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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATE~SM.AN, I~OWMANViLLE, THUR~DAY, .MARCIH l3tih, '1930 THE EDITOR TALJCS shine of God's lowe shine in ail the Ten years of teaching in country ** schools with childTen of ages vairying Cultivate the child's sense of cour- froin 5 tio 20 years and being head age by courage-ixreo.king storiee, just of a family ocd five ohidren--three before bedtime. 'Then build up his sons and twe daughers-heve given pride of courage in imself: "Bobbie us a keen interest in "The Art of isMte ltema.Hbhr Child Training-a sulbject about David (Or wthoever your herm). He whjcb A. W. Spalding writes intelli- isn't afraid. Mother la near hilm, gently, in a common-sense and very and Plather is near hini, and Jesus ia practical manner in the Home, Sec-, near hien, and his dear good ange.l tion of The Canadian Watchman for sMays with hâm ail t.he turne."' But March-one of several good articles keep at the building up of his cour- in this nuier. * age and increase the independence of bis life, until going to slee'p in the The inid Cild, isthesubectdark is naturai to hlm. "TheTimd Cild lathesubect And clewitih ail other fears. The discussed and Mr. Spalding says in prime secret of cure lies i oe cpning the article: SoDme children sympathy, understanding, and skill are timid and fearful; and somme par- in teaching. nts ofiu.i*ind eaniu ii noe are impatient of their timid ityan fear. They say to thena: "Io'tb DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE yo-ï cn ;t a wllsa aone Honer graduate in Dentistry, Toront,) as net. Tbere's nothing te be au-aid Umiverslty. Graduate of the Royal of in the clark. There's nu reason' C<oflege of Dental Surgeons cf On- why you shouldn"t go on that errancl trio. Office: King St., Bowmanville. by younself. It's foolish te act oe Office phone 40. Hlouse phone 22. afraid cf othen chiidren you don'tl X-Ray Equipinent in Office. kiaôw. Stop being se foolish 1" DR. . C DEITT* * * DR. . C.DEVIT jTi'niidity and fear in a child rnay Asistant Dr. E. W. Sis.-- j e hereditary or induced 'by ecper- Graduate of Royal Dental Coliege, iences, en'ironsnent, and educatien. Toronto. Office: King St. East, Usually there nuist be some natural 5'manville. Office heurs 9 a.-nM- teiidency te fear, or the influence of t* e ip. m. daily except Sunclay. fear-inducing experiences wilî net Phone 90. House phone 283. make se cdeep an impression. X-Ray Equipment in Office. If the cbild la naturally aJy, tinaid, DR. R. E. DINNIWELL or feailul, it coca ne goed either to reprove, te tibeaten, or te punisb Ifonor graduate of Toronto Univer- hbu fer it. Instead, it incrmes the sty and member of Royal College of! ut. The more his attention La Dental Surgeons. Licensed teu 1 called te 'bis defect, and the more ho prectise in Ontario and the Dominion., l ised on iiunishe.d for it while Detistry in ail its branches. 0f-1 still he bas ne power teo vermmie it, fiee: King St., Bewmanville, opposite the more despaiingly cees he setie Uank of Montreal. Phone 301. into it. The reinedy, se, far as ____________there May be a remedy, la rather in a rigbt envirennment and a right ed- MEDICAL ucation. Z. W. LEMON M. D. C. M ~. . SEMO, M D. C.M. To help a hild in bis difficulties GÉzdtîate of 'rrinity Medical Cellege, and faults, it la necefflary te main. Toronto, fonmerly of Enniskillei tain an open andl a studious mind, te Offce and Resîdence: Dr. Beîtb s1.tucly te kno>w the causes of the diffi- former residence on Cburcb Street cultY, se that the remnedy niay be Bo'wmanvilie. Phone 259. 44-t jfound. You may net lind eut iuuch J. CLAK BEL by questioning the cbild; for usually M.0,C.BFJ. CAS., BELL . . .he can give you ne dlean explanation1 *.~~~~~~~~ o. ~ . .R .S.<dn) f the causes of his bebavior. The (Succeasor to Dr. A. S. Tiiiey) parent must observe and reflect, and Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber. cennet thc bits of Jiforaation be deen University; Fellow of the Royal gathers froni the child and elrewher, College of Surgeons, Edinburgb. 1w-iùb* a kn'owledge gained frein study, Office and Residence: Queen Street, l in erden te interpret tbe situati-on.c B@rwmanville. Phione 89.* * Icfe Heurs: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 te S.3" P. in atene *eetii nî h-4 W. H. BIRKS, M. D. Gffce ffours: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. Telephone 108. Office & Residence: Dr. Hazleweod'2 former residence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. ÇHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DLJRWIN E. STECKLEY âbaor graduate of Toronto College et Chiropractie will be in the Bow- mauville Office Tuesday, Thursday aid Saturday evenings, phone 141J. letidential cells madle during fora- FUERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or &Herse Equipment. AIl calla promptly attendeil te. Private Ambulance. Bo'wmanville phene: 10 and 34. B ranch Stores- ALAN M. WILLIÀAMS Embaîmer and Funeral Direc ton. Cols given 'prompt and personal et- tfttion. No extra charge for dis- tance. Mter Ambulance at you- SerVice. Phone 58 or 159, Bew- BMville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctimneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Tanna moderate. Enniskiilen P. 0. 1%one 197r3. 1tf CLARK WILLIAMS Licemued Auctioneer Reasoriable Rates. Phone: Port FerrY 225r4, or write- Nestleton Sta. tien R. R. 1. 8-4w VETERINARY IL G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono BoDor Gradirate of University ofi Toronto. Al] cases given prompt~ Mid carefl attention. Office-Dr. UcRlrOY's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. r -Eulah Lilnningham mites. Thou- SnsglLin 5 to 15 Ibs.i 3 weeka ~i mdinew Ieonjzed Yeast. Sktincdeane like nsagl:c. Nerves, conhipation vansh overmLht. Get Ioie JHERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanvflle: 601. Toronto: Trinity 3949J P4drela: 274 Auguste Ave., T'oronto. 8'-iyr.Il nevraciaytiing te- ward Solvng the probbena o! cbild training. The Parent wbo manifesta impatience wili the child's difficulties and peculiarities thereboy shows that he la ignorant of tbe actual condi- tions, and at a loas for nieses te remi- edy thein. Have Yeu ever notice'd that? Anyone who loses bis tempen gives evidence 'that ie bas alneady lest contrel of the situation. !Im- patience is witness te ignorance and weakn4oss. * Il * et fear te any cbild. There are cildren who may net aeem te be greatly înfiuencad by therm, 4ecause they have little natural tear; yet tbeugh sucb atonies may net dater- mine their miental attitude, they de naturally timid and feanful, such have influence. And upon children tales have a veny deep effect. Sto'nies like "Little Red Riding Eco-d", can serve no good purpose, and tbey do induce fear. Many feu-y -tales and soine animal tonie,4 are of tihe sainie order, and bave similan effects. Anotbeî familiar nursery tale, "Goldilo.cks and the Thre-.o Bears,", is the example ef a less tnagic kind et story, in which mnany childnen delight, and yet whiath te the nervaus child, and especially the timid cbild, la of- ten fean-invoking. Ghosit steri-es, in which rnany People indulge for the sensation Of "getting tlbe rbivers,", are to be cond'emned f romt every standpoint. UpeOn the timid child they have a nuost injurieus effect. The safe thing is to avoid altogether atories witb terrifying tendencies. Tbey have .helpled te wreck imono than one child's lite. * Tell your C hildren stories of self- torgettulness and courage, like "T;he Little H4oro of Hanlern" "David and Goliath," -The Captive Maid," "Grace Darling," etc. Include the element of danger, but net et ternor. Always have tUe hero unafraid or triumphant over fear. Such stori-es ui help to build up courage. Neyer seek te terrify chuîdren inte Obedience. Some parents threaten thcIr children, w'hen naueuty or dis- obedient, with wicked'ly faIse state- men ta. One mnother sa.ys, "if yeu don't hehave, thai Policeman will carry yeu off and put you in jail," -and the chiid la tauglit te fear the officer upon wbomn he should learn to dcpend as a friand and, protector. 1 * * * Alway.s we inay and we sbould im- press the cbild witli the fact that thougb thare are dangers in tlie world, there is aIse the protectiýon et our beavenly Father and of His angels wbo are sent te guard us. A living and abiding sense ef the a-t- tendance of guardian angela la oe et the greatest producerg of ceurage in the dhild, as it may aise be in the aduit. Tel! storica of angel1 inter- vention and protection, as "The Angel That Stepped a Meb," "The Hidden Soldiens," etc. Some childi-en fear darkness. %¶d eut wbat causes this fear and reniove it if posisible. Next cernes the building up et the child's wiIl against the fear. Cbild- i-en differ; yen must know youn child. If the fear in hlm la slight, you rnay progress more rapidly te the removal o! it; if it is deep, if ýha is berrized by it, yeu inuzt pre'cead imore sbowily. In any case, be neither abrupt ner barsb. Make the atinosphere of boeone eanet cf fear, but of con- fidence. This ectends te every' phase et home life. lIt means oheer, and happy laughten, and loving wel- comae and care. It nieans tihe ab- se-nce et fretfulness, ci aceiding, of blaming. It meana teotWthe aun- Some children who are net notice- ably afraid of natural tbings are very sby in social life, sbnink £romn meeting grewn-up people, find it liard to beceene acquainted even witb cbjîdren, and prefer solitary iplay to associating with other children. Il this attitude is net exaggerated, it is net te be objected to. We can- not turn aIl cbildren out in the sanie mold. We mnay find in the retiring, ahy c.hild some very admiraMbe quai- ities 'which bolder cdbi'dren do net possess. He is apt te be more re- fiective, more open Vo spirituali in-j pressions, and very deep in his de- votion Vo bis Parents or whoever wins bis confidence. He anay make a< great philosopher, a greut scientist, a great inventer. But social con- tacts are good for everyone. Some par'agraphe are omitted. We. admit that the preper training of cbildren la a big prolbiein--.therý are so many different -phases. WE nowmention -one comnion errer inany parents 'make-too much. domination. Consîder bew it works. To the;harnassed mother of a large f a.mily tihe neighbor acress the street witb ber oe, well-bebaved chick seems particulanly fortunate. "if 1 only had the tume," says til motber of a floclc, "I ceuld "o just wonders witb oeacbild . . . but wben there are thn-ee !" And the mother of 'one agrees wiulh ber. She feala tbat bav- ing tbe time te wat-cb every act of ber lene chick and stam-up eut b'ad habita and prevent nauglitineas and "«sassiness" is vital te the cbild's per- fect developinent. Eveny mother wants a niodel éhild or children and it ius inte'nsely inter- esting to see how tii watcb fuI pol- icy werks eut in neal life. We have in niind Helen, a cbild of twe and one-half years. Her parents are ,vell.ýto-do, Intelligent Young people. rbey are deter-rntined te, make ne mis- take-s. The motiher has read widely and bas taken te heart ail the advice about early tnaining and regularity of habits. She admits that the cblld is almnost perfect. She bas undeviat. ing heurs of sleep, recreation and eating. She makes ne fuss about any of these. She lias, so the imother says, "Very nice manners." She la not fin icky about bher food and la up to weight and general mental devel- opient for a cbild et her age. But . , . the usual fly in their eintm'ent of content bas appeared. The ohild criesl for ne reasmq at all. The parents 'being extremnely reasen- able seuls as&ant tbat neyer in ber whole lite bas Helen Profited hy her cerying. They are sbnpîy *rable te understand wliïy she cries before she even asks for what sffe warbts, ha- cause they bave discovered, after letting ber cM herseit eurt, tliat wbat she wanted te do was quite witbin their power te grant. Tbey consider ber conduct very naughty, as we'll as inexplicable. tý to JBut the child's experiences bave Jgiven ber an entirely centradictory Iview-peint. 'She bas bceen dominated Ise long that she neo longer voices ber Idesires. She knows, on at ileast abe anything. Mothen and Daddy tell han -what she saal de. Mother comans "'p stairs and witheut a question as bed. She dresses ber inmediately and abo- carnies ber clown stair.a. Her emerience bas been that resentîng tihis treatment gets ber notbing. Events mardi on regandless ot ber attitude. The naturai intuition o! children is vet-y wendertul. Little Helen bas discoverad also thai being "Motber-'s littIle precious" and "Daddy's good little girl," rmeans that she is te, do what tbey wIant hon to do. 'Neyer, neyer can she he just Helen, a persenaiby aIl by hersaI!. Rer ideas at this age anc, vague and groping, sbe can't express thein, she can only fac! then. Sha is grewing up and no me seains te, realize it. But she means that they shaîl. . * *1 The answer te this problenn ,1is rîdiculousiy simple. -Give Helen some legitimate opportunities for ex- pressing býer own personality, rnaking some et ber own decisions, d'oing wbat she wants te do, and sbe'li stopi crying. Helen is an individual. She m st have a ehance te sh-ow that sbe is. If shbe can't disiragard 'ber do'rninating parents there is notbing left for lier te do but ci-y, or scram eut in the night, for- these are emo- tiens that the parents can't stop. Tbey will stop wben tboy rectify their mistakas. Semetime-s heing the unwatciecl ohick in a bu.Vy bouseboid is an unaduiterated blessng. Eh, mothers? [ý7LOV ELYe dHAN DI Busy bande-at hard taske day in and day out. Persian Bamkeeps the kin sft and pliable. Renioves redneas and relievea irritation. At wu&T Dr,.Ltt <PEiAN Î\ý LEGAL IL G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Igoney to boan on Farmn and Towm Property. Royal Bank Building, Dowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barr'ister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal lfoney to Loan. Phone 9l Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale., Offices-Bleakley Block, King Street, Eowmanville, Ontario. Phones,ý Offce 102; House 409. DURHAM jCLUB February meeting of the Dunhani Club was,.held at the residence of Mr. and ýMrs. T. E. Washington, 98 Lytton Blvd., Toronto, Dr. Hughes Af ter Secretary Matis read tihe minutes be spoke ef having recei-ved a letten frein Mn. M. A .James, ing te be lindly reAneniberei tW his old f riends of the Durham, GQu and etopressing bis regrets ianent being able to take part in the meetings of late yeans. As lsa away-s the case, and this one was of ne exception, the meetings at Mn. Washington's are noted for large gatherings and baving a real good evening. A large cemmittee was appoin-ted to make arrangements, fer our annual reunion of ail Durhami people and their fniends to be held in March. Mn. Charles Ruse was ap- polnted ohairman. 'The musical part of the prograni was very good, given by Miss Louise Cutîteli, Miss Selway and Mn. Ernest Shildnick. The speaker of the evon- ing was Rev. Dr. FaIlla, who gave a taik on 'bis experience on a moter trip, accom'panied 'by bis daughter, tbrough Engfiand and Ineland and also the greater part of Canada, travelling in ail about 10,000 miles. His descriu.ption of the trip was very interesting and instructive. It is a rare gift te take a trip et importance and give an intelligent talk on it A ve'ry sociable time waas pentj during the serving of refreshments. Af ter a vote of tiban'ks girven to the host and -hostesal tihe meeting clos- ed witb singin-g the National Antiiem. .1A 2,c' cP WRIGLEYS Drowwlneubdaeo W"eAry m sbeem shoreer aid the day la brightened whea v00 have W817'Uwith Tou. lua swar ppo o u p. ta delicioua flavoe &" any - Loveu neorth, Major McKeand infonmed bas audience thaut Eskimoes around tho, Hudson Bay and farther north now read and w-rite Englisb, use ga.soline engunes and launches and even sew- ing mnachines in iheir ho7es, and sup-. port thein hospitals which are con- ducted iby AngPiic.n and Catholic Mi-sionaries. Anobher interesting bit -o! information wýas the faet that Fort Hope, whàch bas an average îemperatunre ef 79 degu-ees be.'o<w zero and a summer temperature ûf 93 degrees; in the shade, and is only sixteen miles froi thc Arctic Circle, grews soine of the finent potatees produced in Canada. In concducbing he empba.%ize-d the faCt that the -nottf country has a future of inestimable promise and wil add nmaterially Vo the éwealtb 0,f thie Dominion. A vote of thanks to the qpeaker was mocd by Mayor M. J. Éý1iott and seconded by Mn. J. O'Neill. .'1e ictorioously I>rovecl in?reformance, econonnj and Palme THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPE.R, MEN'S CANIAIX1AN CLUB MORE POWER TO ITS ELBOW! ___ TPhe Men's Canadàan Clufb, at the (Fromn Mail & Empire) regular .mee'ting on 'ruesday everung, The present<iay weekly bas a March 4th, at the Balmorl Hotel, 1great opportunfty. Henry Watiterson, enjoyed an informative and interest- that veteran editor of the Louisville, in e t r n t e p t niliis o Ky., Courier-Journal, said: "The edi- i7tecNorhWeten Territies of üonal page of a newspaper should be j canada, by Maj or B. L McKeand of like a raised dais in a large hall, to 1 t.he Departmerv, of the Interior, Ot- wihieh ail niÉght look for wise and' tawa. considered judgments on what passes TeP through the hail." Il that ia fine Th asident, Rev. R. J. Sbires, oratory, it isibettor newspaiper sense, întroduced the speaker, iwho, in 'his and nowhere more true than in the opening rema.rks, reerred to the pages of the country town wee]cly. weather report quoted in the daily Most of the editors of our srmailer newspapers. This report, lie de- weeklies are becorning old in their clared, is based on the observations service and as they lay &,wn their madle of conditions existing in the 1pens and spike the st copy, often MacKenzie River district. Tis is there la ne one to take up the job of onW one exs.mpie of the be-aring seigtie "Paper put to bed." Thatwhich the north west bas upon tii 90 iany renerging into ur part of the country. In spit:<of this independence and clear judgment, ledge of wihut tîhe North West Terri- The weekly cannot cempete with the tories are like, and any conception radio nor daily, non should it be nec- ?f the part they are destined to play essary, but it can compete with every in the future of Canada. Th-uz sec- advantage with the big daily in its tieon is not a huge lce-lield, with neo application of news and pontents t< o Pfi'bilities; it is, figuratively speak- the human values of its ewn 001n- ing, a vagt mine -of resources wherein muniDy. In our weeJèjies we need ruillions of dollars lie hklden, and a less "bo1iler.plate," lesas yndicated ln VluÎ- om a b hckly matter, and ever se xnmuch more go-od PoPulated, writing about things o0f the homes Majoýr McKeand strengthened bis and h»abits and hopes of their respect. statement by pointing eut on a map ive special cominunitioe. It seems tihe pontions of the territory which to us tihat 'nene lies a neglected field held the varicus natural negources- flo, talent an4d love of the real things fui-s, minerais, strearna teemning.witlh of life--editorship of a sniall town fish,,, magnificent scpnetry and or country wee.kly. ýCanada stiil ideais sPots for summer reserts and lives, and we hope ýwill C-O'ntintie te pday1grounids. 1%le govezn.ment now live, for many decades, in the rural send eut sumimeïr expeditions, on ex- Parts, where life is reel and free for ploration trips, as a result of wbicb, thOse delightiful intimacies of the peo-ple are gaining a truer idea of hoirnefolk. It ia *only wisdom and the formerly ceonsidered "luseless" Practicai "«Polities" to hope that the section to the nertb. Weekly Newrspaper Association wiU edsnbe eti tetpec long continue to floster the weekly e ofes gov n erml e traip th or bi-weekly paper in every county Berotfc, tih each sumer %i-ý,tra ei of ouîr country, and to chr-onicle the Bthuancf ieasureleîn ofiaies doings of the 'Sain Hices, whic!h are tosnso ie eivn fiii quie a im ort nt s tlie doi gs of and police in the farn on rthern posta te Ladsispanthath on Pltoiand brings back 'valuable data wihch Avenue. Leisure and f reedim fromeabeshegvrmn toflo the entangiemùntsz of 'big affairs en- the migration of birds and to keep able thbe cou.ntry editor to see public in touch wth the latest discoveries qjuestions in a clearer than bis in b.otany wihic-h wiL laten provide citybroherof te bueenc arctic flowens for Ontario gardcns. zuty ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l rohrotebueecl. As H aso madle brief mention of the iii- long as the counties feed tbe cities, Hat dMcApn .ry the cities will need the counit fteweek-epaty duiny ESSEX Challenger week SPEED-68 to 70 miles with a new car. RELIABILITY-Better than ai] previous models. ACCELERATION-10 to 50 miles in 9 seconds. ECONOMY-24.4 miles to gallon actual test. BRAKE TEST-At 37 miles an hour stopped in 32 ft. Prove What Every Essex Can Do Come taire a ride Yourseif. Know by personal experience what this brilliant New Essex Challenger can do. Its exploits of Challenger Week have swept the country. Essex owners led the demonstration. Tbey were se widely followed and aided by public participation that we are centinuinq the invitation te Ride-Ride-Ride' Every Iocality now knows Essex f or the accomplishment of semne great Messrs. Ross, Ames & Gart shore Co. Ltd., Oshawa Bowmanville Representative: Jesse Ames were climbed by Essex in high "em. Remnarkable economny profs were established. New acceleranion mark» were made. Mot important of al Challenger Week convinced mooroists everywhere that Essex represents the greatest dollar for dollar value in car satisfaction that the industry offers. M'e will gladly give you a personal demonstratien of any of theae proofa which Essex has (. ti Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station A Special Direetory for eeLong Distance" Here is a new telephone conveni- ence. We will give you a blank book in which you can make a list of the people you are likely to cail by long distance. We will then fil i the NUMBERS for you and return theçbook. When you cail new namnes, flot listed in your book, "long dis- tance" will tell you the NUM- BERS and you can add your list for future reference. This special long distance direc- @ tory will save time for you be- cause giving the NUMBER you want always gets the quickest possible connection. DENTAL 1 a in; PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, &OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, M-AýP£H 13tth, 11930

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