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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THRUD TEE CANADIAN STATUSX. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUAIRY 13, 1930 do CARTING AND TRUCKING AUD kads et CaftAns. rcMl 5 ltovbu . SI O ADO, Phen. Mu uea Set., mowmanvllt LAUNDRY WAP<TED Al kin. or iundry woIt don. prompt. W eifactoa1ly and ut reaaanable prions t1c"ost Offo. Box 12. or eal Mis. W. marboram .King et. E. BowmanVtU. P>ont f78W. Notice to Creditors N ?HE SURROGATE COURT OF THIE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMB- ERLAND AND DURHAM IN TH4E UTATE 0F RICHARD HAM. LYN tlat. cof the. Town of Bowmaiivtle ,,,l~ County of Durhams, Esquire, de- Netice la hereby given that al per- sns havtng claimsn against the Estate af Ricbard RanzWu. Esquire, deeease, it. of thé. Town of Ewmafville, lu 1:i Cousu cf Durhams wlia ded on or about the orday0f 5.omher, A. D. 1929, are r.quired to mail or delîver thie sazie wttkfoulartculars venlfied by AlIIdavt ta the. uderslgned an or befere the l6th of Pebtusry, A. D. 1930, mter whlah datel the. Admntatar wU i dstrbute the as-1 ni 0et f hae tate havIng regard onu> to te lalme tbeni fled. 15ATUD at Bowmonville, Ontario, this tweity-tbtrd diy of Jsnuary, A. D. 1930. W . F.WARD, a. M., âollotor for the Admlnstrator, 5-3 Dowmanville, Ontario. '~~aS y' DO IT NOW You've beas puttIng off long enough havlng tihat rom papered Vhieh locksno shabby. Wby net do it now when you may select oeeof the new 1930 Mnw-orthy Wailpapers whlch are guarantaed net to fade. Coins la to-day aad mmke your seletiuonfrominecaocf the many realy dellghtfil patterna. tieo. Pritchard PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE. htarot ly propared la &*Y- OMa]sises toegtemaximum inuits t minimum cout lu «Tory type of beatlug Plaut. Fasoqus READING Fyrows (P& Cuit) la esellrpoa. ori "0e Waer Hetilng S..t Solvar C&s r'fori Phone 520. use lu sale. 1 LA THROPE HECLA FURNACES SAVE 1 TON IN 7 PLUMBING Tisu u.dlg aPlumber aire u a cIl-PoneÉ46 or 458. Quidk erice for emerseneY sals. Re E. LOGAN Pluzube and Steazfitter HNt tePethwo '. erber $hp Dowusaavilio HiGH SC*IOL iNEWS Tarin Examnations started ou Fri- day and finish Thursday, so that al ttudeut activities haove ceased fer the wcek. But will commence again with the officiai opeuing of new1 school building on Thursday and Commencement Exercises Fiday av- ening. The final gaine of Boys' Basketbal-1 will h. played bora witlh Cobourg the. first of next week. Watch for fur- ther notice. The next hockey gamne will he playcd i shawa aon Saturdayaltter- noon at 1 o'clock. B. H. S. Orchestra, under direction of Mr. Francis Sutton, wîll make hta firet aipparance before ithar stud- enta or public on Thursday evaning at the opening of the new addition, te the school. The archestra has inany mambers with previous orches- tra axperienco and should l>e n real trant for everybody. The mambels are: Vi-lin-Wallace Hern, Chester Jury, Bradley Honayman, Harold Sienion; Celle-Marion Green; Clar- mant-Douglas Adanms; Saxaphone- Horace Best; Cornet-Charlie Caw-1 kar, John Jury; Trombne-Ken.' Morris; Piaiist-aý-Helen Argua, Bob Corbett. B. H. S. D.feat.d 0. C. 1. 3-1 B. H. S. won their first gaine when they defoated Oshawa C. I., 3-1 here on Thursday aftennoon. The "Studants" have the niaterial for a good fast tanin and with coma mare practice and experience should ha the group winners. The gaina on Thursday was fast but net as dlean as it should have been, sa that raf- erea "Setty" Cameron had te ha genarous with the penalties. Ail the scoring was done in the flrst period and It iooked as though thera was going to be a big score, but both teams settied down and played rani hockey in the ramainung periods. H. Sienion openad the scarimg for B. H. S. on an easy shot from the blue lina in the iret few minutes of play. 'The score was tied by R. Irwin of Oshawa a few min- utes alter, on a nice close shot, but G. Veale soon broke the score on a fast shot frein the Oshawa dafance lina. In the last t ew minutes of the first peiod, Siemon, Veala and Wia- hiain piled up in the net with the îï ck bet-waan thein for the third B. S. taily. In the first period Rackney could- n 't keep warm fan the lack -of work, but Oshawa saw te it that ha wasbo befoe the gaina was ovar, as they raina.d shot alter shot at hiim. The Bowmanvilie defance worked fine ta-1 gethen and saw ta it that Oshawa hnd to take long shots which were easy for Hackney. Lina-up: Bowmanville: Gai-N. Hackney; Dat ance-W. Ingrnm, A. Osborne; Wings-Lunney and D. Williamis; Centre-H1. Siemon; Subs-G. Veale, E. Bagneli, W. Bagneil. Oshawa: Goal-Petarson; Defence -B. Ptersan, R. Inwin; Centra- B. Ha2le'wood; Wngs-M. Clark and Smith; Subs-Jobb, Lawson, Cro- thers. Oratoricai Conteat Although the e H . S. Oratorical Contant ln the Asaenibiy Hall, Wed- nesdy evening, Februnry 5th, did not attract a very large attendauce, it proved to ho n highiy unteresting avent, enhaTLced as it wns a nurmber cf flue musical and liternry numbans.1 Principal L. W. Dippell acted as chairman, and R-ev. D. W. Best, Rev. J. U. Robins sud Mra. (R-av.) Gea. R. lMason were the judges. Florenco, Beninatt, winnor cf the girls' contetst, told, la 'very effective werds and a delightful mnanne>, the dramatic, yet pathetic story cf Joan cf Arc. Phyllis Clemence, 2nd pniza wunner, delivared a 'wall thought out address on the Lague of Nations, its origin, ams, instances of its working, etc. Stanley Rickard, winner of the. beys' conipetition, spoka on "The Rard Rond to Peace" and gave a fine, weli-worded and caret ully prepared exposition at this difficult subjeet. John Jury, whe was awardad 2nd prize, described in interesting uxan- nen the physical f eatures, th-e diffar- ont races, their custiome and religi1ons, the products, etc., cf Burma. Bob Canbett, whie nat among the win- ners, gave as intaresting a tai-k asý any, on "The Developaient of Radio' which showed that a good deai of ti re, care, and thoughtfui investi- gation had been usad in its prepara- tien. Margaret Scat-t contri'butad a hum- o nous elocutionary nuiibar; Kenneti IMorris and Bob Corbett, a vocal duet, with the. former at the piano; Evelyn and Jean Milison a piano duat; Ber- nice Ballisa a vocal solo, accompan- ied by Muriel Baker; and Phyllis Chalîls a piano solo. Boys' AthI.tjc Association Hon. President-L W. Dippeil. Prasidnt-llerbert Cohuner. Secretary-J. M. Minora. Treasurer-Kenneth Morris. Rugby-J. M. Minore. Basketbaii-Jlbez Vanstene. Hockey-Harold Sleman. Fors Representativas: V-W. Hom; IV-H. Sleman; 311-A. Osborne; II-~D. Williams; I-H. Cal-mer. "Screech OwI" Staff Censulting Editer-Mies E. M. Sted- man, B. A. Editor-in-Chief-Winnitred Rickard. Associate Editors-John Jury and Betty Morris. Bnsiness Manager-Kanneth Morris. Assistant Business Manager-Mon.:y Vanstone. Secretaries-Annie Wilkins, lys Fol- ey. Alumni-Margarat Dickson. Student Activities-Nellie Kirkton. Wbeo's Who-Helen Argua. Girls' Athletlcs-,Beatrica Crydax- mnan. -Boys' Athietie-Herbert Commer. Advertising - Winnîe Lancaster, Greta Musidny, Robert Cerlbett' Douglas Adamns. Circulation Manager-Jabez Var- -atone. Ohuckles-Ada Allia. Exchange-Maricn Rickard. Forai Representativa: V-Lawrencî Ashton; 1IV-Kenneth Osbone Mi-Bill Ingrani- IIA-Elsie Car ruthera; HB-*dw;and Bagnel IA-Dorothy Edger; ID-Chaste 'r, 9; 'r- SIEED CLEANING Reduced rates on cleaning grain clov- er and grama seed, up unti Feliruary 28tli. at the Bayae Traning Ochool, Beed Ceanlng Plant atiflownianville. Grain ive cents per bushel, ciever and grase seed tproportloiiately low rates. Bring your me now. It will pa>yau and heir un to avatd a spring rush. 2-8 WRIGLEY5S WVRIOLEY'S la.sgood on any tip. ie à deidou fiavri aMi asi and enLjoyment. The augr sup. pliaspep sud aengy lwheu the day mnumslong. in short iWs ood Mud geod fer ,~ PETER MARTIN & SON BUILDING CONTRACTORS Plastering, Stucco for intenior or extenlor finlshed ln ail TInts, aise Carpenten work. Nov la the. tinie to, hava those odd Jobs doue. We hava aIma secured the ageucy for The. Ayilug Matai Weathoratrip cf Ton- onto; Grey or Blackc Plastic Cailkiag; Zinc or Bronze Metal Waatherstrlp. Hava youn bouse mnade draught, duat and nain proof-save ceai. Estîs- ates free. Write, cali or phone 497W Bovinanville. 1Notice to Creditorsl IN THlE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES OF NORTHUMS ERLANO AND DURHAM. IN TH4E ESTATE 0F ISABELLA AIKIN LAING, late of the Townshtp cof Clarke, ln the County of Durhami, wldow, deoaed.. Notice la hereby givea that ail pensons having latins again8t tue Estate of lha- bhal& Aikin Laing, wtdcw, deoeaaed, late of the Townahip ef Clarke, la the CauntY cf Dniliam who died on or about the lth day OÏ Octaber, A. D. 1929. are re- quired te mal aor deliver the smre with ful1 particulars veriflid by Amndavit ta the Underatgned an or befare the 22nd of February, A. D. 1930, after whlch date th. Administrator wili distibute the au. stU cf the natale havna regard only toi the clama then iled. DATED at Eowmanvllle. Ontarlo.hi thlrty-ilrsh day of .lanuary. A.1D. 190. W. F. WARD, 8. A., 44g vewmaiivIIIe, Ontario. OSHAWA PjtESBYTEStY SALEM Ifalde Geed meeting at Newcati. Report of Salem Schoel for Janu- ________ary. O"hwa Prebytery of the United Sr. IV-Lorne Foster 71, Bort Pos- Church met ini Newcastle on It1urs- ter 61, Winnifred. Dunseith 66. day, Feb. 6th, 'with Rev. J. R. Bick, Jr, flT-Audrey Cowling 73, Beat- Hamnpton, in the chair. Reports from rice Cator 67. ail parts of the -Presbytery were most Sr. II-ýWillie Darch 84 (11),1 encouraging. Marie Vollacott 88 (H), Lea Welsh Mo.ahorhip Gains 80 (H). Rev. P. L. Juil, secretary ief pres- Jr. IHI-Oharlie Poster 79 ('1I),I bYtery, gave the report on satistics[ Viola Francis 71, John Foster 63, which was in part as follows: John Kent 47 (F). No. of familles, 5,656; no. of per- Sr. RI-dfleryl Thompeon 79 (11), sons under pastoral care, 20,290;. Bert Francis 62, Hlda Richards (ab). new meniYers received in 1929, 846 ;1 Jr. II-Margaret Irwin 68, Harley total membership, 10,183; net in-' owhing (ab). crease in uembership, 372; value of Inlu enfer of nmert: ail congregatienal property, $1,313,- Sr. I-O0scar Cenlin. 800; money raised for ail purposes, Jr. I-'Brenton Darch, Byron Fos-l $212,869. ter (tied). Rev. W. P. Rogers reported that S r. Pr.-Hlkla Thompson, Frank $41,161 had been contributed for the1 Conlin, EWva Wright (aib). îissieuiary and maintenance fund, an, Jr. Pr-.Kathleen Cowlung, Lily increase of nearly $2,000 over 1928. Cowlung, Nina Darch, Irene, 12 charges had met their full alioca- Gladys Thompson, Rhoda Wright tion. (ab), George Conlin. Mrs. J. U. Robins, president of the, Iva Gilt>ank1, teacher. Oshawa preshyterial of the W.M.S., reported 70 auxiliaries, circles and bands, which had raised $12,250 for HAITON their work. The Religious Education report Women's Institute met et the home vas given by Dr. W. P. Fletcher, and, cf Mrs. W. W. Horn on Thursday showed 57 Sunday Sehoole with afternoon, Feb. 6tih. Preeldent Mrs. 10,305 memlbers, and 96 Young H. E. Rundle vas ini the chair. Min- people's groupa with 2,633 nibers.1 utes of at meeting were rend andi Pickering Churches united 1 adepted. Several lettera cf apprec- A petition wvas received froni the iation for fruit and flowers sent to sessions cf St. Andrew's and St.1 sick were reed, aIse expressions cf Paul's churches, Pickering, askung sympathy acknowledged. It was that the two congregations be united. decided teo hold an evening meeting It was decided ta grant their request when we have our summer speaker. on condition that their outside aP-- The Institute will hold an entertai-n-1 pointiients, Audfley and Broughani, nment on or about March l7th. Pro- cxii be satisfactorily cared for. Thesel gram was in charge of Miss L. Rey- congregations are to bc visited by a nolds, who gave a very instructive special comnittee, consisting 0f'1 talk on the League of Nations. Pap- Revs. J. R. Bick, A. M. Irwin, R. T.' ers on the sanie subject were given by Richards, Dr. W. P. Fletcher, and Mr. Mrs. T. H. Clayton and Mrs. JOB. W. R. Strike. Clatworthy. Music vas suppiied by A strong plea for Temperance Ed- Mrs. W. W. Horn on the Victrola. ucation ini the Sunday 'Sehools and Meeting closad by siiging the Nat- Yeu1ng PeoPie's Societies, was made jonal Anthem. Lunch was served by Dr. D. U. McLachlan, secretarY and a social time gpent togethar. of the Department of Social Service Attendance oven fifty. Next meet- and Evangelisni cf the United ing March 6th; hostess, Mrs. A. B. Church. Dr. D. M. Solandt was aise Ferguson. Program i-n charge of prasant and spokie of the importance, Mrs. J. R. Knox and committea on of suitabie reading in the brne. "Legislation." A special feature of the presbyteryl Report ot Hampton Sciiool for meeting wns a devotional service January. Naies in order cf menit: frorn 11.45 to 12.30, Rev. IR. A.1 IV-Gýordon Phillips*, Austin Bar- Whattam haung in charge. Rev. A. rou0, Stuart Hogarth, Jackson Wray, L. Richards, Whitby, gave a thought- Jesje Hogarthi, Bloyd Wllcox, John ful and stimulating address on Watchoru. Evangelism. Sr. IIHarry Winterbun, Anna ,Naxt meeting Of Presbyterial will Wallaca5, John Vintue, B. Clarke, be held in Whitby about May jet. Olga Cowiing, Annie Stainton, N. Robblns, Mildned Andrus, Harold THE NEW WARDW Jr. MZI-fetty Knox*, Bruce Ho- garth*, Jimmia Adamnson, Tiielma Of thé Ualt.d CeuntIseof Nssdauu. Robbins*, 'Muriel Scott*, Lana Nov- boelamd &aadDune. ick, Katie Joue., Doris Cryderman, Versa Mantyn. Willami Heib.t Neisen, ne«ofc Sr. II.-Walter Holwet-l*, Doreen PerCY Oowmihp, 'wbOwua el.cte Perett, Jack Cowling*, Dora Cc-wl- WaI'dêi Of 4ha nsuIld coustieu ot ing, Gladys Chapman, Norma Cc-wl- Nerthumberland and Durham for îug, Jerald Black, Ruby Colwill, Jack 1930, bu bie.ii a momber of the Nddery, Benuice Rogers, John Nov- coun2tiftCconseil for .lgbt yer., four ick, Ruth Colwll, Ruby Jeua. years as reevo and fou as as I-Wanda Clarke*, Gertrude Pot- deputy reeve. H. eaue romi tit*, Gladys Truil, Isabe Rogers, uhen John 'MOCbbin retfred after Nllie Armour, Dopald Adcoek, G lad- b.ingeiet.d waad.ufour ytmaMo. Iys Pettit, « 3' 1PeTo e Is bedngdeputy iSVG e M Pr. - Uergemaou* en vus a *monstp concellor tfe two Cowli1ng*, Acy Iorsi, Perey Allin, Yeu%, and a town.blp seool board Albert Martyn, Betty Stainton. trute. for 12 7ear.tS InTuact uhen *-Rionurs. rone loks et5Mr. Nelson one would F. J. Gmot, Isabel CampWili, vonden how halbts manag.d toe rowd Teachers. se many ysars of municipal exper-____ ece intobhie54 Yamof lit.. ne wu aise à.tôwaip auditor for to FRUIT GROWERS' CONVENTION yenarneauditor 0t1onminal justice____ aeunts for ub. cizt1es, and la Fruit Growora' 'ana convention scn.tary-treaumefret iWar*wor Cheese Factory, a momiien cf the wjll be heid at Trenton, on Wednas- sons 0f seotland, a Pr«ytei ni h day, February l9th. Fulaest dis- ireligion, and a attuneb Cenmenvtivo cussion will tbe held on insect and lu poiiS fungus diseases, new spray mixtures 'ÇHenbit uas unc-nn and methods, along 'with cane and 3is hait Scotch &adhal llkb, hi, i management of orchnr<l5. Probably ,grandmother 'beluoe Scotch and bis kea-ner nterest wiil be taken ini the grauidfather Engligh. Ho wu bioris marketing discussion than any other lu opetowshl, bt b ll.d siphase of the convention. The mer- >Perey township for the peut te10 keting proble'm is an acute one and years. By p>rofesson bhole a - 1wa want every growar te came pre- SOr and droyer, mnetiy th@. latter, hie pared to, discixce this feature. Pro- sons lookin: a.fter th. tarinof 100 , graine are being sent out by Sacre- ars&as well as thi. ranch band. Re. tary-Treasurer J. Y. Keilough. bas a family of eight, four sons andI four daughters.1 Wormais n chldru, fi they be not Ho bas beau charman. t ofiot 1> att.uded te, cause convulsions, and: àthe important comnmittees et the often death. Mother Graves' Worm -ceinities council, the Speclai Roade Exterminator will protect the cbild- sCommission, the Schoobs, Board i o ren frein thm edlstnessng afflictions. 'Maagement ct the. Renne cf Refuge,, Fne.b Supplies in »emand.- f ud ened on ail th. other ccnumt-; Wherevar Dr. Eclectric 011 j- tee« ot thte cncil. Re ls popetir bas been introdueed iucreaed aup- -wlth th e mbera of tlie conneil and plies have beau ardered, showing tihat willi b. a worthy repreetatw'e of wherevan it goà this -excellent (>i1 -our ecounties panliament. Se bu impressea its power on tht peoiple. hi provea hfimmlf an àeobitut eXecutive No maUteriluwhat latitude in a yb. tuad willI make mat as godd a presld- Ifound ita potency la neyer inpa&ed. .n ing oMfeer-CohouiSentInel Star.je4lpu~t op lumout portable chape ____________________ in btties and eau ba carrled wlth- __Iout fesr of breakage. 4( 1 i NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND BEIER BARGMUNS WALK ABLOCK AND SAVE A LOT il Thu rsday Feb. i 3th ies our Second Birthday W. are two years olci that day. As you remember, just two years ago we opened our suzail store acroas the street. During that period we have endeavored to give the. public of this district better merchandise at lower prices. We greatly appreciate the. response to our efforts during t'ne paat, and it wilI b. our constant endeavor to so serve you i n the. coaning tiiereby enabling us to retain the. confidence and support of you and your friends. "THANK YOU." W. open our third year business with some real values which should appeal to the. thrifty people of this district for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Seiling 2 mua 5 Flarinelette Biankets Axminster Rugs 0) Pair Fiannelette Blankets, full 2 Only, size 7 ft. 6 in. x 4 ft. 6 in., double bed size, .. 1.95 Barrymore guaranteed qualities, Per Pair ............ regular $199, $ 4.95 5 Pairextralargesizefor ...................$ 49 Per Pair............ 2 9 1 Only, 3 yds. x 21/4 yds $ 19,0 ,Pair single bed sizÂQ Reg. $29.00, fort........ I.O Per Pair ............ 14 Corrforters Lingerie Crepes 15 Chintz Coniforters, in bine or lain or Figured in good color range, fawn, reg. $2.98, 4 for...................... 14 at less than miii price, 15C12OyPaedCofrrinbu Per Yard ...............15c12Ol aee ofrrsinbu ________________________or rose, reg. $.50, for ....................... $2,4 Silk & Wool Hose 0O Pair Penman's and London Kn'it, Silk Hose Valu, es f ro ........ 49c. ust for this Birthday Sale, oddments $1.39,pe peir...pair.........29c Castile Soappar 2 c 5 Cases Castile Soap, 2 .Soc ntGoe 10 Bars for ........... . 5 .Soc ntGoe $1.25 Scotch Knit Gloves, goodanld Toilet Paperwarm, tO go at '9c .............. 8 RoIls for ............ 25c..............Z25c, ________________Pillow Cotton 42-inch Circular Pillow Cotton, a Silk Madras good heavy fine weave, ou» 49e FrSide Drapes, in lovely tones, valer ard........2 worth 98c yard, P49card ................2 Per Yard ...............49 .->>ODC z ~- 50-inch Mercerized Repp Cretonne Cushions Rose, Mulberry, Blue, Tan and 25 Cretonne Cushions, less6> Green, $1.19 value, tha haf ric, ach..... & %7CePer Yard ...............6 c Curtain Nets Bleached Sheetings This is a good time to stock up on 3 Big Values these staples which for our Birthday 4 pices re. 2e fr ...........j9cSale we offer at less than eost: 46ics e.29 o...9 72-inch wide, reg. 59c for .......39c 6 pieces, reg. 49e for ........29c 72-inch Wabasso, reg. 79e for...59qc 4 pece, rg. 9e or........... 9c81-inch Wabams, reg. $1.00 for.... 69c 4 pecs, eg 69 fr....9c 90-inch Wabasso, reg. $1.25 for.... .79c . 1 1 1 1

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