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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1930, p. 4

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P&GE POUR I THE NEW SPARTON RADK)ý0 0'Rad-io 's Richest Voice" 3198300 MODEL 93 9 TUBES COMPLETE See and hear this new model in our show room. NO REDUCTION IN PRICE 0F SPARTAN RADIOS Model 951 We have been advised b y manufacturers o f Spartan radios that they have enjoyed such a wonderful sale of radios they are not compelled to reduce prices of their machines owing to be- ing overstocked. SEVERAL USED BATTERY RADIOS AT BARGAIN PRICES We ser-vice and repair ail makes of radios. HARRY C. ALUIN King St. W. Phone 337 Bowmanville THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY GENUINE SATISFACTION t is with a feeling of genuine satisfaction that we tell you of the increasing îopularity of our Footwear. In the better grade footwear we are meeting a hearty response to our advertising. May we have the plasure therefore, of showing you our new lines for Easteî'. Brown and black kid leads the parade in ladies' shoes to those who are particular as to style, and wvhat could be more comfortable than kid leather for your feet. The above are in stock in A and C widths, and are in pump patterns, with concealed gore under a three-piece tongue bound in silver on the black and gold on the brown, also have covered cuban heels, priced moderately .............$7.50 Pr. Brown Kid One Strap, lizard trim, low spike heel, at ...........................................$" .50 Pr. Growing girls' patent pumps, with blue trim, buekie, square toe and cuban heel, ultr'a smart, $5.50 Pr. Men's English last black caif oxfords, speci ai pur- chase, size 61 to 10 - a reai buy.... $5.50p. Boys' black caif oxfords, sizes 2 to 51 -., with welt- ed soles, made on a square toe shape - Just what the boys like ....................$4.00 pr. Infants' boots and stIap slippeîxs, $1.20 to 1Phone 200 W.C. IVES, v ý è> 4 -I> o$1.75 pr.j ,Manager 4- ÂO~LC~' (AN A13A LI3ACIQ~ Dean Sinclair Laird9s Seventh Annual Ail Expense Tour Loat? .'UJPIi KTRAL. -IUL. 20-22LDays Leaves TORONTO : -J ULY 21-21 Da y. AIL &pense Rate From MONTREAL - - $37100 Prn TORONTO - - - $340.00 You wili travel by rail, steamer and rntor.. through Carada's industrial and a&ricutural regions .. tJarough the Rokies witb theïr crewning jewels, Banf, Lake Louise and Emeraid Lake Vancouver and Victeria ... west by one highway ... e-ist by .inother.. Over Canada's Scenic Route V IlUugtrated booki on application ta à Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald Collage P.O.. Que.., or Any Canadian Pacific Agent, or Wu. FULTON, A ssi. Generat Passes ger Agenat, ToIRONTO, ONT. -I y i A i THE CANADIA.N STATEISMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 1Oth, 1930 BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL THE ART 0F BOXING IBOXING TOURNAMENTj1 'Adam Fakir Gives Hi* Viewa of This Harold Reid Win& the Harry Price Manly Sport Af ter Wituesng the GoId Medal for the Most Tournament at the Boys' Training Scientific Boxing School. Friday tevening after Amos 'n Andy Many citizens were present at. the had broadcast their stuif, quite a Boys' Training Schc'ol Boxing Tour- gathering from this district betook nament F'riday evening. How many them-elves to tho, Rotary Gymnasium were not pleased with the perform- at the Boys' Training SdYool. ances of these young athietes? Many Here, from eight until past ten were very enthusiastie in their praise o'clock they -were entertained by one of the tournainn. There are others of the f inest ýdisplays of juvenile box- of c ourse, who could see nothing but ing seen in the county. Lads weigh- bod ily punishment and a dis.graceful ing from 60 pounds Io 160 pounds scene in the outlay because of their pitted their strength, perseverance f aise modesty and timidity. and skill against one another and Have you ever considered what the pleased the, spectators immensely. advantages of such training means te rGreat credit must be given te Mr. the boys of the B. T. S. and would Earl Cunningham, physical instruct- aise mean to your own boys? Box- or of B. T. S., for the training of ing, il treated correctly, is oea of the these youngsters. Some of the most finest and 2nost scientific of al prominent sportsmen of Ontario were sports. It demands mnen that must be aiso be.hind this tournament and help- in good physima, shape. If they are ed greatly in obtaining the degree nlot in f orm a little boxin« soon puts Of prof iciency tihat was displayed Fi- -the= in a desi.rable physicai condi- day night. tien. Boxing teaches a boy inde- Alex. Sinclair, referee of the bouts, pendence. He bas to fight or he is is a well-kn-ownn and highly esteenied out of luck-a wonderful training se vataran of the art. He is now a necessa.ry in after life. If he bas mensber of the Ontario Athiatie the courage to "f ight back" ha cer- Commission. His cheery smile and tainly wiR have plenty of energy pep' his mannar of ceexing the lads againat life's vicissitudes. te "mix it a bit" if thc-y becaine ai Boxing is the fine art of self-de- little inclined to stal, added a great1 fense. If a inan la wall able te -take deal of interest to the bouts. care of himself, be has a sense of Chas. 'Higginbottom, president of Blperiority rather than inferiority. the Amateur Athletic Union of Can- This is a great factor in training. ada (Ontario Branch), and Fred No- He is ta.ught flot to fear anyone, but hart, supervisor of Boxing and te al'ways tack]e his oppenenis with Wreetling, A. A. U. of C. (Ontario theiea cli fwinning. Brancb), were the judges, and Wm. Boxing teaches the boy self-contro>l Duncan cf the Ont. Atfhletic Coin. seo lackirig in most untrained men. was the timer. He knows that if he losssbis bead he Mr. Harry Price, of the Ontario is going to lofe the bout, for ha wil Athletic Corn. was unable to be pres- aither be disqualified for fouling or ent. Mfr. Pince bas assisted greatly leave bis guard open te punishinent. in the athletic program of the >c1ol successful boxer has te keep con- in the past three years andntd trol of his tesnper under ail condi- ra gold niadal to the most scientific -tienis. boxer cf the evening, Harold Reid. iHe is tau.ght te always appreciateI This year frcm 160 boys at tbe his opponent.s good points and to im- school, 68 teck lbasons in boing. prove his own weak cnes. Perfection Evary one of the 68 boys benafîtted la al.ways striven for and te reach by the training received. Forty- this objective the harder he, bas to i fleur boys entered the tournarnent work. But fhe doesn't mind -the werk, and ail but fourteen were ýeliminated because it's maniy sport and vitaily in tihe preliminaries. These four- interesting. tean lads along with two exhibition If no'w and again ha lose a bout bouts and a 'blind-fold bout, consti- there is always disappointinent, but tuted the prograni for th-c evening. ha always congratulatas his ýoppon-1 ,Motion pictures were taken of the ent andi works al the barder se be bouts and will be jncluded in the ser- May Win the naxt tirne. ies cf pictures which have becen cern- He learns that ha must keep in piled fromn tima to time and wbich 1good physical condition or he will be demonstrata the work accomplishad winded and tire quickly. This makes at the sclïeol. hiam work battor rnentally, hecause The bouts wera of 3 rounds each. whan one is feeling physically fit, 2 minutes to a round, and were ail tfhe brain works much more srnootbly hotly contested. Resuits are: and quickly. 98 lb. Class-Jim Strînger defeat- If a boy becomes quite good at the ed Lconard Hadley. art and has an exalted opinion of bis 85 lb. Class-A'lbert Smith defeat- Prowess, there la always somoýona, aid Murray Insiley. a littie better who can easily put hum 110 lb. C!ass.--Joe Neteman de- in bis place. fe.ated Albert Stringer. Brain work la ess.c-ntial in boxing Next cornes tihe 60 lb. Final. This atbough many spectaters may net ap- was the funniest bout of the evening. 'prec1ate its i3npcrtance. While boxing These wee mites handied themselvecs yeii are atteinpting to figure out your like real scrappers and put somne real opponent's weaknes'ses. Y,u figureI pep into tho-ir boxing when Jack1how you mnay take advantago- of Watt-s d,feated Lloyd Bastine. these. Yeu aise learn bis good tactics An oxhibiticn bout came on the (and strive tio male yours.elf so weil program batween Albert Stoutley ec'quainteýd with them that you know and AIt. Middlemiss, ne winn£.r was just how to couniteraet thein. Ifyu ecla red.1 have weaknesses your opponent wii1l Harold Reid and Wilfred Jess, in soefl shcw tham to y'ou. if you can't the72 lb. ciass. staged the nicest ex- seai themn yourserlf. You make a hibition of the evening. Reid shows sighty eff ovarcome that weak- promise -of being a fine boxer. He ness by yeur strangth in other de- won the& bout and aiso the Harry partinents and make an efforttO have Price Gu!d Mcdal for his scientific 1 that weakness corrected for the next display. bout. Now a littie conedy took place. Thus, yficu iearn te study pecple. Biind-folded and turned until they Yeu can almost tell a boxer's char-! were dizzy, two cf the lads battled acter by the ovay ha iprforms in the 1 it out, mostiy swinging at the wjde. squared circle. You can datoct the' open Apaces, but towards the last good-haarted cnes, the serious mindad they cicsed in and some real punches fet-lows, the brainy *haps, and other I landed. Refcree Sinclair aise added characteri..-tics they pessess. Box- a great deal of fun te this bout whcn iiig «fras you a 1practical lesson in ho donned a pair ef gloves and tap- psychology only obtained by a collage ped finst one win&mill and then the education, and 5ernetimes net then. other. until thc-y became se worked The boys are taught disciplinea up that they feul down with the swing this is very essential in the art. ïf of thc'in vicieus blows.' one wishes te beome very proficient In the 125 lb. final George Spanis it is necassary te adhare closeiy to in- won frorn Mol. Tomlinson. structions. Sometirnes they are hard Harold Walters, the heavyweight te follow, but by constant practCce champion cf 1926, was supposed te these difficulties ara overcome. fiirlt Ted Srmith, the 19281 champion, Boxing aise toaches the lad ho v but Waltc*rs vas net able te ba pres- Vo concentraie. His mind simply ent, se _Oscar Jamiescn substituted must net wander away from the suh- Ibut was defeated after getting away jeet at bnand, or thare will be 'bird- te a flying start in the first round. ies" twittering in hi.q cars. Tie unlimited final between Harry Science is the pra.dominating feat- I.Lce and Tommy Reardon showed a ure et this fascinating sport. If a jgreat deal of heavy hitting wAith Lee man uses his hoad to advantage and Igetting the better of it. This was knows whon tio bit and when te block the last bout (f the evaning and end- the blows, he is alright. Ha bas tc ed a fine pregram. figure out bis cl>-onent'.s system and The officiais for the preliminaries adopt a inetbod of bis own that will and seini-finals wbich took place on Pierce the adversary's guard and March 26t1h and 28th, were: Refenee strike the body or the face, wbile ho -J. E. Cunningham; Judges-J. C. la hitting with oea and the other C'airns, W. Davidson and E. P. Bradt; hand, anin, and the body have te be Timers-J. J. Brown in preliminarie. in motion te izot out Off the way cf and W. H. Hill in the semi-finais. any blows that your opponent mnay _______direct. Se there are two movenents to evary blcw that is bit. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL There are Tnany différent attack.- usesi in this art, but 'wth e'vory blow .J.Bye~, <~r~-j asTros. . 0 Ë.ooI ctric Ou ilspeaks volumes for its iW D. W. Brarlburn, roads....... 49.82 healing efflciency. Ever since it h( ReceipLs: F. Wilian, dog tax, $200; was first introdiiited ît bas grown e G. Savignor, balance on rcadi, $25.00. steadily in public favor, owing an-ad Adjourned te meet 'May Ird, 1930. tirely te its nianifolsi usafulnesinco W. Beacock, Clark. relieving and hùaiing sickness. As a lY specifio for cui.s, barns, scalds, and DaiX Threeo weaks te-day is openin« cf1,varieus inflammratory pans its re-, r C trout fîsbing. c'ord is beyond reprosub. rm i E-~ I ROVAN'S SPECIAL EASTER SALE SHOE DEPARTMENT Women's high grade Pumps and One-Straps, cuban and high heel shoes in a variety of col- ors, regular $5.00, Sale Price $2.98 THIS WEEK ONLY Women's 1-strap Shoe, black kid, ERE or E widths, arch support with cushion soie, reg. $3.95, To ciear only $1.89 CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes 5 to 71 As 10w as $1.19 Pr. Sizes 8 to 101.> As low as $..49 pr. Sizes il to 2 As low as $1.89 Pr. Boys' boots and oxf ords in black or tan, high grade quality, sizes 1 to 51/', To clear at $2.89 Pr. Men's high grade ox- fords and boots, Goodyear weits, tan or black, sizes 6 to 101/.,, reg. $6.50, On Sale $3.79 Men's work boots, chic ofp anco soles or heavy leather sole, full grain leather, Eazter Sale Special $2.98 Women 's high grade brown pumps and 1-straps in cuban or low heel, reg. sold for $5.95, Easter Sale Special $3.95 Men's Work Oxfords Special Clearance on Saturday only. Only a limited quantity $1 .98 Pr. SUPER VALUE Men's fine hose, silk and wool, also siik and lisie, regular 65c, Special 35c, or 3 prs $1.00 Men's Overalîs and Smocks, reg. $2.25, On Sale $1.49 each Men's Puillove-rs, variety of colours, To Clear $2.89 Men's Work Pants, reg- ular $2.25, Special Sale $1.49 EXTRA VALUE Men's Suits in Blues, Browns and Greys Sizes 34 to 44, in single or double breasted styles, some with two pair of pants, regular $25.00, At Rovan's Easter Sale $14-95 TIES FOR EASTER 150 brand new Ties, variety of styles and de- signs, To clear at 50c each SHIRTS FOR EASTER A varietv of high grade Broadclothi Shirts, a feW Silk Shirts included, reg- ular $2.50, Sale Special $1.75 EXTRA VALUE 1' Broadcloth Shirts in clif- ferent patterns, regularlv sold for $1.95, On Sale Friday - Saturday Only $1.00 each SDrllg Coats at $10.50 to $14.95 ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Opposite the Bowmau Hou». in th.aId McMurtry Block-Phone 528 WHAT IS CHARACTER? Perhap, there are tuw definition,. f Chanactcr that aie nmore strikinf- Lhan this given by Ramsay NlacDon- ald: Characten-that power in man which. enabies hini tu sýe wbati, ;cod in expenience; t:hat power in man wh'ch enables him te link hirn- ;lf wLtb the great past and make iimself responsibie. for the future. 7har«cter, thut power in man wbichý .rganizos bis life se that the passing îoment presents itseif te him n'ela ometbing that is te be soized fr it, w-n sake and when done witlh iongot- Žn, but sintply an incident inetelr- ity, sK>mathing that la gcing te yield ,ruit te eternity, neyer geing te be est, neyer left bebind. Charact-Ln, bhicb, onables masn te see hiniself, net Ls a rekbess or irospensible indivi- lual, but as cne of humanity, as a hougbt et Ced, maturing as the ages ,c until his humanity becomas divin- tyitif Pont Hope Gui-de says: An attnact- ve electric .sign bas been erecte-d at ,orne Plummer's Drug Store. A ew more along Walton Street wculd Ad te its appeananco- and belp t onvince visitons that; Port Hope is a Ke town at the same tsme directing etrenage te thei progressive Tner- hants, who irtvast in this mnodern rthod of advertising. MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEPARTMENT i. j F-... NInmrovAr [Tri v lek in r%---

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