TH!E CANADIAN STATE3MAN, BOWMANVILLE. TRURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 PAGE MX5L WON'T BE I Watch Our Window Foi on Satu Our oven will be ready oi lu store Bread and Cakesi The Bowman PHONE 97 Children will fret, often for no apparent reason. But tbere's al- ways one sure way to comfort a restiess, fretfui chiid. Castorial Harmless as tbe recipe on tbe wrapper; miid and bland as it tastes. But its gentie action soothes a youngster more surely &han some powerfui medicine that is meant for thc stronger systems of aduits. Tbat's the beauty of ibis speciai chiidren's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant-as often as there is any need. In cases of colic, diarrbea, or simi'ar disturb- ance, it is invaluable. But it bas everyday uses ail mothers sbouid heirs nme '~ rHespe- cially beror i Jrrh.. 1 have five lovel - .ii 1 nrn. A;ter ny last bat-,-a,e had a iniser. - bic paini in nýy rili' r sie so 1 bought an,,cher b,,-e C)f the Compo'înid and I1efnc enowx. I work oîtsidc dijrini the fruit season [n additioîn mtn dering Yankee, says in an unsolicitea chus as i have shown, at Ie.aat one- testimonial for ZUTOO Tableti .hi)f the Peope here, and a por- -Zutoo Tablets stop My head- t!Ofl <of which is distributed as profits! aches so compietely that 1 do not ""am+k h: aeoles mmdhaingthm ay or.99 T 'bte C. P. R. freigbt bill on mindhavig thm an mor NewZealand butter. This la aIl new No need for any ane to suffer from hâ& rnoney. Tihen let us take thbe silk ache if they do as Mr. Gard docs trains from Vancouver to Ncw York. AI1lthe money to pay the heavy and take Iflfl freigbt on these twenty yearly spec-: and ake ZuIL'qh1 W %l ilk tr-uî- oover C. P. R. is pro-' AFIER TI [UNS WEETENED! Write Tta Bom Co.,LImI7, DSptLB 82, 140 St. Peul St. Weet, NMontr«L Il- 422!!n" __________________ HISTORY 0F RAILWAYS IN CANADA LON flUI E.H.Banks of C. P. R. Preis Bureau JONC nu v E.In.Acdressing the Rot"r Club, Of tlined Important DeveloPments r Secilsin andesThe of the eyening p given by E. H. Banks, of the CPR. Lirday Press Bureau, Toronto, who gave ai higbly informative and interesting1 n Friday. Bread sold address on tbe "HistorY of Railways- jin Canada" with particular reference to, the important part the Canadian, flow. Pacifie Railway had t.aken ini the de- ready Saturday. ,velopment of this great Dominion. -It must be conceded," said te speaker, -by everyon-e cognizant of .11 his subject that the building of the1 ViiieB a eryCanadian Pacifie Railway was one o ivHie akerythe events of major import that ber-1 alded the -way for the building of the BOWMANVILLE British Empire as we see izt tday. For instance it nmade possible the ~MAil Red Route under one maenage-_ ________________________________ ment and that British f rom Great Britain tc, the Far East. If ever thoL British Empire -was to cerne iti was absolutely necessary that Canada should be establisffbed as a continent wide and compact country from the Atlantic wo the Pacific Ocean. Since SITUATION ? forward almost without interruption, until the railways of Canada form a framework upon whichçill be buit a ortunate enough to have national econo'mic structure of yet ~factorysettiemetawith magnitude and world im- Now the Ganadian Pacifie reaches most important in orde il practicalby every port of the country [y get re-established. 1 s far opened up and touches the 1 ieof the people in every line of effort. The establishment of the community we have had company's steamship services on the Atlantic and Pacifie came as the nat- quick and mnost satis- ural sequel te the building of the rail- ur policyholders WaCros the Dominion and opened ýur olieholdrs.up h ferthemost diffleuit part o the Ail Red route. This was a splen- t pys o isur inthe did achievemerit. rt was, howeveT, ýs have local agents who that lay bofore the country, viz, tM building of a -well-set.tled and pros e know the fire insurance perous country that should be a but- tress of Empire as it was a link be-i tween West and Eas,. Thot was the task to whieh the ANCES - SEE CanadanPacifie set itsef when.ià _____and tihat la the work upon «wbich it is chiefly engage.d today. When, less than fifty years ago, the coin- pany's first revenue producing train C I travelled from Montreal to the PFc- )N N & S.O N ific, it passed through a countr~y a very inadequate extent productive of [nsurance Brokers traffc. It was a country that badl E. Bowmanville to be peoeplei and itaugt to produce wbat would support its newly trans- -- ported population, and ensure the new railroad a living andl a return uD)on its capital cost. There exist- ed no agency other tihan the Canadien Pacific to do this work, and t.he com- pany set about its task with that en- terprise and vigour which ýhad char- a.terized the original building of its line, end later resulted in the per- - manent settiement orf what may he terrned Southern West Canada. Thtis was Empire-building on a scle neyver before attempted. % J ~ Throug'h mucb pazsing adversiy 4îîd d diseouragemcnt, it laidi the founde- tien of the newer andl greater Can- ada whieh l is -cernibly emerging to- day out of the Nort.h. Witb the passa- ing of years came t.he extension of the conW~any's facilities in every dir- ection following upon the spreail cf settienient, and in turne cae- other » railroads te aup'pement the work whicn the Canadian Pacifie had set Ah.Ii.I~e'afoot and carried forward so we]l. ..d FePWCB5- n For te lest fifty years, the Can- ~ a&iaaSIE~1,adian Pacific Railway bas indee.d been more than closely ailied witb the .~II ~progress of Canada, and since 1922, the history of Canada's two gre.-at railways bas been practica.lly the hi,- tory od ithe Dominion. The two railways cf the Domninion constitute the largeat industry of the tnderstand. A coated tongue calis country. for a few drops te ward off consti- During the asat sevýýn years, the pation; s0 does any suggestion of two railways have expended annua]- ly on sup.plies, materials and wagesa bad breatb. 'Wbenever hblidren su.m in excescf $500,000,000, or at don't eat weii, dont rest weii, or the rate cf approximat4,b- $1,4 00,0 bave any littie upset-tbis pure daily. The significance of these vegetable preparation is usuaiiy ouistanding figures, can be better al that's needed te set everytbîng understood by pointing eut that al te rigbts. Genuine Castoria bas levy cf $ 1.00 per head on the popula- Chas. H. Fletcber's signature on tien cf Canada would only keep the the wrapper. Doctors rrescribe it. two railways g'oing for one single It iscensidered a excellent THE ELLO SHIP0F BOKS year in Western Canada ef-the wbeat TH_______POFBOOK crep distributes $500,000,000 - and 1yet te two railways have been do- I care not who the man mey bc ing this annually for sev,,ral years. Nor how bis tasks may fret bum; The claim, therefore, thet the two Nor wbere hie fares, nor how bis caref railways censti tute Canada'% great- e-st indu-try, le perhaps weIl taken. And troubles may heset hlm, In addition almost one-tentb of the ff books have won the love of hli., population of the country la depend- What&ver fortune hands hlm, ent on the railways for its livelihood. He'll always own, when he's alone. Those who know thé west will realize ORONO - (From The News of Marci 2'ULt) Miss Mary Somervilfle i3 visitiiig in Toronto. Mrs. George Mitchell la 'visiting friends in H.aniilton. i Mr. George Camnpbell, Toronto, il guest cf his aunit, Mrs. 0. Scott. Mr. George Armnstrong, Cleve,1land, 0., spent Sunday wlth bis mother, 17 Mrs. C. G. Armstrcng. Mr. C. W. Vinaien, Toronto, on his 'Jàj weekend visit, was acoTnvpanied 'bY bis father, Mr. Thos. Vinson. .Fe Mr. Ernie Gerro'w and Lorrinian, T'oronto, apent the week- end with thte latter's parents. There is ne poisonelis ingredierft in Holloway's C.orn Remover, and it can *be used witbout danger or injury. Mr. John Arnmstrong left last week on bis annual spring tnp to the West, representing Cook B*ros. Clotit- ers, Toronto. E. H. BANKS Mrs. W. J. Re.bnseon, Antio'cb sec- tion, waa taken to Peterboro Iscpital of C. P. R. Press Bureau wha address- last week for treatinent for gangrene Bowmanville Rotary Club whieb la affecting the foolt. - Worms f eed upon the vitaiity of children and endanger their lives. A vided by te U. S. A. interests who simple and effective remedy is have purchased ýhe silk f rom tbe Jap- Mother Graves' Worm Extermninator. anese owners. Messrs. J. D. Brown and John Yearly the C. P. R. carnies at leastj Tamblyn -old several choice Holstein $100,000,000 worth of silk across cattie at Durham Holstein Club sale te continent to New York, and te at Bowmanville titis week, realizing freght charges on titis bill is al] new good prices. mcney. The infant son of Mr, and Mn. There is a new expression in Can- McTaggart, Oshawa, grandson cfI ada-"Unrolling the Map North'- Mr. Luther Argail, died on Marcb wards. '. . .."Young Man Go Nerths." 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Adolpit Henry Both railways are pushing tcwards attended the funeral in Oshawa on the nortit, bern: on o-pening up the Tuesday. earvellous natural resources cf te Meeting cf the W. C. T. U. was country, and te Canadian Pacillc, asithi<i Marcit l9tb. Mrs. Robt. Rain- a very tangible evidence of ita faituh ey delegate te the Prohibition con- in te nortit, la throwing a great vention in Toronto, gave an unusualiy steel railway and ihigbway bridge fine and interesting repert cf the pro- across the Sackatcbewan River at eedns jNipawîn in thte province cf Saskat- One of the liveliest business spots anchw a- a igea s lte.raUy in town at pyresent ia the Orono saw nodh ~ hsclyagtwy ta the Tniii, Mr. Art Allun, sawyer. The nti. When it is completed dur- ags ubeoflg ait hv ing te present year it wiil ena.bleiresnubeoflgsad ohv the company te ýbuild westward to ever bec-n placed in the yards have Prince Albert and norts as fan as ieen delivered at the miiltitis year. future traffic warrants. Thle C. P. R. The cat of the pisys, "Locingi is also planning to bring PrricAl- for Mary Jane" andl "Untangling bert la direct rail communication Tony," of whicit Mn. Howard Gibson withi Regina in the soutit and Winni- was a ieading character, met Mr. peg in the east, as the importance of Gibson and his bride in titeir new Prince Alibert as the nortbern diistnb- home and pyresenited them 'witha uting point for the Saskatchtewan handsonme floor lanvp. A mean- minig felds la widely recognîzeil, joyable evening wau spent in gamnes, and the C. P. R., when its plans are dancing and social chat. carried te fruition, will be in a posi- The prograrn presented by Grouup tion te transport -.upplies te the fieldl, 4 in S. S. roQom, Park Street Church, and thte ores, concentrates and metals on Marcit 2lst, 'brought te a close a to te markets of the world. For series ef doligbtful social evenings. many yearite Canadian Pacific itas Friday eveninug as the cur'tain was Daid dividends at the rate cf 10%. 'drawn a striking patriotlc scene was For thbe yaar ending Dec. 31, 1929, it present.ed, with Miss Eileen RiddelliI net only earned suffic.ient te pay thte as "Ms Canada" standing eree-t with usual diidend and te meet a.h fIxeil uplifted wand against a backgroundj charges, but it carried fox-ward a sur- draped -with the Union Jack, four plus o«f over $6,000,000. uniformed sodiers standing at at- Marvelieus progre-s hias indeed tention. Program wes as foilows: been made by the rwo Canadian Rail- Patriotic d.uet by Mrs. C. Duncan and ways. Froin botit pioneering and Mr. Reg. Sutton; readin< by Mr. H. rnaturity standpoints, the two rail- G. MacDonald, "In Flanders> Fields"-, ways have realized their partnership Miss Kathleen Staples game a most witb thte people of Canada by help- Interesting talk on her recent trip te ing to the fulI in tinies cf strýss. Take the f.oast; excellent violin selections fer instance the appropriations de- were rendered by Messrs. S. 'M. Bill- cided on by botit railways for titis . }fls andl Fred Cowan; a vocal char- year. By deciding to do the exten- acter duet, "The Gypsy Maid," byj sive works t}wet they bave planned, Mis Ellen Alla and Mr. W. J. Rid- tbey not only show their certainty in deil; several nunibens by a talented thte continuation of tite ceuntry's elocutionist froni Osh.awa; mront]' or- progress, but thay aise pro'vide te gan solo by Mn. Clarence Allin; a rnoney te keep the wolf from the ownïic negro burlesque by Messrs. doer ef many Canadian bornes. At Neil Porter end Lewis Wood; Mr.' perieds of industrial depresalon, botit W=i. Armstrong, Sr., gaive severalý railways bave taken on extra mnen, burnoroms antecdotes and Scotch and on one of these occasions the songs; and -Mr. Jas. Tamblyn gave in Canadian Pacific Railwu±y employed eharacter '"The Shantymnan." M r. no less than 6,000 extra banda. Wellington provel a capalej Just a concluding word on the Can- a' ccompartisît fer tite viodlinist%. Lundi adian Pacific Railway, the railway was served. witich te a great extent prepared te Empire as we now see it. By the article which rney be uzed as a uni- middle cf 19*31 or 50 years after its ver-sai passpori. te everywitere except, incèptien, the Canadian Pacific Rail- bea«ren, and as a univemla provider: way will have a mileage cf 22,000. cf everytbing exceipt happine-s." It will own 76 steamships witb a gross tonnage of over 500,000. It will otvn 17 hotels in Canada, and ten bungalow camps. t owns a vast telegrapb systern with 150,436 miles cf wires and cables.Tite Canadian Pacifie Express Company coyers .11,- 893 miles and bas 7.366 offices and cornespoýnden ta. Since its veny beginning the Cen- adlian Pacifie bas centred on the at- winter sports and surnrer play- Ii «zround. Always 1: ha.s dc-ve'oped the natural spots and in addition bas cre.ated artificial cnes in likely local- hties, wbere tourisa could be trans- portedl in thousands. At present t is bebind the niovement in the estab- S l llahing of Lucerne in Que-bec as both a wenderful winter and rummer play- gruuund. 'fhtàn, to mentiuon 10!'. a few, eralil Lake and French Ri'ver whicb were developed entirEdy by thne rail way. deep ct French River bung¶a:ow camp. 215 miles.nortb'f Toreýno,l- ne f th- DOM IN IQ.NTILJ3DEPOTS DOMINION TIRES ARE SOLD IN BOW MANVILLE BY JAMIESON BROS. STATESMAIN BLOCK Don't Xorry About Vitamns 0f course, you need vitamins - and you can get thern ail in this breakfast: A glass of orange juice for Vitamin C - then a bowl of Shredded Wheat with whole miJk for Vitamins A, B, D and E. A deliejous breakfast, easily and quickly prepared and costs but a few cents. If you like a hot dishi, pour hot milk over the biscuits. SHREDDEDý. WHAT 15 THE If you have been unf, a fire a prompt and satisr the insurance company is that you may immediatel In recent fires in this no difficulty in getting a factory settiement with oi There's a reason. Il best companies as welI a know their business. W( business. TAKE NO CHJ J. J. MAS( Real Estate and lI Phone 50 King St. k ý 0 Etra. esof L-skid adetym agged tread The tire of today for the car of today has extra strength where strength is needed; design refinernents to meet every crisis. A sensation from their start in the sumrrer of 1929, the Dominion Royals are now standard equipnient on many of Canada's finest cars. P>ut Dominion Rayais on your car for safe and trouble-frl driving this year -..and next. Dominion Rovals arc sold and serviced by Canadas greatest tire organization -the Dominion Tire Depot System-each inde- pendent unit distinguished by its blue and orange color scheme. ý . ý.Ë% d3v«w SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA 1929 A BOOKLET embodying the DIRECTORS' REPORT, the ADDRESS 0F THE PRESI- DENT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, and a FULL LIST 0F THE SECURITIES HELD BY THE COMPANY, is now available and may be had on Application to Room 409, Head Office Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Montreal