l'ÂG 811THE 'ANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TEURSDAY, JANUARY 28rd, 1980 BEFER HRR LIGNI .41ess Expeuse hm EROSE c73HIS wonderful new incandescent matie lampgive 15more than ten times as inucli liht as thecomo coal oil lamp. At the same tinie it burns less than haif as much oi as the old style open flanie, oenter draught iaxnps. Beats electric, gasoline or acetylene. The Ndew Modernuzed é/I¼ ~ Aladdin Mantie Lamp . . .. . . .(UGHTS INSTAMTLY) and la the most reliabie incandescent mantde oul lainp ever made. For eve- ning reading, writing or sem-ing there is no light that can compare with the povwerfu1, steady, ,vhite light of the Aladdin. Safe, durable, econorni- cal, no noise, no odor. Women and children operate it with ease. You can't appreciate the great difference between the light of this lamnp and the common coal ait lamp 'til you see it. It has ail the good qualities of the hîgh priced system but with the advantzage of beirxg as simple as the ordinary coal ohl lamnp. Let Us Demonstrate t lTo You Beautlful Hand Decorated Shades You'll never want to go bac!: to the dîngy, reddi6h, flickeiing lizht of your ln GIass and Parchinent old style lamps. You can bave the most cheerful and best ligiited homne With the Aaddin now equipped wth thýese exquisite in your neighborhood by getting an Aladdin Mandle 1Hang' nç Laxmo. Save S aies. y OU Caolight your home flot on as effcientIy yu ysgtb sn hsvht ih.TeeaeaLiQle Ldý as Cty ornes but iustas artisticWz caiya tu r eeîh yuigtî ielgh.Teeaeau te ldi Cbaxm"iwg des tinom a" tg çLhooe styles such as table lamnps, bracket lamas, floor larops t" Authorîzed Aladdin Dealers Chas. W. Mullett Walker Hardware Co. Hamnilton Book Store Dustan Cash Hardware W. N. Gilroy Loral Clement H. S. Hubbell & Son Chas. P. Doherty W. G. Dunoan M. W. Connor & Son Roy Gaffney J. A. Marlow John W. Rork & Son Herbs to Heal Those Sore, Sick Bronchial Tubes Gallagher's Indian Herbai Renedy cornes right from the Heart of Nature Dont be miserable ail Wiutor. if yau're subject to Bronchitis or sùiIar i1e- apt tpik up a na.ty, cinging cold or cougli, h ensible, start nom, taking Gal!agher's Indian Horbal Remedy. it ia composed solely of heahing herbe. A natural remedy. Perfect for kihn off a oasty cough ai cold. or brnhial ailment. A genuine blood enricher and bodv builder. This and other refiable Oallagher HerbaI Household Ramedie. now for sale by M Jury & Loveli, Bowmanville X. E. MeIlow, Phm.B., Newcutle Robe rt 9sun yrupj, for COUGHS, COLDS* an aiBRONCHITIS* Children will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's aI- ways one sure way to coîmfort a restless, fretful child. Castortal Harniless as the recipe on the wrappcr; inild and blarîd as it tastes. But its gentie action soathes a youngster more surely than santie powerful medicine that is nicant for th t stronger systerins of a(lults. That's the beauty of -his special children's reniedy ! It ntay be given the tiniest infant-as often as there is any need. In cases of colic, diarrhca, or simi'ar disturb- ance, it is invaluable. But it has everyday usez aIl mothers should Hardware Hardware Stationery Hardware General Hardware Hardware General Druggist Hardware Grocer Hardware Hardware Omeme Orono Peterborough Picton Port Hope Port Ferry Shannonville Stirlinig Sunderland Uxbridge woodville OBITUARY Rer. S. Sellery, Toronto Many aid friendsiIn Bowmanville especially of the former Metho.disl Cburch, were sorry f0 learn of the death of Rev. S. Sellery, M.A., B.D. who passed away Tuesday, Januax3 l4tb, at bis residence, 419 Walmei Road, Toronto. He was born ir Carleton Place, Marcb l2tb, 1849, bf parents having originally come fron: Glasgow, Scotland, i 1841. Rev. Mr. Sellery was educated ai Victoria College, Cobourg, and en. tered the ministry of the Methodisi Cburch as a probafioner in 1871, ho ing ordained i 1878. Among th( principal charges in a long ministry culminating in superannuation iT 1919, were: Brussels, Wingbam Guelph, Woodstock, Dundas, Broci ville, Bastings, Napanee, Cobourg and flnally Bowmnanville, supplyiiý for two years for Rev. W. G. Clarke wbo went averseas. Be moved ta Toronto a little ovei a decade aga, and was a member ci Timiothy Eaton Memarial Churci Surviving are bis 'widaw, Margarel Swain; tbree sons, C. E. of Toronto A. R. of Bombay, India, and C. M~ of Las Angeles; and three daugbters Mrs. E. G. Curry of Toronto, Mrs. C E. Taylor of Kingston, and Miss E, Mildred at home. Attended by many aid friends and ininisters of the United Cburcb ci Canada, the funeral was held Thuns day afternoon. Messages of condalence and a large nuniber of floral tributes were re. A eA mil fora.ewdrpst wardoff onti paton: . ,dos oysugesiono for' at w dr ops t wrd off cosi have any little upset-this pure vegetable preparation is usually aIl that's needed ta set everything ta rights. Genuine Castoria has Chas. H. Flctchcr's signature on the wrapper, Doctors Frescribe it. S. J. Mackey 0. W. Rolph Brown Hardware Campbell & Best The Fair Gea. T. Hancocir & Son Carnegie Hardware Co. J. F. McFarlane McGee 'ý-Lagrow 1 P. H. Flagler A. A. Walter D. A. iohnston 1 Druggist Hardware Hardware Hardware General Hardware Hardware General Hardware J eweller Harnesa Hardware ceived froni friends, churches and ý parishioners in the city and dis-ý tricts tbroughout the province wbere I deceased served as Methodiat pastor.! l,1A -private service at the bouse was sconducted by Rev. Trevor H. Davies, epastor of the Timothy Eaton Memor- )ýlICburcb, following which the re- rymains were reinoved ta the church for ,r the public service. inI DThe church service waa taken by i D.Davies, aasisted by Rev. E. B. In Lanceley, Rev. W. L. Armstrong and Rev. G. C. Workman. at Dr. Workman, former profesaar at n-Victoria Cllege, Cobourg, spoke in St tribute of the deceased. e- Dr. Davies officiated at the grave- ae ide at Park Lawn Cemetery. Pail- bearers were E. Ernest Sellerv. a son; RA=Z PROM A ROOTER vit bout hindrance. Sa that W%en ________the local bright-lights centred their! By Adamn Fakir somewhat over-confident efforts uponi theTn a different and greatly improved 1 Interanediates Tries Oshawa 2-1- teain presented itself as their ad-1 Juniors Win Overtime Gaine in versaTies.-i Poterbos'o 3.2 - Friday Juniors I didn't taire the ipatriats long t'o1 Snowed Port Hlope U-der 9-1. discover that a fast bunch of puck-1 And he ome ownrs tilireiainchasers were against theni and if theyr And he ometowers til reaindidn't pep up considerably it wouldl victorious! Thtis makes five gaines be just te bad! in a row for each team and every one e* a çvin. Not bad. This i, written Tf the Pete's goalie liaitfnot been before the Juniors rneet in Oshawa right on, seniational and real gond, Monday and before t«he Tnternýiaiates t'he score mwht bave been somewbat mix blond with Port Hope. So we c'areed, becquse Miost of the play Imay have to take a loss before press -mas around the home team's net. day.* How t1'at lad zot bis anatomniii the wav of that entall blnck hunk still re- Mavbe we bad better begin with mains a mYvstPrv. Bv the wav, tbey the elderly gentlemen's game in Osh- pla here Friday 24th. A gond awa. or perhari we should aav the chance te spe tItis neat eoalie in ac- local Interniediates' wrestle with the tion and alie a nolre-checldng, fasti IMotor City Simcoes. ýskating crew alonirside hlm. Well, ta eut a long story short, it! The score at the end of the îgaine was a reach of a rame. Of courFe was 2 ail. ga the mtanager of the. it would be. wben t),e SI'ieks etnerzed Peterboro rink wa.- forced ta leave vicoriaus. but no foolin'. the fans the li«hts glowingz for te,,. twenty, *avowed it was a qZreat figbt and the thirtv minutes overtimne. FTaw's that invaders deserved te win. for your n¶oney's worth, Scotty oid * * * boy? 2-1 was the total scoring and Bow- 1 nianvilie was fortunate ta have thel The goals were tnomtIv flultes, ai- 2 as its aliotntent. *thourh the first one that Peterboro * * * i ot waa not ton bad. One reporter ]Rowt COlwelIl niared the gaine of cdaims that the Bowmanville goalie1 hi% life andi chned the direction of tripped andi left the net wide open.1 a msultitude of hith'v" ehote thaRt spem- 1 oue.-S that pencil-rusher Tnint be Pd te he headeti straierht for the twine getting <ld. as we hotight it was a H- nras greatîr responaible for the goond srlit, 'but just done a littie ton victory. * * *e inercetit the puck, but report- * Pt-Ioeo a enatv he the nibters always have their own version. the lirst ane for a ln'nL time. and the1 The last gocal for tbe 'visitors, and' bnv "'(' ;t~ i surn "wq ltunnY tn watfob1bv the way the winring groal, camne bum mend 'mis drAcrv wav to the Dun- after abyout sovertv-five minutes of iqhinont rail. HP wae oeum andi the hockey, "Oasis" Jamieson xhot fromn lads nv c ewas -o rut nt that he contre ice. The ?ete goalie in an wn'uldn't even notice the fans. Tough, effort te tpc , etotofbsnt Bert * *the puck bonceed off bi.% shin pad, and e areened into the corner of the net. There, was a real crowd nttflie «aire'Tt was a heart brealcer. if ever there -owewliprp aroua'd ths 1POO mark.Iwas ane. After stopring evervthing T1inlc cf ti.at. Nnrni Taylor wouid fran bail te wbitewash, te think that aO (111,07v if h aormodatpl a sini, a fluke would eet hv i, utalti P1ar crowrl. and ilv not? With win-1 tono mucb. but be witbstood the attack -nia'r tpains in tawn the only peonie for the reunainder of the garne and re- ,Who set-i n fates inIerost in tlite sol'ved ta even do better next timne. camPq cre tsd"4-n-bpwa fans. * * 0 ahaut thw<l huti '. f +Ihe t.ntas Neicon the card was the Port Hope ever stertpd ta ions a eootlu nunt'¾s4p Junior Came e berio the fastest, -0131A CP-anatenfino-. nti the srs keenest ice of the year. After the 11-49l. knacks-". ancd wp1l, yen krow Peterboro episode the locals were talc- 0-11- 1,"A. wniill "" th'_, uqua l une Iinoe na chances andi started ta work "Tbere's no sonne goille ta see a poor with the openiner gong. Tt would tesin play hockey. 'fliev'il 0"" h-+_ have been a good eame if Tony' Can- en everv te. anivwav." And nowCilla had b>een in the net ail the way, thvhven't anv sucb excuse. but 'but this lad from Cohoure had an off- sHIthev stsv 110M. in the s1lataw of nigbt and several shots siipped in. thep fire. warni thpir fePt. and trv ta o think un some reason for not goingz The Gunners had quite a little flhe ta te gine. * *better of play tho', and should have in D.Eerson . urry and Charles . Whaqjethp in'fer witb voit ham- rTaylor, sons-în-law; Dr. Addisan Sel- mer wieiders? Tf vau ccn't excite k-lery, nepbew; and Thoma.s Harrison vorefa Inn ac.enz gand Harry Taylor. to keen you warm. 'ou must bt, dPP44 19 Rv. . J.Feruso, Medowale frota flie neck 'hoth wavs. Pennde *« Re. J.J. Frgusn, Madowale on't sen ta realize that a snori-0 town is one of the ifinest advertise- rIA native son of Cartwaight town- menta tliere la. If a tawn je anort- of 1sbip and a prominent ntinist er cf the wild it is certain ta be alive in ,nos+ h. former Methodist Church, Rev. Jos-atiier waysq. But try ta tell then et~ eph J. Ferguson, D. D., died at bis that. and tbsv begin ta yell about -home in Meadowvale Tuesday nigbt. the 35e admission. January l4tb, after an ilîness ofe** sainoe rninths. Now 1i"ak vau. is that an intere.et- Dr. Ferguson retired frein activeo iom subject to listen ta? Whv not be, E. ser-vice three years ago, bis last able ta rave about how gcsoti your charge being the Simpson Ave. Unit- hockey teain la and show your. still id ed Church in Toro>nto. Be also had livinz. Get rid of that stagnant )fserveti a number of otho-r churches biood and shakeolof the, aid fogey a- there, his first charge after ordina-lideas. Bow ab>out it? tion being at Daviaville and he was ee ,e the first pastor of Centennial Chureh, boh'n there is the factortat vears lie was pastor cf Perth Ave., and everv 35e vou spend on sport i.eý Epwortb and Hope churches. Other a big heîp. Well. enauirh of this.1 churches lie served were at Orillia, Think if out for yourseif and camel Allîston, Bracebridee, Bradford and and eniay the next game. Weston. * * * He was a fariner president af the Now for the Junior gaine vwith Pet- iToronto conference and a member of erbora, at the iatter's rendezvaus. the sonate of Victoria University. Wben the bo-ys mnade the jnurney iti He was married in 1889 ta Misa Suiwas with supreme confidence, owing Pierson of Meadowvale. mainly to the fact tbat Oshawa Jun- The funeral took place Thursday lors took the Lift Lock lads inta affernoon froin bis home in Meadow- camp for a 13-1 score. This surelyj vale ta Churobville cemetery. services did look bad and was very nearly thej being conducteil by Rev. Dr. Rich-1 undoing of the Bowmanvillo winning'; ards, assisteti by Rev. Noman Raw- streak. The Petes, it developed,1 son, pastar of Meadowvale United played in Oshawa without having any Cburcb. There were many brotherjprevious practica and the tea... x-as-a pastors frrnm Toronto and surraund-1 buncb cf new camera to O. H. A. rat- ing districts ýpresent. ing writhout much experience. Sa I The chief mourns at the funeral naturally and quite ohviously, theyl were the widow and the three sons of were badly def eated. but froin refeat deceased, Roy H. P. of Meadowvale they began ta practice diiigently and Gordon McD. of Toronto. and J. Douglas of Montreal. Titree hro-j thers, Samiuel of Gorria Ont.; Wil- liamn C. cf Bonnianvilie: and Henrv I~ t « T., minister cëf the United church atj <e Leanmington, Ont.; and two sister',j Mrs. Sarah Evans af Guelph, and «.Mrs. i Annie Girvin of Gaderich, wore alai present. Mrs. W. H. Love, Toronto Mrs. W. H. Love, 79, a resident cf! Toroto fr 40yeas, ded o Tues- day, Jan. 14tb, at the home cf ber't '< Toronto fors.4H.yeardidon Tue-St dlauht e M.SHe.s Dalt nPo r t.j.. Crnbarndve shed n s bonlPort and Pont Hope for many yeare. Sb-. was fommerly a member of o id Queen ... St. Methodist Churcb, and lattc'rly of CarmenUnited Churcb. Survivingi are four daughters, Mrs. J. C. Gain-I hie, Butte, Montana-, Mrs. E. C. Bur-j dick, Jersey City, N. Y,: -Mrs. F. C Aisthrope and Mrs. H. Deltor, Toi'. onto: and two sisters, Mrs. R. Boundy .?DOZEN dufferent things may and Mrs. R. Baldwin. A cause a headache, but there's just one thing you need evcr do ta k R ' Com ound g et innmediate relief. Aspirin is an .005 s egulating C mon absolute antidote for such pain. *A aafe, roliabi., regutaion Keep it at the office. Have it ready mnedjine. SoId ini thrve de- nte an gr.teaof treýgth-No. 1,.1 inthe oe.Those subject ta fre- 2. $3: No. , 85 P... t quent o sudden headaches should j 1 d i,ýrarýpoff-r,' carry Aspirin in the handy pooe t '<',hI r.~., * tin. Until yau have ,used it for head- * ,~.' r-'t flOO M rm-lt aches, colds, neuralgia, etc., you've t " no idea how niuch Aspirin can help. - ____--It means quick, complete relief to 0 'S$ PHOSPHODINEe millions of men and women who tW D The Great English Preparattîn. use it evcry year. And t doca flot j» 1 bsnzand irigorates the whole depesthe hea nervous systemt. makes new Blond epss e ar in nid Veins. Uopd for Nervous Debiiîty, mental and Drain Wory Despondency, Loma of Energo, Palpitation a/t telcart,Fasliag Menory.Prîce 52 peibox.3c foi $SI)SoId by all druggists or maited in pain Ç b S P IR IN I pkg.onrhcevpoon rsc. NtEPgismINitOslste been "ee oals ahead of the vi5sitarsq anvwav. Port Hope team chfouid be a wble lot better with a few more practices and graines under their beits. They have soine very speedv nmen, witb nice burning shots and saine very fi-ne stick-bandlers, and should Rive Oshawa a rood gaine on the big Fice. Bowmanvilie bias anather gamne ta play with Port Hope, wblich will1 more than likeiv take place titis week or next. It will be in Port Hope. BASKETBALL BEGINS Port Hope H. S. Defeat» B. H. 3. 27.7 Weil we have something new ta, talk about, andi a reai gaine, taa. Basketball made its officiaI entry into Bowmanvilie on F'riday night. This is 1 suppose the first real gamne of boys' basketball that has been piavod here. The Tuxis and fTrail Ranger groupa used ta play basdet' but usualiyv witbhout raies an tquite often developed into a scrap or a ruKby gaine, but now we have a teain which conforma triy ta the rulea of the gaine ane, ok like the embryn of a gond tem. With a real gymnasium ta as.aisti in the finisheti pro duct, the lads bave traîned for about a tnonth and arel getting hetter evory day. It takesl a long time ta learn this gaine, and it takes a lot of condition. B. H. S. were azainat Port Hope, for their first Fcheduled gaine. Port 111par haa played the ozame fora ,couffe of vear.q, and they plav it weil, too W-11 for thte student aspirants te other evening. 'But give themti me and you'l sec, a teani that wili sur- o Prise you by the endi of the aon Titev are tinder direction of L. W. Dippeli. princiPAl Of the' sohool, and A carabie exninont of the Igaie. wha hn5 hc'en a hjg l41i) ard an enthu!,- iastic r ranizer of tite teain. The teains thit started la-a nqh 1were: nh Port Hon" ( tsPoni ' s Toroard a',1 Meldrupý*-I ! -F n - I l . i r n d S v n i o 'r , W r '<o,. Mirlv 'mm. nrn GROWING JT)FAF WITH HEAD NOISES ? TRY THIS If You are growinz bard of hear-1 inZ and fear Catarybal Deafness or if SYau have roaning, rum'biin, isingj nossin Your ears go ta your dru g-) giat and ret 1 ounce of Parmitý (double streng'tb), and add to it 14 v int of bot water and a littl e granu-j lateti *uzar. Take 1 tablespoonful; four time a day. This wili often bring quick relief froni the distressîne bead noises. SClegged nostrils shouid open, breath- inZ hecome easy and the mucus stop droppîniz into the throat. It is easy ta 'PrePare, coats little and is pleasant to take. Anvone -ho is threatened witb Catarra Deaf-ness or who bas hesd noises should give this pre- scription a trial. 0f Course.. you can serve it hot Mest people wvant a hot breakfast dish for a c-i'd day. Shiredded Wheat is de- IiclousIv v,, ' .ming Nwhen eaten with hot iI.C: isp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The flavory shreds retain enough crispness to en- courage thorough chewing-that's one reason t's so good for children. Delicious for any meal -with fresh or stewed fruits. SHED S'à I ~ -4 WITrI ALL THE BRA1N 1<»' 0F THE WHOLE WI-EAT THE QCANADIAN 5HREDIDED WHEAT COMPANY9 ILTDO LEHIGH VALLEY ,ANTHIRACITE nhe Coal 77,at ati'sfiea SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES W i HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES You will neyer have cause to regret using our Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with ou. high-grade fuels and, fcourteous service. Qualit3y Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2f Bowmanville Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on wvhich we have buit our business. We aim to help you secure th e greatest service from your car by supplying such famous products as Aviation and Shell Gas- aline, Sheli Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade lining. Bartlett's Service Station Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Bancroft Bell-"ile Bobcaygeon Bowmnanville Cae Hill Deseronto Havelock Kinmount Lindsay Madoc Marlbank Neateton Norwood g, y- 1 IPAOB Mx