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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1930, p. 6

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CAITING AN4D TRUCKING LÂUNDRY WANTED '" tde f CýrUn Trukin au AU kinde or launary work dofle prompt- MOIVIUif; lou al l ong distanCe. I 1>. atlafactorily and at rea&onable prIces H. *MBARD, Write Post Omce Box 12. oracalilMrs phfttu Queen aW., *owanvlgl. King St. E. BowmanlIl, WE TELEGRApH FLOWERS ANY.' WHEMRE IN THE WORLD - ANy- TIME. ORDER YOUR EASTER FLOWERS TO-DAY - PHONE 186 Our windows are filled with beautiful Easter blooms WVhy not send a dear friend a bouquet of flowers or a flowering plant? Prices are most moderate. Came in and make your selections or Sphone us. EATR LILMES 3 o6bloomns 30c A BLOOM Spy Apples, solid and good flax-or ....30c basket Pure Maple Syrup, just received ........$2.50 gal. Soon be planting time--We have ail kinds of Garden Seeds, alsa Mangald and Turnip) Seeds. Start the Chicks right by feeding Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and Grain. Jt's great stuif. THIS IS P & G CLEAN UP WEEK S P & G Soap, 10 cakes ................39c Gold Soap, 5 cakes ..................27c Guest Ivary Soap, 5 cakes ...........23c Chipso, 2 large pkgs .................43c Oxydai, 2 large pkgs .................43c Phone us your Easter Gracery Order. RRY ALLIN, Grocer 186 i ( 'k. BO WMAN VILLE A.DILLICK'.ç %SELLINC OUI SAL IS THE TALK 0F THE TOWN SUCH VALUES SUCH BARGAINS 5 ) WERE NEVER HEARD 0F iTHERE ARE STILL LOTS TO CHOOSE FROM These few items will gix'e yau a slight idea <of the bai-gains being off eredl: House Dresses, print and bî'oadclath ..... 49c each Men's Fine Shirts ..............................79c each Men's Heavy Oveî'alls ....................98c each See oui- 98e Table vith goodls worth uta to5.00 Ladies' Shoes clear'ing at ................98c pair Men's Shoes gaing fast at ............$2.98 pair Women's Rubbers .............................39c pair Men's Plain Rubbe's .........................69c pair 1-I4RRY ! HURRY ! .1 .1 HURRY ! We are leaving Bowmanville fai-evet-. A. DILL1CK THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l7th, 1930 ELDAD 75th ANNIVERSARY Elad Congregation and Sunday Shool have decided to change the dae f their S. S. Anniversary to Sunday and Mondai', June 22nd and 23rd, when they will also celebrate the 7.lth Anniversari' of their church, also the former Mt. Vernon congre- gation at the samin time. Invitations Nvill be sent out over Canada and the U. S. te former old residents and they intend niaking this a real honw-coming and re-union of Solina friends. Former ministers wLI be invite.d to take part in the Sunday services and an oli-time choir -Will assist. A p]atform meeting on M onday of a reminiscent character. Everyon-É will accept this invitation. SOLINA Mr. W. L. Miller is with Newburg friends. Miss Vera Baker is at Mr. Elnier Wilbur's, Taunton. Sorry to report that Mrs. W. T. Taylor is under the doctor's care. W4, wLs-h ber a speedy recovery. Mrs. John Baker spent a few day, last w-etk %ith her mother, M.%rs. W. J., Bowmianville, who is ill. %rsý. thur Mlsn who has been un er the <octor's care for somej tinie. wa.- in Toronto las-t week toi con.sult a specialist. Sundai' services were well attend- ed. TPhe youne pecple's class fav-1 ored -%ith a chorus in Sunday Scliool and Miss Dearborn gave a splendid talk on "The Doukabors" forth issionari' program. IOunr synipathy is extended to Mrnd A. J. Balson and family in the los,, of -:hir baby daughter Helen who pns.ýsed away Saturdai' morningi after a few davs' illness. Funera] ivnich was largely attended took place Tues.dav aftcrnoon. Internent in ElJad Cemie-cry. Division meeting in the Sunday Sehiol Room Thursday eveigws wela:tended.(I and another r.ew mem- lxi,- ini-iated. The program of j "Iindn~"was of a varied nature TYRONEj WARNER BROS. Do IT AGAIN!j Mr. Harry Collacutt lest a valu- _ GoRd Diggers of Broadway" Coming able horse Sundai' night. to Rayai Theatre Next Week Mrs. Robt. H'odgson spent a few daiys in Toronto with hier daugh±er, Wazner Bros., who gave you t.alk- Miss Hazel Hodgson, who continues ing pictures and then singng pic- quite ili in the Western Hosipital. turcs and then elor pictures, now% .iMrs. Wm. MacDonald and Miss give You the greatest thrill yet! Katharine have returned to their Think of the best drama you have home in Cobourg after visiting lier 1 ever seen, then of the best musical parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart, conie-ty, then of the best revue- and lier sister, M.%rs. Ronald Scott. think of vour funniest comelian, thie Messrs. Milton and Archie Vittue most tuneful songs you have e.ver and Miss Ruby Virtue spent Sunday his.tled, the snappiest dances you in Toronto and visited their mother, have eve r seen, the mest colorful Mrs. Laura Virtue, who is improving costumes you have ever beheld-put nicely in the Gf.neral Hospital. Mi,, them ail together and you have "Gold Rubi' Virtue remained in the city for Diggers oif Broadway." a few days. "Gold Diggers of Broadwav" which W. M-%. S. wiIl hold a special Eester xill be at Royal Theatre, April 21-23, sericeSd t you. in the ane show, Avery sevc unday t1.0a m. w~hen Hopwood's play, produced hy David Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Mason of Bo-,,man- Belasco; plus a chorus of 100 Holly- ville is expected to speek. Special wo euis lstems tn music hi' C. G. I. T. and 'Mission woodcbeauties. mpuste nîthstun- Bad. Chrh eric unday tfomrs ls six irresistible Wit- 7p. m. when our pastor, Rev. J. R. mark songs that you'll have te whis- Trumpour, will deliver lis Easter tde regardless of your dignity, plus message. Special music by the choit . the most priceless comie-cy you have League Thursday evening was in ever la:îghed,, at, plus the gorgeous charge of the Tuxis boys. Meeting buffoonery of Winni e Lightner, the opened vith a hymn and prayer by chat-ni of Nancy Welford the dancing Messrs. Albert Wood and John abandon of Ann Pennington. the Chalmers. Mr. Albert Wood gave a crooning cf Nick Lucas the notable very înteresting talk on the wvork the distinction of Conway Tearle i his boys have been doing -during the past fit-stt-oIe of taîkies. year. Rev. J. R. Trumipour gave an The entire production of 100-, iîlustrated adidress on 'Passion Week.' natural color hy the Teclini-color The slides were very interesting and! proce-s blendled in the most exquis- instructive and were- much enjoyed j te tas-te as onli' Edmond Dulac or by aIl. Maxfie-id Parri,.h might have blentled 1 them. MAPLE GROVE Sun it up andi hou it <lown War- ________ner Bros. offer you in "Gold Diggers Our League vLiied Orono Leagj of Broadway" a tv-pical1 Winter on Wednesday evening. au Gardon show, plus the geniusý of Bel- Mrs. W. J. Snowdcn s Fr ,iday asco, plus the wonclers of Vitahoe with lier son Ray in Toronto. plus the un1inîited resources of Mr. nd rs.R. L WodenandWarner Bros.. Show'men Extraordin- niece, -Miss Helen Worden, rnotored at-y. te Toronto on Thursdai'. Mr. and MIrs. rl asborne, Provi-SLE dence, spent Sundai' with her parents, Mran s.GoCrnhaestl Mr. and Mis. Truman Power. M.adMs e.CrihaesE Mr. ,,ad M~filfrd Wilins and ;i t. s t' I ~ 6 Mr. andi Mi-. Willis Mo-t-r anti Mr. ct! Mis. Oscar Thonipsoii. O 1h- axx-a spin t S u nda iv ih Mn. anti Mis. 1 . B. Niltthc1 Mr- l,. 1o,-- --Mr T i- .î-m xx)1' i. l- -t, M. W EASTER CARDS and Easter Novelties A. L. Nicholisj Bowmanville Easter Cards 5c up Easter Baskets 10c each Fancy Gif t Pencils Sctf bing îeiw 35c and 50c each New China 25c up Other Noveities Se up WALL PAPER Bring Spring int youî home with new Wallîaîer. Newest patterns await your iîîspectioni. J W. JE WELL Big 20 Bookotore BowmanviRRe Cwr Sun the- G; A SI of t-he hold in tinero Adi. W.C. ërAsdi, I the pro o ut- W. tiid par, Curtis, !Next m William ;oe il]. t-.F. L. Squair lias been sick ;h a cold. Miss Kathlecn Dudley', Bo,ýn-ian- be as been visiting Mrs. F. L. air. BLACKSTOCK Speciai services in the Ujnited t-ch are being postponed this week account «f the bad roads. %aster Gordon Bain, Toronto, ýhew of Mrs. (Rev.) F. W. Newell, been visiting at the Parsonage. Fho Wonîen's Auxiliari' of St. rî's Church was, held at the home Miss Mary Par-, Blackstock, on rsdai'. Ur. Luther Mountjoy made a busi- strip te Lindsay on Thursday and ndedÀ the Kiwanis banquet at the ,son Hotel. Zv. F. W. Newel]. B.A.,B.D., took rus subject on Sundai', April 13ti, 'e 'Triumphal Entr-y." Special ter services will be heild next ida in the United Churefli. eASE UNE SCHOOL REPORT Leport of Easter Examinatiens 1at Ba,-,- Line S. S. 3: ;.IV-*Bessie Blackburn 80, innie Gîbson 77, *Florence Foley Jack Finnigan 73, tStella For- ie 53 (1). rIV-Harold Forsythe 70 (1). 1r II-*Annie Kush 75, Wilbur ckburn 70, Grace Trull 65, Aioys- Kusi 62 (1). r. ll-Bob Gib&on 48 (1), Eu- SLane 40 (4). r.1Il.*Hazel Truil 89, *flelen dle 77, Bernice Roberts 71, te Foley 68, jtVera Gibson 57, mii' Van Camp 53d, tHazocl Roh- 53. -Hon ours,; t-Failure on total; (2) (4)-Starred in 1, 2, 4 -Ots. Ruby M. Bragg, teacler. HAMPTON rRaynîond Bur-ns i., working in à%ai at the Skinner Co. factorv. I.Sidney Holwel. Toronto. - a week with 'Mr. llarri' HolIweli. 55Css IsobolI Campbell and Mar: 2Pa-'coe .-pent Saturîlav in Tor- ýd ta rt-pcrt M- Nancy' Johns ( froin Toronto IHozpiî.ai and do- weil. rand Mr-. .J. Pas-coe, Solina, recett guests cf Mr. and Mrs. ogari h. r. Fiank ll 1astinzs 'as reti-ned 1Glielph 0. A. C. 'where he fin- b isý fit-st ' ear tcýrni. essrs. liant-v anti P-rev ( owling, tc, w ith tht'ir paret-s, nd Mr'. J. ( uwlirg. 'S. Miittti Slettîli is quitt- il!ai -ier a speedy r coVet-:-. 'Il. rrv Icwt land dalaugbîei- b'.-. are '-pentin g E-ten hîtli- .th frioti J, iin Toronto. atnd Mi-- Ertiie tClai-kt'ant 1,-r ].:v. --' t'a - xx ek&-cl Mrt. andI r- l.'rr'-llV - and M r-'. IL . ailer. -s oi Wtt! anti Ruth Johîn-s pen d-îv. vis hfr;iis in Toroiiî,. 1' pç?n- -ýekend Nxvi: hobit a Mlt rMis. rd CoR ill, anti it-esittrMs. iTru t. la-c t-venir z chuircb rv .11a x lattt ni-Jd. R-. ,J. R. prv.acheýI v(-cv- cep-a1Ji'. lIII cf ain an' _Mr. -e Ilornsang s5plt.iI id k '0 pon il t-s (f th1Ttip 'rench- -vîtes ettynîgli'bisxv-.ek e-- -mît-i il lr ,nce-r ti tiI-i. ao-îîpcvs ,Young P-c1,'s. ctix xi' I le ri.he .-nnt o f 'h, - !mreic'ii x.,y April 21.-t. ai S p. ni. xvlett alter ('raw, 'eadt( r antient'er- Toi-ccit., ull -'the pt-o- assist,! liv ittiit.l tale'nt. sion 25c andi 15'. uIlar mont-hli' mcetinig cf the- T. U. wns hEdla: the hIvni cf 'has. Pasece, NI.s. \. IP-tûi-s ig. 'Miss Kaîen-'cim an chiaige Sdevotional, (anti Il-Ren-ves ogram which w'as sidel'glit.% on .C. T. U. werk. Three splen- pet-s weîe by Mrs. James Mis,. Silas William-, and '.%r. Horn. Atitendance was gaood. neeting at ho-me orf Mrs. Sulas rs on May 13ti. Ï ! i ENNISKILLEN r Special Easter Thank Offering ser- vice next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. BurgmasteT have gone to Buffalo for a few days. Miss Marjorie Martyn spent Sun- dey witl i Mss Luella Stevens, Oshi- awa. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin on the arrivai of a baby bey. Sunday School is busy practising for Anniversary, May lSth, under the leadership of Miss 'Marion Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Preston and dughter, Toronto, Miss Bernice Nes- bitt, Oshawa, spent Sunday wýitli Mrs. Thos. Gilders. Citizens lieme were shocked te hear of the death of Mrs. Snowden, Mea- ford, wifé, ef Rev. Thos. Snow!den,a former paster. Mr. H. W. Point-en, Victoria Col- lege, Toronto, spent Sunday a-t'.%r. Thos. McGill's. He preached inl Oshawa in the evening. Mrs. Stanley May, Mrs. Wallace Stainton and daughter Eleanor, vis- ited, the former's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, over the weekend. Orange Lodge met on M.%onday niglit. Several members were pres- ent frcm the L. 0. L. Bowmanville. who conferred the Royal Arch Degree on eleven members. A good congregation was out Sun- day night. Our pastor. R.ev. J. M. WVhyte, preadhed a goed sermon on "What difference did Jesus miake to the Worlrl." Music hy the junior choir was well rendered. On Easter M.Nondai', April 21st, at S o'clock, Rev. J. H. Stainten, Eben- ezer, will give lis ill-ustrated lecture on "The Land of the Rupee," a story of tle East. Mrs. Stainton wiIl sing and there will also be other music. League, meeting was beld -d- day. A-ýpril Oth. with Pre:zient Miss Audrey Dorland in the chair. Afier a hy-min. Grace Werry led in prayecr. Bible reading was taken hy is bs Mar- jonce Martyn, and the do:-c)tionail les- son by Miss Dalton, lst Vice Pres. Miss Reva NIcGiil took chargeý. Top- ic was taken by 'Mr. Frank Dorlan<l; Harold Kay favored with a piano sel- ection; and readings were given hi' Alice Ashton and David Simpkins. Attendance 35. and inte'ptsdwt uiws r.Thodore Wilkins, Oshawa, visit- M muel enjoyed. Next meeting the ed lhis sitoMrs. John -Mundai', on wt Lngue meeting M.%ondai' evenîng 'Mr. Chas Hone and datîglter Dor- '%N Iwas in clirge cf the Missionari' Vice othx-. visited lis sister-in-law, Mrs AIj ville, Pricsitîent, Miss Helen Baker. There bort Allun, Kingston Rd. East, on Squi was a good attendance and the pro- Sundai'. gram -,as excellent. Devotional Mrs. Ray Sn'ow<i,.n and dauglier pei-iod w-as in charge et Mt-s. S. E. Hlelen. To-rente. at-' xi-iiing lier par- Wet-ry. Piano duet, Mesd ames Jack ents, Mr. and Mt-s. R. R. Stevens, and s Ylo esand Hugh Annis; Topi«c on other relatives. Cu "Ot-lilin mmgrnt" as ab-g>I. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sevens, 'MissesoCh taken hi' Mrs. John Baker; readingj oiotliy Stoens and Greta Munday, o hi'Mn W. R. Westlake. After sing- spent the weekenul xit'a the fo-mer's ing hymn 97, meeting closed with the i ughter. Mis. Re.y S':ow-len. Toron- nejý Longue Beniodiction. te).lias1 Wonien'sz In-titute mîeeting in the TI Sundai' School îoom on Thuîsday John aftêrnnon -%vas w.ell attended. Mis.1 HAYDON 0 1f Chas. Hoxxsani. 2nd Vice Presirient,,Tu pî-osided. Minutes cf la4t meetingl Mn. Theron Mountiai' bas put-chas- M weic read and approved, and ai- jcil a new car. ness rangemnts made fer oui concert on 'Mi. and 'Mrs. James Mountiai', En- atter Apnil 301h. w-ben the Columbus lad-, niskillen, visited at Mi. Jas. Cross-Ben, ies xxill preszent their play' "Kentucky nitan s.R4 Belle." Piogran was in charge cf 1 Mn. and 'Mrs. Ht-nb Stainton, R Croup 6. Mms. Jas. Snales leader. Hampton, visites] at lier sister's. Mis. foi h Piano solos, Misses Annie lMmteiriSandithe Eas.t aîîd Evelyn Tink; reading, 'Miss Edna Mis. Elmor Bradiley s.penttleEs Re'vol s an excellent talk on weekend at lier mother's, Mis dgr Sn Spting hi' Miss Lenii Taylor, wlio ton, at Pontypeol. end,'d lici talk witli a vocal solo, ac- Mrs. Milton Slemon b- atlier B.A conpanied by Miss McMaster. Th, mother'.s, Mt-s. Johns, Hanmpton, un- R group then siet-ye lunch and a social dot- tht- docton's carie. We- wisli ber R time wiLs onjoyed. a -peedy recoveri'. held ILeague Tue.sday evening will ho in Sr jchbarge ef social vicec- president, Ber-t *Win COURTICE Ashton. The young men are7put- ting on the social part of the pro- it MisRubi' M. Br-agg, S. S. Ne. 3, gram. Jr. spent Sundai' at Mis. Eli Oshet-ne's. Eastei set-vices at 3 p. ni. Sundai Si. Mrs. Win. G. Rundle, Becliesda, is wi'l ho conducted hi' the League. Black visiting lier daugliter, Mis. Eshi Oke. Mn. James A. Xery, Enniskillen, ius K Next Sundai' afternoon a special 1 will takie charge of the serice .Jr Eastci-r pt-cgt- ill be presented at 1Special Rater music. AIl are cor-J- nîce Sundai' Scheel. ially invited te attend. r. Mi. and Mis. Jesse Arnot anti fa.nm- Lun il',Mxl', were Suîîday guestýs AUCTION SALESLo s of Mrs. Eli Osbornvý. ' Jm Rex. Rov H. Riekard andi Mrs. Friday, April 18th.-The under- CilS5 Riekard. Pickcîing, were Sundai' vis-! signt-Jlias iteivetl instructicnis fionim itors at the Parsonage. the admrrinistrattrix of the estate ef Mr. antd Nr. (Gor-ton Chartian.1 the- laie Stanlov lioytd Page to elouby.sUbjt< Boxxman-:lle, w'eîe Sundai' visitons of auction (n Lot S. Con. 2, Cartwright, M-n. and i Mis. Roy Nichols. one mille wt. t cof Sinith's Woods, all Our pastor, Rex-. J. H. Stiainton, o f bis fat-ni stock, implements, etc. preached ini Bro)ok-lin M.%ondai' e-con- Sale ai I1 p. ni. Sce bils Tlieo. ing. 'Mî-s. Staicton acconpacied hin M. Sli-nion, aucionneet-. Tht-ton Mr. ther,. xisiting friends. jMcun:jox-, dot-k. 0Mhi% Mi.Jas. .-rnot, Regina, and Mr-,. ;________________ pet A. Johnston atndl lOtIe Jaîîe Eliza- M is bcth. Snooth Rock Fa'ii, w-et-,- guestsj jcrie thoeir grandnit-r Mî's. J no. IWor- GI:o dec. hont Sundai' services xxei-,.-iel attend- hinu v ed. In the moîning Rex-. Roy H1. iMr Rick.,id, Pickering,. tecupicîl tht- pu]- Mr.-t pi, an I d1elivot-e4lii fie s-rini. In 4 He the E-'c-ning our~ pa-'or, Rt-v. J. H. A.',M l Stainton con'inued his -tres cf il- iMfr. lustrat-J taiuks on the ite c. f Je-us. b-bcd Wbile "Tht- Hclv (i*,"'w-a, jillustra- it' tel vt:b pictîtit-,- M s. W . I. otrtic e t %rc ' il b,- thbe o f îl. trit-,-. 1dI'NI M ra Oit Thursýiay aftet-îoon the- negulat- ht-R rsi nteeting co-, the W. MS. oieti n th,,- bisht, S. S. iou nî;'iii M iss-t ouiý-- shlot-tit'-. I w s jzopiiicharge. Presidien' Mi',. J. AIL) IlI. Staîit'on pris . B iil-e lt--soit xv-tI.tnby M: sLi, sît IN ENDLESS VARRETY d1ax.s % ne.:, - -i--ec-,tidi chu1,t-t- of tht-e l a-ti lýa. lt-ecnt-a sea.on or lit hok aXi up lvM ': Irock1gixicg gifîs b to vednes. Our i Wt hM WtxIn\r - -, i-."r tot-ave !i.,P!ax- of gifts xiii înteiest you Fr. -t'reatîîrg; Mi-.,. G. F-.-n .ts, 1 Frnki iii fin-e': - Tht-rt-i.' a gr t bl Gift Handkerchiefs af- far-a-x-av." andi1t1i- nietilmoz xxuisS5eto 35c tt v iOOIaIwe-2ïJi :1! EXTRA 60OOD MEAT FOR THE EASTER TRADE We have sold a lot of good meat in oui-, day, and we can say without hesitation we neyer had a betteî' Baby Beef in oui' shop than the one we wiII be serving our custorners starting to-day. Jt's an 18-months' oid Hereford Grade Steer,' weighed 1150 ]bs., boughit from Geo. Allun, Newcastle. Be sure to order a piece of this extra choice beef. We aiso boughit ") steeî's and 3 heifers frorn the same breeder. 2 Baby Beef frorn Win. Hayes, Clarke. 2 fHeifers fromi Allun Bi-os., Lake Shore East. Then, of course, we have Lamb, Veal, Por<, Caaked and Ciired Meat,, of the best quality and variety. No increfise iii price for' these superb meats. C, M. CAWKER & SON 1 Phone 64 Bownianville EASTER -said Peter Rabbit s a bea- son for rejoîcing. lias gone, and onice more the world is full of sunshine and happiness. Gay colors, ne-% styles. and fash- ions 1ltest îwili be in evidence everywhere. The Rexall Store is alwayi in advance of fashion. Bright&-in up your Eanster Party, miake the child- ren happy. with Sniilesý 'n Chuckles Condv Novelt es. Bunnies, Chick- eéns, Eggz, e-c.. front 5C up. Remember wo give Eight Hour Service Developng and Printing. Jury & Loveil When We Test Eyes It Is Donc Properly. p 1 cir. a im ýyII KI ris arm : : quit(

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