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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1930, p. 7

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THE CANADIA1N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 PG EE A BANK Account of his ownl1 What a source of pride, an encouragement to thrift, and a lessor, in business! Boys and girls may open and operate accounts of their own in the Bank of Montreal. We are glad to welcome them at any time. One dollar is enough to start an account on which we pay interest. BANKOF MO NTREAL Established 1817 Total Assets in excess of pIffl,000,000 Bowmnanvilla Brauch: F. O.McILVEEN. Manager. IWTm.RENNI[EC? ~LMTED1 TORONTO ALSO ATrMNRA ACUE This l'elis You Why YOU SHOULD BUY COAL FROM JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON Buy the COAL that SELLS BEST iThat's one reason why we keep our customers satisfied. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7U . oul That Satis fie We also seil Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2( Bowmanviile sentutive et the Ontarie FruitGo- ers, that the fruit grewers of tItisi province have an extensive and pro- fitable imarket aivaiting thers in the Canadibn wesgt if they tvlll only gol after it. There is very littie directi compitin*ewen Ontario and IBritish Columbia in the prairie mar- jket except in tomaoee-, because in apples the Britisn Columbia grower confines himýelf very lergoly te fancy M'IOST people rely on Aspirin te make short worh of their headaches, but did you hnow it's just as effective in the worse pains from neuralgia or neuritis? Rheu- matic pains, tee. Don't suifer when Aspirin can bring sudh complete comfort witbout delay, and witbout harm; it does net affect the heart. In every package of Aspirin yen will find proven directions with whicb everyone should be famliar, for they can spare much needIos sufferiaag. an acquaintance taunted me with my creed and belief and asked me te say what I believed. 1 replied that that presented no difiiculty ta nme. My blief was that ifl he loved God with al lis heart, seul, mind and 8trength and bis neighbor as hiniseif, he was net far from the Kingdem of God and ther a n'asrnt utuch aise in it. An Old Methodi*t. SOME LENTEN THOUGHTS Durhami girl-a shut-in-writs: Bravery consista In conquering dis- appointments -and doubts, in exper- iencing 1hardships but heing eble ta ho life's vietor and net its victiini. IThey on te beights are net tbe sous Who nover erred nor went astray; IWho trod unswe-rving toward their Xoals Aong a smooth rose-emberdered way; Nay, those 'Who stand wbere first cornes down, Are tibose Who turnhled Ibut went on. A Prayer: Thou Great Creaitor oit mon 's seuls, wo tlianh Tliee fer the Power oft the human spirit te triumph over cîrcumatancosf and te overcoeu evil. We covet that pewer for our- selves thiis dey, that we may net lie easy victims of on'ironment huit may be gratter than anythiug iat cau liappen te nus. F. L. V. People, dreas according te weather condtions--se avoid colda. Milliners are busy making ladies le-eh youig sud ploasant now. Farnera, douflot omit thc gardn- it means btter living at leas ceet. Worms a-e encouraged by morbid conditions of the stomacli sud bowels, and se subasat. Miller's Worm Pow- clora wifl ealter bliese conditions almeet imanediaedly and will sweep tlie Woarms sway. No destructirve para- site can live in contact withth bis mmedicino, whicl la net only a worm destroyer, but a -heatl-giviug mcdi- ciao nost benerficial te thc youug constitution, sud as smcl itbals ne superlor. ~j. !3 -. Il $1 ~OBITUARY ner ' 1 I 8w RF." NLews iForth<e B.usy Farme Rev. J. J. Rae, Richmnond, mnd .Dggd DT 44 Forer Pastor of BowmanviIle G Da b ll (Furaishei by the Ontauio Dpatent of Agriculture) Methoit Churcb Dies SEED R P IDr. J. J. Rae. a fu nmc: ,strf, For HWlher TieliS, etter Quallty More No. 1 Appies o-n.'1 st' f (arl' varie- R~a: iand Cleaner Creps .. . ;o.( ac..o lte nite'ji *ch fCnda) ded six- use REGISTERED SERD the new amendinents to the act, the set sees no reason why tihe Ontario teentli Street, Richmond, Indiana, on be eliminated and al apples of good of fruit. troubte Try Somcaese.hH w Te7r color and No. 1 quality -with a flifli- yaso gan a oni Clarke CANADIAP4 SEED GROWERIS ASSOCITON CfttSWB murn diamater of one and seven- Food For Brood Sows t sibiga o fM.adMrs. eighths inches i the case 0,f the smadliýJmsRe type and two inches i the larger Aifalfa or clover bay fed frei r a i eebre eea jtype will be gred.ed No. 1, while low- racks forme en excellent rough.age Dr a sem brdhr sa or colored fruit or that with a littie for brood sowas. Bouts are also good very gifted minister. In 1907 he sab wil be classed domestie. There but may fot always lc available. w1908 lie hecametednntates wibh ai will only be t-wo grades in place of The meal ration may vary consider- 198re byt eri Conrch h C hica the four nýow c-xistent. This la a re- ably but should net lie too strong. rsyeie hihi Ciao e suit of the prejudice often exlpressed Bran, shorts, ground oats and ground In Mardi, 1915, Dr. Rae weut to Ec by consumners against an'ything mark- barley in equal eprts, if fed judic- Richimond, Indiana, as pastor of the packg ed No. 2 or 3 The new law would iously at froin two te six pounds First Presbyterian Church. He ser aiso insist that týhe small No. 's be daily, depeniding on the aize and con- ved there as pastelr until four years marke.d put in one package and the larger dition of tbe 60w as well as the pr-ago when he tendered his resignation ores in another. iod of pregnancy, ihas been lound to to enter church extension work in the C hi n awarc ____ ive good food results. ýMinerai state. Ezg Market Setties Down fed r sal esniladmy Two years ago lie withdirew fromOnta nSa Thle importe of effl froini the bo supplied either by soda or a suit- the extension field and aince that Unitedj States have now practic-ally 1 able mninerai mixture coftainiflg tume served as festor of the Eaton, piece of fn ceased for the current season. A1 charceal, ashles, botteinieal, etc. 0.. Pres!byterian Churcl a.nd assisted E few carloads are reported ýte have ____________ at the Earlhum Beigts Prerbyterian English ware, cone in recently but these had been! Churcli in Richumond.. l iv y purhaedonasprettieu oder. The HIS SUFFERING 0F 15DrRe took an Influential part in e«g market les ettheow <utObb ife of this comxnunitiy, says a tint, new irregular tarly this year to a sprinc atoring YEARS SOON YIELDED mRichmond newspaper, an~d lis coun basis and prices at a majority of pro- sels were weicogned in the afiso borderis. ducing peints are considerably lower "Iv finished my fourth bottie cd the ministerial association of wnhich "hn a year ago. With mild weather Sargon snd for the fluet Ifme in 15 ho '-aspresideiiit soeaYears ago. He prev'ailing ini most pro ducing districts yersI'm aisoutely free oi every was m.uch interesrted in civie affaira, in esnest within the next week or 5. member and whicli le served as pres- UKROI T ident for a terni. Dr. Rae appeared COOK N 1, MNUES8 Fail Wbeat Unpromising et numerous civic mee.tig as the O K IN2 MNUE The allwheat stuaion eem toPrincipal speker, his recarks lways j TI fai wliat stuaton sema o ~'holding nruch te inspire tlhose Who I h anything but proimising this year,herhl. e euntysoeat . judging fronreports of agricultural bParentTeih e r associton gather- rapresentatives of the varions ceun- PrnJae soito ahr ties in the province. Bruce Geunty in faenlciseD. a a reports fail wheat te be in a fair con- In' member f l ire Msonic. and I. dition wthlithe saine t elb e said 1ýo r <>. F. lso f es n c an . 0 alfalia and sweet clover. Frontenac 0 .lde.-qSu ed te late frosts whichmnay resuit in mnartried in 1888 at Brighton, Ontario, Il .'tw3k% somme killing. In Haldinband the Can1920. In July 1921, D rRed a-in fallIetst atin sacute and tliis 1C0.anada. Rer 2,Deahor.raed in r»r s dite by Kent whe ried Minnie Krone of Richmend, who ~ ~ Aî it i sala thet some of thesuracr.eage AAci l have te Ïbe rcplanted. In Lin- E. Hagie, of iclimond, and a,"0lice-c coin the liard frosts at niglit have tlieraRer.JamesW. Rae of Tronto Cana, and tamee .ra',of T rn, SE.M been pla>inig havoc witli this crop. Cdati,Bra and rank Rg,,, coC Middlesex and Peterborough Coun- SweeteBabarnaddFan Hastant&y-N&ff ties have becen fortunate and t.he 1 also survive. crop seenis te lie in fair condition. Tercn alof snow will improve Funeral services were conducted TceintfaWiaby by several ministers 'Witli whoen Dr. Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk parts. You are happy again in jivs codtin apreibl.JAMES H. CAMPBELL Rue was associabod, and groat tribute as Magnesia in water. That is an alkali, minutes. P' yIndsty Booms was paid im. In part, one minisber effective, yet harmes. Itblas been Don't depend on crude methoda. Eus- Poutryn S "I' used te go te the table in fear said: 'U k 'Vwhim as 9 fellow Wo'rk- th tn ardatacid for 50 years ploy the beet way* yet evolved in &Rl Speaking at an agrivultural con- and tremRling of the sufforing I lcnew er. We met, for tbbe most part, mong plysicians everywlere. One the yearofsacugTatsPili' ference in London recently, W. R. wsbul efalo i el.Idwen -the rasponibilitios of our basic.sponu wl eurls ne ay Besr of M get hegnun Pili Beek declared that a f ew years ago have sach attachaseetms late athefo ubmeen, were set times its volume in acid. lb l the Beisurai agesiathescrnie yPhi-a tlie Ontario poultry industry was 5in nighlt that 1 theught every lireatih saide, anid the give and tae of ige"- riglit way, the quick, pleasat and effi. cdans for 50 years lancorrecting exems the doldrumis but that to-day Canad- would ie =y list. No niedicines W 1c-aifrdeshlJp found opportunitycen ians consume more eggs per capits gave me auytlhing but temporary re- for free expression. And what a in way te kilI the excess acid. The acide. Eael bottle contains full dirmo- than any kyther nation in the sorld- lief until I started Sargon and it continuai source of linoyant vivac- 1 tomadli becomes sweet, the pain de- tionsa-eny drugstore. - the direct restait of a customer get- soemed like it was madle for my par- a'sneus Dr. so Waasl Re was thie ting a guaranteea with every purchase, ticular case. Ibteck riglit heMd of life of the circies lu ubicli lie meved.M af r I' in the 'way of having the satisfactionmytobeau endtlm and Ris genial ihumer ornamientod but dclM o eia B s o andfctleroubleessd oathdfai- You I "t i2ims mmO that the eggs bought -had undergone made me fou ignost like a new man. net bide the finm convictions lie held nieto careful inspection liefore being Sargen Pilla did their part by r negu-s7 xrse nth u- Y u nd teto l Ï4-p. . ý .tt placed on the public market. If th s lating me perfectly'-Jameé R. damentals of 111e and faitih." otppl wo suer ethri : -* .-Evso.ayMAre wer dealoed loig the agiclît Oamnphell, London, Ontario.1 Onthle Sianday following Dr. Bae's oeeasioually or chronically froin ga, FE L 'Tshoat uite r ite s ura hesti idutryweidhaplc-Sargon mary le cvltained in !Bow- death a memorial service was 4&I in sournois and indigestion, have now FEEL ~t,în,îniestion endov*r. ed ýon a more prosperous basas thon manville froin Jury &4-ovell. the First Presbyterian ChuM «f discninuod dlisagreeble dieM pat- FI N F. îiîo<iau 1which he had 3erved as iilister, eut foodsansd the une of hartifui , -~»- * Value of Co-Operatîve drugi, stomtach tonics, anodicines and IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL ___________ _atfficial digestanta, and lnstead, fol- At a recent meeting of the Vege- - lowing bhe advice se often given in I table Growors Association, the vice- What Are Scientiste Doiag? ~tbese coluna, take a toaspeeniaorokaReltigCmod prasident, Joseph 05,r, pointed out j J-jft furtablt o Bsuatd agesa ai Un . Compunda an n'arstngcae hee n .mr- Editor Statesman-4Vbat do you ln a littie wster after iniels with e,.Sidnthoc. icen bu'yer 'was in Canada looking for tliink of this? A littie wliule ago I1I T T1~the result that their stomtacli no long- oes f stmRetb-No. 1. Sig several hundra.d bons of garden heets wrote to a scienbific journal a letter f1'J j j jJotrulsbeibiyaeabeemt;S N.3B p b. for ca ni g n isc d or . he w hic li the edit r published. In it I as they pleas o sn d h y enjoy m u dh i - 8 dr qî taLoe e order could net be filled in Ontario snid: Your mon of science hises. [w n id f hiirhst.T~woue au~ e mave ie-t ofdrion. ail Maesia Bnzain hretcedte a oslens slttn HE COOK MEDICINE C06, throu«h which the beats could be sec- thmu n rdal eîcn ha Poultry and amn paying rah ofmai ne e c rads they ___________________b ured at such shiort notice. The Fod- numbers until blrougli the atcam tb~h igestpic. h n kow thia wonderful anti-aeM dn erated Co-ýOperative of Quebec, te conte te the electron. Wliat willbe, ighe'3 )foodhon corrective, which cen ho obtain-j W 0£)- PliQSPMODINE?! which he was referred, threugh its their next step? Will thoy demon- vvit1Ly o1 and rieverse l'eoddfrom any goed drug store, wil 77:e Greil Erglish Pftparatità. local organizations, experienced lit- strate mind te ho the working lisais charges. instautly neutralize the stomacli acid- 'Zg ones and .,wgorates the whol t4e difficulty in finding and grading of ail mattor and mind sud matter * I ou systemn. akes new BÙ.ad sufficient ie, for the rdr Thet e con'vertible temity, sweebeu the stomach, provent 'onnaii Vins. Uned Wformn~es ineentpons ct ordnl tealue 1terisSTEIN food fermentation sud make diges- - i)eblîîy, Mental andi Brala Wory of co-ope:-ative marketing. vale Cy A Layman. tien easy. Try bhil plan yoUrSelf,: Desp<ndeny. 1»33 of FtF Palpiation ______ ViTHITBYbut lie certain to get Bisurabed the eat>, ~N~~aildrugM-" =$or.neeIdi pt ApeMarkcet in West _________________noua cspecially prepared for stomach , 9kg. a«n retetpi of price. New pamawt ud The belief is e\rressed by W. B WHAT DOES A MAN BELIEVE? ___use.____e.vm_________________________________________ Smms. * former (Yvrseas renre- ri.- . . _ -;. *

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