arn1b aur ~4taýtemn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, PublisherL BOWMANVLLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 14 Brighten The HOME FOR SPRING With New CurtainsyO Draperies CRETONNES Beautiful rich color- ings in a variety of de- signs for drapes and coverings. Special Spring Offer Froin 25c yard RUFFLED CURTAINS:' Sucli a variety from which to choose with their dainty valances and tie-backs. Voiles,, marquisettes, etc., at- tractively trimmed with popular colors. The as- sortment is the largest we have ever shown,1 which makes selection, easy. From $1.25 Up CURTAIN NETS Sucli a variety of pretty nets suitable for, every room; filets, laae edge, rayon with cotton, fine silk, etc. The de- signs are entirely differ- ent to those shown in past seasons, in white, icream and ecru. Frein 25c to $1.25 yard BRUSSELLS NET CURTAINS Lovely fine nets with dainty designs, many appliqued d own one side and across bottom. Their deep dicl shade will blend harmoniously with every type of drape. From $2.50 up Outstanding Spring Styles Nothing is missing in our Spring Display to make a comprehensive selection of the newest fashions. "Spring," of course, suggests a new outfit and the women of discrimination will be sure to view our "up-to-the-minute" assemblage of the Iatest Spring style ideas in our Ready-to- Wear Department. INTERESTING SPRING HATS The new millinery is very smart with the long necks, the drooping side flares and off the face models. Developjed in feits, straws and corn- binations to provide many exclusive models. There is a complete range of the newest Sprîng shades to choose from. DISTINCTIVE SPRING COATS AND SUITS Sport tweeds, dressy plain cloths *and novelty materials comprise the new Sp ring coat mater- iaIs. Plain self-trimmed and fur trimmed models of fox, muskrat and squirr"el to choose from. Th e -'ange is very com- plete in aIl sizes. Stylish Spring Dresses Made of Canton, Cre pe Gloria, Rosemarie Crepe, Printed Silks and Celanese, in the newest .ýpziing shades of Rose Beige, Sand, Navigator Blue, Corinthian Green, Navy, Black, etc. New flares, higher waist lines and soft neck lines make the styles very charming. Spring OuiLtits For Men It is just as important that the men are dreeed up for the Easter Fashion Parade as the ladies. Corne in now and pfick out your new Suit or Overcoat. We are showing a wonderful display of new styles, materials and shades. Couâch, Johuston& Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED BOWMbANVILLE Al of your engagements shoulti be kept as pronuPtiy as getting to the station ia tijne [for youm train. Punctuality is a àplendid rule ta f ollow. To lmeke il, easy you ahourlticarry anec a! aur deent- aible tume pieces, eithen as a wrst watch or one ta carry an a chain or fob. We have theniila ail ives anti in a vaiemty of cases at mod- erate pices. IMOORE-'S Bowmanville I. SERIOUS FIRE AVERTED AT PUBLIC SCHOOLI What might have been a very serious f ire at the Central Publie School Friday last about 530 p. ni. was averted when Miss Helen G. Morris, Musical Director, detected smoke in the school. Upon in- vesUigating it was found sinoke was cani- ing from an upstair clais roani. Upon1 opening the door smoke was emitting from four desks In different parts of the9 rooni. With the aid of the caretaker who ivas quickly summaned, the flames1 were extinguished with only miner bs and damage ta the d'efks and school4 boaoks. Principal J. H. Jolinston was immed-1 lately natif led as was aise Chairman of Board, C. F. Rice, and Chief of Police S. Venton, and an investigation has been going on but no solution as ta how the f ire started has leen forthcoming. THERE'S A .IMIT, MOTORIS'S Some motorisîs in this district are still driving cars with 1929 licenses whereas Jan. lat was the date for eecur- ing ahufursad perators licenses according ta Tramec Officer J. N. Hinch- clif e, who is now located in Bownian- ville. The limit has heen reached wherel leniency will be shawn to such offenders. jSa ta avoid a fine better step into Billy iBagnelî's store and get your 1930 motai liess is bev the law regard- With two local policemen and twa pro- vincial constables in aur midst Iaw breakers, speed fiends andl thers will have ta watch their step and their speedometers. Mr. and Mrs. Narmnan Allun, Newcastle. writing froni Las Angeles, C'al.. whi-rý they spent the winter with his brother, Dr. Ernest Allia, says they are still en- Joying the sunny Califarnia weather. It was between 80 and 90 in the shade for a f ew days, but on March 29th was a little cooler. They are enJoying every bit of The Statesman which they read every week. SUPPER DANCE - EUCHRE PARTYI Popular Community Event at Bal- moral Hotel, Friday, Aprul 4th. The younger set of Bowmanville will welcome the opportunity of talc- ing part in the first comxnunity Sup- per Dance and Euchre Party ta be held at Balmnoral Hotel F'riday, April 4 th. A chicken dinner will be serv- ed at 7 p. mn. follo'wed by dancing with good music, or cards for thase flot wishing to dance. This is your invitation ta attend as personal in- vitations are flot being sent out. Accomnmodation is of course limited 50 make your reservations earlly at the hotel or with Alan Knight. Tic- kets $1.00 each. 13-2 SMART WALL PAPER THAT YOU WILL KEEP ON LIKING To-ay Wall paper artiste and cra.ftsmen have brought really fine patterns and color harmonie.s for wails within easy reach of eveoey home. Modernize old rooms Add Beauty to new ones TUhe ccst la surprisingly low. Selection of patterns is a delight- fui task when you have such a wonderful variety to pick £romi. 0f course we always carry the tried and true degigns sa satisify- ing ta inany people-such as cou- oniail designs and adeptations of coId favorite chin.tzes, pastels and squares. Glad to seie you at our sre t show vyou the truly wonderýful ac- eonvplishments for wall decora- tions. Sec our Easter Gif t Suggestions J W. JE WELL Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville C. P. R. OFFICIALS GUESTSj 0F ROTARY CLUB Highly Enjoyable and Instructive Prograni Given by Visitou-a Through the efforts o! Rotanian M. H. Minore, C.P.R. local agent, the Rotary Club on Friîlay was treated ta a genuine evening o! wboieeome entertainnient and good fellowshlp by a panty o! C. P. R. officiais. The party inciuded Wm. lul- tan, Assistant Generai Passenger Agent. and a former President of Toronto Roa- tary Club. who was director o! cenemon- OBITUARY Mary Jane Spry, Bowxnanville Tlhe passing otf Miss Mary Jane Spry early on Monday morning, March 24tb, lbrought grief ta the heamts of many mesidents of Bowman- ville andi vitinity, and ïmany wene the sympathetie .words ai.d kindly utter- ances regardiag lher 11f e and charac- ter as the news bemmne known. On every hand 'were beard praise of her courteous, patient and impar- tial attention and service ta young and olti as she met tihe public. In the home 'where, witbh ler aiter, she mothemed the inotherless nieces and nephuews ber wonderful spirit was shown. lIn the se'ven yesrs in Thocns Tod's store ghe met the pub- lic, and in the past nine years in the Bell Tolephone Company office, five of which she was nigiht operator, her f,eility to duty and obliging spirit has ýbeen very promuinent. Perbape. no one bas earned or received bigber praise for duty well dane tihan "Jen" Spry as she was famillorly calleti. Though in some'what poor heaith during tihe past w.lnter abe kept faith- fully ta duty until a cou6ple of days .previous ta going ta -the hoapital wheme she reieiveti the best of txeat- ment from doetor and nurses, but though suffering much she slipped siway ta a better world where sîck- ness and suffe'ring are uuuknown ennd where the meward las ure and certain to ail who believe in Christ. Miss Spry was t1be second daughter of the late John and lihoinasine Cross Spry of illowimanrville where &lhe was born and bas livet ail lier; lufe. She la survived b'y one aiter, Elizabeth, whom she resideti and shared alike the home, duties, andi four brothers, Jolhn of Boston, Thoni- as of Bownuanvilie, Fred of Oshawa, and Harry aof Toronto. Rer uncle, Ex-Mayor T. H. SMr, who resideti with 'the sisters, and several nieces and nephews nicurn the loa of a very dear loved ane. The funerai took place -on Thurs- lday afternoon froni ber late cresi- dence, Tem[perance Street, service -being conducteti by hler pastor, Rev. J. U Robins, of Trinity Unitedi Church of wihih s.he was a niem1ber andi regular attendant. Mr. Robins vait a, very beautiful tribute to the life wbich hati been the means -of in- fluencing 50 niany otherm fer gooti. Rev. R. J. Shires, iRector of St. John's Anglican ýChurcb, also assisted ini the service. The pall4>bearem-«.-- re. Memsrs. Harry Rice, Prank 'Williamsn, Ray Grant, Siti. Little, T. W. Cawloer andi W. B. MciMurtry. The floTal offerings were very beautiful. andi included a , th frain-the Family; and tnibutes frei ,Mr. Thos. Spry, Mrs. A. D. àMeDonald and Mmi. Hambly, Mn. andi Mrs. Alex Jobuston, Mn. T. H. Spry, Mr. anti Mrm. Frank Williamns, Mr. anti [Nrs. Gaxnet Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Richards anti Mn. Reginald Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pascoc, Mns. W. Sppry, Mn. B. Worden, Mr'. andi Mr. L. Stevens, Miss Young, IMiss. Moor- craift, Mr. andi Mm. C. H. Mason, Mmi. Gertrudie Poster, Mrs. P. C. Tmeibilcock and Margaret, Mir. N. James and famiiy, Mr'. and Mrs. Har- s'y Allia, Mr. and Mns. Thos. Hyland, Misses Ada and Alice;Silveýr, Mr. and Mns. E. Smith Ferguson, M. A. James & Sons, Mn. and Mrs. G. A. Edmuond- stone andi Miss Diagman, MT'. and Mrs. L. Roenigk, Mnr. Venton and ,Mr. W. Hall, Mr. and Mm. A. L. Nichoula, Mr. Fred Slpry, Will and Margaret, Mr. andi Mr. T. W. Caw- ker, Mn. aadiMi-s. H. Rice, [Misses Galbraith, MS'. and Mms. C. M. Carw- Iker and Addie, Mi'. and Mrs. J. A. IMcCleilan, Mr. and Mm. J. M. Rowe, Mr. aadMrs. D. A. McCullough, Mn. anti Mrs. Nanman Hamley, Mm. andi Mmr. Harry Pye and Gr-.ta, Mr. andi Mrs. W. Painton andi Elizabeth, Miss Olive Mutton, Mn. and Mmi. [F. C. Vanstone, Mr. anti Mr. Hanry Sqry, Mms. S. C. Rundie and family, Bel' 'Pelephone Sitaff andi Mr. Hughes, Mr and Mrs. Siti Little, ýMm. andi Mm. Rus. Candier, Miss Ethel Morris, Mn and Mms. E. Dilling, Mrs. T. Tod ané Olga, Mn. and Mri. J. C. Cairns, Mn, Ross Stevýcas, Mms. J. W. Laagnuaic and Mrs. W. F. ýSouch. Among the relatives present were Mms. Alex Johnston and daughtei Jane Elizabeth, S«nuoath Rock Falls, Ont.; Mrs. Hamry Rose, 'South Bay, Mrs. James Arnot, Regina, Sask. Mn. .Ramry Spry, Toronto; Miss N-elI Spry, London; Mr'. Fred Spmy, Osh- awa. William Kniox, Madoc, 'Mn. Williamn Knox, a resident af Madoc village for more thaa fifty years was calleti to his reward et the ripe age of 80 years, on Thursday, March 27th. ~He was the son of (the late Mr. andi Mm. James Knox, cf Rawdon town- shkep, 'wthere lie grewN to ananhooti. H( la survived by bis rwidow andi si) chlieM-r.Scut -n f Madoc GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mn,. John Found, Ebenezer Anothýer golden event was quietiy cet- ebrated on Monday. March 31st at -Bea- ver Dairy Farmn," when Mn. aundlins. John Found reached the fiftieth mîlestone la their wedded Utce. Mn. John Found and Miss Mary Jane Braund wene Mar- ried on March 31st, 1880, at Hamptonl Rev. J. P. Rowe being the officlating min-t ister. They have always lived la South Dalilngton since their marriage and ex- cept for six yeans have nesided ont their farm two miles west of Ebenezer Church Tise gatliering on Monday indlude only their chiidren and grandchlldren who assembledl and pantook o! the We- ding supper at 6.30 p.m. The table wasi attractive wlth yellow roses, tiny, undiv- iduai baskets of caady and othe Pre tt decorations. the bride cake minga appropriate centre.j Aften ail hait done Justice ta the welli pnepared and appetlzing supper, the corn- pany was called taonden and Mn. Cecil Pound read a very kindly wonded addmessj ta hie parents and iittle Misses Muriel1 and Fay Pound on behaîf o! the famiiy pnesented their grandpanents with a purse of goid. Mn. Pound made a most kind wordesud gift on this happy occas- ion. Gifts o! gold and flowens were aiso received from thein numerous friends aund nelghbors inludlng a beautiful bou- quet o! flowers tram the "Beneau Cias- of Ebenezer Sunday Schoal. Lettens of congratulations were also received from fiende la Ottawa, Peter- haro, Chatham,. Pickering and other1 pinces.1 On the Sunday previaus lins. Pound enjoyed a visit frorn her brothens and and Mns. W. J. Bnaund, lin. and lins. J. T. Braund ail of Peterboro, and airs. Thos. Gale and lin. Thos. Stacey, Osh- iawa and a phione message froni ber bro-i ther Frnank alsao! Oshawa. Membens o! the family who gathered fon the Golden Jubllee wee- Mn. and Mme. W. J. Found, Bowmanville; Mn. and Sirs. Chas. Pound and Mn. and lira. Cec- Il Found, Ebenezer, Mr. and lins. Wm.1 Lymer, Siapie Grave, Mise Mary Found and Mr. Arthur Found ait home anad five gnandchildnen. Owing ta distance Dr. and Mns. -Nanman Pound, Seoui, Konea,- were unable ta be preseat. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Literany Society programme on March 28th was put an by 3rd fanm and pnoved ta be something diffenent. The President j turned the meeting aven te Milda Moore, JPresident of the 3rd fomm comnittee. Aften slnging 'O Canada' a dance enti-tled hes hie Vil to boi i tha ly twq Br< FI we gu St. 1 Ra ElaS lai tux Ta a i sp I-1E e d mi spi at Do ho tîni Bc ry, Fnr me, Ru 1er Ja Br op, at 0s be ha pri on sl OBITIJARY 'Staintori and Anale WilknsNet nurni-7.4e ber wasa hort skit ent itled "Pty tie l James RiddelI Jarvis, Toronto Paon Bunglar"' Anyoae with childreis who tle are beglnnlng ta take music on wba think i they are musical can sure Pity Ibis Ponor Collapsing suddcnly at bis bomne, 1744 bunglan. Cast o! characters: Burgiar- Le, Queen Street East, Toronto, shartly aften Newton Heckney; Betty. young school i«f>ell 1a. m. Thursday, aiarch 27th, Police girl learnang ta play the piano-Mari- 1 an( meiAt i ol csrnoe. trwc aterti iecari sing-1 I attached, h a n ftems oplrWh eally tiinks lenc se-Bbrothler o! service ia the entire force.. He le! t Fna ato teporam a on hsainWedaesday afternoon ac scierie la the Recnealion rooni o! a coliege tht codn ehis assoclates, la perf«ect whea the 3rd frni serenaders gave a sol He was bora at Schomberg on -Febru- tiens, enîiax with a chorus muical eil-B ry 2, 1879. beiag tic only son o h etn lsdwt the National H Ex-Cisief and the late lins. Richard Jar-Iw visa! owmnvllewhee h sunt ic The work on "The Screech Owl" start- hi eariy years of is lIte. c aenetwt wrlgo h ra-th( Attr tledig owmnvllcPuli ig contraeî la The Canadien Statesman. ste and Higlu Schaol hie joined the Toronto Active Interest le aise belng ehowa ln 301 Police Ponce on Octoben 22ad, 1900. the handing la material franimsanie o! Duing that lime hie senvedl sevenal yeans the formes. mi. with the aiaounted Police, and tiree The staff o! Bowmanvilie High Sehool tht ycars la the Detective Dept. Froni tiene entetained the staffs o! the Boys' Train- M.l he was transferned ta Uic office at Court lng School and the Public Sciool to an Ai St., where hie balcd ctrge o! the Iseuiag April Fool'e Party in Uic new auditorium o! o! Sumnione which "ce bie ield untili on Tuesîlay night. Suppen was servedi n th, ils death. I second form which was decorated in During the week of tihe Ceatennialinlablack and white Atter suppen the party Quebec City, Jini was chosen as anc ofm - Tarante's Finest' aass"apîcn adjounned ta the auuditoriumi whene eing et Ithal clty for the week during tIse Cen- snuge, stnts. otseadgne ee tenniai. jdiedl.vi1 As an athlete the record for the 100 'v yîls sîlli sands lanlis namte. ShertY Bc aller lis winning the ail-round medali t COMING EVENTS je w-as borrowcd fron i hm by a Toronto tliouglu exhaustive scarches wene made Club le Apnil 2lst. Panticulans iater. H fon the mlssing medal it was not locateil Durhami Club o! Tornto meets ta' juntil about a yeur cga, aftcr bcing miss- niglut <Thursday> et Wiliand Hall, 20 Mî Ing for a period of almost twenty yeans. Gerrard St. E. ai The death of Constable Jarvis rcmvoesi af a liak la a chain o! three generations of Resenr'e Monday, April 14tlu, fer tic a police work. Fermer Chie! o! Police Supplen the ladies o! St. Andrew's Church l Richardl Jarvis of Bowaianvillc, w-lia e- Iare senviag la tise Sunday echool mntm 'a d woycars ago, le bis father wlsile i The regular monthly meeting o! thel m hi o.Fnei, is ai member of the Royal 1jW'omn's Hospital Auxillary will be held Canaîlian Slounted Police, au the Nurses' Residtnce on Fnida-y, A semu-police funenal w-ce iselîl froini Atîil 4th. at 3.30 P. . ni the- resiience a! lus sieter, Sire. Mary E. Public School Oratanical Coniet, sport- t; J.1,-f-ty, 6-à Let, Ave., an Satunîiay after- sorcîl by tIse Hanse and School Club, 'ivili .li noon wlslcis %as vmry largely attended be bol latise Opera House on Apnil 16th t;ý ofth ti.fore,,and a iost, o sr îîtizng S.Andne%,s PresbyterbiaChurch wil i ln -îlltlly Rv .M ech, pester I Alîril llti ani Cisurcîs Tea on Moaday, 1$ ,,f Ul.lfrtnitedl Clîunrch, w-ha spoke Alînil l4th. Fîîtier axnouncenîcat net i eoi'fî,rtiîit wonîi ta the sannig wlfe Iwe,-k. Io -A 1 r !iti -, STise ial-bean, ns wene six Iinit, frî i t- n as of t hîea sItsîsect- Tise Salvat lis Aî-îy - Adj. Ellering. , ioi Mitclî,'li. laspietai- Socket of lise Ton- Lite Savlng Guard Organizer of Toronto, ont. Pile,. D-lu.. Messrs.lohisitRos,-1"111conduct sîsecitîl services Saturday Si.s ls F-i(, i nta i Tam hleniler- and Sunday. Aîsnil 51h and th, ii lhe. 1. ri oT,-ruî uvre as:ugîsii- S. A. Hlul. v-u lit. mi-- v'î nu . Ii -I.1 I i lii lîswins. li oticutiirîl tus,,- tins Monday evening, %- - - d-1 i 11- Ibirei--April 7th, in St. Paul'.achool roon iBu "il whl :,Il ltl- sipn.c fric ta ail - Io illuslnated with beautitul t Ci i îl(sintii boss sliles - le ta bc aîidressedi by M. L. .~i.1111e ir i.r. iamiy AHaîscouk. levi-ry anc w-lie as a garden ' ~if y, Iili ler ais dtilille *ý lsuicd 10 attend. nivnh 1 i'i<tI iiiii SEE BY THE PAFER- r-tîny i b,1tai. inug, ami naligis- NM5n will be latenested la Glcisit's i -r i lîli-tis;on,-sois, Frîl 1R., o!fl,-io u Top) Comts lit 519.95 for tiheReaster parade. L'inallan Sioliatedl Police-, si:it0ilo n -t iINa excumse for bcing dlrtv whca Hanry Il t--luun A 1ho ia 55115 i ituil l 0it- Allia offers 6 cakes of Fairse x tollet eoap t,aîi hie funeral: aiseabie fther, Richard for 31c. Ilarvim, E- f o!Police o!f13o wîa- Aie x. Edmondetons le fcaturing Rasi-J ville:ad îhnce '1.4tkýrsSns. M. Ejeif- finsl et 2 is for 30c bcsiilcs other sece- nu .îlin Sire G. P. Fs',lanîl, Toronto, lal values. -. tai ls-, Matha Jîsmul. Bcran I Step ita Rice & Co'e store Aitnil 7-8 and sec the Rogers Bruîshing becquer GARAGE CHANGES HANOS denionsînatlon. _________Couds, Jolînelon & Crydermn offer Corbett Motor Sales Leases Garage sarnie îinely suggestions about mekiag and Service Station to Kemp the home more attractive et little 1051. Bros. of Oshawa Rîglut whea Yeu want t Most Oea. Pritchard le eclliiag wall paper nt 30% Anothén Important local change ln bus- below regular pices and GlIdîien's Palins lnes tok pace iti wek whn Rgerand Varaishes et special reductions. Sec Corbett o! Corbett Moton Sales d ispased page 2 o! the garage a service dcpairtments lin. C. B. Hurley, manager o! Walkem o! ies bîsinemete a emp Bras. (Frank Stores LimiIed, reports excellent business and Rube) of Oshawa. Tise ncw îîraprlet- lest week tram their Dollar Day advt. la ons arc W'eil known ln Bowmanî-Ilie as the Stateeman. Another tempting liet Frank, betten knowa as ~'si'îîmer" Kemîp, o! bargains froni tue store le on page 3. played hockey on the Oshawva tennsis for $geisonls store la centaly doing lis a numna!o years about tie lime when part te keep business ia Bowniamville ai -Frnkal Williams, manageûr o! the Bell well ai attract ehoppene ta tits town by -Teleplione Ca. was la hie prime. Frank le bigger and btter values la dry goods, y who clîl look atten ges and service bai b% ouse fumniebuige and ladies' ready-to- ignowa up un tic auita busnes avlng Wear. Sec page 4. been aimet contiauaily with the Generalj Matons (Companuy mince 1908. Robe le aise Te oeatSco1Clbwi 9 weillritalified and expemienced tae up- ThoeadSho lbwl ene.vise thc garage and repaîn part a!'hie j meet on their egulatir meeting niglt, ,& business having wonked 16 Fears la eev-1 April 9th, ait 8 (p. Mi. in Central Pub- mi i o! tbe beet garages tin Toronto i liec &bool. Prograimi in charge cl lin. Carbett wili continue te luse ibis Gro<>p 6, Mn. W. R. Williamns, con-I 1- garage for sales a! Generai Matons Pro-i 1ducts vei r WM. FUJLTON Aes't. Gen. P.Ies. Agent Canadian Pacifie Rsilway les; Nanman iclilian, Disrict Supein- tendent; Cliff Patton, Travelling Passen- ger Agent; Nick Penugini, Assistant Ceshier C. P. Express Ca., who is a ver- satile entertainer in sang and stony; and E. H. Banks, of C.P.R. Press Bureau, whose excellent address on the "History o! Caaadian Railways' appears on page 8. uMo>ving pitures showing the Happy IuntIng Grounds o! N. B., Across Can- ada by C.P.R. and Fishing on the Npi- gon Interspersed the prograni. The thanks and appreciation o! the club were extended ta the C.P.R. offliils for the splendid prograni by Rotanians Gea. W. James aad Oea. E. Chaie. President D. R. Morrison was la charge. C"'! ý W-- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. and Mre. Gordon H7oldershaw, Sea- ave , have moved to Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Souch, Mon- eai, spent the weekend wlth relatives re. Mr. W. J. Hallowell, Starkvile, visited asister, Mn. Jennie Grahami, Lt Lamne [li on Tuesday. Mies Marjorle Hutchisan bas retunned. town after a Prolonged visit at ber ne at "Da>nlands," Toronto. Éla znany friends wlll regret to learn at Mr. P. J. Horne, jeweler, le serlous- iii at bis borne on Church Street. Mrs. H. Burke has returned from a ioweeke' vîsit with ber aiter, lire. T. rwn, and other friends in Ottawa. )r. and Mrs. M. B. Ajunus, Lindsay, ee recent guests of lirs. A. B. Me- eady and Mrs. Fleming. M!r. and lirs. W. J. Harrison and Mr. ed Smith, Beaverton, were recent sts of Rev. and '%rs. D. W. Best at ýPaul's Manse. Bll Bagnell soid four new Rogers adias at $149 as a result of his advt. ini et week's Statesman. This extra spec- 1offer lessBUll gaod. Mr. and lirs. F. W. Depew bave me- ned froni their winter sojourn ini arpan Springs, Flarida, where tbey bad most enjoyable tume. Mir. and Mrn. Sami Bartlett, Toronto, ent Sunday et his uncle's, Mr. John ellyar. Mn. and Muse Hellyar returD- Ïhome with then for a week's visit. Mrn. and lire. Edwand J. James, and r.and Mrs. Francis O. James, Oshiawa, .nt a pleasant hour wltb tbeir uncle Lamne Villa on Stinday evenlng lait. Mfr. C. M. Murdoff, Manager of the omniba Stores, Lindsay, was eailed Dme again Monday owing ta the on- nued serlous Illness of bis da.ughter ores. Mrn. and Mrs. Geo. Franklin, Port Pen- rcelebrated their diamond wedding on iday, March 21st. They were former sidents of Darlington and Cartwrigbt. :e la 84 and sbte le 85. lirs. Oea. W. James, daugbter Mary uth, and sohool chum, Lena Pearl ICel- sr Miss E. E. Haycraft and Mr. M. A. imes visited Mrs. W. J. Haycraft rooklin, Saturday afternoon. Wintan Bagnell was awanded a band- nme silver cup, when he won tbe baye' :ed skating event, 18 years and under. tthe Grand Closing Carnival beld at shawa Arena Satunday nigbt. Mrn. Charles (Bud) Petbick, wbo bai een on the Royal Rank staff at Oshawa, as been tnansferred ta Woodetock and rmoted ta accauntant. Befane leavung bhawa a dinner was given In bis 'bon- by a number of bis friends. liembers of AlUbe Jackion Mtission Ba.nd il hold thein annual concert ln Trinity, îool roon on Thursday. April lOtb, at 45 1). m. Good prograni of sangs. re- tations, and two short plays by tbe lit- efolks. Admission 25c and 15c. Wednesday, April 9th, will be a mez»- rble occasion at Florence Nightingale odge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., wben four Odd- llows will receive 50-year jeweis. Tluey re Ex-Mayor J. B. Mitchell, Wm. Peam. H. H. Jury and . A. Haddy. Mr. W. Rose Strike addreesed the on-f regu.tion of tbe First United Cburcb, ndsay, at the men's montbly service nSunday evening on "The Man and the îurcb." Mr. Melville S. Dale asslated âe maie cborus and rendered a fine vocal laO. Mns. Ellen Romilly, mother of lire. R. 1.Collacutt, Concession St., left this ek for the West, where sbne wlll visit er daughten, Mrs. A. C. Huett. Front âere she will proceed ta the end of the tel. wbere sbe Joins ber son, Mr. Dy- Dn tornIlly. Mr. and Mns. James Tbomipion. Cad- ius, Ont.. annaunce the engagement of eir eidest daugbter, Mary Olive, ta fawood S. McRee, only son a! Mr. Ldrew McKee_ and the late Mrs. McKee fCadmus, *the manriage ta take place he iniddle of Apnil. Friends bene will bc sorry ta learn tbat r. Cynil Souch of Jury & Lovell's drug aore. Oshawa, and son o! Mr. and lire. O. . Souch, Wellington St., Bowman- îlle, coliapsed on Saturday evenlng and vas taken ta Oshawa Hospital. Cyril's 3owmanville frienda hope for a speedy ,covery. M rs. Olive Glenn, Oshawa, wbo le tac- ng treatment at K~almar Villa Rest -ome. suffered the loss of ber mother, nrs. Daniel Carry. Wiarton, an Thunsday, Warch 27th. lirs. Carry was a daugbter )f the late Rev. William Woodman, one 3 the tirst Bible Christian missionanies, ýnil she wae born In Prince Eàward Is- mild. Norman (Chick) Richards, motor mechnc at the Red Indian Garage, and rmerly delivery boy for W. J. Dudley. l about the happiest and luckiest yonng man la Canada these days. Chick beld te wianiag ticket In th-e Kalgbts of Cal- mhus Grand National Sweepstakes on te hanse Shau Galai whlch came, In Lrst la the great steeplechase ciassic run In England on March 29th. Hie pur. chase of a $1.00 ticket will net hlm about $9000. Lik-e a sensible persan becl la I- vesting the maney, on the advice of a ocal banker and ls.wyem. ROY3NrAUL THURS., FR!. and SAT. APRIL 3 - 4. 5 Pauline Frýedericit in "'EVIDENCE" With LoweU Sherman, Myrna Loy, Conway Teaxile and Alex. B. Eranli. MON., TUES. aud WED.