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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMPLN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. APRIT. ~rd. 1!~fl LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS BUSINESS FRIENDSHIP NEEDED, RETIREMENT 1 IN SMALL TOWN 1 M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. We heartily thank the friends who î____RevPLR P. Bowles, Freed Fromn Aca- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary bave written us expressing apprecia-, Strong Cmmunity Spirit Essential 1 ic uieFnds Leizure in Money to loan on Farin and Town- tion of ou r Talks-such encouraging 1iReading Dictionary, Chopping Property. Royal Bank Building,1 expressions have helped us t10 con i A keen observer noticing the ar- Wood on His Farmn in Durhamn Bowmanville. Phone 351. tinue a self-imposed duty for several' ticle "Time for the Sinail Town County - Opens New Chapter ini years. Our recent article on Prayer Communities to Wake Up," whicth Lie. W. R. STRIKE seems te have struck a syinpathetic perdrcnl nTeSaemn Barrister, Solicitor, Notary cod n s h ene SSD O51n makes this timely and pointed ceom- In the following del:ghtfully re Soliito forBan of onteal here is an article a f riend bas ment which every local inerchant and freshing and stiinulating article, Solciorfo BnkofMotral sent us that makes good reading cor itizen should not only read bat act which apDIeared in the Toronto Star, Money to Loan. Phone 9 1 Lent. Sir Henry Lunn answers the on the suggestions offered: Rev. Dr. R. P. BowlQs..-. who retired Bowxnanville, Ontario. ! question: Is God Necessary Io Pray- There is a place in this world for last year as Chancellor o4 Victoria W. F. WARD, B. A&. er? the small town but to fil that place University, Toronto. describes the Baristr, oliîtr, otay srprsig atice rcenîy to adrvantage it is essential that there manner in wheh he 15s spending the Barser oiiAr oa uprsn rtcercetya-. should be a strong cemmunity spirit autuinn of ihis life on his farmn near Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. peared in the "Christian Century' in 1 nec neo hi.NeteoOn. n ulie hl Offies-Bleakley Block, King Street, which a m-riter, John Haynes Hoînies, It is not fair for the tailor to make D*o,,>hy of 111e which lehoas evolved Bowsnanville, Ontario. Phones- gives what hie cails "a humanistic in a kick because the garage man goes durinz a long and active career. Office 102; House 409. terpretation of prayer." He declar- te the city and buys a suit, when we _____________ -le s that the old idea of ;prayer ba.s find the tailor going to the city and By Rev. R. P. Bowles _________________-- gone, and affirins that prayer, in the buying a set of automobile chains. Isel iet eiv hswr DENTAL very limited sense in which he defines We get our business froni our,,IsOl ietrlevth wd itwl outlve a thousand theolo- friends-not frein our eneinies. It retire" of its specific nieaning of DR. G. C. BONNYCASTIM..E ,, ecs it is "-a pyhtia necessary therefore, that a biai - going te bed. For te retire is ýte Honor graduate in Dantistry, Torontt, and net a theologcal phenonianon." nes friendship be builît up[ among worth cn iarinetha nur uter Unversity. Graduate of the Royal; ln plain English, he says this ineans the business men in every sniall town. wrt whrnihfot ay bave Up College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 tha, prayer concarns Our whole men- ýThese are days of keen competi- ovntue hchiotntl aeu- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. tal attitude and bas nothing to do tien and selling in the larger cities onten, not the evening, but the Office phone 40. House phone 22. with God. Ha daclares that prayer ani tewns is down almost te a forthg . It laa xim e ent n i X-Ray Equipment in Office. is the lear formulation in our minds science, but there is ne reason why awakenI s ne s eriwhtat itb of what we mean; it is, in fact, the tthey should take the business awvay discoverd. DR. J. C. DEVITT fixing of our attention upon these fram the sinaller tewns if the busi-1 Assstat D. E W.Siaon theties and the conscieus concentra- ness men of these tewns wiil study Ini liy own case the experiment bas Assront.DOffiE.W.KingSt. as tien of or "life forces" which the merchandising and selling matit- been quemied a bit 'by the adventitious Graduate of Royal Dental Collage, brings the attaininent of our desires. eds Eas they fit in with today's trndincenming of lumbago and tonsiitis, Toot. Ofie igSt at1And, finally, he defines prayer as the of doîn.g business. for which in iny calculations ne pro- B&wmanville. Office heurs 9 a. ni. "conscious and deliberate attatmpt te Bewmanville la as fine a town as viio had 'been mnade. Tbey censti-. to 6 ip.nm. diy xet 1uda.gin contact with the universe.... there is in Canada; and the writerî tt itiigeeet esn Phone 90. House phone 283. ito identify ourselves with cosinic knows that the business mnen in your L hem eout, whieb is done wit.h pleas- X-Ray Equipment in Office. destiny." town can keep the town right te the I iTe, a few reflections cerne te me * 4' *front if they werk in co-.eperation 1 vers- naturaly. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL As illustrations of what he believes witb each etiher. l ot as profound a change ia lity and member of Royal College oft trophe to the Skylark : "- i t"tre Dental Surgeons. Licensed te blithe spirit"; Byren's to the ocean: practise in Ontario and the Dominion. "Roll on, theu deep and dark blue Dentistry in ail its branches. 0f- Ocean, roll"; Wordswortb's teO Mil- fiee: King St.. Bowinanville, opposite ton: "Thou shouid'st 'be living at titis Bank of Mentreal. Phone 301. heur, England bath need of tbee"; Henley's te bis native land: "What have 1 dene for yeu, Engl.and, my MEDICAL England?"; and Walt Whitman's te Death: "Comie, lovely and seO!thing C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. death," and decares that, with the 1peets, be is net pointing te any deity Graduate of Tiinity Medical Collage,' in the clouds whan lie prays te God, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen but "reaching eut te the universe, as Offce and Residenca: Dr. Beith' Wrdsworth reached back te Milton." former residence on Churcli Street* * B mn vilie. Pliene 259. 44-t J. CLARK BELL M.o., Ch. B., F. R. C. S., (EdIn.), 0. P. H. <Successor to Dr. A. S. TilIey) Kons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal Coliege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. oweie Heurs: 2 to 4 p. rn., 6 te 8.30 P. nm W. H. BIRKS, M. D. Office Hours: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. Telephone 108. Office & Residence: Dr. Hazleweed's fermer residence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honer graduate of Toronto Collage of Chiropractic wili be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday evenings, plione 141J.1 eidential celIs made during fora- bkon FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Moto r or Herse Equiprnent. Ail cails promptly 'W! attended te. \U /Pr ivate Ambulance. \ ( Boewmanville phene: 10 and 34. Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Directer. OeIls given -prompt and persenal at- tention. No extra charge for dis-i tance. Motor Ambulance at yourI nerv'ice. Phone 58 or 159, Bow-I manville, Ont. 3tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctisneer Parin and Heuse Sales a Speciaity. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf i CLARK WILLIAMS Licenned Auctioneer ReasonaIble Rates. Phono : Port Perry 225r4, or write, Nesthbeton Sta-î tion R. R. 1. 8-4w~ VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc.J Orono Aonor Graduate of University ofij Toronte. All cases given prompti and careful attention. Offie Dr. McElroy's former office. Pbon es «.1 Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. 1q J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phones. BowmGnville: 235. Toronto: Trinity 3949J Addrens: 274 Augustp Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. Reed on and see the answer. This danial of prayer as it bas been understood duriag aIl the thousanda [of years of racerded history and its raduction te a mare apostrephe of natural forces and psyehological de- finitions of our own desires witbout amy hope of assistance frein seme transcendent Being, la ipublished wih EDITOR'S NOTES titis Creat family journal te say t.bat "The greed for inoney and power is itself la every quarter. The cembines are exdploiting and rolybing the public and do net care who they ruin ia the procesa. Tbe trouble in titis couatry 'las been very Boute. If the ccsm'dbines trade for profit the sasali nman can'beat thc.m every turne; but if they are trading te drive ev- eryone aIse eut it la a case <f how long it will bake te, use up thair -re- serves-i. e. the capital of their shareholders. i-Meantime cempetitors gradually spring up eating into tiheir vitals. Every inan (or every group of men) who try te go:bble up the whole world, seener ýor later gets in- dige-stion. Flconemic laws assart titemselves-and the penalty :fort buraking thera cannet lie escaped in the end. Look at the resuit of the teU -e. And forth e 'Z,,i o us,bI ý' eryj significant reason that a man's life consistetb not in the work he doe- a truthit i is 'higli timi this age began te take te heart. The industrial era thas been confounding work with 1life. Even Carlyle, despite bis ceas3eleas domand fer tbe veracities, furt.hered the delusion. He grow]ed at the old and very noble Greek pro- v.erb, -Man, know tbyseîf," and sug- gested as a substitu te, ".Man, know j what thou cànst work at." Ruekin jeined in. "Produce, Pro-( duce" ha cried -fr.antically, ".-f it be but the infinitesimial fraction of a preduct, la the name of God iprýoduce it." A hundred oLher lesse4-r pro- phet.s, in a fine frenzy, ,et to preacb- ing the new gogpel. And even in these days of ovar-protluction the ex- penents of the econeêmic order are hard at it. Lif e More Than Work v.uane' apovi~n~ 5rane hetPolso yu sida fteA- So far as I kaew, it was Robert startliag te at least ene readerwh liatie. Louis Stevenson t'lio firsit wagg.d bis would bave found 1f e an intolerable ____ head at these exhorter-,. He came burden if prayer tbad meant no0 inOt eut Ïbold for the jhcliday, and clainied titan this in bis axperience. There DRIVE ON TAGLESS DOGS a bigli place -for idlanesla the ecen- la an obvicus answer te lte facile omy of 1fe. Wbere otbetts apolo- dismissal of the practice of prayer as Town Council would confer a kind- gized ha praised, insisting with much it bas been carried on through count- nasa on miany citizens who take a 'vigor that life IS more than 'ivrk. lass ganeratiens, and that la te faîl pride in growing flowers and other- If this were not soti. la evident back upon ene's own sease ef the wise beautify'ing 'home surreuadings that te give up -the work of a life-' revelattens tef God tbrough going by inauguratiag a drive on tagless tinte would give one a most violent back te ome's ea.riest axperience of dogs before spring planting arrives. jot. Il dees nothing of the kind. prayer when a niother Who realised Many a fresh seade'd iawn, vegetable Life continues .very miucb as it ivas. the Presence of God, and practised garden and flower plot bave been Its most cssentiaî characteristios re- jthat Presence effectiveiy, kneit by m'y ruinad in the spting by wandering main. 1 assume that wlierever life sida and praya.d: "Lord, surround curs running at large. Thle increas- las lived it wili take to itself soe hum with the everlasting armas of ing number of ownerless doge prowl- measure of freedoui, and spontaneity Dove. i ng the streets, upsatting gaf blan appincss. Wlietber la the city * * Icans and otberwise inaking a nuis5- or ceuntry, at werk or et ne weurk, The benedetion of that prayer and ance of thainselves should dernand a active or retiregi, life will hold fts thie ertaiaty that it breught of thae more striagent enforcement of the chief ifeatures, net profoundiy affect- guardinsh' f ea"Power net dog by-law. If need ha apploint af ae d by change la forma and environ- oureles, rmains te this day. As IdOg catcher to gatiter in the tagles mn-. H h asntbpyS Jknalt knee sitetaugbt nme, canines, bis wor'k.bas littie assurance Of being wthi a passion and an intensity wb.ich h________________iappy when lie quits it. The spriags ti eona f myimet satcred memories, of life are very deep, and ne man has te face theYtrials of rny early 1fe tbing, Lord, but Thyseif." Sucli a ever quite diaýcovared tlicr. and, later, the triais of manhood. in prayer as that of the great Mediaeval- Navertlieless, I cannot but refiect thea confidence that the promise, ist outw'i.ghs lanimoral and spiritual that it is exceedingly pleasant te lie whicb she constantly quoeted, would Worth alI possible apostrophas Ce Sky- privileged te se: t-ha day's pace your- be realised la nîl life's difficultie.s if larks, "deep and dark bluae ceans," self, and order its routine. 1 now I was failthf ul: "Commit thy way un-1 and "love ly and soothing deatlhs.' rend avbat 1 choose te read, untreuli- te the Lord; trust aiso in Humn an d * * * Id as te ils affect on next Sunday'sI He Ëhall briag itot pasa, and ,HaeIXVe are told dogmatcaily in this sermon, or is televancy te soe shall bring forth thy righteeusnes artiyle that "certainly the oJd idea Of theological lecture. Nor- is thora as the lili~t and tby judgmen a t a payr is going and t-be'practice, as lan me semae lurking fcar t-batI1 amJ noonday." *** well as Che idea of such prayar, mnust fre- n -mtrn oeiprat baabandoaed." At wbose biddng i have time now te Iaisurely rcad the There aIse cerne back te me now must we abandon tha ides of prayar diction ary. It consi.sts of ten large memories of thosa definite petitions expressad in tbe.t grand, compre-ben- volumes, but I do net have te rcnd I whicb my father effered, net as la sive prayer of King Solomnon at -the t-iem alI, and, though a bit discun- Mr. HiPolmes' words, te "sema ramote dedication of t-be Temple for bis na- ce Ifidtnîtdlii-ul i deity in the beavans.-,' but to a Haav- tiioa: "Will God ia vcry deed dwell t c-ed1 i tnosdlghf. enly Fauher Who was preýsent -te hear on thee eart-l? Behold Heaven and Sor, tee. Atvolen ieslop ena oli~n,, our cry, and very near te uis. These thbe Heaven of Heavens ae tco.o eus eum is ope o"m were definite te t-at Divine tain Tbee; how mucit t-ea t-is bouse desk now at schtlwsticism. 1 tbinkl Presance te surround our lives witb chat I have builded. Yet- bave Thou 'ne wast-e of timc, now., te read <ver His racousinfuene. nto -hapraer f T'y er-again b)okL rend ton or wc n ty years Hi gaiosinlene respect unotepae fT- e-tge. Eucken and Bergson muan much; vant. If Tby peope sin againat -, -Again I reinember with gratitude iThee (for thera is ne man W.ho sin re te oied tho iho dd whnlirat semae of the mighty prayers offered by nest net>, if they retura unto Thee rea.l. "nîl i:'w-l c t-bureny Otti nxy fellosv students on the quar:erly ' witb ail their heartsanad witb ail spund hoN vtinth(>cf nate Ian fatdays t in y tneolegical coiege ij 'ir t-ouI-, thon hear Thou in Hcu"- airi<-st stuf-if 1 pleasa. when tbs "remet-e deity" came ryery en, Thy dwelling-pla.ce, and when near te us and we realised t-at we Thout hearcat, forgive." Wood-Cutting Not Lumbago Cure were batng equîpped by "thte Power * * * -.bigsl aho not eursclvas" for service la India, If Mr. Holmes, or aary ef us, la Ant ie da:-.big oofobo ta thte Soutliern Seas, in Africa and Ionscieus cf wrong-doing, can we find rci-(f my hours, I do neýt rc-ad any- in the "country villages of Our own language te express the sense of our thing; 1 gather thbe eggs anti chtck upî sbires." We did net ask in Mr. errer be:ter than the cry of David : t-be -cire with thc' seriou.ýness- of al Holmnes' words for "seme grudgirg "Have mercy upon me, oh, God, ac-jgofe. O ' a'ýily turkeY p-ychol-1 change for praise and adoratie&n," but we ifbed up 'our heett-Oa who was "more ready te er -a we te pray," and Who again anti agan, te our censcieus knewîvedge, "'Openc.d tha windows of Heavon" witli a blessing, the benediction ttf whicli was to Iast thi-ougli our livas. Wben in later years sterins of un- popularilzy and tempests of financial disaster threataned t-ha tiny bark up- on life's troubled seas, rny friand and coleague, Hugit Price Hughes, whoîw ministry in soea amall dagrea I shar- cd, asked me te believe witli con- fidence tuat thlera-as On,, "in the heavens te give attention '.o our per- sonai concerna" and tauglit me te say witli a naw ,mphaais: "Theit, Oit, Orist, art al I want, Ot-har refuge have 1 none, Rangs nsy haîpleas seul on Tbee, AUl my trust on Thea la stayed, AUl my hlp frein Thea 1 hring." And now tihat the unmit of blire score years and tan la passed andi lif4e's journey must ha drawing te a close, 1 say t-riumphant-ly: "Hare 1 raise -my Ebenezer. Hitherte bte Lord bhath helped me and luther lîy His grace have I coma." I know noettai- words witb whicb te suta up bbe true ideal of prayer t-han tho-,e of the Aagelic Docte r, St. Titotias Aquinas, t-le great scheel- man of the Middle Agas, when, pray- inir in t-ha durch ab Naiples asseciatesi witit is name, lie lias a vision o0f cuir Lord crucifiesi, wbo saîd te hlmn: 'Thou bas written we-1 Of me, Thoe-mas; what reward wit titei hava therefor?" Thomas replied: "Ne- create witbin mot a clean iteart-, oh, Istdit- and pile wood, in t-ha hope thé Ged, anti renev a rigbt spirit wibbin exri-e ttî:t -ure niy lumtbagtt, me"? w-it-h f1maytrepotrt, it- doe- net (Io. * 4' sOr I1 go for a wak wit-it Mik a-t mvi What le wrong, aither witb t-be Iheels --ît:t.l hi scent of rabit practice or thbe ide.a of sucli prayers tracks lui-es liii îway. Or I just- at as these? Thora has been haaded an(Iti til;jus:. Lhnking, as- Be.nny I down t-e us a gi-eatberît-aga front the -woutI4 put it. And what- splendIid nameles saints whese ýprayers are igh philttsopbv 1Iol in nuch i-avariei. ensitrined la t-ha ancient liturgieLs evolve! Oh, if only thes(e thç)ogha. which record their spiritual struggles %%ouid go titwîî on paper! But. at- and aspirations. TIhay bave delved firat siçgli .of ait ink 'bottic they Vanil and expiorcd the mine of sacred Ilih away.I trut-h and lhave w-rought eut of its i - Seadays, bo-wever, Isemtnotti pure goîd a chain of prayar and de- write, for t-be heer pleasure I gett veion -whicb links us wit-h t-ha great frein it. Having writt-en a coasid- I Tbronaa of Ced. 'Titis rici t tassure erahie aineunt, I thon examine t, cannet ha sacrificed without ba-s 1-- raatIiag it- aloud t-o rysalf t-o knew nuparabie and immeasurabie. if Lit i-t fit for an hock. As everyîbing * * *depends on 'tne's , owa conception cf Let- me cenclude wit-h a noble peti- -".îlat a bock ought- te ha, I feel as ifi tion wbicb is immeasurnbly better I were wrestling, net wit-h any ordin- than aay ntternpt t-o "gain contact ary proibiern, lut -with oeaof Elai- wiih the univarse, te identify oui-- st-ins reîativity conundrums. .4cîves with cosrnic destiny". Retireimeat givas oea a naw sense "Alrnight-y God, unte whom al of riches. Tinte ila noy, anti one hearta are open, all desiras know»n, miglit aven haemrbarrassed wit-h the and froni wbom ne secrets are bld, increase ef this s-<rt- of jwealt-h. On cleanse t-be thoughtta of oui- heartt t-he whole' hoeer, it cont-rihîttee; a by ltae inspirati~on of Thy Hoiy coinf<trttbîa e lnont- tobave te Spi-it that wa may perfectly loe practice ain exa-upratin« econnmy in Thea andi wou'lhily mnagnify TIhY the spending of one's heurs. TIf I Holy Naine, threugh Jesus Christ atwaltea igt nd cnottcp oui- lord."-Anien. thetra sne ne.i cf t-le old worry ________ xhich came at .ýuûh imee. Worr les-t to-mor-ow 1 ceuld rot de MY Seesi grain sheuisi ha well cleaned work, w.&uld lie' stupid or irritable, -it- pays large Ividends. would net- fac. 14gp right-ly t-ethbe prob- Canadians, it is said, eait 30 dozen laýma cof t-be 4cilic, ands s on tihrough eggs-man, weman andi chulsi. rany variations. (u'asing cent-est- now on la: W'han No, Il lie awal<e. I1 linen for soundaý. will Dominion electiens. lie on? Sea nights 1 I ear gi-ast +rumpetas.t War veterans are giving up frn blowini th e woods neaiiby, andi eiven them la many cases. nota -bew different thes;e wne r GEO. PRITCHARD'S WALL PAPER AND PAINT SALE RIGHT AT THE START 0F SPRING SEASON It's not often you have the chance to buy Sunworthy Wallpaper and Glidden's Endurance Paiints at reduced prices at the begiining of a season. YOU CAN PAPER AND PAINT FOR A LOT LESS MONEY THIS SPRING Read this advtd. then corne to our store and see the rea1 savings we are off ering: GLIDDEN'S ENDURANCE PAINTS, ETC. PAINT Reg. $i.25 qt. f or ....$1.15 Reg. 75e pt. for ........60c LACQU Reg. Reg. Reg. $2.50 qt. f or ....$2.00 $1.40 pt. for ....$1.05 75e 1,-pt. for ....60c VARNISH & STAINS Reg. $1.90 qt. for ....$1.55 Reg. $1.00 pt. for ........75c Reg. 55e l, for ....45c 1be given. Cash must accompany ail orders. t tili lait day as sme Unes wiIl clear quickly. GEO. PRITCHARD (Next to Bowmanville Bakery) Bowmanville Famous READING Anthracite CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL Pennsylvania Hard Coal Sold in ail sizes. We aloo handle Semnet Solvay Cake Exclusively. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 A NEW PERFUME To rapid]y introduce one of our latest Oriental Perfume creations, "DREAM KISS PERFUuME," we will &end absolutely FREE a generous s-emple of Dream Kiss Perfume t Sachet Powder, enough to keep a whole drawer of clothes delicately pecrfumed for mont 1)s. lt's free, just send your naine and address today, to- 77HAERIdENTA, WEtronto O. 1- TH AEORIdENStAL eTrFUMEOn. 1- Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Governrnent Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties and prices: No. 1 Red Clover ..................$10. 00 per bus. No. 1 Alsike .............................11 .00 per bus. Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity .... 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Alfalfa Utahi Grown .........18.50 per bus. No. 1 White Blossorn Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Yellow Blossorn Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. (Limited Quantity Only) WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F Seed Oats - Seed Barley, two or six rowed Seed Spring Wheat - Feed Oats MclelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274 King St. E. Bowmanvjlle Phone 489 soends are f rom these in t-li suni- mer, when the tree-s ara f-uIl f leaves. Seene nigh.s I hear tite owl and amn eharmed by t-be deapi pathos o)f bis voice. The tonea cf tite hooting onv,1 are really wo.,tderful on a soft night when a ýrc ' feg fils the woods andi keap- faUling gantly on field and lake. Se I1 liston and worry net. If 1 anm Irttws.y ttA-unor- rex'.1I wil wrap a lv<yAfghano4' mv wife's making a. eund Me ad take a sleap. This b)usiness oif retiring must, 1 arn surc, arouse vague antd unlovaly feel- ings in t-be beart of you h. '17ibe fact ta, youtb does net un aratand a gel haîf as waIl as g does youtb. it J ha been said t-bat ail enýý neatîis te 1 recenceile huisaîf te sixtty, la te re- member wbat an a-- lie war, at twenty -but 1 think thora la mure wit than wisdom in sucb a remeork. That oina is get-ting eider is net a delkghtf-ul contemnplation. But the lifa c-f t-be 'Inter is altogat-ier of a piece with t-bat ef the eariier days. anti past Sixty, taken in its sef-immediacy, as t-be philosoplier say. day hy day t-bat ta. is really splendid. I-f -ome of the -wild lighti l goîte fru'm thte biBis, t-he bis romain massive andi majffltic as ever-l bave much nitre fait-h in 13tocwning,'.s 1 "Grow oli n-i 'engw i.tme. Thrý haat is yet to e'l'. than I had at- thirî. A Remady for Earaeche.- To have T'ha car is a delicate organ and fewI care te deal with it, cün.-idering it '.ork for a doctor. Dr. Tihenias' lc- lectric 011 offars a simple raemeds -.Ai few drops upon a piece of lin't or rnedicatad colt-on and plnad in thot ear wii do much la reliex-ing pain. "AMral! Ozippjlenozwalk-sweUlhanks teKruschen -For otw riigAe mont/tai s as laid ,tp wth r*eunstigm.,,,mabl4' tu ,ove, 1when I was tt tts to tri, Krus-hn Sait. Lt C, almoat a mmrace, but wvithota limat'Qof a lie I1 tt8 sable Io ta laka to the front dour in lettt M'an a uwek Iwin a feut daita 1was oud wi tle helP of cnches-,; ant int a Mort t(mS 1 tns walknq miel. Tht.r l* ux a une-ureL- testimonal. but four jjear*. - 1have taken j er aine and 1 J verfée) a Inneh of rhrumaligmtnoW. - t ell etertbody bout haping itou w))) pubttah j) for othet'ttIo tee. -Mn. ,WIllInn.a. Krusehen 4aIts obtaltable at drug and depa ra ttras bIl'Canada at 75tc. a bottle. A =otIt C'(totains rough to last for 4 or 6 Laoths - gooti bealth for haIl.a-ent a dbY. FREE TRIAL OFFER Il 704 have Devez telsdKruschn--iry IL ew #A Our exPense. Ws bave dlstjibuted à Vmet 1 Maily SpCWal"' UANT' tackagswhicb make ItCyo yu t'O Prove OurewInfor çiuesl. Ç*iýau ofsut ur regala, 75c. ba"ttis tb. with a sepuguL trial botte- sulfildent for about one wek. Opien the trial bo"l firei, put itaie ibe tuand ihen, Il net; entlsey one......bat Krttshen does everyting we cdaim it t do thie reguar battit, la miIan geod maSwn. Tèi back. Your drugst la autboraed ta retamn y59tr 75C. Imnedlasey and wlLbout quutoes. bu ave UIsd Knaacboeres, S M =MIu.b& What oould b.ier? w 7 Mantataed IL Orliu Husu Lii. andtoe Crt.1766> :Ef MOQfUy-BWL t-- ALL WALLPAPER NO0W IN STOCK ineluding Sunworthy 30% OFF Regu1ar Prices CHAMPION GUARANTEED PAINT Reg. $1.25 qt. for ...$1.00 Reg. 65e pt. for ........55C FLOOR FILLER Reg. 35e for 25c These prices are sa bow abso Iutely no erutIit wil Sale wiII continue to Saturday, Aprit 19. Duu't wail s e e PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMA-N, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 1

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