PAGE FOUI TEE CANADIAZ< 8rATEBXAI4, EOWNANVILLL THUR~G)AY, FEB~KJARY 1% 1930 SAIMN DARLfNGTOU ýCOUNCIL SOLINAj J.- H. mutten Appeiuteti we.d Ms-. and Ms-s. J. T. Rundie were Suaday aternoon rjce àa Inspecter fer 1930 recent visitons at Mms Sam, Rundle's% Pasto'rBey. -J. R. T'frmpour in - -b.enezer..Miss Gwen Brooks,d chage...Gia tosiitoan fl1!8U~ At a special meeting of Ceuncil. Oshawa, has retunneti home aftera in S. S. attentiance, especialiy oif lit- hel 24th,, a by-law was1 picasant visit with hes- uncle anti b tie totsin the Primarg CMss0-f Wàicb passeti ppinting 18. G. Stevens as aont., Mr. and Ms-s. S. E. Wesry . . -..i Mss. P. 1. Squair k te-acher.,. .. Ms-. Assessor. Mn. Nos-man Yeiiowlees receniti>'f and Ms. W. 'Mofl'at andi lainily, Or- wdy nTrno.. r oose, spent Saturday with hier-par- Regular mseeting of Ccuncil waa apent a fcwte si oot. r ents. Jack anti Grant reqnancâ helti Fsiday, Feb. 7th, with memzbens anti Mns. R.J. Luke, Miss Nos-a Wcs-- 1 for ;a visit with t.heirgradpretsaUl present, Reeve -Sias Wilitais ry, andi Miss Marion Mountjoy, Kot-i- andi wes-e out to chiumls.and S. -,S.n.s .psesîcing. non, viaite4Ms-.'=d Mrs. A. U~ Pas-e Sundy ws Yong eople'sDay nl Communicatiions wcrc receivetil coe .... Mrs.. r; Pvbinzon bas rcturn- N SundSay as oung PeoplEsDayrnanti fiieti:Counties' Clerk gave notice' cd to ber homie neas- Calgary, afterc theSalatin An>'at astTorntoa picasant two months' visit withher I Thse apecial services wes-e helti in that Vera DeMullie,-Eûficid, li been Rivcrtiaie Technical School. Sonieadrittcd to Romnsanville Hosptal.'strM-.Ca.on. of the youngC folk fs-oui ur vicinity Canadian Pacifie Riaiway requestecifMs-s. H. E. Tink anti Miss Evelyn, who have been attending thc Arn>' contribution towas-t. wig-wag signal1 Mn. Walter- Vice anti Mr. Russel of late, took In the trip;andi report. at Lot 22, between Con. B. F. anti Vice visitet Ms-. antiMs-s. Hiltonf a splendid day..Ms-. and Ms-s. W. Con. 1, Dalington. Letter of thanks Tink, Orou.. Mr. Nelson Williamns, à G. Wnrywes- enertînet ata tia. as -eadf rm tie fmil of tbclat Perry, visiteti at Ms-. Chas. How- G. err wee eteraind a a in-wa red fom he amiy o th latesam's ...Mr. anti Mn. Carl Wilbur ner part>' at Mr. antiMs-s. H. Barriels, R. J. MeKessock acknowledgingj istdtM-.JbWtesBooin Providence, on Tuestis> Mss Jas. flowes- Ontario Municipal Associa- itea M.JbW tesBroln Stephens, Balcasros, Sask., 'being the tien re rnenibo-slup fce. Ontario anti attendeti the Masonic At Hom. . guestof honos-... - Mr. antiMs-s. Ron- Gooti Roatis Association re annisa . . Ms-. antiMs-s. Levi Brunt, Ens- of Pulic Hgisw killen, wcrc recent gucats of Ms-. anti alti Scott, Tyrone, visiteti with Ms- meeting. Dept. ofPu'i igwsMs-s. J. T. Runtle... .Mr. A. L. Pas- and Ms-s. C. M. Cars-utheis seccnitly. s-e annual confes-ence for County and o is in Toronto attentiing n meet- *. . . Mr. antiMs-s. G. Gos-niais enjoyeti Township Road Supt.. P'iaxton,t o fteMl rdcr'Asca an evening with Ms-. anti Mss. C Hueston & Co. s-eHighway Liability ingofteMl rdcs'Aoia BigeIow, Tys-one, last week. Insurance. Dept. -of Public Higb- t........ Messs- Chas. anti Roy Short- ways acknowiedgirg receipt -of cx- ritige visiteti with Brooklin friends. . penditures on roade during 1929. Ms-. antiMs-s. W. T. Taylor visiteti with Ms- anti Mrs. Ernest Larmes-,i BLACKSTOCK A. C. Tummons, Selby, atidresset Blackstock....Ms-. Has-olti Pascoe Counci re Boati Machines-y. spent S'unday -with bis sister, Ms-s. A. atrDeibes-t Flintoiff asked permission1 Douglas McLaugbiin, Tor-onto .. Rev. F. W. Newell, B. c atrt ut down brusis at Lot 24, Con. 3- The rnany frientis of Ms-. antiMs-s.v of tise Unitedi Chus-ch, took as his Befes-redtet Deputy Re-eve Annis. George Vice of Oshawa, fornseriy of1 subject on Feb. 9ti, "Thle Book of Jamez. Curtis, S. A. O., matie bis Solina, extenti congratulations to Psaln-The part it sisoulti play in1 repos-t for Decembes-. them on thse ceiebrating of tiseis- Gol- our lives." .... .Our- hearts go out ini J. H-. Mutton, Tys-one, was ap- lten Wedding anniversas-y... Mr. sympatby towas-ds Ms-s. Eliza Mariow pointeti Weed Inspect:os for 1930. ' Roy Shortritige bas retus-nedteto is and famiiy in the deatis of huabanti By-iaws wes-e passeti appointing S. home at Thornisill, Manitoba, alters- anti fathes-. The late Ms. James -Mas--l A. Nortiscoit and A. W. Annis as! a peasant visit witb bis gr-and- Ir low was always seady to ho of service Sheep Inspectors; T. H. Richards,1 niother, Mis, S. Shortritige ...We n te otheSs in the borne, chas-ch anti Roati Superintendens-; anti to provii e xtentieus- syinpatby to Ms-. antiMs-s.p community ...Y. P. S. of United for thse exependiture of$1.0on1Npa te ithls fterA Chus-ch heldti ieir week nigist meet-I roads for 1930. 17000nt jy daug W tten tis ens o thea ing on Wednesday in thse forinof a Auditors p(-esente-d their report for, lae a Hmto.nteettent t.... Valentine pasty. Aftes- bible stutiy year 1929, showing receipts as $111,- League meeting Monday evening was y anti prayes- a social turne followed i 49.53; expenditures as $111,044.22q~ in charge of our Ciitizensbip Vice l Valentine gaines anti stunts wes-e, leavipg a balance of $605.31. Re-. Pre.titent, Ms-. Ernest Twist. Hymn playeti. Lunch was serveti and thie port adopted anti auditors orderedi 153 was Sung. Devotional perioc. meeting closeti with tbe Mzpah pai. was taken by Ms-. Loonas-t Baston. benediction .... Skating pas-t> of ths Treasus- acknowledgeti seceiptsl The main feature of tise evening was Young People of St. Jolin's chus-ch from W. F. Warti, Police Magistrate, a council meeting. Tise niembes is being heiti Mas-ch 4th. .ý..Don't for fines anti fees, $11.00; C. D. present wes-e: Reeve-Ailan Balson; fos-get tise Crokinole party of tise Hodgson, taxes $317102. Deputy Reeve-Ruby Dewcil; Coun- Senior girls of tise United Sunday Orties-s were drawn on Treasus-er: cillors-s.-Hele-n Baker, Ernest Twist, School on Feb. 28tb. Corne anti M. A. James & Sons, ptg. etc. $63.80.1 an McKes.-ock; Clerk-Wesley join the fun.... .Miss Etina Heaslip E. L. MacNachtan, 50% maint. Ylole. Teewr eea bas been spentiing a few days wis-h Samuel Ferguson, Bowman- ebolls n e. isese esves-alh ber sister, Ms-s. Wallace Maslow. .....ville Hospital............. 63.8 8 tise counc il are tissough Solîna sisoulti Ms-. antiMs-s. Ltr Mountjoy were Toronto Starnp & Stencil bie a very up te date place. Altes- in Toronto last week anti Ms- Mount- Wos-ks, dog tags, 1930 . ... 23.40 tise psogram tise council treate th ie joy attendeti a Fathes- & Son bsanquet 1 John Lyle, 50 % use Higli sest cf tise Leaguers to home-matie of the Humbes-csest Chus-ch, of which Sebool Bidg. anti Council cantir which tvas much enjoyeti. his son Laurence is a member anti Boom for Short Course . . . 50.00' Meeting closeti witb Loague Bene- Mentor o! a gs-oup of Tuxis boys.1 W. R. Aluin, registration 1929 22.75 diction....Ms-. Luthes- Pascoe ih vis- Rev. J. E. Griffith, formes- pasto'r of; ;MeClelian & Co., scal Ms-. iting Drayton frientis. Blackstock Unitedi Chus-ch is now- Edwas-ds...... ........ ... 17.501 pastor of Humbercs-est ...Eus-bse W. P. Corbett, breat Ms-. Ed- CARD 0F THANKS part>' of A. Y. P. A. îvas iselti on was-ds.................... 12.211 ___ Tuestia> nigbt, Feb. iltis. witb a gooti R. C. Pearsce, eoal Ms-. Edwas-ds 8.00 Ms-. anti Ms-rs. W. T. Pers-it.t anti attentiance. Ms-s. A. F. Runtile, supplie.s farnil>', Hampton, tiesire to express Ms-. Edwaris ............. 49.09 their sincere thanks for thse nian>' C. D. Hodgson, supplies Ms-,. kinti enquiries anti sympathy> shown MAPLE G.ROVE C Savage................. 10.67 dusing tise recent ilîness of thisels 1 .D. H otigact, supplies S. ciildrsen. 1 Davis................... 12.001____ Miss Robesta Phi]lps, Cobous-g, is Ms-s. Hathes-ly, milk for Ms-s. visiting Ms-s. Samuel Snowden...... Savage................... 6.20 SHORTHORN SALE Miss Editis Lavender, Toronto, visit-i George Coiias-ott, sheep dam- cd ber friend, Ms-s. A. H. G'ower, andj ages..................... 28.00 Following as-e pastis-ulars of sales attenieti the funeral o! tise1]t J. J. Mason & Son, Insurance, giving name cf animal, date of bisth, Geor>ge Gower ...Ms-. anti Mss.aE Hall anti contents......... 22.50 consignes-, buyes-. anti pris-e aid: W. FoIe>' spent the weekend with Ms-s. Editis Seoibeil, Bond Clrk Mal. ber brother, Mn. Milfos-t Wilkins,, anti Treasus-er.. ,........ .5.001 Augustus, April 10, 1929, Cyril H., Ohawa... .Mrs. C. H. Snowtien hia Herbes-t Camrnson, tirawing Murnforti, Hampton; Howardti ibson, retus-neti home fs-om Toronito altes- Wood...................575 Os-ono, $130. spentiing a few desys wjtb ber daugb-1 T. H. Richards, salas-y.....j,. 12.841 Faiacres Minstrel, June e, 1927. tes- Nellie, anti visiting othesr ien(is; T. H. Richards, s-d. raint'ance 75.14' C. H. Munifos-t; Fred Stacey, Cieimi- anti relatives...Miss Edna Snow F. J. Groat, ser-vics, auditor. 12.50 well, $200. tien, Oshawa, is visiting ber sistes-1 R. K. Squair, -ses-vices, auditos- 12.50 Viscount Medailion, May' 1, 1926, Ms-s A. H. Gower. -...The manyf Couns-il adjous-neti to Fritiay E. R. F. Os'borne, Newcastll; A. E. frientis anti relatives et Miss Vers' Mas-ch 7tis, at 1 p. rn. Belîrnan, Bowmanvilie, $150. Woda teorahe- n ie . .j. W. R. Allia, Cles-k Elinvale Minstu-olI, Oct. 13, 1927, C., Oshsawa, as-e Soms to heas- that; Per M, Pascoe J . Baker, Solina; A. W. Wright, Nes- she has been tranaferreti to London,i tleton, $125. Ont, where tise>' are opening UP ai Scott!sh Diamonti, Ma>' 5, 1929, new brancis, anti leaves tisis week for J. Baker; J. L. Pas-sons, Bowmanville, lier new sphes-e of life. Ail wish beri HAMPTON $135. Oui' asccess...tedoja i9t Elrnsaie Eclipse, Nov. 7, 1928, T. about 60 of ous- young people jour- Ou Yýoung People have acpe Baker & Son, Hampton; E. Morgan, neycd to Newcastle anti spent a ver>' ais invitation to visit the Young rn 140. enjoabl evnin wili ewcst1 Peopie's Loague at Enniskilien os-n veng pbl e ie... Rv.J.W Bnns-, ednsa iit M n Rosaiie's Pride, Jan. 6, 1929, W. yof Bopnle .i.i occJ.pW. tiser àedcisdpen t ..ek..tiMits Wîlma IF. Ris-kas-t, Newcastle; M. H. 'Wight, puL-ac pn h weedw frientis R. R. 4, Bownanvii}e, $115. pit ownvunday. ...The symtpaticf Oshawa . Ms-...Ns. J. T. Trewin, Rosewoti Lad, No. 1, 1928, J. F. this sommunity is extentiedti teIMs- Toronto, is visiting lier sistes-, Ms-s.1 Osbsorne, Bowrnanville; A. E. Meadi- antiMs-s. A. H. Gowes- on tiseis- sud-. F.G. Kesslake: ...Gladti te -portj ows, Port Hope, $125. tien anti sati bereavement by ths~M- niMs W .Diiea oe, Augusta Hope, Dec. 7, 192.8, S. deatl o! tiseir son ...Base Line afteralbispicetl.înas findToronto'Chas. Aln, Bowmanvilie; Robt. young (people bs-Id a Vaentine bas- heimaî spital. Hi frietiis Martin, Newc-astle, $125. ket social on Fritiay evening, Feh. l pei'rcvsv. Congr-at-1 Bruiach iBest Boy, Jan. 14, 1929, 7th inthescioolboue. win ~ulations te Ms-. Ricisard Westaway on J R. Jobnston, Ashburn; N. White, 7thise ether anti rots tse. was n e cebrating bis 93rti birthtiay, anti Newastle, $.îso. a ver>' large crowti. Rev. J.H .vioi n1wthlstauitr 1nC Sis-Bs-cati Rosemas-y, May 2, 1929, Stainton actei as chairma ...........Miss Dorotis> Davey, Port1 Fred Pas-ker, Cobour-g; W. Stainton, folinoing progras taivn: and khePers-y, ig vi.iting at Ms-. anti MrF.Ensiln 15 fon theife o! oan cfAs-c," by Mi HaroldSaters and with otses l- iBs-catiDairyrnan, June 1, 1929, o-ne ene:t; soo ,"Ms-. Stise, tives lies-e.. s... IHaroldi Williams,1 Fred Parker-; E.. .Ruthes-fordt, Cas- tlo;recitaetios by M.iss.Aura Os-Iwho is spentiing tise wnter montiss ini tîton, $105. Mo;rcttos yMs ir s-Sd St. Petesbur-g, Flosida, reports a fine' sedCiitns a'9 99 born, M-. arkBlakbu-n;time anti lovel>' summes- weather. Fred Pas-ker-; S. Barroweloupli, Wes- Pas-sons gave a talk on Gerge~ Congratulations to Ms-. antiMs-s. leviile $115. Wasiîingtion; Rev. Stainton gave a Richard Wititicombe on theis- recent lBe 1 Msi, un'1 129lFe splendid talk on Frientiship; tisseel arae1h rd a on ra yiJn ,12,Fe choirusés wes-e sung by tise -choc]mnig. ie rdew "yo-mr> Pas-ker-; W. Lainer, Newcastle, $70. After- this splendid progs-anî tise bas-j Mi-i Emma Nidti-, R. N., of this .Masigolt's Pride, June 18, 1929, kes er actont of nt tsesunvillg .Ms Ln 'yceet'y J. Lawrence Cryderman, Bowman- of $10.25 was realizeti. .About 25! iieii oet .o-- se1 ville; W. -Cann, Port Hope, $135. frens ndreatvs ro B-,ma-port Ms-s. Levi Robisins.- unties-tisol Femnalos vientsantiOsrwalatiesfrm owan"ejidoctor's cas-e. Hope to seelier outj Redi Dai.«v, Juno 2,1, 1924, John i hoe1fMis ea1oo -e it1esagarn SOOT ... .Ms-. andti Ms-s.J -7 Bae: .S Bar on Bîm varety anti values offereti. s-E olinnea returneti to her 1 E T _______ isnie n Clga>',Alta., aftes- spenti. ROYAL THEIATRE, BOWMANVILLE ig a few weeks with hon sistes-, Mns. A n vnn e-omne rn Chasn Johns.Atayvei Promnedig Scisool repos-t antiotises- Hampton monti, of February, 1930. Only ona M U V K L 'S ncws on page 3. coupon appilcable on oaci, pald ad. Reses-ve tise date Wetinestiay even-1msln BwmanvilIe ing, Februa-y l9tis. fos- i{anMton fAdult Bible Clas.s At Home. ]»«Y- Additlonal coupons niay be had &t Jbody welcornc. 1 The Stateaman Offloe. SALEM LKAGUE COURICE mmra.J. sanders, 'Bowmmnvmel, *ni- Sunday .. . .Temperance prograin on L*ag9ae meeting Tuesday evening tMr. Rupert Morrow, Winnipeg, Sunday mornifl wu i charge of was opened by Mr. ýS. Buttery, Pt-esi- hms been 'iiting at Mr. A. J. Gay's. Mrs. J. A. Werry. M.FreEli ft. Mx,. Welâh, 2nd Vice, took... MT. and Mn. R. E. Onborme andi gave the temperaflee chapter, and ia charge ofT rogran: Leason wau read Miss Louise, Bo.wmanville, vwere Sun- quartet was nioelY sung by Miss Reval bY Ms. Irwin; topic, Mrm Welsh; day visitors at Mr. A. E. B.undle's. . MeGili, Miss Annie 0ke, Mr. John icelection, Mal. Choir; solo, Miss FE. . Rev. and Mis. J. H. St.ainton andi Siemon and Mr. Milton Starnteii. -I Eutedge; readings, Mr. Kyle Squair Masters Ronald and Keith are holi- Mr. andi Mmi Hugh Mnb vWatod h«e Mirs. L Richar~ds, Mn-. Cator andi daying in Toronto..Saturday ev- mo»ther, Mrs. John Blern.... .Glad1 Bert Foster; niuh organ solo, Sid- oning the Trail Rangers wem enter- to report Mr. John 'Slemon S3r. hai ney Eleombe; piano duet, Mm-. Hon- taineti in the home of Mr. and Mrs. hsd bis opera'tion and is now stayiiig ey and Marion; recitation, Mm-s Frank Worden. The progl-am for wlth hie son, Dr. C. W. Siemon, Bo- Welsh; mouth oxgan s*lo, Sidney El-1 the evening was a debate, "Rlesoived manville, until the roacls and -est.berl combe. Meeting e1osed with thel that the Counstry is better Ïhan the get so ho can one home .... ms-s. G.'; Leaguc benedictic>n. Next meetingj City." ïMasters Harold Osbos-nc andi Preston is, visitiflg ber son Will and't Sunday afternoon in charge of Miss Gien Pickell wes-c the debaters for family, Port Huron..Miss M. Ual-1 Gildiank, 3rd Vice. the affirmative side andi Mastens Wil- ton, Mr. Orville Ashton spent the League Maie Choir and a few frid Brown andi Robert Courtice for wcekend with the iatter's sister, 'Mrs. friends were recently entertaineti by the negati-re. The affirmative side Stewart Rodnian, Scugog..Our MAr. and Mm. W. G. Werry at their won, biut aIl of the boys did well in sympa.tby is extendeti to Mrs. Thos. home, wben ail had a joli>' goodtime debating. A s-ading was given by GilIders in the death of her sister, in singing andi gaines. A daint>' Master Douglas Oko, and afterwaa-ds. Mrs. Spi-oule, Clar-ke ... Mn. Cecii unchi was ses-veti by Mrm. Wcerry and Mrs. Wos-den anti Miss Allie serveti Wilson is spcnding a few days with Miss Theima Wers-y. dainty refrsehments te the boys anti her brother, Mr. Lorne Lamb.. they aIl hati a joliy gooti tisue. The Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry enter- Wordens were niost hospitable ini taineti a number of friends on Thurs- TYRONE their home..Wednesday evening day evening. ..Ms-s. Arthur Brent ]ast Ms-. and Mn-. Blake Oke enter- spent a week with ber parents, Mr. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid tained a number of their friends to and Ms-s. W. Marks, Scugog . ... Mr. wili meet at thsebhome of Mrs. A. W. progressive. Lost Heir party, andi a Lloyd Ashton bas returneti home af- Clemens on Wednesday, Feb. l9tb, mcrry evening it was. Mrs. Okel ter spending tbs-ee weeks helping his at 2.30 p. m. Roll cal. lnterest- serveti a most appetizing lunch and' brotber-in-law, Ms-. Brown]ee, Toron-i ing prograin being prepared. Ail was a very genial bostes%,.. . . Sunday 1to ... The Ladies' Aid held its xnonth-I adies welcome .... Chus-ch service mos-ning ous- pastor, Bey. J. H. Stain-1 ly meeting in the way of a quilting next Sunday at 10.30 a. m....Mr. ton, preached a fine sermon on "'Plie on Wetinesday, Feb. 5th, when 181 and Ms-s. Fred Mioo-e, Providence, different view-points of yonng andi ladies were present.. . .Young Peop-1 visited ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. lti." In thse cvening be gave an il- le's League meeting was belti oni Levi Skinne-... .Mm. Davidi Hooper iustrated .4dds-ess on "The Prophets Wednesday, Feb. 5tb, in charge ofl ;pent a fcw days with frienda at Or- of the Oid Testament." Next Sun- tbe President, Miss Audrey D'orland. on)...Mr. Brenton McCullough, day Rev. J. W. Bunner, Bowmanville, Meeting opened witb Miss Mas-jotrie Oshawa, spent the weekend at bomne. wili preach miorning and evening. Martyn ieadîng in irayes-; dovotional ... League Tburstiay evoning open- lesson -was taken by Miss M. Dalton. ed with the President, Miss Lcla ENNISKILLEN lst Vice President, Miss Reva Mc- Richards, in charge. Ms-. Earl Goodi-- GUI, then took charge; pian-o nusic, nan tocok charge and the f.olowng Mr. andi Mss. J. Shackleton, Hamp- Grace Werry; reading, Joe Steven- program was given: Reading, Miss ton, Mr. andi Mss. L. Thompson, Ty- son; duet by Ms-s. Howard St.evens! Alice Thompson, "One at a Turne"; rone, caileti on Mr. and Ms-s. J. Br-ad- and Miss Annie Oke; Miss Gracel avery interesting topic was given by iey. Siooe to report Mrs. J. Brad- Snmith and Howard Oke gave reati- Sidney T. Hoar, "Choosing Ous- ley is conined to ber bed. Hope ings; topic was taken by ous- pastos-, F's-ends"; ireading, Ms-. Cas-]Bs-ad- for a sipeeti> recovery...Ms-. and Rev. J. M. Wbyte, on "Felliowship."?! ley; solo, Miss Margaret Moore. Ms-s. Tbeo SIemon visiteti her mothes-, Attendance 28. The New FORDSON TRACTOR 1W. expeet te have Aar"cura Tractors ,ailbe in the vo-y aBaur future. The new Tractor is manufactured in Corkc, Jreland, ad lwill ho sLip. ped f rom there to Canada. 1%0 ratîng is 15-30 and i t in eqmipp.d with high tension magueto e air washer, water p:"p.4;1 thermo-syphon coohung, togftber with a num1ber of other impi-ove. monts. The approximate list price wlll Le $775.00 F. 0. B., St. John, N. B., including gear shift Pulioy, and approximately f reight rate wuil b. $15.00. Further details wil b. fortbcom. ing shortly. W. would suggeae 1that anyone interestei In a Dew tractor would send us their naine and address and full infornmation wilI ho forwardoti to them as so00 as possuble. Cox Motor Sales IOSHAWA noer. FINE F0 0DM FOR E VER y MEAL At Prie., Whieh Are. Mueh Lower Thon Lsual ISTABISHIDA & P Stores are food headquauters. Tour favorite nl'afl dvised brandi of groceries... freh fruits 189and vegetabies... food@ gathered frein the world'. four:ornera . i faet, toods for every meal may be purhasedat A &P .. . andAt aavmg. And A& P meat markets stock ailthese fine foode . and cioice "WHIRE ECMONMY RUES ente of meat and quaUty font m»d fit a wefl. Best of ail, you are aasured of recelving a fuli 16-ors. In vr pouzul. FINEST QUALITY PASTEIIRIZED CEAXEE BUTTER.SUNNYPILD BRAND 2 Ib*. 834 SILVERBROOK CREANERY 2 Ibo. ait Ar A & 1 3 MEATr MARKEDTS CHMOICE MEATS FANCY ]FowI Mik led 4-lb. A'vePale lb. 290 FRESn ROASTING Pork Loins FIRESHI Park Shoulders F'5"CY '5MOKED 12 ->s a 0 lb. 290 0 ilb. 190 HALF OR 10 OR 12 LBS. IVHOLE VERAGE lb.29 rREIifi YOUNG 10 OR 12 LDS. AVERAGE IW: aStifug Han'S HL Rlb25 FeDmr.eal Cottage ROUS b.27o -'ý'*-m Dlack Bacon lbE . 390 ('UT FROM CHIOICE BEEF PEa4e Roast lb. 41ILe -n'là. 25,e 5iLMAS 'IRI L1YFLAVOREII Shiculder Roast %Sýmoked Breakfast Bacon Bii'TUE b 2 VIEC1. . 3eSLICED lb. 20,e lb. 35e HALIBUT (Ic,10,cF, By the P§eelb. 20o WHITEFISH Wlnter Caught lb. 1L4e SEA HERRING Fresh Atiantie lb. go OYSTERS Glass Jars Ja" 33e IFRESH FR UIrT LETTUCE Iceberg CRSP1 AS2 ieada 1 go SiCARROTS CARIWIA 2ZBunches 15Se CELERY HEARTS Bunch j190 I MUSHlooMdS CGNOiI'. ½-Ib. Box 3,30 iGRAPEFRUIT Florida -,I.ARGE 210o- 230 A APPYES-DeiOÎous cii(>F AI( -ils>Doz. 350 BANANAS Fancy Ripe Doz. 27a ORANGES Florida vF y Doz.35 YeIlow Turnips ..........8 lbs. 15c Potatoce, Ontario No. 1.....15-lb. Peck 41c WESTON'S C1IOCOLATE COATED Neanolitan Cakes Eaoh One Pouni Eaeh PEOPERILY AGE» A» CURE» CHEEE NGY O~»lb. 31IL. 'Nc NEW lb. 23o EXTRA 01 . b 5 Heudquarters for FINE COFFEES Nearly al of A & P*s 5,00,000 dail>' sustomers bu>' coffee and ini such quantities that A & P has become the largest eoffee meschant la the world. A & P's method of dists-ibuting coffe. resuits in fresher, more flavory roffee tisa any other distribution systein known today. DOKAR a O'CLOCK TH'ElSCOFFEE SI PRENIE A PURE SANT-OS 'b.51,e lb. -43e A &P BAKER Y PRODUCTS There is not an ingredient ln any A & P produet wbieh is flot the" best the miarket can provide. Not oni>' are the flou-. yeast and sali of the best, but they are strts-tly uniforin sc that the product i, the sanie always. WHITE BREAD L.ARGE i OAF e Whole Wheat........... SMALL 7c ïA5'li Raisin Loaf ......................... lOc Nu ofFRUIT AND NT .... .....12c Mfore Speeial Reduet - ILIBY'S OR IDELMONTE Pineapple Cwuuhed NO.*2 2 . Sliced ' 5 THIS WEEK IS REINZ KETCHUP 'WEEK Hfejaz Toniato Ketchup SMALLsLARGE BOTs-LES o27 BTT AYLMER GREEN LABEL Jam B aspberry 40-oz. Jar 31c A REAL LOW PRICE ON THIS 1IGIl-GR'ADELALUNID1t1 OAU Surprise Soap 10 Cakes 49c WINNI.NG NORI' ItS LVVtERY DAY ManyllowerS Toilet SoaP 3 Cakes 1'7 Roman Meal ..................... Pkg. 25c Ail Bran, Kellogg'&s.......... Large Pkg. I Pr Borux C1,,HNR,)us5E............. Large Pkg. 9c Maytime Loaf Cheese ............... lb. 34c Cooking Figs ....................... lb. loc Dates, Bulk ........................ lb. lic Novite SOA.G...........21/- lb., 2 Pkgs. 13c Fruit Salad, Aylmer ........... No. 2 Tin 2.5c Libby's Mustard............... 9-oz. Jar 13c Red River Cereal ................. Pkg. 24c lona Cocoa ................... 2lb. Tin 33c Walnuts, - . 59C Almonds, Shelled ....................îib 55 Walnuts, Pieces ..................... lb. 49c Pork sud Dean. Aylmei Z I19 Ov~ltie TFDIlýl sil 9-oz. Tin 75le Rvsbina Put t Cakes AREWÇHRISTIE, b 4 Branston Plckles »LtsBEt&L Jar 210e * -_u uo~ ~IiVATATLANTIC &PUWCT~ o -LIMITED> M 1 At4ADA BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 ~1 s 'j, 4 > -1 PAGE POUX TRE CANADUN STATrAMAJ4 BOW19ANVILL& THURSDAY, FE»UARY 13, 1930 1 10 lý..d st. W. Phone 9241