THE CANADIAN 5?ATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, AFRIL l7th, 1930 PAGE FIVE AFTER THIE FIRE WHAT 15 THE SITUATION ? If you have been unfortunate enough to have a fire a prompt and satisfactory settiement with the insurance company is most important in order that you may immediately get re-established. In recent fires in this community we have had no difficulty in getting a quick and most satis-. factory settiement with our policyholders. There's a reason. It pays to insure in the best companies as w ell as have local agents who know their business. We know the tire insurance business. TAKE NO CHANCES - SEE J. J. MASON &SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville B3ETTER ORDER ANOTHER TON 0F LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 77w Cad hat Satisfiea The old coal bin and the furnace have cer- tainly hiad a long speil of it this winter. Yet it isn't ail over now as there will be plenty of cold days and nights ahead. So better lay in another ton or two of Lehigh Valley Anthracite-The Coal That Satisfies. Our drivers are careful not to raise a dust or make unnecessary musa. We seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or Zf Bowmanvilie BUY FIRESTONE TIRES from JAMIESON BROS. [ Auto Tires Vulcanizing Batteries Statesman Block - Bowmanville Y ouLLWonder kow Firestone coulci builic butterl tires - -- but kere Shey art --.- mort treai rubber - - - mort non-sid icile- - -thintc of it I Deeper, quicicer acti' treaci - -- mort contact with tne road .- -more rub6er 6etwein thse plies. Stronger, tough.r, saler tires thon ever before. These rugged, longer-weering Firestone tires cott no mort thon the ordinary. Only ini tlem dio you receive tise extra benefits ol the Gum-Dip-In procels which eliminates inter- nai friction and het- --tise greatest enemy to tire ifis. Specify Firestone Gum-Dipped T ires on your new car or moa your present car à botter ont with Firestories. Sec your nearest Firestone Dealer. ..dU48MW. .AD .. We Recommend and Sel FIRESTONE TIRES WEST END GARAGE H.L Clemens King St W. Bowmanville LANDSCAPE GARDENING Topic Diseussd in Practical W&Y By M. 1- Hancock Onie ci the most interesting meet- ings in connection with Éhe Horti- culural Society was held in St. Paul'a &chool Room April 7th. The speaker was M-. L. Hanc'ock, Preaident of the Society, who gave a very practical iUlustrated address on La.d.-,p Gardening. H1e also gave helif ni in- structions on sea3onable topica, ccv- ering the feoowing subjects: Suitable soul and location ftr Dah- Ilias; Tiine and general instruction re- 'gai-ding re-potting hbouse planta, and the best kind of sou te use for sanie; Best fertilizer for house plants; Use ef Nitrate of Soda in grewing Le*ttuce and other viegtables. Planting of Gladioli. Starting of Tuberous Begonias and their care. Treatment of Poinsettas and Azalias aftor blcloming tinte. Best soil and treatment of Feins of various kinds. Treetment of Asparagus Beds in the Fail and Spring, and many other intecrestrng topics. Sosie of the older members cf the Society considered it one of te most practi cal and interesting evenings held for years and the Society is hop- ing for another meeting before gar- dening actually begins. Thecse meetings are f ret to the pub- lic and all are weloeme. It la to be regrett.ed that more of our citizens do flot join titis active S.ociety and take advantage of the many very fine Premiums that are being offered this year. Any person interested can get a list of the preiunis by caling at Jury & Loveli's Drug Siore. DURHAM CLUB, TORONTO The final meeting of the Durhamn lub fo&r the currc.nt seasen was held on Thursday evening, April 3rd, 1980 at Wilaerd Hall, 20 Gerrard St. E., Dr. Jas. L. Hughes presiding. As this was the annual re-union there was a large nuntber cf Durhaim people and their friends, as well as the regular members, present, and it proved te be a real gathering of peuple tallcing of old school days and ether events of years ago. After the business, the guest3 weSe welcomed in a very cordial way by Mr. J. B. Watson. The ladies had charge of the meeting and did theïu- selves great credit 'by looking after the guests and providing very nice refreshments. Mrs. McGill brought a very nice chocolate cake with t.he words "Durham Club 1930" nicely inscribed on it, the work ýbeing done 'by lherseif. 'The musical part of the progrant was rendered by Miss Barkin, Miàs Kathleen McGil and our old young friend, Mr. J. D. Keachie. M iss Lyla Osborne gave a nuniber of read- iugs that were very mucit appreciat- ed. Thtis was her first visit to the Club and there wii] ha a hearty wel- corne te her when she cornes again. Miss Osborne is anuther of those bright girls Durham County is noted for. The speaker of tfibe vening was Mr. J. F. Neild, electrical engineer, of the Toronto Transportation Coin- Imission, introduceid by Controler IRîobbins. H1e gave a very interesting talk on the Transportation Systeni cf Torontoe from its earfly history te the present tir»e, illustrated by lanters slides. Mr. Neild holds the reapon- sllle position cf looking after the whole systera cf keeiping the cars go- ing. He is as neai- as possible on duty twenty-f oui- heurs a day. After singing a number eî coin- munity songs, led by Mr. Keechie, the conipany spent a very enjoyabie tinte during the serving cf refresh- niants. A vote of thanks was given te aIl who helped to make the gathering such a splendid success. Meeting ciosed by ail joinîng hands and sing- ing Auld Lang Syne and God Save the King. It was a real Durham night. HOW TO CET MORE MILES TO THE GALLON Millions cf dollars could be saved annuaily In, the automobile owning public through a more strict observ- ance of the factors that govern fuel cunsumaption. Tlie suggestions ai-e: 1. When standing or wating for te light te change, dont rae or metor. 2. When you are to make a stop cf more titan a minute turn off your motor. 3. Don't driv'o at excessive speeds unless the occasion demanda. High speed travolling burns more gas. 4. Rcmemnb<r that the faster you drive the more gas you consumre. So when you find that you are about out of gus and are hcading for a gas i-ta- tion, take it slýowly and your chances Must pesa. From titis condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy bringa the user te perfect i-est and heaItIt. It relievas the passages and normal breathing la firmly establiait- ed again. Hîundreds cf -teatimoniala meivWed annually prove its effective- ness. HOMAE AND SCHOOL CLUB A 1rlnee=ngof the Home and Szhoo Club a held in Central Pub- lic Scitoel on Wednesday, April 9th, with a go.od attendance. In the ab- sence cf thse presido(,nt, Mrs. Frank Jacicman presiîded capably and opened the meeting in the usual way. MMs Geo. E. Prhtdhard will te tihe delegate tthe 0. E. A. convention which is being hl in Toronto during Easter week. Group 6, with Mrm W. R. Williamn as convener, bad charge of the excel- lent pregrani which was as foilows: IMiss Olga Tod, our community healtit ' nurse, reed a paper on Junior Red Cross Work as it is conducted in oui public schoel. A ,play "'Molly and Rer HealIth Faines" waa well repro- duced by savait girls, Dorothy Bai-ton, Durothy Bradt, Dorothy Tapson, INora Savage, Joey Cavarly, Jean Mc- MalIen and fleen Halîman. A floral dneby four eider girls, Dorothy INichofl, Grace Rundie, Gertrude Ooweffl and Ailtta Maynard, was nicely dona. Miss Peardon directed tlhese two items. Miss Olive Jones an, Mrs. Daniels played piano solos. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard sang a solo, accompanied by Miss Leta L. Bragg. Mrs. T. Geuld favored with two read- î ngs, and Miss Peardon concluded the (pi-cgram with an excellent dem- onstratien of club swingimg, with Miss Orchard as acconipanist. Refreshments were set-ted and a social haîf-heur enjeyed. Tise meet-. ing ciosed hy singing God Save the King. LITTLE ROOFS 0 little roofs of Montreal, And littie lights that shine- As 1 look down upon titem al 1 see the smoke wraiths rise and fal And round eadh chimnnev twine. 0 litU'.a roofs of 3Montrea!- That kindle fires that hurn In human itearts-witate'er befall And many a wanderer hears the cal That guides his safe return. 0 littIe rooes icf Montreal That stretch for miles and miles. Like mother wings spread ever ail The littie homes cf Montreel That hedge her starlit aisle. 0 little;stars of Montreal, And twin stars set in heavan, Night lhangs betwean thesi like a pall, But loving eyes kee.p guard oea- al The shriven and unshriven. -By Laura Bedell. Corns disappear n'hen treated with Holloway's Cern Remover witheut leaving a scar. . .. .. . .. .. ......... s EASTER ~ OUTFIT rAND ACCESS,.ORIES AT FOR BIGGER AND WALK A BLOCK S BETTER BARGAINS AND SAVE A LOT 4 4 4 4 *5@ 4 4 4 4 4 ROVAN'S SPRING OPENING A Special Buy of Popular Brand Shoes has enabled us to put on Special m e Values This Week Over 100 pairs of Wom- en's fancy new style sample Shoes, sîzes 31,,., to 5½/., var- iety of design 1s-and colours, To Clear at $2.95 ,any of these lines once todas high as $6.50. Womnen's Arch Support ;hoes, in a one-strap or tie style, reg. $5.00, New Value at $2.95 High grade Shoes in pat- ont and kid leathers, to clear Lhis week at new Iow prices. 40 pairs of Women's Shoes )roken lines and sizes, To Clear This Week $1.98 Girls' one-strap and ox- fords, in p)atent leather or calf, reg. $3.00, sizes 8 to 11, SDecial Value $1.98 A FEW 0F THE MEN'S FURNISHING SPECIALS Men's Overalîs and Smocks, high grade value, reg. $2.25, On Sale $1.49 Men's Work Trousers Special Value at $1.49 Men's Fine Sox, Special 3 pairs for $1.00 Men's high grade Ties At 50c each Special values in Men's high grade Trousers. Men's New Spring Caps, regular $2.25, Special Value at $1 .49 MEN'SSUT Variety of makes, in double and single breasted styles; a f ew two-pants suits among these numbers, As îow as $14.50 Boys' Boots and Oxfords, in black or tan, to clear this week: Sizes 10 to 13 at $1.98 Sizes 1 to 5 at $2.39 Infants' high grade Shoes, sizes 2 to 51/,, To Clear This Week at 79c Men's special value Ox- ford, in black or tan, To Clear This Week at $2.98 Men's high grade Oxfords and Boots in Goodyear welt, in tan or black, reg. $6.00, To Clear This Week at $3.95 Men's high grade Oxfords in English make and style, regular $7.00. On Sale $4.95 SATURDAY SPECIALS ONLY Women's House Shoes leather sole, EEE width, rubber heel, kid leather, To Clear at 99c Men's Work Boots or Oxfords, limited quant- ity left; boots have rub- ber sole; 'oxfords have heavy leather sole, Saturday Only $1.98 pr. Men's high grade Caps To Clear Saturday 95c Boys' high grade Caps On SalIe 75c Real Values. Men's B r o a d e 1 o t h Shirts - 126 Shirts to clear on Saturday: Regular $1.75 On Sale 99c Regular $1.95 On Sale $1.29 Regular $2.50 On Sale $1.79 This week we are giving a special discount on Work Boots in Greb, Valentine Martin, Sissman, Hydro, Miner, ail high grade makes. SHOE STORE Opposite te .Bewmau House. inthe. old MeMurtry Block-Phome 528 r PAGE IPIVE TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1930