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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 4

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PAGEPOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 Eleetors of Darlington Township: ElcosfDaigtnT nhp Ladis an Getlemn :I deire Ladies and Gentlemen :-I wish to thank ail the electors who voted heartily thank the electors of anid worked for me on election day Township of Darlington who so0Io and to express my apprecintion of ly supported, and placed theirc their support in past years. Wish- fidence in me at the poils on 'Mon( ing aIl the Compliments of the Sea-i last. son. 1 Aga in I assure you I will fulfill Respectfully yours,, duties entrusted to me to the best J. H. Mutton my ability. I FaithfulIy yours, Electors of Darlington TownShip: C. A. Blanch Ladies and Gentlemien:-I thanký you cordially for the confidence you Electors of Darlington Township: placed in me in again eiecting me as Ladies and Gentlemen :-I deý Councillor. 1 shaîl endeavor to ad-'to thank ail those who gave me tl ministrate the business of the town- loyal support at the polis on Mlcon 1'hip fairly and efficio.ntly. Again and I promise to do ail in my po) than.king you and wishing you ail a to promote the best interests of Prosperous New Year. township. Yoursdaithfully, IYours respectfully, A. L. Pascoe1 Chas. M. Carruth When Ordering Croceries TRY SOME 0F THESE SPECIALS Tea, our own special blends which are meeting with such popular favor, at ....52c, 59c, 80c lb. Purity Oats with China ..................35c pkg. Harvest Brand Pumpkin ............2 tins for 25c Orange Maximalade, 40 oz. jar ...............30c Norwegian Kippered Herring, special ....15c tin MAKE 'EM LAY MORE EGGS With eggs at a good price these days it pays to give your hens special attention. Feed them Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. You'll also want plenty of Oyster Sheli and Chieken Grit. Remember we make a specialty of Poultry Supplies. IIARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 1.86 BOWM&N VILLE COATS GOINLI FAST Our clearing sale of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear ha really been a gxeat success. Not that we have madi xnoney but the Coats and Dresses are being snapped uj by thrifty buyers who appreciate a good thing when the3 see it. We have grouped the Ladies' Coats in three lots foi quick selling: $15.00 $17-50 $25.00 Some of these were prieed as high as $42.50. GOOD SELECTION IN DRESSES Every Dress must go, too. We are determined not bo have one dress left when we take stock. Thats why we have slashed prices so low to dlean them out ina hurry. Grouped in four lots at: $4.95, $9.95,9 $13.95e $16-95 Every article in the store reduced in price during this sale. This is a Cash Sale. THlE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. WHY NOT HAVE THE BEST? SIL VER WOOD'S PURE ICE CREAM This popular ice eream is in greater demand jevery day. We seil it in bulk; also Bricks 35e; IDixie Cups 5c; Eskimo Pie 5c; Sandwich 5c; Cones 5c. EAT MORE NUTS-THEY'RE NOURISHING Health specialists reeommend nuts be includ- ed in your daily menu. We have fresh Salted iAlmonds 90c lb.; Brazils 85e lb.; Cachews 65c lb.; Rosed Peanuts 30e and 40e lb. WEARE FEATURING THIS WEEK i hnJelly Beans 16e lb.; Regular Humbugs 25c lb; ---- vii x.'Jiuin-IIIaue hi In our bakery dept. wea tomners perfect service. If plaints we want to know therr wè Po. Baker and Confe, Phone3 aim at giving our eus- you have any eom-I rbett ectioner Bowmanvil DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP SALEM . HAMPTON ;h to ELECTION_______ the Mr. T. H. Lookhart. Bowmanville, Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. 'Bick visited at yal- Chas. M. Carruthers Takes John idelivered a fine New' Year's sermon Toronto withhlier mother, Mrs. Mc- con- Mutton's Place on Board lat the Sunday afte:noon sevie it Cartncy, w'ho died on Tuesday ... Mr. day Asarslofteeetoso otie ayhpfltogtzte Perey Cowling, Toronto, visited at I As aresit f to plctins n cntaiod anyh&pui tougtsthoMr Johin Cowing's. . .. Miss Mildred. 1the 'Moncday, Darlington Council fcr 1930 subject being "Hoie."......Mr-. l". Hastings, Toronto, visited hier grand-ý t of will be conmpo'sed of: Reeve-Siia'z Cator is out again .fter being con- ý father, Mr. Chas. Hastings..Mr. Williams; Drputy Reeve-Geo. F. fined to the house wiýh la grippe. . . H. 1McBride, Toronto, visited Mr.A Annis; Counillors-C. A. F'anchard 'Glad to weicome Mr. and Mrs. Swins-, B. Cryderman. Mr. Frank Cryder-I hard A. L. Pascoe, C. M. Carruthers. ford and family al, the service on San- man has rcturned to the city after a( Official votes polled is as follows: day..Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Parnaîl., plensant holiday at homne. . r. and ;sreNewcastle, würc recent guc-ts of Mr.i Mrs. John Wakeley with their son - ~ . a td o r T oro n ,, hi r n h i dy tin O saMr.. . . .M r. W in . H o rn an d i thir; aoTrno i Lýnh iaig r T. Wray were in Toronto.. . . day r . . at home.. . Mr. lc'11-io'rd. Tor-'Mr. nd Mrs. S. Hockaday and Ern' c-- ~ >~-'est, Soia visited Mr. Howvard Cowl-i Prviene 30124"6 2 Cbristmas holiciav art home ..Con- ing's ...Mr. and Mrs. D. Flintoif, TPr odne 70 2 615 82 25 gratulations to Mcýi. C. M. Carruther.s Courtice, Mrs. Jas. Wood, Orono, vis- hes'Mpl roe 7 24 44 8382 30 on being elected i the Darlington ted at Mr. Geo. Armour's .. . .Miss ther! MpleGroe 2 44 3 1 35COUncil. . .. Miss Gladys Cann liasTrc- Isabel Campbell has returned after Hampton 119 83 il 56 66 tuned to ber school ;ct Lake Shore,, spending the holiday at her homo inJ Enniskillen 84 27 43 55 36i Clarke, after spenuling the holidavys Elmvale .... .Mr. Chas. Burrows, Osb- I Courtice 77 28 7 47 105at home......... The annual busines'ý.1 awa, visited his sister, Mrs. C. Good- Bradley's 88 31 19 4610 meeting of the Salerm Telephone Co iman .. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mount- - - -was held at the homcocf Mr. and Mrs. 1 .loy visited at Mr. J. E. Eliiott's, Bow- 492 381 166 360 387 W. Cann on Friday evening last. On1 manviUe ..Mrs. Geo. Barron andr these occasions business is combined Austin were with relatives in Toron- COURTICE with a social evening and wcith Mr. Ite.. . . The sympatby of the commun- ________and Mrs. Cann as host and hostess a ity is extended to the famiiy Of the Miss Hattie Osborne bas been vis- good time was assured. Progressivei late J. J. Virtue. Mr. Virtue wasi iting in Toronto... .Mr. Carl Sborttieuchre and radio music providedi one of our best known and most high- spent the weekend ia Toronto guest splendid entertainment. after which a ly respected citizens and hie will be of bis aunt, Mrs. Jack Hicks ...verY bountiful luncheon was served sadIy missed. 1 Young People's meeting on Thurs-, by the hosteas and it was well into 1 day evening was largeiy attended.j the small hours when the guests took SOLINA In the absence cf the president, Miss their depariture after expressing their Hattie Osborne, Mr. Jas. Hancock,' thanks to the host and hostess and 1 Mrs. Chas. Mackey, Brfoklin, Mr. lst Vice, presided. The first part' family for their kind hospitalit. . .. 1 and Mms. L. C. Pascoe and family, of the evening's entertaiament was Mr. H. Jarvis is laid up with bloodliEnfieid, visited Miss Mary Hogarth a debete "Resolved that the Worldj poisoning in bis hand...Mr. W. and Mss. R. Pascoe ...Mrs. Chas. i etiting Better,'" taken 'by four' Moffat of Orono is still in bed with t.angxnaid, Hampton, is visiting bier Imembers of the League. It was jaundice. We hope bie will soon be son, Mr. Roy Langmaid... CGongrat-. pretty thoroughly tbreshed out and around again .... .The fates seem des. ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baker the writer la rather loathe to say the tined against Mr. Kennetb Werry, on celebrating their Gýolden Wedding. negative side won, as we do net lîke for just as bee had recovered suffie-1 .- . .Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brook- to really believe the world la on the iently fromi a bad burt on the knee, lin, were recent guests at Mr. H. E. decline. Four members of the to return to Normal School at Peter- Tink's .... .Mr. aud Mrs. W. J.* Bragg, Trail Rangera sang a darky song, boro, hie contracted tonsilities and BýOwmanvlIe, spent New Year's wita dressed as darkies witb black faces. will be confined te, the bouse for some Mr. and Mrs. John Baker ...Miss Sonie good stunts were put on by the time ... . Mr. Elfie McI}onald bad bis Nora Werry, Kedron, la visiting hier Rangers wbicb caused much merri- leg brkoen while at the sing last 8ister, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe ..Mr. and ment ...Services on Sunday were week. He la at the home Of bis Mrm. W. E. Gilbank, Sbaw's, spent well attended and were fine .... Sev- brother, Mr. B. McDonald, Manvers. New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. eral from here are attending the Ag- Road. . .. A great gloom settled over Balson. ... Congratulations to Messrs. ricultural Short Course in Bowman- our littie conxmunity wben deatb en- C. A. Blanchard and A. L. Pascoe on ville..On Saturday Mrs. Susan tered one -of our bomes twice in one their re-election to the township Sbortt. wbo bas beon in poor healtb week and carried away two Of OUrCOUnCil. .. . C. G. I. T. meeting Thurs- and lias kept bier bed £or saime tîme very wortby citizens, Mr. Robert Col- day aftern<>on was held at the home psst, celebrated bier ninety-fourtb lacott, who had -been a 111e long resi- of Mr. R. J. McKessock. It was de- birtbdsy. Several of lber relatives 1 dent bere, and bis wife, wbo bad re- cided te bave a Mother and Daugliter and frienda called on bier and she was sided bore ever since bier marriago1 banquet on Feb. l4th. Devotionai presented witb beautiful plants and over thirty-five years ago. Mr. Col- period was taken by Mrs. John Bak- fiowers. Mr. R. C. Sbortt, Tory lacott's funeral on New Year's day er; piano solo, Evelyn Tink. Eleet- Hill, visited ber sat week as ho al- was very Iargely attended ty sorrow- kio f officers resulted as foliows: ways does when ber 1birthday arrives. ing relatives and friends, msny froni Pres.-Iieen Balson; Vice Pres.- I if any one wisbes te get chickens a distance, and equally so the funeral Gladys Yellowlees; Sec.-Ruby Dew- that wiil lay large eggs, cal] on Mr. of bis wife on Saturday, a great ell; Treas-Evelyn Millson; Leader! S. S. Brooks. Mr. Brooks recently wealth Of flO'wers on both occasions -Mrs. John Baker. Lunch was ser- bad a Plymouth Rock pullet lay an gîving evidence of the love and re- yod and a social time enjoyed .. egg measuring 9 inches the long way, spect for the deceased. Much sym- Sunday Sceol this Sunday morning 7 inches ithe other way, weigbing 6 pathy is extended te the sorrowing. will -be at 10 a. m., followed by Quar- * ounces. Can any one beat that? families in their los. ... There wili terly service at il a. m ..Remem-j be a meeting cf tbe Trustee Board ber the Division meeting this Thurs-1 ENNISKILLEN cf Salem Church on Monday, Janu- day evening in the Sunday Schoo] ary 13th, at 2 p. m. Ail members Room ...League meeting Mondayl Mr. Jim Spry, Rochester, M,. ETn- of the board are requested te attend. evenin.g was in charge of the 1-st Vice est Lingard, Cobourg, visited Mr. J.-.At 8 p. n. Monday, Janusry 13, Pres. Ruth MeKessock. The devo- Spry ...Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto, there will be a special League meet- tional period was taken by Miss Ruby Misses Geitie and Wînnifred Oke, ing wîtb Mrs. F. HoneY's cemmittee Deweli; vocal solo, Mr. Alan Balson; Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Walter inl charge. The pastor ivill be pies- 1thse toPic was in charge cf Rev. J. R. Oke and family spent New Year's ent and electien cf officors for the Bick; Miss May Westlake favored ýS witli Mr. and Mis. Wesley 0ke... coming year will be held at the close. with a piano solo. Meeting closed The sympathy cf the commnit it s o f. the meeting..On Tuesday ev.I with bymn 231 and the League Bene- e extended te the family cf the lat, ening, January l4tb, a meeting wilI dietiýon. League meeting next week Mr. J. J. Virtue wbo died Jan. ith, at ho heid to elect officers for the S. S. will ho in charge of thse 3rd Vice p Hampton and was buried on Tuesâay, Rev. J. R. Trumpour will open th(, Pres., Mr. Ernest Twist, wben a Mock y in Bowmanville ...Mrs. Goodman meeting witb an ad>iress on S. S. Elecetion will be held. The members (nee Lyla Gilbait) and son Rlaiph, work and there will be soe musical qualified to run are: For Reeve-AI- Port Hope, spent New Yeaî's holiday inumbers aIse ... Smpatby is ex- 1Ian Balson, W. R. Westlake; Deputy witb friends lier.... Mrs. G. Preston tended te Mrs. F. Cator in the deatb Reve-Ruby Dewell, Ruths McKes..- r bas reiturned te ber home bore for a 0f ber sister-ia-law, wh-o died in Tor- "ock; Councilbers - Ernest Twist, whie .... Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Annis, onto and iras buried last Tuesday1 Chas. Shortridge, Helen Baker, Alan Mr. Herbert Slemoa, Toronto, Dr. C. afteriTooii. Messock, Vera Baker. Come and W. Siemon, Bowmaaville, visitod _________________ hear the candidates give their election their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Slem-j speeches and sec, that the riglit per- on .... Mrs. J. Pve retuîned home' son gets la as member of council. after spending a good holiday la son gets in as member of counil .... Bownsanvilia. . ... Mr. Stanford Sirain SPECIA LS 'Mr. Ed. Law, Miss Ruths Williams, and Mr. H. Swain. Biackstock, Sun- Mr. Allia White, Toronto, Mr. and dayed at Mi. J. Freeborn's.... .Our f r ~Mss. W. L. Law, Oshawa, -Mr. and sympatby is extended te M-Nr. Thes. fo a u r Mrs. Clarence Tink and baby Kath-1 McGili and Mrs. Richard Ashton ia During January I am giving a ltc',Salm visited at Mr. Cee. the deatis cf their beloved brother,l special rate on aIl decorating. __________ Mr. Oîry McGiI, who died Jan. 5tbi If you take advantage of this M t at Bethany. . spite of tihe very: wiil be a real money-saver for MAFLE GROVE wet night a very gcod congregation, you, that wil aise equalize my y gathered in the basement on New!1 seasons work. Phono at once Zion Minstrel Show will peent Yoaî's nigbt te hear the play ontitlo-d and we wiîî arrange particular. their program Fîiday ovening, Jan. "Star Bright" which was so ivell giv- iOtb, at 8 p. m. la the hall. Admis- en by thse Salem Dramatic Club. They J. . b rn thy sin: Aduits 25c; Public Scbooli ail deserve great credit ia the wayI . .A e n t y Children 15c. ho or sho took their parts and -were 1 Phone 431 Bowmanville Misis Susie Laird spent the week- aIl se wc'll adapted te their parts. 1 _________ end with fîiends at Brighton.. iHaydon Orchestra xvho provided thiei-- Misses Annie and Susie Laird, Vers musicebetween acts as weil as the in-1 Power, Vida Worden, and Beatrice rIstrumental duet by Misses Welsh and Souch have retuîned to their respect- - IHona y, was very mucis appreciated. . 1 ive schools alter a couple cf weeks' ..Our teachers, Mis-, M. Dalton an boidays.,.. Miss Nellie Snowde-n bas Miss Raya MoGilI, are brick at b TIL T returned to Toronto Normal .... .Mr. work again afteî a good Christmas U l I ~7 V Elgin Munday bas returned te thse holiday ...Ladies' Aid heîd i AIIThe NewY e j r« 0. A. C., Gueph... .A number fromi1 monthly meeting la the basemento here are attending the Agriculture the church -on Thuîsday, Dec.- 2n-1 and Domestic Science Short Courses After 'opeaing exorcises a shortpr-i e -wt in Bowmanville. .... Annual meeting gram cf Noew Years rosolutions ' e,--wihof Maple Grove Suaday Scbool was givo.a, after whieh the secretary gav held Monday evening, January 6tb, tise financial report of the year show-1 New Ambitions ! when the foliowing offilcers wore ung a very successful year. Newly alected: Supt.-H. G. Freeman; Asst. eîected officer.s arc: Pres.-.%rs. Thos N I Supt.-M. Blackburn; Sec'y.-Clif-1 MoGill; Ist Vire-Mis. (Dr.) Feigu N wRj utou ford Swallow; Asst. Seecy.-Edwardi son; See'y.-Mrs. Rloy MocGilI; Trous. Foley; Treas.-L. C. Saowden; Pian- -Mrs. Orr Ieffiey; Ogns-r New Obligations ! ist-Eileen Hookin; Asst. Pianit-1 Francis Werry; Flower Committeo--.Mrs. C. H. Snowden; Musical Direct-I tue. Kand So Mrs. Ray Sno'wden, Toronto, (nee I CARTING AND TRUCKJNd When W. Test Eyes It la Don* youfl5 daughter. or Ct; 10 al ad l n gt ista ne andP roperly * M ra. A lb erta R . B "ow n spou I ~ Que 1.SMAO Christmas with ber brother M.Geo. Phono ~ ~ s-t 1OQonS. Swavg T. Ifancock, and famiby, Port Hope. I STOP IT THE START That's the best way to treat a cold. "Laxacoird Tablets" wil] do this for you, but you nîust have tbem ready irbon the cold comes. They are easy to take, effective and safe. The price isa just 25e a box. Put a box in your madicine cabinet. Foed lieus "COD LIVER OIL" and get more eggs. Ilt's $1.75 a gallon at Kerslake's THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Seed Cleaning Demonstration Will ble held at the Somers' Fari -ýBoy's Training School BOWMANVILLE on Friday,vJinuary lOth, 1930 at 2 p. m. Samples of wheat, oats, elovezi and grass seed will be eleaned by modern maehinery. Come and see what a difference can be made in the appear- ance of a sample of grain when properly eleaned and graded. You are cordially invited to attend this dem- onstration and bring your neighbor with you. M.r. J. Y. Kellough is co-operating to make this event a suecess. Boys' Training School Dr. G. E. Reaman, E. P. Bradt, Superintendent. Agricultural Director. STOVÉ SAL For the balance of the month only our complete linle of Happy Thought Heaters and Rangea will be sold at Cost Price. This is an extraordinary opportunity to buy a Range or Heater now fir next year at a very spec- ial price. These priuees are particularly interest. ing and we advise you to shop early as these stoves will not remain long at Sale Prices. Watch Our Windows for Styles and Pricea Come in and see cur exeeptional values: Heaters fron $1 1.75 to $38.90 Ranges froni $20.75 to $72.50 This Sale is for January only. Shop early and make sure of youri choice. Dus tan's Cash Hardware We Serve You WeIl wanil -s~-y Cowan Block MAKES slettoerTct Be ause good bread contains only the finest in- gredients properly proportioned and baked to a turn. You can tell that our bread is good bread because it browns evenly and gives forth a won- derful nut-flavoli aroma. Buy it every day at the store or from the wagon. The Bowmanviiie Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMANVILLE HERE'S A GUIDE POST TO GOOD VALUE IN COAL Its a trade mark we are glad to make a part of our business as it always as stood as a guarantee of clean, safe, dependable fuel. "IReading" is Pennsylvana hard coal and is sold in al sizes. We alo hance Semet Solvay Coke Ail orders will receive carerfu1 and prompt attention by Phoning 520 Henry Laibrope Liberty St. PAGE POUR

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