THE CANAflTAM 'rATII.VANT CWMAN'VILL.T.P TII4TRISrL&V PRTT. 17th, 190 The NEWCASTLE INDEPEN DENT ____ THURSDAY, APRIL l7th, 1930 SOCIAL SERVICE CONFERENCE Among those r(romn here who at- tended the :Sociaýl Welfaîe Confer- eince at King St. Church, Oshatwa, hlast Wedncday, were: 1ev. W. P. Rogers, Thios. Moffat, Fred Graham, Norman Rckard, H. R. Pearce, Mr. and Mr-s. Fra.nk Ailin and Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Aluin. The ýconference afforded a great opportuniîy of hearing experts in their several fielda cf service spestk on and discuss problents cf p)aramount importance to the church as a whole and to every cengrega- tional unit. Rarely does any person or greup of persons have the privilege cf hear- ing in one day and in the same place, s0 many bard thinking and practieaA leading men as those the committee to give the taiks that day. Here wvere Rev. D. N. MebIcachian, D.D., Secretary ýBard cf Evangeliism and Soeiai -Service cf IUnited Chureh; Rev. John Coiburn, Field Secretary of Evangelism and Social Service iri United Chure:h; Mis. Annie Hay- garth, in charge ýcf all the Venereal Disease Olinies -operatel by Depart- meint in Ontario; Dr. Gordon Bates, a Dominion wîde aulhority on Social Hygiene; Dr. G. H. Stevenson. Medi- cal Superinten'dent cf Ontario Ho- pital, Whibby; and Rev. J. W. Mc- Mi'1ian, D.D., Professor of Socioiogy ia Victo-ia College and Chairman cf the Minimum Wage Board cf On- taxio. LIENS ON CHATTELS Autos and Truck To Be Sold By Public Auction The f ollowin~g autos and truck will be &old iby pulic auction at C- xuthers' Red India.n Garage, King St. East, Bewmnanvilie, on Monday, April 28th, at 1 p. m. te pay for tc'wing and storagie: Chevrc4et SupericoT - Serial No. 20368, Moter No. 23641-amount against car $26.00. MeLaughlin D-35 - Serial No. 19833, Motor No. 303530-amount againât car $20.00. Reo Truck-Motor No. A6782.5, License No. (1929) C11669-amnount against truck $25-00. W. J. Challis, Auctioneer. The Womnan's Association of the United Church, Newcastle witl -hold a BAZAAR and HOME COOKING SALE in the S. S. Room FRIDAY, APRIL 25th. Tea Served Cafteria Style Musical Program Sale commencés at 3 p. m. George Wade AND HIS Corn Huiskers have heen engaged by tht' COMMUNITY HALL COMMITTEE NEWCASTLE te give a programme cf SQUARE AND LATEST popuLAR DANCES WEDNESD'Y, APRIL 23 1930 Admission 75c Each Spectators Soc. I DANCING 9 p. m. toi a. in, Gomne and have a gecd limie. [ARE YOU THE MAN? *X ANOLD ESTJBLSHED, PRO- GRESSIVE LIFEîINSURANCE .01CIPANY wantS a District 1Re- presentative for Durham County and vicjnity, with headquarters at BOwmfaflville. Must be go<i worker. AddreCss: A. T., Drawer L.ZZL.15-2 NEWCASTLE Mrs Eiy Abar ba.s beýn visiting friends inlan1apbelifýord. Douglas; Wright i, home fromi Pick- ering College for Euster holidays. Mi.,s b1 urc Stelî,heas, Clarke, speat Sunday with Mrsz. J)ha Stapleton. Mr. Keaneth G. H. Pearc.e, Port Per'ry. pent tlb' weekend at hom-e. Basebal muelang called fc>r Thurs- day eveaxag bas, by order cf the' Club prsiLbr.t. Mr. R. W. Wah-on, been postpoae-d until next week,. Mr. and Ms .1. W. Gleaney cd their broýthier-la-law. Mr. RoutieY, and fan1il cof Brooklia 'o-.t week-1 ,end' and ais;, their ne.pbew and ni ce, Mr. and Mrs. Pro>u-e, east of <ae maont. Rerv. W. P. Rogers ofliciated at the funerai service cf the late Mr. Griflfiths oc (laike last Saturday an I motored wxith the cortcge te the 7th concession cof Pickering, nort.hiest cf Brougham~, to performi the buril rite. Coagra-ula' iones te Mr. W. L. Eddy and bride, foi-merly Miss Ethel Nod- eïri, on their marriage bv Roev. W. P. Rogers at the Parsoncge iast Wed- nesday'g, April 9th. The happy couple wili r ýside at their farrn home, 3rd Line, Clarke, The regular meeting of the Young Pt-cple's Soci- tv wa.. combined with thre first cf the Passion Week ser- vices, held in the Uaitei Church, on Mondav ev cnicr. The programi was in charge cf Charlie Glenney, 'Mi.- sioiary vice president. Devotional topic oa the "Crucifixion cf Christ," present4ed by 'Mrs. J. C. Hancock, proved very helpful and inspiriag. Missionary topic relating to Missions among the Italians, was -plendidly given bv Miss, A. Drummond, and reading by Clara Caswell. On Monday morning the following Newcastle young mec recommenced woîk for the sommer season at the Orono Fore.rsry Station: Victor bock- wood. Allan So.,eacc-r. Laverne -Mai- tini, Fred Couch. Floyd and Harold Brown. There are fe-w more wor- thy enterprises or iatere.;ting jobs that a young mac can £-ngage in- that of tree culture te, the ccnd that our country's forest weaIth imey be maintained for ail rime to come, that the b, autv cf our ilandscape may be preserveil aad that agriculture for lack cf -woo<l protection may not perish. Ini common wth thoi general eu- tom of the season, house-cleaning bas been goiag on in the re-idences of our local clergymen. In cocnect,- ion with this the W. A. cf the Unit- c-d Church ha, had J. IL. Gibson en- gaged la poiperinr thre . rooms at the parsoacge, while the' churc wardens wlth the assitance cf the' parochiai conmtttee cf St. George's is ing Be'n aa I B. E. 'Moi-te la painting and J. H. Gibson in papering at the rectory .M2rs. D. J. Giutlbîih on in- struction's frein tht' church wardens, hue thircugh a per.,onai catras re- ccivcd cr>tribution-t cf over $300 to- wards meting the exponses of these ren ova tic ns. DR. RUSSELL at UNITED CHURCH As;sociated with Rev. W. P. Rogers in -the' United Church pulpit on Sun- day was; Rer. Dr. P. H. Russell, late of Dha,., India . From a knowiedge anîl experîencý Igained through 36 year- inat'hat great portion of the British Empire, Dr. Ru.sseli speke both nîorniag and evenine. In the morning he spoke particu larly cf his work with the ioxer classes, the cern- parativ. ly poui and illiterate, and in the evning, cf the more aristocratic and c-aturel population. Roth ad- dress-> rere i ntei'e-ting and brirnful cf information. Dr. Russelli mci- dentfLiiy d-lo-da sympnathetie un- lerstanding cýf the people of India and a high regard for their earnest- neer. and iatý ligence. To many he pictured India in a new liglit and wvas the racan-, cf clearing away some maisconacep~tio fl.. MUSKRATS PLENTIFUL Local 'rarpers report muskrats quite pltfui this .-pring, Noafi Fos- tc!r, Erne.ý-t Ieaîce, Malph Gibsea n1l others haviar te date mnade man y catches at the Upper and LoNverl .Mai-lies and the crüeeks flowing ite i them. Onc-î venturescrie fur-bt'aring 1-at, probubiy on an exploration trip, ocr perhaps in search cf a mate, fouad its; way to the Comnîunity Hall la.s;t Fridav weck. Constable and Care- taker'John Gaîîod found evidces that sorne ucusual intruder was with- in the' building, but for a while was unable tu di.scovr what it nîizlt Se. Fial on Sunday rtvening wc,.ite ep cf Barre Britto-n and hi ite(og, priacipally the dog, the rat. as it prc(ved to 1)e, wxvas fund and killed. t ras skind and the pelti lenow ,tretche<l on a shinitle to dIry. The sellia puice ma'Y ho Put dow,,n as a ne- item of income frein the Community Hail. TENDERS FOR COAL. iiit li. tI12 o'clock noon. day- ilgt svini.Wednesday, May 7, 1930, foi i. i iS ,~olfor th'. i ,îîliîciil lori tus' f t W;i.r ttIt SIIci f, tt in front i;. W I a " a. i 'î I .-.iilK ,tinti toi 1~Wiîttr i itetit hsit tArcît t. t,~-i \<t :, tl*rî,t, Torontoe, Oct. î,l a t.fît,,- s l'yIoi the. ic1- t! iOtt 'If liciîiîi, l l ir. tI i ii. op fifiiîI1It rît f tue cc'() - J N. DESJARDINS, Sicretary. cq..,,trtnint rf il'ibliîcWorks, 1- Otta a, .fi il Il, 19:110- Farimers are getting busy on the land, Mr. S. J. White, Ea-e Line, h-. in- one cf the first to begin Pliw- iag lest tveek. Mr.. and Mrs., Irvin Allun andbb daughter Marie, Ida, visit-Ihe mother, Mrs. Gco. P. Rickardo Moaday and ottenled a familly cele- bratica at the home cf Mr. and Ms Illwaîd Allia ila recogniition of thel latter's lOth wedding anniversary.J Mr.F.W. own, . ., s om Ottam-a for the Euster holidays. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson and Ra]ph visit d Mr. and Mis. Jimi Gib- son, Bownille, iast Sunday. Miss5ion iBand of the' United Church wilil incet ia tht' S. S. Room on Sat- urday et 2.30 1p. mi. Marjory Ly- cêtt's groupip viil give a special Eas- ter prograint. St. Co~ Chiirl-Rc,-;. F. Il. Mason, M. A., Rýctor. April lSth, Good Friday: 11.30 a. m.-Dce- tions; 8 p. m-i anad Ades Sundey, April 20*,1, Eas..ter Da.\: 7.30 1. in.-Holy Communion; il a. mn.-Hloly Conîmonion & Sermon; 2 p). im.--Siiiiday Scho i; 7 p. m.- Evensong and Sermton. Mr. John Turner and w-ite (nec United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog-f Miss J.oyCe Balfour, Bi3liop 8te.. MISS Florence Robinson), and two ers, Pastor. Sunday, April 20 ,h,l chan School, Toronlto, is viEîis h.e sons, Gý-orge and John, have m1oved Easter Sunday: 11i a. ni.-Morfling aunt, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley. f ,o Oh-a into Belmont. the ar Wrhip an(! Reception Sérvice; 9.30' PazssionWeksrie eben house of Mr. D. J. Galbraith. p. ni.--Stirdas \-Sehlool 7 p. ni.-E held ini the United Churchl this w,,ek Helen Robinson has becn speniîguin or-ip 1pcalE -ý-1 from n nait Fia iCluS ye. the' -,ek %vith thenm. man by ,he pa.-îor and Ea-st' r music On Monday evening members of the Regular meciting of the W. v . VsILy -tht choir. 1 Y. P. L. conducted the meeting; on hiel at Mrs. Ce,). Wrght's on Thurs;- Mr-.. <lev.).....nneIl, Mias! Tue'.day the Pastor took Charge; a.nd dlay last xith the pr-sideii*,,Ms P. Connie Conn,1l, Mr. ani Mrs. iBrett on Wedc.(nes(lay members oM the Ses- lare. in the' chair. Prograni was (nýcé CIr'.sa ( cajnel) Toronto, and 1 izon were in charge. This Thu>rs- ia charge of Mrs hs acoksM.Dula, (Cnil, Nortih Ba.y,' dav cvening's imeeting lias beei plan- group and consisted of readiags by miotored c, Nw.teSuajdav evei-1 ne'i eSpecialiy for theyun ol. Mrs. Cunninghanm, Mrs. Geo. Wright ing and attende 1 s rviCv in 1 ihe Members cof the C.S.E.T. and C.G.I.T. and Mrs. Hancock. The most imi- U lCburch. Af'.er the Fsi*ere,, trroiups will aseist -the pa-stor; -and On portýart item cof business was the cml- scorcý cf thelr Wlfriea<1 4 ize thý- Friday, the final evening of t.he ger- letion of th a rr angements(f.o\ htf o- p0r1nity cf 1 ls, 1ev. W. P. Rogers will &gain bazaar which le te take place th.i with thet' faircf their one' tiiei' ave charge. Services 'begima at 8 mionth. 1 pastor. 1c'clock. jrV» O E R ýr ;Vjr NationaUy advertlsed groeerles of ail descriptions are found on our shelves . . . at Prittes as 10w RFA or lower than yeu wili flnd them eîsewhere. FAMOUS HORSESHOE OR CLOVER LEAF SALMON 2 S45 DEL MONTE OR LIBBY'S SLICED rio.2 PINEAPPLE 2TIS49 A REAL VALUE SALADA ,ýK Tl b.69* CRISPI, DELICIOUS CORNFLAKES %-LB. PKG___ KIELLOGG'S 3 Pkgs. 2 5a Frssby Selected -ure p One Guarsateed te LLaft Blueberries 2TIýS 41 A FREE TOY BARN, WITII EACH PURCHASE 0F TWO TINS NESTLE'S ~Condensed 2Tn PUT UP EXPRESSLY FOR A & P-GEO. WESTON BISCUITS SELECTOIR L.PK27 EXCELLENT QUALITY CHOCOLATES, MIXED CENTRES GONDOLA LB. PRO. 390 EGGS IFIRSTS CÀ NDoZ. 3>2. Loose, Doz., 31c. FINEST QUALITY SMOKED SUGAR-CURED Picnîcfaib19* 5 TO 7 LB. AVERAGE sMOKED SUGAR-CURED Swirt's HAMS lb. 3 le 10 TO 12 LB. AVERAGE 11.1LF OR WIIOLE H.&M DAVIES' FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH CURE Wiltsh ire Hfami GAMMON HALF-Smoked.. ib. 37c CUSHION HALF ......... .lb. 39c SLICED-For Frying....... lb. 45c 4Bd CON SLICED BACK-Smoked.... IL 45c SLICED SIDE.......... ... lb. 38c FV-%NCY' M.ýCH IIINES,('ED BREA~KFAST B.ACON I l R,( b. 3 5 FR UITS an d VE GE TA BLES CARROTS GROWN 3 B'(II,210 ICEBERGi LETTUCE CRISP HEAUS 2IF.%,s 2 le ICEBERG LETTUCE CRIG;? IIVAI)S 12 Nf 1e ONIONS YELLOW COOKING 6 l..25o NEW POTATOES LRD 4 b.. 25o ASPARAGUS FWASHINT i b. 290 ORANGES CALIF. SEEOLESS Doz. 171. ORANGES CALIF. SmLILESS Doz. 650 LARGB RIPE FRUIT FRESII CUELY 3 Ibm. 119o 2 'bu. 23a ANDFlf%%EtSEEDS PLA 7 IIN25. SPECIALS For the Hfoildays FANCY QUALITY PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUR BUTTER DEPT. SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER IN I-LB.PRhINI 2 lb.690 ouR OWN suNNYFIEwLD 2lbu..73o FOR TOUR EASTER BREAKFAST DRINK- BOKAR BELECTHD AS TUE M.Ii O FFCIL COFFEE F lb T n TME SURINE CONVENTION51 ANOTHER A & P BAKERY PRODUCIT ]ROT CROSS DUNS Poir Good Frida>y Dos.29 TUF, GREAT ATIAN'rlC A PACIFIC LIMITED 0f CANADA - - EGGS - Extras in carton 34c doz. Loose, 3 doz. 99c. ANI) FLOWEI BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 MEATS8 FANCY MILK-FED EASTER VEAL VEAL LEGS HLE lb. 25e RUMP FILLETS............ lb. 28c LOIN ROAST.............. lb. 25c RACK 22c SHOULDER ROAST ....... lb. 20c MILK-FED ROASTING 4 to 5 LB. AVERAGE Chîckens_lb-. 40. FINEST QUALITY MACHINE-SLICED Doiled Ham lb. 53,c CHOICE YOUNG ROASTING LAMB LAMB LOIN ROAST lb. 270 LIEGS - '__b350 CHOICE CUTS TENDER A.& P QUALITY BEEF WING ROAST -lM. 350 Porterhouse là. 31%0 WIT I LARG.E LNDF.RCUT ~ATIIft NBY TE.~ Steaks lb. 290 Silverbright iteaks 21o'3pE lb. 160 COD v- HALF OR WHOLE CHTCKEN EW.~flIuuuéABOUTl. HaliAobut6-IlB. AVE . 2 (HOICE WTNTER-CAUGHT Whitefish lb. 13o FRESU CAUGIT HEADLESS AND DRESSED H1aldock lb. 3e Finnan Haddie SMOKED lb. 130 Fillets 11A DI lb. 18 0 (These and a host of other attractive flsh Items awalt yourselection at ail A & P Stores. ) MM- B-ELT6S SEW T DANANAS SPINACH PAGE TnX .m. 13,o