PAE FOURTT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1930 k1 ster has taken this medicine $16.92. Pre-,i4l-.-n t-.NMrs. Spencer FuA j~ine *.~. E. A.n Ta7O.~ obin R MiiWîA.S-Vered-fr0s . ii. l;'rasfasioembd thtrn d WALKER STORES LIMITED YOUR FAVORITE Buinr Rv.J' . unü- r.-avdMutÀi rea---C cpuif, beigeMANVILLE SHOPPING CENTR ne,..W. Buriner, M. A. .aeMen's Brotherhood tane164etc. $2LL ai' 'IIli M. Cwe~ C. Rehdor, W. Trewin, Ho.2eiei-e.J .Rois î Alszs.. ........Po0 6 F.A. Ha<ildy, T. C. Jî.well, J.J is o. rsdn-. J. Mas-ns; ý l sz s ... on. . I. Btu-milT. l. ockhart, IPresidc.mtNo>ilMutton; Vice Presi -_ ____________j______________________ , CJhnSM 1ceo', A. Mîitcelll, W. P. Cor- dent-R.M aIle.Tra.W - - -~ 0c', .1 u ýbett, Joîhn H1ellyar, Gi. L. Wagar, M J. Berry; Teachr-W. C, Farguson; I I ANNUALREPOR A., Harry Hamley, W. W. Allin, W. Ass't Teachers-RO.-v. J. W. Buniner, Se'y.-Mrs. J. E. Elliott; Cor. Se.c'y. ard; Sec. Christian Stewardship- Osborne, Enos Woodward, Un. F nl ANUA RPOT C. Ferguson, Dr. G. E. Reanxan, Dr. T. H. Lockhart, M. H. Minore.. -iss Florence Rickard; Treas.- Mrs. D. J. Chamnbers. lipi An J'ohnstofl, Mrs. Willam . Y rnt nie hrb BwavleW.H ikf.CÀoeDYugLde' il lm Mrs. A. E. McCready; Sec. Christian Boys' Mission Band Barrie, John Westlake, Richard Pool Trinty nite ChrchBowanvlle W.H. Brks W. . ClePrincipal! on ais il ls ________ J. H. Johnston. John Perey, Chas. PeîetM~L. .Jcn Stewardship and Finance-Mrs. ,IB. B. . ar ey, Samuel Cendier, Richard J. Mal From January lst, to D cember 3lst 4lIin Elnîr CoxM.A.JW.ksonarNI.M Warnica; Strangers' Sec. Surerintendets-Nrs. N. or yFoec isnHxadEu 1929 I y-ýt t ecmer3 smAlith Fleruso, ANei W.Mutton , ltMioreMs MsFsr nica, Mrs. C. J. Smale; President-lHiryeock.oec isn aÉ m 1 9 2 9 _ S i h F r u o ' r u , W A Hn o . s V i c e - M W S . M l o r e W ig h t ; P e t e r , M s . T o le v, MB o y d -F oS t e nm o n ; V ic e P r e s . - F r e d K n_ _ _ _ _ _ __at . s 2 4 m _________ l tiFletcher. W. H.Age .Pitn 2 id Vice-Mrs. . R. Bragg; Sec.- S. Wod; NIOntl e.-r. C. ol;Re.-- -Bergt ohnstr; Kn.o' a aei 2 ua Patrl reigsCnrite f twrs-.c iss Margaret -r;int; Ass't. Sec.- erguson; Lite rature Sec.-Mts. F. Cr e.JeWgtin Patraanetng o ito e. Dr fJ.C. e witt. F F . Mrs. A. Lobb; Treas.-Miss Peters; H Morri: SUPPl.V Sec.-M rs. W. C . Girls' Work Boardprio ed i sat urday. 93 - 'Vafstri W F ae, . . e i ke, .F. ee- . B i ' ; Co- - -ca Sec.- -s. R. H. s h rd y Wucea. zIhington; Pres ip o o udl To God bc the praise for, anothei w r . .Seon o ers a1.oa5- .Rcad Vre:A-caeHle e.Ms. Chairmarl-Mrs. C. A. Wight, Vice Perrytown has had an ahnorra -%,etcapprt in th church bv elhtt . trk, Cl it embersu anort dhren the. Th yE i t . W. R . Ms on. R s. B W M s. H. Jarieson, Look-out- 2Nrs. S.L L 4.Tole'; Mite Box Sec.-Mr. H. M rs. F. E. Ccox; Board-M .B tion is being ma(le. (fitsr.n m esad ah r n h r Warnica, Miss E. E. Haycraft,A Morris; Teacher;-MrS. C. A. Wight, Balsni; Pianit Mrs. Harry Foter; Spargo, MisB Sag n, r. E gaizton av aldoe Letionl- 'h.ÀBag Mrs. A. J. Reynolds-, \s,'t-NIrs. W.Bad-r.Cue rrMsForneWr. is ganizations.iArdonc HprdMihas.on4. Wght, W. J. B ally good work and to their untiing ard. WigH. Ar J.SupClud. MisMssFlreiontmy eorts houhtegrc f o.1-MPP. .Ln, Elliot. W. J. Dud- e.ù* Supt. Baby Band-Irs. J. Gi, Ruby Witheridge, Miss Novelda Ber- <~~ nîuch. 10Ve. T. S. Holgate. L. W. Dippeil, Young Men's Bible Class Nl~H lthr FnneCm v iss Nellie Kirkton, Miss Vivian id e~ ' Anumber of our faithf Ll inerrber-.Bs W rworth, C. E. Reh- President-W. Hamkoy; Vice Pres- rsn. 1'. C. Trebilcoek Mis.s Nicholr-on. Bunner, MIrs. C. W.Sen.Nr.. 'C H E E S R SE S N have responded to the- call. "core up (e, F. C o m r W. .Ie. ident--J. Vanstene; Sec.-Trea.- M - W. H. Spargo. H r u ,M s .B liin T .C higher"; to us ît hasseî --- Repruenftative.r; of Organiuitions: R. Adams; Comnitteea:Sot . YugWmnsAxlar eit e.J .Rbn.j wflat oud b an~rprite Oeoreo ursprnna in- SrusetenBoard-NI.A.Ja.meit; S. afod R.nvsg -B. Jamieon, .piietassV .Sag;lt r .C eit D.C .Se;n ife'itablY leads te, thou ghts of us ti 5loss, but for th m it is ga il Tr 0 . oa d IA J m s; S. S. Ja ie enRR xe. . rJ.ran U . p es dRtobinJs. ob ns B ysfWo iB.r vÉr th wom ean apof orhie. iste rs, ofin the upernnu h antAscated F. Dle. W. R. Strike; Purdy, H. Coînier;--MeJmeshi-R.Vi-Nr.EWer;nd ic-JH.ohsn.R.J..RbnF. c sR A Rev W C.Wahigto, ..4. asYoung People's Society President- Smnith. A Lobb, D. Bell. Mr.W e.Sc'y.-Miss C. Vanstone,W..Dae C. H. 'Mas- Let us aid you in making a decis- joined the Church Triumphant. 1 E. S. Ferguson; Bible Class Presi- Young People's Society Rila Siemon; Cor. Se'y.-Mýýiss Flor- on. W. R. Strike. in as to, the gift that Alould af- We ook back over the ear, with dns-r.Sencer Wood, Miss ý-c er;Tes- r.C .Ms hi gratitude, but lot us realize that Ced Leta Jackson. Neil Mutton, W. Ham- Pres,,idernt-Smith Ferguson; Vice. on;c W0rry;tres-Mr_ . H. M a s-ABAY D ford the most lasting joy and sat- bte hnaaha o s a'lev-, Womian'sý Association-Mrs. J. President- W. Ho-s Strike; Secret-on Pant-r5H. . ser Sopranos-Mesdames T. W. Ca- PU O assortiten oftthegye a1930 fe r us n 'FIiobl; W om en's M sso a-ySoc- ry Mi sV ilda .S........ Treas.- M rs. C. H. D ulley; Sec ys. f Christ- ker, R. Thonxpson, F. H. M oody, F. CD .() Jeweis for feminine adornmnent experience and more fruitful for the îex-n...W une;Cor oly asoe inss Jmies Niý;.W. C. Ives; Literature Sec.- ers, G. E. Pritchard, Miisses Hi. o- - -___________ W.s nevier more oee than Kingdom cof Cod. To this- end may Dr. C. W. Slemon. Laverne Orchard and Glady.Ja ie- rn adr;Mt o e. iE ,rD lmeG ik completne id tat eareirng aTrustee Board son; Chrisbtan Felloiwýship-.Nrs. C. Nrs, Irne sanderW ite;oSec.-eris, E MrriA . Plumed .r.genic, o w . A nid <ur prices w ere ne er w e ea r kin s th at xve r e o8 , n P ito , C a rm n . A . J m _ E . P ritchard ; M issionary- M iss H el- SM c. -W ri s onW . W ight; S r angers'. ett, NM . A fin, A edd , B . ern gratwrk aoheCurh fGoin PatrChima;M.A.Jmeen Cryderman; Missionary Finance- DiySeBMs.H . BL Nans. our ntidst, is of gr-atst importance. C. M. Cawker, C. Rehder, W. Trewmn, M isses Aura Runde Rla G. Semon. Diling; Supply Se. M s . .L e vs a vry arg prporioncf he hrim DrFC.W..IenondF.y,. T. SC. nJseewwerehas ai.thteFlA.Hady, .nCdJeell J.Helyar'Flrene WrrydLieray ad . GeichrdgeMr. Gorg Dilin; Tmiam AlosAOSdme5J. . AdSson SP IN L ve% qur e pr p orti n M ith eesi mDDr. C WC larke,, F G retariPuA .-c _(rance S ec.- M rs. F red J. Sqn-y, M rs. F . H . J nesa, H . M . F oster, W . A . an iei h oland the indiff- 1Mitchell, S.lark, GC. All--nv- F.neR.FrKersiake, . R AI ernvce iw hýL olichcheelligsSo.wongF. . IVastn, . . Kmley , r Helen Argue;-,Citizenship-_ E. J. Wood; Flower Sec.-,Mrs.E. VTuneFIniMutoD.R l M O O R E erence wich makes thiKe gethrMorrF.s, BabsCorebett. Soc-leHoar;WPrecs Sec; Pess SeE.-E.sHa.-E. dreaddMissesss V. B. B pargo.oC..Poo- t and cause loss. pain and sorrow, Pickard, W. F. Dale, F. H. Joness, ._î tMisssrVst, Boargo reta ko caf; Finance Com.-Mr. C. H. ndH mAge, C. Anderson, M. Han- Jewelry would cease over night if people Geo. W. James, Dr. J. C. Devitt. - Ruby Witheridge, Doris Jainieson. -aOMs .JcsnMs .Bg eAaAln .Aho.I would olLd, ar. Mamrethroohn, irss L. . Jconý, Mrs. . a- e A-da lin. oomnil h nlg.y alite or ges thoghCburch Officers Girls' Morning Hour Wight. M. S. Dale, W. Woolley, A. Knight, thnig Myw etsgges ht Pastor-T. U. Robins; Recording ueinedntnl, r.W.P oret Ms W eor-r C .SImn Msr we- Stwr-.C astn;Cekof1 ueitn.n-Ma-s,. H. W. Fos- MsinCrl A. W. Pickaird, J. E. EIli.itt, H. Cry: A E RU- ______mreab-otReliionandthe________PrnThink more Jhabout ReligionstaanMrSthW.BSteward-F.on C.eVanstone;s VC B.rkaogodAssist.ant-Mn-. CW.llB.,Tapson:e Isuch any obeciv e- Sec. Treas.-E.'liTi Taylor. Ho.Peiet-isV .SproW 'oyle, Harold Slemon, Elton TIMVE Chuch. there C aobjective tte f te arsPresident.-Mrs. D. J. Chambers; W -ih F.C. Vanstone; Secretary of Coin- By'MrigHu Vice President-Miss Vivian Buniner; Werry. j u en v ? A i re ngth e ttths f Jeu nittoe f Stewards-Dr. J. C. Devitt; Leadr-F... Haddy: Pianît- Corresponding Sec.-M r. Ruby Dan- Basses Me ssnr. W. R. Strike. W. G'me in and consult us abo(~ oeut Gessetial e the brts e stlvngu rasrr o Church - Geo. W. Frncis Sutton. oes e.S c- is EiaKrtn; B. Pollard, A. E. Hircock, T. Hir- you- work. We handle & goo realy ss nti -1 o h e est li i JamT e s rasurer f ofM . & M . F u nd - W m n s s o ia i nTe s. R eli S e. -M .is s iaent . cock. W . E . A rm strong, K . M r i , lin o f Punips for W ell or C i t e re stra in th e m . t e g iv e th e m h o p e J R . K e a la k ; E Se r e ty of r u ste e h i ti n S e a r h ip M i s G ý P oI IA K I I iND o e d r l g i n t u d h n , . M s n n e o f T w r d - F .e P r e s id e n t- M r s . J . E . E llio tt ; s h - s ia t w r s i p M se tJR h m s n . H . JM o o d y , SA . M t e r r P e s s ue s t es.o s i andcoraetec-fort theni. te sae .oKsaa-D. J.C.eitt;Msia Vc Peidn-Mrs. J. Perc; 2nd rude Oke; 5rarigers' Sec.-M5ssMar- thew, J. Daviose. aes , . . yeur requiremn them9 ice Pes-.I. ,jH W Fser, Re- ion Hame. LFrattnG.istn. raitadCorFRTCASWR Think-If Religion is needed, how Director and Organit-Fa-ancis Sut- Vrin S-M- H W ter;CRre- H ls'FancMisttoioOnanBanddhoiur SlganSWR isE~ l it te be promioted? Is any great ton; Sexton-J. T. Hooper. cording Sec.-MsPes ; aCo"e S- irls' ntMis. C Ives Leader. OrSoa - SO NStanding Comnittees pndnInc-Ms HMabemouprninam-Mr . .Ivs idea or cause efficiently promoted Treas.-Mrs. C. Bagnel: Pianit- Aistant_-Mrs. E. J Wood, Mrs. D.InMmia_______ wihota organisation? Proporty-C. M. Cawker, W. Tre- Mrs. F. Joness; GCommitteeocf Man- j Charnber-s, Mliss Vivian Buniner; Annie E. E. Ccx. Mrs.Sah Jane BOW ANVLLEWhut areood. essentials of a good, I xin, C. Rehder, F. C. Vanstone, F. F. agement-Mrs. F. C. Colmer. Mrs.. F. Pr,isient-Ada Clarke; Ilst Vice- Nlorrisr. Aliece Eva Co, rh E R. live organisation? Is it net a body1 Morris, J. E. kliott, L. S. Caverly, Jackman, Mrs. E. R. Bounsaîl. MIrs. Evc'x,,n Pickard; 2nd Vice-Jean ben Sophia Allun, 1ev. W. C. Wash- . .L O CX of members who believe in ît. who are R. M. Cale. L. A. Tole,, Mrs. p. C. Tirebilco)ck, Spry; ,Roc. Sec.-Dorc-thyý Richards; ing-tan, Ma-s. Richard Osborne, Mrs. Plumbing, Heating & Tinemithini enthusi5astic about it, xvho are xilling Shd-R. M. Cale, C. M. Cawker, MIrs. C. Ives. A4ssista l-t-Doi'othYý Nichols; Cor. P. F. Newhouso, Lambert Levi Mor- to work and makeL sacrifice for it, toî C. Rehder, C. Cox, H. A. Farrow, R. Women's Missionary Society Se..-Mariin Sctt; Treas.-11uth ris, Norman S. B. James. MiliredPhn26 nuna g Cntrator their brains and energy into it HHme.Hn dioyPeietM~ .Ie;Mt o e.MraO edFlorence Cole. MNIr. R. . Stehn Bulin onritr n -o n wehat torgel anation me l ses-2LigHre" ii. rC. Robis President-r1. . J. SrngIve-es;Prd;Asi'-MssCar ooTRcar alyn BWANILE I' Colmr, EneatPurd, Molryaan-Bunnr; jt Vie-Mas. G L.Wagar; aint-Cetrude ,Wagar; initMr.R. Edward Prout, Jennie B. Fry'. Plsees aos i religion hir r vexcellend nor rm- soeniogsAas, J. Minore. A. 2nd Vice-Mrs. W. H. A4rgue; Roc. E. J. Wood: As isan ' Pick- Shirley Dorcen Crook, William H lneLobb, Robert Cale, Ernest Brown,- Capetesganizations that help, but th".re __________ýe VnsonRa Dl an tcoquestion that the main dependonce is ig Assistants-R. J. Smith,__ and StucCo the Chur-ch. The Church i depcnd- .. Oltiil ____ enlargely. for its efficiency and suc- Pickard, Chas. Cawker; Eve - iig ceaSSupon the samie conditions a-,,W. J. SBerry, . M. eW.H.Ar-y Interior and Exterior Finishers. othcrerganiizai jns. jguW. . oerr, R.'. e. HinAi-we 115 IThere are Only threc explifationsIguet.C.Foe, r. R .Dnie of the lack of zeal and faithfulness 1Hbr otr Silo moulda for sale or hire; also shwbv-recrhmmenan F. Dale, W. C. Colo, J. C. Dovitt, F. i! adhorents.I Concrete Mixer for hire. Either-t'hey do net aeall\ believe R. Kersiako, J. H. Bateman, John in religion and the Church; Stacoy, Sidney Little, W. P. Corbett; Or-they <le net care; (Gallery,--D. Mlutton, Wm. Painton, Anything front cllar te roof. Or-they do nut think. R. MN. Calc-, A. H. Fletcher, N. S. I- ~c 1 We are inclined te br4ieve that thc- Plumnier, Earl Osborne, R. M. Bell. i rst la the miost conimon cause. 1 Music-Freni Board-M A. James, ________ ~Then-Thinkl and lot cur action-s T. C. Jewell, F. R. KersikDr .C f romi this tinm on 1)0 the result of Our 1Dcx itt, A. Mitchel, F. F. Morris; I Caîl, write or phone 497W. I thougt-not of Oua- thoughtle5sýns. From Choir-Dr. C. W. Siemen, Miss Estimatos free. things are truc, whatsoever things Weekly Envelope-J. T. Hooper, are honest, whatsoever things are W. W. Allun, F. R. Kerslake, J. H. ju, -hat.,eovr things are pure, Rateman, Stuart R. James, Raymnd I whatsoover things are lovely, What- Cle, J. H. Johnston, F. C. Vanstone, there bo any xirtuo, and if therebe itW .Cret .H oea r any praise think on these thing'."- R. E. Dinniweîî. Phil. 4:8). Ycurs faithfuîll C Relief Fund-Th.- Pasior, Ma-s. P. J.U ois .Trebilcock, Mrs. F. A. Haddy, T. womenlS 'New Spring Coats of more than ordînary chic J. U Robns.C. Jewell, Treasurer, Mrm. B. M. War- Receipt rs Rpr nie r.J .EIot Stvl arc offered in mnany attractive fabrics in sports and dres-y - iAuditors-J. H. Bateman, J. H. , oes hw necletVrey îiel 1 Froni QuarterlY Board ..$ 118-301 Johnston, J. E. Eilliott, W. P. Cor- oesshw in xclntvrty Pied On Note................. 1000001i bot-t A. W. Crawfcrth. Thak f ri.......... 278.11. Sunday Scbool Board $ 13.50, $ 15.00 $ 19.50, $2 4.50 1Sa Rect......... S45.221 Hon. Superintendecnts XVm. Tre- Seat ent ......18.... 0 in, C. Rehder; Superintendent-Dr. J. C. Devitt; Associate do-W. Rosa and $ 9 5 $8633 2- Strike; Assistant do-W. F. Dae; Expenditures iSýcretary-C. H. Mlason; .Assistants ~------- Miniter's SalarY, Il m. 2475.001j ireasuier-M. Il. Minore; Assistant Bnk Hatn............ .... -aMie ; it Gre rCler; Orait........ 99ý6i-.E.Elot bain-oIn ~New Hats for Easter . 7.).()4 i h. aollSlm n;T m rnc t î c l Ecectric R-gb- .............. 04.3, Mis.-.1BLsýon, F. E. Ccx, lan Harld leo-: &"i>L . ne Fu c........ ............. .... .... rusn;Hume ipt.ltii5(ellplcls ~ Ful......................<luMe. Il. Spargo: Aýssîstant e nd - Srnall trimmed Hats, \W ide brims, BuicldgCnnc--........omCrde eU d-- RdF.. BHagg; ,fwSw!VEE O Ludin Chi0n........... 3uCraHoie DRotl do -MeNs. FRd. Baggi; tno110brims - so riîus the styles in thîs 'varie~d FIIEZ RECIPE 300K Mus<01' ic nietî.MorFrais Stt ;girouîpthat offeîrs such saviîlg Sattuîdav W rite Tii o o Ex < Co.. Li ME.te t , n e te n~ s$97S . C r i s. oî- he t A D ir .a-n, 83. 4Ox. pulS.We~,Molt~ ~iMiiReaC- . e; Orchtra MembectOcr-I.Plain, fancy and other varieties of straw: ur I.; Receip-- . J. MCen. Trela.- anR n a Tek Hyr1n ul.colors browvn, beige, blue, gr-eiit i ie;(tceP .40; ;n r, ýhas. (owke-r Jr., A. Fletcher, Miss- 5ei ay icec.... -4600. chlM . Il b l. ahway, Miss Elaine Reaman, rd ay lcec............% ped*Uei lS.75;p<Balance n uank ~<AdWIc, î-. 'ru *rk Sr ., Arthur ils t. Y,171 . LaisBible C( I~ Sunday School Teachers ITe d Peer qn- urReept1 -U ~ Xult Bible CisT.C jewel,;~I a t~o t Exenl'C e.$1 b.99 ;Bal. 011 11i Mrs. ~F. Wooiger ; en' $1 .7 BrthrhOd-X.C. Ferguson;As