TRE CANANM4N STATESMAN, BOwXANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRLIL lGt.h, 1930 PAGE SEVIM a ILSwhat you miake it. Neglect olten maltes it dull. Espe.cial]y when you £ai to heed the warning frein "heavy" aching eyes. Nervous Debility cxten arisefi fromn poor vision; your efMlency is reduced; things do flot seem bright. Eye Strain does this. Otir eclentifie method of exani- bdng yOUi eYes shows imrnediately whether tbey need assistance. If theY do we can furnish the r;ight gIaffees That is the function of our oervice. Jury & LoveII1 P16one 78 When in Need of Druga W. Deliver PRAYING BANID 45 YEÀRS AGO Since our article on Prayer in a recent issue and suggestion of a PraaYing band in local churches, Councillor T. H. Lockhart has showi, us a group of young men organized 45 years ago and function- ed as an evangelistie band in connect- ion with the then Wesleyan Metho- diat Cliurch of Bowmanville, Rev. Edgerton Ryerson Young being the pasior. These were the mexnbers: Henry Bennett*, John W. Bujuner, W. A. ýBunner, H[arry C. Brittain*, Win. Brittain*, William J. Cole, W. F. Dale,, Chas. Doncaster, Ed. Gouid*, John Joblin, Th'omas Kirby*, Thos. H. Lockhart, W. H. May, John Pot- ter*, Oscar Scott, Edgerton R. Young Jr., Rev. E. R. Young, B. A.*, pastor. We believe an effort is being niade to hold a reunion of the living xnem- bers some turne this year. Seven thus marked * have passed to the Church triumphant. Mr. W. J. Tyler, Chicago, Ill., spent the weekend with his parents, .Mr. and -Mrs. Clark Tyl.,er. His father celebrated his 82nd birthday on Sunday, Api-il 6th, and is hale and heartY. we hope good for many years yet. RO&SE BUSHES Grown in Holland I&c EACH A. L. Nie hoils Bowmanville TIMELY ADYICE FROM LEN. ELLIOrT SOONER OR LATER You are going to need a plumber or tinsmith to do that odd repair job. Don' t put it off tili the big Spring rush. Why not phone us to-day and one of our experts will soon be on the job. It may on]y be a leaky tea kettle or a tap needing a washer. No job too large or too small. - _____W__________Il________ LEN ELLIIOTT Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing Phone 348 Bowmanville Officiai OpeningSaturday We expeet everything will be in shape to resume business as usua2l in oui balte shop and store by Saturday. For the opending vie wiLl feature all kinds of cakes and pies. AU new eaadiee ini stock. We will be glad to wecome back al e4d customers and any new ones. We wdsh teo take this opportuniuy of thanking W. P. Corbett fer the much appreciated assistance given us in allowing us to use his bake sbcsp. The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE E aster Fashions ATIRACT LADIES TO THE SMART SHOP Ail the newness, ahl the smartness, ail the gloî-y of Easteî' are reflected in the chaximing new modes we are now showing. Their brillian- cy and beauty are reasons for their being chosen as the van- guard of Spring and Summer. We cordially invite you to view this distinctive col- lection of Easter wearables at THE SMAR TSHOP GEO. R. MAS ON, Manager. j LOCAL AND oTrHERtWISE AUCTION SALES a Mr. and Mis. B. W. ¶Iillyer, Tor- Satusday, April 12th.-lllhere will a onto, spent Sunday witlh bis sister, I be sold by public auction, 1 % acres Mis. C. W. Jacotbs. land, aiso, f rame dwelling with black- Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, spent a smitlx shop situated in village of En- few days with hier parents, Mr. and niskillen. Sale at 2.30D p. m. Ternis: Mis. Wan. Trewin, las~t çvei. 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 inMs. S. J. Henry spent a few deys1 day. T. M. Slemon, auctioneer. LH. Wilson and Miss Tillie Little. Friday, April ISti.-The under- Mis. Gea. Thompson and daughter signed bas received instruction from Kay, Toronto, spent the weeicend the administratrix of the estate a(d with her s inte'r, Missa bTeresa Mu.phly. the late Stanley Floyd Page to e sIiby Misses A. Elli8on, MyItlefr My auction on Lot 8, Con. 2, Cartwright, and Agnes K. Haddy, T'oronto, spent one mile west of Smith's Woods, ail Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. IF. A. of bis farmn stock, implements, etc. Haddy.Sale at 1 p. ni. See bills Theo. M dr M~ . . M Sienion, anctioneer. Theron r. J. J. Mason, Ms .S. B Mountj.oy, cierk. James and Mr. Stuart R. James spent the weekend with relaLtives in Tor- onto celebnating the formor's 70th Airticle For Sale birthday. G-0l. W. H. Flbcyd, Cobourg, was in MORSES FOR SALE-us good womk to%-n Satuvdây presiding at the Ju- hoss Apply: Rear 539 Kiîng St. E., venule Court where a couple lads ap- 9a.14: peared before hirn for not attending FOR SALE-Renfrew Creatu Sopaator, school regularly. used 6 mouths. Orville Osborne, R. R. Mr. R. T. Stephens, Mr. G. A. 4, Bownianville. 15-1w Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. John Percy. FOR SALE-Electric Washocr (Beatty) attended the funeral of their cousin, in good condition, and two oak dressers. the late John H. Rosevear, at Port Sîrs. A. Lowe, King St., Bowmanvilîe. H,ýon Wednesdav, 14i Mn. nd is.A. Hnia an so FOR SALE-150 bushoîs Banner Seed Jack of Huntington, West Virginia, Outs, 90e a bushel; also one horse. Isaac were in tnwn during the weekend Hairdy, HR. I. 1, Hampton. Phone 167-4. guests of Miss Mary Hume and the 15-2 Misses Brimacombe. BICYCL.E FOR SALE-C, C. -M. Col- Mr. Win. McMiflan, a teacher inl umbia Bicycle, excellent condition, reas- the Collegiate at Lindsay for the pat oal nc.ApyBx13 omn soeven years, has been appointed 15-1w IPincipal, succeeding Dr. T. A, Kirk- MORSE FOR SALE-A 6-Year-oid agri- W. J. ll tt as e.d o! b ulsurl b J.J. 1ar. wterviî,newabout, connll ho nsiged, uttmlbrwJ.nJniant, wilîNewcasotle W.J lt a ipse fhsi-R .3. 15- tenests In the White Rose Service Station to A. D. Fortier of -Toronto FOR SALE-High Class Exhibition Whois.alradyin !hage. Seean-Dahlia Bulbs. Write for prico liaI. who s aread inchage. ee n- hos. Bottroîl & Son, Bowmianville, ont. nouncement in another columu. Mr. Box 174. Phono 2. 11-6- Plett ha, rneved te Oshawa. Harold (Dutch) Osbor-ne, who had FOR SALE-Quantity of ftred 0515, in- bis first experiencei prfsin lclidin g small i'erccntage of hartey asud ce n pofesioalwheat. 65c a bushel. Green l3ros. hockey the past season with Boston li. R. 3, 1owmanviîîe. Phone 133-14. Tigers, and accerding te n4êwsps.per1-2 reports made a most creditable show- ing, returned home this wNeek. HORSE FOR SALE--General Puniiose, 4 years old, thomoughly broken te every- Mrs. Donald S. Linden, Toronto, thiug, weight about 1300. Apply te bas returned froni a visit to hier si- Norman Y, lîowlees, Solina. Phione 211-6. ter, Mis. J. R. Lana, Calgary, who is 15-1" seriously ill. Mms Linden also en- FOR SALE-Roan Shorthorn Bull, il joyed a visit with Mrs. W. G. Mor- Imonths old, out o! Maggie o! Towie rison (Miunie Rogers of Enniskilen). (i mp), sire, Broadoak, grandson o! Quar-I See reference te Mrs. Lânden's terstaff. Fred Parker, R R. 5S, Cobourg.j mother, Mrs. Hanson, in another col- 15ev.-2w,*i, Mr. William McCrea, Chicago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. MeCrea and Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Cobbledick, Toronto, were hero, on Sunday attending the funeral o! the late Miss Isabella McCrea, who died in Brockville on Friday and was buried in the fami'ly plot in Bowman- ville cemetery on Sunday, Rev. J, W. Bunner offciating. The many frionds o! Miss Elsie M. Bragg, daughte-r of Mm. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., and Mrs. Bragg, Bow- manvilie, will be pleased to learn that she has been appointed Secretary of the Wiflard Chocolat,- Company, Toi- onto, where she bas been eniqoloyed as private secretary o! the Mlanager for the past six years. Rev. C. W. Gordon, botter known as "Ralph Conner'", Winnipeg, Rev. C. R. Carscallen, Principal otf Ontarào Ladies' CoPlege, and Mis. Carscallen, Whitby, were interested visitera this week at tîhe Boys' Training Sehool. Dr. Gordon who addressed the stud- enta said he neyer saw a keener lot of 'boys and was geatly impressed with the practical and effective nieth- ods use.d at the school in xnaking use- f ul young Cana.dians. Mrs. John Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. DFonald McDonald and Mr. Archie Mcflonald, town, Mr. and Mis. T. H. Armotin and faxily, Hampton, Miss M. Smith, Orono, were among the guests at the SUver Wedding anni- versany of Mn. and Mmn Walter Ar- trieur o! Oshawa, who conipleted twenty-five years of snai-ried ýlife on Saturday, April 5th. They were presented with an address, rea.d by Mrs. S. Vinson, bridesmaid, and a chestenfield chair, silver, flowers, etc, by Mr. Norman L. Mutten, grooms- man of twenty-five years ago, on be- bal! of their friends. Mn. W. Ar- mour was chainman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacomube, Mr. Garfield Brimacombe and Miss Haz&-l Thomnas, Toronto, Mv. and Mr,. Rd. Snowden and grandcbildnen, Joe and Bessie Langnaid, and MT. and Mis. T. B. Penfound, Oshawa, spent Sunday with the Misses Brimaciombe. When tbe Oshawa party wexe return- ing home Sunday night the fog was se dense that tbey van into the ditch near iMaple Grove, and the car was upturn-c-d. Mn. Snowden neceived severe injuries and was laken to Bowmanville HospitaL. On Mondaiy hoe was remeved te bis home in Osh- awa whene ho is recovering as wel as may be expected.. Fontunately the balance o! the party eseaped av ious inju.ry except for a few bruises and nervous shock. SONS 0F ENGLAND N-.. 19, Bowinanville, take notice Rhatnte reurged to attend a meet- in n'usay, April l5th, at 7.30 p. mi., when the lodge will entertain Lodge Ca'mbridge of Toronto. Robt. Holme., Geo. Pritch.ard, Secretary. President. IProvidence Farmens' Club met inj Shaw's School1 on Tuesday, April lat, with the ladies in charge. A splendidj prograni wss presente-d, with Mrs. S. 1 Chas. Allun in the chair, assisted by Mrs. Eanl Osborne. 'Mle meeting epened with conununity singing, fol-1 lo(wed by a veading, "Hygieno" by Mis. Clarence Aflin; piano duet by IMrs. S. Chas. AUlin and Miss Ada Al- bin; recitatien, "The CettIc Thief" by Miss Winnie Rickard; hum<>mous neading, Ada Afflin; qpianio solo, Miss Loreen Lorvimnan; vocal nunibers by a quartet comprising Misses Loreen Lornirnan, Winnie Rickard, Ada AI-, lin and Marion Rickard. Miss Editih Bonnett gave an interesting and in- structive account et! the Short Course recently held in Bo*manville. The accompanist of the evening was Miss LetaLI, 31m«. Appreciation of the progiam was expressed by the gentle- men, after whieh the meeting ad- jýourned. gaslie egie, H P. amost as good as new. will take one-third of original price for quick sale. Corbett Motor Saies-, Bowmanville. 6-tf COWS FOR SALE-Seven good young registered Holstein cows, renwing in a few days; good butter fat test; easy miuikers. R. L. Worden, 1 mile west of Bowmanville. Phone 15rl. 13-tf FOR SALE-White Blossoni 1929 Sweet Clover Seed, price $3 bua. delivered, bags free; also Seed Qats, O.A.C. 144, price 90e per bushel. Apply to W. J. Leask, Taunton. Phone 163rl3 Oshawa. 14-3* POMERANIAN PLJPPIES FOR SALE- Males. 4 nionths old, egisered, bouse trained; also C'ollie, one year old, $3.00, to good home. Dogs boarded, bathed and groomed. Star Kennels. (Ic.-nsed), Port Whitby. 14-3- FOR SALE-Cedar poste and a number o! large nine-foot anchor posts; also timber suitable for sleepers and other building purposes. Twenty colonies o! Ilees at a bargain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, Bowmanviile. Phone 203r4. 13-3* FOR SALE-2 Massey Ejaxris aud 1 Deemlng Cultivators; 2 Seed Drills; One 2-furrowed Gang Plow; ail lin good work- ing order; 2 or 3 horse new style Massey Harmis Cultivator, new -last year, and others. Apply S. J. Henry, Phone 631 or 13, Bowmanville. 15-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Piano, four feet four high, full keyboard wlth ivory keys and pedals like new; beautiful touch and toue quality. This piano is lust the right eise and, with a bench, wll ho sold at a price and on terras that are within the abllity of anynne wlshing to pur- chase. F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Two colony houses, 8 x 10; one Royal brooder stove. 1000 chick size: one Royal Pursdle brooder stove, 600 chick size; one hot water Queen Incu- bator, 300 eggs; one Chatham hot air ln- cubator, 120 eggs. One Jersey heifer caîf, week oîd, for sale. Apply Ervine Foster, Phone 47.5r11. Bo\ 236, Bow- mauvilte. 14-tf Wated BOARD AND ROOM $7.0A WEEK-Ail convenlences. Apply Mrs. Georire A. Gibson, Tenipemance Street, BowmanviUle. 12-4 FARMERS' ATTENTION-Farn hand needs employrnent. rnarried man. Frank Flint, clo H. M. Foster, R.. R. 5, Bow- manville, Ont. 13-ti WANTEO TO RENT-Furnlshed or un- furnIshed house (preferably furuished>j May lI for 5 or 6 ruonths. Write glv- Ing fuill partieulars and price. to Mrs.W R. Jackman, 688 Irving Park BI3v<L., Chicago. II., or S .1J. ackrnan, flow-j nianvillle. 15-tf CARTING AND TRUCKING AUIl kada of Carting. Trucking an Mfoving; local andi long diatane. M. BOMUARO, Phone 30 QuesSt., BowmanviII. 9 OUT 0F 10 women want a "Clinging Face Powder" It took years of testing -on every type of skin to develop "DAY DREAM" the face powder that clings and clings. Particular women love Day .Dteam because of its superior quality and exqulsite odor. There's a shade for every complexion. POPULAR SIZE 50c KERSLAKE 'S THE «ENDABLE DRUO STORE Ph... 40 CORY-In ever Ioving memory of wil- liam James Cory, beloved husband of àMande Cory, who passed te meat at Osh- awa, on April 141h, 1927. 'Tis now; three years, how Swif t time Mies, Loves sweetest memomy nover dies; I miess hs help, lus cheery ways, With hlm I spent my happy days; I miss him when ln need of a frlend, On hlm 1 could always depend; One of the best whom God coulfi leud, A loving hnsbaud, a faithful friend; 1 miss hlm sud mourn him in silence un- Soon, And dweiî on the mEýmory o! days that have been; God grant soîneday we'lI meet again. * Sadly miseed by his lovIng Wlfe. lu Ioving niemniory o! Pte. A. F. King, Ne. 74540l9, 2nd l>aIl CEF., formnemly 116 Batt., killed in actin t Vimy Ridge, Aprit 121h, 1917, aged 21 yeams, 2 montha. A Sîeeper ln Feance In ever glonious France, Near the unrosting ses, TIî,y Ilafi my boy to rest Far, fan freinm,, 1Iîey îîined the lowiy cross, fllest sigu 10 aIl who weçp, And then with other boys Lei't hlm asieep. Even (bath has a wonderful mission, Tho' it relis ns o! those we love, Rt lifts our hearts froni oun surroundings To long for that meetingabove. No matten how heavy the burdon. No miatt-r how great the despain, Heaven seemai nean.ým aud deamer, To knov that our loved one is thene. OnIy those wîho have Ioved sud lbat Rnows the Great Wa's bitter coat; flis life was good, his death was brave, May God %%atch o'em oun s-oldler's grave, --Fondîy emembered by Moher. Fathen, Sisters aud Brothers. Lost or Found LOST-lack leather pocketbook con- t.aining money, two cheques and driver's license. FInder please returm. to Nor- man Clemens, phone 237r3, or Statesman Office. Reward. Baby Chicks For Sale HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE-Bred to lay single comb White Leghorns, by the setting or by the hundred. Phonse 320r5 Bowmanv ile. (.W. Woodley, Tyrone. 14-2w HATCHING EGGS-From large type production S. C. White Leghorns, Dr. Roe's University of British Columbia strain, blood lUnes from 200 to 303 eggs. $150 per 15; $8.00 per 100. Thos. Bot- troul & Son Bovimanville, Ont. Box 174. Phone 2. -6 Buy youm Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs froni our S. C. 'White Leghorns and Barred Rocks; high egg record. We have extra fine matings. Rock cocker- els aIl pedigreed birds froni high egg- producing stock. Prices right. Phone 38W or write W. H. Carruthers, Bow- manville. 10-tf Té Let FLAT '10 RENT-FIve roonis, water- works, electric lights. Apply Statesmnan Offce.1 FARM TO RENT-One hundmed acres lu Clarke Township. Apply 10 C. R. Lovekin, Newcastle. 14-2 HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, possession at once. .Apply to Silas Fos- ter, Scugog St., Bowmnanville. Phone 546. 1-tf TO LET-7 ooni brick, ail conven- lences, newly decorated, hamdwood floor, .and French doors. Apply 260 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 15-1* HOUSE TO LET-On George St., mod- ern conveniences, possession Aprîl lot. Apply to F. Foloy, corner Church and Brown St.. Bowsnanville. il-tf TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In IBowmanville. modemn conveniences. Apply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, etc., Bowmanvllle. Phone 102. 46-tf MOUSE TO RENT-Seven roonis. viat- Amworkq, bath, electrlc tights. locatod King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- Nly A. A. ColwiII, Newcastle. 51-tf FOR RENT-Poultmy, fruit and garden fanm. acreage to suit tenant, good bouse adbarn. Apply to A. H. Clemens, R. R.Bownianvitle. Phone 237-3. 12-tf For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-For lat o! May, an 8-roomned brick bungalow; modemn jconveulences; garage; good gardon. Ap- ply J. R. Philp, Scugog Street, Bowintn- Iville. 14-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-The propmty of th, lte John Fi. Trull la offerod for sale. For p IartilcuIars apply to Mrg. J. H. Trull, 1 Churcli St., Bowmanvllle. 15-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-On Duke Street, ln good condition, % acre land, property of the late Richard lianilyn. Apply te Fred Downey, George St., BowmnvIlle. 14-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-fi or 8 roomed rug brick houses, wlth alnmodern con- venienei: garage and garden. Easy ternis Apply to J. E. Flett, George St., l3owmanville. Phone 384. 1-tf REAL ESTATE- We can sel i ù Fa-ni. W,' can get you City propemty for your farin. No sale no charge. Buyers waltlng. Send fulil particulars ln first ]lttor tO DisneY Rl ~iEstate, Osiîaîva. 14-4 HOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed bouse with good gardon and shed, situated on north aide of Second Street: price reas- onabie for qulck sale; property of the late WVilliam Quick. Apply to the oxecutora of estate, W. F. Quick, A. MclGregor, B.owmanville. 7-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-Nice 6-roomed bouse with aIl modlern conveniences, one block froni C. P. R. Station, wilI take $1500 less than It coat to bulld; aiso a number o! good brick houses lu differ- ent parts of the tovin. Easy ternis. Apply 10 Wm. Brook, Queen St., Bow- manville. Phone 114. 10-66 LAUNDRY WANTED Al kînda or lain<jry work don. promnpt- Y. satîsfactortly and at reaaonable prie.« Write Pont Officee Box Il. or cul mm. W. Marjoram. KIng Set. E.ownvII. P'0. 4711w. DEATHS ROSEVEAR-In Port Hope, on monday, April 7th, 1930, John Henry Rosevear, jr his 87th year. LIN DSAY-In Bownianvjlle, on Friday, jAprIl 4th, 1930, Robert James Lindsay, aged 76 years. MCCREA - At Brockville, on Friday, April 4th, 1930, 1sabella McCrea, aged 85 years. Interred in Bovamanville Cern- eterY en Sunday. HORNE-In Bowmnnville, on Thurs- day, April 3rd, 193t), F'rederick John Horne, aged 54 yeare, heloved husband Of Marion E. Horne. SLUTE-ln Whitby, 'April ist , 1930, Agnes Eliza Battie, wdow -o! the late T. Harry Slute, aged 60 years, eldeet daughter Of Mr. Allen Battle of Bow- manville. Interred In BowmanvIlle Cern- etery. IN MEMORIAM 'DODUE HAIEI (South of Friday afternoor WILI Featil in' DODGE TRUC The public.i imporant Motor the finest dispia; to-day. Please consider weJil Local Distribut MOTOR AT LY'S GAE FPost Office, Bowmi m and Evening-AII odge/1 ,L BE ON DIS PIJ uring Sixes and Eigl Sedans and Couýpes also CKS AND PLYMOI is cordially ilnvited rShow and see first Lys of the best carsc rthis a personal inv CHAI itrfor Dodge Cars o DRESS UP FOR EASTER MEN'S & YOUNG MEN'S TOP COATS $19-95 In this lot you will find verybeautiulcoths, in the season's newest shadesva lues woith $25.00, For $19.95 YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE 2-PANT SUITS AT $2450 Avery heavy ulityi blue serge, with two pairs of pants, double boreasted models, On Sale at $24.50 YOUNG MEN'S TWEED SUITS WITH 2 PAIRS PANTS AT $16.95 In this lot are shades of fawn and grey; a very snappy styled suit that will give extra wear. At Only $16.95 T. B. GILCHRIST Dia-.tIy Opposite Bank of Mosatsmai Phone el, DowamamvlU 7- q r FilYour Baskets AT HARRY ALLIN'S CORNER GROCERY CREAMERY BUTTER...................... 38C IL Roman Meal, keeps you right ..........30c pkg. Fry's Chocolate Syrup, 1 lb. tin ...............2.5c Sheriff's Pineapple Preserve, 12 oz. net ......19c BRING US YOUR FARM PRODUCE Crystal Castile Soap, 2 big bars .............25C ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER FREE To customers buyig Johnston's Floor Wax at 75c pt. or $1.35 qt. Fairsex Toilet Soap ,6 cakes ...............31c Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and Grain. Maple Syrup - Easter Lilies - Fresh Vegetables r. 4 e e SHOW ZA6E anville) 1Day Saturday lutos ALY bhts )UTH CARS to attend this9 , hand one of on the market vitation from .àLIS aid Triucks --0 1 1