PAG~ 11 TE CANDLAI STÂTSMAN BOWMNVILE, THRSDA bAAPIT. i ,t£;PouRf GJFTS FOR EASTER Easter &ms beconie a sseason of giving if ta to loved ones. Our ,displey of gifts will interest you: Gift Handkerchiefs Se to 35c Easter Cards Ge up Easter Baskets loc each Fancy Gift Pencils Sosnething new 35c and 50c each New China 25C up Other Novelties Sc up WALL PAPER Bring Spring into your home with new WaU.paper. Neweqt patterns await your inspection. J W. JE WELL Big 20 Bookatore Bowmanville ARE YOU THE MAN? AN OLD ESTAIBLISHED, PRO- GRESSIVE LIWE TNSURANCE COMPANY wants a District Re- preeentative for Durham County and vieinity, with heedquarters at Be<wnanville. Must Le good worker. Addrefs: A. T.. Dkrawer B., Bowmanvile 1.5-2 a J. K. 1 uurgave' some r mo-eremn- iniscences of his trip around the world. League this Thur-sday even- ing in charge of the Tuxis boys. Lantern slides and 1lecture on "Pas- sion WeoLk" -will he given. Everytne cordially invited te attend...Rev. S. G. Pinnock, Field Secretary for the Upper Canada Bible Society, gave a splendid talk on Sunday e'vening te a verv appreciative audienc.Pleas- ed to learn that Mms. W. J. Vintue who underwent an operation in Tor- onto General Hlospital on Tuesday is prcgressing favomab'ly. Mm. C. E. Frayne, Oshawa, has purchased Mr. E. V. H'oar's fanm at Bethe&da and moved on te it..... . ...Mm. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy have moved te their home at Brooklin... Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper have inoved Ite Orono. SOLINA SALEM LEAGUE Rememiber the Dhvision meeting The Y. P. L. met Monday evening this Thursday evening. w-th Mrs. F. Iloney, convener of the 31.adMr.Go White spent ChSiritian Endeavor Dept. inte Sunday 'with Toronto friends. chair. Opening exercises were con- Miss Vera, Squire spent the week- ducted and the evening was given end at her home in Peterboro. over to our visitors, The Tuxis Boys Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, is visit- of Tyrone. Mr. Woods gave a brief meg her parents, lMr. and Mrs. H. G. but interesting tailk on t.heir work, Pascoe. and Mr. Chalmners led in prayer. Rey. Several froca here attended Quar- J. R. Truipour f ollowed with an il- terly meeting service at Zion Sunday lustrated address on "Passion Week." morîîing. The slides were very interesting and Master Jack Cook, Port Perry, is instructive and enjoyed by al, In- holidaying with 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. strumental music was supplied by Howsai. (Miss 'Marion Honey. A social bal- M.r. A. L. Pascoe was in Toronto houa, foUlowed wbile the young ladies Tuesday attending a meeting of the served candy and apples which Milk Producers. brought to a close a very profitable Mrs. H. E. Tink visited Mr. and evening. Msrs. Hilbon Tink who have lately The Missionary Dept., with Mrs. A. moved to Salemi. Welsh convener, have charge of the Mir. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe spent service next Sunday afternoon. A Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eric splendid prograni is being prepared. Pearce, Claremont. Be_ sure and corne. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Tor-___ onto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds. MAPLE GROVE Sorry to report that Mr. Harold Shuttleworth dislocated his elbow. Offering to be taken next Sunday We wish him a speedy recovery. for th4- China Famine Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence Tink and Miss Ruth Stevens, Town, spent Kathleen, Providence, spent the week the weekend wit!h her grandparents, end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White. Mr. and Mr--. J. D. Stevens. Mrs. Ernest Larmer and Miss Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Ivison 'Mtnday and Blackstock, have been spending a rfew son Ray, spent Sunday -with their days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. cousins, Mir. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, W. T. Taylor. Toronto. Rememiber the Institute meeting ~ie Helen Worden and Rita this Thursday afternoon in the Sun- Johnston, Mr. P. C. Smith, Toronto, day School Room. Roll cal- and Mr. W. O. Smith, Orillia, spent S.ring Flower-s. Sunday with the former's aunt and Our young people gave their p,)p- unc'ele, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden. ular play "Manrying Anne" at Eben- Messrs. L. C. Snowden, N. 1. Met- ezer lest Friday night, and are invit- caif, J. D. Stevens, M. M. Munday ed to give it at Kedron on April l6th. Jr.. and R. R. Stevens motored to Bey. J. R. Bick, assisted by Rev. j. Toronto on Tuesday end attended M. Whyte of Enniskillen, held a week ýlie auetion sale and Milk Producers of special services which weme very) meeting. Ielpful. Rev. Mr. Whvtes solosI Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Mr. J. were .mucii enjoyed also. J. Abernethy and Mr. J. L. Metcalf motored to Bellievîlle on Wednesday, SOLINA SCHOOL REPORT 1A.pril 2nd, and visited Mr. and Mrs. !Ed. DeNure. Mr. N. 1. Metc-aîf al-" Report uf S. S. 20, l)arlington: attended the sale of Holsteins. V-Mae Westlake.j IV-Audrey Ayre, Perey Wêst- lake. Hazel McEwen, Tom Baker, TYRONE Roscoe Baker, Ruby Parker*, Jil h ua etigo .I.S Pamker*, Russell BaLsýon*. Terglrmeigo .3.S IlI-E-va Johns (hons), Weyw as held in vestry -of church on April Wery, alh Tylr, arod Wesey3rd. The programn was in charge Wilererr, ral tayor r l ason, of Mrs. Goodtnan's group. Miss Bule arert.Olive Mýlîson gave a reading. Mrs. Sr. I-I-Bobbi-e Scott, Dbwnem Par- h.-Brredr avrypty ker and Alan Wil'bum equal, Harold osBarenrea rypet Potter. piano solo. The toipic from Jemus-. IL-Kathleen Baker. alem to Jerusaleni was given by Mrs. I--Jean Johns. Goodmian. Readings were aIso giv- Sr. Pr.-Phoebe Shortmridge, FISiI. en by Misses Irene Cameron and Le- cisWoton Magart emknsBrce verne Burzess. M4e.ting closed with Pi otte, M ar E1 erins BrceMizpah... Women's Institute and Jr.'Fr--Jhn ake, Crri Pak-Ladies' Aid will ineet at the home of r.PLo Joui BkerCareePrk-Mrs. Luther Hooper on Wednesday, erLousentBak er. mr eam April l6th, at 2.30 p. rm. Roll cal- -Fabe nt one or more ubexas; Exchange of bulbs, plants. or seeda.I V. M. 1. Squire, teacher. Pper by Mrs. .1. Dudley. A prize ________will be given for the meanber wfhe NOTIE TOJUNIR FAMERS stcures the most names for the auto- NOTCE O UNIR ARMRS graph quilt. Eveiw-,body wecome. . Junior Institute and the Junior .. League Thursday evening openedr Farmers wil] cmeet on Tuesday, April wth hymn.and prayer. A splendidc 15th, at 8 p. rn. in Maple Grove Hall. tpic on '"Italians in Canada" was ] Mar Rudie Clre II* prepared by Miss Clama Woodley andr Sec'y. . I. e y.JF.. J R.TrieBurng-- _ .- Re1-. -I ...w R.v119Wt:pW'I-M1,Rx). i l i. 1&R ing f orward to holding special ser- vices next week. We believe these meetings will ibe inspiring and helpful iin thinking od the great sacrifice of the Cross. On Wedne&day espec- r ahy, the young people are invited, as sPecial young people's worker is to be the speaker of t he evening ...... Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Newell have been 'pending a week in Detroit with the forner's sister. .. Congratulations to 1Mr. and Mr.. Garnet Wright, Black- stock, on the gift of a babyboy... W. M. S. of th,, United Church -was held on Wednesday afternoon at the homne of Mrs. Jno. Larmer, Black- stock. ..Mr. Norton VanCamp, El- mia, spent the weekend wit!h his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van- ~Camp...Miss Kathleen Phoenix visited at the home -of Misses FrancesI and Grace Mountjoy..On .Friday, 1 Anril 4th, MisFes Frances and Grace! MountJoy entertalned a numnler of their triends at a crckinocle party. Everyone spent an enjoyab4e evening i spite of the fact that sonie had t.o walk home. Winners were à1r. Earl Bradburn and Miss Olive VanCamp. ...On Saturday evening, April 5th. a nuniber assembled at "Rose ýPlains Fan" on the occasion of Mr. Herb- ent Swain's birthday. The partýy took the form of a maple syrup soc- ial in the wo.ods. Many gaines wer4c played in the moonlight, then the Party gathered to the log cabin built for the purpose of syrup making. Mr. HaroId Swain Led in the old turne s.ngs, the last being "For he's a jolly good fellow." Toasts Wo the King, Oountry and host and hostess were Qiven. The Party broke up wishing H. Swain grc'at joy for the remainder of his l....... .Y. p. S. of the United Church held on Wednesday nigffit,1 was fairly well attende.d. Miss E. Kemup wa.s in charge of tht' prograni. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Richard Ashton spent Sunday with her brother, 'Mr. Thos. McGill. MsOlaSanderson visited ber gmandmother Mrs. C. Sanderson, Burketon. Miss Luella Stevens, Oshawa, spent the weekend with hem parents, Mr. and Mas. H. Stevens. Mrs. Byron Oke, Lakeport, visited Mm. and Mrs. Walter Oke and Mr. and Mi-s. Wesley Oke. 'Mr. and Mns. Rupemt Bytrs-, Pur- pie, Hill, Mrs. Bruce Perkins, Burke- ton, visited at W. E. Sanderson's. We welcome, Mr. and Mrs. J.« Shackileton and cfainily to our cern- munity. Hle has rented Mr. O. L. Byers' fanm. Ladies' Aid 'meeting was held in the basemnent on Wednesday, April 2nd, with a good attendance. Good Easter progmaIn Was given, and lunch was served by Mrs. E. C. A--hton's group. Mr. J. E. Devitt, Burketon, Mr. F. Gibson, Mr. R. Spinks, Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Strong, Miss E. Strong and G. Strong, Mmr. and .Mrs, 1. Argue, Burke- ton, Mrs. E. Darcy, Blackstock, and Mm. and Mrs. Mervin Grahami, Osh- awa, were mecent -visitors at Mm. J. H. Fireebon's. The sympathy of the conununity is extended to Mr. and Mms. Levi Brunt and family in the death of their son-in-law, Mr. FI-yd Page, who died at his home in Cartwright on Wýednesdýay, Apmil 2n 1, and whiose fnera took place froni Mm. Brunt's on %nday, April 4th, te Hampton Cemetery. A very good congregetion was out Sunday evening in spite of the bad weather and roads. Our paster d- livemed a very fine and helpfi ser- mon on the Christian Church. The' choir rendemed good nlusic asssted by Miss LueU]a Stevens. The Sacra- ment of the Lord's was, given and several were meceived into ehurch nEmnbership. Junior choir will have charge of thý musical service next Sunday. Young People's meeting wvas held on Wednesday, April 2nd., with Miss A.udreiy DoKland, President, in chair. After opening Fred Th-ornett led in prayer; Scriptsme lesson was taken by Mr. J. A. Werry. C.G.l.T. then took charge, with Miss Anni4e Oke in *he chair. Mr. John Slenion, Sr., led in prayer; a reading wasý given by Mns. D. Burgniaster; Mr. John Slemon favored with a vocal 'solo oplic, "The Bright Sîde of Life" was, taken *by Mms. 1'heo SIenion; piano ausic was given by Mrs. H. J. Wer-I ry; and a readi ng by Mrs. J. A. Wer-' ry. Meeting cI-osed with benedictin. HAMPON %»& JLI'ç- r srAJKMI~INU , _ The undemsigned bas reeefved JMm. and Mms. F. Rogers spent Fmi- instructions frein day in Toronto. IMiss ýMyrtle Bradley spent a few W. H. ARGUE Ida ys with hiem parents in Enniskillen. te K-11 by auction without resei-ve lMrs. Wallace, formerly of Hamp- on the premises ton Creamery, has nioved to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Holwel-l and daugh: 1 Mile East of Bowmanv114 ter, Clarke, spent Sunday with Mrs. On thse Highway R. Katerson. Mm. and Mms. Salemi Groat and on ,uanily, Toonto, visited Mm. F. J. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 Great ecently. Thle folq«wing Fanm Stock, ImpIe- Mr. W. T. Perrett has taken a pos- mns t. ition with the Automombile and Sup-nitsec. ply Co., Toronto. Hora..-l Ba«y Teamn, 8 and 9 'Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Osh- yeams old, weight 3000 l'bs.; 1 Brown awa, visited at Mm. and Mrs. W. JH. Tem, 9 and 10 ye.ars old, weight Rusê/s on Sunday. 3000 1b.;iDiving Mare, 12 years. Messrs. Frank and Ross Trenoutis, CattIe-Durha-m Cow, 6 years, re- Oshawa. spent Sunday et Mm. and newed; Holstein Gow, 6 years, renew- '%rs .- Teohs ed; Holstein Cow, 5 years, renewed; Miss Ethel Steplhens is with M.Dra o,7yas u nAga nnd ms.Lesie Sowdn . aple Polled Angus Cow, 8 years, due ini Grove, for a few weeks. November; Grey Durhamn Cow, 6 Mm.W. G. White spent a day or years, due in May; Jersey Cow, 7 two> in Toronto and visited hem sister years, due in May; Durhamn Hoifer, in the Genemal Hospital. rsing 3 years, due in Novemnber; Heol- Mrs. Roy Metealfe and young babo stein Heifer, msing 3 years, due iii are spending a few days with hem Deceniber; Holstein Heifer, rising 3 niother . Mrs. A. Tenouth. years, due in December; 4 yeam-and- Mr. }Henry Wilcox has returned haîf old Heifers; 3 Calves. froni Dercit where he visited hLý Pig-5 Fat Hogs; 1 Bod Sow daughtem, Mms. E. Wilcox. and Pigs. Mm. and Ms. C. Nelson and daugh- 1 ITpeients, Etc.-Massey Harmis ter Muriel, Toronto, spent Sunday Binder, 7-ft. eut; Massey Hanris Seed with Reeve and Mrs. Silas Wiliiams. Dril,11 Il oe; Massey HRarris Culti- ('orne to the Easter Concert on tr Fot&WodM er5-t Monday, -'pril 2lst. Progmam by cut, new;, Teani Corn Scuffler, Mas. Mr. Walter Crew, Toonto, andl other sey Har-ris, new; Bain Wagon with talent.combined stock and hay rack; Set Mi-zs H. Virtue has returrne(lte Toboeffan Sleizhs; 10-foot Rake, Markhan afater having spent a fcw Frost & Wood; Three Log Steel ROII- Virtue..thhm otcMm.W er, Frost & Wood; Hay Tedder, Mm. nd Ms. ptonStehensandFroest & Wood: Nisco Manure Spread-I Mr. nd iptn Sephe.s nd r, new; ') Walking Pio'ws, Massey ba.he, M.and Mrs. Gordon VanCamp RaIl ;StHrrw, setos andl -on FamI, visited at Mrs. Geo. Catrha; StFannin Mi4Iseitiobgn; Stephens. FIat ham RackneMiw; uter;Bagzry; Gladl to report Miss NancY Johns Filt HW acn: ne-Houtr; Surmye; p-rressing fax orahly after an oper- Fxrt Wgnien Lde 36feet;fairn at;on in Torontu Ceneral Hlospital,Exeso adr36ft;Fibn foi, gcitre.. Morse Gasline Engine, four herse W<. awelcom<. M . and M s j 00 Power; rinri Stonce: 2 Sets Teain Chan:t 1,oour village. Thpehvyan-.,;StSnl 1ansý ub itaken residene with his brotheýr Ted fr (If Grain BaLn, Fomrk, Hnes. Shov- a', th- (",nerv &. 'etc. Aherl>elenin oteTonmAndrus Poutry-Rt0 Pire Bred WMite Wy-1 fell in a Weil a few <laysa ato and af- ndottfs <ysunr liens). ter much difficulty was taken out but Feed---Qiînntiîx. cf Hsy anci See is ser'-cu.sly hurt. Grain <Barlev and Oats). Extra special prices tn broom Sleat123.p n. ap from 35c up while they last." Also T e n shari. 1 gmd values in wall paper and paints, aTerme:, Ond aIltsunsMay.$20aind' at Ilorn's Store. Ft ada]srso 2 n ________undrr. cash: over that aniouTnt 6 Mm. and Mrs. Philip Talcott and monTth5,ý credit on approved note.s Mms. John Barker, RBo<)mfieldl, were beariniz interest at 61,'per annurn. recent guegts of 'Mr. and Mrn. Gerald F. O. Masoii, Wm. Maw. Takott. Clerk. Auctioeeer. I. 1: t t n r r Hand made copies of~ New York models, care- fuily selected foir fashions rightness, workmanship and fine materials of Baku, Bankok and the smart Sisol. Ail the new shadesSORE the une of Bible Society womk. SPRINCTIME SPECIAIS ~II j! i., .1 li~ II~ GIRLS' SPRING COATS Dressy littie Tweed Coats in capelet styles or plain tailored styles. Some are self-trimmed, others are trimmed with contrasting colored materials in collar and cuifs. Appearance and durability are com- bined to please daughters and mothers alike. Size 4 to 14 years. Priced $4.95 to $12.50 SERGE REEFER COATS FOR BOYS OR GIRLS Made of a navy ail wool cheviot serge that will give satisfactory service. One who wants a moder- ately priced, yet stylish, littie coat, ,vill find this hard to beat. in New SrrgCcloris SPRING COATS FASHIONABLE For Sport or Formai Wear Coats of broadcloth, tricotine,' poiret and other imported fabrics, fashion the more dressy modeis. Some with jaunty capes, some with self trim, and others with rich fur trim- mings of squirrei, gallyac, broadtail and mole; and ail in the new shades. Pricèd from $7.95 to $37.50 DRESSES IN THE NEW SPRING FASHIONS Youthful favor is assured in these charming new af- ternoon dresses of heavy quaiity crepe. New flares, fancy sieeves, etc. Coiors Black, Brown, New Blues, Red, Green, Dahlia, etc. Other Special Croups at $1.95 and$29 WALKER STORESf YOUR FAVORITE LIMITED PAY CASH AND SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE BUY FOR LESS M &&%AMPTON 1 E'NFIELD Hampnton Women's Institute met Miss Dorothy Pascoe bas been vis- th kom of Mm A AMni, Thurs.. tng at Wick. day afternoon, Aqirl Srd, President Sacramental services will b>e held Mrs. H.E. eRindie in the chair. Ihere next Sunday. Minuties of laut meeting 'were read issAbraPgDtot svs and alpproved. 3Miss Norah Hrnit gat be.ta.Page, etoti vs wau a.pçonted a <elegate to attenditnatM..Pges Edct.oa cnetion to be Miss Ruby Smith, Oshawa, svs held TrUo. l oe tesue r-iting at Mm. L. C. Pascoe's. poed in .35, 7e esre oneet A little child of Mr. TaImage Tay- on Marc'n l7th. Relief salppaies val- bmo had an operation for mastoids ued at $25 were sent to Manitoizlin. last week. Mmra C. W. Souch, convener of lHealthI Ladies' Aid beld the mnonthly meet- Gomxittee, took charge of the Pro- ing at the 'home of .Mrs. L. C. 'Psscoe gran. 'Miss Lena TFaylor, Solina, on Wednesday. gave a talk on "The Bedroem aini A nuniber frein here attended the HeaeÂth and in %eclness," and gavej funeral of the latLe Floyd Page at many splendid s6uggestions for ho'me Enniskillen. The bereaved ones n.ursing. She aiso gave a demon- have the sympathy of the c.oiniunity. stratio.n on band.aging. Mies Taylvr was given a hearby vote of thankas for her excellent addrms. Meeting BL.ACKSTOCK closed by singrng (led Save the King. Lunch was ses-ved by West Group. Mr. L Louis, representative of the Next meeting will ho lield May lot, Prohibition Union, spoke in the Unit- at home 0fmraG. Adoek All ed Chumch, Bl.ackstock, oDn Sunday members are Tequested to attend as night, but on account of the inclerii- it is election cf officer. Progmarn ent weather and bad roads, theme was in dharge od 'Miss M. Katerson and 1 a verY POOT attendance. . .. The Unit- conunittee on '*Canadàan Industries." ed Ch'urch under the directio>n of LENTE N SERVICES AT HAMPTON The congregation el the Ha.mpton iUnited Church are holding pre- 1Easter ingpirational meetings during Passion week, the ininisters of the Oshawa CPresby-tery assisting. Those expected to speak are:- Monday-Rev. Joq. M. Whyte; Tuesday-Rev. Geo. jMason; Wednesday-Rev. A. L Rich- ards; 'Thursday-Rev. Roy H. Rick- ard; lPid,y-Rev Thos. Wallace. Services at 8 p. ni. It is hoped that ail members and adherents witl share in these meetings of Christian Fel- 1'owship. G. SALEMMaadm. We ex-tend a we]c-ome to Mr. Hiltion Tink and Mm. Clarence Tink who are moving it our neighborhood. Mr. Kyle Squair spent a few days with ibis aunts, the Misses Stephens, Bownanvile.Kyle is on the way to reoovery aftem his recent accident. Re. S. G. Pinnock Field Secretary fo)r Upper Canada Bible Society, ac- cýo-mpanied the pastor at the after- noo)n service on Sunday and deliver- ed a veryinteresting discourse along il.-4 % WHEN YOU ORDER MEAT TRY SOME 0F THESE SPECIALS Fray Bentos Corn Beef, small tin ............23c IKELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES ...........3 for 25c Gold Medal Prepared Must.ard ............1c jar Pork & Beans, a whole meal .............1Oc can Sour Mixed Pickles, large bottie .......... ....35C Large Bottie Catsup, limited lot at ...... ... * 20c Orient Tea. a real English breakfast tea .......c8 MEATS 0F BEST QUALITY If you are flot a regular customer at this store send us a trial order and you will find out that our meats are tender, juicy and reasonable in price. G. A. EDMONDSTONE MEAT MARKET Phone 21 Bowmaanville BETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON Of LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHfRACITE ne Colal 7u Safis fiq The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tainiy lhad a long speli of it this winter. Yet it isn 't ail over now as there wili be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful flot to raise a dust or niake unnecessary muss. We seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarter for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON BuiIders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2f Bowmanvifle a SPRING TIME EAVETROUGH TIME Ooane ini and consuit us about your work. We handle ae good line of Pumps for Well or Cw.; tern or Pressure Syste<mm, to suit your requireinents. FJRST CLASS WORK Ouir Slogan R. E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heating & Tinemithing Phone 264 it S. n 6 7 1 n THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANviLLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 1M. 19,30 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. le dw PAGB MX $3.95-$4.95