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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TMURS&DAY, APRIL lOth, 1980 For Gas Acid Stomach, Indigestion Bisurated Magnesia la Sale and Reliable If you ame a victim oi Stonmc Toubkt,-Gas, Souruese, Acidity, Pain or Bloating a-fter eating, Biaur- a*.d 12agneIumade for you. At tenearea drug store, get a bettle-powder or tabiets--take a lit- tin getàtntrelief. Keea 7U5 t omacli sweet and streng-digestlon perfect. IV worka lik. a cha-m. What Are You That Stitf Swoll Did you ever stop to think that antmathe inexpensive -remedies M[any a man hm bat a week's ;wu a slow-acting reedy ,ben one or two godrbings withi uvitlypentraingJOINT - KASE wol aekept him on his job. 1 New mast beer i mta a gen-1 eous tube of 3O9iN ùlT-AE madei rkht hmr in Canada cocts but 60c SNOWDROPS 3trave little snewdTrcpe Frail and so fair, Facing the iMarch winds- Breathing the air. Little iwhite lowrets Joweled with green, Daintàly perfumed, Fit for a que on. Gay Iittle faires AU may admire, Standing in long ro-ws Like maids iii a choir. Freil thinga of beauty, Sweet fragrance give- A joy ta beholders The sbort bours they live. -By Laura Bedell. Four mer-y sisters take turn to- g4-ther. SSour, shake, scrub and paint in the bright April weather. (From The News ol April Srd) (Ccontinued froqn page 2) 'Ms .B-sin Torotnao. ing force es soon as ithe ave.rage Ml s T r. iste friedshard-rworking, self-respecting citizen inTron.o ayst wevek tedbegins Vo srealise how great an in- iii orono lst wek.cubus the unfit and defecîtive, the Ms. Chailes Knox has e liZfle< unentecrprising and incapable, forni home from Detroit, Midi. on the pro9perity and wealth of the Mms W. H. Robinson,, wlio is sUbi nation, how trhey make his wages in tbe Peterboro hospital, la reiported lower, his food dearer, and the risk tic be isnproving. of uneniployetgaer Mr. and Mr&. Sheldon Moffat are ! moving into the village. Ilii hio- If we cannot strike a juster bel- ther, Robet, will continue on at the ance between -tho d caia of senti- fanm. j mental huimanitarianism and those of Miss Gladys Tucker of Victolia future generations, it seerns ta me College, Toronto, and Miss Dorothy that the average quality of oui- POP- Rosi-, Bowmnanville, were wcekend ulation niust progrcss-ive'ly deterior- gueets of Miss Helen Powers. ate, and 1 can f eel but littie hope for \Mr.Wesey oodand analy aveEngland's future. 1V is, 1 think, as Tnoved Vo the Bruce Waddeli farm, eiuastt. Iw reo Antioch section. Mr. Stanley Grewon build Jerusaiern sacceeds hhn on the Pirof. C. B. Ss- in England's gi-een ani Pleasant land' so fa-m we must, 1 think, reverse aur present 'poliey. We must in same way con- Misses Berfiha Cain and Gladys trive te secure thbt as imany as pas- Cobbledick were home f romn Peter- sible of Oui- future citizen,% shali in- bora Noqnmal School, aud 'MissElBla herit nat oniy a hý-aiU1hy mind in a Tamblyn fricm Toronto Normal, over fhealthy body, but also those special the weekend. qualities -whîch make for success and Repais work at tiho idire hall is now happiness. In this way-and I think undeoe way. A new roof,re]cn in n'ao other-we may hope ta estab- decayed joints, steel girders, eb.c is aini hc iesalb are a-niong the repaira being madle. overfbowingly worth living for al, j A n-w watertank is also being bhu-Eltand no-t merely for a for-tunat-e fe'w." lid42. o1%,1f-f -* * * - uujv&-thechan folr sire protection pur- WN poses. ,d-* . Mr.Arthu'r Manning seceivod word l Ey last week of the deatél of his father, me. Mr. Thomas Manning, at Burward- slcy, Eng. Mr. Manning Sr. was in w Recpe Bk tr hi s S2nd ycar. P-wo sons and three de1,aughters survive, .a1il o whcm with fI~AB' ~ the exception of 'Mr. Manning of this ]TED. OMMALtown. are living in Eng]and. A very intercsting meeting of Os- D~IM I«j na Lodge, No. 436, I.O.O.F., wa« held on Tuesday night. Bro. James Nixon's degr-e eaim exem>pified the woi-k in a very officient and capable I W N xnanner. 'Lunch was served. Toasts, Opeeches. ca'mnnunity singing, etc., brought to a close a vel-y happy ev- Mrs. Jennie Stanton was at home on 'Monday aftesnoon, April lst, the occasion of ber 8ist birtlhday. A LN D host of friends toak advan'tage of the opportun ity Ve extend congratula- tions. She was assisted hy Mra. 1A A~LI* ~ Ado'lgh Henry, Mrs. Pred Cowan, Sr te Mr. Thomas Cowan, Mms. Eagleson, lb.W~iC"4 and Mrs. J. Gikfiilan. At regular meeting o! Orono Hor- ticuitu-aiSociety on iMonday even- __ ng, April 15., Mi-. eg. Sutton of the local Foi-catiy 'Station, gave a D o ng orry intei-cating talli onTh rp- ation of Seed Beds. An interesting Doin Forpaper was also rea-d by Miss Kate Waddell. Candy and appies were passd. Mrs. O. 'W. Roiph, pi-cal- dent, had charge of the meeting. St. Saviours Ghusch on April 1 sV, by Rer. J. C. Davidson, M.A., assisted cents and whcn JOINT-BASE gesin by Rev. Scott Howaird and tihe i-actor, joint agony and other aches and Rev. F. R. Maon. A beautiful set pains get out! of affertonr' plates given by Mr. 1. Give your ailing, pain-tortured Aillon, a set çf communion vesseIs joint a joyfui treat to-niht-idve it given as a unemorial te the late Peter a goad rubbing with JÔLN'-IASE Galbraith by his sister and brothers, and to-mnorrow. morning if you don't and a pair «f -hises altar vases given say that the 60 cenits youpaid isn't ýby the A.YJP.A., were dedicated. the greateut investnment you ever The Arclideacon Preached an elo- muade, get your mnoney back fi-oui ny quent ser-mon. di-uoeiat in Canada. IThe W. M. S. met Tuesda-y af±er- noon mith a good attendance. The Programn which was on Easter Mrs. F. Kelly, convenea.. The open- inThoughtss w as r ane b- Gioup2, MsKelfollowing which x M. H. 'Stapies prcson'ted a poem cntitled i Did we, or- did .we net?" Topic f foui the devotional leaflet was con- iducted bY Mrs. E. Dean. Ma-s. O. W. 1 Rol#h contributed a fine vocal nuni- 1 er, and a responsivo Easter service ,& c id 'Was conducted by the group leader. PeTSan alin quikly relieves cha)ping widhur andallrough- 1 nes cuse by eatherconditions. Keep th comle3on cearand love- Y. C>Tnletly bsobedby gentle )m ach rublbing. Neyer leaves undesirable eticiciness. Stimula-tes the akin. Makes it soit, smnooth and flawlcss. a c h Pr@eTae and enhances natural beuty. Soothes, refreshes and in- les and tasteless and its action îa 1ugôrates. Makes hands soit and quik.Ye wlinever rely on cue lwesslY wh'fte. Liparts ta sub- metod8 neercontinue tae ue Ve chai-m se essentiel ta tz-ue sic-I when you learn haw quiekiv. haw ) gance. 41 st( Exceàa acid is the common cause of indigestion. It regulta in pain and sourneos about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an aikali which iieutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnes§ia. It han remained standaird with physician« in the 50 years ince its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of idagnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. It is barra- pleasantly tluis premier mcthod ac-te. Please ]et it show vau-naw. ,- sur0 tajet the genuine Pi1 ie ilaf Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years ini correcting excess acids. Each bottie cantains full direc- tions-any drugstore. AFIER THE [IRE WHAT IS THE SITUATION ? If vou have been unfoitunate enough to have a fi re a prompt and satisfactory settiement with the insurance company is most imp)ortant in order that vou may immediately get re-established. In recent hi-es in this community we have had no difficuity in getting a quick and most satis- factory settlenîent with our policyholders. There's a reason. It pays to insure in the best comp]aiiies as well as have local agents who know their business. We know the ire insurance business. TAKE NO CHANCES - SEE J. J. MASON& SON Real Phone 50 Estate and Insurance Brokers King St. E. Bowmanville S. S. TEACHER REGAINS HEALTH WITH SARGON ' was in an awfully nervou.s and rundown condition for.sosnething like six meonths, but Sargon srengthened and invigorated mne and restored me to splendid health again. MIUSS MARGARE1T LANC.LEY "I piacticaliy lost Mny appetite and sometimes thc sight of food would nauseate me. My st-ength and en ergy wcre far below normal. My slcep was rest'lets and m-arn ings I wa- tired and worn out. Sai-gon ietr cd my. appetite, I sleop fine, amt fui of ncw strength and have geined 51 1pounds in wcig'ht. M-Y friends fi-- qucntly -rnari- on bow - wcil Ilook." -i-sMarsgaret Langley, 205 Ers- k.ino Ave., Toronto. Miss Langley teaches a Sundey School class at the Church cf the Transdiguration. Sea-on enay ho obtained in Bow-j manville fi-rn Jury & Laveili Many ef those who have given t-heir 'Poaints of View' have declared thoan- selves domo>crats, alth-ough wth vary- ing degreos aof enthusiasn. -If 1 anm a democi-at, I confess it is anainly ho- cause I cannat iind anything else ta jho. The actual achieveTnient oi de-j nmocracy is tha: it gives a Volerably good tume ta the underdag. O r, et least, iV lhcnestly tries; and it is, 1 think, for this x-eason that anost of 'us accept itV as 'our political ci-ced. My ýobjection ta it is that, as I think, it forma a hanii- Vo funthet- upward pi-ag-cas. Truc progress.--to better thingzu-miurt ho based an though-t aund knowledge. As I see it, democ- racy encourages the nimle charlatan at the ecpense of the thinker, a-nd pi-efers. the plausible wizard uvith quack remeidies ta the true sitatesman. i Jlsmocracy is ever eage- for rapid progress, and the only progress -.which can be rapid is prcg-ress dauvnhill. Foi- this ri-non I suspct that aiL democracies carry within thean te aeeds cf their ewn destruction, and I cann-ot believe that dcmocracy is Vo ha oui- final foi-m ai governrment. A'nd indced, there is little enaugh ofI it left in Europe to--day. I have often won'lered how far, if at ail, it la pýoss-ible to ioresef the 4uture saeeof society. [t la cern- sn-only supposed that heavy manuel la-boUr will gradually give place Vo machine, and t-bat in thc end elec- tricity will do alI aur bard work for us like a sort of fairv godmnother. AIl this dopends, of cour-se, on whetli- ci- aur descendants, succeed in finding scene n ew souarce of poers. The w'oild's supplies of coaI, oUl and foi- sots will accu ho burnt up, and it may be that nothing wili he found Vo i- 'Piace theni. Nothing appears Vo ho in sight at p-e-nt, and aiterw-c have humnt UpVthe ea-ith's accuinulated store of fuel in a ufew hunde<is ofi Years, Oui- poeterity may hacompell- cd ta rcturn to a much simples life fo- their many millions ef yeaïs on eartlh. 'Pbcy may have Vo be ontent with the coumprativéiy small amounit of power they can exi-act ironimriv- er', waterfallis, tides and winds. dIt is truc that science points Voi onc interesting alternative. The sun and stars pour out iigh-4, Jiat and pow:er in stu-pendous profusion, and we now believe that *they aibtain it by annihilating their substance. They turn their at»ins into powcr. ft may be that the scientists; of sanie future age will disýcover how to trans- foi-m tic atoms of oui-caî-th into power. If t-hey do.,inankind wi-l h aible Vo obtain practically unliqnited 'powcr witUi alfmost no lWr:-Then the annihileti)n dif a spoonful cf ses water wili1 suffice Vo keep a big ship gloing a-t fuIl speed for a year; anni- hilating a bar-ow-load ofi day wîi l kccP England supplied with light, heat and p'ower for several years I If over this vision is reels.ed, even pai-Vially, the duse which fl on Ada-n will be lifted, and heavy a-1 ual labour will almost disappar fronin ' le. The last century has sec-n science pragress enoî-moualy on its phys-ical Side--it has ushcred in thbe plectrical end mechanical ace, and <ias produe- cd se many new scientific devices an<d inventions t-bat we have, I think, got a ýbit drunk wî-ch theni. 1 do not believýe this condition is permaîsnmt. Isard Grey referred to the uisintcg- rating cifecu ',i telephones and niotor cars on oui- lives. I agi-e with hitai as Vo the 'piesenit, but I think wL, shal soDon learn te iiake the. teleph<one and Tnotor-car ou- servants and noV aur 'Masters. I have clten thoiaght +lhat, ijust -, ts he m2chanicai side of science ba-S advanced in the past century, ni the next century niay sec a --m-----_ raépid and ,ven,.tional deývelskpnient on the hiological .idi-. And this mnay change the etate cf society more -t.han.we can imaginc. To take only one Instance, -uppose science sho". w;s how t,, fix th(- sex of uniborn c-hild- ren -so-4 that parents can chýoose iUehrthei- ncxt child shatl he a boy or e gir!. The lui-st tendency w1luld, 1 uPpoqe, he te equalis' the nnibe-s -(f the sexes, so t hat every -omai' couldi find a mate. But would i. stop there? Or Wou]d wOrni-n want to re-duce, the iiuibers of! theu- 4ýse ll further, an thal cv- civY w'4na îjuld be greatly s)ught alter? Or would they perchance want ta nrease Vheii' nunibi.î-,se. that bY -heer weiglvc of numbers hev wou!d rule the earth? I doc not Unnk ive can foretell boNs- large the futurc populatioîî rt, the wordKtiiVlkely Vo 'le. Obiously, the increa-e rmus-t stop sonictime and .,oênewhei-e. The ponpulation nf Eng- land more than trebled in the last cecn tui-y. About eight centurie6 moraie of inre»eat te same i-ate woufld -es.ho inha-itants of Ençland Packe like sardines-thei-e wculd ]iterally bc stending room n nly. For m.vrsef, 1I uniincinedVo think that England is alreMdy ovei-ciowded; 1 ratkse- suspeet tha-t a Qess thickîy PoPuîated Knirîand would b. sahli- eorbwdn v-rn---- ~-II-* IrUV Vrl'rd*%D 'rAl IC-Q 1 Dominion of Canada Income Tax Returns DUE APRIL 3Oth ACT PROMPTLY- Accept the help offered by Income Tax Inspectors and Avoid Penalties Every person who during the year 1929 had ait income, from any source, of as much as $1,500, if single, or $3,000 if married or supportinn a farnily, is required to make an income tax return. If you are situated as above described, failure to make this return by midnight, April 30th, to- gether with cheque or cash for at least 251,-'JOf amount of tax, will render you liable t0 a penalty equal to 5%'ý of the total tax payable. (Limit of penalty $500.) To avoid incurring this penalty, obtain NOW, from your postniaster, or from the Inspector of Inconie lax in your district, the necessary fornis and make your returns at once. These forms are as folows: Forum Tl Where Income Tax Inspectors are Located OTTAWA, ONT. Daly Building BELLEVILLE, ONT. 27-Z9 Campbell Steet KINGSTON, ONT. Customs Building TORONTO, ONT. 21 Lombard St. HAMILTON, ONT, Lennox Building LON DON, ONT. Carling Block PORT WILLIAM, ONT. ('u-nons Building For Individuals other than Farmers Forum TlA For Farmers and Ranchers only. Form T2 For Corporations and Joint Stock Each forni contains in itself instructions for filling out. By making your return by Apnil 3thi you gain in two ways: Firat, you avoid penalties for delay. Second, you qualify yourself for the privilege of paying in instaiments, INCOME TAX INSPECTOR WILL HELP YOU MAKE OUI YOUR RETURNS If there is anything in the income tax retui-n which you do flot understand, any Incomne Tax Inspector wvill he gIad to explain %vhat is iequired. The Department of National Revenue Income Tax Division OTTAWA HON. W. D. EULER, Mnister of National Reenue C. S. WALTERS, Comrnissaoner of Incorne Tu.V 1! -- --- - - - 6-0 pier England. 1 ehouMi like 'bo be able to t1hink of the England of the future "s one in which there will be room as well as epportunity for ev- ery huinan haine to live in dignity and coimfort. 1 hope every family that wan'rs it will be able to have a garden of their own. I hope, toc, that there mnay stil be loft wide stretches cif ceunitrside and lp-en spaces uninhalbited by mnan. An-y approach of science to the unseen world must, I think, 'ho abong vriy different lines. IFifty yeairs ago, the universe was generally $ooked on as a machine; it was said .that tlhe final eim of science wvas to explain ai the objecta in the world, inchiding living bodies, as machines, as iere juambles of a-toms which 'would per- foi-m mechanical danc-, fer a tiRne under the action oof 'b&nd purpose]es forces and then faài hack to foi-ni a desai world. Modern science gi-mes but lIttIe support to auch nieterialistic viw. When we. passa Vo etremnea of size in either direction-whether to the cosmosm as a whole, or Vo the inner recesses «f the atoin-tlle mechanical in.terpretation ef Nature fails. We cone Vo, entities and phenomena which are in no se;nse, mechanicaL 'o me they see-m. less suggestive o!finechanical then of mental pro-cesses: the univorse seoins, txo ho nearer te a g-eat t.hought than to a great, machine. S'uch, at least, is the view I feei inclined to take at pyresent, whi'le fully conscious that at eny time the pend-uluin may swing back again as oui- scientific kn<w- ledge increosesS. Dust is blwswing and snow banks are going. Maple syrup marketing now at $2.50 per gallon. $500,000 may be spent on paving United Countieýs highways in 1930. No inatter how deep-rooted the coi-n may be, it mnust yield tio Hollo- way's Corn Remever if used as dir- ected. 1h- 5 6 3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TH-URSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1980 PAGE EIGHT When You Rave a Sale Y OU need flot worry over your Sales Notes. This Bank will be glad to supply blank formns and look after the notes for you. We will notify the buyers of your stock to pay their notes at our office, and will deposit the paynients to your accounLt The Rwyal Bank of Canada 1426 e Bowmanville Branch A. E. Herman, Manager

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