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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l7th, 1930 LEGÂL THE EDITOR TALKS more power over the devil and find it! thing they cal! prayer is no more COMMLJNITY WELFARE M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL-D. Re.JmsI acD . atriof Satan if church iembers spent as i :~ m.opihet f onitePe Barrister, Solicitor, Notary of First Presbyterian Church, Nash- znmuch time at the prayer-meeting as 1Prayer is communion -%vich God. sented in Reur So 0ow CINca ,'~ ~ Money to boan on Far, and Towti ville, Tennessee, fotn the text John 1they do at the movies. jIt is contact between the finite and 8eott ow oni Property. Royal Bank Building, 14: na-i e sild ask" anytingre i Prayer is the programi of the: the infinite- It is laying hold of 1 tArlmeigo onCuel A N IEYN WT P owrnanville. Phone 351. ~ oidhe~aiChrist life. It is not merely an in- Omnipotence. It L, coming under A pi etn fTw oni NE TRL E XP most excellent sermon on Prayer! cident, it is the whole thing. Frayer, the sipeil of the etc.rna1. i the following report f romn the G-om- W. R. STRIKE which was published on Match l5th, icapitalizes lîfe for service. And se od~ n h ~e ora oe muniy Welfare Comrnittee, which is 1930, in The Christian Hecrald on imen ought always to pry an ltised is an ingot of -,e egigcmoe fMi.A .NcoiW " BarseSolicitor, Notary i 'ta 'e.wihn P. Corbett, T. H. Lockhart, adRv Baristr, f Mntrs! of the most popular of the religious, to faint. sixty thousand pounds. It rmnust bc SieSer*ay warnt- Solicitor for Bank o ntel weeklies, published at $2.00 a year at 1R .SieScctrwspeet Voney to Loan. Phone 9114,9 Fouxth Avenue, New York City. It wes a prayer meeting f orty days lif ted and hamniered and shaped into ed covering activities for one year Bownianville, Ontario. When we read this splendid Talk on long that ushered in Pentecost. And armor-plate and rails. Where is the 1ending March 31, 193: F.WRB . Prayer we decided to ask pr isso the-re bas neyer been an outpouring 1smith that can do it? Where, is the~ Thtis has been the niost successful W. to publish it in The Sttemnn1 of the Divine Spirit from that day to brawny arm that cnhde htyear of the Coommittee's work, and a Barrister, Solicitor, Notary hee1 h eybeuiu etrw this but found God's people in the lump of steel? Hard by in the p»-- Moeyiattdeo t oa. Bonds for Sale. received la reply: Mr. M. A. James, i liueo rayer. Prayer is the er rooi la an eight-thousand boise- great deal more public inerest bas OffcesBlekle BlckKin SteeJ Bowmanville, Ontario, Canada. oniy thing that can make rooni in a power motor. IL is charged and bne eni tewokthrve t w BOffiesnanvile Bnlro.k PKng tes:et î re W r og~ta human Uife for heaven. It opens the ready, but it is nlot paying out power. fo. yuenjoyed Dr. Vance's sermon on eoor for Cod to come in.* As a result of the appeal nmade aside Office 102; House 409. youw o, ny*u teegt'ruhtePrs ne h uhr i Prayer. We have had a number of thusn * fw oulds oenl put the ei ty ofg thr Presabe tode andr very favorable comments cocrnn And so we niight go on turning ii touand hoorse, tearinhe ati the atmnthe. c of the urHnublt en ody tne I-igh Cost DETLi, which is not surprising since it is page after page, reciting passage of- i htnooit h r famn'eas en ftePbi cho on such a vital subject and one about ýer pasae, recalling incident after i e would be the smith to handle a oncrt tymaso h ulcSho DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE whic.h we know all too (little. incident, and the besson would be the thirty-ton ingot of steel. A mnan Cocrte response both in money, On... oorgautinD tstyTont> We are, indeed, gbad to give 3, saine. "If ye saal ask anything in sitting there on the bridge Vbhrows a odan cltigwsvrgo. University. Graduate of the Royal pei'nussxon to reipublish the sermon, iMy -naine, 1 will do it." It would switcli. The circuit la cbosed, the ins inlth di mt sf the Organcoa- olgeoDetlSresof the us~ual cr«lît. Roping this. seeni that ail we have te> do is just to dee i done. And no sixty thojis- rbtosbua iber of private aColtlana pofi DnaSugosfOnpay. "Ask and ye shall receive. and pounds of hot steel dance uner rbtios bu0 umE G trio. office: King St., Bowmanville.adtol pulcity will result in j eek and ye shall findi. Knock and the barnmier stroke until it Fa a in-eten did asos. A go-od suppýy of Office phone 40. House phone 22. much good, we are it shall be opened unto you." pray ished produet. Prayer closes the 1useable clothing came ini, and there i E G T-CYLIiNDER QUAIT R. J.ip n C. ffice. ac 2,190 Christian Herald. witbout ceasing. A life, of prayer circuit ýbetween the finite and the mhi were several donations in kind-pro- With ail its supreme performance, Hud.ion is suisgl The TaIk on fîae But a prayerbess life is bankrupt. diîvine, boVween a mian and God. Tt The total financial receipts froni Assistant Dr. E. W. Sison Gan You match that any-where out- This la Christ's teaching about Puts omnipotence into a hunian atm. «U sources were $170.19. In va-tenccotTosndoforr"Sxonrsaedlgig Graduate of Royal Dental College, aide the Bible? Can you, sgetprayer. Prayer comes firist. There The rest la easy. ibus kinds 'of relief we expended the ini its reasonable cost of operation and upkeep. ArnongEg Toronto. Office: King St. East,1 en amendment that weuld miake thbe is nothing more imnportant. .***sum of $105.03. The balance on iit establishes a new scale of low ownership couts. Bowinanville. Office bours 9 a. mi. offer bigger or better? "If ye shalh Wben wc turn fromn the teacliing te I is ccimpanionship wiVIi Go<. Itt -band, whicb we hand over te the new ta 6 [p. mi. daily except Sunday. ask anytbing in MY Dame, I w-ibl do the practise of prayer, there la prob- is walkiiig with God, talking -witb Comittee is $115.11. You have supremacy in fast get-away. You 1ev e! his îd h Phone 90. House phone 283. jit.,' ably nothing so greatly neglected. Hlm, living 'with Hini, feeling Hla During thse year wehbave rendered case of coasting. In crowded traffic you rarely needtocte X-Ry Euimen i Ofic. !of cently announcement was nmade "Pray without ceasing" has been P'resence, conununing end medi *tatn assistance to thit'teen fam ilies; we gears. From standing stant up to the top ranges of silkysoc X-a qimn i fie fthe nierger cf two big banks, the revised and cbanged te "Cease pray- in an attmosphere created bylta have been enabled te give clothing to speed, and back again to the soft instantaneous stoppingato DR. R. E.DINNIWEL resiilting institution having assets ing." Instead of coming firs, it is Presence. We knew what this ineans fifteen familles, and we have aise o h !ks o ilfn h aeefrls a Bonor graduate of Toronto Univer- totaliZtg nearly three billion dollars, the thing many do last and least. The with a human friend. Think of given clothi-ng te about thirty trans- omne sity and membar of Royal Coîbege of and thus becomning the biggest bank prayer bife has gone eût of fesiion. what it mnust mean when God la the jenta. There is still a sinBU suppîyfoane Dental Surgeons. Licensed te inl thse world-the biggest but one.I Numbers of professing Christians ad- Friad. - "«And Enoch -walked with of cl-othing cn hand. Corne take a ride. The charm of distinctive performancrin practise in Ontario and the Dominion. Therp is one bank bigger. It is tie mit ,vithout apparent regret thley Glod, aind was net, for God tecok hlm." Ycur Conimittea bas -net faiet able case and dependability that you find will question thewso Dentistry in ail its branches. of- bank of heaven. I-ta assets cen net have quit praying. They siimply do Co<mpanionship xvith God keeps us to undertake anything 'in the way of or need of paying more for any car. fiee: King St., Bowmanville, op positeibwo counted, and here la permission te not do it. And tIsera are niany others safe, keeps uLs happy, halps Us, te fight relief te transic-nts-other than tIse Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. draw your draf t on tIse ban k cf heav- who have reduced praymng te a min- temptation, givas us the victory. clcthing mentioned abova. They feitPR1CES en or any amoun. yeni wish, and the rnum. Their prayt-rs r soo oer * * that the money raised in the TowniSadr eghCass assurance that your paper will not * *Pray'er is latting God have Ris was for Town relief first. COC -Cup,$3; Standard eghCas: MEDICAL go ta protest. There isbtone con- Prywtotcasn? Ddyu ay in our lives.ý It is not getting Wa des-ire to express oui apprec i-a-Sdn $35 RAH- o adste $1540; MEDICL diion. Yeu mst hve Crist' Pra witout casin? Di Yeuthings frcm Hlm. It la not a scheme, tien of the support we have received Sean $185 muds diion youx ust. he Snist' ever hold your watch on yur Prayer to niake God run the world accord- and we view with satisfaction the a- A F Pbaeto, 165; Sunsedan 17. c. w. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Gd am stondos o ur rft pTer Son c f e? Did you ever try te discovar ing te our whiins. Prayer does nlot tion taiten te niake theC)-nuiy125 c Graduate of Trinity Medical College You niustae i endorsem aer.nt inectual minutes and seconds how change God. Prayer changes us. Weliare Comimittee a more thorough-LogWeba: Toronto, forniarly of Enniskille th sig For He ays: "Hlm. that mch time You spend in prayer? Do Prayar is net over-coming God's re- 'y rýepre.sontW.ive body. C1.nuiy5Ps o ig Ln hclae Offie an Resdene: D. Beth'conieti te Me I will in no wîse cast YusPend as niuch tume in prayer as luctance, but laying bold of His will- PasTornSen,16';Bouhm$66 Eonvlle. Phone 259. 44-t My name, I wll do it." as much time te feeding the seul~ as learned tsat weird night by the brook J. Elliott on~ Mac 6t tecnie Prices f. o. b. Winds.or, taxes extra wm .I***you do to feeding the body? Do Jabb-ok. As long as he -wrestled and re-organization plans of the Com- J. LAK BLLI Wenyc ar Iardup thnkofyo, send as much time èn prayer ,otne hawsi dfabu hnnunity Welfare Contmittee, a resolu- Standard Equipment Includes: .,. Ch. B.. F. R. C. S., (Edin.), 0. P. H.1 John 14:14. With tisat proinse star- as You de on the morning paper, as lamed b'y the touch o! bis InvisibleL tien w-as passed te nominete a newy Four 2-rnav I <-k absorbers; radjator shutters; siatro (Sucestr t Dr A.S. illY) ng Yu i th fae, ou re et oYu do on your cigar? Frayer is n-ot Advarsary, ha eeased to eontend and cînimittee and that one repreqo-nta dash; elecirolock; electric for fuel and ail o ah (Sucessr t Dr A. . Tîî~) £g Y~ inthefac, yo ar flt ~ the big thing in the bife cf many a bgan to Iig, ha was victorious. tive froni eacb local crir ions. Graduate in Medicine, Abe,-Yuaenhîta reu. Yu church member. Lt la often litfle tir *oc an naeleuitegosiu.eteCm deen University; Fellow of the Royal buins is n on theragged edge. moetan acePanfo ny h crto iea: Ae-&fe WIDEitte th HOICE 0Fg CcOS arNOerA.O Collage of Surgeons, Edinburgh' Your business is beomîng. Youî oeta ac.Pae sntol h erc- frite IE H IEO OOSA OET Office and Residence: Queen Street, future is as -brigbt as -the promises of **Our power, it la tha secret of peace. W. J. Eervy-Scns cf England. Bowmanville. Phone 89. God. "If ye shail ask anything in When wa come to thse family abtar, Maybe you wonder why you ara not Mis. A. L. Nicholls-St. Paul's Cb'ch. OfieHus e4p . e83 .My nanie, I will do it." Wisy don't we corne upon the greateat institution hpy e ol ehpiri r Pre-aLtn&Mi, essR sA e G ith r ooeHus o4p r. O83 ýmyen ask? WIsy do You ait thera of family life in ruins. In niany a o ryou moe. h bappthe ifec rs A. L. Warar-Dantyur as essRoshm s8.ai4 h r o t W. H. BIRKS, M. D. dumb, staring iste thse blaclcness of home tIsa family prayar la neraly a o! security. It keapa us safe in Mrs. E. R. Bounsab-Wom. Institute Ofic Hur:1 o ead7 o .3. rin when ail the balls of beaven memory. As we think back, it stands furnace fires of trial and wiselming Rev. R. J. Sbires-St. John's Cu:h BOWM N IL Offce our: te4 ad 7te8.3. rngwith hope? Why do you fiee out as oe o! the conipelling exper- floods of disaster. It la the secret of Mrs. Wm. Hali-White Shielil Club. Telephone 108. the field and quit the fight when aIl iances of life. Our fathars and achievement. Life is fertilized and E. H. Brou n-Jruýalem A.F. & A.M.__ _________________ Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's you nead te do is just te pray? mothars teught us te go to Iife's dut- made productive with prayar. T. AnnisDn-Soldiers' Club. former residence, Wellington Street, Thare can be ne doubt about the les fîom our knees. Thse accent o! *__*__*__AL___________________________________________ Bowmanville. place assignad to prayer in the teach- God was on us. Wbether wa reahiy "If ye shahl ask anything in My Mrs. A. Reader-Confedaration L'ge. OUT-OF-TOWN CALLS-QUICKER AND CHàKAPILRTHN VZ _____ ings of Christ. Its p~lace is first. t>elieved in Him or net, whathar Ive nama, I will do it." Is it not strange D. R. Morrison-Rotary Club. __________ -It ranks at the top. There la nothing h-ad confesse-ti Christ as our Savieur that with sucs a promse w iSould F. A. Haddy-I. O. 0. F. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS1 more important, or net, tIsera was that family altar. e-ver let oui souls go 'faimisbed and Mca. A. H. Fletcher-Eastern Star. THEROPY I od ** It made God re-al. We have heen unfad ? 'ilf the church wants a re- Mis. J. Thicksoni-Home & Sehool. Gdadvaitisa-s Hinisaîf with pray- traveling on it through the long vival, it -muat blaze tIse way witb J. Swindefls-L-oyal Orang- Lodga. DURWIN E. STECKLEY ai. The bigge-st thing He doas is years, but we have ht-an like a nia- prayer. If religion is te bt-corne more Mis. E. Pro0ut-Sunshîne Club. honor graduate o! Toronto Collage net making worlds, but answeîing chine traveling on a spent force. W*a of a power in'oui lives, wa muýst pray Mis. E. MNitchell-Coïip. of For-est. of Chiropractie wlll be in the Bow- prayera. Ha wants to be kno-wn as feel the impact, but we aie 'powearless more. It la not enough te sand for S. J. Henry-St. Andrew's -Chureh. Maniville Office Tuesday, Thursday a prayar-haring and prayar-answer- te raproduce Une moinantuin. a preacher end! have meetings and or- T. H. Lockliat-Poor Relief Cons and Satuiday evenings, phone 141J.1 ing God. He seais te say: "No 1 ganize cosnmittees. Oui fanily al- Officers for enasuing va-ar are: Residential cehîs made during fora- matter what ycu think of Mt-, ner Thare is leas prayair to-day, net tara must ha resteret!. Oui private Chairmar-D. R. Morrison. ito-o'Isow niany fiee tihings you may say c>nly in private davotions but in puib- devotions must net be neglected. Vice Chairman-A. L. Nicholls. a.bout Me, if you discradit My ability lic woîship. Prayer te-day that sins We must pray. Scea'-Rv .J hrs te answei prayar, yeu hava dishonor- against Sbeet ecne nouli reary-ev . S J.indells. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ed Ma-i' Ha that conieth to Got! A =rinistai who pînys tan minutes I cali you te prayer-net se much must coma with faith. If You ara cominuta the unpardonabla sin. In te the study of prayer as to is praet- F. F. MORRIS CO. te walk eut cf G-od's bank with aught soe of tIsa churches'i visit, what Ls ise. Wbat we need te do ijs net sa NCHUMS Complete Motor or! in your hand, you must comae be-liev- fsomnetimas called the "long prayer," munIs te specnslate on the philosopby HM Hersa Equipment. ing that Ha is, and that Ha is the re- thse praYer before thse sermnon, bas of prayar or the theoiogy cf prayer, Ail calîs pramptly wardar of them that diligently seck; been eut eut eltoguieri, and! an an- but te pray. God is nie anxîeus l'm friands viith ail the childran attant!ed te. y Him. , them bas bean substitute!. 'TIse an- te~ give than wa are te receive, and That go to scbeol with me- R em em bra c Private Ambulance. col Jas prit pa-c i-. Nhin hn ae at should wa stammer with oui lips, or Witb Jane and John and Jannie. Bownanill phna: 'eoldtak il plce itbHl IlH Childian are net taugfht te pray as blundar in our methot!, H-e will sense, But mestly Ressai. 10 mandl ia led vrything, and possessed ail thy once wera. I go inte homes the longing of our heaits, and! wHIl Branh Stres power, 'but Ha could net get alongý wh-ere tIsera ara littla childien who do I bhass us. It ia net se much more Wa elways play tegethai Bîanb Stres- without praying. He w-as silanet undarstant! what it means when'prayer, but nie pîaying, that -e And spin oui tops and swin, Orono & Newcastle. but He was notgoot! enough te do 11 kneel d<>m-n te pray. If one sh<>u<d ned.e And Rossa can roller-skate ALAN M. WILLIAMS 1without prayer. **sit~abu ez.pys-,îe____An.d-oh, do anything! Embahnier ant! Funeral Diractor. w-sntwhl ewa t aare with a puzzlad lo'ok. Thair Ihdtesats it Calsgve poptan eronlaj, It ;ant hlh_,wstudy'ng parents have neyer taught tbeni te Inspecter J. M. D.-nyes advises 1Widthe -wt an kyeowfi Cals ivn pomt nt!pasoal r-tboigyne wihahaw-s dse~*ngPray. Alas for such dhildren! If Acton and Mlilten te engage a nurse But laist yaar for a present I tention. No extra charge for dis- j the mode o! baptisi, bout w-bilhabei they do neot laarn to, pray when Vhaey batwecn thaîrcol.LtRoaihveb. tance. Mater Ambulance at your was praying, that Pater got Isis, vLiiofi y areo1s Letdan Rosali hive iialenye se rv ic e . P h o n e 5 8 o r 1 5 9 , B aw - l o f th se w e r hd -w id a ac o p a o f Gh ris t' a. ; a r . c h l r n L esli G o r utt R o c k w e o d nt lea A d o n e w b n w w r h t i manvilla, Ont. 3-tf; kingdom. If wa are te break away ese a t $5 Rndpeavda t ul ta Sd onaced bher dî fre mte. frein oui littleness and narrowvnes.ý Taf n 5 n lae ulyt h andhrdl o e our bigotry and! selfishnss, a-id dis- The prayc-r-meeting* la peorly at-'l burglarizing two stores. Had 60 Yeu sea. l'm friands w-itb avearyone, AUCTIONEERS cover that God is biggeî than a -e', t.ended. Somne one sait! ta me, flot jkeys when arrested. Was sen- txo But chunis w'ith Resalie. I-e must sece frsmr our knecs. 'long ago: "Jt ougbt te hc abolishad. K ingston for 3 yeai-s. -By Charlotte E. Wilder. o THEO M. SLEMON Wse-n the harvest wwas PcrsigI sa ncrnsni oenl.e Auctiioneer rfor Jack of reaperz, ivhen ha-ave n-high I elonge! te an age wben peopleLOGd ceul-ha Faman!Hus alsaSpcaly'opportunities we'ra being lest ha - had no-haîe te go in tIse middle of, LON Bribd.i'>'sl th caust- tIsera w-as nonc te enter tIse, caric 11,u on Biry Ternis moderate. Enniskillen P. O. o pen dooc, when proachers vere need- 1 meeting." The prayer-meating w.e -i i cr Phone 197r3. 1-tf cd0 hitddnttaI i hih* hava now-adays la nýot really a prayar- pesnlt- iàtefn e -ed meeting, but raîhe ae1 fain Iitatio mebont RIAl n dry-pc p up with Wnig!ey's-it neyer haul a prayer answard. Tbhev cisC5pe and more depermdable J1-I R V~ moistens mouth and throat. 'have tried it, but ga-tting ni thing-' Ask for ou Ioeokl "A New Horizon." d2an ever before. J. H E M Nh increased flow of saliva have quit. One vuonder-s wh-ethar i will explin an in eresing Satings Plan. feeds new strength to the blood, tho»ý ha.t- re-'ilv prayedu, wçhth ir Buy vo ca domor - ou éel thtuv knnw what' prayar la, w-heatha-r Bey ~ an o mre-ou c 1 they have ever reat! that verse w-hich Poultry at Fair Prices better. uays: "lIf ye abide. in Mc, and My Ufa . ld p 1 worts ahida- in you, ya shall ask what lhe Royal BES a nkEI Phones:~ ye will and il shall ha done tinte yoiu "- Boinnvle:23.One wenders whetber tbey hava.n-gL Bowmnvîla 2 \î . -to God saying with Christ: "Faýtha S90 of5 C anadaL~~ Tarante: Trînîty 3P49J Iglorify Thy nameL," fflying to the' %biurt "Net my will but Thina be Addrasa: 274 Augusta Ave., Keep awaloe with Wrigley's donc." One wondara whetbeî thecy Bcwmanville Branch A. E. Herman, Manager T ee Toronto. 37-1yr believe thîl Cod la a praycr-hearing FrsendsbsFi CI4 F7N ~and a praycr-answeri-ng God, wha-tber 1' _______________________they hahieva- at ahI. and if not, this'

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