TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL lotis, 1930 WIGLEYS Man..sores everywhoee. Wrigie 'S=oote«pep sud ea> oeyand keepe 'yo-alerL A.50 fpackagemal, ave v booe £oing te SIMm lee tewhee ofyS morCr. -* q LOCAL AUD([ENCE ENJOY PLAY NONAGENARLAI4'S BIRTHDAY M8TUARY * BY COBOURG ARTLSTS Former Bewmnaville La.d7 CeIebra*es Lmis MarahaIl Porte,, P.to». The Com.dy "Nora Wak. Up" 90th BirthdayA.'- eteae an DSUCpiyHu.Mn. Logi" a.Hmsn, Toronito, for- risdeto Bowmanville intapr (Crowded out lastwk) merly of Bowxnanville wbo celebrated s« 01 -Mma.MaUshali Porter passed SL Mch"is érih ilayrsGo-ber 90th birthday on Âprii 6th, in a awaor on .March 17Ui a*t te reaidence & !icbel' ~Psh laYrsCe-daughter of the Mary MeTavieh men- of ber siater, Mrs. James Chariers, bourg, und«r the auspices 0f & os-ticued ini the foloiwing cliiwing frein Peterboae. The interinent tock 1' ph's R. C. Church, Bowrnunville, an early nwmper-"A Eary On- place in the if amiiy plot in Býwman.. thorougbiy fulfilled the expectations tario Marriage":- ville Cenretery. of Bbiwmanrille patrons and hived Up "Noticesof coming marriages we re ~Mm .porter waa thelea,Mdaugh- te their reputation of previous years, given out in a p~riiive waq in sme ber of the late Charles Bellwood, in tqieir presentation of "Nora Wake of the early Soisb settiements in Clarke -township, acholI section No. Ulp" in the Opera Heoue on Wedmes- Ontario. This was a matirai zesut 9, know-nas e.we' crrs day nd buzidayOVehig. ofcitheesimple lives Of the ploneers, Mrs. Marshall Porter with her hua- Several meibera of the italented witih their lack of comforts and fecil- band were prmnzent citizens of "n tesat need ne introdurction, having ap- ities as we kncw. theni. Sandy Mun- tcown for manv years, living in the peared in "Danny Boy" and "Suc*h re. one of the pioneers cf Nichol reaidence now ocCupied iby9 Mr. W. Shenannigans" initonner yeara. Townshp thus tolas the stery cDI the Blake MdMurtry, wlikh we under- Miss Bessie Kewin, as thelvgtirtie» in "Pioneer Days in Nichol" stand 31r. Porter huilt, and later iv- self-sacrificing, old-fashioned and by A- W. Wright of Mount Forest I~ e os ecpe yM.C higiy umeon inthe-,Mis PSgyThere were nae ineenisters te marry A. Caylter, Excise Officer. Mr. and! Calahan, carried out thia part uperb- folk, nae kirks te cry them in, and hMss. Porter were prominent membexa ly, witih an ininiÎtaible Irish wit andi nae leesenses. A Notis bad tae lie (dc St. IPauA's Presbyterin diurch, accent, and bore the audience witb pit up on theanist public trea i' the " da Mr. porter as an active manger, herthrogh ber oys and sorrows. deetric', an' thse magistrate ddd the of the tewn council and an eneiu- p Is r Jeo hnny Calahan, lier marryin'. 1i mingl fine seeja' ane of iastie sportsman contriiiuted i ne adoring son, home frôni college, wa thae notia an' il was tae this effec'- aa eret ie~çbisjgc h exceptionally well enacted by Mr. Mary MacTaviahand OierL sby ton inevettery aycoai wlfthe Gsi-ad Buiez.wiii be nried on ait a day at Sic a reason, and as a pronsinent officia Miss Catdiarine Mcflonnell, as Brid- Place; any one that bas an~y object- andi worker fer thea agricultjural fairI get Honora (Nera) Caiaban, won thie ions inaun apply tae Squire Reynolds he certainiy tock fint 'place as wit- hearta of the audience in spite cf lher or- SquireSr%ùth. It was tackit On a neas ths ucceesfui fairs held in those wsywardmess and disgust at bier tree by -tbe aide of the read. Thisdy. Hearido avey - - nstbe's ld-ashone apearncewas the fi-st weddin' that I nind c essful business es a harness manu-~, and manner at tbe beginning Of Ftae bearin' o' in the neeberhood." i facturer and dud an extensiive tradeJ Play. Nora rejects the band and Mrs. Hanaon, widcw cf tbe late W. in tbet line. beart cf Danny Mtiiens, Jobnn11y's H. Hansen cf Bowmanville, was born college elsum (F . J. MoDennell) in April 5th ,1840, near Guelphs. Tisere 1Mrs Porter was in ber 94th year andi was the eldest cf a famiiiy cf six favor cf Edonond Edmonton, another were -four ciildren, tbree of wboi daugbters and one son, James BeU-r Icoilege boy wbom Jobnny and Danny are stifiliiving:-Mrs. J. R. Lane cf Wood, Who bhas been a citizen cf thse thorougbiy dislike (Mr. John E. -Cas- Calgary; 31T. Fred E. Hanson of Chi-Uâd Staites (Viriginia)fo ny ey).- Edmond, backed up by bis cago; and Mms D. S. Liniden, 53 er4 fries esds oe sater mother, an ultra-mnodern, scbenung Palmnerston iDlvd., Toronto. Mm m is.es etroo Iwoman (Miss Margaret Haynes), W. H. Bennett passed away in 1920.» se bles eeioo Isellas Mrs. Calahan, who la persuaded After their asarriage in 1866 in Osb- î . ~ Lndn .D tby Ntra's desire for social pleasin-es, aiwa, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson came te .J ocLndn .D sonse shares of wort.biess stock for Bowynanviiie to live. Ms-s. Hanson J..Sucafrersdeto $2000, practicaiiy thse 'whole of ber lives with Îier dauglhter, M-s. Linden, JarIJ.go Pa o rmr, desuden]yo bank accotant. and in spite cf lber great age reinen- dat hdely JNora bas a dream in vohich she bers weli inany of the details of thse a is home. Langdon, Nrth Dakote, sesEdmnond in bis true igbt and hesrlydys1ir aensb Ipd on Saturday, M3arch 22nd, 1930:, mother transtormed into a short- lertbe busb where Elora now about 8 P. m., fo]lbowing a stroke suf- skisted, dyed and bobbed-haired, standsan er grandfestber, Ms-. Al-ee nabsns paeso.l fe frivolous msodern woxnan, who de- exander McTavisb, buit the fisst logneen that day. J. J. Souch was bos-n ciares bier intention of marrying Car- caibin in GuebrVh. othe oDld ngeton. o hCo. lyle Coeridge, (Mr. E. I, Bur-ns), a Lot24,_____gon gentiemaniy tramsp wbo called at thbe He was thie second son of William Galahan h(ome. DARLINGTON and Doronhy Souch, and was 74 years In thse morning Edmnond and bisi of age. H1e was married to Mina mother surprise the Celaban famiiy Report cf S. S. 3, for Mas-ch: Adeline Bradley who predecea.sed hins by aFea-ing and offering te reins-n Sr. IV-*Winnie Gibson 81, Fier- 7 montbs and 20 days. After theis- Mm-. alaban's $2000 in excliange for ente Foley 72, Bessle BlackÇbusn 70, marriage they liived in Winnipeg -for the stock certificates. Tiseis perfidy Jack Finnigan 68, tStella Pcrayth 52. several yeas-s, and in 1882 tbey teck is evealed in the riek cf tinte lhen Jr . IV-tH&arej Foreyth 53. uP a hiomesteasi in Cavilier County IColeridge busts inito tbe rooam witb Sr. M-A3oYsius Kuah and Annie Nor-th ])ako.ta. After nioving to I thse news tbat thse stock was, after al, Kuab 66 (equaI), tWilbur Black<burn Lengdon.he was engaged in the pro- iworth mllions. He diadloses the .56, tGrace Truil 54. duce business. fart t.hat ;the Edusontons -were ai- Jr. M-tobbie Gibeon 54, tEun- H1e was a member cf tbe MasonicI 4ready awaescf this, whieh pisth ie ice Lane 38. O-e-Lbnn o 4 n ago finisbing oc eNre otmtOdrLbnn o 4 n ago 'touh tc Nra' eote~pt &-. l.-"'Iazel Trull and elielen Iiodge of Perfection, NO. 8, and was for Ehniond. Thus, thse Calahans Rundle 79 (equa), *Louise Foley 75, a faithful mem.ber of the M4etbodist become lites-ally "1rida oves- night" Berniece Roberts 69, iHazel Robers Church frein whida bie was buried. and NOMa acePtsthse love cf lier re- andi Vers Gibson 63 (equai), fSam- Heisuvedbforcis-n iected suites-, Danny. My VanCamp 1. Hers. Cor SitedbyfouMalta Mn. Carlyle Colerisdge snd Misas Caths- Jr.-I1-Eddie Forsytb 73, Arthur r.CoaSihfMit, on, leen MeDonneil as Katie Schwartz, Fos-sytis 64. Mrs. Eva Reeve, cf Winnipeg, Man., anohiging9 and winsome little Dutch Sr. P.-.-Jean Metcaif 62, f Peggv- Mrs. Doris Strickley of Success, Va., i ir, ioiet ca -crelief.Fngn3. and Tracy Soucis of Smackoves-, As-k.; Btensots, orchestra music and Jr. Pr.-*Ma-ie Rberts, *Evelin aise two b-ethers and ths-ee sisters, vol uases-s carried eut the Ir-ishs Gibson, *Viola Robrts codonS. E. Souch, Stettler, Aita., Mrs. theme and enbanoed thse cham Truil. Chas. Pearn, New Westminster, B. C., in« quality of thse play. *-Honours; j-Failus-e. M r s. Laura Pye, Enniski]Ien, Ont., Rubi- M. Bragg, toacher. M iss Eva Soucis, Bownaanviiie, Ont., andi C. W. Soucis, Hampton, Ont. PUBLIC HEALTit REPORT Rev. C. T. Ensign assistesi by Rer. SALEM LEAGUE C. A. McKay tecok charge of the ser- Reotof Public Heal't Nurse for vice at the Metbo<,ist Chus-ch. The iMfh (Receivesi toc late for last week) remains wes-e inters-ed in tise Lehan- No. of homes vited 123; Ne. cf indvidalaviates 19; N.of visi~ta 1 Mr. and Ms-s. W. L Buttes-y and on Cemetes-y, Len~dn ot s te: Adirit cases 9, Pre-natal _ ~+IMs-. Sam Butterv enti-tainedithe a. ,natal 2, Infant 29, Pre-schecl 41, se rbYsical defects (scisool age) 87, s-e acute commnunicable disease 8, (ciciken pox 5, scanlet feves- 3). Luiscenflnecus vsis 6; Social wei- fare 2; Net founsi 7; Infant WeVlare Cesfere-ne hel.d 4, witb a total at- tendance cf 47. Scisool Report JNo. sehool visits 39; ne. cf class roni inspctions 52; ne. cf pupils in- Sctd 7 ; ne. of re-admnissions 49; ne. cf treatmnents 18; ne. sent ho>me 10. j Oi&aL Tod. Notice to Creditors R.* S. 0. 1927, Chap. 150, Sec. 51. ESTATE OF JANE PENOLE WHI TE, Wldow. de ceaaed. AIA, p-rons lcîaiîîg caini agajnst tic Estati, of Jan. . rîlle WXhuxe, lite of the Town of Bownîanvilic, in the lounty of Iurlian). \iow, deceased, whoo(lied on or' ;kiut tiie. iiftlî (ay of Septembe, . D. 1929, are h,.reby notified to filie wth h, tindeFriignc.d, on or before th( Tweifilî day of Airil. A. D. 1930, fuil particulars of th. jr cIai ns. in iell valter sa id date. the ass..us ofthte deceased wiii lic distsibuted amongst uhose entitd thüri-- to. having regardl only t10 daims so lied. ' DATEI) at OSHANWA, thé 22nd day of Slarch, .É, 1). 1min. W. E. N. SINCLAIR. K. C. 13-3 Oshawa, Ontarijo ,Notice to Creditors- ln the Estate of Sas-ah McLaughlin,j decea ced. Ail p-seuls .ýhavi n.- chianis i .-iLia i Estat.* cf Sainli Mcl,iigliin, lat f i, Wi'ag, cf Newcaptic, i tiie(County or Durhlam, Wdcw, leceas4el. wlio ied on or about the Twentlcth day of Fcliriary, 19311 are hereby notlfled to scnd in te W. R. Sirike, Solictor fer tic Aiminisq- isaor of the ilEstat,. n)os- heforé the 1l2tiî d1ay or April, 193(l, full pastie- unais of tlî,ir cdaims, Imitîekiiat..ly aftthil, saidl 21h day of April, 1930, thc ascis o! tiie sai Testa- ti si wll I ,. Ili rlbtî tel anfiong.-t thleupa r- lie~s cntiild h.,,,Io, liavinir regard cniy te '~ajnsc îIr wicli the .st aiesh ai i av-e nîotice. Fat-I i 1!ow'iiîativill, tujs 25th day of W. R. STRIKE, 1 .oi,cites- for itlicAd iniisti ss to-.1 I 13.3 Famous READING Anthracite * CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL àI Pennsylvanie Hard Coal * Solsi in ail izes. - W. alio handie Semet Solvay Coke * Exclusively. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 Leage Mie Cs&i- ani afew frienss te a verY pleasant evening at tiheis- beautiful home on Mthussday eve¶sing. A dainty lunch was served hy MMs Buttes-y. League mneeting Sunday afternoon as openesi by President, Mr. S. But- tes-y. Ms-. L Cemba, 4th Vice, then teck charge. Lesson was raa by Cyril Ceembas; topic, mt-s. L. Rich- ards; reading, Mr-. L. -Ceonibe; violin duBt. e- a C. Colacoit andi L. Coombs; secLion by'Maie Choir; sesding. Reg. Ccossbs;, music by the orcheost,>, piano solo, Mr,. L, Colla- cott. 'Meeting clo.sed witb League Be nd iction. MAKE YOUR WJLL An Ontar-io judge recently stated that in one county in this 'province andi he thinks it a fair- aves-age in connection with the estates of de- ceasesi pesans deait with by court officiais, only one in every three pes-- sens made a iwiUl. Tise ressens as- signesi for this are: that it is repug- nant te tise aver-age man te think of his own deatis ansi be ates te miake his will on s sick tbed as it wou}d se an admission tisat ise expectes tea<die. He is always *ooking forwas-d to the time when he wiil be bettes- off and doesn't know just howv he shoulsi dis- pose of isis property. Tise ciief ses- son te eus- way cf thinking la tise olsi one cf procrastination Tise making afa wiil is semnething mon andi women sion't have te do like meeting a tax bill andsi s they put off what tfney consider is unnecessary until it is teeo late and impose a big expense on their- iseirs liv naking 1no wil St al. OBITUARY Mr&. Thos. Spencer, Newcastle 1W,. ai ýses-i-y te rccrd tii, iassing o! 19r.. lIzabeth Spencer, wl! e of Mr. Thos. Spencer, on Moniiay, Mnrch :31st. ), at came 'viih but littie warning. NI r. Spencer went to A-ork on the C. N. R. Bowsanvllle section in the morning a- usual. whitethie ycunger chlldren went te schocl littie stispectlng that by neon Deathl we 10 dprive theis- home o! %vile and raother. 15a-th la ncw bliîm-d on a iacerated wound cf tht, foot, caused by ai Iawn mower. The wcund s'as slow bIs eal- ing and lier doctes- advleed lier remnaîn. îng off lier feet as much as piossible, She was troubled willi vas-ics,. veinr but ne blocd Iosoning develcped fs-cm the wound. When she was taken 90 sud- denly il] Il wsa sposslble at fis-st t0 sectire a <octos-. It Is theuglit dealli s'as (tue te a ciltcf biood seahing the licari. The fuies-aiteck place fs-cm St. Gecorges 'lus-cii We.lnPeday aftes-noon with Rev. P. H. Manon lI charge. Inter- ment s'as made i Bond HIead cemuetery. l)eceased le sur-vived by hier huaband andfi fve chidren, Allan. Dorsl, Tom Jr.. 11'OVeisce and Irtihel, ail cf wlscm have the deepeit sympathy cf the. citizens cf ibis, thels- native village, lI their sudi bereavp- ment. April bs-ougist appropriate showes. The pretty catkins are new in blom. Advestising is insus-once that pays it.s own premniunie. Ms. W. R. R. Cawker, Bowmanvsfle Thse peissing cof Ms-s. Mary Cawker, widow of the lateW. R. R. Cawker, son Monday, March 3lst, in ber 80tb yea-, severs another link in the bist- es-y cf a w~il-known fansily. Ms-s. Cawker was a daugister cf the late Ms-. and Ms-s. Daniel Gilbert of this toiwn, who with ber Ibrotisers, tise late Daniel ainsi la-sy Gilbert, were well- knewn and hiighiy respectesi residents cf the town. He-r husSansi passesi s.way about tdsisty years ago. Sise la survivesi by two daughters, Mu. J. A. Gunn and Ms-s. R. O. Jones, and oe son, Chur-chill, who resided witb ber. Another son, Wm. H., passes a-wsy seves-al yea-s ago. Tiseugs net weil -for some tise ~ae basi eniy been ses- ieusly iii fer aibout two weeks. Mrs. Cawke- was a very quiet retiring woman andi devotes aIl ber tinie tio ber home and famuly. Tise fune-al teck place Wednesday afternoon fs-cen ber late residence, Simpson Ave., service being ccnduct- ed by Rev. R. J. Sbires, Recto- of St. John's Chus-ch. Many Ïbeautiful flowers expressed tise sympathy cf a large nuanbe- cf relatives andi frier.ds. The bearers were five nephews and a son in-iaw: Dr. Jas-main, andi Messrs Geo. Cawker andi Wilfs-ed Rice, Teor ente; C. A. andi T. W. Cawke-, ansi R. O. Jones, towi. The floral tributes included:B-- en Wheel-The Famil-y; Basket-, -Ms-. J. J. '.Mason andi family, Mr:. and Ms-s. D . Fes-guson, Hansilton; Wreaths-Mr. and Ms-s. C. M. Ca-- ker and family, Hollingsheaai Cc. thse Gilber-t andi Stowe families, Roch- estes-, Gs-andciidren; Sprays-M-s. Rosa Gilbe-t, Dr. and'Ms-s. Jas-ian, Ms-. and Ms-s. B. W. Rice, Ms-. andi Ms-s. W . Mas-shall, Mr. and Ms-s. Ira Patte-son and Winnie, Ms-. and Ms-s.1 T. J. Cos-bett, Ms-s. Ida Tennant and Ms-s. J. T. Ts-ewin, iMs-. Thos. Pies-don, Ms-s. J. C. Vanstone and May, Ms-s. Eliza IVors-ail, Tos-onto;,Ms-. andMs-s. Esi. Wilhîamson, Pembroke; Ms-s. Ger- tieFoste-, Ms-. andsiMs-s. F. C. Van- stone, Ms-. and Ms-s. T. C. JewelI andi Prankie, Ms-I. and Ms-s. Geo. Soucis, Ms-. and Ms-s. S. W. Mason, Ms-. ansi Ms-s. Harry Alun , Ms-. and Ms-s. J. L. Morden, INs-. and Ms-s. C. A. Smith, Ms-. and Ms-s. Fred Allun, Ms-. and -Ms-s. .1. E. Os-miston ansiMs-s. Da-n- sein, Ms-. ansiMs-s. W. J. Dudley, Ms-. Allan Battle andi Bob, Miss L Bons- tisan, St. John's Chois-, St. John's CARD 0F TH A N KSH ockey ansi base ali ave vosy ____O__HNK littie apace between tbern. Tise farnily of tise late Mrs. W. R. Dispose cf osis articles you den't R. Cswkas- desire te tbank ail tiseir nlesi. A littie aid in tise Statesmn frienda ansi neighbosa or tise numer- will do st. eus expressions cf synnpatisy andi Wsetcised fs-en Asthma. Strengtb kindness extendesi te tiem during of body andi 7viecs-of nùnsi are in- theis- sas bas-cave ment -by tise deatis evi"tbly impairesi by thse visitations cf thaîs- motises, and for tise rnny of asthima. Wibo can live under tihe beautiful fies-ai oll'es-ngs.J clouai of reout-ring attacha andi keeip Ibody sud mmnd ut thisai(fuil efficien- cy? Dr. J. D. Kellogg0' sAtlhiaa Two Cobourg girs founsi a tin box Rejpe'y diaspate thse 'clousi by i-e- ccntaining a Goves-nment bond ands1 movimg tise cause. It Socs relieve. other valuaibhe papes-s lying besisIciL tees s-etgs-e thse suifes-es- tenor"a tise railway. bodily triai and mental isappineas. T HEYRE here! Three of the new Rogers-Majestic Models-to stili further enhance the reputation Of "Cdnada's Largest-Selling Radio". Edch one a masterpiece of radio engineering. Edch one reddy to give you the maximumin modern radio performance For the minimum in cost. When you "'tune in' with a Rogers-Majestic, every instrument and voice cornes to you naturally, glorîously-with a rich COLORFUL TONE that Wili amaze you by its realism. Only Rogers-Majestic could offer such startling radio values as these. And our budget plan Of paymient makes it easy for you to own the model you prefer. w.N JTEE KING STREET BOWMAN VILLE HOME TOWN BOOSTrER I aiways reed tise Ad,, te see Wbat Home Town Mes-chants offes- me. No coin of naine gees eut cf Tiown, Each Ad i read, boiS up andi down, Andi find my Home Town Mas-chants' store Won't scak my wad-and aven mocre I save in tijnesud don't pay freigbt; H1e always gets ny os-des-s sts-aigbt. Tise goloss are s-igist in weight ansi prace, Fs-cm featheresi bats, to cakes c;f ice. I tisank nry stars fer getting wise And trade in stores that Advertise. Rigbt here at bomne J speni my kale, No bette- goods as-e saisi by ail. I prs-cpe- new, so doas my Town, Tisanks te tisese Marchants cf s-enowis. Are yeu a Mos-chant whose brigist Ada RelP customars to save thei-sass If net, corne in andi see ous-plan Juat, ask eus- Adves-tising Man To show you Cuts ansi Ads comtpieta Fs-cm a naw Sa~les Ses-vice se neat. Thoy make ycu- Advertising psy, Corne in ansi sea thens right away. Tise past -,eaeon bas ces-tainly been BAGNELL Automobiles wil s-un two way- IHere'a techi.dhood's reSolectiomns for-waord and backwKard-so will Susi- of sugar kettle b(Lack, that heIwM eot. ness. When you quit advertising,j ing nectar in ibubbling sweotneas you are tbrcwing it into reverse.J back. r--, -1Visit Canda'. grat mouatain coutrY this summer. Secethse mlghty scenerv of ou- Far west. maire Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park your mountain herdquaatems Ride, climb, swlm, golf, tennis, motor, explore. IPACIFIC COAST on to thse Pacific ... A 500 mile trip front Jasper ... past towerins Mount Robon ... following thse turbulent Fraser River to Vancouver. Every turu a new thrlli. eves- mile a vinta of speesacular beasuy. or ALASKA A 1,000 mile boat trip from, Vancouver dhrough the colorful Inside Passage. Se. glaciers, thseKiGondike, Skaa. orgeous scencry . .. Congenlal feilow - travellers. Tour, may bc made by varlous routes. Pell information snd nssrvà"oa. (om any Pahmg Lnad iau latiorial PA(iUi MPIVW! The New Models You Have Been Waiting For! The Rogers-Majestic 1 The New Popular-Priceci Lowboy, Console ancd ComIbination Are Here 1 Pick- me wu) WHEN eleven o'clock cornes and you grow a littie weary -that'. the tine fora steam- lxsg, nourishing cup of OXO -IT'S BRA CINGI1 la 6 -ox. Pi's"kansd Timao! 4 ndlO Cube. It'e *Meut and Drink" t. yo. WJici J ADIO "Amos 'n' Aniy" and1 scores of other famous keaciners art on the air-NOW. Don't miss tkem. Get your Rogers-Majestic at ont of these stores toclay 1 Plan the Pacithe pessand dQue e. Chce of ate. anale touer ie.aialer. i aaserationl Prm Secthaget ofCanadian Ntinarsaailabs. c1 1 PAGE PIVE .1 STIC we je BOWMANVILLE