THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1930 Po MARTIN & SON BOWMAN VILLE Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stucco lnterior and Exterior Finishers. Silo nwuids for sale- or hire; also Goncrete Mixer for hire. Anvýthin.g from cellar to roof. Gai'. write or phone 497W. Estimates free. In NeclclaSi2 and Rings we have a varied awsortineaLt selected care- Sully for eur exclus-ive, trade. FoT feminine adornment we féel safe iii aying that it would be difficuit t.. find anything ancre beaItifui. We should like you to Visit' or ~> and exanîin.-- tlis' special litie. 'mu wiIl find nanv thing., toadmirc. MOORE 'S Jewelry Bowmanville The Anglican Young Men's Club Oshawa wvll present their SIXTH ANNUAL Minstrel Show on FRIDAY, APRIL llth. 1930, in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Doors open at 7.15 p. m. Show staîfts ae 8.15 P. M. Admission: Aduits Soc; Children 25c. 'Tickets on sale at W. H. Andersons Store , Newcastle. D ANC E after the show to Snell's five- piece orchestra. Dancing froin 10.30 p. m. ta 12.30 p. m. at 50c per couple. CARD 0F THANKS The faanily of the late Robert Lind- say deNsine to thank their many fniends for the expressions -of sym- pathy and the many acta of kindness received b tiheru during illiness and death of thein father, especiaily to the Goodyear Company and Sup't. and Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital. l',,ii Conîpanions of the Forest beld a verv successful eocbre par-ty in the S.5 0. E. Hall on Thunsday, Apnil 3rd. Winners were: -Men's lat prize-Mr. H. Harris, 2nd-Russeli Oke, consol- ation-Mr. N. Bart'cn; Ladies' lst prize-Mrs. J. Gibson, 2nd-Vera- belle Gýb.-on, consolation-Mrs. J. Hooper; wiaîner of quit-Mrs. Ed- ruunds; winner of china tea set- Howard Cowle. George Wade AND HIS Corn Huskers have been engaged, by the- COMMUNITY HALL COMMITTEE NEWCASTLE to Zive a programme of SQUARE AND LATEST POPULAR DANCES WEDNESD'Y, APRIL 23 1930 Admission 75c Each Spectators 50c. IDANCING 9 p. mi. to1aa. j C, me anmi have a gond tUnie.I We Waited Inientionally We have been in rio hurr-y to get oui' Spring stock of Ladies' Coats and Dresses- «.~ Q.. but now that Easter is almost V here we have gone to the style centres and hrought back this week the ver-y latest fashions. Ultra-smart, colorful, intrig- uing styles to set the heait athrill. Models of l)aiamount inter - est for evening or daytime wherevei' well dressed women congregate. Sec these delightf ul Dressi n Coa'ts and you'1l be as enthusiastie as we are about them. C. S. MASON Next to F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanville The NEWCASTLE INDEPEN DENT! THURSDAY, 4PRIL lOth, 1930 j OBITUARY Robert James Lindsay, Bowmanvilhe Te death of Robert James Lind- say, an aged and highly respecter, resident of Bowmanville occurred or Friday, Apnil 4(ùh in Boiwmanville Hospital after a weeck's illness. 'Mn. Lindsay was born in 1855 jri ~Fintona, County Tyrone, Ireland, and came to Canada fifty years ago, In 1883 he was united in marriag with Annie Price of Dromore, Count> Tyrone, Ireland, at the village of Ty- rone, Ontario, %N!here they lived unti coming to Bo-wmanville in 1909, Mrs. Lindsay passed away Decembci 7th. 1927. For ninceteen yeans Mr. Linda' N-e,, a faithful and highly appreciated employee of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Go. Twvo years ago he retired. He 'was a very industrious and hard working man, a good neighbor and one who was always r'eady to do a goocd deed or say a kind Nvord te those who needed it. His kindly smile and cheerful word to ail with whom he came in contact will not soon ibe for- gotten. The funeral took place on Suaiday afternoon from. bis late residence, King St., services being c'onducted by his pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins of Trini ity United Church. MThe pa,1-bearers were Messrs. H. M. NasonAlfred Richards, John Reid, Neil Taylor, David Darch and T. H. Knight. 'The floral offenings included wreaths frein the Goodyear Tire and Ru'bbcr Co.', old friends of the Mill IRoo(m 'of the Goodyear, Mr. and Mrs. IFrank Battie, Vanco>uve-r, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. borne Mclndoo, Detroit, IMich., Mn. and !Mrs. Wm. Frith. Tor- onto Mi,1, Addie t4indsay and Mr,' William Lindsay, Ro'wmàhiville. He leaves to mourn the 'loss of a goýod father, fQur deughters, Mrs. Frank Battle, Vancouver, B.C. Mers. Wm. Fr.itb, Toronto, Mns. borne Mc- rndoo, Detroit, Mich., 'Miss Addie Lindsay at thome. Three sons Robert John, William Chari-es and Fredeýrick Thomas pnedeceased him. 1Surviving aIse are three 'brothens, William of BowmanviUle who is very hI at present in the hospitel, Allan of Peterboro, and Albert of BRelfast Ireland, also two sisters, Mrs. Rebec- ca McGinnis and Mrs. Ann Jane AI- lison both of Salem, Mass. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH NOTES W. A. miet in the Parigh Hall on Tues.dey, Aprhl Sth, with President .Mrs. Scott Howard in the chair. The sYecond chapter 'cf the 'missionary study book, "The Old Church irn the 'New Dominion" was re-ad by Miss Trenwith. 'The first cbapter was read at a previous mee-ting by Mns. B. M)lize. It was decided to have corp>orate c',mmnunion on April 23rd at 10 a. mi. and boid a quilting in the Parish House in the ofternoon. Mrs. O'Neil brought in the silk quiît which she had put togetber and embroider- eLi. Delegates to attend the annual meeting in Toronto on May 5tb, are Mas. Scott-Howard, Mixa B. S. Mc- ,!antosh, Miss Trenwitb, Mrs. Lindsay. On Monday, HL-, Lordship Bishop Sweeney held a confirmation in the church. at 4 p. m.i.He *was assixted by Rev. Scott Howard, Rev. Dr. Boyle, Rev. E. B. Adye, L.T.h., and Mr. Cuttle, See'y.-Tneas. Mixsicnery Society of the Canadian Church. The rector presented 1.5 candidates of whnm s' vei-al wene adults. Mrs. 1). J. Galbraith, who has been cm)nducting a vigonous- campaign in the' interest of the Re-ctory fund, wa ag sell urpris-ed to neceive a nice letten accornperuied by a sub.stantlal voluntary donation froni "The Boys Bible class.' St. George's Chuirch-April l3th, Palm Sunday: S a. m.-Holy Coin- inunion; 1l a. ni.-.Morning Prayer ,',l Serinon; 3 p. m,-Child,*en'., Ser- vie, preacher, The Rector; 7 p). m.- Fvensong. preacher, Rev. T. Stan- nage. Boyle, D.D. There will be a >hort -zervice wrth an address every Wedned«ay evening at 8 p. m. Mi~ yaCOURTICE Mie yaOsborne, Toronito, wvasi hone cvýc-r the weekend and is :port- ng,_ a new car. \Ve are pleasýwI to note that Mas. L. Mi. Gourtice is iruproving and hope she may recov~eýr entirely. Maie Quartette of King St. Church, Osîhawe, visited Mn. Frank and Miss MaL>eile M'alter on Saturday evening. Mlrs. A. F. Rundile, Mixs Annie Ilit, 'Mr. and Mr.s. W. R. Courtice arnd Mr. Blake Courtice attended Whitby Unitedi Church Sunday mor- ing and henni with mach enjoyanent Ralpb Connor. W. MI. S., with Mis;s Louise Os- borne'., group in charge, will bc held 1in the S. S. rooru Thur.-day at 2.30 1). Mu. Goo attc-ndance requested, as the ne'ce.ssttry arrangement-, have to 1w rniade for entertaining the Dis- trict Pre.shyteriaI which wil! be hoid n our church May 14t'h. On Friday evening Solinu young 'jeople pre.sented thein play "Manry- irîg Anne" in our efhurch. ThL- play wý%as well presented hy the different characters. Special mention mhould ho niade of the part of "Annc.' taken Ihy Misýs Margaret Scott who "eems to bc a naturalb'onn actress. Proceeds Sevce( n unday were faînly wei ttended, although the weather was ]isýa«reeýahle. Sacrament was served lin the niorning service. In the ùvening o>ur paston, Rev. J. 'H. Stainten, iliu.strate.d wîth lantern Alides "The Ninety arîd Nine" whîle Mrs. G. F. Annis sang the b-eautiful solo. NEWCASTLE W. A. of the Unit.ed Church meets ________this Thursday afternocn at the home il Miss Hilda Rowland, Toronto Nor- of Mrs. Geo. C. Wright. )Mal, spe-nt the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dudley were 'e1 Miss Clara Caswell spent the weeki in Coiborne on Saturday windinc up -end ,Nith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heaslip, the estate of his mother, the late Toronîto. Mrs. Dudley. Mr,,. J. I. Vanîplew and ,Mrs. Rus- We we'leomc_ to Our community.2'r. rsel Colwill and daughter Jean, Ton- and Mns. Moore and family from Eh- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. eflozer, whohave taken possession of y- and Mrs,. W. 'H. Peurce. the old Bellwood farm, recently vac- d1Misses Marie and Dorothy Herîning ated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hammond. d entertained a namber of their girl The remains of the late. William friends Friday evening when a very Rainee, Who died in Cobourg, were (l enjoyable time was spent. laid to rest in Bond Head Cemetery d1Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, Picton, last Monday week, deceased's bro- 1 miotored to Newcastle Sunday week, ther-in-law, Mn. Henry Adams, ar- eowing to the death of the former's' ranging for the funeral. Deceased fathr, lbet Ewin r~h Glrkewas born just east of the village lm-i d faherAlbet Edin rgctbCanke itsS and spent most -of his life here. Mn. ad Mrs Geo.He was a weU and punip expert andi daughter Constance, Oshawa, weno a goo>d carpenten and bouse builder. weekend guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Farn- comb and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Le Gres- Easter Thank Offening meeting of îey. the W. M. S. of the United Chu.rc.h Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball, Toronte, took 'place Thursday, April 3rd, in visrted his brother, Mr. Ernest Wel- the S. S. Room with a large and ne- ton-BaIl, Revelstoke Manor, Hope presentative gahering of members. last weekend and also called at his President Mr,. W. P. Rogers was in Newcastle estate, Harris Lodge. the chair. Devotional period was followed 'by a reading 'by Mrs. F. Unite.d Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- Figg, and 'vocal solo by Mrs. Ceto. ers, 'B. A., pastor. Sunday, April Honey, after which a delightful ad- l,3th: il a. m.-Monnin.g W'orship; dress wes given by Miss Myrtfle !Me- 2.30 'p. n.-Sunday School, "The Axthur, inissionary on furlough, who fCh'id andthe Kingdom"~; 7 p. m.- told of ber w.ork among new Canad- IEvening Srvice. Rev. Frank. H. ians and Ukranians in small out'-pos'ts, Russeil, D.D., for 36 years E mission- sclîools and hespital at Pine Lake and ary in india, and who has recently Ethelbert. 'Miss McArthur ix a gif t-!ý abeen contrbiuting a senies of articles edl speaker to vhom it was an honor under the heading "What Deoes India to listen. A genorous thenk offer- Want?" in The New Outlook, will oc- ing was given. A social 'haîf-hour cupy the pulpit at both chUrch ser- was enjoyed when tea and refresb- vices,.et eesevd The Young People's Society met et-wrsrvd onlMonday evening.with the ýpresident Clarence Illin in the chair. Fellow- ship program was in charge of Ernie Gilbank and consisted oaf Devotional i Topic :- Lillian Clemence; vocal duet, Beatrice Cryderman and Wilbur Bas- kervîlle; topic, Mrs. Truanr Clark; violin solo Howard Cryderman; read- ing, John Ashton. Young Peoiplo's ( Society wilql heve charge of one ofM Passion Week Services next Monday A party of Mr. Erie Pearce's rela- £STABLISHID tives and former neighbors 'organized 15 a wood-cuttirig bee and motored last Thursday to his farm at Ciaremont where they spent the afternoon felI- WHERE ECONOMY RIIS ing trees in one «f his large wood lots and gctting theru in shape for the circuar saw. J. H. J'ose and T. H. Clemence drove their cars and the other members -of the gang were John Robinson, Howard Peerce, Frank Gray, Leslie Anderson, W. J. S. Rick- ard and H. R. Pearce. Bill Mc- guides to the strangers and in the M evening- Mrs,. Pearce served a sumpt- IFINEST QUALITY uous, bot supper to the whole crowd. LEGS IIIGIIEST QUALITY COD le de 0lb .34.e VEAL CUT FROM l RU" i. 2, SUGGESTIONS FRESH BY THSE2 b27 AITLANTIC PIECE 2 b.2 , lb. .L1 I AHIT,*ER3sE Service Station CHANGES HANDS Pleased to see Mr. W. J. Hockin out again after bis recent prolonged i11n ess. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Osbhorne and family, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bragg and ot.her relatives. Passion Week Services - Special Lenten services will be held in the United Church at 8 o'cîoýck every ev- ening nc'xt w'eek with the exception uqf Saturday. Other anid-week ser- vices wjil be cancelled. FUNERAL 0F MRS. T. SPENCER The funcrai of the late Mrs. Thos. Spencer, N'ewcastle, whose erbituery appears on page 5, took place frcnî St. George's Church on Wednesiay, April 2nd, with a large number of friends; and relatives from Newcastle and a distance, in attendance. Rev. F. H. Mason conducted thel service, the, choir and orgenistas sisting in the siriging of the hymns. The b-eaners. were; Messrs. Ernestý Brown and Joe Spenccîr, Oshawa, George 'Spencer, Toronto, Frank Branton, Fred Parker and Charles Bedwin. The beautiful floral tnibutes includ-cd, Wreaths, the family, St. Geor-ge's Sunday School, Staff and pupils of Newcastle Higb Schbeol, G. N. R. Section, Bowmenville; sprays, Anglican Bible Glass, S. S. Knitting Glass, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Brariton, 'Mms Tuff and familv, Mr. and Mis. !Joe. Spencer and family. Mn. and Mrs. E. Brown and farnii'y, Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Matcbett, Mr. and M'rs. H. S. Britton, Mn. and Mrs. B. Brereton ant femnily, 'Mn. and Mrs. Matthew, Brcawn. King & Liberty Sts. Phone 390 Bowmanville A Splendid Example 0f A 6&PIS Lower Prices The famouts brands you soe on A & P's shelves iudicate clearly the quality of merchan- dise. »Ici in A & P Store&. This quality, combmned with A & P's low prices, make perfect value combinations.. values that offer am.zlng savinga. kkTl A Imm ib. 38o ib. Il5,e GR OCERIES SPECI4L! FANCY QUALITY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY BUTTER BUTTRAN- 2 bu. 7'7 PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUR OWN BUTTER DEPARTMENT SILVERBROOK CREAMERY, 2 iba. 73c FANCY SMYRNA LAYER FIGS a a .6 lb.33, IBUY NOW AT THIS LO'W PRICE AYLMER C HOICE QUALITY NO. 4 PEA*àý"SIEVE 2 NO. 2 Tins 25. BURFORD PEAS STANDARD 2 TN.2 21c IT MUJST BE GOOD SPECIAL TIS WEEK 2 1-lb. Flavowtighe Tins 7 - 1/?b. Tin, 25c Large White Loaf la102 RAISIN LOAF ................... FRUIT AND NUT LOAF..... WHOLE WHEZAT OF7CLI PAN BISCUITS ... ........... Doz. VALENCIA i Oc i2c Ilc i Oc 21 c QUAKER BRAND Corn Flakes 3 Pkgs. 25c MAGIC BAKING POWEDR 34c SHIRRIFFS SHÏREIDDED Marmalade OAR le Fruits and Vegetables Dellvered fresh daily. Every A & P Store carrnes a complete sto'k Of f resh fruits and vegetable,. Asparagus Washîngton lb- 35e CARROTS-New California.. 2 bchs. 1 7C CABBAGE-New Green Texas. . 2 Iba. 27c TOMIATOES-Mexican ..--....2 Iba. 35c CELERY-California...à Bunch 21c SPINACH-Fresh Texas ...... 3 Ibs. 29c MED. SIZE LGE. SIZE LETTUCE tjÇ 2 for 21c 2 for 23c DANANAS 3 me.. 19e S leîticajly RApened lni Our Own Modern Banana-Ripening Rtooms. Tf I.TuvATuA..tTic & P.WJFwc TUvA <Co. BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 b-..' PAGE ITEN The above well known Service Station ope 'r- ated at corner of King and Liberty Sts., by W. J. Flett, has been taken over by A. D. Fortier of Toronto, who is now in charge. CANADIAN QIL CO. PRODUCTS Includi-ng the popular White Rose Gasoline will be in stock as'weIl as Tires and Auto Acces,- sorles. Light repairs on cars will also be done. WILL CONTINUE GROCERY DEPT. A fulllline of groceries, canned goods, bread, etc., wilI be carried in stock. We solicit a share of your patronage assur- ing you of efficient servce end reasonable prices. As D. FORTIER YOUSE 8 iFika £ BEST CUTS BAISKET - TENDER, JUICY BEEF Shoulder ROAST ib. 20o DAVIES FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH CURED SMOKED WILTSHIRE BACON SLICED SLICED Daclk lb. 42o Sidie lb. 38e SPECIAL! ('HOICE YOUNG ROASTINO LAis» LOINS Fianik offlb. 27o L EG Haff or Whole lb. 27e k LLLETS FISH ETN CENTRE CUTS SLIGIITLY HIGHER FRESH ATLANTIC HADDOCK i b. 13o CIIILLED MACKEREL HERRING-Lake 12c FILLETS-Smoked ............. lb. 17c SALMON-Pink ....... 2 No. i Tins 33c TUNA FISH-' 4's............... Tin 31ic MID-LENTEN SUGGESTION ljobst er TN2d4. 4IIÇ390 CHOSSED FISH SARDINES 2 Tins 33be 1