w. die. Rose leaves in their sweetness on your grave we strew Bitter-sweet with memories of aur love and yau. -Father, Mother. Sister and Brothers. COX-In loving memary of Our dear friend, Annje E. Cor, who ps.ssed away December 31sf., 1928. Remunbrence le a golden chein Death tries ta break, but aIl in ;muin; Memortes drif t ta scenes long pest, Tinte rols on, but memories lest. * -Rena and Eber. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Trinity United Churcb, Rev. J. U. Robins, pator. Sunday Servicse il A. M.-Paster. 7 P.li.-Repre- seutative Lord's Day Alliauce. 2.30 --Sunday School. St. Andrew's Preshyterien Chunch, corner Teniperance sud Church Sts. Moruiug Worship Il a. mi.; Evsuiug Wonship 7 ip. mn.; Sunday Scbool 2.30 p.ni. Rev. Mr. Stewart StenewallA Mau.,ý will pnescb at bath services.' St. Paul's Cburch-Rev. D. W. rBest, D. D., Ministen. il a. ni- lionning Worsip-"Loolkiug For- ward"; 7 p. m.-Eveniug Worship- "The Explorers"; 2.30 p. m.--Suuday Scbool.1 CARD OF THANKS Misa Carnie 'Knioebt, Ontario St. desfres Vo thanljhen er-7ghbors: frisnds and Trinity Chunch congre-, gation for their kinduessa in sending i flowesn sd fruit during ber illuss,ý elso he Supeninteudent and Nursesl oi Bowiuanville Hospital fon kind at- tention dixing ber stay thene. 1 *. JjBOWMAANVILLE'.S PoeU ROOMS TO RENT - Three upstair romns, suitable for light bousekeeplng partly furnished If desired. Woud sui 111gh School girls. Apply ta Wm. Dob- son, conrugog and Odeillgres J3ow, ýnville treI STORE TO RENT-In best business section 01 Bowmanville. very centrai; will lusse for terni of years ta suitable tenant at moderate rentai; possession January lot; oocupied at peent by Bowmanvlle. Aplyt W R t CARTING AMI TRUCKING M I klnds of CsrtigTrucking and voving; localand lon g âin<ance. H. DOM BARD , Phone M80 Queon St., Uowmanvflle as-uf LAUNDRY WANTED« AIl kinds or zanrry work dons promnpt- >y. setisfactorily and at reasonable pions Write Pont Office Box 12. or CRiU Mm W. MlarjorentKing St. M. Flowmnanvilie. P>-one 478W. VALUATOR WANTED Applications will be rèceived up ta 12 o'clack noon an MONDAT 26tlt. JANU- ART, 1930, for the position of Valuatar of the various Municipalities within these Ujnited Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Evelopeu containing applications willI Ibe addressed ta the undersigned, wlll b., plainly ,narked 'Application fo r Vauator' and wiUi state amount of remuneratian epce.E. L. MaONACHTAN, Counties' Cierk. Cobourg, Ontario. 1-4 Have you renewed your su.bscrip- tian ta The Statesman? Do it now. W. are prepared te give quick service on &Il kinds of NICKEL AM COPPER PLATING Canada Slicer Corporation Lixnited ULAR STORE FOR MIEN Were You One of the Lucky Men Whose Gift Came From Gilchrist's? If s0, remember that the article y»u received is of fi ne quality, it has the reputation of this store to maintain. We intend it to be a credit to, both the giver and.to us. We hônestly believe it wiII be. tut if anything should go wrong or if the size is flot exactly xight, corne in and tell us. about it,. we'I make it right-gladly- liat's our way of doing business. BIG RED UCTIONS IN MEN'S OVERCOATS THIS WEEK-END T. B. GILCHRIST --r Dlretly Opposite Bank of M4oatreal ph.. . -a IMPORTANT NOTICE I arn offering my entire stock of high class Co at cost price plus 10 per cent and Ibought these coa It will certainly pay you to investigate. CLARENCE S. MASON One door west of F. F. Morris Co. BIRTIIS Articles For Sale DEATON-At Oshawa General COHospAi-ereyctalut u on FrIday, December 20th, teMr. andeWed OR ApLy T. W. Cawe.w iaa r- litr. John H. Beaton, a son. vine. PIT.WCakrBo an CUTTER FOR SALE-irt-cm sCut- DEATHS ter for sale, chus». Apply te H. G. F'reunain, R. I. 3, Bawnlauvlle. Plione GOL.LACOTT-In Darlingtan, Thurs- 150-12. I-t! day. January Znd, 1930, Leaur Jane Me- FASL-adsfrlne otwt Murtny, widow o! the late Robent Colla- sable anE adYuif. Bthlu gd con- i cott. sbecla b uf ohl odcn Funerel frotn bler latu residence Salem'. dition. WillilssiI reasanable. Phano on Saturdey, January 4tli., Service at 2 Mwmvil. - p. mi. ta Betheuda Cemnetezu'. CTE O AEMzag nCt ROBERTS-At Cobourg, Dec.23rd,1929. , CUTgTyRuFeR, AiEMaCtelaugti neCud- Geoge erly Rbens, ! Trono, u hs d. bargaln for qilick sale. R. H. Bat- 6lth year. tue Menvers Rd., Bawxnaville. Phons HOSKIN-At Cobourg, on Tuu.dey, 69. 11 Dec. Z4th, Albert E. Hoskin, boloyod hus- baud of Sarah B. Davidison., FOR SALES-Cosey Home Cea IrH4e DUDLEY-In Colborne. Sunday, Dec. .nuanl ew; andarnt Souvenr a i Mont 22nd 1 1929. Cidre Wright, widaw o!f lie or.lse white iron bed-m late, John G. Dudley, lu lien 88th yuear rj in for quisak sale. Apg~t.~ .Lawrie, King et., = m~siwje ALLiNl-n Orono an Wednesdey, jeu- Phono 494. tu ilary lot, 1930, Elizabeth Caolrnan, be- ________________ _ 1IQo wie o! D. T. Allin, lunlier 69thLcto Fo d DROOKS-lu Oshawa HaepiioJ, on Bat- LOST-A white herse blanket between ltdey Docember 28tli, 129, ta Mn. ami Horn,,, MUf Hampton and *_.]EL Clous- Mr$o. b. W. Brooks, 160 Agnes Street, a sus' on Fnl<ly, Doc. Îéth. PMnder please daugliten. 10ev. et HOrs'. Store an plione A. H. DONOVAN-At ls late resideuce, 851 Clemeus. Phone 237-3. 1-tf Shasw St., Taronto, Dec. 20tli, 1929, Dennis Danovan, belovud husband a! Joanne WATCH LOST--On Su.~Do. 2Uni, Chapntan. a valiable white gold Main eteli with chain and )cuife ta match. yirâa STACEY-II Manvers township, un De- keek e. ,ar fro urta Stant tusubur lOtit1929, Elva Beryl, beiaved its. ewadfrrtr avur deugliter a!f Mr. ad Mn.. Ernest Staoey, R. os, ain.. Plion. 86. ln lier lStb yoan. COLLACOTT-In Darllngtan, on Sun- hey, Dec. 29th, 1929. RabentClaat uW n. bi 2Snd year. Funeral Wudnesdsy,_________________ Ian. 1, et 3 p. nm. ta BethoeaeCemetery. îiWa» g Kittung, 1attin MAYNAR&--InCampbellford, ThurB- or Croceing doue will b. assured lai day, Dec. . .h 1929 Jane FranesBoy- tirt Cam work Il they IVOI Phone M mo~n, beloved ;;Ife ai John lisynard, ageS onavil.s- 69 yeans. Interned lu Bownianvle. HAWLEV--Suddenly, et the hoame of ber sistur, Mm. William Wright, 301 _ Real Estate For Sale Grace St. Toronto. on Friday, Decenber 20th, 1926, EMisa 'A. (Bîrdie) Colentan, RSL--omdbue oe widow af the lete Meahall B. iHbkwley. OR eniEn, oore St.nepmydta HUGES EelyTuedaymong, . FFoley, corner Chunc ianS Brown Sta. Dec. 24tfi, 1929, et lier home, 47 Dundon- BowmunviUe. aid street, Toronto, Adallue Augusta 4- Marean Hughes, beloved wlf e o! Doctori FOR SALE--i-roonud stuoco Cottage, James U Hughes. 1sil convenlences, very au.tral, corner BARKER-On Thunsday Dec. l9th,, et Churcli and Broyn Sta. Apply an prem- hie late residence 200 deIton Street, luea., . Faley, Bowxnanvillu. 48-tf Taronto, Samuel Bkrker, beloved huabandg of Emima Rose. Brother of Mrs. Ira F. Pearée, Bawntanvlle. 1I To Let WINTER-At Gnimsby- Beach. on Sun- HOUSE TO LET-6 roonis. on KCingston day. Decenibur 29th, 1929, et the. residenau Highway, 4 miles' eat o! Oshawa.. Ap- a! lier son. Fredenick P. Winten, Ssarah PLyA Huggins, Courtico, or telep8ionb Min Thompson, relie. of the late Robert 134t-13 Bawntsnville. 1_2w Winter in lier 93rd year. Interred et Orono. H OUSE TO RENT-In Bowmanvlle, by UNDERWOOD-At the Private Pet- lot O! Decembuýr moderncanvenionous ,lents' Pavillon, Toronto General Hospital, Apply ta W. P, Ward Barister, etc. on December 25tli. 1929, WIlliaim Undun- îBewmntaviUue. Plione 142. 48-U wood, aged 71 years. Deanly beloved - liusbaud of Mary Bestrice Fauter 809 HOUSE TO RENT-Seven.roonis. wat- Annette St. Intermeut ln Orono Cern- erwonks, bath, e)ectrioIol igta lo*Ute etery. I lng * Onterio 1tL, evailable an. l2th. jApply A. A. Colwill, Necatle. 51-tf THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUPUSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1980. 1 1 il PAGE SEVEN