PM~E TWO TE CANADIAN STA'MsMA.N, aOWMANVILLE, 1'ilURSDAY, AJPPIL 10âl, 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS selves as the architects of a tremen-, AN IDEAL TOWN M.C. .GLJD BALLD ceeradrenrkbeTa1b dous future, wit.h science giving us ____ M. G. V. GULD, B.A.,là-D. ý Aclever andremarkableTalk by Le power to build for good or evÉl, Atwsntrcneins Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Sir James Jeans, the wLeli-kncwn i t make or to mar.tan aircovnesrb Money to loan on Farm and Towm: author of "The Universe Around Us" *4 stan tial; Property. Royal Bank Building, of whic.h over 13,700 copies naavel We have hardly yet realised hwt hr the of the rich and Eownnvile. Pone 51. been seod in Great Britain and overgrave a responsibîily this <tats p ea POor are alike, comf ortabie and Womnil. R.honIe 1.19,000 copiesin United Staites, onu. Aa ggto.hrthngI hnk eutiful; tesresaeda n W. R. STRIKEF<ciruary 24, a broadcas.ed adw shail in Lm corne to ee uîhat e Wherteresare la an Baristr, oliita, Nt appeared in The Listener of Marchnuisý recast a large part of Our code i he sk3' ine is clear as ceountry air; Bariser Soicto, Ntay 5th-subject "Points of View."' 1 soial nsorality. Virntues and vices'1 Where the architectural excellenc Moletor foran k ai hneal Srn91hi tteet aes -Wf»have f requently changed places as. Of its buildings.sdds beauty and dig- MoeBo Loan PhOn a ne91 dei-fui, we are giving themn space so life moved on through the ages., nity to it-s streets; Bowanvli, Otara. that SLat.<snan readiers who djd flot Witcn-burning used ta 'be a virtue, Where living is pleasant, toil hon- W. F. WARD, B. A. hear his Talk when broadcasted may, and iending money at interest a vice. oraIble,' and recreation plentiful; Barrister, Solicitor, Natary read a part cf it at their le-isure. And t,-day -humanicarien acts wluch IWhe-r capital is respected, but Mane ta oan. Bons fo Sal. Sr James made thi.s explanation appeared whoiy viruous %hie we nlotw hied Office-Bleakiey Block, King Street, S "Quite f rankly, niy point -of view is w e s osekstîgabu at Where commerce in goods is great, thto cetata srnrr ng for thow lisat truxnpet to sun, butnogetrha*h4 iecag. Eowmanviiie, Ontario. Phnes-taofasins-n trom. may appear thorougbîy vicious f0getrha th intechng Office 102; House 409. lIn bni, this nicans tw.c tnîngs. viewv nf their eff ects on a flong poster- co des Firt, becusel a ascienLis:, i arn ity. If we are to inake the eart'h Where industry thiies and brings _________ ~apt to see huinan lie as a chain -of a paredise again, it seernsto ie -that .poert kt mploye n m DENTAL causes and effects; the life of to-morl- oui- first duty is, at ail costs, to pre- lyd roixv will be what we înakc it to-dey vette1oa, etlan hsia here doucation and art have a D.GC.BONNYCASTLE las we sowv, sq shall ve reap. Second, wreckage oi to-day fi-cm repro ducing piWe nerylorh ndnt eme;gie DL G. C. I Whe1e am an and not weaith giv1 1[onor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto:bautose thearn an asftoomer, set itseli, and starting a new sequne tin om ; UuiveMuty. Graduate ai the Royalaat o seckge roundm of to-dy ei of unhappy lives trailing down I Where power of cheracter lifts agaxsc abacgrcud o tîm inhrough endless generations. Telmi oledrhp Coilege ai Dental Surgeons ai On- i which the whoie -f human histoyenorage this stream of misery be- her o eainersipu i fisi tario. Office: King St., Bownianviile.i shinks to the twinkling of an ey'~encou ntrs n u:i afisi Offie pone40.Houe pone22.cornes a vice; to checkc it a vu-tue. OficRpan eq40.Huen phinOfie . and to t hink of these prolms spec-* a test Of eitizenship and devotion te 1 X-Ry qupnentii Ofie. iaîîy in relation to man's past his- Tercn tnkosh antthe pulblic 'wcal is abadge of hanour; IterY on earth. Where governanntnis always hon- DR. . .C. DEVITT ***get a good racing stable by 'breeding ee nd efficient ind the rin1e Assitan Dr E.W. issn Or ancestors of a century' ago from issbest hod r;th aîmrof democracy find their fuliest and Graduate f Royal entilii ngt 1etaaurgood orairysherd by truest expresion.-The City Bui]der. Torodnte. afiRoyalKDn tCl~,ra ieregn in the Book of brceding from the cows which yieid_____ Tooto fic:KngS.East, Genýsis, with 4004 B3. C. prinjte.d in g .eastrmilk. spThenteacher knows -that, Bowmanviile. Office hours *9 a. M::l the margin against the account of geeai_1aig cce aet AAA' OTIUINT tao 6 ip. m. daiiy except Sunday. the creation. To-day we trace our produce cever chiidren. It is now WORLD PROGRESS Phone 90. Hanse phone 283. origins back te a fer greater antiqu- known, as a scientifie iact, thet bo.tth_____ X-a qimn nOfc.ity. We beieve that ýhe eaî'th is physica1l and mental qualities are in- Th ol.igaeafwtig hat X-Ry quimet ii ffie. merely a tiny fragment of the sun,1 herited. For this reason, 1 do not can be verified lby existing h istai-ical DR. R. E. DINNIWELL w,,hich git splaýhed cff', almost by ac- i belicve tha. we shall get a happy and records- Honor graduate ai Toronto Univer- ciient, soniethi1ng like 2,000 million -uc.ce 4fui Engand unless we repien- 1. Canada buiit and sent the first aity and member of Royal Coliege ai v'ears ago. For hundredsý of mil- l isi our- stock main-ly ifrom the more steeam boat across the Atlanc*ic. Dental Surgeons. Licensed to lions of years it remained uninhab-! happy end more successfi' meinhers 2. Canada built and demcnstrated practise ini Ontario and the Dominion ited until at lUe arrived, and tif-1 of the comrnuni:y. Gcod education, the first coanpounid steamn engine in Dentistry in ail its branches. 0filter- passing ' hrough rnany fori- good physicai conditions, good envir- the history of the worid. The effect fice: King St.. Bowmanville, oppoit'1 protazoa, f'shes, reptilcs, inammals-- onm .nt are ail valuable and noces- ol tais invenition was the dom of the Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. culniinated in man. 'The upward but they x.ili inake a sailing ship as a fac:.or in ocean comn- ascent %%-s aeiCoiu,-one; life, it b>rn,'Àý-tirdV or moral weakling pull inerce. _______s- -- - -nsm, fo11owed mnany dead-end-ý be-1 his weigbt irn the world. Neither 3. Canada buît and denionstrated MEDICAL fore finLing its final rced which led il! chcy give h'im a îbap.y -ife. We tlie first suhqnerine telegraph in the ED ALto man . A:suwevc kno<v thai man isi %van--, onic-thing' more than gocd -cn-' histoa-v of the a-ni-d. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., .M. "aboloutey nie%% arrivai un carth; vironmieni xè-ve wtnt gDociraw ma- 4. 'Canada built and demonstrate, Co g, h as 'posscssed and governe I it for tc '-iI n the foin of childrcn boro the fi-st railway sIeping cars. Toronto, iorunerly of Enniskillen isteuuce. e-fottebs osbeso Grfceada ReidnceDr.llsata atusadhpa.neisc-frmteeiposbe tc.5. ICanada or;ginated the ides oM * i * niakin.gpaper fi-rn wood pulp. fficerandResidence: Duchr. et Our unser0irrental ancestors ac- 6. Cannada dernonstrate.d ate first for-mer reiencPhoneCh259hSt4et Mo-.t of us stili thiuîk ai our-elves hicv ed tiin a 'vc'y simple xv'ax:I Practical eiect-nic raiiway in the bis- lsthe final triumph of biologicai thev just sllow-del acweaker ani tory itewnd J.CLARK BELL evûl'îtion; wc- ire convinced we havels u v fof g uh ah.Tc 7 Cnd ul the world 'u fi M. .. h. .. . R C S. (EIn., 0 P.H.cane ta stsy as ruiers oif the earib. hundred ventari , uo thi-ce-quarters of electric stove. M. ..Ch 8. . . . ..<Ein, . . .1 wonder why. A being %vatching th -- babie s bonti in Lond )n died in in- 8. Canada originated the ide.,of (Successour ta Dr. A. S. TilIey) us irom anouller planet might sec fanry-thrcc out of every four. ei rchetn- fins rauaeinMdiinAb ..tinsvéry differently. Giganîic Thosse fow who sur-vivedl must, an the' 9. Canada poneered in tue field of deen University; Fellow ai the Rayal, dinoaeurs, rulcd the car h aoe have ýbeen abnorrnsl!'y'strong, electro-chemistry with thre discovery College oi Surgeons, Edinburgh. for Millions.<f yeas~, but faiied to c-r l-e bora of sucres,!uul prents, ( aitm'aleinrn carbide of Tom Wilson, Of Office and Residence: Queen Street,: rctain iheir supiemacy. Then huge xvbo ,ne abli. ' giVe theni cvery, aritn Bowmanviîle. Phone 89.I mammal-, terrible in their veighc and i ar. hu-. it was natai-ai for- the 10. Canada originated the ides of Offce Hours' 2 ta 4 pi.un . 6 to 8s30 r m strength, but almost ýbrainicsýs, goleI Enzl;.b ire ,)le-cone str'ong andil Standard Time, 'which ha-s since beer crocü or ii-nany million years more. suc-ce.-Sful.; the proses%vas almo-.t adopted IbY every civîized country in W. H. BIRKS, M. D. Main ha,- ru.eil ooly for a fraction of, automatti-. the wonid. Ofie-us o4ad7 o93.oeni'inWbv shoud be Il1. Canada origineted tihe idea of Telehonose. that bu bas couac -ýo îî? Tu-day a e are bi-ading in precis&Iv the pnoai aea Telephone 108.Ra-heýr it sems t., bunelhe must sifiiî the opposite direction. 'l'lre is, no 12. Canada originated Marquis Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'ý,lcýtabli î h 'is r:Iaim tii be the permao n-cInount îof the unfit, %vc save and other recent wbe-at- wbich havec former residence, Wellington Street, i ent g ver nor of the eartb. Hi- na(,%vilnuarîx al uur babies indi,-crimineitelv built up the commerce of tîhe xest Bov.-ranvilie. arts %ailiIeeite ahether he i-. fit o-gc ou andl ba<I. srroîug and weak, bath in Canada sndb in the United rule in preci'-or not. ive jmu b hthiýn b <isese. -I>iu«dflot States. -maiîîcain our pu-icion lîy figh-ing tor1-si,îil if thi- mi an ,thalt 1 yes 13.*Canada fir5àt isolated 'heliua inl CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSI it. ciiLn bute cqua!lx- o tht future pop- commercial quantities. THEROPY ulatio'i 4i Enganl. unhappiy ut 14. The ides of the tebephonc- or- i We have foughgt agu:nsct he ii{l les on ean thi-: in ai-tuai faci the iinatedl in Canada -and the fret ionorr DURIN . SECKEY ra-,-a hb <050oiu'rn ti, 01 rntributiîî nee.fiom bi. distance triais ai the instrument vcre bonr gadute i arotobohlgeaz- <v;huîîuîîonc elgen teie. aiiwist ii-erabile and lea,-t sures.sfu! made between Paris and Brantuford. of Chiropractie will be in the BaW- cd over brute sircngch. B Lit a - *ýc1 id ea o, the ali-eîectric -radio. manville Office 'Luesday, Thursdayl have noat yet cnquered th(.mi-ie; In thû- prufi, -sionail and other suc- 16. Insulin ofai too recent date and Saturday eveniaga, phone 141J.1 %ac ar,- sti l si gnorant (if th2 ec.tus i> e î -as- ate marriage.s and bta require inor han mention in this Residential eciils made duning forc-1 and ni.des of' operation of certain -'fi- <tii . 4aeams ueiuc iI rla.sse, of discases ".hat-.ihey imay yvu - nal 1ani ie r lot h ue it exrrninae urrac. e hvea- mayf their nmen spcnd the impuri- -Ly~man B. Jackffl, Toront4o Tele- _______________ta fighî against fanmine, againsi vi- ., an, parts of thei- lives in India on gr-arn aa tds--piveso'cial he r îl'îoi s, ai-oai or ait a. The- and ag:îinst bellicose tendencies to rýI sta hs lse r o FUNERAL DIRECTORS sclf-ulesruucliou. Tbe-e fighb. hav ctvetiiiii .intaining their prescrit num- GOODYEAR STOCK EARNS $700 F. F,yet b,ýen v.- ; the i-ssue is, inîù b thcy are on the road 10 sextinet- PER SHARE IN 6 MONTHS F.F.MORS O.duât. We bave-non right to cake it ion: The samne is truc of the skiiled-____ Campiete Motor or for granteci that thev - yul ail endin <anti-an.-. Thu.- i is the most valu- ( Financiai Post, Toronto) Hanse Equipment. our favo.r, or that we must inevh.a-bl y athe e ments of the nation.,tînd flot, Goodycuar Tiire & Rubhor Co. ai AIl cails pramptly go on ta higher and igbcr; teurifi, Iat ai-L nov. bebng '%ededI Canada apparently bans carncd abocut Private Ambulance. j smih av huh hes:i n4Metaa-ilî- aur pi-sent -x'stcm i O its fis,;cal year. In a letter to shore- Bowaniteed one. theinuars i giuuaint fPa s andin iopiest eS<inl. I $ , ,r0i .%I)ii s.i marnibzlof Bowmanvhle phne: thil ay, yet the ýfotin s'Lore fui-r 10 and 34. tbem xvas deccy, defeat and extinct- marage eo- sier, a nd parcntîbood lessr.sietadgnrl ilaesy BrnhStores- ion,.j r<ofsiila:-,in the leasi suc- that the coupnv basueraImner, savsr Orono & Newcastle. Thcy coutl nfot bave e-Cal> il thei- cessful cltisses of the ciiîmmunity. ferred dividend fer the ful year an(] fate. We cao. We face the iotareIn tb h is xay, it nci-ases the- pcpula- about 70 pecrcitt af the cimnîn, ALAN M. WILLIAMS %vtb a ceapon in oui haîuds thüt v.a- ioun pi-eci-uely chose c.azsü-s which dîvidend Tub. would riucun $7 fo- Embalmen and Funeral Director. nat giveru to ecoi-i-rruler-, of ilis I ti-cle ofnitno vpopaicu nIun tep-cc-u.odnai $ o h Calls iven ýrompt nd pesonalac-bile ta1 fin scectuaî kluilomgn t i -un cosmuiiîn. i f it an ibeassurnîed uba, Cai givn pomptandpersnai anvod-I e an sciûtifrincriuwlg , n cla-tssthat the biith-ra:.e is Mr-. Carile refera ta the $10 îaiib tmntian. No extra charge for dis-1 and lie Capo-icy f-.risincreuîsing i. iii I tance. Matorai- Abulance at your, definitel-, .Ceiui ccrb ibs.tîdi;v:iuîî hs l.esIlast. veor, c f %vich $5 wvas guven Lits a y b% ce.ePhone 58 oesear9h.B'b-tihe nî:jorbty aif oui- crimnial.s, Ibonus. si t ear anngat- savie, Pont. 8 315, o-f Itis a nevi- wcapc. No d<out pal i-s and ne'èr-do-welN cone. I cpreciotioui, tfutalled $i4:,0,r ______________Ont. _______f tie niL n v.hb fi--,:di,'covrci e b- .,e-- , 4: j$21.934 )c r-bire.j Of - <f ir i -,ho fi r-t u-<place4l << onv Lx- polit ictil action %%c- tire, I feai-, 1 The fiscal yî-'r ends Septomber b, j, ý%a * p<ui h- -oizes,, r bronze hi ilellîn i-ttlv îîu-,ing our unbcrin bab-i ýo tbat the fit , -Ifais the ilul(. n bhal t AUCTIONEERS ir,> a ut eýc n;s n <niri- <vn- es intî tire wrîing place-s. 'r<i o rccnpiu\ Mr-. ('anible i)re-- THEO M. SLEMON na So a k n ixerui cbne -be plib ici. y aire luin, often ia.nA ted. ito icts that the I ivit-ends will he cuun- Autiner-v -htr-nenah fîatn, edchtsaminsu'-tead of inti oniof-iutable, ,i-ciiîxa econuabIc margn fin t-hi Auctioner .hebis i x v %hu ou ffsn niu,,ci thaoo n ~ie.-;; tii, munyin-erit their physi- yau. '[iretbusiness, so fan- in 193t0, Paim and House Sales a Specialby. <ucnhe you ioo1 iiri , . n n taItind moral <ai bructercn 1 s<buîn 28 1i p.- cent, rouupared ,vith Ternis modenate. Enniskilien P. O. 1jaoi v--e er,-a. Yet n Cii-, -î fr uîî-the iuleftshn e um urt-tuu-ii prodiuction 3I per cenit Phone 197r3. 1-tf <lix - stnce ei-r-d bamnia ife ilii iuy is'uba rr am ei dcci j sc-l -«aIl<la<-sa-'ci e nghiib e Xcrob too inany of :ieir lîinchrught agi. CL.ARK WILLIAMS T-da1tu, hatîk.-, t, scie-nce, <vu- auvanci of be-lth, încrg<, c- miî:i-uirî' tnî Licensed Auctioneer nirc n a feu-vt-, than <tir anii oareiuues' lfore ulîey arc, biînîIV Reasonabfle Rates. Phone: Port cerztous cii tbru.ugh the îvbî-lc- <lii- o Fii y:.cbudn 'r î:uglandî DEBT TO RURAL NEIGHBORSj P.érry 225r4, an a rite Nestietoru Sta-i tin if ti,].-Stone Ag. - cf iii- nia A If-ai .WL ____ -et fic(.i-tlvif lii-)ita-., (Bi-amnîp ii onserviat<ir) tion R. R. 1. 8-4w1 It is cur 0.-c of îii vc:pon th a. prusciri-, uiA illi noa t uni-, li We xxîho ]ivei'n toxvn for-get c %t il:moiu'd]bt fu'uic cf îur race for tpopulation i ai e ui an i nany un- use oi>u- <ian v eexistenc - to :he VETERINARY i jfood or )ili l. Wcnu linger 1< niTpI x < b1- c>niauiy ununuploy- farmi ni d'istric. ubu s. 1leei V.lSj ,evechat hurnan ibi-tiuiy i-, a pitî i- 1 ý This i'the pnîle anui-cbilrnî owýn we tuehenefit of a gzo- thin fir sunts g<î<î ~u-% ý il h aie o pay :fi,in aur riesponsibIe ahead rommunitv and tbink xve-(Io il E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. for ntchnciusof tht D-vil orb unîait triei nisuulau-I cuitim1euu<sisfn' al I f anyihing haspt-ýns to any<ifj 1Oforo Tht-e s nciini cof pre e , tf t hesa nave hd ans uîidiVutcd i aur faictou-ies, a c noise a i- ail 1t Grauateai n iversity ai ,; inal tinu- t,, csrtb ti îi-îic au iv. yiyn i-cien' tiii-5. I b> 1ev>- there Iand consiuîer Zt saab a calamniiy and Toano. Gai aes given rsiyofp1 cpoursclxus. Th'-rcitifrMc i axwiîr.z rcîu:iautteni in veoui- farcrie,- do not kcep ou-ri Tornt c Ar I] ate i vie -Dpr.ompt <Iîne<a <i rron-. h u< uinc, g( nc-u-tuion, Ibu't hi- rval 1town flouiishing. Any mis-for-tune1 ïm crfu atnto. ffc-D.mon bhDiiself i.s the mas3ter of bis îtfa -ir-i c hlc. ai-o s i-cct ci on, i hatbefals oui- rural ditricts x-,- XcElroy's former office. Phones: 'herpano i oi . I vl oi-t t i ý Clre32 Ooo1-. t-ni-, the course of hbis shiép and > j <Coitinutd on page 9) veft ta mifcitaaafetsu mi1 of curs.-,is recte nvigt!., i ino lintoîvo xe tire inciined to corail- fuîtr xx abers, or Fiu, or even Luo ný it on the rocks. er oui-selves -more soaphistirstc,-d thuin * * ,.o ur rural cou-mis. Because ouri 1.ýisimprtnt o he ousvcont-sets xith 4,hiety are more var-, x.tb rare, foi- îvtekn,îîîv 'htt we have ie and ouri-îfte Iess isalate-d, w-e givc- r enibarked on a ve.ry lcong voîyague.'j ourseivei, arnar-essai-y airs. Our- uccei wnyan hu ixrlwoi iv.iul d - ib n t1wir i - e- must be intpest,-d in althet affects to, rekip siow ha- Tt'i-nyCritinuhci-veohto arugd ymmunthe arm ife W'sc aniiht. and rcieve the monthty tiu-; chei- Fiiunler lbail sau] s o î I/I a a ciro d ea -o'the i-m Anyng' parwof J<ne. sd by thou IQui.(.- igbtly, thun, tht-y îex'ted , od~erii uetw.Aybn FwbL Icatlheir whcic. a-, t e i rio tht' li- ng IO 01 5 we May do. then, ta bring about bet.- _______________________ cncraiî'n. Tofiter con litions in rural lufe will ne-1 genertion T0f! )%,fie-c t Leif in Braum ton. (uor lgi i--tii-bei-s-. uxt ithe! If you carnt pumse hlm 'Ple prtocuctb- ltîa eddi- wuri i neilste ntni. Tc nrh tumnto Eagîc Brand, the intire hfgoool yeai-s meant a gond wa- n 'xiteOi ioun.;, cif ys i edin natfood sicedent tb us b"cîuse -of the increased lie i nd -isn a robalmlîtn- <i ycrl -857 agi, un aI - ill ubI 857. laby aff"-,af. buvinz powerof the aerme-r. Di'y-! Je H ERM O N h n a tnil miiabs f hv e i-oui FREE e.. Là.4 udumh '. cng i.%keepn oureur-auridbng dis- Buys Iimagine, il s likeîY ci -crm-in i ae o Ipr heeoomccn i mach the' -arne physîral cnditionî ti- I iti- theloxv a. e eanoirmfon- Poultry at Fair Prices JnoA, and s> iili proi-uue a suittîbli- Usd.tO r f te-frer adpinelint o borueuifor tht' human nuare. What- s A I s Oi oeict.n nelgn <'ver oui- view-%s on a future life n an- EA Q E understanding will -help te nannow Phones: 1hc-x-ol, ur-rpaie1e llthe b hi-aihhe'bween to-wn andcolun- other orld, e rerpture he o141I1 tv, which ila u dotniment ta oui- rural BawzonanviL.le: 235. -.îe%îsh concept of an inimii-tality in f DI IID i.>alîron - Toronto: Trinity 3949J titis volI-or ',Omethinzxxirh papa effertivoiy as go-, asI îmmoii-csîty- ; Mr (weniIine P. Clai-ke -Writes- Addreaa: 274 AugustP Ave., enjoyed not by us but thi-augir as, hy Mi Toronto. 87-lyr. oi otrt. Oui- pruîbîern is tc><V () M III weeklv letters for Aclon Free Prens longer mere'lYte muddle tirrougir for, -a h'apa-i ag nhs s few more generations. We see -Our-- ne-wspaper. st il If M Id k FONNIL IVERCHANTS ONLYI Being one of a series of chats which they are told how they THERE'S money in Bowman- ville. There are people ýaplenty here to spend it. There's good business for you-IF you, the mer- chants of Bowmanville, join The Statesman in keeping Bowman- ville's business in Bowmanville. It ail boils down to the very im- portant thought that the nearby, bigger towns and the mail oi'der houses ai-e ALWAYS trying to at- tract trade from the smalleî- com- munities. Always trying! Veî-y often suc- ceeding! And, sad but ail too true, to the detriment of you, the mer- chants of Bowmanville and the merchants of aIl other smaller towns. What to do about it is a problem youi mtust hellp solve, if vou are to pr'ospeI-. A mightv vital problem it is. too, as you w-el know. Jiist the same, we ean keep) Bow- manvi]le's monev in Bowmanville. And the folk of I3owmanville can be brought ai'ound to the habit of bu' in'- in l3owmanville almost ex- clusix'elx-. And you can make both coIidjtiofls possible. The manufacturers' advertising in Bow- manville's home news papeî- will hellp you selI mor'e of youi' mil- chandise to moi-e and to the gî-eatest num- bei' of I3ownanville's people. T h i s advei-tising suppor't will }ielp keep PowXmanille's molle v in Bow-man- ille. It w-il] mean good Ibusinlezsfor,î- ou -and moi-e of it. with Bowmnanville business men in can increase their volume of sales. When the salesman gets enthus- iastie about Bowmanville, he's bound to pass his enthusiasm on to the sales manager of his company. And then the manufacturer of the goods you buy will begin think- ing of Bowrmanville. He'1l think of it, not as a small spot on his office map, but as a community where you, his retailers, are trying to seli his goods foir him. He, too, will get Bowmanville- minded, and feel more justly obli- gated to give you the advertising support in youî' local, home town newspaper that he's giving his î'e- tailers in the bigger tow-ns. He'll get over the notion that he is î'caching the folk of Bowmran- ville with his advertising in the bigger towns' newrslapei.s and in the general magazines. Yes, you met-chants of Bowman- ville! That's the solution to the whole l)roblem. Seil the manu- factuî-ers of the goods you stock VOUr Shelves wiîth on Bow-ranville. SeIl thieni thî'ouglh their salesmen. Heire's how. The very next time a salesman f r o m whom you ordeî' mer- chan dise cornes t o youi' stor-es, seli him on Bowmanville. 0f couî-se, you must selI x'oui-self first. Get Bowmanville minded. Get the salesmani feel- ing the same way. Eîîthusiasrn is contag- ious. You nc'ed the advertising aid of the manufacturers whose goods you their sàlesmen to recommend your local home newspaper. The Can'adian Statesman GEO. PRITCHARD WILL HELP YOU Save on Spring Decorating Here is a great upportunity ! Take advantage of it ! It is cannot afford to miss. New attractive designs-beautiful pat terns that wilI doubly beauty of your home-are offered in this great clearing sale. ~ pone your Spring re-decorating. WM d Do itnow ! one that you enhance the Do flot post- YOU CAN PAPER AND PAINT FOR A LOT LESS MONEY THIS SPRING Read this advt. then corne to our store and see the real savings we ai-e off eîing: ALL WALLPAPER) GLIDDEN'S NOW IN STOCK ENDURANCE PAINTS, ETC. inlu(ing Sunworthy PAINT 30% OFF Reg. $1.45 qt. foi.... $1.15 Now 12c to 45c Roll Reg. 75e1pt- for ........60c CHAMPION LACQU GUARANTEED Reg. $2.50 qt. foir.....$2.00 PAINT Reg. $1.40 pt. foi'......$1.()5 Reg. $1.25 qt. foiReg..75....o$1.0fo ..60c Reg. 65e pt. foi.........55c VARNISH & STAINS Reg. $1.90 qt. foi.... $1.55 FLOOR FILLER Reg. $1.00 1)t- foi .......75c Reg. 35e foir 25c Reg. 55e I -pt. fo.......45c These prices are so low abso Iutely no credit will be given. Cash must accompany ail arders. Sale wilI continue ta Saturday, April 19. Don't wait tili lait day as &orne lnes wiII clear quickly. GEO. PRITCHARD Phone 489 (Next to, Bowmanville Bakery) Bowmanville 0 This newspaper has joined with the town newapapers all over the country in a nation- wide campaign to convince national advertisers t h a t tlaey can best assist samal town merchants by advertis. ing in the local, home town newspapers of the srnall town merchants. MQ-- PAGE TWO