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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATESNAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 DO IT. NOW You've been putting off long enough havlng that rome papered which looks aâ ahai>by. Wby flot do it now when you may select one of the new 1930 Sunworthy Wallpapera whlch are guaranteed not to fade. Cone i to-day and niake your seetion from one of the many reafly delightfi patterna. Geo. Pritchard PHONE 489 DOWMANVILLE e MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Pianas bath new and ueed; or- gans for ehurch and school; rad- lasr and phonogaphi sold on terms canvenient to customers. Thme Freed and Philca are con- sideed niarvelous for distance and tane quality. There is fia. thing fner in radio. Have you seen the new 45 Inch Dominion piano? An altogetber charming instrument. F. J. MITCHELL Phone 105 Bowimanville1 i I THE SET WIrTH 1E PUNCH" SEED CLEANING PLANT At Boys' Training Schoel PIaced at Dispoai of Local Farnmers Seed drill surveys thait have been made by the Departmnent of Agri- culture, have shomn that much in- ferior seed grain is 'being own in IOntario. Many amples taken have been faund ta grade No. 3, and a sur- piing number came in the rejo.cted dais. It is also a well known fact 1 that weeds are on the increase in the Province. The Weed ControI Act h as been passed ta direct attention ta this condition and bell, remedy IL The farmers of this district now have at their disposaI a Seed lean- ing Plant equipped ta help theni in their figit against weeds, and to turn out a much better grade of seed for sawing titan they have had in the The Boys' Training School at Baw- Imanville is now able ta de custom jwork for the farmens, and as an in- toductory off er is cleaning seed grain for five cents per bushel up until Februamy 28th, clover and grass seed at pmportionately low rates during this period. It will psy any farmer te have bisi seer grain properly cleened. Whatj is -taken out wiîl make good feed, and the big stong plump kernela left will increase the yield per acre toaa surpmising extent. In arder ta avoid diaappointments in the sprin rs, farmers are'being urged ta haetei seed cleaned early. BOY WINS SCHOLARSHIP hiA DUSTAP'S J C. 1- Burton Scholar*hip Won By CASH jSi Herbert FardeI!, Milliken, Ont. HARDWARE F10 I In arder ta encourage the boys who ti are taking tbe Agriculitural Course at; W_______________ the Boys' Training Sehool, Bowmian- ville, Mr. C. I- Burton, Mgr. Rabt FIELD CROP COMPETITION s Simnpson Ca., Toronito, has generous i ly provided a Scholarsihip ta enablelWiunem.s Announeed in Durhiam Co. F tbe outstanding farm boy of the year C to get same advanced train ing at the, Prize winners in Field Crop Cam- ir IOntario Agricultural College at petition Class at Ottawa Wînter Fair, Y IGuelph. i vna aa 1929, in Faîl Wheat (Dawson's Gold- i petitive basis. It is open ta,'boys en Chaf) are: ist-Jobn Smith, Cav- H eb have taken tmp farrning while at an R. R. 1; 2nd-Bruce Sharpe, Idaib the Sebool, and who bave gene eut IR. R. 1; 3rd-Russell Mountjoy,w and bad at least one year's experience1 Burketon; 4th-C. A. Blanchard &D on a farm. Tbere bave been aven.b ififhty boys graduated who have tae 'Son, Hampton; 5th-Arthur Rae, ji the Agricultural work whîle at the Hanmpton. e Scbool. For tbe year 1929, Herbert b P'ardell bas been cbosen as the winner' Si OJTYBY of the Scboîarsbip. He bas been DURAM _____ BOYr working on the farrn af Mr. Lesliej eîcted Officers of Queen City Lodge,- Miller at Milliken, Ontario, and bis progress bas been very satisfactoryl Toronto since gaduating. He is taking ai special Poultry Course wbile ati In the list el officers' recenty in- Guelph, and hopes ta operate a stalled at 'Queen City Lodge, A. F. Poultry Farrnoai bis own some day. & A. M., No. 552, G. R. C., Toronto, Mr. E. P. Bradt, the Agriculturaliw eepesdt oetenre director af tbe Schooî. t'ook hi. talewr lae o oetenie the Colege ta begin bis course on of two former well-known residentsP Tuesday, January 7th. af Bowrnanville, viz: Capt. Jack B. i Roacb, of the Toronto Fire Depart-a ment, and son of 'Mrs. Emily Roacht PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE of this town, who was installed as Junior Steward; and R. Wesley Red- Gives Repart for December man, a former IB. H. S. student, whot later served his appresntices'hip in Homes visited 65; Individuals i-Kerslake's Drug Store, and for a *ied 116; Visits ta: Infants 22, Pre- nuarber of years bas successfulîy op- -scbools 4 5, Adults 17, Re achool ah-' erated his own drug store on the Dan- sentees 1, Re physical defects (sehOOl forth, Toronto, was appainted an1 age) 22, Re acute communicable dis-' auditor of tthe Iodge.9 ease 4 (chicken pox).f 'Miscellaqecus visits 2; Social 'vel-E tare 8; Not found 6; Office hours 30. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are1 Infat WfareConerenes eldselling off a clearing line of Dresse .wItfatoteýa attnance f 35. regular prices up ta $15-00 for the 4. wth toal ttenanc of35. low price af $5.00 each. School Report:-Visits ta achools 22; Class oom inspections 15; Pupils -______________ irspected 533; Defects suspected 9; Defects terminated 4; No. excluded 4. To RLLIEVE CATARRHAL 69 pupils bave been given the covn DEAFNESS AND HEAD' pete series of Diphtberia Toxoid thi NIE Faîl by Dr. W. H. Birks, M.O.H. N IE Olga L. Tod, Publie Healtb Nurse If you bave Catarrhal Deafness or are bard of hearing or have head noises go ta your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmint (double strengtb), Ghildren suffering froni worrns and add to it U pint of bot water soon show the syrnptoms, and any and a libtle granulated sugar. Take mithem can detect the prc'sence af ane tablespoonful four times a day. these parasites by the writhinirs and This will often bring quick relief fr4ting of the ciiild. Until expeIl- from the distressing head noises. ed and tbe system &ceared of tbhem. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- the cild cannot regain its healtb. irg becorne easy and the mucus stopi M ller's Worm Powders are prompt dropping into the tbrcat. It is easy and efficient, not only for the eradi- to prepare, costs littie and is pleasant s 1ca ion of worms, but also as a toner ta take. Anyone wbo bas Catarr.hal j up for children that are run down in 9)eafness or head noises should give B consequence. this prescription a trial. *1 BAND AT TAYLOR'S RINK TUESDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY 'EVENINGS ADULTS 25c CHILDREN (14 and under) 15c POU LTRY WANTED I want ail kinds of Poultry and amn paying hig*hest price. Phone hitby 81 and rieverse charges. I1 STEIN WHITBY ~ntropologists in Canada are ahl excited aver the diacovery 4aigthe construction af the 3oy York Golf course, Tomanto, 4a finely preserved bronze axe :iad, stili. capable of doing hefty work in the banda cf a determined Iran. Some believe that It in an Itdlan Implement, but many more sa.y It la an authentlc mollo of the Ilronze Âge, perbapi a score of thousand years old and gaing back ta the dim beginnings ar humanity. Beautifully balanced and atili qulte sharp, the years have left Ier traces on the axe and there are even ta ho een marklngs where leather strips bound it to the han- die. Withln alght of a great clty wbere once Indiana prowled and long centuries before theni, primi- tive men fought wlth monsters, the place where it wau pcked Up wilU moon ho the icone af olfersteelng off or negtating difficuit bunk- ers. The course wiliIb. open for play next Sprlng. Bi p J' 21 m U A la C il, bq c H ei la hi CI 1i y a E n h LOCAL FIRM AWARDED VALUABLE FRANCHISE Lacal citizens wbo bave beard of the results wbich have been accova- plisbed by Sargon, will be interested in tbe announcemnent that tii new and scientiflo formula can now be oh- tained in tbis city. Sargon 'vas introduced in the United States in April 1928. Since that time it has beceme a nationally- known, nationally-advertised product. Not in recent years, perhaps, bas any other medicine of its kind attained sucb widespread popularity, and were it nat for the actual facts and figures given out by some of the leading drug flrms af America, the success attain- ed by this product would be bard ta believe. Sargon is now being introduced in Canada, and a new, modernly equip- ped plant bas been establisbed in On- tario ta take came of the. mapidly grawing demand tbroughout the Do- min ion. In awarding the local agency, the manufacturers af Sargon are carry- ing eut their establisbed policy of conflning the sale ta one tborougbly responsible and centralîy locat-ed drug flmma in eacb city, and wberever intmoduced tbe Sargon store will be found ta be one of the leading and most represenitative. Sucb firms are always axiaus and willing ta co- aperate with the manufacturera af meritomiaus products, especially inter- natinnally knawn products csf proven merit. Sargon was recently introduced in Teronto, Hamilton, London and other cities in Ontario, and judging frorn the large initial sales and the repeat business it bas enjoyed, it now seems a forcegone conclusion that the suc- cesa attamned by Sargon in the United States will bie duplicated in Canada.ý In the leading cities af tlie United States soe ofa the most prominentl men af the counmtry bave been avnongi the bundreda who have corne forward ta tell what Sargon bas done forl tbern, and many thousands bave used' it witb the most gratifying results. I Human nature is the sanie the, womld' over, and wbon auffering men andi wornen find a medicine that helps, them, tbey want ta tell tbeir friends! ab3ut it, and in this way Sargon isl rapidly becoming known througbout, the entime Amrerican Continent. The exclusive agency for Sargoni and Sargon Soit Mass Pilla for tbisj city and section bas been awamded tai Jury & Lovel. hI anticipation oai1 the extraordinary denmand, this wel1 known firm bas just received alarge' shipment of this celehrated medicine. The cheapest and sur- est way to get high- priced winter eggs is to give yotir hens a daily dose of makes Hons Lay mo.e mge Sold b, ail dealere Write fer Pratt& Poultry Dnak-.Fre. PRtATT FOOD CO.. of Canada Lti. 328 calaw Av*.. Toioato a. Ont. BLACKSTOCK USE THIS CLUBJNG LST b Mrs. Robt.- Mahaod spent a few' me Canadian Stateaman will b fys in Toronto recently. 1 clubbe<l with any of the following Mr .and Mms. Fred Waldon, T-;pubîfiaiaas fer '1930 at -the f ollow- )nto, visited at the home of 'Smith n prices: g Bros. Gloe .......... 5 TIhe play entitled "Marrying Ann" Goe..........65 put on in the township hall on Decom- Mail & Empire .............. $6.50 >er 25th and 26t.h, by the young Toronto Daily Star .......... $6.50 people ef the United Church, was a Farmer's Advocate .......... $3.00 Wleindid success. New Outlok ............... $4.00 The special services held in St. Christian Heraîd ............8$4.50 oln'a Churcb on Sunday, Deceniber ý9th, were largely a#tended both Dblineater................. $4.00 morning and evening, and the Tba.nk- Ladies' Home Journal........ $3.00 ffering most satisf.actorY. Saturday Evening Post ..85.00 A short time age Mr. and Mrs. S. Famiîy Herald & Weekly Star 83.00 D)evitt, of aur village, received Weekly Witness............ $4.00 word of the death of bis brother-in-j Canadian Home Journal ..83.00 lw, Mr. W. H. Jennings, of Panama City. The "Panama City Fil1t" saYl FarDi & Dairy .............. $2.50 [n part: Mr., W. H. Jenninge, wellI I arrnem' Sun ... ...........8$3.50 eloved winter viesident of Panama MaeJean's Magazine......... $4.00 City, passed away at his home On Can-adian Counryman.......8$3.00 Harrison Avenue, on Wednesday ev- Canadian Poultry Review ..3.00 ening, Dec. 1lth, at 7.25 p. ni., fol- Canadian Magazine...........-00 lwing a twa weeks' iliness. Besides bia widow he is survived bY th'ree hildren, Mrs. Chas. Dîtta of Petosky, also two brathers and four sistera, Mrs. Newall A. MoCimne, of Lansing, F. W. Bradburn, Quill Lake, SasL; f idh., and Dr. CMas. H. Jennings of J. W. Bradlburn, and Mm. Jas. By- St. Petersburg, FUa. Mr. Jennîngs ersý Blackstok; Mrs. D. W. Brad- ras harn in Hamnilton, April l2th, burn, Biarketon; Mrs. Peter Lansing, 1846, and was married to Miss Rachel Shirley; and Dire. Bert. Tha.mpson, )evitt an Juste l6tm, 1874, in Cart Markdale. The pali 'bearers were v-right Towns'hi Theyl" Iter took Mm,,r. Win. Farder, Leith Byers, up esienc inetosky, Mich., hr Melville Lansing, Harry Tinney, Jos- they have resided for moTe than flfty eph Bradbumn and Earl Bradburn. years. Mr. Jenni.ngs had a smile and Flower bearers were Rupert Byers a word of cheer for aIl whom lhe met. and Ray Bradburn. The beautiful His going leaves a vacancy that c.fl floral tri4butes and largely at.tended never be filled and Panama City bas= funeral service testified to the love aost one of the best friends it ever and esteem in which the deceased was had. This community will misa Mr- held. Those from a distance were rennings and his many friends ex'tend Mr. *and Mm. H. Wannamalcer, Sea- synpathy ta ithe family. grave; Mr. John Stuart, Cavan; Mr. On Tuesday, December 17th, a well and Mrs. H. Tinney, Cavan; Mms. oved and highly respected citizen, in Nathan Rusnney and Mrs. J. Van- the persan of Mms. George Farder, Camp, Midland; Mr. and Mms. Ben- was called ta rest. Deceased was son Dunn, Oshawa. born, raised and marred in the town- ship, of Cartwrigbt, and lived aIl ber CARD 0F THANKS life in Bîackstock and v'icinity. Mir. F'order was a member of the Unitedfi Mr. Harry Wilcox Sm., Hampton, Church, always active and interested w'ishes ta thank bis friend8, neigh-bors in everything that pertained to the! and menibers af Adult Bible Class ef welfare of the clnurch and commun-jH îty. She was a faithful wife, a de- 1Hmpto.n United Church for their voted mnothei, and a loved neighbor. many kindnesses shown him during Her passing bas made a void tha illbis recent iliness. ec bard to f611. The funemalsevc_________________ s'as held from bler borne on Friday, Eecember 2Oth. and was conducteti by ber pastfèr, Rev. F. W. Newell. Interment took place in Union Cern- etery. Besides a sorrowing bus- band, she leaves ta mourn lber loss a son, Joseph, and daugbter, Mms. Os-I mond Wrigfht, bath of Bl'ackstock;I. 11 Phone 21 VALUATOR WANTED oApplications will be received up ta 12 occnoon an MONDÂT 26tim, JANU- ART, 1930, for the position of Valuator of the various Muincialities withln these United Countien of Northumberland and Durham. Evelopes containlng applications wlIl be addmessed ta the undersigned, wri1 be plainly rnarked 'Application for Valuator' and wili state amount of remuneratian expected. Countie' Clerk. Cabaurs', Ontario. 1-4 tion taThe Statesmn? nDo it nov Bowmn'UviIIe Ilined Underwear, will give comfort and is real warm gar- ment, sizes 34 to 44, Shirts 69c I Drawers 69c i MA SAFE AND SURE RENEDY FOR AlUNS CHILDREN MILLER 'S POWIDERS VmnoUatuLY cLAU V M OUWE&ETAS sIJOrflM PRICES REMARKABLY REDUCED Th:is Week's- FeaturesI WINTER COATS AT HALF PRICE. An opportunity awaits exactly 20 women here to buy a good Winter Coat at a tremendous, saving. These coats marked at regular prices were excellent value, but our policy of clearing off all style goods in the season regardless of price necessitates these drastic steps. Every one of the 20 coats are of fine pure wool im- ported broadcloth, interlined throughout and lined with flat crepes or fancy brocades and are lavishly trimmed with furs of opposum, French beaver, caricul, mandel, etc. Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 44 in lot. 54 inch All Wool Flannel Made in England of ail pure wool yarns, smooth broadcloth finish that will make good-looking dresses. Your choice of a good range of colors, 1 98c Y ard - WALKER STORES SHOPPING CENTRE YOUR FAVORITE Limited Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS SI87WutmuRdI STEWARP This is a REAL WINTER You won't need to worrY whether it snows, blows or freezes if you have your bouse heate<1 with a Hecla Furnace-saves ofle ton in seven. Enjoy solid com- fort by harving that new furnace installed at once. R. E. LOGIAN Plumber and Steamfitter Next to Pathick'a Barber Shop Bowinanville 'J' ê Prices $12.75 to $22.00 I2-Piece Underwear Boys' Fleece- refor Men . Shirts and Dr A elbargain of men's fleece- *Lined rawers IFleece-Lined Shirts and Draw- ers at a very xieasonabIe price, Size 24 to 32, 1 Each 55c SMALL ROASTS ARE WASTEFUL It is uneconomical to buy small roasts of beef. They should always be large enough to serve more than one nieal. The reason is that too small a roast does not carve weIl and "dries up" in cooking. And the "left-ovem" of dried, cooked meat are tasteless and not desirable in combination dishes. We take pride in our Roasts of Beef, just as in the Leg o' Lamib and Sausage Linkse. BE WISE - BUY KNOUGH Ail are excellent and ail are economical. G. A. EDMONDSTONE MEAT MARKET ýà nu na iiiaino

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