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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1930, p. 9

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p new patterns, UIICne:lirregular odr QUAKU ROATS 1COCES IN MIN1I Wha± nsany people caîl indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomaeh. The stoniach nerves have heen over-stimulated, and f ood sours. The corrective iii an aikali, whichi neutral- izm acids in' antly. And the best aikali known te !sdical science is Phillips' Milk of Ms îiesia. It bas remaioed the standard lith physicians in the 50 yeare aince its invention. b ,40»e spoonful of thîs harmless, taste- *%SORES ALIN QIjICKEST lIME KNOWN HEL n*iIerr for months. Doctai ffeohfThon «Sootba-Sulva' hernieS them fnfwdasJules Ssmard. 'Sootha- Salva" eism .sairbu sbna sMada, mz«U e = 1m *I. bit=rgVW When Pain Cornes Two hours after eating less alkali in water will neutralize in- stantly many times as much acid, and tie symîîtomns disappear at once. Yen will1 never use crude methode when once yen learn the efficienef of this. Go get s small bottie to try. Be sure te get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- clans for 50 years in correcting exeema acide. Each bottie centains full diree- tions-any drugstore. ONSTUPATION COMPLETELY GONE" wrtes Mrg. w. Walker. Thousanda "Yr constipation, indigejstion vgas end 1 nhtwt ~rl.-' e5. Complexion cenueai.Nerveshe.ft qiet.Get~ruit-.tvC' trodrucist;-ý Famous READING Anthracite CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL Pennsylvania Hard Coal So]d in ail sizes. We also handie Semet Solvay Coke à , Exclusively. __HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 w. 'icttMr. end ars. Wallace Scott, Mr. and Mss. J. H. Pascoe and daughter, and Mr. W. G. Pae.e MAKE LINDSAY-NEWCASTrLE ROAD PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY I Lindsay Council PetitionsGoen men t Tae ver New Road One of tise most important items oef business -discusse.d at the reguflar meeting of the Lndsay Town ('ouncil held last -week wa.s the pos.,:lity of having the governcniý nt take over tho rossi fromi Newcastle to Lindsay and turning it into a provincial highway. After considerable discussion it was decided to petition tho, government to take over this roasi. Should the governinent heesi th,- petition -of thse Lindsay Council some beautifvfl countryside which is not of- ton enough exploresi by tourists -%ill be- open all the year round and will make the tnp from any eastern towýn to Lindsay much shorter. t lill effct &owrnanville in this way too for whereas now if a person wishes to travel 'by paved highway te Lind- say the only way te go is te go west to Whitby and then north te Lindsay end with the openîng of this road as a provincial highway this drLstance w'ould be considerably sbortened. I U PYS O flMARTIN-JENOUR PRODUCTS ---~.--~f9RE ER~Y PURPOSE** FOR? EVERYSY(RFACE 20TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1_(ro___N (rm The News of April 1 Oth.) Dr. and Mr&. W. G. McCulloch, OronO Mr.F.B Whyte visited friends Surprised in Toronto. On 'Saturday. -)rl tii, aboutl Miss Mary Somnervi!le tas returiud went-fi-c imtiaei'I~c'of> h nie fromn a two xveeks' visit in 'Tor-; P)r. : lm r. . ,Mc ('h r-ulo. a-no, , 1 ,nelat tilt r h < Mrs. Ixland XKat, Toranto. si * IS ~ ke I flJivo ~ar , i~r.ldVrieek at nuc ' atherY', The advence guard of the comp-1 Mr. Orme Ga=nby wvas a receut any surprised them aibout l a. m. 1 guest of the Riverdale Kiwanis Club, and asked permission tW 'have the Toronto, at luncheon. supervision of arrangements for al Mr. T. W. Underwood and friend, dinner bo be served to abou t tonty- Mr. Burns, of Markham, spent a few four guets at 12.30 o'clock. Tables hours in town last week. were arranged and improvised hur- Mr. Thornton Wilson of Ottawa, riedly and soon the -remainder of the spent Wednesday in town, a guest at guestis arrived ýbringing baskets, etc., the C. G. Armstrong home. containing supplies for a dinner Mrs. KarI Katz arrive-d froin which was served on schedule tinte Seattile, aho vstV e and to wNhich everyone seemed to do moier Mi.C.on.a ist»ug. justice. Misers oCaline Armstronsg i At the conclusion of the repasti isRoaieGexsby, wh si Mr. H. 1- Pascoe, Columbus, in afe. Oshawa Hospital for treatinent for congratu].ateory remarks, propose a nervous trouble, ia reported much un- toast to the health of the bride and 1Proved. groom o4f twenty years, to which aU Mr. and Mmn. lred W. Holdaway responded by rising and drnking to are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. their health and singing "TiFhey ari E. Rancock, previous te leaving for jolly good fellows." Miss Lorraine their farmn at Cochrane, Ont. Pascoe, a «rand-niece, and Miss Mary Contracter F. J. HLall labricking iu McCulloch, a niece, pnesented Mrs. the large steare boler at the Orono McCulloch with a handsone bouquet ICreaniery, and aise bas the job of and Dr. andi Mrs. McCulloch with a the concrete and brick work at the case of silverware containing a dozen f ire hall. Gornmuniity Plate knives and forks. Mr. and Mmn. D. Hooper moved iu- and somie speýons. to onjmTroeM-dy e The Dr. nmade a very suitable rely Vo nth rmrodne Monday es- thanking thoin for their kind consid- -uyn hi eiec uCres eraionan exres'ing lsir lesur mon street, fermerly tihe horne of the eraton nd xprssin thir leaurelate H. E. Milisen. at having their friends with thens on this occasion, as well as on previous Ou Monday, April 7th, the Litexary occasions. He also invited ehi te branch of the Dramatic 'Seciety en- orne again often. Mis. McCuflloch j<>yed an informai study hour about also gracefully acknowleged her Jullus Gaesar. Miss Margaret Allen gratitude. reed an inte.resting essay on Shakes- A characteristic letter was read peare's boyhood. Master Wm. Dar- f roni her brother, Dr. F. W. Heatlie, Iimngton gave a taik en the Roman life of Goodland, Indiana, expressing sund custoins. congratulations and best wishes of1 Stop the COugh.--Coughing is jhinssef and wife. iasi yirtto nteriprtT Among the guests were Mr. and pausaes yiiaionnthe effreap iraory Mrs. John McCullo-ch, father and obsass udutio s ht oe ffome islodge imohe icf he rom, ndMrs Js.mation cd the mucous membrane. Heatlie, miotiser of -the 'bride, whose Treatment with Dr. Themas' Eclec- hea.lh bas improvesi so that she was tric OKi wrnallay thse inflamxmation able te join in the cellebration. Other adi osqec becuhwl guests were Mr. and Mrs. Olve M- sually stop. Try it and you will1 Cullocis and family, 'Miss Ida cC- eatfid loch, 'Miss Hazel MeCullocis, Mr. and estfed Mms. H. L. Pascoe, Mr. and Min. T. On ïMonday evening, April 7th, thse W- ..ç4,a ----.A ---.-- ..-'--, Bishaop of Toronto neld confirmnation CAK ONI erinsuStavioUr's cisureh. Sev- CAK ONI eral candidates were presented 'by the Tewnship ef Clarke Coundil met at retr. The iShe'ssermon was Orono, April 2ud, with membersaail one te be long eemib.ered, and at the cose e caled o hispresent and Reeve M. J. Hohuanu pre- thecloe h caledon i scretary, siding. Mr. Cutteli, whe speke on thse work Cmuiain eera rm of tise ehuréh in tise far north and Joemud'cateonsard, re M. E.Ray- w est. A reception was held in the mond Estate; Globe Indemnity Ce,, parish hall. submittlng cheque and generai re- Miller'a Worm Powders are par ex- lease form signed in fu-Il settiement ceilhence the medichie 4for children re Miss Kate McKay dlaim; Ontario who ar'_ f ou nd suffermng £romxnsthe rav- Municipal Association; Departmeut ages of worms. Tehey l.snnediately Public 'Highways re By-Law No. 932 alter the stomachic conditious under and the forma completed ahowing ex- m4tich the worms sulbsist aud drive on roads in 1929. Fyled. thems frein thse systens. and, at thse Representatives of manufacturing samne tinte, they are teuical in their firme were heard lu reference to their effect upon the digestive organs, re- preduots but counceli teok ne action. storing thornste, healthful operation C. F. Awde, S.A.O., presented a a.nd ensusing imsnunity froin further satisfactory school report for Marc.h. diserders from such a cause. Geo. Mitchell and others asked per- On Friday, April 4th, the anusl mission te dlose temporarill certain Oratorical Centest cf Orono Higi parts col the highway on Chiirch and Sc.hoo was eld. Pom ti e ' Cobbled ick Streets during thse instal- speakers, Miss Glen Gansey and Mas- lation of cellar drains. Referred te, ter Bihllrwnwee elct s hoRoad Stspt. Henry. winners. The High Sehool boys per- 'Robt. Martin mnade coanplaint f orimed saine Strathcona Exercises about Towntsip workinen earelessly with neat precision; the girls, attie leavirg the gate open leading te thse in yellow and green, impersonated gravel pit at Lot 15, Con. 1. Rtefer- negrces in a sprightly dance; Miss' red to Supt. Henry te furniis a new Mary Sisson, with a quaint D,t<h galte and Mr. Martin te, furnish and dance, and Miss Agnes Wadd ell, with instal 2 suitable gate 'pesta. the spirited Sailor's Hornpipe, enter- Dr. Colville, J. J. Gilfillasi, J. R. taines tise audience; Two fnelodious Cooper, R. R. Waddell and T. Smith, choruses were eung .by the Public 1the comnsnttee interested in the Cissu- Sdheol pupila, under direction of Mms tauqua series of entertainnients, ask- D. Rebis; musical numnbera by Rowe&s ed for reduction iu rentail rates of orc'hestra kept the gathering ini cheer- Town Hall. Rate for acries will be fui, Iriendly hunsor. Rev. F. H.$2O Maison presented theize s fr pb- Shep keepera of Oromo petitioned lic spealdng, -the graduation Jîplousas, coinscil for by-law Tequiring thse clos- art prizes, athletic modela, and the 'ng of various classes cd shepe lm Or- Prof. Squair prize lu French, thse lat ono sznder tise provisions «f Section ter Ïbeing won by Miss Mary BoIweS. 80, Chaîp. 275, revised statutes ef The public speaking prizea were do- Ontario 1927. nated byr Meus. A. J. &taples and 'By-law te, borrow $5367.40 upon Adolpis Henry. Judges were Miss 1 ebetrst o ManfSt. ibuinsssec K. Smsith, Mr. G. L. Waga, Bow l pavemnent nMi S.i uiessc manville; RLew. Tises. Wsa'ce, New-. tien of Orono, "85 passed. tonville. ýCouncil approved of action of Globe Iudeznnity Co. re«arding dlaimn --of Donald Robis. jPermission was granted, in so fax Man'sPoorBack as tise cou.ncil has jurisdiction, tu R. M an' Po r Ba k 1R. Waddell to erect a pertico ever 'the sidewalk at front door of Hotel LameAnd Achig',on 'Main St.; alse te, put down a cens- ________ent curbing aiong nortis edge orf diteh Some backs ache ail day long-a on north side of roadway on Centre steady aching sorenes-ît seema te Street south of Hotel property. the man afflicted that atý timLes his A. J. Bigelow and John Moffat ask- back was breaking! ~ ed charity for Min. Albert Wright When yeu colme home from work ' 'fml wihwsgrne ni at night with a back -o sore, lam other arrangements can be madle. andwea tht yu fel nightysue t (01cnc i expm-ossed by resolution te adwon t beablyu eel go t «ore IN rs. John Green their appreciation you o' eal tgot oki and'thanks for gift of two pictures the imorning-DO THIS: 'which are very sitable for placing in GoLt someone te give it a good rub- To(11sF Par r a decoration. bing with Joint-Rase - a soothing, Bs pid r. penetrating, pain subduing, wonder Oruýnît('aoC,)(1C,., mal for working emnollient that gets right Town t~Hall ... ..... $ 29.6-) under the skîn - right where thse p. .1 c n ivin îsnient muscles are inflamed and soox. an..........150.00 Tisen forget your troubles and go E. J. Rind1l, n'l te sleep. r'vn,"'n B Rs...........48.00 Unless you're different from other p e ~ c '~'-. 6 men you'll wake up in the morn .ing Aý. j S S.splp, f;rFt quarter's with a back f'ree frens aches, pains, ............ 150.00 stiffness and misery-and you'il go F., L. NlqcNnchtan, nîaintc'n- te work with a grateful heart and anc' S. Kiecka............ 39.89 teil1 your frienda about the mighty C. G. Armnstrnng, supplies for swift acting ipower of Joint-Esse. Wilson famiiy............ 1.65 Joint-Ease 15 imade right isere in Oro-nso ceaiCe., Supplies 'for Canada and it's just as good for Wilson faimily............ 7.50 'lumbago -toc--a generous tube for 60 J. R. Cooper, supplies for Jes- cents at druggists everywhere-. sie Waddell............... 7.15 Guaranteed. S. E. Allun, supplies for Jessie IWaddll.................. 3.95 Mrs. Edgar LEly, supplies fMr ~oo'sReglain Co pond Mrs. WheeAer............. 2.00 e Prrank Law, supplies for Mis. A sf. r.Lable "au"*# 1 Wheeier................8.00 m«Idii,. SoId in tbree de. pra htsepdmg 50 ,eusoeta t -o. 1, ph $1W1ie hepda's 50 'or 3 No. 3, pje box H. J. Soucis, sheep damnages- 20.00 S&ld LaldugsaorBnN.Aln&Sn he i- repi on eceipt ci J01 . Au osse n Maanpk.Addree:V spectors...................6.001 THE COOKMEDICINECO., Bert Samnis, maint. roads in vOlt25.TO'ONY.<' meido Division 1............... 10.50 Counicil adjourned te, meet Tues- day. May 6tis, at 10 a. mn. IWOODIS PHOSPHODINE.1 I A. J. Staples, M. J Holman, The G <reai Fr.glish Preparatin lerk Reeve. aWdfnd id nsgora tes the whae - ~ncrvous sytegui. makes new lo Debility, Men lt a.l Jrain Worry l5espondency, Loiscof ffler's- Palpitation ' (hefleart,Flinq Memcwry irce $2 PC. box,?& fot $5S$Sold by aidruggists. or nbaled m ,plsin pkg. on receepo! prce New p.mphit niatiea 're#. TUE WOOD RMPDICINE CO-7ZOROWYO.ens Girls witis skipping ropes are aplenty on streets inow. Bowmanvilqe ierchanta are Tmak- ing it worthwhile for country folk te deal in town. Soane farmers come long distanes. Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties and pric !es: No. 1 Red Clover ..................$10.00 per bus. No. 1 Alsike .............................11.00 per bus. Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity .... 5.00 per bus. No. 1 Alfalfa Utah Grown .........18.50 per bus. No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Cloveri 5.00 per bus. No. 1 YelIow Blossom Sweet Clover 5.00 per bus. (Limited Quantity Only) WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F Seed Oats - Seed Barley, two or six rowed Seed Spring Wheat - Feed Oats McCleIlan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; King St. E. House Phones 228, 274 Bowmanville I. il Sold in Bowmanville by McCLELLAN & CO. LTD. A man preising his wif e said she could drive nails like lightning-nev- e.r strike twice in saie place. Stop that Head Aching, Why sufer headache, or any other pain, when ZUTOO TABLETS, taken when *ou feel it coming on, wiII give relief in 20 minutes. Harmless and re- Iiable. Lised by thous- Ln, -Tires at the price you want to pay --eacii1 the best value obtainablef in Canada -Royal Masters, j ~Dominion Royals, Endurance, NRoyal Heavy Service. -Prompt, efficient service, Do- minion Tire Depot experts will see that your pressures are cor- rect, and inspect your tires for injuries which will surely cause trouble if not checked ini timne. -Reliable repair work honestly and promptly executed at a fair price. If you want mileage at Iowest cost, stop at any orange and blue Do- minion Tire Depot. - DOM U TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TITTJRSDAY, APRIL l7th, 1930 PAGE NINE 1 rw DIUMGLO~ INTRUORFUNiSI .R~rup: CoMI &tfCdàr+a *f.or COUHS. CL,.tf in BRONCITiS -tý n!nnn 'rRE CANADIAN STAITSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TITURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1930 PAGE NUM

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