THE CANADIAN S1TATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURISDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 IMITED t U$SsUsUUS:Sw IALKER STORES LIMITED, Keeping Pae With Present Day Progress Fline Delustereci I-osiery, 49c 'M n I n Specially Purchased for our "Three Big DaYs" Sale Event. HB890-'Gloria" Pillow Cases, size 22 x 33 in- ches; fine ýthread White Cotton with wide colored scalloped oir henmed ends 'with daintily embroider- ed patterns. Two ro'w- of hernstitehing. Bordes in color cf GoAI, Blue, Rose, Lavender, or Green. These were mnade to sell for $2.00 per pair. Each pair in individual iSox. DURJNG 3 BIC IIIAYS, Per Pair ............... 14 ~eenpace wïh Pure Linen Glass Towels, 19c A .Ood Saving for You. Lay in a Supply Now. 1-B887 - Pure Irish Linet GIam Towels with plain centre f colored woven 'bordera of Red f and Blue, -with the w0rds "Glass Towel" woven in. Size! about 19 x 28 inéhes. Real ' geod value at 25c. DURING ~- THEE BIG DAYS, l c Each .................19 Youths, 59c The Boys wili agree that these are dandy Caps, and Mother will be giai of the saving in pruce. A large range of patterns. FB90)2 - Boys' and Yeouths' go(od quality Caps. An entire-1 ly new assommernt of medium and light colored mixture Tweeds, in Grey, Fawn, and Brown effects. Made in the eig4t-piece- style with triple stitching cthroughout and leath- er sweat baud. Sizes 6/4 to 7. A regular 8Ue value. DURSING THREE BIG DAYS, a real good saving for you 59C at, each ......... April Umbrella Special, 95c Goocl, Serviceable QualitY at a Very Low Price GB8t7-W-omen's Unibrelas; a variety of col- ç,Aý handles and contrastin'g colored cords. Stùbby style, with aniber itp and ferrules; sdlid strong eight-ribbed framie wit.h heavy Black Cotton top. A spk.ndid everyday Umbrella. Usually sold at $1.35. DURINC THRE, BIG DAYS,95 Each ..................................95 HB3889-Hemmed Purec Linen Daniask Table Napkins; of Irish manufacture, size 18 x 18 in- ches. Good heavy quality linen ideal for everyday use. Several attractive floral designs from which ta choose. Extra value if offered you et 25c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS. 18 eacn ............... 18 or per $ 0 doI O............ $20 Rare Value in a Kiddies' Stockings 30c Pair Smocks and Hoover Dresses, $1.29 A Large Variety of Styles--Corne to thte Store and See These. Ruffled Curtain Sei XB901-A fine Ribbed Pure Wool aud Rayon mixture Hose, specially oidfore.I colores u o W'hit e, r Iddeos oupWto een Syerc Pdnk; sizes 4 to 6%. A ifew sub- standards in this lot. You would ordinarily psy about 5(c for these. Note this price DURING THREE i BIG DAYS,30 per pair ............. 0 Kmin ffl*& 'A worth wbile saving for you on p ia pestitse sure-to-be needed Spring Curtains. ABS66 - Plain Cream Serisu Cur- tains, size 214i yards long'by 20 in- ches wide. 'Ruffle down one edge aud ýj across bottomn, feather-stitched cor- ed edge; wilh wide valance top of flgured Rayon orT plain Rayon, 12 in- ch-s -wide x 54 inches long, witih Ruf- t 87c" its only 0< Uti]ity Sel highly gît2 measuresi smail xi der design ings. i early buyq Satfflday. DURING Per Set of Five Bowl Valance and Tie Backs. These Cur- tain& cone in a variety of colors and desiug. fIes to match. Tie backs of Rayon sud Scrim ta match. The set cornes in suéh wanted colors as Rose, Blue, Gold, and Green. A splendid value if offered at $1.25. DURING THREE REIG DAYS87 Per Set ...................87 Good oap ~ Large Assortment of Newest Styles in I Calf-Skin Pouch Bags $2.69 IA weh-known Cake of Soap- because it's big value. 1GB898-The came four ounces of high quaîity Soap that you iean secure month by month, it is making imfore friend.s for u-. "r a.if you have by any ichance 'over-looked thîs Sale nurniher before, we suggcst you peîifumed in Lilac and Rose. A regular 10(- cake. fl1RlN(G HTIIREE BIG DAYS, 5 (Not more than five cakes te a customer). Assortment of styles includes Back-strap and Over.arm Bags- Be surTe to se. these. Titis is one of those rare values that w. are always on the lookout for A saving for you. a EB900 Newest Pouch Bags of fine quality Ca~lf 5kin an ascort- S ment of styles inciuding back-c:trap and over-arm Bags. Covered xetal frames as weli as hbeavy shAl frame ,Iesign.q. MI the newest wanted Spring clors, Tan, Bro'wn, Green, Navy, Black, and inu-y uther soft colorings. Ail made with rayon inoire linings, and with afl t.he needed equýpment such as Change. Puises, Nlirrors, etc. W.ouddlbe extra value at $350 DURING 'PRREE$26 0 BIG DAYS, each .................................$ .6 Pure Irish Linen Towelling An opportunity fer you to lay in a supply at a big saving in price. HB888-Here's a wonderful &pportuniîty to secure Pure Lin- en Crash Powelling 'Of Ir.ish manufacture, 20 to 21 inches iwide. A good absorbent Cloth ofdependable quality. Our share of an exceptionally large purchase. This Towelling would be splendid value at 25c. DURING THREE BIG 17c DAYS, per yard or 6 yards for ................$1.0 once in a long tisse that you Ln opport7unity like titis. -Five Bowls in this splendid ;t =ade of! semi-porcelain, Lzed finish. The 'large bowl 8 % inches in diameter, the wl 4 % juches. Dainty bor- ns of three differeut color- >avided into titre. lots for trevs Tlursday, Friday, and *Tltsually sold at $1.00. 'J ffRRE BIG DAYS, WIS 79c Bloomers 43c it will puy you to buy two or three pairs of these Broadclotit Bloomers whenm you make sucit à samiig. .d'83 Womeui's Blooaners ade oýf go od q.uality Broad- icloth, cut on -full generous hunes, well-inade with zhirred elastic at waist and k'nees. Ail womn- en's sizes, in colors of Flesh, ;t Orchid, Blue, aud Peach. Reg- ýr ular 60C value. DUPLNG e THREE, BIG DAYS a splendid eoppormnnity for you to cave prpair ........43c We demnonstrate &gain how large parchaing power resuits in savings for you. Corne to theStore and choose your colors. DB891-A ve.ry fine knit Hose of delusteresd Rayon made with mercerized Lisle Sole and Garter top. F'its as neatly as Fui] Fashioned Hose. Made with mock seams and imitation fashioning. Colors of Fleeh, Mirage, Suntan, Allure, Muscadine, Af- ternoon, etc., in sizea 8% t0 10. Would be splen- did value at 69c. DURING TERE 49 BIG ])AYS, per pair .....................49 Women's New Silk Gloves 79c 'Me better quality Gioves pric- ed very iow. Carne and Sees! JB&94 - Women's Pure Silk Glorves of d&pendable quality. Turned-top styles in 'boith plain and exnbroidered, as well as If , turned-top tailored styles. AUl UI with double finger tips, and 1, ilplain and fancy point baclis. Colore Ligtht and Mid (Grey,' Sand, Mode, Peach, Sunset, Fawn, etc., sizes frore 6 fie 8. Usually sold at $1.25. DURING lUIREE BIG DAYS,7c per pair .............79 Attractive' Suedine Beits 33c In a big range of colors-Mint Green, Sand, Grey, Red, Biue, Brown and Blacie. You wîll doubly appreciate titis price when you see these Beits at our counter. GB896 - Women's Belts, 1 'h inches wide; Suedine centre wi'th contrastiing colored edges. Large covered harnes buekles. In the wented color toues such as Mint Green, iSand, Grey, Red, Blue, Brow;n sud BI.azk. Wiseu you see these beltsanad compare the qualiby we're con- fident youmll Se glad you visîted us at this tirne. Regular price 50c. DURING THRRE BIG DAYS,33 each ........ 3 C New Styles in Kid Gloves $1.59 A pre-Easter Sale. k wîli pay yqu te corne te the Store during "Three Big Days" and secure your new Gloves at this saving price. JB3895-French and other Kid Claives in a vax- iety of turned-cuff styles, fancy atitching, embroid- ery and taiiored eff ects. Mode, Beaver, Grey, and Biack with White; sizes 6 to 734. Regular $2.00 to $2.50. ]YURJNG THREE BIG 5 DAYS, iper pair ........... 15 The woman who desires to enjoy her Spring Outfit to the Fullest will wish to as- semble it early from thse authentic modes presented by this store now. -WOMEN'S INSTITÎJTE Trhe Birthday Party' hed by Bow- fflnville Women's Lstitute on Friday A aftezrnoon proved ta be a very en- W oyable affair, fbeing in charge of Mrs. L. R. Bounsall's group. 'Mrs. Frank Jackman, president, opened the meet- ing, and coninunity singîug was en- joyed previaus ta the -business. it vras decided ta send a bale of cloth- iug to iIhe Thunder Bay district in remponse ta a request fraisa the brauch there. Mrs. J. Thicksou iutroduced flic prograim (by a piano soo; 'Mm. C. F. Rice sang a solo; snd Mrs. J. IC. (Iairxe gave a very iuteresting, hu- WALKER YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE STORES Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE mu :u mu umu: ::muuUUmUumU I orous and practical talk ou "The Ef- feet of Laughter on aur Sytems." Everyone greatly enjoyed the address so spleudidy presented by Mr., Cairns. The molll eau, couducted by Mrs. F. C. 'Colmer, brought forth a number aif Irisi, jokes. A supper of hot potato pie, jellies, pickles, bread and butter, cake and tea was served,I thLs ýtables being decorated with chani- rocks sud other green trimmings. Proceeds $12.75. April meeting is in charge of Mrs. W. E. Armnstrong's What has becoue -of our aid rural editors at Kirby, Leskard, Cadinue, Burketon, Caesarea and Nestleton? NE WTON VILLE Young 1c.ople's meeting heîd on Tteday cvening drew an attendauce of 63 despite the very inclement weather. 'Meeting was opened -by ýthe President, after which Social Con- venor, Miss Hilda Wallace, took charge. Seripture lesson ires taken by the pastor folîewed by the topie "Hai.pines." Readings by D. Wal- lace aud E. Pllard; cornez sole, B. Ury; violin and piano selection, Mmm. Mitchell sud W. Laing; piano M. Haskil]l sud E. Wallace; ecitaiion snd song by five girls, M. and W. Mackay, M. sud R. Wallace, aud M. Harris. inging by am quartette, M. Hasxil., E. Witlîace, W. Laing sud D. Rupert, accompanigt, Mrs. Laing. After an excelIent pratgram alil jin- cd a number of contees. Lunch wvas servüd aud afteýr a very enjoyable evening Al sang the longue chorus sud epeateid the Mijpah Benediction. Mr. Ceîand Lane spent the week- end îvità his parents, Mr. aud Mm. W. C. Lane. Miss:Mary Lane ite visiting lher bs'other Harry aï C.atle- ton. Mr. Mitchell Zealand bas bis house ail ready for the turning on o!f the juice, amd 3fr. Fran'k Law has bis bouse and store well on the way. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Winter has lingered iu the Iap of Spring. Napanee Seed Fair has had much publicity in Quinte pa9pers. Owing to "power bheing off " so long lest midweek it was wjth nîuch diffi- culty The Statesman reached its pat- rons. A toacher had been telliug ber pupils about Wdlliam the Canqueror. Later she asked them what they thought William the Conqueror would be doiug if the li'ved now. An answer carne pat froan a ibright yo>ungster, "Drawiug old-age pension." Sandy Fraser in Farnier's Advo- cate: 'There's more in Iffe than a liv- ing. Mr. A. Ni. Macklan, Brighton, Ont.. in passing through f rom Tor- onto, on Friday called at Office ta inquire for the welfere of bis old friend the senior editor. April Threc Rig Days s et once e sale and a fastion occasion, be- cause the goods offered are New Spring Lines at special prices- goods that "on will wish to chocs. in anticipation of corning needs. i n i n n Miss J. H. (Nom) Werry, Kedi-on, spent a day last week with 'her uncle at Lamne VRIla Mrs. R. Je'.huston, Clarke, is spend- ing the winter with *er 'brother and sIster, Mr. and iMmc. L W. Loclchart, Port Hope. iMrs. Lockhart is in Poor 'health. mmmmuuuummmm: mw tALKER STORES LI Pure Linen Table Napkins Be sure to see these at the store, you will be surprised at the quaiity and price. Latest in Pillow Cases Pair $1.49 PAGE THREE "'I LIMITED PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS :mmmrnmmmuuuuuuuui n= tt=u::Umm:=- uM AS PLEASANT TO TAK THOROUGH ON A33UGA EIR WORK Its M-3 CONTAIN EFFICIENT NO NARCOTICS AND PROMPT TO ACT .............................. i