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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1930, p. 8

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PA<W. F.TG1TI' TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 MIN ISTERS AND CHURCHES CÂRDS 0F THANKS I SH4ORT COURSE CLASSES Eclecters of Bowmanville: i ln Agriculture and Home Econic Th N e .v a tle I- dc r d rt Ladies and Gentlemen:-I wish to At Bowima ailie Well Attended : il thank those whio supported me bv' 1- their vote and influence in the recerÇt Splendid classes greeted the in-' ctection for a menier of the Public' structors when Short Course classes THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 19305 School Board. lin Agriculture and Home Economics! Yours truy, opened in Bowmanville on Mondayn (Mns.> Aberta Brown, norninrg, January 6th. Twenty-six en- NEWCASTLE 'NEWCASTLE MUNICIPALMr.oneStesvleisisig ____ husiastic boys were ready to takei Ms________ tvile i vsiin Igtctos o Bwmavile:their places in thse class-rooni in Town, r enî obsn ako ELECTION hier son, Principal Geo. A. Coyne. Laers cfnd.oGenle.Iw ti Hall where special taîks and d n-Cmmrce V ero Robe on, nkof ______1Officiai Board of the United Churcis eLaiess yad Gentemn t:-I wihsb te trations on the various phasesdeo o mmercaig t e, hs rt edfo l- R. W. Walton, New Councillor, bas appointed Mr. Fred Grahami lay1 riutre wouid be given during this dyn Heads Poils representative to Presbytery for theo wbo voted 'and worked in niy behaîf riut Mrs. Midget and daughter, Toron- ' ear 1930, and Mr. Norman Riekard,7 trn tsd erniipa g ecin. pwirî1 Aot the sainie number of girls to, are visîting her parents, Mr. and Reeve-W. F. Rickard, acc.; Coun- the alternate. during thse coming year which 1 deeim were present to receive instruction in Mrs. W. H. Cowan. Cilors-R. W. Walton, J. H. Gibson, Roy and Margaret Wright, children E ià i the be interest of tise tow j Domestic Science, Sewing, Home Mr. George Joncs, Chicago, has A. O. Parker, J. E. W. Philp. The of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, nec Bessie. at lag. Yur Nursing a.nd First Aid being hold in been visiting bis parents, Mr. and vote stood as f oilows: R. W. Walton- Wetheral, commenced schooi here i n Yusrespectfully, 'ienwasml on fth ihMs .S .Jns 10; J. H. Gibson 182; A. O. Parkerl Miss Mason's room on Monday. Tbey0 Alan Campbell1 Scisool. -Moe tudents are expected Reeve W. F. Rickard, Master John 1150; J. E. W. Philp 142; J. H. Jose are the grandchildren of Mr. anà È ____this week and it is expected that and Misses Dorothy and Evelyn, 133. M rs. Horatio Wetherai and recently Electors of Bowmanville: these classes wiil prove as successfui spent Thursday in Toronto. Sehool Trustees for 2 year terns- came down from the West. TheyE --I am a gimany otisers beld in the couflty. Miss Aida Piiisworth, Toronto, re- John Scott, Merkiey Clark, re-ele'cted are staying at present with Mr. and 1 Ladies and Gentlemen:- r a- Stock judging work wiil be n feat- turned home Saturday after spend- by acclamation; J. W. Glenney, new Mrs. Gordon Ash. hig "i opportunity of thanking the ure of tise boys' classes and Holstein ing the week with Miss Marian Rinch. nexnber in place of E. C. Hoar, who Ms atrCotsrrcie c#izns for electing me reeve for tise cattie were judged at Mr. Ross Stev- Ms .E.Ad nWmnswihdt rtr.wr sudae Cother deh of h Igresent year. 1 will continue to ens' on Monday afternoon. Horseo isM .Adsn oe' ihdt etr.wr nSna ftedaho ir pe my best efforts, bethin i town judging was taken up on Wednesday Dean, Annesley Hall, Toronto, bas Board of Education on Monday ev- sister, Mrs. Cee. Alluni, in Toronto, 1 çthmcil and at counties' council to afternoon, and beef cattie and sheep been holidaying with Mrs. W. E. Be- ening elected Rev. F. H. Mason and 1where she has lived for several yearsIF dilanesthse bout interests of this on Thursday afternoon, January 9th, mani. Mr. Clarence Batty members of the with her husband, a brother of 3irs.S cmuit.while a speciai seed cieaning demon- Mr. and Mrs. Grubbe, We Btordandr Boa r te conspiete the un- Wm. Parnaîl of this village. De-8 Yours cordiaily, stration wil be held at the Boys' Miss Boulton, Toronto, were Suda expired terms of Rev. E. R. James ceased was the second daughter of W- H. arruters TainingSchoo, Bowanvill on Fi- gusts ofMMr.adH. J.P. Toms- rd Mr.ctiJ. oys rthectlate. Chas.e C GommemmanddMMrs. W.H.Caru deay tern cio, Bowanviileon n-guestscl r. ._____Gomme, now of Bownsanville. Her i ]Mdo fBo.waanville: dYou a eo r anurl ntownwis G r.nley . eMrtnad Tise Young Peopie's Society of tise former schoolmates and other friendsi Ladis ad Gntlme:-I want te ing to attend the Home Economie Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto,spt Newcastle United Cisurch held the here are grieved te iearn cf lher doý-e adties oprayo had Gentleme ilbemd eloeatayCrita hldy wt .apnt fit meeting of tise new year on Mon- mise and extend sympatsy te bier ba- tîI.chisofor teniaty scfotnie tie.usswlib aewecm t aCiristyMarhoinas. ih r a Mm. day avening. In tise enforced ab- reaved husband and children. luecthes fo tse heay.supot gve tre.PanayMati.sence of tise presidant, Clarence AI- Chicken thieves -broke into Post-P 9t atsurpamed my higist ex-OBTJ Y Messrs. Lawrence and Newton lintise chair was occupied by John matrGocaisnsse n tut. that A~~~~~~ishn in ertacind t himIousnsso. Ts eeigwsbgn tables Friday evening and cleared deaion astifyho menete-____in nrg siyfarkhion at with a jolly gaine, whiicb broughtback out 1with nearly the whole of his weillf dtu.vra tf ou ako Couhton Victor L Jeffery, Toronto1 Thursday evening. vivid memeries cf public sciscol day-S. bred flock of Barred Rocks inciuding'1 Tie Crto Te ewscfthefaalaccdet1 Misses Florence Ashton and Mar- Thse prograni consisted cf a shortimayhihp-dcn brPofsm Th____ofthatlccdetjory Clemence have been appointed pinylet in whicis Fathar iTimQ, Lady cf the best strains in America. 0f Eletos d owmnv'be:whicb bfel1 a former higblY este ea-by the Young Peopie's S.ociety as New Year, and the four seasons, Win- a flock cf over fifty, forty-threa of Ldeos and Gen'lemn:- wsht ed residanIt cf Bowmaeviile, Mr. deîegates te Winter Scisool at Co- ter, SpreSummer and Fal, took wliicb were feniale birds producing1 Lsaditea tle ers or ecing me Coulson V. Jeffery of Toronto, came bourg. part; rsdieg by Winnifred Rickard ; j 19 te 20 eggs a day, Mr. Jamieson hasý, t a theuncillo fr il ecndeavoetoaswa wresok heeas BO e kofwn sMaster avyGbsec spent Christ- piano solo, Stanley Rickard Nexti oniy about three live culîs left, and I es colicllr. wil edevo aso oa wre hock to eciiekn cfthis r Havey G meting Monday evening in charge of onedd onewitis its neck twistedf ait as y'our representative on tise Mr. Jeffery was employad witis the mas bolidays iths andparents M inr Vcoe sc bowdwit faines an effciecy.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gihace, with who;M issioay ie President, Charlie wbich the gang must have droppedd blordwjh ainea edficiency Toronto Transportation Company and their son Lonnie, Toronto, spent New Glenney. in their loading process. To urtnly, had on Friday been mployed clear- yearS. Reg. O. Jone% ing the streets for car traffie and with r his tfeiiow employees got ente tise:Mis. R. B. Peacock, Port Hope, lectgs cf Bowmanville: truck te go te another part cf the and 'Mrs. J. Berry, Winnipeg, daugis- Ladies and Getemen-For youi city. Unfortunately hie tood on tise ters cf tise late Robt. Barrie, Lake kiadly endorsernont at tise poils on running board and when tise truck Shore, spent tise weekend with Mrs. Monday you have granted me a seat struck a rut lie was tisrown off and J. E. Rincis. 1 o»~ the Co.nceil Board for this year rue over being terribly crushed. He ifiersof ewcstl *lanking you oea-and ail. I trust where hae passed away -on SaturdayUitdCucs horaePeietD m7service to the town as a whole morning, flecember 28th. -Mr. W. H. Cooke; Sacretary-Miss (M ~ i' Siiay eeyofonoc oer 2t onMrsE.Geore rg eaey, M W . THoksT.IAS o h mb eo sm el au.Decaased was born in Bowmanville A. Rodger; Special Music Comm.- 12 h T. H. rly, k on t ctiser a bl a18d4,aris Sapsoles . E ere; TeasurM rs . Tisoes.E j, yME T. . ockar ofth lateJosepiadSaa als Mr. W. J. S. Riekard and Mrs. L. M. Jeffery. He lived here iutil about lisher, organist; Choir Leader-Mr. seau th" great lt of val" Ulecters cf Bowmanville: five years ago wisen bis family *re- W.J. S. Rckard.WE ~~' ~ À&P he oreu Ladies and Gentlemen :-May 11meved to Toronto. For over twentyA&Phe aSrouà take tAis offrtumity of thankcing tisa1 years ho worked as organ tuner in Considerable excitement prevailed year budget off with a suba efthmon for again electing me as one tise D. O. & P. Co. in tiis town, and for a wiile Sunday evening on King ~ ~ *s*t ci the4r represoutatives on the Scisool after moving te tise city worked for St. alter chu rch wisen Mr. Howard 0 Board. 1 will do my hast te ses tisat a time with tise McLean Office Sup- Gienney's collie dog was struck and Announcisag Another Newv A & P ProdeWl bre adiiistration fa carried eut witb ply Ce. 'kcilied by a motor car. It had coee0oM owrsUNNTYVMD EBRMé *1lciency and econcmy. On Apnil 16tis, 1896, hie was united eut from tise farim witb Mr. Archie Tours sincereIýy, in mariage witlh Mary E. Jarvis, Glenney and was hanging around th ae .Ja,.vis of tais tow.. who to Oshsawa. 1 UTR Zkwstiors of Bow'manvifle: isurvives himl with one son Harold and ladiesand Gentlemen-î arn very' one daughter Aileen Jeffery, both of Cnteful for your gener uppor the Income Tax Dept., Toronto; aiso lauthe municipal lectiains. 1 can' one brother, -Mr. W. J. Jeffery, Biow- «*y express a desire to serve the javile eflUena ta the best of my ability. . eer was of a very retiring Yor sncrey, dispostion, but was a very kind hus- W. . srioeband and féther, and wll be greatly W. P stikemissed by hi& loved ones in the home., The funeral was 'held Tuesday, De- W. A. < ~. ~cembier Siat,£rom isalate residence, W. A etthe nftd Curchmees, 7 Lee Ave., Toro*~o, and was very flaTuruday eftSnoon at the home largely attended. Rev. Mr. Beech, Koer Cooe. (Dr.) J. . Butir Mm. pastor of Bellefair Unite'd Church, th oardGoesgrupwl ioieconducted ±the service. The pail- ~s prgram.beerers were Mesmr. Arthur Jeffery, Charles Stephenson, John Ho'wden _______________________and James Smith. The floral offerings from the differ- ent fraternel societies, fellow emn- N ow is the ployees, frienda and relatives ex- pressed sympathy for the bereaved in th-- sad and sudde'n sorrow that had Time corne to them. He was a member To have that niisbehaving t&e Triple Links Societies. Watl - Clock The remains were oonveyed by or where thse interment took place, Rev. J. U. Itebins, pastor of Trinity United JewelryChurch, officiated at the grave. Six repafred. rnerbers of Florence Nightingale Lodge, 1.0.0-F., acted as paikisoar- Es3timates given free on ers: Messrs. Chas. Heal, A. Mitchell, Sid Morris, C. A. Johnston, C. H. Os- ail work. borne and J<>hn Melntyre. - Anong the relatives accompanying the funeral here were: Mr. Harold J. R. M OO RE 'effery, Mr. Geo. E. Maynard, Mr. jewelerJames R. Jarvis, Toronto, and his son, JewelerMr. Pred R. Jarvis of the Royal Bowmanville Mounted Police at Lethbridge, Alta., and Mr. Richard Jarvis, Bowinanville. The Elite Shoe Store This store wili continue to give real values through 1930 and solicits your patronage. Severai numbers of real value are listed here: Women's patent leather one-strap, with cuban covered heels, with the new longer vamp, $4.50 pr. Women's black and brown kid tie oxfords, with reinforced arih construction. A real restful shoe ......................................... $4.50 pr. Women's patent one-straps, cuban heel, $2.65 pr. Children's one-strap slippers ............$1.15 pr. Get your Rubber Boots and Rubbers here. Our goods are of number one quality, and our prices are low. Ail Low Cuff Overshoes and Satin Overshoes at clearing prices. Bedroom Shoes at ...............................90c pr. Foot Remedies for relief of Corns, Callouses, etc., Weak Arches, always in stock. Bning your foot troubles heuie. t 0 troubes Il ye SHOES TUÂT SATISFY Phoneo200 W. C. IVES, Manager A steve pipe faliing freintise ceil- ing and striking tise back cf Mr. Wal- lace Hoimes' bsand with its sharp edge. inflioted sucis a nasty and painful cit that heisad te go at once te Dr. Butler te have it dressed. He with tise other trustees of tise Lake Shore Scisool were ciaaning tise steve pipes at tiese cheol. TYRONE Mrs. WIm. Little is visiting her daugister, Mrm. D. K. Fraser, Batheeda ...Misa Grace McKay, Beaverton, bas returnad to es choal bher..... Mr. Levi Annis has returnad te bhis achool in Toronto.. .. Mr. Lorne An- nis spent a few days at tisehueeof his uncle, Coq. k T. MeLaughiin, Bowmanville .... Sympathy is extend- ed to Miss F. Virtue in tise deatis cf her isiother, Mr. J. J. Virtue, Hamp- ton, and aIse ta Mr. B. F. Gardiner in tise deatis of bis sister, Mrs. Tises. Hodgson, Und... .. Miss Rena Far- reil la visting ber sister-in-law, Mris. Will Smit.h, Toronto.... .Mr. and Mms. F. L. Byam, Doreen and Yvonne, spent New Year's witis bis motiser, Mms. Clara Byam, Ton.... Mr. and Mms. James Alldread, Maeurs. Cecil, Lloyd and George Alldread visited at Mr. David AIdread's, Bowmanvile. . *. Mr. and Mis. James Dudley visited their daugister, Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Oshawa . .. Mr. F. L. Byam was eiect- ad new achool trustee, Mr. B. F. Gar- diner reigning ... . Mr. and Mis. Floyd Dudley and babe spent New Year's witb lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore, Mms. Thos. Curtis, Mi. and Mis. Russell Virtue, Miss Margaret and Mr. Lae Moore spent New Yeaî's at Mr.] Fred Moore's Providence . .....Mrs.I Wrn. Lake, Newcastle, is visiting ber daugister, Mrs. Harold Skinner .. Tise telepisene is reaily a wonderful invention. Sunday cvening, Mr. ICharles Staples, Veteran, Manitoba, talked te bis brother, Mr. Win. Stap- les, bere, througb long distance. Wil said he could hear bis brother very distinctly .... Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid will mect at tisehomne of Mrs. James Storie on Wednesday, Jan. l5tis, at 2 p. mi. Special pro- gramn and entertainnient for tise grand mothers. AIl ladies weicome. ....lIn tise absence of tise lst Vice Preflident, tise President, Miss Lola Richards, tcok charge of tise prograni at League on Thursday evening. Topic was spiendidly given by Rev. J. R. Trunipour on "Letting go and isanging on"; piano duet by Mrs. T. Barr and Miss Annie Gardiner; read- ing by Leverne Burgess, "What Jesus Mfeans to Us To-day." Tise Social ! Vice President, Miss Margaret Moore tisen took charge of a very interesting spelling match, which was enjoyed by all, tise word.s having te be spelled hackwards. Candy was served. W. M. S. met in tise vestry on Thurs- day atternoen, Jan. 2nd. Tise meet- ing opened with tise president, Mis. J. R. Trumpour, in charge. Tise pro- grami was in charge cf Mrs. Dudley's group, as follows: A splendid paper by Mrs. Sydney Hoar on "Tisougbts Ifor tise New Year"; devotional was taken by Mrs. Trumpour; vocal duet bv Misqes Lola Richards and Alice Tisompson; reading by Miss Leverne Burgess; piano duet by Misses Mary Bright-well and Mao Brent.. . A num- bpr frein bers attended tise Corn Huskers' Dance at Newcastls on Thursday evenin ...Mesrs. Carl Bradley and Morley Hoopar gave a pryIn tise hall on Tsiesday evening at whleh everyone enjoyed a good FineQuality' Meata FANCY MILK-FED TOUNO CHICKENS .n. .38* CAREFULLY SELECTED A à P UI R 0ASv] si PRIME RIB 'mm ib. 270 RUMP ROUND SIDE............. 28 CHUCK. ...IL22c PORTERHOUSE WUILA70 L.W3C 101RLOIN A DELicIous up.30 TENDER BOA"T FINEST QUALITY YOUNG SHOULDERS ,sCwKL.rb. 20o LIA FRES11 YOUNG ROASTING e HAN" 11LF OR WIIO.E IHAM i.24 BRISKET BOILING CUTS............ 15c 3ACON-Sm kecl Breakfast, Sliced .... IL 32c COTTAGE ROLLS-Peameal Plc lb. 25c ?..1' NVCMEAT-Newly Made ........ 2 Iba. 25c PiCKLES-Sweet Mixed............ Pint 28c J!IYDHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHl.L48c JLEGS LAMB l.35e 20c rftk,'Sif LAUGHT WHIT1'EFISH lb2e KIPPERS-Maconnachies *Smoke*d..'2 Pair 23c )ItGEIR'OIL CIIEESE MAYTIME LOAF lb. 34e -t.ASA FAVORITE H. Po SAUCE --Boulie 26o TintGRIAT ATLAN1 L ~LtiI rE.i rlay o- Good News FThrlf t> Shoppers the food& you wish and taire your list ta the and e~Scet Manager will fil! it carefully. Start the new atatial saviag on this week's food bill.1 Ham Y« fTrnd Our A &PBread? us0.70 f a~mgb a . E.mboe aUA& hP fBread la Sais MM hab undu the amoutsuadta:r couditions, and * e effl 1- 1 uMtI aua a zà-«t Sgup. TMY A LOAJ' TODAT. j APDBREAD 3 DJYEDED OURD STORhM DAE.?, A & P BEEAD COMES TO TOU IRSE. .. *AIMATU I WH WIT LOAF 20C WHOLE...................... 7 ON SA=U FEIDAN lD ATVSWAY ONLT NUT LOAF ................... T« ohmBsq D a Sup,17Tod7. CAMPDELL'S Toniato Soup 2 Tlns 9o HOICE QUALTffATME Asparagus TIPB 2l"~430 CRAIMEAT ½42-b.Tin 33e FANOT QUALITY IMO GLACE CHERMIES FORlCAKES 49e VIEST IN TUE LAND, THE COFFEE SUPREME The Equal in Quaiity of the World's Fineet Coffm... At a Ratai; Mueis Lower. Be Sure te Try a Pou"n This Week. Bokar 1/2-b. Tin 2'70îb. Tin53ý LOOK!! IMESSINA LEMONS GOOD Doz.U2 CARROTS-Native Grown.... 3 lbs. 10c POTATOES Giitaie 15-1b.Peck37 APPLES-Greenings........... 5 lbs. 25c ONIONS-Spanisli ........... 5 lbs. 2L-, GRAPEFRUIT-Texas Seedless. .3 for 21 c TURNIPS-Ontario Grown...9 lbs. M5 Large. Crlsp 2H a ' LETTUC- Ieberg 2Has 23. CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORNG S(.eDDoz. 5ý' ,Regalar Price values Rinso 2 Smaîî Pkgs. 170 Lge. Pkg. 1î PANCAKE FLOUR je"i-tia Pkg. 17c BUCKWHEAT FI JR ernla Pkg. 22c THE PERFECT IIEALTH SOAP -IIF'BBUY2 Bars '. FIG BARS-Critpo............ 2 Ibs. 311. FIGS-Cookng--b. loc. Layer lb. 21h. FANCY QUALITY CROSBY CORN Tin > KKOVAH HEALTH SALTS .... Pkg. 17C CORN ON COR ual' No. 3 Tin .31.. PORK & BEANS-Ayntvif . 2 No. 2 Tins 23c iric & PArWJc Tu Co, :D Ob C'A1ADA -4. ' A butter par excUes ,.xlusi5e. la f buttoe-Prlatnt lmt plIS.1Wqu A &P podnets. . . hla isI *sPUS.e Fimi iblpmenia tee stem wE mai umkm s ai d m Pu p ib. Pewto lb. 44 OUR OWN PATD E» EAýT SILVERBROOK 21Ib. 17 Fresh Creamery Butter......... 2 lb. 8k "s 6 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1930 A Men's Choir will lead the sing- ing in Trinity United Church on Sun- day evening, Jan. 19th. Rev. David Rogers celebrated the 55th anniversary of his entry into the ministry by delivering a sermon in First United Churcis, St. Thornas, on Sunday last. Trinity United Chu:-ch-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services: il a. m.-Rev. J. W. Bunner will preach; 2.30 p. mi.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Pastor wili preacis. Rev. J. U. Robins, President of Bay of Quinte Conference, goes to Grace United Church, Trenton, next Sunday morning to dedicate the new organ which has just been installed in thait churcis. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. il a. nm.- Morning Worship, "The Life of the Kingdom"; 7 p. m.-Evening Wor- ,ship, "The Ou.*tast"; 2.30 p. n.- Sunday School and Bible Class. St. John's (Anglican) Church- iRev. R. J. Shires, Rector. First Sunday af ter Epiphany, Januar-y 12: ý8 a. in.-Holy Communion; il a. nm. -Morning Prayer; 2.30 p. m.-Sun- day School and Bible Glass; 7 p. in.- Ervening Prayer. St. Andrew's Preisbyterian Church, corner Temperance and Church Sts. Morning Worship il a. m.; E-vening Worship 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. ni. Rev. A. D. Mclntyre, Finch, Ont., will preach at both services. Ho-ly Communion wili be observed at the morning service. Rev. Duncan :Munroe, Oshawa, will conduet Fre- paratory Services in the church Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock. Communion service in Trinity United Church on Sunday morning ýwas largely attended and the sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, froin the wo-rds, "A daily rate for every day," was very suitable fer the New,. ,Year. The evening address was giv-1 PAGE EIGIIT Ujtx en by Rev. F. A. Lawson, SecretaJ of the Lord's Day Alliance, on the Preservation of the Sabbath Day. [t containe'I many practical thoughts illustrated by incidents encountered by this society in the splendid work they are doing throughout Canada. The spcaker gave greed and pleasure as the two greatest hindrances to the keeping of the Lord's Day. Mrs. R. 1'hompson sang a solo very nicely, and at the Sunday School session "The 01d Rugged Cross" was spleii- didly Sung by Misses Bersice Bell- man and Greta Pollard and Messrs. Kenneth Morris and Bo>b Corbett. AUCTION SALE Tuesclay. Jan. 21st.-Mr. Lorne McCoy, Loi N, Con. 6, Darlington, will seil without reserve, aIl of his farm stock, impleinents, etc. Sale at 1 p. mn. sharp. See bills. At the same time and place there wiIl be offered for sale the farrn of 100 acres, more or less. For terms see bis. Geo. Jackson & Sons, Auctioneere. PUBLIC NOTICE 1'nder the provisions of The Ontario' Coznpanies Act, Bowman House Limlted hereby GIVES PUBLIC NOTICE the$ It will miake application to His Honourj ke Lieutpnant-Governor of Ontario, for leave to surrender its charter on and from a date to be flxed by the Llcutenant-G0v- ernor. I)ATED this seventh day of Jan- uary, 1930, JONES & BARLOW, Solilcitors for Bowman House Limited. BUILDING MATERIALS Savie money. Buy at Magie Prices in January. Galvanîzed corrugated roofing 5.10. Oak flooring 5%4c. FIr doors 2.85. Building paper 39c. No. 3 roofing 1.89. Wall board 2%,c. Barn paint, rope, sheet plaster, glazed win- dowvs, nals, hotbed saah, garages, p)ipe, ai bargnin prices. Write for circular givlng frelght paid prices. HALLIDAY COMPANY Box 47, Hamilton

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