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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1930, p. 7

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PAGE 8EVENI THE~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l7th, 1930 t _________ ii~ You Are Inved, Satuirday To our store when a spe representative fromn Gunn's Packing Co. will g.ý a special demonstra- tion of the high grade quâles of MAPLE LEAF BAC1 AND HAM -reeognized as the finest O'he market. Every woman will be particularlŽjnteî'ested in this unique display. SPECIALS FOR EASTE.SHOPPERS Pienie Hams, a real bargain ..............20c lb. Clark's Tomato or Vegetable Soi3 ....2 for 19C Olives, regular 28e bottie for...............23c Jumbo Sweet Peas .................................25C Christie's Cheese Waf ers, reg. 15e......2 for 25c Canned Pumpkin ..............1C a, or 2 for 25c Rideau Hall Coff ee, '/21ý'b. tin .................35c Falcon Brand Coffee, 1,lIb. tin................. 25c We Deliver Without Extra Curge G. A. EDMONDST)NE MEAT MARKEI Phone 21 Bo inanvillie '"iTHIS WAY FOLKS Splumbing wears out just like any- ielse. Keep) it in good shape and a give you good service and eost you WvýC Ask us to inspeet your plumb- ingvý fix the parts that need atten- t'OlTd save y7oumoney at the same tîm( LUELLIOTT PIlrg Heating - Tinsmithing Poe348 Bowmanville Articles For Sale HAY FOR SALE-A quectiiy cf bay. nteostly timothy. Appiy te Moorey, IL.IL1 tlieimpton. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Send in your Easter visitors earlY te The Statesman. Phone 53. Mr. and Mrs. LaNvry Cryderinan are visiting friends in Montreal. Mrs. A. Berry and baby Eslia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. B . Nichols. Miss E. E. Hayeraf t spent Sunday' %vith her niece, Mrs. J. J. Croskein, Toronto. Rc.v. C. C. Washington, B.A.. was guest of bis mother. Mrs. W. C. Washington, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whale, Mrs. R. S. Wade and Waillace, Toronto, spent Sunday %vith Miss Enimerson. Mr. John F'ee, who spent the win- ter at this hrother-in-lawv's.'Mr. Thos. Jackson, bas returned to Omemee. Friends of Mrs. Chas. Cox ail be sorry to learn that she fell down stai-s on Saturday and broke her rib. Mr. Willard Rosewe-r, West Tor- onto. spent Sunday with his uncle and aunt, M.%r. and 'Mrs. Harry Brock. Miss Betty Sargent. who ba.s been iii for a etuple of weeks, has return- ed to duty on the Publie School staff. Mir. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Wil- iiam and Ruth, spent Sunday Nvith her brother, M.%r. W. H. Woods, Wes- ton. tlarcelling done at Mrs. W. Adams, King St. W., Bowmanville, on Wed- nezdayvs and S.iturclays-35c. Phone 275 for appointnient. 15-21 M\rs. W. 'M. Harvey and 'Miss Cora Harvey, Oshawa, and Mr. Harvey Todd, Toronto, were, guests of Mrs. Thos. Tod on Sunday. Mýrs. W. C. Was.hington. 3Irs. B. M. Warnica, and Ms Annie Allun spent Sunday with -'%r. and Mrs. S. i Ches. A'.Iin, Providence. Miss Wilda Smith and Mr. W. Fitz Martin, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, sqic-nt Tbursday witb Mr. and M.%rs. L. IB. .Nichols, Carlisle Ave. The Infant Welfaxe Conference will be held on Tbursday of this week and next, April 17th and 24th, in- stead of Friday, tbe usual day. Sée the B. H. S. boys, under the tdirection of '.%r. L. W. Dippeli, BA., give an exhibition of tumbling and pyramid building at the Concert on ' May luth. 1Mrs-. J. Rose Stut onteortained Re,! . Rochester, D.D.*, win preachcd the anniversary sermnsi St. . n wS Church onSndy April.1tn. 'Mrs. AMe, Jobnston and daugbter Jane Elizabeth, returned to the-ir home a' S-ooth Rock Falls, Ont., and Mr.James Arnot to Regina, Sask., after visiting their aunt. Mis-s Eliza- bethSry Mýir T. H. Knight's Buick Sedan whicb was stolen from his garage early Monday night was located at Oshawa beach Tuesday afternoon by the police. Luckily the car was only slizhtly damagod. Rex-. C. W. Barrett has resigned as pp.,tor of Princess Street United CShurch, Kingston, and accepted ai invitation to become minister of Trinity United Church at Brighton, duties to commence end of June. At tbe annual meeting held in Plo- gina recently, Dr. E. W. Sisson of the t Reliable Poultry Farni, was eecteda Director fc.r three years and placed on the Executive of the Canadiai National Poultry Record Association. Major General Garnet Hughes, C.B.C.M.G., Toronto, and Col. L. T. MýcLaughlin,, C.M.G., D.S.0., town, attended the dinner of Canadian Le- ion oîf the British Em'pire at Pict.or on Wednesday, April 9th, and gaE add-reszý.s ahere over 100 veteraîî of the Great War took dinner. FIRE ALARM BOXES Location of Boxes Where Fire Alarmi May Be Sent In With fires being so prevalent ir town it is advisable that citizens 1: familiar witih the location of the fir alarTn boxes in various sections o the town in order that the fire bri gade niay be summoned with the lea. possible delay. Seconds delay i reaching a fire often -means hundredi of dollars loss which might have beei saved. The boxes are located at: 1Concession and Elgin Streets. Centre and Lowe Street. Temperance and King Streets. Qucen and Division Streets. King and Ontario Stre.ets. Ontario and Nelson Streets. Kinz and Liberty Streets. King St., outsi1de Bell Telephon 0Oflicp. ~lWii1~ THOMPON-lnPort Hope, on Friday, Aprîl 111h, 1930, te ¶hlr. and Mrs. James Tiîomîsoc, a son. FORD-At Willowdale Rest Home, Newcastle.,oceWednesday, April lad, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ford, a d.îugîter. ROGERS-On Friday, AprIl lltb, 1930, te MIr.tanti.NMrs. Rober t Rogers, 41 Llb- ,trty Street, Bowmranvllle, te gift ef a dauglittrr (Olive Muriel). WEDDINGS LAKE-CAMPBELL-In Cobourg, on Aî,ril 5.,, by Iev. P* C. Harper, Nellie, dilugltir cf NMr. and Ers. James Camp- b,Iîurnitam St., Cobourg, aad Fred Laike, Toronto, son of Mrs. Frank Gihson, formtrrly cf Nuiveastie. FOR SALE-A ycuîng tramn anti a 131 slrittg tootit M.%assry Harris cultîvaier, DEATHS un gooli cnititon. Aptly te Gordton61 vioKc.teiît oî 1-ardy, Il. Il. 1 Hiampton. Pluone 13rr22. PAYN E-In 2Manvers, April 2nd, Estlier ______________________________Payne. FOR SALE-Rean Shortîtora IBull, Il ROBINSON-In Orono, on Saturday, montts d0,,eut eft'%Iaggie ef Towite Aîril l2tiu, 193e, Stasen Robinson, in his litîtî), sire, tiroatIoak, graxudson of Quar- Sra ya.ur. terstaff. Freti Parker, R. R. 5, Coboturg. GRAY-Itt \Ianvecrs, April 11h, 1910, 15-..V. Waltr 1l'.airy Gray, aged 49 years. In- ENGIN E FOR SALE - Mtassey-Ilarris trin tPnyol gasolin'. engune, 8 Hl P., almost as goodi LOCKHARTAt Port Htope, on Aprîl as neew. %ill tuike one-tuird cf orizina'. 2îi' i.\Margar't .% ary Ferguson, beloved itrice for quick sale. Corbstt MeItor 1 Nw te of Laîwr'.nce WV. Leckhat t, in her Saues, Iotîmanville. 6-tf ,Itilt r. WHITNEY-In (Clarke, April 8, Saraht FOR SALE-C'-vrolet iantea ,itSdin, .\îin %IeCotiih.bbi Ovwtfe ofn.). .B. la t.xc'.llnt con ituoui, 1171 Ic.ose iillI Wliuti.agcd 62 a 'arq. Interment et stretI null,. W-. 1 rowlo, M,îtO'. Onî,no Ceinitery. Grov,. Ptîone 476r22. 16-1' BALSON-In Parlintgon, on Saturitay, ________________________________- Att i î2ttu, »130, , ilen Vicia Raison, COWS FOR SALE-Seveîi gocî Young iuatuttu îuugît.r of ',%n. anti MIrs.Albert iit'.riaI nlIliolstrit coite, r'i.inug un ai j.l'a]seon, Soluna, ac'.i 5 montits. frît tuys; gootibttter fa t t i. si: r.isviliý o Wýi, îîuk.r. P. L. Woruirn, 1 ai;llecvs c1RIFIHl11,un îtr n elns Lovnitnvulle. Pluone 150r2l. 13-tf ;i. Alîrul lii, , Edixard Thomas ___________________________________________ l i. in hlis 64ti1îy'.ar, formerly et rFOR SA LE-Locoîtotive Etetric Wash- 1Brotugit:ittî. int'riu' utit iPuckering. r. w iii h, tien; Doinuîion Puano, w aIut SNOWDE N-At \Ieaforti, .pril 5th, ur:b0tut li t,'rfect condti toit, ut. a 72t. ary Ettiti ne CIîaîvArmîstrong, uicrfie. :ailso 2 tiots' s to rt nt lbrbov, ti ut. et of lv. Thes. Snowvden. a w itt uil ceîv'.niences. A. DuIlleX. ljoîv- fornur la.ton etf Enrniskilîra M.%ettiotlist îîu.îuî'il...16-1 i C lureb. __________________________- EMERSON-On Wcednesday, April 9tb, FOR SALE-Pure bred J,-rsty ccxx. jîîst 1D30, at the' honte of bis daughter, 'Urs. r'tt t;alsit a tiifer coîiing lîve years; 1.,V i. P.urrie, J . Uurray Emerson, aundi aa otung Jrse9b1.1111;t gitty niixei .iagtti 4 years. husband cf the lete Ellen 1,1tît.t. i, Apptty te W. Gilluutm, Mi loini, anti faîhenet MIaicolm F. Rat- nernTrain.utg Scîtool, l3otvnutle. ,rson. intorreut la Union Cemeteny,j l'lion'. 471lu'. 16-3 Cartwrit. 31 i l s, 4 nienitîs li. registî r'.O, ouse îrain'.,i aise Cole. one year old, $300, te gool boini Degs boarded, bathed anti greent, iStar Kennels. (Licensed), Port Wliuîb5. 14-3. FOR SALE-Cedar pesis and a nurnber of alarenin'.-foet anchor' lests, aise tirnber suitabir for sleepers and cuber building Iurposes. Tweniy colonies cf B'.es at a burgain. T. J. Cole, R. R. 3, tiow ntutnvile. P'hone 2e30r4. 13-6' FOR SALE-White Biessom 1529 Sweet CI'.ver Serti, prlce. $7 bus. dviverr'. , bags fre.e; aise Seed Oats, O.A.C. 144, price 90le p'.r bushl . Apply te W. J. Leask, Tauilnton Plitone 163rI3 Oshatwta, be- - niu12 antd 1 p,. ii. or aft,r 6. 16-3 FOR SALE-H{.avy herse-,, e-n years olii , oodte wvork every wuuy, raiîsed by own,r, r.ii ce u î~;aitereir.Shorthorn bull, 14 nîontbis, îlark reti andO frontimi- Iport-iti tani rue 8 12--.' J. Baker. Solina Ilit.don Il. R. 1). Phont 16.r. FOR SALE-2 MNassey Harris andi 1 tteerin,2 Culivators; 2 Seed Drills: One 2-furroeavil Gang Piow; ail in good work- îng entier: 2 crr Iherse new sty le M.\a,sey H.îrris Cutivator, new last year, anti others. Appiy S. J. H-enry, Phone 631 or 13, Bowrnanviile. 15-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Piano, four feei four iîigh, fu keyboard with ivory keys and petials like new; beautiful touch anti toits quality. Thtis piano la just thes right size and, with a beach, aili be soid at a price and on terms that are wthin ithe abiiity cf anycce wishing te pur- chase. F. J. Mitchell, Bowmanviiie. 12-tf Wanted FARMERS' ATTENTION-Ferni liand nesîls empicyment, merried man. Frank Flint, clo H. Ni. Pester. R.. R. 5, Bow- manvilie, Ont. 13-11 WANTED TO RENT-Furnished or un- furnisheti bouse (preferably furnished) May lst fer 5 or 6 mentits. Write giv- tcF full particulars and itrice. to MNrs. W. R. Jacknîan, 688 Irving Park Blvii., Chicago,IMi. or S. J. Jackman, Bow-1 nianville. 1-tf Eggs For Hatching Baby Chicks For Sale HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE-Bare Rock or Whit 0 Wyandoette. 40e a setting %Apl'ly Tîtos. M.Noiftt, N. wcestle. 16- HATCH ING EGGS FOR SALE-Bred te lay single combWhite_ Leghorcs, by the IN MEMORIAM 1.ový, trîbute of re.m'.mbm-nce to our c'.,ar fatih,.r and niother, James Scott amd Elizabeth O.rr Scott, w ho died at ilt,. East, rtid. of 1 919 and 1922, April Ista1îd Aril18t. -Ed. andl Bessie. SMI«rH-in tovtîg menîory of a dear liusbaind and fatl'.r, Lslia L. Snmith, whO pass'.d sudîklýniy away Alîril l3tii, 1925. In ni'.mory, a daily thoughit, In li.ari, a silent sorroîv. -Ever by Wife and Dauigh- ters Nitai, Witda and Truby. Ie ioving nie nîory of our dear mother, H-annal. 2Nioliun, w-o liei.d April 18, 1926. In our heuiris yoîtr m'.mry lingers, SweeÈ>y t, nder, fond and true, There is net a day, dear nîoth'r. Thiat we (Io not think cf you. -Ever reenibered by lier Ioving Son, Daughter and Grandclîildren. In loving meniory of cir dear cousin, Hannah 2dohan. who idicnlaToronto Geîî,ral Hlospuital, April 18thi, 1926. If iv'. could hav e raised your dying head, Or heard yeur iast farewell, The grief ivould net have been se bard For thtose who Iled ilyou well. Ve think cf :,ou in silence, Your name ave oft recali, But there's nothing left te answer But your picture on the wail. -Ever remembered by her cousins, Belia and Jack Poolton. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Heuse and let, 6 rooms, ei'.ctricity and %wiitr, reasonable. Apply te Albert E. Hlircock, Liberty St. S., Bow- manville. 16-3w FOR SALE-The property of the late 'John Il. TroullIs offered for sale. For particulars apply te 'Mr2. J. H. Troul, Church St., Bowmanville. 15-tf HOUSE FOR SALE--On Duke Street, In good condition. ,U acre land, property c f the laie Richard Hamlyn. Apply te Fred Downey, George Si., Bowmsnville. 14-tf FOR SALE-The brick block on Kicg St., Tleîvnianville. occuilied by the T. Raton Ce., opposite te S. A. Barracks. For particulars apply te Slose Thompscn. R. R. 3 Port Ihope. 17-r HOUSES FOR SALE-6 or 8 roometi rug brick liouses, with ail modern con- venienes. *garage anti garden. Es terms. Altrly te J. E. Flett, George St., I3owinanvilie. Phtone 384. 15-tf FOR SALE-itotisott's Point, 1,akp Selugog. Choice sommeèr resort lots for sabc Cls,ýt C.P. R. Station, neetl l3owniuanville. C. W%. WoetileY, Ta-nons cIofice' anti store. Aipiy Ms Robinson 13-andt Son, Jantcvilie Station, Ont. 16-3' ________________________- REAL ESTATE - WVe can ssii your FOR SALE - Illtctîuîg Eggs front Fiai. We cao gel you City propsriy O. A. C. brett-to-Lty Itarreti Rocks, 75c fer your farm. No sale co charge. luntar4-.6r21. 16-3' ln first letier ie Disney Ria1 Estaîs, MATCH ING EGGS-From large- type Oltv,.1- production S. C. White Leghorns, Dr. HOUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomeît house Roc's University of British Columbia with good garuien and shed, situated on strain, bioîl lices from 200 to 303 eggs. n orth sie of Second Street; prie reas- $1.50 psr 15; $8 00 per 100. Thos. Bot- onalale fer quick sale; property ot the laie treli & Son Bowmaanvhlie, Ont. Box 174. William Qîîick. Appiy te the exeoutorsl IPhone. 2. 11-6- ef esiats, W. F. Quicti, A. Mt.reger, Tiuî yotr abyCiîcks-aOIlowmanvills. 7-tf - HorBayCiksadlatciinicg FOR SALE-Nicesbrick cottage on cor- Ergs frein ouîr S. C. White Leghorns anti uer of T.itierty antiWellngton Streess ttarréd Rocks,;tigh t gg recordl. We brick tîctîse. corner Ontario anti Wel- tîive extra fine mutings. Rock cocker- tirion Sr.t:aise a nutaîher et gol t-ý le uît trigre,d i îtns froat hlgh egg- îI ck 11oupes iiiit ifferent parts of tse nroiiciiîg stock. Prices iglit.* Phone tow. E1asy terma . Apply le WmT. bi\ onrivrite W. Il. Currutthers, Bew - l'rock. ît,*o Sict. lov~mnvilli'. îîuunvillî . 1-if Pliene 111. 16-6w- ROOMS TO li' 761 16-tf FLAT TO RENT-Fivu reenîs, water- îro0 1, s. li itii.. Apply Siatesan HOUSE TO LET-On George St., moii- ern conî'enlences, possession Atîril 151. Attîly te F. Foley, cerner Clitîreti and B3rown St., tlowrnanville. 3-tf TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - In t',o%%.tu In v ilIt. tamoden conen cce sC' \iîte W. F. Wîr, Barrisier, etc., Eowi ian v le , Pittn e 1i2. 46 -tf HOUSE TO RENT-qévon recuis. wat- i ut n , la tii, i,otio c ilitqta. loca tti Etittu& O(tarantSt., lteîvttiunville. Ap- py lt Cîîi iii '2 tc îstle. ti-If For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-For lat oet'May, an 8-roomed brick bungalow; modern conveniences: garage; good garden. Ap- ply J. R. Philp. Scugog Street, Bowmnc- ville. 14-tf Physical Culture classes held in St. Jvbhn's Pa.rish Hall every Thuraday Ladies' classa at 2.30 p. m.; school girls' 4 Vbo 5 p. mn.; evening elass ait 8 p. M. Anyone int,,reted may visit jthe classes. IT PAYS Tre.,ating seeci grainî pays good dividcnds. Clean grain and dean straw are werth much moîre than smiut- laden grain and straw. 35c worth of Formalin will treat about 50 bushels of grain. your requirements &t KERSLAKE 'S THIE DEPENDASLE DRUG STORE Phono 49j FOR SALE-150 busheis Banner Seed Oats. 90c a bustiel; aiso one horsv. 1lsaac lHardy, Il. R 1, Hanmpton. PhIjone 1 67-4. 15 - I HORSE FOR SAýLE-A ý6-year-old agri- cultural brown mtare, weigtîîng about 13i50 îbs. J. J. Baskerville. NeW castle, R. R. .1- FOR SALE-High Ciass Exhibition Dahlia Buibs. Write for price list. Thos. Bottrell & Son, Bcwmanvilie, Ont. Box 174. Phone 2. 11-6' FOR SALE--Quantity cf White 1lUos- soni Swveet Clover Seed, Gox-,.renient t, sted . Api.1y te C. A. WVight, R. R. 4,1 l3ownîanvilL. . Pitone 142r21. 16-21 CLEARING1 0F MEN'S TOP COATS AT $19-95 In this lot you will find exceptional values in Men's and Young Men's Spring Top Coats, slip on models, in shades of grey and honey tan, in her- ingbone and plaid effeets, regular values to $25.00, clearing for the holiday, At Only $1 9.95 Each MEN'S TRENCH COATS $895 Heavy quaiity rubber Trench Coats with venetian lining, shades of brown, navy, green, black, fawn, al " '"* sizes, At Only $8.95 Each YOUNG MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL AT $19.95 Navy blue, and blue with pin stripe, aIl wool, double breasted models, extra quai- . ity, and snappy styles, reg- ular values to $25.00, clear- ' ing for the holiday, At Only $19.95 Each Te B. GILCHRISTI Directly Opposite Phone el. Bank of Mantreal BownManine at The Smart Shop Captivating Tweed COA TS a m\_l $11.75 Some have military tîim- ness, others a;re much more feminine in style and will delight the heart of the truly feminine woman. They aIl are charming to their smaliest details. Higher waistlines in most cases, for these follow the modern trend in silhouette. Lightweight woolens and tweeds pre- dominate. Dî'ess up foi' the Easter Fashion Parade at Mit THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. j T.e 't i;~ t EASTER FLOWERS, NOVELTIES, CANDIES You will find oui' store we1l sup- plied with Easter Novelties, Bunnies, Chicks, Chocolate Eggs, Baskets. etc. from 5e up. EASTER LILIES at 30c bloomn. Order your flot Cross Buns to-dav. Let us do ing for Eas- ter.. W. P. CORBETT BiAKER ORONO and BOWMANVILLE -k t EASTER CANDIES Easter 'woudd not be coiupdete fo-r the ycungsbers witout ine deliciou.s Easter goodies. Caindy eggs, hunnies baskets and boxes of good-to-eat confections. You'll find thern heir in great varielbY whoclesome ca.ndies at prices m<>te eonomical. i Don't f orget to order Hot Cros Buns. The Bowmanviile Bakery PHONE 97BOWMANVILLE ULNH1f% or IL

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