PAGE SIXTHE ,'ANADIANu STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY l6th., 1930 Whien Babies Babies will cry, often for ro apparent reasocu. xc': ninv lnt know %vhat'*sv n. ut -i xn alwav's give (a'cia. 1bioi lias your little onc cowIf0cr ';;if flot, \, loU 1Ud cail ni nctc r. Dont experiiei-v.n t intenided for the stronger s oc of adnIts! IMnst of th.,Dýe litile Lups-t5zarc soni n ço:biet ab,; a little of this p!casa,:t- ,ti-dng. gentle acting childrein's reI.:edy that likc. It iai. be the -onit'cu'. or m.iv be thte liftieb I. Or lii the câSe of chier childreti. a sltiiZish. cnt', s'pz tcd condition. Cas,,o. a Î t Because good bread cc gredients properly prol turn. You can tell tha because it browns even' derful nut-flavor aroma. store or from the wagon, The Bowma PHONE 97 LAKCE SHORE, CLARKE <Too late for last week) Mr. J. Mominn and lady fienr Oshawa, were Sunday visitor;s et Mi Johin Hendry's... .Mrs. W. C. Lakej visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. Skir ner, Tyrone.. . -Mrs. J. Berry, Wlr nipeg, visited with f riends in this db triet recently .... Mms W. Jaynesi visiting friends in Chicago and DE troit .... .Mr. T. MeNeil, Orono, vh ited his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Mai in. Tell Dyspeptics 'What to Eal Strict dies are often unnecessai3 in stoxnach trouble. While sonit foods do produce excessive acidil3 anid many stomachs do generate "tc( much acid" causing gas, sourness hloating and after-eating pains, th( trouble may be safe]y and quiekli eorected by the use of a good a]ka. line. Bisurated Magnesia-powdei or tabets-is ideal for this purpose Just a liftlte after sneals neutraiiz-. ail the excess acid, prevents souring breaks up gas and ends indigestion, Favorite foods no longer upset ston- ach and digestion is easy and painless, It will do aIl this for you or money b'ack. Druggists ceverywhere sel iurated Magnesia with this guar- antee. FARMER'S WIFE CETSSTRENCTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Wton, Ont.-"I amn taking Lydia B. Pinkhaz's Vegettîble Compound -- tbriough tbo(hange - .and 1 c-tnncî praise >trrjubic-dvith heat - ft~-ie~and my l imb- were h(-as-y --t - so I ceuld hardIv in the newAspapers your ttl about the pound and Ihouglit to give it a trial. The irst lîcttle gave me relief anid 1 have told others w-bat it does for me. 1 arn willing for you te une m letter if you cbooe.-Mi&s. D. B.PET-ERs, Wilton, Ontario. AM VeTowNeighbS nîson and (bentran were sen t -o ff -f or hy tho decisive score cf r)-3, Bowniarivi!le Liric-up: Goal-Col- great werok. scrappng. duing wicb iners-ai* * *w-cl; Defensc-Densem and Oshorne; Besides bis widow, he la survived WO'SP SP < IE Hooper -Iipped one in and tied the reweîemnlttsconaar eteCata; nsMye by orie daugliten, Miss Helen McEvoy, e Greut Enid Preparatmnn. score, 2 al Garrisen soon camneand the ice w-as quite sluggisb, almost, and Piper; Subs.-Cameron, Hoopen, Who was worit witb ber mether n ad T ones and soviIorbes the uhole back from the box and ail w-as 5c-obviating the possihility of test hock-j Turner. S. James. frbI aid dbr ahetosen eVou int i.les orners'loo ene again, but thbe damage bat bheen. ey. Ne'vertheless it w-as a pretty. Whithy Lino-up: Goal-Bartori; part of the sumrmer bene et Ebor1 i ld Vy.P Une f5a8aor r derie. Local spirits w-erornrinrg: tain game and almost everyene w-as; Defcnse-Atkinson and De.hane; House.1 high, -vith about a miriute te go -,-hen-satisfied. Centre-C. Sleightbelm; Wings-! Mrs. McEvoy and Helen bave the omm% it looked like an overtime gamre, buti**i Smith and J. Sleightbolmn; Sub.- deepest symnpatby ef thein many New thfor.St lrg s lsoiil er box. 3 Candler put the gainein the bagl "Shiriny" Moyse reaped a bounti-!Rîce, Rosa, MeGregor, Forrester. castle fniends in their sone bereave- pg.onrecipoiptim .NeDPMhWmmued witb a nice shot tram left wing. fui hanvest by netting tbree goals,' Referee-H. H. Jacabi, Toronto. ment. M TUwoOm N"MhcUIn0 ISALVE FROM THE SIDE LINES ORONO ST. GEORGE'S SUNDAY SCHOOL Juniors Beat Oshawa 2-1-Whitby1 (Front The News of Jar. 9th) CHRISTMAS TREEI Falls Before Intermecliates 4-3 Rev. C. T. Allun has returned ta Highly Enjoyable and Successful i f~' By Adam Fak1rbis charge at Roscoe, S. D. Affair at Newcastle ie AVlj V By Adam Faki Miss Belle Allin, of Oshawa Teach-"T e Mr Onc aai-TOaeRbl t lrpot Staff, is hme -hrou-h illness. Santa Claus received a gîad and'T g t hokywiad hs tim eort Miss Bernice Tuer 'bas returnedi enthusiastic welcome at St. George'sjog t oId time rivaIs, Oshawa Juniors. ta her position in Ottawa, Militia De- Christmas tree entertainment Thurs-i ýý«t ra tf!1partment. day evening when he was the central -dra suf ***Mr ra Rio hsscuc h figure in a Christmas play and where, 7he J I rr ~ T,,rl5-,..~tt"'The score was 2-1 and might havecneso fsppigrfehet and white, hoary cf beard and hair,! rr-~ ~vrai-~' een aout 1-I ifEurr adn'tbec-nat the Agricultural Park rinlk.her-paedi cuato scrt I een abourig t n -1 i urhantbishiMnastk eirect the distribution of the pres- Thus goes the je] v rnight and he certainly deserves aGeerlH cspi:al,-Trrontoc recentîy ctre n piesfcmte hismsBrotherhood. PI i gratamount of credit frkeeping tfor X-rayemnbodied ir I'the score sa small. Mr. N ci Sni'l as been confineo i About two weeks previously andý gether niuch comir il JIc***te bis home for s' nie lime. We bope airain on Christmas day the jovial and' inrilte. Consiéer *Raincy Lortie w-as the other grcat to sec him arou. I a rain soon. benefic;ent cld saint had shown him- r part in hclping ai iig At-thrat n te ;i.or~ tem. e, rs.Rot. r-îr bs rîurodself in the village t0 the deiight ofi nuch as posible ui ' $scored their only goal on a lotie rush; froin Toronto w-bore she spent Christ- many chiyden and bis recurn visit ta! cao handie goes ou.5 wihalnvely shot front the blue line ima% ith e daugbtor, Mrs. (Dr.) the nir.,gbt afte No benefit is ý,r but apart front that shot, ail of his McCIelland. Yerar's scrved to enhanice bis îbopular-' iefrswoc-t ,~?I,7'~r ~vicious drives wcre centred at the If one be troubWod with Yrs, o paad tase am- tmeto fo a k rafters. wr ioinHollo-say's Cern Reinoveronr1 lngehtere ueîd cibro yo uh f r wii indand festivities thrognu h an ppicaio thitwll entirely ro- village and neighborhood. ' the finished work c The rest of Oshawa teamn couldn'îtlieve suffering.i then there is the expi sern to get goiner, and teamn play was, Mr. Bruce Waddell lias returned' St. George's Sunday School enter- the straight price. usually ever exerciscd, and used' home after spending a few wecks,' ,-ainment deferred to this date, be- Cmae hst thb b rzto ci- Illnost where a bard shot wouid have nabbed: with bis sister, Miss Christine Wad- gant witb a social gathering in the cerota i to inr r tp an. tî n1or a goal. i deli, -Montreal. r rtpper room of the parish hall where, printer. Show hï-m aijlîet, ailc1 clmdb1tirn) possi-** Miss Je Armistrong returned Sun-: the ladies served an appetizîng lunch worka wficotefic do day te Hartford, Conri. after a ta childircn and aduits who mingled arke iner changbes, Theyare uitea yong tam ad nonth's visit witb her mether, Mrs. mnerriiy as one big f amily. eivrisnaep Il il, st It rît f) ii be the rst sure miss D c Rowden, Arunde and ei ry s ma e P tlhin n thi'-l--f %%-I t n a crtld lias seine of the other pillars of îast year's C. G .Armstrong. At S e'cleck Rev. F. H. Mason, thel charged for the ser-iî a r !tc t votl:'.eît plav cant team, but they are a real aggregntien i, Protect the cbîld fromn the ravages Rector, opened the evening's programrAlaai e t sleic it'ttlor ail, of seits. ti er n1nOhaw' i cni- Ain adlyor eor Ce~~hi o -tie i ixas a iand o sawhi lotief ice1 of worms by ussiog Mother Graves'i with devotionai exercises and nt- Ce', ,11cit aivay lia surfce my doa whle lt ofdam- Wormn Exterminator. It is a stand- u led te f ulfil the duties of chairman. mnhnl orvr Cl :. lclîrsisgnat'u"e or age.* ard remedy, and years of use haveLittle folk appearing individualiy' active support is bchi tih-, g~ enbanced its reputation. were Vivian Duck, Diana Wbeeler, "For _________________By the way, 1 suppose you've heard1 Mr. M. J. Tamblyn delivered ene'ad Tys cet ne Brereton n of Oshawa's new arena. Well, she's (if bis pure bred 4 per cent year-old an om rrtn isGay n a heauty, and saime size! You can Holstein buli calves this week te Mr1 Matcheet delighted witb a solo nui- Th se e every bit of play f rom the stand-t James A. Brady, a promin ent stoc 'Iber; Master Dick Lovekin made bis Te ~ re ~ing ro-=n 35e section. We tried it, breeder of Cam'pbeliford, the sale dhebuts so o sT in his eder bo- er j and you eugbt te be able te see even price being $250. iers- Gordon Garrod with his accord -_____Il________ better front the rail seats. WethrsslTeJlyWoeSo- &K Sdidn't try those ($1.00 each). After a spirited election contest atj ian sciections revealcd musical talent 1 K E1S * * * a good vote -was polled, the1 capable of affording pleasurabie son- IrC-eiý5 Pardon xny wandering. If I re-l Police Trustee Board for 1930: John ans eiecter y he er A grou Tnember cerrectly we werc discussing H. Gibson 178 votes; Clarence C. 1ent, Mrs. Mabel Lindsay, was the ýontins nl he fnestin- FridaY's gante at Taylor's Ice Palace1Cain 131; Thos. Cowan 123; W. Fi. play, "The Santa Claus Way.'" This ontinsony tefns before that Arena talk came in. Barrett 102. was a p]ay which cmphasized in a ýportioned and baked to a Nihrtabol ra wyi Avr neetn etr ih~rightly draniatic way Christ's teach- ,at Our bread is good bread 'the opening period. The Oshawai views of Canterbury Cathedra,] - Th iel ecrt rly and gives forth a won- gn a beteh oce adli ev.AF.gH.can u, he new eterined stage with ita background and back in an attempt ta tire eue Anlcn hrcwsie x flankings of evergreens gave it aLE I I Buyitevryda a th Tti gveth loal hrdy nythe vestry etf St. Saviour's Church on pret:tinbu h wonder w-as, .A ffli c.Byi vrydya h hiae t e cl arlya Tuesday evening t afair-sized odi ws akngTh 1 cactadefense ide sascdthe ence. The lecture was interspersedl lace eSta nwwa nstkn thfiema efenU iea ap p for e--ins focll ad ntrmetl e e c tthis exact time? and how did n O- cImso hepckamotevery time, ithsvoclw a itruntai.seet. manage te rie utatteright .1and se the game etofr the first tne ewster aigbspr -- B le ytwnymntsnihrgalehvniMn. J. A. Stewart of Saskatoon, on anyway and it wasn't long before lit- SPARKLES, SHINE IA 1A~agreat deal ta do as mest of the a business triîp east for his firm, spent tle Frances Brereton was sitting con- BOWMAN VILLE siiots banged the end of the rink with a few days with bis father-in-law, tented!y on his broad knees. H A N O F ____ a terrible noise, which made the, Mr. C. J. Thornton. On Tuesday OthrstakngnoDs n te la - -- ~crowd imagine they were bullet-like. 'Mr. Thornton accompanied him te wer Mairerdes hartie adpo-loayllnee _______________ fal the shots that hit the end eft1 Belleville and then went on ta Picton my rertoy, Fene chae neraDo- o wilnv-h the rink, instead bit the net-I did-1 where Coal. a e huswihHi y rreoFlrnc pecrer GAFF FROM THE GALLERY ntsyi b ew],da enHnrlesetafwhuswt i othy Trenwith, Jack Elston (btshind Ca.W u oln ntsyinthene,_wlldrw yur1 _norJuge va H.Meeanwhoth sI buy rchenartn ndngm By da Fairown conclusions. It would aIse, was pleased ta meet him and talk over mie Lovekin, impersenating a walk- that you wilsmile wit] By Adani FakirSave Notrm Taylor considerable time 1 Onono and old rosidents of this tewn. ing Christmas tree.yo en yisha;a id, and energy, leave alane the expense, lar. (Crowded out last week) of repIacîng broken boardsan el. Once agaîn we take lue in Mrs. Ln saysoke of the - ***adnta.congratulating a former Orn by the nienbers ýf the Sunday School Let us Serve you vitl in- Well, we have only one Iocalj The second'stanza was mucb liveli-I Mr. Leonard Don caster ef Tenante, lied been doing te give saime Christ- courteous service. i- hockey gamte ta report ths week, and er, bath teaTne were quite wernied up 1whoboas been sent by bis firm te Ger- mas cheer te needy boys and girls in lias a gaxne, that is, as hockey la un- by this time. Here was the time for many for three montha te study Ger- Taronte and presented three yeung is dersteod, today, it was flot se good. Morg Lunney and Oscar Jamieson. man methads in chemical preparation ladies, Misses Mary and Irene ýBrere Q alt ).e- ~ ** the local heavies an the defense, ta and manufacture of printing inks. ton, Florence Spencer, who as lead- ult ar- There were several reasons which do their sketches, and they certeinlyl r n r.Dncse ettoers et groupa had competed in collect- marred the dlean cut speed hockey opread those Oshawa forwards. We wveeks ago and %vil] spend a short time ng garments and athor useful thinga which usually dominetes the frozen are looking far a goad shcwting from, in London. returning by wey ef Bel- for city childnen who weuld welcome surface, the main one being the fact this speedy pair on the big ice and igium and France. We wish them a theni. The girls displeyed somne ot that the ice lookedi more like a pond. they handle a mean stick, as wcll asl pleasant trip. the articles winning the applause of * *use their bodies very effectively. j àMkes Bneathing Easy. The con- the gathering, and Mrs. Lin.dsay One culdn' s*y*he bos stnict0.onfe the air passages and the awarded Miss Mary Brereton a prize J. A . H O UL~ Onecold't ayth bes adte The scoring was ail done in the tugefobrthtofa lirv- for having the largest assartmnent af 8im, as nane ot them showed theui- second period. Oscar Jamieson dence oif asthmatic' trouble, cannot atce eb ett aat.IBuidels' Si selves familier with the Australien plucked the first golden epple, follow-1 daunt Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Atm eyaponae tauews Poe13o î crawl, but stili the weatherman asiing a nieat sale rush and a sotthat Resnd b i te ano s emdy Athery rengof iaews epitthr e s Poe-5 r2 cetainly adverse te ice mekers Babe an o young Clianlie onhenY.Ti stefmurmdyhecenngfvewdpiigte *O*shraetwarn cemph v ov7atel ssevnun fiight inta Egytpt. Rev. F. H. Mason Osaw Sniee v Bwianie * * very severe conditions. It is ne un- told thbe stery as the slides ee _________ Intermediates was the way the os Lertie praved the next offender of' tried, exeietlpeaainwu bw. Ti vsflowdb et __ rlined up Friday nigbt at Tayler's the Anti-Score League. Ris was the one with mnany years et strong service e îdso ihe enAiei e Anena. They finished with the score prettiest chat of the e'vening. lt behind it. Of iBralauina- eder fland, esrrol's maser _n___ yD -2O vxie erycos am it uc-urned its way inta the ntadef1 est dealer. piece for chiidren. Everyone enjay- 0 xîtmnt a trail et smoke almost discernable, rinBl-hepels i o d it. r.Msnea oiuex s ** y the fans. The cry went up I erin Baîneite elers[aid t frn. Meteasned tcepiceus- îe Rere avryetWiity -asi "Watcb that lad he's T. N. T.," andjovlns. eigfuy fragrant. tasfontetxtndhePicue a- clined ta be taa good natured with!they sure did watch hlm fnom then Dit oue Leaves ne stickincsswn erdcin ftoe5 ai] r the teams, and e goed deai of the' on. He wesn't left alane for very'1 A little gentle rubbing and it is ian te all neaders cf illustrated e.di- erougli stuf should have been cbecked. 1 long. Maybe it was just as well he, swiftly absorbe(] by the tissues. Tor i tiens. Mn. La-wrence Gaines eper- es ougii stuf dees nothing but ruini wasn't. in effect. Soothes and dispels rcuglt[ ated the lantern. Miss Saleme How- * *ckyan er * l rieda nesa and chafing. KeepF the skins ard w-as pianisti. The pnoPrram even, n. couple of good mon. 0f course, a *Not long after "Brewnio" on rightr soft and velvt.texturcd. Uorivalied Santa once more entercd upen the n« little et it is alrigbt, but as for boune- Iwîng, one ef the new mien front the; for chanm, distinction andl refine-isc- tein naitu tr. ee and l s. ing on the forw-ard line and deliben-!Fïper anea, gleaned anothen ker:nel ment. U cd by lovcly Womeo >ixery in evrfoaing l the te ndfls ýy ate dirty work, this should ho cuimin- on a quick s]am frein his osvn wing. 1 wbere ta preserve and eribance theo - toovrflowneuplshecf joy.lks Ste.iScore now 2-1. natural beauty. ir en- Yer c- p o jy * *i* _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ Aithougli eveny effort was expond-! Especially in lhe last twe penioda t ed in the final third of the gamtenone with Piper comng ries-z v.itb two. and OIUR the gamte ]ooked like a iot. FList-i- ' more scoriog resulted, and the elated, "'%ike" Osheorne scoring one. OIUR cufs and round-a-bouts provi-led tho fans (Bewnanville) flitted homewand , Rev. A. N. McEvoy, Detroit, Mich. - entertainment for the fans, te break the delightfuî news te their *** ____ * * * iwives, children or whosoever mîgbt I Atkinsen, ,iih and lS]bi-tîbcnîi I Botb teams wcre out in fuli be et home when they annived - were the Whithy glad-eyez, oach re- Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb is poogn strcngth and worked their hcad off.' *** - tCeiV inon <e counter. liber ýýtay in Detroit wbcre she hasîco- Fromt the first, anycrie could sec tha-: But don't beave us yet. Our mon-J * A dDc 6h fe receivin the sad> ît was goîng te be very close. It 1 ory bas slipped a ceg. There is aise Meys hauled bis pair cf rezisters in-lw-. R f e ev , . cEoFo hrstn- was the gaine cf the year te date. -an Intermodiate scrap te present he-, within four mnlute' cf thobeginn*in-l aw, Reht. AhNut 16cvears on ho j I This Oshaw-a crowd w-c- no nt lacking fore our dean readers. They were,- t loaked like h aewsgitt a h rI f~,Geg' in ucbandtbc ba soe vrytentened in the tbmoes of a Pgame with, be "just toi> b.i,"bt heoWh Sb thrhe borastirofSt.eorgc',j peoedy sars effir dofs te Wihyaltecon. o ,adcelestials sec-ni tea aways hear lonn How-ard, the rodeor. He made friends provl hrdlyas ffetive as b,1what's better Bowmanville won againjlin the pioches tand kept the pue]k lut1 evervix-hhoe irrospective c n home ig bos. i -3.of thei- net until ton n'intîe :dcbur-b taffiliations, and ail whc teck * * * - * * * ~~~~~elapsed, thenpr ippc<l -in _ -kl oe fbi wr-o-lîar.imse. Iul »lus Service ndation on which we have [e aim to help you secure )m your car by supplying as Aviation and Sheli Gas- Mi, Castrol and Mobiloil, ,y tires in the world bujit th BRAKE LINING nand have your brakes re- ide lining. arvice Station Çing St. East, Bowmnanville Ïook's Rogulatint compound ~~ A #cu#. udiabLe guL«iae MdWii,. SoId in three de,. 2,S3; NO. 3- 85Per bogt 8 oId b -1a1 du-u9giéa.a or "uts Pieiai Or reit of Erion. ir.n ipie. Addresa: THE COOKcMEDICINECO., 90O[21T0.ONT.i ormeri, ndw rier er We'll Be" song of the Good Feliowship "simple felksy words, but much i tbem. Unlesswe bang ta- iity prospenity is lest te B-ew- , the printer; hie is doing bis bg is home town by buying as ere; y' much cf the -eork lie -de. nived fren giving -work te eut- ýaround selling yeu priting. r the work; you have te weit ve ne chance te examine it until ones along with the bill; and mressage ic pay over and above with the service of the local iwhat you want and he'll give You know exactly what the it is teuched. Then you can ;etc. lietore the final printing. )omptly too-and nothirgig l ie. and ta gain by letting the local - . And do not terget that hie iid you and your business. ryour friends are my f riends my friends are your f riends more we are together, the rer we'll b." S AND SMILES WITH E)RT-GIVING QUALITIES ave cause to regret using our , but the best and guarantee th satisfaction every moment id comfort-giving qualities. -h our high-grade fuels and Service GATE & SON ipplies and Fuel Bowmanviile PAGE SIX ? We are