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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Apr 1930, p. 8

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TRE CANADIAII STAITSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 HAMPTON Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. _________Wilcox... Mr. and Mrs. G. Barron in Tor- Recert Visitors: Mr. and -%rs. A. E onto on Sunday. Jonnlngs, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Coe. Mr .îdrsneSbketonwre Bcwmanville, Mrs. .1o. Pye, Enniskillen, pleasantly surprised on Saturday even- and Mies Eva Soucli, Bowmanville, lflInprby' a few friends rind nelgbbors andl Mr. C. W. Souchs... Miss Helen Virtue, prsnted with a casserole and an um- Markam.wit lir notter.MrsW. J1 brella.iasm token of good wvishes whicil Virtue.. m Nîrs'. W I anî ,"- lieue il go wth ihmte »l thir n.- Wsllae,..Mr. aw r. W W.Ionul anhd-home in Enniskillen. Mrs. W B. Cunningham, Sundayed m* ladt eotM ocpo friends in Peterboro... MIr. and Mrs H.gesn aoblafrhirrntll Peters and IMr. and Mrs. H. Salter It nss C. S. Woods. rn. isWilumi Leachi wlth friends in Oshawa ...Mr. and NMrs '.Ir. and MsGo. Staplleton. Port 1 1ol11 W. J Itanton. Tr.-n ton.i vithlih st. r ae envisiting their daughter. Mirs. Mrs. W. J. Vrtue ...Nirs. T.W!os ls Jns EASTER NOVELTIES BUY THEM AT CORBETT'S You will find our display of Easter Novelties particularly attractive. There are Chocolate Eggs, Chiekens, Bunnies, etc. FROM 5c EACH UP Corne in and see them. Be sure to bring the children. Easter Novelties are also on sale at our Orono store EAT COR BETT'S HOT CROSS BUNS DURING LENT You may secure them at the shop or bave them j delivered daily. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville At ROYAN'S This Week A SPECIAL REDUCTION IN MEN'S FOOTWEAR AND FURNISHINGS 10 SUPER VALUES High grade Oxfords in black or tan, reg. $5.00, This Week $2.98 Mýen-s W-ork Boots- Special Value at $2.95 with Panco leather soles Mens Broadcloth Shirts a vaiiety, To clear at $1.29 Work Shirts As low as 85c Spýeialin high-grade- Overalis, reg. $2.95. Special Value $1.49 Extra Value Men's fine Sox, reg. 65c each--Saturday only 3 Pairs for $1.00 Men's fine Boots or Ox- ford, reg. sold for $6.00 Special this week $3.85 Rubber Boots, to clear As low as $2.98 pr. Regular $4.25 value 150 Men's Caps, variety of colors and styles Special 99c TH-E GREATEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN TOWN: Meni's Iatest style Spring Coats, reg. sold for $23, Our Special Price $15.75 Men's English serge two-pant Suits, reg. $38.00, Our Special Price $19.75 RO)VAN' SHOE STORE opposite the Bewmau Hou.. in the Cid McMurtry Block-Phone 528 [SPECIAL SALE (fa lirnite(I $149.00 quantity of genuine 1930 console mnodels of the famous 3 ROGERS BATTERYLESS RADIO at the remarkably iow price of $149 COMPLETE With 8 Rogers Guaranteed Tubes Genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker Hiboy Walnut Cabinet Ail ready to "plug in and tune in." -W. J. BAGNELL Local Dealer Bowmanville The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT! THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1930 NEWCASTLE j Iltigb., Ne-stoavilie sîîent Suî.î i lb Nrs JobeniRobinson. Missi;lit- Malej' tt. wjîo lias a piosit- ion ie Torontjo, sîîeîî thlbe wîek.'ncl aI NI is,:Aii, I ilr foi iii-ly of Colins Yiit..suent tiJi îs e.-k.-nui sitii Mr's.Percy FIare. Masti- rthuiir Wyn uî.Ira a tfoi-utis iisitin g bis cuîdii.n te3h. andid Mrs.1 » 1. J. Galbraith. Mr. ani Mrs. Il. S. Britlon visiteîllber parents, lr. and NIrs. NleKenzi,, Tor- onto, l.îst Sunday week. 3Irs. RobI Gibson and mother, .%Mrs. Sarali Akinson. are niovieg from Tor- ontole le1 i r N,'weastl hjîome u,' ut are' at present spenuing a forteuglt witlu O- rs. J R obit-e.nnand gr.anul-i-uaglter, Helen Snmith of Utica. N. Y_. wii bas iîecn spenuinc the winter w itb ber grandî-înrprnts, visiteI fi-ends in Toron- teouin Saturdiy w,-ck. Mrfi. and NIrs. Friik Puanlon anid tam-t ily, . ishawi, visited their cou sins. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce, last Sunday. Pleasul îo ee Mrs. H.C. Alliti home aller ber rEcpnt ilîncss. The NW. A. Groupis 6 o'clock îinner inentioneil lasI sseek- was jîeld nI Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Joses not Jones as il ap)- peaired in print. This and some ther er- rors and omissions weu'e due 10 much of hasti week's Ixer heing set uit In Oshawa, oising 10 the absence cf elecîrie Ipower n P.Awmanviiii- parts cf liso da.ys. Farmiers of lth-,I'rown's, Lake Shiore S. Sect-nions joinedin a bec.'on Saturday talcing uown a large siblle on Mr. Fer- Inandlo Perrin'., Base Lin,- Iremises and î.'ouiinz the 'maeinl 10 lus home' farm te b.-, - eti on tri,- stone siall that suas 1-lt intact allter titi- iscent fire. Mr. Cecil Watikey, Nestonvîll--, sias ie chargeE of oîuralions tis lie- sl l bc of tlie re-1 biin 1iig. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Rcv. W. P. Rogers. B. A., Pastor- Suniiay. h.îril 6th: Il a. m-Morning Worship and Sacramental Serv ice; 2.30 p. n.-Sunîîay Scbool. The- Lawi of the Cross. Malt. 16=1-26; . 71. m-Es'îning Service. To-day. Aluni 3rd i 3 1p. ni. lbhe W. M. S. wili bold ils montlîly meeting in the S. S. Roomns, Miss Myrtle McArthur, whose work bas been amrong the new Canadians. will adlcress te meeting. Th,, Junior Choir %vhicb sings on the iast Sunîiay cf cacb month lis been strengtbencdl in ils soprano sec tion hy lthe addition of 1w-o ni'w mernîers. Mlisses P.uby Shaw anu Loreen Batly. On Sunday, April l3tii, the Unlledl j'hurch wilI bie favoreil wilh a visil fronu Rev. Frank H. Ruîssell, D.Yi., rucuntly retuirned froni Dlîar. India, wiieri'lhe was a missionar>- for 36 ye'ars. Dr. Russell will occupy tii. pulpit morning and cven- lng and ssill lbe abi,' 10give- is bearers lte mot up-to-ilote andl frst lîand know- leulge of the liiîîian sitution. Ail wbo bave been reradiag reports lenItue daily press and magazine articles on proert dl.velopme'nlsin India, should not issB this opporlunity. Mr. Geo. Bonathan, Bank of Com- merce, bas been sent to Kapuskasing at an increase of $300 a year in is salary. He will prohably meet there ICapt. Mitchell, who formerly lived in Bond Head in the bouse now wned by Dr. W. H. Walton-Bali, and oc- cupied during the summer seasons by Mr. Sims. TYRONE Mir. andl Ns. Heirbert Bturge'ss and Mrs. Vioia Sinilu sptuit Sundauy ssith fricnds at Orono ..... Nrs. Earl Stephens and Iwo eilîdren. uent Pleisant. rre isiîing at .%Ir, W. F.'.Iik' M.Floyd Dudley liai-ireturnuilhliet'frein l Itecon.. - NIrs.iClaîra I yi m. 11055 îîan sillIe, sisileil ri F. h.Llt'i-l. Relit. Flldgson tad Nrs. Dtavid Ileolier spent a fi-w' days n the ity iast w kowing 10 lb.' illness or NI H azî-l Ilouigsiîn w unis in the WiVste'n IHespiltal .....r. Laura Virlue %as Iakein toe i.' ieruil Hospital, Tor- oto. tIii s - fokter t reati iie-n . XV hope for a spcu'dy rec'esery* ....Congratulationts te Nr tutand î-s. iarence Xooîley on lbhe gift of a littie iîaugiter arris'ing on t ho firt h oi is. esar>' of îhei r we<Iulng îlot...' -Li agu,' Tlursulay e-ven in g was In cha rgteet the Citizeslip Vice P residlent. iiss Ircne Ci'iuuiroii Me. Arthuor Annis cave rt v.ry inu rt'sting Ialk on .'Piloncer I Xiys' : reading. Niiss Igulî.i iameron. '"The- 01.1 Man in tiie'ScottislitChurch"; r.aeiting. Nîr. orn.' Annis. *'ils funny %bat i. seule cin(Ilo ...'..... Mlr. Frank Ilatheurly htue au-u-'1uiî-ia. position with NfNI M. IfWatson, Dxie. A vury' îlisautt vnrintg ias spen t i the tConiiîiinity Halli on Titîrsiiay. March >I)tiî. w iii .u large cgaîiiriutc of frienuls aid n--ighlblors of 'Mr- antd NIes. I as'ld 110e uer uzs ci-it iiv andlctgave iu ut i apî cas- uit tsurpi-s- and IaIse i e show' a l itth- titis ,'0ontunit.. %ft-razil balassemh- 1-I tIie' îornauaey was ral l10 ordî'r by' .NI r. A.- W. \ uuîui îîîuuoct.'. i as chairmnan, A muuuical lroceair was gis-en, afler svi t clîR('s'.1J. Il. Teti ipoîur Nas calIleu 'unto tuu n-oi a sery uîulr-iltive address \t Ithe Ire îî-r t inii.- NIe. Aih-et llitwkey -un ruM Ir.Vi liarutuS. St a lîs presieted NI. und NIrs Il,(,i.i tii aul.u-tutlfl iii ru liuel.uuii.a baIl îiî'îoi - andl a ii iiof iiu Mr'.. N Il oouler umade.-a s'ry f;t tjt .ui.-tti -r ss ju wliclu ai uulu i n -O uîciigc "Fer I lie> un.jouît.-gooel fi-I - loiýs.-." ti-r whiuuh gainte-s w,ri' -toeiai -'nint- Clint The Anglican Young Men's Club Oshawa will present their SIXTH .ANNUAL D AN C E after the show te Sneli's fise- ffieee orchestra. Dancing fs-cm 10.30 P. m. to j 12.30 p. m. at 50e per couple. THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY Dress up for E aster in INEWSHOES Men's Oxfords, made in London; fine grade black caif on English last, and solid leather sole and heel; one of Murray's famous shoes, $7.50 pr. Women's Fiffy-black and brown kid pumps, with silver and gold iped tongue effect; on a comfortable last, wUt new cel pro constructed soles, flexible as a turn sole, and covered cuban heels......................................... $7.50 pr. Women's patent one-strap and black kid one-. stral), with cuban heels and rubber top lift, on the famous Tango last ................$5.50 pr. Women's dress wear party shoes, with spike heels in patent leather, in a variety of patterns, short vamps, narrow and wide straps, $3.95 - $6.50 pr. Bro-%wn kid and blue kid strap slippers, with high or cuban heels ...............$4.95 to $5.50 pr. Men's oxfords, black and brown, good fitting lasts,..................................5- $4.90 pr. Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager FR291F1911 FOR LENT Faeah From the GR&47 ATLANTIC and PA CIFIC Avoid thse unneoeesary handllng of Blah ai homet Our fth ensm, upou reruest, wlll dean and prepare fIls ready for your tbge at no extra charge. Taise ad- vantage or ibis servie when shopping at A & P. Fias ls delivered to oihstre fresis daliy, and fa kept lan le perfect itai. while la thse store by meanh of our mach modern --%.geating u7stent . s- FIlM This week and every week the ghoicest and freshest tisai the mar- ket provides are found at A & P. FILLETS CHOICE WINTER-CAUGHT WHITEFISHK FIRESIX ATLANTIC FRESHLY HADDOCK i. l lb. 1 3a COD Steaks lb.I 1 ICýBRlb. I130 MACKEREL-Fresh Chilled....... lb. 9c HADDOCK-Headless and Dressed, lb. 13c SALMON-Silverbright PIC lb. 16c HALIBUT c fl' g,,cE v M lb. 25c SEA HERRING.................. lb. 9c FINNAN HADDIE-Smoked ....* lb. 13e MEA I29 With quality assured, you can serve A & P. meats te" fas.'i*, fnjcuîds . .. and know that they wlll ho pieaaed. SNMOKED FANCY SUGAR-CURED HAM 10 TO 12-LB. AVU HALF OR WHOLE lb . 31e lb. 28o PEANIEALED-BY THE PIECE Cottage Rol BACO N PEAMEAL BY TU B. 0 SLICED lb. 40o VEAL FIEST QUALITY FANCY MILK-FED STOCK. Loin RoastFFN Rack Roast Loin Chops Shoulder Roast, Fillets lRumP 29c BALF OR WHOLE 2&LEG lb.27 32c 20c CUtlet3Ib.S LAMB YOUNG CANADIAN LAME LEGS ........ lb. 35c Fo t bl LOINS FF lb. 28c SA USAGE PICKLES SMALL LINKSlb25 ,,, Pirt ?Or- IUSTADPint 29c 0w own faner Peaturlued ueamery. Pritie and wrapped in oui own plant. StJNNYFIELD BUTTER 2 'bu.75,e SILVERBROOK CREAMERY 2 ibm. 730 CHOICE RED BRITISH COLUMBIA COHOE NO. 1 TINS SALMON NO. 1% TINS o6l %SÀ&LMON2 f o?33e2o6i THE NEW CORN-DELICIOUS IN FLAVOR COIRN Del Malz 2No. 2 Tins 350 ENDORSED EV EEAUTY EXPERTS EVERYWHIERE Palmolive TOILEr3 CIL 90 VICTORY BRAND PICKLES AND OLIVES PICKLES L= 410 OLIVES 2 *450 DEMONTE RAISINS '-u 2 pkgm. 2 50 SHRIMP-Extra Fancy Selected .. Tin 19c TODDY......½-l.b. Tin 31c lb. Tin 51c MUSTARD CMBLsum 4-oz. Cup 9c CIGARETTES-Buckingham ... - Pkg. 25-c CHRISTIE BROWN BISCUIT WWCHOCOLATE- MA LOWBISCUIT lb50 Ausorted Paokages 5for 23o FR UITS and VEGETArÎL -S Calif, Grown Carrots.......... 2 bunches Mexican Tomatoes, fresh ripe ...... 2 Ibm. New Texas Beets............ 2 bunches Yellow Cooking Onions ........... 6 Ibs. New Brunswick or Ontario Potatoes . . Peck Calif. Seediess Oranges........... Dozen Bananas, large ripe fruit........... 3 Ibs. Iceberg Lettuce... 2 heads Iceberg Lettuce 9 ME 2 heads Texas Spinach, fresh curly ........ 2 Ibm. 1 7c 33C 21c 25c 37c 67c 21 c 91".c 2"-c 21C MORE MONEY-SAVING VALUES RED RASPBERRIES-Ayimer Brand ............ No. 2 Tin 33e' CATSUI'-Tiger Brand ...................... Quart Botties 19e' SHREDDED WHEAT...... ....................... 2 Pkzs. 23c' LICORICE ALLSORTS-Engtush.......................b. 29c, GILLEX............................................ Pkg. 10e PEANUT EUTTERt--MacLaren's-i2-m J ar ...........Each 22e CROWN SYRUP-No. 23 la ................. Each 15t' MATCHES ...................................... 3 Boxes 23e M iPLE SYRUJP-Boright's .................... 16-oz. BottIs 34e PANCAKE FI-OUF-.Aunt Jemim............ ,....... Pkg. 17c JELLIES-shidfr's Lushus....................... 3 Plcgs. 23c FLOOR WAX-Castle Bransd.................-Pound Tin 29c la BOWMANVILLE STORE: PhuiNt ès 1 (0 <* TunM GRE AT ATIANTIC a& PACnw TUEA C», LIMITED Ob CANADA .......... -IL- PAGE ZIGHT Tlhe Parochial Br.ti c'î ot t:1- W.A. Ms.linilsýtyan.dI 1v r cIassosfeSu n tay me-t in the Parish II l il nApr ,lt A scool girls ti-iîlîîledut tu Mr. WV.IH. number of business 1- e ,'the coin- tihibos on h tir ladw e. lz y iike. ing bazaar were sIte nde 1 tu.Mr. and Mr . 'J.No,!,n n ffOiinehe M.%rs. Jas. Itouglgs, Toi.nlo, Nias liere engagement of their daughter. Miss Ethel on M.%onday in conn'-,-î ,îi witli the New- M., to Mr. W. L. Sfids, the unarriage to cas tIc house of hier la tiier, Mes, Win. Iak e jplaceet-lyIrin 'e i. liunter. Mr. and l Mes.iie'rb lBrown and l 'iigliî. r Mr. 1larvey Match, ti lias takeii a Pos- MIi.s X.lma. and Mrs. Asai i'Xsrk miotorecl ilion in the lied and Whiite Store iii suc- to ToroutolonceSinday wuek wiiiî Mr. cession 10 his brother. ',r. Reg. Matchett, Glordlon Watson te se Miss Margaret who with Mrs. Matche-It andl three elilil- Brown, whlo re'eently under% Cnt an cher- r.-n oved to Torounto, on M.îneay. ation in lhesîîtal and ls iiow diitg nic,"ly- Reserve the date, W. dInesda>', April Messrs. John Robinson, Fr.ei Rowe. 23rd. for a program of Square and Round Alux Moffatt, Asa Clarke and l Masteýr Dances, 9 p. nm. to 1 a. ni. 'riciis 75ic C tienc Clark mnuior, I te Sydienhamu echd. Corne and have a good tinie w-lth last Suncriy %w-t. Milowe i-enuiie- Geo. Wade a.nd his **Corn lluskers. i 1cd. having taken a puosition as engincer Visitors at 'Thse GaiA,- tte borne of In the Acii. îlk powd-I r Ticte. l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ei beck, over tie Ie'Xle'cts 10 tîke lus tainjit. ujw n a'eekend were 3Mr. andl Nîrs. Turner., Mr. ISomi- lin),' tge Mr. M, ire Arych loir- Freul Turner, and NIr. tand Nîrs. Genuironiclas;edl rorniM N J ki iiî i.ln of Toronto. and Mr. Murray Eilbeck of unuseul fishery lon.-il'li-tes l.îkeuit Port Coiborne. ionan îrnv'l l ils exceîuîionally MIr. John Robinson niotor.'d 10 Utica. valualîle boaruls and linilrs te:ils liro- N. Y., the first of the wcek, taking bis j perty north of th,- C. P. 1. Tiîs uss littIe grand-daughter. Hlelen Smith, horne tominls original site-, i 5-ene cf great 10 bier parents, 'tr. and Mrs. IHarry actis iîy andi tcresî in s-asgone lîy, Smith. Nlr. Ray Brown of lDrowne*s w-nt Ibis nid and famous building w-bere flah along as driver of th,- car. were ba tched hy the million on the' low- St. George's ChurclItR-v. F I.' ao, rofloor and whose cimier Iloor W-as a M. A., Rector. April 6th, Fifth Sueday zoolog1cal museum which atiracled vis- In Lent: 11 a. m.-Holy Communion ani itors front ail oser the province. Sermon: 7 p. m.-Evensong. preacluer, Regular mîe-ting of lbh' Yoiing Pc-cIe's Rev. E. R. Adye, L.Tb., Cobourg. Society sias beld l Monclay evî-nlng. l)- Monday. April 7th-Tlîc Laying on of votional1 exercises ani business session Hands by the Lord llisbop of Toronto at were condiucted by 1he pîresiuie'nlt, Clair- St. George's, Newcastlu, 4.30 p. ni., anmi mcc .Xlln. Progrrami in charge of 5lh St. Savlour's. Orono. aI 8 P. M. Visitors ilie,- presideel. Mlr.. A. Il. Meliow. con- andl frlends are welcome to tiiese services. site of devolion;il loin. Vers I'ower: The hlgh school anI the senior roonu piano solo. Berniece Glhtbank; toffic on of the public sohool i-ere clos-d on Mon- -llaphîinî'ss,- Miss 0<li. Warre'n; vocail day whlle Princilxils u-iA. i'l.-a idii,*MNisses Mjnn i,- i-- q onilAlI'!-- Thos. A. Rodgcr w-ir.-, ,,Li.99 ngd nmi-Itac ynopsis of 'i- itiilîrî 'reail lng, MIr. Rodger froni'.%r. . mihb>'Mes. Clarence Allin. Tt ls a pt Jr's bouse t0 the Grieve os ~M.tiuaI thore w r.' not mnr- voieg people Coyne from H. J. Toni's te Wi. Jamie- ont t10 bae Iis exi"li'nt ' ecan .'We son's bouse on King Sz. 'M\r. Teins andul ieuve il woulul be a gondof le., for Mr. Smith are mos'ing back aIe tliu'ir mîmiiers wiio wish to sppni the es-ening own bouses. In atiticipttýie f th-ii- Cie'- Witli Iheir friends. tu bring tiîem aîong ing. the high school andtI Pr;nilsil 110(- te the S. S. Room on Monday e-s cings. ger*s rooms kept opiti on Salurday, tind, in tiuis way. benefit both themselvee Mardi 22nd. unI the Young People's Society. e

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