THE CANADIA~ 8TAT~EM.AN, 'BO WMAN VILLE, 'IIHtJRSI>A.Y, AIPRrL l7th, 1930 PAGE 's'p Mr. Jabez McCullo ch, Campbeil- ford, who lied an opcration in Bow- mianvibbe Hospital, iproving nice- ky-Co<bourg Wo>rld. N<>w la the time to have your up- holstering done. We have a f irst class tiphoIsterer and prices are reasonable. Phlone in your wants and we will give yeu an estîmate. We will gladly suwpply coverings or you may order your own. AMen Willanis. .1 Ccbourg Wcrýld puîlisisd lat week a picture of Cobourg's first whaîrf buiît 100 years age. Camnbray Womnen's Institute clo- brated its twenty-fiftis anniversaryl on April 2nd. Misa Ida Payne, Toronto, attended her grandmother's funeral on Friday, and spent the weekend witih her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rbobert Payne, jPonty'pool. Expressing sons pen, -i5yntitt LAïC lue--wat read hy Mis Rîlda G. Slemon; vocal solos, Mr. Kenirc-th Morris and Mi-ss Dorothy Pluntmer. :Mr. T. H. Lock- hart's address ton "Our- indians and uur Churcis" as illustrated bv Sumei very fine lantern slides, showing hast Christianity is h elping the Indian VoI inakc u-se of his talents. Meeting closed with Mizpah Benedctiît -. A welcome is extende<l te al young people of the conînunity te atte(-nd these meetings ectionday evening. GRATITUDE IMPELS NURSE TO SPEAK OUT "l'ni a practical nurse but the ac- tien cf titis new Sargon certainly surprised ýme, and I'm givig this statement eut of gratitude for what it did for mne. MRS. EIDITH BROWN *II had awful pains in <my.right aide and linxny right shoulder joint, extendod a&U the way do'wn te nsy wrist and the joints of ny 'hand. Notlhing 1 teck helped mie until I teck Sargon. It cocmpletdly overcame -the ipamn. I notice tco that I amn strcng- or in every way with woxlds ocf uew energy and vitality. -Sargon Pille regulated me perfectly."-Mms Edith Broswn, 426:Clondenan Ave., Toronto. Sargon may b. cbtained i l- nlanvillo froen Jury & Loveil. mmuuum---------- ster Appreciation of Your Kind Interest I want you to know how much I appreciated your kind interest in the Dodge Motot' Show held last week. Naturally I amn proud and very en- thusiastie about the new Dodge Sixes and Eights. Experienced motorists are also quick to observe and appreciate the superiority of these cars and the very reasonable prices at which they are be- ing sold. If you are in the market for -a new car or a trade-in, I would like to have an opportunity of demonstrating a Dodge car. After you have kdriveii the Dodge and like it we'l1 talk business on a deal theni. W. J- CHALLIS LocalDîîbt for Dodge Cars and Tr~ucks COerrRACTOR STAITS WORIC ON SOLDIERS' VIMY DINNERj FOUR ODDFELLOWS RECEIVE sALVATION ARMY CITADEL _('ontinued from page 1) 50YEAR JEWELS To une Lfit.cup , b was signed and where he wvas forced (Contjnued from page 1) June lst. to spend the winter of 1918~ amid re- h ulro to r~-tra edA fter a long delay w ork com nenc- peated ttacks by the B o shevik . T hp e . n it 72i ; r.esen t c bcris i pi edlast wvqek on the Ncyw Citadel fur, Very e cpeoik. t u'. N rhaen 35; avin-, 209 brot c-r o 'e the Sa:vazion Army at the corner of Ru., - bu:e h~ct 'thern . - -. iB_ Churh ad Diisin Sreet, o th 1 nd b-,n;a avoeun-drew. Bounan ot. The eontract wslt erýn etfo nln n11 Vo illam ayen,31 alver Avn-te allay the rumors circulated ameng Ofith e eight previously presented ue, WilaTto oi 1MGvr vn the Russians that the Allies were wt 5-ear Jewel, six are stili liv- ue oron.o fightllig among themselves. The ing:-C. M. Cawker. J. Il. Cryder- Thea plans c&U. for a building 301 Party, after a stormyvogear man, M. A. James, John Holmes, by 50 foot in dimensions, ofeai oae&rs ecste e.BIeTrno n constrction overed wîtho 1 the North Sea, had landed at Arch-Nwate e.BieTrno n borckfacin. Te roof h spal angel and prOceeded up the river. Neil McDonald, Ponoka, Alta. bric facng.The roof-11 be ra-Mr. Dippell's battery, the 76th, had Shortly af ter ioining the OrderIC O velled and tarred -hile the floors -inl been separated frein the 68th and a acýceptied a positon in Toronto and be of inapîle and the trim of i nd fr e u neead o h ie a,.the.Sovereign Grand Lodge pro.- fir. The ground floor Vi con$ i'n -one of the most sparsely populated cession in which the famous D. 0.& of a main hall with Suriday Sch'ool districts of Russia. He paintcd aeP-' Band took part. At titis meeting acconimodation, and the Upatairs -inll glowin~g pioture of the modern City the nuniber of degrees was reduoed T be used as living quartera for local 1 of Archangel and the wonderful ~ fromn 5 to 3. Wlhen the Sovereign officers. The inside walla winI be miills which suipplied work for miost or Grand Lodge met in Toronto in hîet r hed andot ir wilunrigd h1Of the Population. Where his detach- 106 1 took part in the parade, and hea. 'iheheain« pluuil~i 1 Sd!ient were landed, the average pou again in 1921. electric work winh e sublet and it i lation Was thiree te a square mile and Do you realize that we are niern- ciel hance ocguren thi wrhaveka he people were exceptionally ignor- bers of the Supremne raternal Order chace o fgur onthi wek. orka nt %&ith very fe-w being able te read of the word-with a mem.-bershdp of is expected te 'ho finished and th or write. The district wes mainlv 5 million? This is more than Pthe hall ready for occupancy by June Ist. wooded and little farming of any kind total menberahip of ail the other _____carried on. Some rye was grown fraternal orders. Oddfellows have and a few potatoes, the latter being built and maintain nearly haif the TRINITY UNITED CHURCH buried deep in the ground alter be- homes of aIl the purely fraternaâ Or- MrsC.R.Caaclln av ltees ing dug up. The peasants also kept dors. During the past 50 yeans the Mr* . R Caicaien aveintresinga few sheep and a cow, and for trans- Order [has paid out 500 million dol- Missionary Addresa at Morning portation used e very sturdily built lars, the greator part of which was 1Service pony simîlar ta a Shetland. spent for relieving distress. The i ~He told in brief of -the customns of order coflects annually 25 million Sunday morning service in Trinity the people and the difference made dollars for the saine purpose. The United Church was <bsorved as Mis- botween the married and unniarried Ontari'o Oddfellows' Home in Tor- sionary. There was a splendid irally People of the section. The unattach- onto is beautifully situated over-look- of ail the missionary societies f rom od ladies were easily known by the ing the City, and is val-ued et $300,- the latest organized Boys' Mission red bandana worn around their fore- 000, and je niaintained at an annual Band ta tise:members of the W. M. S. head and the biLdlwlors by the rings expense of $47,000. These are only who were present in goo-dly numbers on their finger. a few of the figures i-n reference Vo for the Easter Thank Offering ser- November 11, 1918, was a memor- the financial benefits of the erder. vice. Rev. J. U. Robins, the pastor, able day for the smail band in the I mnight also add F. N. Lodge paid in conducted the service, and the ad- fort. Ur. Dippeîl told aif the Bol- 1929 to Toronto Home $224.70; in dress of the morning ivas given ày sheviks rushing the guns andi of the benefits $2785.55; total $3010.50. Mrs. C. R. Cairecailen, «rf Ontario an day battie that ensued. Luckily Wh'ile we are apt Vo stress the other Ladies' Ccllege, Whitby, who spent for the detachment the first -of the benefits we Olten lose siglit of te saine years in China. Her addres Bolsheviks to be kiiled in the action great fraternal be,,,fits whicli are was based -on the words "While it was were the men who manned tihe ma- possible. Every member on enter- yet dark," and was made most inter- chine guns and titis left the others ing the order subscribes ta a belief esting as aise cornpared the women practically helpless. In the after- in God and in acerdance with that goîng ta the empty toxnb of Christ noon when in England and Amierica a belief in His holy word. Vo tihe women of the prcsent de~ go- thsePeopk- were celebrating the si -i The reisfud othtre ing te their sisters whe are as yet ing -fteAmistice, his battery were Ora rdnie lafound on Lohethe in darkness in the lands net touched engaged in a hard batte with the angreathricTpe f rtisenhi Lve by the gospel. She urged every osek wt-psecsf ung and dramatically exempliîie'd in mentber te be up and doing. The out of ammunition. Toivards night- Jonathan and David. We should WT gathering was well represented by falà tfhe men were ordered teif ix bay-! rememnber that "Ho that bas friends WTH CAPES miembers of the Sparling and Alice enets and charge, and hie told of tise-'hould show, lumseoif fnendly and 1 Jackson Mission 'Bands, C. G. 1. T., peculiar hatred the Russians had for. there is a Friend tihat sticketh dloser SLEEVE AND C Thse service of praise, led by a choir cover of the woods. The casualties of ladies -with Mr. Francis Sutton. in this ýbattke on the Russian aide est thing in the world. GCd la Love; Cosn p rIwI erganist, in charge, was greaitly en- wore more than the personel of the when we have iHie l'ove shed abroad lem at ail when y( ioyed. Members of tise Y. W. Aux- entire battery of Canadian;s. I as ini our hearts we not only love Hîm m dl eaeso 'tw but love Our fello'w men. St. Paul mdljeaesu iliary took up the offering Whiich was not until thse 15th of the montis that sy"hohIgveaIygodtopics Caswtl *very generous. The floral decora- they heard of tise armistice being I feed th oor nd ave n o l ove e stlines . .it tin 'r rtySrn lwers. signed, but the news had littie effeot profiteth -me nothing." Truth-! dwitie At the Sunday Scisool session Mr. on them with the knowledge -that they Gd'wodnwhcshepnipsofjoas itfown s Alan Knight sang a fine solo, and the were doemred to stay in that country heoder ware ondhte. Shoupldelca wt'fwigs prise winners from Trinity Sunday for the reaefone. Sulw alhe e fetsI Scisool were announced by Dr. J. C. The rigors of that winte'r, as re- not study these-for if the whole altenwefess follws: ouned bptisispaker mad a torymembership understood these and put black and the new 91 Dvtsprteenas flov:cutdb h paemd ythem jute prectice every day, Our Senior Dept.-Alicc Medd, Freda El- that will iong be rzmembered by 'his renxtohecuh ýoldb liott; Intermediate-Mýarorie iBradt, hearers. The continuaI raids onth the Ore ext tore the ucw'old bor Hilda Hobbs; Junior-Gertrude Wag- camp by thse Bdishe'viks and the hack-tiegaesfocinhe oldorC h ar BrtJhnto. pcils Grs ngtopecs f n pisnes tise upIlift of humanity. If we knowC . /e I arBet olnson Secal: irs ngtepice o ay rionrsthey these thinga, 'happy are ye if ye do C . f between 12 and 17 yeans takir'g high- happened te apprehiend made a pic- then. est marks-mairjoriB Bradit (prive ture of iorror that few cîvilians NEXT TO F. F. MORRIS CO. giveni by Mrs. Sienion'> ; Bo.ys, do- could believe possible. Tise terrible Anetiercf the interesting features Hugh Sinale (prise given by Dr. C. time spent iby this loyal band of Can- !Of the ovening waa thse degree work W. SI-mon.) adjans, until *iey wc-re relieved in put on by members of Phoenix Lodge, The evening service was in charge June. 1919, mnade a thrilling stary Oshava, when the 1eV Degrec, was1 of Pastor Robins who gave an excel- and one wisicis 'held the attention of conf erred on six candidates.I lent sermon -on "Palm Sunday." his hearers tlu'oughout. tietmae eîovrt'eI KEEP OFF THE GRASS Muscalseric wa inchrgeof he At the conclusion of this -highly hundred OddfeUlows were present A practice indulged in by delivery regular choir who sang two antheis, interesting &ddrc-sz, a v'>,te of tlianks from the district and other parta cfbosad ternd eevigc and Miss Greta Poîlard sang -a solo. was .moved by -Mr. J. O'Neil and tend- Ontario. bosadohraddsrigo _____ered te the speaker Iby the pres-*dnt. condemnation, is the crossing and re- Mayor Elliott aise spoke briefly. Fc,>lowing tise session in the lodge 1 TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Thse singing of "Auld Lang Syne" rom a very enjoyable social time was crossing cf lawns and gardons te ______brough.t the fîrat part cf tho. even- held at St. John's Parish Hall where make shprt cuts, although they could 'Trinity Young Pe-opîe's meeting on îng's prograin to a Close. tt Rebekahs servod a most satisfying just as well use th-e side.wailks. The MNonday evening was exceptienally Tise banquetters th-n repaired banquet in a faultlesa 'manner. practice indicates a disrogard for thse wel'l attended. It was Missionary frein thse banquet hall -to the P :.ya1 Speeches were given by Mayor 'M. J. property rights cf citizens and poor, night, witis Miss Helen 'Cryderman as Theatrý, where as the gue-ta d oin - Elliott, Fred McArthur, M.P.P., and encouragement for thoin te, keep at- convenoer. rade T. C. Ross, genâial nan-ger cf Dr. Ferris, Cobourg; Geo. Maynard, tractive lawns and gardens. An- An excellent progîrai was prepar- the theatre, they enjeyed tl:c pres:-n- Torento, W. Riddelul, Orono, W. R. other annoying and destructive ele- ed ýby iMiss M. Alin and Ms D. J. tation of thse îalking picture "Every- Gilbert, Oshawa, and ethers. Mi: J- ment is the ruflflîfg at large cf many Chambers, thse fermer presiding. body Happy." Major F. H. Mocdy ' cal numbors included vocal soles by dogs. Prograin included: Piano duot, Misses expressed the thanks of the Cl1ub te R. M. Mitchell and harmonica sélect- -os Doris and Gladys Jamieson; v0<Sl Mr. Ross for his generous sisare i ions by Fred Moore and RihadMe- Whitby la going te have a 'es solo, Arthsur Culley; 'Pauline John- the evening's entertaiinent. Icalfe. Band. a THIS IS THE LAST WEEK 0f Our Successful Paint and Wall Paper Sale If you haven't visited our store better do so before Saturday night when this great sale ends. E aster Footwear Oflering Dress for parade. Whether its the boardwalk or pavement you will need new Footwear Keep in fashion with a pair of our smart shoes. Women's step)-in pumps, medium spike heel, smart and dressy ...........................$5.50 pr. Wornen's kid pumps, black or browrn, covered c uban heels.................................. $7.50 pr. Women's patent tie patterns, cuban heel, rubber lift ............................................ W Pr. Women's black kid and patent l-strap, cuban Women's bi'ow~nkidl oxford, $5.50 pr.ri, ov ered cuban heels ...........................$4.95 pr. Women's patent 1-strap buckle, cuban covered bels .....e .....kid ..................$4 .50 pr. Wome's lue id lipprscuba orspike heels, $4.95 pr. Men's fine black caif oxfords, on English last, Goodyear welt soles and leather heels, $7.50 pr. Men',-,bick e 'aif oxfords, with rubbeî' heels, good young mnen s style ..........................$5.50 pr. Box.-s' black caif oxfords, wide i'oon toes, $4. pr. Hilrlbut's Pussy-foot Boots and Slippers for children, $1.60 to $2.50~ THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES TI-AT SATISFY Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager '*Bâ*â *â*à ----------pâ gss.-s',~ £-.. " ~- - - '-- --*-- ~ --'~----~- -' ~ - ~ osa--,-. sd-..,.ee3ïaq -'-A- - *, -.~', Se.'-.Le ~ ,~ AND THE NEW 'OLLAR EFFECTS Spiing coat, is no prob- rou see - the distinctive ,ing at most moderate i te new natural beit- coats with capes... leeves . oats with ,ponsored by Paris. In reens and blues. 'v. v il -J vou S.-V'E 4'N SPRINGi DEC/tOORATING .THIS IS HOW WE SAVE YOU MONEY WE GIVE YOU B3ACK FOR EVERY 30 cýin d Qt- of Glidden's Paint FOR VERYYOU BUY AT REGULAR PRICE seQo0 We give you back YOU SPEND IN WALL PAPER 30 gc%,-nes THIS IS A GENUINE MONEY SAVJNG EVENT See last week's aper fr other redued prces. dThese prices apply to 1930 Sun- wothy Wall Paper in stck Don' eay nothrdY. Corne in and see for your- self what you save. THIS IS A CAS H SALE. Prices have been eut too low to give credit. GEOGE RITOHAFjRID Phone 489 (Next to Bowmanville Bakery)') Bowmanville TUE CANADIAN STATEULAN, iBOWMANVILLE, TRUP-MAY, AIMM, 17th, 1930 PAGE' IASON N IL J SALEM LEAGLIE Leaguc- meeting was hélà Sunday, afterrnoon with a good attendance. Missiornar3' Vice President, lMre. Wedsh, had charge of the progxeni Bible tesson was read iby Miss Helen 'McDonald. Topie "Italiansl" was given by Mrs. Welsh who also recited a few verses bearing on tha topic. Maie Choir sang tro sciections ex- ceptionally weIl; talk iby Mr. F. L. Squair; inusic by orchestra; readings -by Mrs. Honey, Mmra Cator and iMm Rutledge; mouth organ solo, aid. FEl- combe. Me.cting elosed with eAmgue 'Benediction. eo