TRE GANADIU4 STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR~)AY, APRIL lOth, 1950 PAGE NDIE STRENGTHI for a few cents So easy to get Health and Strength for a few cents if you know what food to buy. It is what you digest that builds mscie and bone and furnishes energy toth body. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat in a digestible form - proteins, carbohydrates and minerai saits for building good bones and teeth -and it eosts but a few cents. Deli. cious with milk and stewed fruits. SHREDDED EAT Y.l"lý7"ýWITH ALL THE BRAN 2,1 MP0F THE WHOLE WHEAT lE CANADIAN $HREDOED WIEAT COMPANT, LTD. Salada Orange Pekoe bas by f ar the finest flavour ORANGE 'Freuh §rom the gardens' Mae SAVE THE BABY CJ-ICKS Maeth m trang, s"ur.y2 roductive, EGG-LAYING Pullct, 1, thPrttBby ChscFood. Itcogtaatrliinaore but hs CHEAPEST ln the "d, judged by renulta. Ils - cure diacks you suve and ra-e. moe ha. psy for auile ~ç Prata Bby Cikftood ou.Ask IS your dàoWal8 r-te' a 0on 0nry.O«lu . ep Baby £Chidç Food PEAT CANADACMTOF 328 Carlaw AV..ý, Toron to PRAYER 0F A HORSE I I Mr. S. H. Reynolds, Windsor, Ont., Writ" .MAtur. ' sends us "a prayer of a horse" that 1 fleur~vubI, ~ * he nailed to the <Ioor of bis horse stable when on the farm-it'a very j et Ge -Fm -tiv. lu gaod. Here it is: "To thee, my master, 1 offer My ___________ _____________prayer: "Feed me, water and care for me, - and when the day'a wofc da done, provide me ith a shelter, a dlean, I dry bed and a stail wide enough for1 ugçJF1Ah~t Ime 1oa-lie dlawn in comnfort. Talk ta pai i cieTh . Your voice often rneana as Sootha-saiva, ended ichin«, pain mn 1 much ta, me as the, reins. Pet me mnute. Piles soon gone." E. C.Arley. Instant sometinies, that 1 may serve you thse r.iaef. Piles vanish. Avoids knife.Ail ruggists. more gladly and learn ta love you. Do lot jerk tise reins, and do not -whip me when going up bill. Nover' . strike, beat, or kick me when I do ,.ook's Regulating Comnpound1 not understand w'hat you mean, but A .,fo. el.zble give me a chance to understand, zou. e nulicine. Sad i n I Wateh me, a nd if 1 fail ta do yourI greoa of N. 1, si idding, sec if sometbing la notl . $3S; Nu. 3. S e, hoe wrong with my harnesa or feet. !pý,091 reptutr,- "Examine my teeth when I do flot r"e CO<mvhetI et. 1Irmayhave an uleerated tooth IDrJITO , ~ end that, you know, is very painful. _______________________ Do flot lie my hced in an unnatural 1Position, or take a'way my beat de- 0DODPMOSPHODINEý' fcnce against flues and mnsquitoes, flte Great English Preparatiân hy cutiring off My tail. aIZones and nvigorates the whole "And finally, niy dear master, W ~~nervous sysiem. makes new B.od in old Veins. Used for Ne,»'us whcn my useful strength is gone, do DebttMetaa.s BaisWoaynot turn me out ta starve or freeze, 'dowLHeaofa* .MPapita aO or "eIl ne to sorticruel master, tace, ~~~~~Q '1uiso ~~çO~3 my life in tihe kindest way, and your *. onrvipor Prim New pau.pwtud 1 God 'will rsward pou bers and here.I ,M Tm w9S o~ oJmo~o.~ after. You mey n'ot consider me _________________________-i rreverent if I ask this in thse name oi Him wlho was borri la a stable.' - -jAen."i POULTRY ~WANTED I want ail kiî Is of Pouitry and arn paying highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY As a vermicide an excellent pre- paration la Motiser Graves' Worm Exterminator. It lbas saved tise lives ai countless chil'dren. 10 Yeacs of Astisma Dr. J. D. Kellogg'a stiana Remnedy proved thse only relief for ans gratefrul user, and tisis l but one aniong many. Lit- tle n'onder that it bas non' become tise ons recognized remedy on tise mar-ket. It bas earned ita famse by its nover ýfailing effectivenesa. li l earning it to-day, as t has dons for years. lt la tthe greateft mthus speefie wthin thbe ach of auffering humnintzy. News For the Spring Cultivatin±q Use care when cul.ývat.;ng in sprirag not ta spail a good job of plowing. If you use a tVootihed implenent in working the soua you are almost sure -to drag -the stulbble up and make more 'work for yourself in picking. Tii, best method usually la to rol the mil before workîng it, then use a disc, and, if nece.ssary, a packer ta puverize it, then mo'w wsth a disc dril. tFarm Drainage Underdrainage of much of On- tario's farm land la recognized as necessary il prof itabtle retizrns are ta be aecured. Underdrainage biow- ers the water Jevel of sailis, remaves surplus water, lengthens the period for crop growing, makes cultivation essier and increases the efflciency ef the soil. Tile drainage increases yields in bath wet and dry meaffons. Well drained sois resuit in lower costs of prioduction. ii. Weed Act Owing ta public demand plans are under way for a more strict enforce- ment of the Weed Act titis year. Farmers wifl ho weU a&sised to avoid inconvenience at or near harvesqt turne by Iplanning no>w to contr<>d weeds. See.d suld ho carefully cleaned. Weed polluted fieldas should Busy Farmer Deprtmt of Agriculture) I Panting flot only pra"ides adequate -out atlaws a surplu for feeding to oüher fa.rm animais and often provides a carry-over of hay to a 'lean year. You Know What You Get When yxou 'luy branded beef bear- ing the red or blue brand of gavera- ment inspection you know what you ge't. Much effective work has been done hy the Live Stock Branch of 1 the Dominion Department -of Agricul- ture in respect to popularizing.brend- ed beef but the seius fact is that1 there is an acute ahortage of beef animais which will rueasure up ta the strict standards of the officiai grades. Most of the larger retail stores, how- ever, nuw stock one or bath grades. 1There are only twa grades in brand-; ed beef; "Ohloice" and "G'ood". The "choice" beef is in il cases designat- ed by a red (brand. This grade is necessa'ýrily ]imited in volume and re- presents the 'product o4 particul1arly high elass well finished cattie. The brand and is the grade in greatest supply. It ineludes only beef which 1 can sasfely lle recommended as of go.od ocating quality. Six mon-ths in opera.tion f inds the new brands gain- ing rapid1ly in 'popular faveour partie- uiarly because of the assurance of flot 0e aee<ed without proper pi-eper- jI uan """nic "'e gvrien tm ation even if this requires late sow- Provides. ing of a speciail ci-p. Weesd in-____ spectors have an oWopotunity ta do their most helpiniq and pleasant work SOME THOUGHTS FOR BOYS between now and planting time. ____ Dear Mr. Jaasa --J acarcely ever Spring Clipping write anything intended ta be puab- Clispping the horses in apring is ai llhed, but it seenis ta me tisat a few practice claimed ta te advantageous' wurds on tihe perniedous habit of cig- by many f si-nera. t la stated that arette smoking mnigltt not -be amiss. clipping saves tise animais much dis- I niotice in The New Outlook-the coinfoi-t, tisersby enabling tbem ta United CGiureis Papr-that there develop a given announit of power on were 13 billions more cigarettes used bass feed. Thorougis grooming dur- in the United St.mtes in 1929 tisan in ing thse working season also increases 1928, and that tise numibers used are tise borse's efficiency. rapidly inireasing ever year. Though w.e have no estianate of hon' Seed Potatoes many consumred lin &ur Domn- Tise terra "Seed" wisen applied ta ion of 'Canada, it is probable libat potatoes must mean so'metising in fut- Canadians do not ialal very far he- ure. It is iilegail toa advertise or hind in sucis aanuse.mýet(?) offer for sale potatoes describcd as If expense ws're the lonly wrong "Ssed" unlesa tbey are vigaoTus and coneted with tise hoibit oi cigare.tte free fromn serlous diseases and have smoking, tise resuits would tse apal- beon so certified by an inspetro f ling. Over 119 'billions, tise num- tise Federal Department of Agicul-z r-I ber used' last year in the U. S., at one ture, who bas inepected tise grc>wivngI cent eacis, would coat nearly 2 bul- crop and elso tise tubera after bar- lions of dollars! vest. 1 i leave your readers ta ferm saioe This la g»verned by regulations reinote 'idesaif what 2,000 millions ofa thse Destructive Insect and Pest of dollars could accoefnplish if used ta IAct, atnendments ta wiich becarne ameliorate conditions ins famine- effective on Marcis 12, 1930. i trieken vountries. Needîess elopnse is flot thbe anly - Wonderful Varietie." I wrongileaiture ta, be considered. A At titis ti'me o'f year -there are us-1 wor'thy medical doctor once teld me ually sanie agents offering new ,%,ar- 1tisat boys habituaJIy using cigarettes ieties of grain and iother ci-cps at would neyer ful'y develop in bo>ns or fancy prices. Extravagant cdaimis muscle. are made for these wisidls are alleged Our tawn had a hast ai boys who to off set tise pice and leave a very c.ould not be regarded as anadel in favorable balance. If farniers can demeanor, but one of 'aur public procure more zuitable sorts tban tisey scisool tee.chers bas farmed tise boysI are non' using they should do so, by frain 10 ta 15 years ai oge inta ail m£-ans, 'but wby not permit tise hockey teasos wbo have, &1ter scltoal governiment farrns ta do the experi- hours, been under proper training menting. Trained experimenters. at and unater strict rules ofi c<mdut:- these stations are testing bundreda of In arder ta romrain an ùhàeir respect- vaaieties every year and na farnier ive teanis, 1boys nmust not drink, is justified in paying a isigis price smake noir awear, aind scbaal studies for "*sometbing new" until be learns must not be .llowed ta sufer, or thse haw these kinds bave produced in boy or bayasn'lfl be iput off die teani. consparison witlh others on govern- Regular acheduires of matches were ment ifarms. playreid off duTing winter evensnga. Basket bal la now being substitut- A Good Slogan ed for hockey. HTere are rules for "An acre cl alfalfa.for every cow" Basket hall: is a slogan adopted in many districts (1) ýPlayers knoiwn ta anioke will ahere live stock is kept, and witb be suspended. modification ta suit local require- (2) Clean language and sparts- ments it la ans whicb receives striong manlikeeconduct is expected. supportby the Dominion Department (3) Schooi wark la flot ta, sufer Wf Agriculture. With the shsort 1lin any way, or appear ta sufer iron crops and difficult seasonal conditions(t athletics. It ia impossible for sehool ,if 1928 and 1929 the need of ede- pupils rbo study, play and harve tisne to quate provision with respect te fod- boai therefore scisool pupilas pend- der crops becanie more apparent.I ina tme in thse Y.M.'C.A. or stayinlg Not only will tise application of tisis an toe streets aiter 9 p .m., wituhout slogan ta alfalfa, or suitable claver zogod reason, «Aall not be allo'ws in or isay crcps, go far- to met the urg- Itise league. ency of tise present situatoin but it (4) Tise commîttee governing titis wauld also pi-avide a -useful and 'pro- %part sial h called tise "Scisool fitable rotation medium fer keepîng tasiat Bll Comitee" (S.B.B.IC.). soi) up ta production capacity and as- W. W. Jardine, B. A. sist in weed contrrol. This scale cf sioux I ookrcsnt, _______________________ jMam-h 24th, 1930. IHAN DI Busy hand-at hard tasks day in and day out. Persian BaIm keeps the akin soft and pliable, Removes redness and relieves irritation. At youv Dtugt PEPfIAN TWICE BENEFITED BY SAMERMEDY Recommends Lydia E. Pirskham's Vegetable Compound Cobouarg, (Ontario -- 'Vars mga when 1 had a sick fathvr and a nursing baby ta crars for, 1go ail run clownad 1 took Lydia E. lïnkham'a Veg- S table Compound ta get mtregth ta t do my wrk. An- othcr itinie at Change of Life, i hwd evee hed- aches and felt tired al the time.I1took sèebulso (.oaxapond and frit like a new wroman. I1eom ait ta any woman whO là at the age m-henshe needs buingUp.» -Mas 'I E.SEMNRR,,..O Could not Eat or Sie~p atter Husband's 1~ 1a r lu Ia i r ll;th ir -r if I r a rirai <ovii îs aî i Iili la.iirrl i ru r iaj vas aad . 1. rI \1,lit rca l ....1l"' 'difrenviY e t i Iîiaarriin, 1 thlik Knî,aic i s are :i ..jri ii taînic. ,Afier iv Iaiol.rr irlir i, D l) i elr 1mîsi I irîroril.s i'. ii9-rd ini liemîlihl fIad teia un i f (frr ir Ir sion and '%vas riral l1e 4 t., ai .r muicl. 1 wias aNor irrrriIrI \ri rhisaisnî. i inu lakirjo, h;, ladyv dosre for uiCar im v.inoiiai, daaring s'airîi i mlse i;%- hauth1i 1 greatlv inajaraîeal. Tla aiaitoeL brighster a y it ubla i ia aleep weIl." M~iens ife Iegins tar Cril~raaisi. Mien you Iegin t fIaiilrir.lrai modem artiticjal el riî ri o l ai, :a, diet, worrv. nlverwoark. î\î r,ýir theas yoli siaaiiiti l tr rr <ror arSaIli. givîng new 1hie anrd bltirht, (iriintlciis îîInI îa . raI% l 'i)iaf Iaimaîî bosdyis cTh.-jr iV sas t keep saiithîrg as tirtt or'jriSri every animig -jîsi a aihini vlir iret i mng cup of cff r tea. FREE TRIAL OFFER IU yoo Iaft nevur dd Kuet-tr7 l m et or zPea. W. hav. dWd a aàipt Cg ai ART a wl k rAku u cg rore 76r- ÂM tg with eUPUM it boUba' li. b lo bo ore ;. mmct. t"hlb." fthSPmga t. dmin à t do t bbao.. - M . -&aumedsi g ~~ sd~a.i wblt - Vies ooM84 @W =hg --.n Entirely New Line THE new Durant 6-14 wil daim your specWs intcrest. APPEARANCE PERFORMANCE COMFORT VALUE ID 2308 This new creation of Durant engineers reprcsents a new thought in the building of a medium-prc, six-cylindor automobile. You wil ippreciate thse 6-14 for its fine APPEARANCE. .. striking colors, long flowîng lines, low sweeping fenders and spear- point decorative motif; its provision for COMFORT .. .. ..large doars, deep spring cusions, wide seats and surplus interiar roomineu; its masterful PERFORMANCE .. .. ..motor improvements thar combine ta produce a quiet, smooth stream of power for traffie or forbidding hilis; its genuine VALUE. .. ....the result of a pre- conceived plan ta unclude Appearance, Comfort and Performance in their fullest measure. Drive this ncw Durant.....sense its fleetness on thse open road . ..your dealer wiIl oblige .. .. ..any time. The Durant Four continue, as an im1borlani isi ang Durant producis. DURANT MOTORS a/ CANADA, LIMD TORONTO <LEASIDE) CANADA( lU IRA\N1[F A G 0 O D c A R THICKSON MOTOR SALES OSHAWA VOICE FROM SASKATCHEWAN Fazmning la a gamible in otiher pro- vinces than Ontario it would seem by tis letter firon a well-kcnown and reisable West Durham fainer of formuer tianes. Read what Mr. sel- by wr'tes: Dear Sir: I received a letter from Mr. W. N. Buckiey oi Newcastle, in- quiring for grain for feed. Feed grain ia about es scarce ai-ound Re- gina as hen'a teetis. A great many of tite farmera around Regina are buying tileir feed, but tise masof tise f armera around Regina got mon- ey enougis out of their miseaztota uy feed. We grow aur feead about al togetiser an second or third crap wiýtah out ploughfing but it proved too dry for tÉMis knd of farming I&a er In fact, there was a large ares nts province that n'as almost a -toWt. fail- ure. 1 have two thouaand acres of land wlthin txwenty miles ai Regina, in four farina, and a son on each fan, j They are good fariners, but tise isat titi-e years they bave net been able ta get enougis out ofilt ta keep thej taxes paîd rtp. Alter alll the yield 1 was fair-1fl27 was rust and îow pries; 1928, frozen and low 'price; 1929, ligibt drap, good grade and Ion' pice. You will remember that before conling out bers, I ied Bowntanville, Osha-wa, Newcastle, and Port Hope on strawberries in season, and wbat they could flot sat Montreal and Tor- onto helped out. I came out West in 1908. 1 was in Bownanville in 1915. I asked tise late John Me- Murtry rwbere lie got strawberries fia". by tise wagon-load. Rlie remark- ed, Y'ou can't g-o'w theni by tise wag .n.Ioad non'." From Bontian- vi(lle I went an do-wn ta Newvcastle. Tisere I met tise late Editor L. B. Davidson. "Well, Selby."' he ce- marked, *'you got out of here in tise nieît of lime anl by all accounts yo'u mus'ibave arrived in tise West in a goad tiae." Wefl now, thcy say life la only a ,amnbie. If ýhat is so, I did not ainh n tise st ekl exohange or thbe z-a:i exchunze. Sa it must have r nc just luck-and good 1uck at t bat. Yours very ti'uly, N. T. Selby. '2940 Albert St., Regina. Sask. FRESH VEGETABLES FOR LITTLE MONEY Tise growing ai eri.sp Vegetables in yotsr garden fs'om Rennie's Seeds -thse best that grow-not only saves you money and reduces tise cost of living--but provides isealtisiul emn- ployment-as well as furniising lbh- eral supplies of Fresis Food ?for your Table. Write Win. Rennie Co. Ltd., Toronto, Canada, for copy of nen' Catalogue. Start Yosar Gardon Seeds Early Miller's Worm Powders not only make the infantile syatemm untenable for worms, but by their action on tise stomacit liver and -bewels they cor- rect snob troubles as lack of a'ppetite, biliousness and other internai disait- dera tibat thse wormns create. Csi'ld- ren thriave upo-n 0dxe and no miatter what condition their wo=ineated stoiacha nMay be in, tbsey Wl] show improvement as »oon as the tireat.- ment begina. ONTARIO. Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties and prices:,' No. 1 Red Clover .................$10.00 per bus. No. 1 Alsike ............................11.00 per bus. Pine Tree Tirnothy No. 1 Purity .... 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Aif alfa Utah Grown .........18.50 per bus. No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. No. 1 YelIow Blossom Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. (Limited Quantity Only) WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LJMITED QUANTITY 0F Seed Oats - Seed Barley, two or six rowed Seed Spring Wheat - Feed Oats MwcCleIIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House King St. E. Phones 228, 274 Bownianvill. r. Wvhen Babies Babies will cry, often for no apparent reasan. You may flot know wisat's wrang, but yau an always give Castoria. This soon has your lîttle ane comfarted; if nlt you should cal) a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults 1 Most of those little upsets are soon saothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, gentle-acting children's remiedy that chilîdreus like. It may be the stomach, or mnay be the little bowels. Or in tise case of aIder chiîdren, a sluggish, con- Itipated condition, Castoria i. stili thse thing ta give. It is aimjost certain ta clear up any miinor ailment, and could by no possi- bility do tise youngest child tise aligistest hanm. Sa it's the first thing ta think of when a child bas a coated tangue; won't play, can't sieep, is fretful or out of sorts. Get tise genuine; t always bas Chas. H . Fletch4r'aà signature op' the package. TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVILLE, THURMAY, APRIL lSà, 1930 3 1 PAGE NUIS